Schedule and brackets:
Smash Ultimate Summit - Day 2
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Fuck niggers
Who /waitingformafia/ here
How does he do it
How long is the "chillin is fat" meme gonna be a thing? Kind of tired of it already desu
no other reason to watch
How do you reply?
Right here lad. Watching an old one right now. Will probably watch a dota one after since I hear they are high IQ.
is zd really gonna reverse 3-0 this shit? did he lose 2 games on purpose just to fucking stunt on armada?
>how many kills do WE get each night
based ludwig with the sub 50-iq plays
reply with this:
でもそんなんじゃ だめ もうそんなんじゃ ほら
心は進化するよ もっともっと
if you slip up at all in a dota mafia you get fucking LYNCHED
"I like watching Jake paul too, thanks."
Reminder that Shannondorf is a e-whore social climber and should never be invited to Summits ever again.
This boomer walks up and 3-0s your sm4sh player girlfriend. What do?
>tfw ZD is actually worse than the melee players
ZD literally 3-1'd Tweek last week
wtf happened?
lmaoooooo zd is never gonna live this down
>ywn blow a load on her tits
she's there? also she has very weird eyebrows
It's just a braindead Meleefag. Zero is way bigger than him.
As high IQ as Dota mafia can be, Dota also has its fair share of fucking idiots. ODPixel is LITERALLY the Scar of Dota mafia. Gets everything wrong every time and tries to force everyone to follow his stupidity.
>sm4sh player girlfriend
Her name is Vikki
ZeRo's so fucking dead inside.
Also who dies a little every time a sm4sh commentator says Melee or mang0 nation
It should be noted though that Chad got BTFO and then put his jacket back on lol
mogged hard
>melee fox
>loaded with complexity & high skill ceiling
>ultimate fox
>le up smash to win
That's what happens when you dedicate yourself to something for money as opposed to enjoyment.
I see what you did there
>melee fox doesnt upsmash to win
do you even play the game?
What's the point in watching anymore
>wearing sleeveless gym shirt and looks at camera like he thinks he's hot shit
>gets completely btfo
normies should stay away from video games.
M2K > Armada > Leffen > Plup >>>>> Mango
I like girls with husky voices. it's cute
mafia salt high tonight
For those who want to start watching Dota mafia.
There's also a "The Town 2", as well as Dota mafias that happened during The Summits themselves, but those are a bit harder to find so I leave that to you.
>Anyway y'all annoying so not playing tonight lmao
yep, he cheated
la creatura
based boomer
based mango
I diagnose you with gay.
>and then I told those tr4.5hfags "see me in a real game"
>melee is sick....
>there's 50k in the tournament to be split between the 16 players
Wait, so being invited means you get free money? wtf i love summit now
Based now we have an actual armada boomer reaction imgae
NOOOO! Why did mafia die the same year I started watching!
He's not wrong. Mafia is a waste of time.
last place gets like 500 bucks, but yes
is that a motherfucking sam the onion man reference
coney was in chat saying EE always peeks. I dunno if that was for goofs or not but it's coney
Fuck off
holy shit these commentators completely ignored that sd and homie stock
fire the couch
If he actually cheated then he just turned one of the best games of mafia into one of the worst
This couch is the worst I've ever heard man ultimate summit blows
Stop bullying Vikki
Is Mango drunk?
do you or dont you play melee? simple question
Is there mafia tonight?
how the fuck can one man be so based
When is he not drunk?
I guess Mango really did carry, you were right Vikki
Why does vikki have such a hard-on for mango?
is beer wet?
>Mango in Summit
>not drunk
No shit? Years of research is more than a meme.
Even just opting in for the voting process gets you paid (only if you make it past the free twitter voting portion)
The melee players just have so much more personality to them and don't come off as humongous fucks. How could you like Ultimate tourneys more than melee tourneys? It makes no sense.
What did Salem say?
>literally just said "I actually really like Mango" on stream
>said mango carried Mafia last night
why doesn't she just fug him and get it over with
>Why does vikki have such a hard-on for mango?
he has the effect on women
he is basically a cult leader
Sorry Salem poster, ZD is being a wrench in your plans.
