Make thread talking about an actual fucking video game

>Make thread talking about an actual fucking video game
>gets deleted with 2 minutes
>numerous off-topic threads stay up for hours

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images boards are dead what else is new.

off-topic threads like

pockies only care about agenda too, if something is about making fun of or talking down on neckbeards and their loli game shit, like a twitter screencap shit, they'll go "oh i didn't see that one"
something that objectifies women, they are hawkeyeing that shit like a marvel comic

some of these new dumbass jannies are too fucking quick to prune threads when they don't know anything about the game being talked about and think it's a shitpost

those are all on-topic though. you are just a retarded autist.

I was literally just talking about how the game in my OP pic had a better-than-expected story where plot stuff happens that you typically wouldn't see used in a video game story.

then start talking about the game.

Why did gauntletbro spoiler her? I didn't get that one, and many other things.

here's your (You), now fuck off

ok I'm glad someone else played it
at one point I wanted to give up because, like many indie games, the combat was clunky

>Why did gauntletbro spoiler her?
As far as I understood, so she could cross over into the astral realm to fight but the other reason was so she wouldn't get taken over

also the part I liked best was the whole segment where she isn't the you-know-what and the fall out from that

Okay since I've seen your thread several times I'll reply, first, yes, the new mods are weird, I've seen cunny threads up for a long time and threads get archived with pron, second, I agree, ghost hunter vena is great but it feels like a step back from xenotake, though all vosmug works are great, I remember I waited for ghv for like 4 years but the animations to me weren't that good, all ghosts seem like the same tentacle rape to me, whereas in xeno aliens offered variety, ohhh and that part where you dream of the past being a maid was great! BTW what happend to prisonkage? I've been waiting for it but I only found some of the demos, is it released already? If so please post link.

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it's cancelled jim

Well shite mate, what's next for vosmug? Haven't seen more of his works since last year

Well I only got it around the time it came out, so I guess I didn't have a 4-year wait that could possibly color my reception of it.

Didn't play Xenotake since it didn't interest me much, so I cant compare them. There have been so many sci-fi metroid-like games even porn ones, although AQE is really decent.

What I didn't like about the ghosts is that when you're fighting them it's already hard enough that you need to face them and then they need to be within a certain range of you, but then they also need to be in that "materialized" state. And god, did some encounters with 2-3 ghosts frustrate me. Like the ones that launch spikes at you.

Didn't find anything bad about the animations since this was the only game of his I played, but like I said, I think the best part of this was the story and some of the characters and how it's still open for a sequel. It wasn't your typical "You have to do this to save the world!" kind of story. It felt like an origin story

more alien stuff

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Ironically threads where people complain their threads never get any posts end up just contributing to the shitheap they're complaining about.

They delete threads as soon as they get scared a alt right meme is starting.
Anything can set them off.

Forgot to add that I only finished it now because I got really frustrated at one part and dropped it and only decided to pick it up again recently to finish it

If he really wanted to make the combat better, he should fix how hard it is the maneuver your character because SO many times you just can't get away from an enemy if the AI of it makes it follow right on top of you and given the slow speed of your character, you have no choice but to get hit. He should also add additional ways to aim your stun or just drop the whole non-materialized/materialized state of the ghosts. Again, so many times that I managed to stun a ghost but wasn't able to proceed to damaging it because a 2nd or 3rd ghost grabbed me. Plus if an enemy approaches at an engle outside of just the right area, you aren't going to stun shit even if they're infront of you

there wasn't anything alt-right about it though, all I mentioned was that the story is alot better than what you would expect in this type of game with a bunch of unexpected developments and mature emotions

And yet I have to bring it up because if I posted my thread again I don't know if the same trigger-happy jannie might delete it again.

hahaha what is this?

um the title is in the pic
but anyway, it's Ghost Hunter Vena

No, I mean, this thread.

Are you really making a thread to rant about this??
And the game looks bad but eh I don't judge, a lot of indie games are good.

