Guys I'm worried about Sekiro

Guys I'm worried about Sekiro.
Please tell me it's going to be bad because you clowns are always wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it will literally be goty, reddit

What's there to worry about? If you think it'll be shit you can just relable it a quirky art game.

You know you don't have to buy it right?

I'm out of the loop why is everyone saying it's gonna be shit all the sudden? Hipsters getting to work early today?

>Please tell me it's going to be bad because you clowns are always wrong.
I guess by that logic Anthem is game of the year right, retard?

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Damn it's almost like it's not a Souls game. But if this is true many people will be upset regardless of if it can stand on it's own two feet. I'd say it's they'd be right to be upset because they've not suggested it *wasn't* a souls game and have in a way marketed it as such. Dick move.

Really only about two of those are concerning. The posture system looks like it will be high skill ceiling and fast paced, too to toe. Basically the next step in the evolution of BB combat, and it's not a souls game. Cautiously optimistic.

I think it looks alright. The only From games I've really enjoyed have been DS1 and Bloodborne though (even then, it took a second playthrough for Bloodborne to grow on me,) so I'll probably play this at a friends house or something first.

Should Nintendo market every non-Mario game by telling everyone that this game, not called Mario is not in fact a Mario game?

i hope the outfit changes slightly throughout the game like it does in RE2. like if the character tears his outfit a bit in a cutscene it stays torn. i love when games do this and ever since i've started thinking this might happen i think i'll be disappointed if this isn't the case and the outfit is completely static throughout the whole game

you're right, its tenchu via bloodborne

I see your point but I feel that's a different situation as I believe they are aware soulsfags are the majority that are hyped about this and have not (as far as I am aware) made a statement to suggest it will be different. Until recently everyone just assumed from trailers and everything it would play like a souls game. I think both parties are a little at fault for this, souls fans assuming it will be a bloodborne situation and from not doing anything to suggest otherwise to get their cash.

It's going to be great! :)
I'm sure /ourguy/ based Miyazaki managed to put together the best game we'll ever get our hands on. After DS3, it can only be good right? Boy am I excited to see how much resources they put into the grappling hook! Such a great mechanic, I can't wait! :)
I'll replay through it at least 15 times despite it not having coop or PvP! Online never mattered much in Souls game after all :).

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>its tenchu via bloodborne


Mix of both.


He didn't have much to do with Sekiro. He was working on DS3 with the DS2 team.

Sekiro is all the BB/TOH team.

It has differences, but there are a lot of similarities too. To me it looks closer to BB than DaS, so I think if you're going to compare it to other From games, that's what it should be compared to. But yeah, it's a different game entirely - an action game, not an rpg or a spiritual successor to DaS, and it has never been marketed that way.

watch this video

If this doesn’t look like it’ll be the best From Software game ever (after bloodborne), I’ll eat my ps4 controller

Also, brace for ANOTHER poison area

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This looks legitimately good user, I can guarantee you it will be solid. I could tell from the very beginning, these guys know how to make good games.


It's just shitposting retards, nothing new.


>Assassin's Creed style insta-kill parries

those are fodder enemies in an early area, don’t you remember how easy things are killed even at level 1 with no upgrades in Souls games?

Just bought it boys, hype is through the roof.

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Looks like it can't decide if it wasn't to be a shitty action game or Souls. The fusion isn't really pretty.

That really goes for any game in any genre. You always have your easy trash mob enemies, doesn't matter what game.

13 days left

Easiest pirate of my life

>no stamina
Are you shitting me? So you can just roll indefinitely?

If anyone is still thinking its going ti be like a souls game still at this point you are delusional. It clearly an action game with stealth.

The enemy AI looks dumber than fucking TES.

>a shitty action game or Souls
Those are the same thing.

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if you roll a lot
1. you get fucked because i-frames are almost non-existent
and 2. the combat relies heavily on the guard gauge
you rolling and then attacking once will get you nowhere, you can do it for an hour and still be fighting the boss since the only way to progress through bars is by breaking their gauge

Well, will pirate to test it, if it really relies too much on fucking parry and backstab with the same shitty 1 pixel of tolerance to activate it I probably won't buy it

Let me put it this way, I'll torrent it to test, if I open the game and there is a single fucking "press triangle/square" or any other console faggotry instead of fucking showing me the keyboard keys from software is not getting my money, again...