She wants his submoney.
Because his landwhale gf will try to kill her.
We all know why
this commentary is gold
>Absolute dogshit at mafia
Bully her more.
He’s such a hot mess that women look at him and think “Yeah, I can fix him. I’ll be the one to get his life together.”
it's called charisma. Mango would have been successful in anything that he did just because people like him. Life is funny like that
>assumed Zero was just a fat nerd
>Turns out he's an ugly bastard and 3-0s him post set
In Melee summits I always want the players to jump in on the commentary but in this summit it just feels like the commentary is carrying the boring players.
Salem said that the Melee players (Leffen, Mango, etc.) were only playing Ultimate for the money, and would go back to playing Melee and pretend that they never liked Ultimate soon. And now Mango has just confirmed exactly what Salem said.
you cant fault her for that, women cant play mafia
has money
talented with a mutual craft
somewhat attractive
if youre only in the scene for the personalities and not the gameplay then maybe competitive smash isnt your speed, try watching reality tv
That merch looks like dogshit lmao
>somewhat attractive
love mango but this is not true at all
>Somewhat attractive
Gayfag here, Mango is ugly as fuck.
>Anyway y'all annoying so not playing tonight lmao
>ywn see vicky's kitty
You're not giving me a reason to not bully vikki, user.
To be fair, Mango was never interested in Ultimate competitively to begin with. He's gone on record multiple times saying Melee was his home and he was only going to Summit to fuck around and not take it seriously.
Mang0 is a drunk fat fuck with an ugly beard
the gameplay obviously isn't good. Summit threads are usually filled with webms, but strangely there's not a single one to be found for this one
>somewhat attractive
Five years ago maybe but all that drinking has turned him into a fat hobo looking whale.
s-she likes me?
Why was a fat drunk even allowed to Summit?
>booked for gigs
>childrens competetive platformer
>somewhat attractive
My fucking sides.
>being this much a of sub 100 IQ ultizoomer retard they can't understand the sheer technical performance it takes play Melee Fox at the top level
Fuck. Off.
>ahhh yenisis 2, now dat wass a gud tournament
More entertaining than the average Sm4sh "celebrity"
>same jokes they made yesterday
3 minutes in paint
Oh shit, finally, a good commentator
if you dont like the gameplay OR the personalities then why are you watching the stream and posting in a thread about it?
because you seething ultizoomers need to be taught what a real smash game is
That's completely unfair to the actual Ultimate players who wanted the opportunity to improve, and it just proves that Mango only cares about money. Even ESAM took Summit seriously when he attended Melee Summit.
obviously to give it a shot because it's the first summit for the game. Melee players and EE are carrying this shit hard as fuck
i-i-i-i-i l-l-l-l-like y-you too
Mango is infinitely more important to summit than any other ultimate pro would.
He has a much larger audience who will watch simply because he's there. Summit is a tournament but it's a showcase for the fans as well
2013 was six years ago, user.
Good commentary.
>2013 was six years ago
Mango has not looked like that for 5-6 years
i watch melee too retard, enjoying these games isnt mutually exclusive
if this is bad to you you wont like anything else in ultimate
olimar is such bullshit
That mango is long gone. What took his place is a fat drunk that can barely play anymore.
To be fair melee has been around longer, when the pro players stay on top for this long they generate a certain following over time. Heck even Hbox has fans.
Personally i feel like the ultimate players seem ok, but the stream is literally unwatchable with these commentators jesus christ.
What, you mean the actual chimpanzee they gave a mic?
Anyone else hate Light?
>Not funny
>Tries to be black
>retarded and bad at mafia
Leffen will lose
Why do laggy fucks always pick projectile characters holy shit.
Reporting back, level 9s are more fun to fight than players and hazards on > hazards off > 10000 years of battlefield. Hazards off should have been called "platforms only" then maybe it would be good.
>Samsora still shitting on My Hero Academia
Prepare for Leffen and his fanboys to start hating on Olimar and claiming he's the best character in the game when they used to state that he wasn't even top 10.
