Switch ports when?
Switch ports when?
have nintentoddlers overtaken PCfags as the kings of portbegging?
*inferior portbegging
only KH3 is technically possible but will lack story context unless the whole series is ported
the others would never run at a playable framerate
Lmao, your Fisher Price toy can't handle them
hopefully never
DMCV will get one if the Switch port of Dragon's Dogma sells.
Thats what Capcom says, anyway.
Shitch can't run none of these
>he thinks the playskool console can handle anything that doesn't look like a cartoon
I fucking hate when they do this shit
>Buy our arena gemu for dbfz goy
>Haha you guys want Megaman X9 right?
>Twewy 2
Next month when xbox game pass streaming is announced for switch.
Who cares I'm an idort
How did 2019 manage to get all these great games? It's crazy seeing them all together like in that like.
Just watch those 4 movies on the youtube app
>darksoul rehash
Bait or major COPE.
Love my ps4 i never beg for games cause we get em all :)
And then there's this bitter unhappy fellow.
Tell me how DMC5 is a flop
None of these games are flops you retard besides Sekiro since it hasn't come out yet
>Sonic Forces
>Tomb Raider
The fuck you doing, son?
How in the fuck is Switch able to handle DMC 5?
>400$ console + 60$ online
Still dont have lol or dota than even a 100$ pc can run
>worst dmc
>worst kh
>re rehash
>darksouls rehash
Why? you do have A pc or console right? You arent stupid and only have a switch right?
Dmc isnt demanding at all
I can run it on 2k and 240fps
>buying more than 1 gameboy to play games
Kek no wonder why videogames are label as a mental disease
>le contrarian meme xD
Weak. Try harder sweetie.
Seethe more Nincel
What's wrong with her eyes?
Do you really have anything better to do than to make retarded statements you waste of oxygen?
They are movies though they still lack mayor gameplay ala botw or mario
Wow just chill dude remember to take you mental stability pills
Reminder to report off-topic pokemon threads. Maybe if they stuck to one thread at a time, but alas.
Guys please please please give my BotW and Mario Odyssey on PS4!!! I'm really a PS4 owner and not a falseflagging nigger I swear!!!!
I've never ever seen a Sony fag beg for baby games
Honestly, as nearly 40 year old man with a family, a house to run, career to contend with and other adult responsibilities - I just don't have the time to game like I used to when I was a carefree teen, festering in my bedroom all day. I would often start a game and never finish it. I was really starting to think I had just outgrown the hobby. I just don't have the time anymore.
But the Switch has given me that time back. I can just pick it up and take it anywhere - even just around the house. Whether I'm working in the study, cooking in the kitchen, chilling in the backyard, keeping my baby stepson company while he falls asleep or simply relaxing in bed - the switch is always there to fill in the cracks of my day. And if I get more time to myself, I can drop it in the dock and play on my 60" tv in the lounge.
The Switch is a fucking Godsend. It's perfect for the busy nuanced lifestyles of adults. Bedrooming dwelling teens can't understand the appeal and are no-doubt baffled by its success.
the absolute state of nint(o)ddlers
one is slightly lazy
>some fatso 40yo oldfart
>only “game” on his wife son fisher price tablet
>while his wife dont allow him to expend his job money on a real console/pc
>while his wife dont allow him to expend his job money on a real console/pc
Joke's on you Incel, my wife let me have this corner for my battlestation
>300$ pc
i don't want to play any of this on my switch. they'd all chug at 1080p 30fps and would probably take a year from now to come out at least
how the fuck do you even navigate a steam library with the 2x2 area you have to maneuver with your mouse
ok grandpa
fuck off
woah bro cringe bro