>11: this is a bad thing...why? it makes you have to use skill
>10: why does this matter?
>9: except we know this game punishes death way more harshly than in any souls game we've had, even worse than demon's souls
>8: only 1 main weapon we've seen, a ton of trick weapons
>7: the game relies on aggro, not on being a dodging pussy
>6: oh no i can't make my super wacky green ogre man!
>5: oh no i can't overlevel my character and put stats only in the really good skills and make my character op!
>4: this is a good thing
>3: this is a good thing
>2: this is a good thing
>1: oh no the game isn't catering to literally 1% of the game's population

It has pocket sand.

That's all I need to buy it.

>Not rehashing the Souls format for all its worth

>no more character customization of any kind
I dont believe that for a fucking second, thats bullshit
i hope

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it's true but why does it even matter? in souls games, how often did you actually look at your character?

/where is the leak video?

Project Beast shitposting all over again.

These are the same people that wanted FROM to milk another Dark Souls instead of getting Bloodborne. Thank god they are more interested in realizing their vision than fan outcry. They will continue to improve their craft, and Sekiro will be another masterpiece.

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The storm before the calm...this game will be amazing

Don't worry man it's going to be great.GOTY for sure.

>that one dual bladed guy was fucking him up
>another joins in


It's literally Bloodborne 2.
These coppers finna get BTFO in a few weeks

It won't be horrible, but with all the information they've given us so far it doesn't seem like it's going to have anything besides an ending cutscene to make you want to play the game more than once.

Oh shit, that's under two week. It's happening.

Nothing in terms of cosmetics, you can 'upgrade' your prosthetic tools on a handful of trees that mostly change how effective they are versus certain types of enemies.

this is almost off topic but i had a prophetic dream a couple nights ago, and it involved this game

The details of the dream itself is nothing special, and nobody likes to hear about other peoples dreams anyways, but basically I am pretty sure my life is gonna change massively after i play this game. Not necessarily because of playing this game, but after i play it. So, I should be looking out for something within the next couple weeks.

t. not a schizo, just have had these sorts of dreams so i trust them by now.

seems like they put more reward on deflecting and parry, and punish you for rollling more by making enemies attack faster

>last thing you do before you die is beat sekiro
not too bad desu

This is not a dark souls game, there doesnt have to be stamina nor rolling

It's going to be good but Yea Forums will complain about it like everything else.

People I mean, Yea Forums, were calling DMC5 another "DmC" because apparently Itusno wanted to do a DmC2 or whatever.

Don't fall for the nonsense posted here.

>if you roll a lot
>you get fucked because i-frames are almost non-existent
that depends entirely on how well one abuses the stamina-less rolling... and even WITH stamina, rolling is near-broken in Souls

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in the end these sorts of threads are just to get cheap (you)s from souls fans

i think souls fags are the cheapest, least valuable (You)s. they are ideal for the beginner baiter. This is not because of anything bad about souls fans, but because they just enjoy discussing it in any thread, bait thread or not.

I created a thread a couple days ago pretending to call-to-arms the whole of Yea Forums to boycott sekiro to force from to make BB2. That worked kind of good.

>how well one abuses the stamina-less rolling
you still won't get anywhere by doing it though
plus the bosses we've seen have been shown to have a fuckton of really well tracking moves that dodging won't miss

the iframes are about on par with 5ADP dks2 lightrolling, according to some of the youtubers who dropped videos a couple days ago, so parrying and guarding is heavilly preferred. You need to be on top of that shit to not get cut through a dash.

>why is everyone saying it's gonna be shit all the sudden?
It's an odd combination of literally one DMCfag making threads, contrarian Yea Forumsirgins who came here in 2016, and people trying to force another TORtanic. Sadly the nature of the board doesn't give me much hope but I look forward to the more civil threads that will be out shortly after launch.