Cosmos, Light, and Samsora are godly together
don't know why you guys don't like them
I'm going to be honest, are there ANY likeable Smash eceleb personalities? They all either seem too socially autistic, annoying, retarded, low esteemed, or unfunny. The only chill people that seem like they would be tolerable are the socal fags like westballz and mango when he's in a half sober state since he's too annoying when he's full sober or too drunk.
Who cares, there's a shit ton of majors held all the time for them to improve. Summit, other than the huge prize pool singles tourney, is just for fucking around and having fun on camera.
What's Leffen position on Ultimate?
It feels like he's the only melee player really trying to play ultimate.
to twitter!
its always a treat listening to top player perspectives while a match is going on
Light looks like that American Football guy who kneeled or something. His Fox is fun to watch though.
Dabuz is the villain we need to shatter Leffen's ego and destroy him
I don't like Dabuz but it's a necessary evil
plus seeing leffen get fucked makes my dick hard, I think it's sadism
>more than 2 announcers
>constantly chattering and repeating themselves
You sound pretty mean spirited, bro. He's like 19.
the same as every melee player
He drops every single player I want to win from tournaments, just imagine how much more fun and hype these games would be with esam playing, but I can't hate him because he seems like a nice dewd.
Minuscule Leff
Melee summit commentators
>Good banter
>You can tell everyone has been friends for a long time and genuinely having a good time
>Commentating balance between insight on matchups and stories from throughout melee's history
Ultimate commentators
>Black speak
>Spouting memes all day and running new memes into the ground
>Literally no commentating of the match or genuine insight into the characters or matchups
He's legitimately trying to be competitive but he wants to put blame on matchup inexperience and characters instead of his own skill until a tier list gets set in stone since new characters and styles keep coming out on top all the time and he feels hopeless with his main he picked (pokemon trainer)
Leffen doesn't realize he falls into the same trap that M2K does in Melee. M2K will play the OPTIMAL character in certain matchups even if he's better with other characters. Case in point: going Peach vs Icies. And he gets fucked by icies anyway.
Leffen's doing the same thing but refusing to play Roy or PT against certain characters
>Commentating balance between insight on matchups and stories from throughout melee's history
shut up scar
0-3 into tweet is the only true combo Leffen can do in Ultimate
not a moment of fucking silence. jesus christ
>wonder who the nasaly dweeb on the mic is
>it's vikki
I've never heard her voice until now. She sounds awful.
I like Hbox
The point is there's WAY more to Melee Fox than there is to Ultimate Fox. You are an actual brainlet if you believe otherwise.
In Ultimate, the two top Fox mains use only like 30% of his kit. He is braindead beyond belief.
Is it just me or is Leffen literally shrinking as the match goes on?
Not like this lads
Dabuz is a cool guy
I don’t care for smash players or know any of them, but seeing that Swedish fuck lose is always nice to see. Mainly because I hate Muslims.
dabuz is a good guy
Damn Dabuz has the biggest balls out of any Ultimate player. He will straight up talk shit to your face after a match, but thinly veil it under him criticizing himself and saying he could do better. Which is a worse insult than "damn you fucking suck".
Poor dabuz the other ultimate pros all think he's an autist
Dabuz is great
>looks around before taking his shirt off
What a pathetic fag.
show me the salty tweet Yea Forums
>it's another Leffen getting fucked up episode
Based and meleepilled
thank god couch managed to stay half shut up for once so we could hear that
Why is Dabuz so likable bros
>playing Roy against Olimar
At least use a sword character with some range
i mean.. they wouldnt be wrong
>3-0's Leffen
>1 second afterward basically tells him that he fucking sucks
Hey voice sounds like if you ran it through a keebler elf voice changer
Who won Mafia? EE?
is Vikki always like this? she seems incoherent like she's on drugs.
>talking while dabuz is dispensing knowledge
>ywn by a cute smash shota that gets /ss/'d by vikkikitty
why even live bros
Just wait for Evo bro :^)
t. Samsora
>screaming over dabuz
jesus, fuck off
B-b-but muh edgeguard! MUH FUCKING EDGEGUARD! Y-you have to edgeguard more!
>Proceeds to get absolutely destroyed
and? theyre 2 different characters in 2 different games. do these differences surprise you? do they throw you off? did you have this reaction to fox in any other smash game or are you just trying to stir up game wars like a braindead fanboy that feels the need to defend his game spontaneously?