Yeah but thats the thing they dont want quality threads and/or they just get triggered by nothing.
This behaviour is ruining chans.

like I said Im not saying it's some super great game, but the story was way way better than I expected it would be
it starts out like some bullshit "lets hunt ghosts in the fucking local spooky abandoned mansion" story that you expect will just turn into the typical harmless some ghosts will fuck them silly, but otherwise they'll mostly be fine, but then it gets really serious

If only we had an administrator who actually cares for the site.
If only we had mods who are expected to know the """culture""" of the boards they're moderating.
If only telling newfags to lurk moar never went out of fashion.
If only modern internet wasn't considering a part of most people's real life.

it's ruining the high-traffic boards because alot of these new guys can't seem to distinguish a legitimate thread versus a shitpost one
the low-traffic boards are mostly fine I think

I actually don't want more moderation because that leads to garbage like reddit and resetera/neogaf and Twitter
I just want the moderation not to hit innocent threads when shitpost threads are allowed to stay up

Dude, it's a porn game, it's meant for you to stretch your peepee, but I agree, some games are really good but have bad hitboxes or bullshit difficulty, one example I can think of is a purple haired ninja chick game whose name escapes me, game is 2.5d and animations get you hard but game is really difficult for an h game, I remember playing with a controller and dying a lot against the werewolf dude final boss, anthophobia is hard too but really good, unholy sanctuary is hard as balls but really good so it depends on you, those games are great, ghv too.

Im pretty much at the abandon chans stage. Too many people are invested in ruining these sites. They simply dont work without seasonable moderation and a bit of gatekeeping.
Either that or create my own chan.

yea you could create your own chan but it's not worth it if you're not going to get enough users.

Like almost EVERYTHING (and Im serious about this) else in the world, giving the masses access to it just ends up ruining it in the long-run.
Im not even saying this from an elitist viewpoint. It's just too many people makes everything and anything into shit.

I want the current moderation team to be fucking fired with a few exceptions of ones being here the longest.
I want Hiroshima to hire people who not only have been multiple years on the site, but also know what threads are normal and what threads should be deleted.
And if you get together a team mods from all over the globe, you'll have moderation 24/7.
But fuck the mods.
You know what I actually want?
I want Hiroshima to actually care about the site itself and not about any profits he can make off of it.

Some of the scenes in this game were really good but there weren't enough of them. Specifically Norea and Sui.

I'm waiting for hiro to add a login system.
That will be the day I permanently leave this site and get an actual hobby.

>And if you get together a team mods from all over the globe, you'll have moderation 24/7.
Jannies are too desperate to maintain their little power clique to allow for that

janniggers do it for free because they have to defeat the patriarchy, not because they like video games duh
on other news, water is wet

haha a log-in system would kill this "site"
if he adds it you can practically ensure the only people who stay or come in as new users have no idea what an anonymous imageboard is supposed to be.
Sure it might stay up, but it would be Yea Forums in name only
Imagine having to log-in just read shitposts all day. It's not fucking worth it.

Let's be real here, even if we left when that happened, we'd just be bidding our time until a new site pops up to take Yea Forums's place.

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>tfw there will never be a Demonophobia sequel of her clawing out of hell

who would run it?
we lucked out that Moot was the one who made Yea Forums and despite how his politics developed it didn't really affect much of how he ran this site and he never ran this for profit.
that was a one in a billion chance to get a guy like that to start a project like this.

You mean you haven't found a new place to go?
Man, I feel sorry for you.
I'd share the place I found, but then it'd die due to the influx of newfags following the link.
Keep searching. One day you'll find another place that is just like pre-2010 Yea Forums.

maybe you could drop some really obscure clue
is it even a "chan'" site?

Ghost Hunter Vena is a shit "game."
But the story is interesting enough.
I also enjoyed Xenotake.

I'm sorry man, but I'm not giving you shit.
I bet you thought this spoiler was a hint! You got tricked!


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>Ghost Hunter Vena is a shit "game."
as it is, yes, but not complete shit.
I think the basic idea behind the combat is fine, just the implementation and how the encounters are designed could have been improved if he was more capable. The basic movement itself is one of the biggest things that he should have made good first before proceeding with the other elements of the game