I'm actually glad they did something other than souls formula. It could go very bad though.

Do you seriously think this shit have even a remote chance of being decent? You deluded fucking zoomer.

Why do all Seikirofags post like this?

that game will have a controversy, because they dont have a female character playable
and this is machist

fuck you

Because I'm literally always right


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>playing on console

Man, BB was shit with that 30fps.

O, and Sekiro is made by the exact same team that did BB (and DS1). It's going to be kino.

I rarely game on my PC anymore. Fight me.
It's 2019. Time for From to stop making PS3 games.

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>Man, BB was shit with that 30fps.
It was. The game would have been a masterpiece if it wasn't so fucking ugly to look at.

Part pushback because of changes like no PVP or customization and part Yea Forums thinking all games are shit before they drop now for some reason.

Sounds fucking great.
also, it isnt a souls game.

Those aren't changes. Tenchu never had those elements.

Nigga playing like it's DaS with all dodging and no blocks. It's like Nioh all over again.

Every fucking time since he's at the center of the screen?

It is, just a new skin.

and how often are you ACTUALLY seeing them considering souls characters are always completely covered head to toe in armor where you can't see anything

>all mechanics changed
>not marketed to be like dark souls
>different setting completely
how is it a souls game, just because you think it should be and isnt?

One thing about combat that I'm not liking is this pausing to go into a menu and changing sword skills in this video.

Yeah, I wish they wouldn’t allow that. I’m ok with letting you pause, but skills should not ge changeable while in combat

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It has bonfires, a firelink like area full of npc's, and an estus flask ffs. It's a ninja souls game. You must be baiting.

Well, most people will just choose one and not autisticlly change them every five seconds during combat. That's the way I'll play at least. But yeah, it does suck that you can only have one equipped at a time. Maybe there will be a way to eventually have more though, who knows? There could be a skill in one of the trees that enables this later on similar to the way you can unlock more spell slots in Souls.

I doubt, I think they want you to stick to one andnot change it mid-battle, which is why they put it under a pause menu instead of letting you cycle through them


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dude press x to be AWESOME

That enemy AI looks brutal

12 days left oh my god, I wish we already had Bloody Palace in DMC5 to help with the wait

its froms nioh clone itll be fine

As always, you guys are retarded. Its the same dev and same director. It's third person action melee combat. Of course it has many similar design elements from their previous games and there's nothing wrong with that. At the same time though, it has many new things and different approaches as well. It's not a re-skin but it's not "drastically" different than the kind of games they've been making. It'll definitely feel like a fresh experience though. "Souls" is not a genre either, they've been making action RPGs. Sekiro is looking like the most action oriented game they've done in a while. So it's not a "Souls" game. It doesn't have that in the title and it's a complete new world with different setting, enemies, lore, characters, etc. but it will feel somewhat familiar in terms of overall design.

sekiro isnt an rpg in any form. its just an action game, but they took away more control from the player by refocusing the combat onto parrying/visceral attack animations. youre going to see those animations for EVERY kill user.

I guess it'll be just like Dark Souls then.

It's still not impossible that you simply only start out with one and gain more later. The icon could shrink into lets say three smaller icons in the menu. Who knows, its just speculation at this point and they could always add more slots via a patch.

if you honestly think dark souls is compelling as an action game you dont know what you're talking about. souls combat is inherently shallow, which isnt a bad thing in context because you can level and customize your character and weapon, so the combat isnt the sole focus. stripping it down to just the combat makes it an incredibly shallow action game. now its just asscreed but you get hit hard

>poison area
poison swamps are his favorite area type so thats not even a little surprising. (tower of latria is his favorite area period but it does have a swamp of sorts at the bottom remember)

>Time for From to stop making PS3 games.