Ashes just stupid and yes she's always like this
>dabuz starts talking and gives intelligent insight over the game he was just in
>everyone else just sperging out
For real though, Dabuz is a treasure
something isn't quite right about her
can someone explain chillinposting to me?
Keep telling yourself that, idiot. At the end of the day, we all know the main difference is Ultimate is far more braindead than Melee, and the Fox play is evidence of that.
Dabuz should stay on the couch. He's like the Wobbles of Ultimate community for knowledge on matchups, so far
>3-0 leffen
it ain't much, but it's honest work
Just tuned back in, where the hell are the commentators at?
surely hes gone too far this time
Who else is excited for brainlet Family Feud and cheating nigs at Mafia later?
>M2K about to get dumpstered on by Void's Pichu
This is some good irony right here
Also dabuz needs to stay on, I love his insight
all you need senpai
her eyes are fucking big
>Dabuz agrees with Leffen that Roy sucks dick against Olimar
they are different, dont greentext and then literally just point out the differences you fucking tard. jesus christ youre insecure
>2 hours ago
>When the match happened literally a couple of minutes ago
Keep being Leffen's white knight, I'm sure he appreciates it.
I'm a meleefag til I die but fuck off, melee commentary, ESPECIALLY at summit is notorious for being absolute dogshit. Except for the OG God couch
yeah i don't know what was even happening there, light and vikki started just rambling about some shit and looking really bored
i don't get why they're sitting there if they don't want to talk to the players/actively try to be entertaining
You'll get more Vikki talking over everyone and you'll like it
no way he said that
that was impressive by m2k
Dammit M2K had that one in the bag
HMW and Phil tho
>Commentators not talking about the match while Mew2King does work
>The second they notice the match he dies
>leffen and dabuz talking with each other post-match about their picks/plays
>commentators asking if they're beefing
is it me or has this tournament been full of commentator's curse, literally every time i unmute it happens
If you're complaining about melee summit commentary i have to just assume that you hate fun
M2K is really good. He just needs to get over his mental hump over what character he wants to play.
>every time Vikki opens her fucking mouth
You literally just jinxed M2k the game you dumb fucking hole
This commentary is actually garbage besides Dabuz.
Holy shit.
>tfw dabuz is going to go deep in the bracket so he wont be available to be on the couch day 3
Keep it muted you fuck!!!! For m2k
They should've invited D1 and Coney
this isnt very fun to listen to or watch, it feels like when I go to my relatives house and you cant properly relax.
Her eyes are always gigantic but she seems really off this weekend, like she’s not all there.
haha......yeah dude that shit was FUEGO....shoutouts to mango
it's shit. It's been shit the whole event outside of mafia. Easily the worst summit to date
how did you think that was defending leffen
Yo my man's is out here
yea like
Who the fuck even invited Vikki?
She's so fucking obnoxious and her commentary ruins every fucking good event.
awhhh yeah incineroar time
Affirmative action and muh vachina
Stay mad, incel...
Is M2K trolling and not taking this event seriously? Why does he pick so many different characters? Its one thing to do that in melee when he has played the game for over a decade, but its another to do it in a game that has been out in a number of months you can count on one hand.
This match is shit.
Post that image, you know the one
It sort of feels like those nintendo run tournaments, its really forced
Just got back since like the first set of Gluttony. What did I miss?
>"remember that time i did pretty okay at genesis"
>"haha lets reference entry level anime"
yeap, fun
pichu kill potential is retarded
So their new plan to kill smash is to have shit commentators ruin events.
Nothing worth your time.
Is M2K washed up?
Melee jobbing hard
Pichu's so broken.
Because he always does that. Him doing that caused that WTF YASON thing
t. buzzkill
nah, void is just a monster
This is standard M2K
You can't be washed up if you were never good in the first place.
Why do I get the feeling you're always cheering for the guy you actually DON'T want to win?
>play Incineroar
>don't spam your braindead side B
"ya'll" makes me want to punch a wall
m2k actually has a serious problem in this game where he can't find a main
basically, he hasn't found his Cloud for Ultimate
despite his Cloud and Chrom being pretty decent
fuck off scar
Zackray managed to beat Nairo
His excuse is he doesn't have a main.
As per usual, whiteknights/weemen thinking it's not the person's fault.
That one brown girl commentator that uses ZSS is actually okay.
how do I get invited to the summit lads
She literally works for Nintendo
t. easily entertained
i watch every summit with stream on mute and theres nothing you can do to stop me
He used it like 5 times, and only landed it once.
It's not as brainded as you think.
What makes Pichu better than Pikachu. Wasn't Pichu trash in Melee, Brawl, and Sm4sh?
Why did they kick dabuz off the couch ?
Really bad bait, friend.
it's because pichu can dab and pikachu can't
She works with nintendo, I think i saw her in a official splatoon 2 stream
Are you trolling?
why is this buy in on the mic?
it's summit bro don't be so autistic and take everything so seriously
Pichu didn't exist in Brawl and Sm4sh. Which I guess would make him bad by default.
>grill's feet don't even come close to reaching the floor
Melee players indeed can only play Melee properly. Leffen got absolutely destroyed. Salem's right. The usual stuff.
Pichu has guaranteed amount of knockback on certain moves unlike Pikachu. Like the back air and fsmash
they want to have the worst couch possible
Because he had the audacity to try to talk about the game.
This fucking couch having 2 conversations going on at the same time
"Samsora would literally kill smash" - VikkiKitty
>you will never hang out in a house for a weekend playing smash with like 20 other people who love the game as much as you do
feels bad man
More safe options that lead into reliable set ups with insanely stronger kill power compared to Pikachu.
Also smaller frame ducks under a lot of things on landing.
Wew lad.
In all seriousness, his combo game is better, his kill power is MUCH better, and his tiny size allows him to avoid attacks really easily.
>suar on the mic
>vikki's still there
please fucking no
The autism is starting to become more apparent the longer we get into this summit.
Cloud isn't high tier anymore so playing him is just an effort in futility. And no one has fun when they lose.
Dabuz isn't on the couch, he was just chilling with them for a bit after his match. I wish he would have stayed though.
smaller, faster, less reliant on self-dmg moves and benefits from dmg inflation compared to other games
pichu has faster options and better kill options than pikachu and is smaller. This comes at the cost of taking self-damage and being lighter, in addition to having no hitbox on up-b. But the pros outweigh the cons in most people's view.
i dont take commentary seriously, thats why i turn the sound all the way down
>you will never be in a room with 20 other male Smash players
when did this become a fad on twitter and why do the most obnoxious people use it?
he's shorter, has better kill power and combos
he's just pikachu with more extreme positives and negatives.
It's debatable whether he's better. Pichu was trash in melee because he was really light and didn't have the knockback needed to deal with crouch cancelling.
Cloud is still a high tier. It's just that there are a ton of characters who are even better than him.
Pichu wasn't in brawl or tr4sh
Pichu was ass in Melee because sdi, active hitboxes, and engine that allows for proper combo game, and characters actually having confirms on small characters
Take all of that away, and give buffs to % he does to himself and knock back of kill moves and his moveset in general, and you have a borderline busted character
so dabuz is your favorite smash 4 player, right?
How does this tournament work anyway? Like how many times you gotta lose for you to be out.
vikki hangs around blacks a lot so she probably picked it up from them
he genuinely mains all these characters
Bowser, Lucina, Wolf, Incineroar, and Jigglypuff
hopefully we'll see the Puff soon
They have this house just for smash tournaments, you KNOW that the ventilation is on point.'s not fair...
>Cloud isn't high tier
>literally every tier list has him in high tier
If you lose two times in a row you’re forced to take a shower.
its swiss pools
Today's matches are just setting the seeding for tomorrow's regular bracket
Cloud is still a really good character, lol.
He's just not Universal Pocket tier anymore.
They're doing round robin today to determine seeding for the double elimination bracket tomorrow.