I didn't really mean to say it was an RPG though I guess I didn't word my post quite right. And it looks like you have more combat options than ever, what do you mean "take away control"? First off, the death blows change according to the enemy if you haven't been watching the gameplay. The chained ogre, the dogs, and regular samurai all have different animations. There's a skill where you vault over them and backstab them too that we haven't seen yet either. You can also kill normal enemies by just taking down their hp too. The basic concept is still the same as any action game: "you hit them enough until they die". The death blow is just a fancy finisher, it doesn't come instantly. Like Ninja Gaiden 2 for example. You have full control but then you also have obliteration techniques to finish off delimbed enemies. It's a short, cool animation to finish of the enemy. You still have to attack and delimb them though. I know your post probably didn't warrant this long reply but I just felt like giving my take on death blows anyways.

>save points
>hub world
These are now souls traits.

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They’re trying something different than found in the souls formula and this causes ass-pain in autists. Couple that with contrarians who think hating popular games substitutes for having an interesting personality. Ignore them, it’ll be good just different than souls.

first of all, differences of animations does not mean difference in gameplay. fundamentally, its the same gameplay mechanic. youre just pressing a button to stop playing the game for 3 to 5 seconds per enemy. that may not seem like much, but think about how many enemies you kill in a game like this. you could genuinely spend hours just watching these animations, and they are absolutely going to lose their impact once EVERY kill has them. things like viscerals, backstabs, etc. felt good because they were uncommon and earned.

in a game like ninja gaiden 2 (actually my favorite action game series by the way, great game user), you choose to use a finisher, as a way to take out an enemy near death. you are not FORCED into this animation. its another choice the player makes, unlike sekiro.

i just want sekiro to BE ninja gaiden and that can never happen

It's not really as shallow as many people make it out to be though, it's just different. Of course, it's not trying to be a pure action game either. You can have depth in combat that doesn't take the form of long combos is all I'm saying. I like a large variety of games, including action RPGs like Souls and regular action games like Ninja Gaiden and DMC. It's just getting really annoying the way I keep seeing people dismiss Souls combat. It always comes down to vast oversimplification of it.

>things like viscerals, backstabs, etc. felt good because they were uncommon and earned.

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i think souls combat may be shallow, but thats not inherently a bad thing really. it makes it more accessible for people, and refocuses things beyond just combat, yknow? exploration and paying attention to details is more key than kill things to go forward

its still fun, but i wouldnt want an entire game entirely focused on it, unlike an action game held up by its combat, like dmc, ng, etc. that was what i didnt like about bloodborne, felt like they really sped up the combat too much for me, i liked the slower, methodical stuff, it felt more unique

It's a Souls game

uncommon in that, it wasnt every fucking kill. you had to actively try to get them. time a parry, roll behind an enemy, etc. its not hard exactly but it was effort the player had to put in to get it

I never implied that the death blows functioned differently, I was just saying that I don't believe they'll get tiring to see repeatedly because it's a different animation for different enemies. I don't know how long they take exactly but they seem quick and fluid in my opinion and certainly not much longer than any obliteration technique from Ninja Gaiden. It does look like they are more central to the game but the gamplay video above has examples of enemies just dying from normal attacks without death blows. Maybe instead of death blowing, the player can choose to just finish of the enemies remaining health with a combat art for example. It looks like you're invincible during death blows in Sekiro but it's the same way for obliteration techniques in NG too.

I want Sekiro to be it's own game but of course, I'd love to see TN make another NG someday as well. I also absolutely loved Nioh so I'm excited for Nioh2. I think Nioh helped "revive" them and I think a new NG is possible.

only 2 of those are bad at worst, everything else is literally just soulsfags crying it's not souls

did i miss where he killed someone without a death blow in that video? it seems like any time he gets a kill by breaking shield meter, he always go through that animation.

im excited for nioh 2 too user but i want a proper ninja gaiden 4, or a proper hd rerelease of ninja gaiden black. if they rebalance nioh, tone down the random loot , and make the levels a little more varied, i could absolutely love it.