>3 shit tiers to drag down the time he could be spending on lucina and wolf
what a retard
>New house is shit
>Skits are shit
>Couch is shit
>Sets are shit
>Side events are shit
>Mafia is going to be shit tonight because EE and Leffen are being bitches about playing and the other Smashers are autists
>Even the fucking Summit poster is shit
Is this the worst summit by far?
>vikki gone
this is just swiss pools for seeding in the final bracket so no one gets eliminated today. the final bracket is double elimination and if you do poorly in pools you're put in to losers bracket right away
>How does this tournament work anyway? Like how many times you gotta lose for you to be out.
today is just for seeding in the tournament
all the games that actually matter happen tomorrow on sunday.
tomorrow if you lose twice, you're done.
thats how southerners speak nigger, its not a fad
Im hoping that he becomes a wildcard and at this point just starts to main the super nerfed Sheik and Marth
based piggo
where is he from
>Implying Ultimate doesn't have tons of combos
Thank fuck that woman is gone
Nobody can "main" 5 characters. It is a waste of time. You should have one main you focus on and a secondary to cover matchup weaknesses.
So I think m2k plays mango in r1 losers tomorrow
Lads, how do I become as handsome as HugS?
What happened to Tweek? Did he go full autismo on twitter?
Marth isn't even bad, he's just completely inferior to Lucina.
>Borderline busted character
>Literally only one person consistently hits top 8 with him
It's Puff and Hbox all over again.
>No vikki
Finally, i prefer the brown qt, her voice is cute
Beyond Good and Evil (2)
He looks short.
play Samus
Guys where is D1? You'd think they'd invite him.
Fuck, what a Chad
family feud mite b cool
why is zackray so based
Without a doubt.
I get that the new building has a lot of room for them to create specific sets for skits and stuff, but I have to say that I really miss the old house.
It just felt so much more comfy. Even watching people get stuff out of the kitchen in the background was relaxing for some reason.
I also doubt games like 'hide and seek' work as well in this new building.
>Melee players can't play Brawl 3
>Still place decently
>Brawl 3 players get shit on in Melee or outright refuse to play it
really makes you think
I remember reading that he's only 5'6"
>m2k lost, proceeds to try and attain mass in order to compete with Chillin, Zero, and Vayseth's opposing gravitational forces.
>these are the people who paid their way into Summit
Imagine being so pathetic you pay thousands of dollars to be in a smelly studio set for three days.
definitely a fad lil homie. a fad you thick pigfuckers stole from black folks. just like rock and roll and the opioid epidemic
>Still place decently
Aren't they all getting 3-0'd tho??????????????
based keitaro
Nope, he actually just said "Ggs
Keitaro can do what he wants
I'm talking in general not this summit
>sleevo mode
ill tell you if you post more ZSS
>multiple centuries
south will rise again, and this time ill make sure to take a giant shit on your porch on the way through
I miss Nairo's ZSS...
Someone explain to a brainlet WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED
the hell is a vip tournament and why didn't i see any of it on stream. was is like the first even cause i was like two hours late.
You just know Panda Global is gonna fund it
They all went to losers and got 3-0'd, the fuck are you talking about?
What are you lads up to you while watching the tourney
the bike has a hurtbox and firefox kept hitting it causing hitlag
inb4 someone actually believes this is real
Addressing that kind of shit will only make people keep doing it.
Now responding with this kind of shit will make even more people join in the hate.
Why does this woman have -1000IQ?
Le inspect element meme
jerking off to Digimon feet
Yeh but the problem is that most if not all of the other top tiers match up better against him. Cloud's only high tier because he can body the rest of the cast.
based wtf
It's fake, dumbass.
Playing Leaf Green
>waaaah why aren't they talking about the match
Is this your first Summit retards it's about a laid back environment. If you want suited up professional dicks-up-ass commentary wait for Evo you fags.
This is truly the patrician's event random rants are kino.
It's a special side event for people who donated money to go to Summit. If you pay a certain amount you got a "VIP" pass to play in a tournament, participate in skit, be part of side crew etc. on top of chilling in the set and shit
It's mainly for sad fucks who want to be around the ecelebs they worship and those not good enough to get an invite
not a samus folder, this is zackray's great taste
But which ones?
"doing" proofs homework
playing x/y. trying to level up my lower level mons because my main crew are 10 levels above the next gym leader
im just a dotard waiting for mafia
I was playing Smash Ultimate with my bro for 3 hours before it started, taking a break before playing some Hacker's Memory on the side.
has zero been winning?
at least glutonny could prove he was worthy of being there after getting washed by nairo
Who is the guy in the red on the right?
oh my, he has some questionable likes on his twitter
Penguin power
or you can just keep watching summit but with the sound turned off
He's 1-1.
He plays against MKLeo to see who'll be in winners.
you mean healthy for a boy his age
Some stats guy from panda global
Nairo is spreading ZSS is trash propaganda. Also his ZSS ain't all that hot in Ultimate.
You mean completely generic and uninteresting.
>low hitstun and brawl airdodge
It's better than tr4sh, but combos in this game are strictly flowchart, and there's no opportunity to string hits and freestyle like Melee. It usually just resets to neutral if you miss your input timing, follow-ups are awkward
still healthy, i wasn't the one saying his taste was great, i prefer loli myself
Ultimate does summit things too? Never knew
What do we think of Ultimate summit so far? What do you rate it 1-10
I don't follow
You're even worse.
I expected more of the melee guys and most of the people there are annoying
Quality is inversely proportional to Icky Vicki on commentary.
>"it looks so fake"
-leffen on sandy hook
Seriously though, really enjoying the events themselves, but the commentary whenever Vish or vikki are present is horrendeous
8 it's really fun so far
it's pretty good as far as events go but for a summit it's like 5-6/10
It's honestly your fault for believing Melee players could play anything other than Melee decently.
Can't blame Leff, he needs more practice.
also to switch back to PT
I could beat laffen at ultimate and melee
Have you never watched Wario or Pichu or Greninja before?
Did MKLeo just pick up Greninja? It's pretty clean.
I want to protect him
Zackray showing up
Melee getting cucked
Leffen raging
EE's braniac Mafia plays
Vikki on comms
Everyone in comms besides the players, EE, and TK
The new Summit house
Vikki on comms
he just wont stop
Plup? Is that you?
New venue is especially shit
6.5/10 when theres no vicky or light on commentary
Easily the worst smash summit with the only redemption being mafia
>your grasp of taste
10 subs right now
Gekkouga can't kill, lul.
I just realized Leffen is actually a really good commentator
I really miss the comfy Summit house...
Nothing can be worse than the last melee summit
0/10 since Zero stole the Bowser doll and didn't put it back.
>zero is garb...
Whenever they actually get any of the actual players on it's always really good
And I thought MKLeo was kinda fat. I take that back seeing Zero sit beside him. Jesus fuck this dude needs to take care of himself.
I just realized that your standards are below the floor.
real players are always better than the commentators
holy fuck zero is so damn fat it's disgusting
last melee summit had the old summit house
fuck, summit 6 was arguably the best
>SS6 had Chillenposting + M2Victory
>SS7 had HBox
sad stuff
>your lack of taste
same goes for hungrybox. game knowledge is important
Can scarflard save this summit with elite mafia gameplay?
are you smoking crack? Shiz alone made it worth watching
It was also the slime and ludwig dicksucking show with hboxwinslol
Old Summit venue
>comfy house
>rooms crammed with CRT's and a bunch of guys grinding Melee. Reminds us of LAN parties from when were were younger
New summit "house"
>gigantic warehouse
>no rooms but rather setup "areas" within a huge open space
>areas made to look a home to feign soul
What the fuck happened
I want to suck on zero's tittays
You mean uair and dtilt dash attack, bair/utilt and uthrow down b, and dash attack/uair and dtilt bair/fair the characters?
Yoo, somebody clip that.
Anyone else hate Zero?
>Not funny
>Tries to fit into every situation and get the most screen time and space possible (not hard for him)
>retarded and not funny at all
Wobbles destroyed it
Why all the Vikki hate?? Just curious
Waiting for mafia/10
I wait for top 8 when it comes to Smash.
big chungus
I thought Leo was 2nd in the world
How is fatfuck beating him?
we all hate him user
They're bringing the house back for 8, right?