>auto-aim grappling hook


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I still wouldn't agree that it's shallow but I don't know if I feel like throwing a huge wall of text at you to explain my reasoning. It's simple yes, but it has it's depth and is just a different kind of action game (because it's also an RPG). You can't make crazy Souls combo videos of course but you still have combat options available to you.

random mooks can die from just running out of HP. for example the dogs seem to always die in a single shot and the regular jobbers can die if you just swing at them 2 or 3 times (which happens a lot when you get mobbed by a bunch of enemies and you are trying to escape and hit several enemies at the same time)

more like you're passing because its to hard for you baaaaaaased

I hate soulsfags so much like you have 5 games + DLC's just go play that you niggers

>literally can't defend the truth that his faggy ps3 game is just casual souls for peebabies


At 1:51 he finishes the monk off with a shuriken.

i think thats my problem with sekiro in a nutshell actually. im totally willing to overlook any issues with souls combat because its also an rpg.

as for depth, yes you can absolutely make decisions but id argue its not as many decisions per second as other action games, and once combat has actually begun, your options lower significantly. souls has a lot of options to engage or start combat, or modify a weapon for combat, but once you're in i'd argue you're likely going to r1+rolling

thanks user. i wonder why the demo testers are using these finishing moves so much if theyre not mandatory? it seems so over the top, maybe its another nioh situation where the testers just dont know what theyre doing

This game looks too hard, I'm really intimidated right now.

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You can let normal enemies die without a death blow.

It's just that if you keep on spamming attack on a dying basic enemy, you'll do one.

It can come in handy with the blood mist skill, though, where you'd want to make sure you death blow a basic enemy.

not that user, but some people can’t help themselves but activate shit because a prompter appears on-screen.

Reminds me of people using Blade Mode on EVERY enemy in Metal Gear Rising, when it’s not there for that.

I haven't played it, but I've heard from people who have that if you break an enemy's posture while close to them, Sekiro will automatically death blow them. No idea if that is true or not.

What do the English voices sound like?

Whoa, Shadows die twice- once near noon when the sun is completely overhead, and another when the sun sets. So fucking deep bro...

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whoah, actually never thought of that

>the shadow at noon quickly revives after being gone
>the second death of the shadow gives way to the night, where shadows rest

I’m genuinely blown away

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stop lying

Well, most action games come down to this: hit the enemy and avoid damage. Avoiding damage is typically: dodging/positioning, blocking, or parrying/perfect blocks. The more decisions per second in a game like lets say DMC, comes from the combos you're memorizing and stringing together. "Pure" action games are much faster while Souls is slower paced. But Souls has a different form of depth. One of these takes the form of Stamina. I think this is often overlooked because people love to just spam "hurr roll+R1". Souls did not invent the idea of stamina, but it's still a core aspect of the game. It's both your offense and defense. If you unload your full bar of stamina with attacks, you'll potentially be in trouble because now you have none left to block or maybe a sliver left to panic roll. Instead of memorizing combos and instead of having a zillion exploding kunai up your ass, you have to manage stamina instead. Of course, managing stamina doesn't require any complex fighting game inputs, but it's still combat depth.

You also have your heavy attack, jumping heavy attack, backstep attack, rolling/running attack, kick, and weapon art (if DaS3). Kick is extremely useful against shielded enemies and the others have uses as well. In DaS3, you can actually do combos like R1, L2, R2. Simple yes, but still gives you a nice little combo that can in fact be used against even aggressive bosses. Ultimately, however, no you're not pressing nearly as many different buttons compared to pure action games and same with combo memorization.


>dying as many times as you like
like souls games?

Another thing I'd like to bring up is healing. This actually is part of combat. If I wanted to shitpost Ninja Gaiden, I could say "hurr instant menu healing, this is casual shit". Of course, that would completely ignore other design aspects of the game. The game is fast as all fuck and you constantly have enemies up your ass. Healing items cost money and can mainly be bought in shops that aren't super common. In DaS, you have rechargeable healing that costs you nothing. This is balanced by the fact that you heal real-time and it leaves you completely vunerable. It's another part of combat that you have to consider. Combat isn't simply about damaging the enemy.

One final thing I'd like to bring up is the fact that there's nothing wrong with DaS reliance on dodging. You can block and parry if you want to but ultimately, you fight an enemy or boss, learn their moveset, and learn to react accordingly to their attacks. You don't just blindly "mash dodge and R1" and win. I can't stand the way people oversimplify it in order to shitpost. You're still reading the enemy and learning it's openings which is quite similar to any action game.