Summit went from rich guys doing cool things to rich guys doing corporate things. They couldn't let summit stay the way it is, they gotta try and maximize profit now because it's not enough apparently.
yo this is a pretty good set
Hbox has no game knowledge outside of puff though
that's what you get for playing sword characters faggot
Her voice is annoying and her commentary isn't insightful.
She's ugly.
kind of fun if zero takes this desu
I'm sorry for thinking that zero was washed.
She's a bad commentator and is an idiot.
I want Zero to pull his pants down and sit on my face.
I'm not joking.
probably alot more organized and spacious than the house.
I'm feeling a light to decent 7 on this, TRAN
>loud, obnoxious laugh
>adds absolutely no insight to gameplay commentary
>tries to be one of the guys and banter but doesn't work
I don't blindly hate on anyone for no reason but I genuinely don't know why she's there besides the fact she commentated a shit nintendo tourney once
she has a voice for print. not her fault, it's just grating to listen to. everything like mannerisms can be developed but if your voice is just unpleasant there's not much hope
Zero owns him mentally. Leo is still the better player for sure.
Seeing this after watching smush all day was nice. My eyes enjoyed this.
annoying voice
annoying laugh
adds nothing to conversation
actually detracts from conversation by talking about random shit
a genuine lack of intelligence as seen by Mafia and her commentary/questions to players
Speaks in memes and ebonics like a basic bitch
>pick wolf
nice game, ultishitters
>Zackray what did you do differently to win?
>Okay, but what did you change in the game in order to win?
She's fucking dumb
Holy fuck zero exposed
I wish Virum had been invited. He strikes the best balance of genuine insight into the game and also being able to deliver good & hype comms.
I'm tired of all the "omg there's a girl on screen" comments.
I'm always rooting for ZeRo.
Wolf dittos are pure kino
How do you like my new Summit House goym?
>we all hate him
Speak for yourself, I really don't see why you all hate him so much
Leo has the sickest Wolf
I'm so fucking sick of wolf. I'm against nerfing characters but I would not oppose a nerf to him so people stop fucking defaulting to playing him
Because she's a woman. That's it.
>It's over MKLeo, I am head two games.
>Heh...your Wolf is pretty good. Let me show you mine.
>being this braindead stupid
>still missing the point
There's no helping morons like yourself.
One takes more skill than the other, it's that simple but idiots like you will never admit it.
Wolf is overrated.
Zero was never likeable. He just had the pedigree of being the best a game nobody cared about.
>he doesn't have knowledge on other characters he plays against.
jesus fuck, zero's playstyle is annoying to watch
he literally shields everywhere
runup shield
standstill shield
jump to platform shield
shield to shield
out of shield action into more shield
>people unironically root for zero
It's probably more efficient and more comfortable for the actual people there, but they're really fucking up with the presentation for the stream.
I wish they atleast would move the damn camera forward a bit so there isn't a huge amount of empty space and there isn't a huge distance between the camera and the commentators. The old setup had the commentators snuggly fit into the shot, but now they feel so far away.
this, the meta development for this game has been incredibly underwhelming to say the least
You don't remember that one summit when he was basically putting out his "strategy guide" on fox?
it was premium insight on the game and the other casters knew it and agreed.
>ultoids have to cry for nerfs just a few months into the meta
yikes! maybe play a different game
Y'all talk shit about zero but he is a good sport.
She just doesn't have chemistry with anyone.
I could forgive the voice and not knowing shit if she could just vibe with people but every time she talks it immediately interrupts any semblance of flow any other casters had.
Hbox literally didn't know how many jumps puff had until 2012, he's a dumbfuck
What about him actually needs to be nerfed, though? It's just all the tier whores picking him up, ZeRo and M2k aren't actually going to continue playing this game anyway.
That's because you need Fox to beat him.
He has a very campy style. Tweek pointed that out often when him, zero, nairo and samsora were playing each other in arena. Of course Zero's chat was bitching about Tweek lmao
>he doesn't know
>pick wolf
>use smash attacks after building % with ez flowchart combos
>win summit
Smush is good guys
Research shows Wolf beats Fox.
>nerf the only good jack-of-all-trades character
Is this Family Feud thing fun to watch?