Okay, I'm done now. I could right a novel about this if I kept going. I just like a lot of different video games and I think they all offer good but different experiences. I'm all for Souls adding more variety and combos but they still have their own kind of depth.


If I wanted to read this much, I’d buy a book

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I'll be publishing it shortly. On sale this summer.

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>you had to actively try to get them.
you know it's called a perfect block because you have to time it, right? Keep holding the block button and you get instagibbed when your posture breaks
>time a parry
Sekiro is based entirely on parries
>roll behind an enemy
There's like 3 kinds of unblockable attacks that each have to be dealt with a different kind of dodge
>its not hard exactly but it was effort the player had to put in to get it
It's sure as shit easier than anything in Sekiro seems to be. Again, only minibosses and bosses require the killing blows. For normal enemies, those are optional and give you spirit emblems.

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Only shitposters pretend there’s no depth to Souls. A lot of the combat is, like you said, about stamina management, reducing or mitigating damage in accordance to how many flasks you have left in the path to the boss encounter, positioning, reading boss attack queues etc.

Only bosses and minibossses in Sekiro require finishers to die, regular enemies will drop when the red prompt appears even if you don't follow through

Goddamnit Sekiro shitposters, use shit that is ot easily disprovable

I’m only sad that because of only one weapon, we probably won’t see a Moonlight Great Sword

>no moonlight katana
Why the fuck man. Why.

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I'm calling it now: we're getting a combat art that's an energy wave projectile. It won't be called "moonlight greatsword" but it'll function similarly to it's beam attacks.

It might return as a prosthetic

I guarantee it’ll be either a prototool for your second hand or an enemy weapon

like this

probably a boss or reference

I don't know anything about it, sorry.
Is it published by massive SJWs? Does it have a tickrate of 20? Are there microtransactions?

Are my eyes playing tricks on me or are the mouths moving when they talk this time?

Aight, so it's Devil May Cry.
Do they keep the same wait-for-animations-to-finish-m-up gameplay, or have they actually made the combat fast enough that you aren't falling asleep waiting in the 15 fucking frames before you make your next decision?

they are

I get that its supposed to be a new IP that strays from the DS style, but fuck man. If i wanted this style Nioh literally has me covered and it's $20, with a sequel is on the way. Sekiro is definitely not a day 1 for me.

Just pirate it, stupid.

I'll just play Nioh 2, at least that will actually have customization.

It’s actually $14.88 if you buy from Walmart™ or anyone who pricematches Walmart™

They're different though. Why not play all of them?

Meant for


nioh is garbage though

I have a good feeling it's coming back as a prosthetic tool.

Unironic yikes. What the fuck where they thinking?

It's the truth, though.

Sekiro was made by the BB/TOH team (who were the DS1 team with Miz).

Miz worked more on DS3 (which was being made alongside Sekiro), with the DS2 team.

DS3 and Sekiro were both being made at the same time.

Entitled Soulsbabbies throwing a fit and are in damage control mode because Sekiro might be more fun and harder than their shitty game.

nice observation

>You don't get souls
>Nothing to do with souls
>It's a souls game
Thalidomide child

It's not a Souls games like Bloodborne isn't a Souls game, the foundation is still there.

Let me just boot up my favorite Metal Gear:
Zone of the Enders

It's obviously following the same formula, just with bits added and taken away due to developer intentions. Just as with BB.

It feels like BB, just with added movement, more open areas, and a combat system overhaul.

It looks good, the only things I'm concerned about it is:
1. It's supposed to be part stealth game, but doing it isn't as rewarding. You can't do chain stealth kills if another enemy is nearby since they get alerted right away (e.g. it's still possible to aggro an entire room even if no one saw you stealth kill the first guy).
2. Despite the killing blow on all enemies being very bloody, it doesn't leave any blood pools at all.
3. This one is personal, but I really don't like that you get punished story wise for dying too much (NPCs will eventually die if they get too much dragon rot or something), because I know I will since the boss fights looks intense as fuck.

>11 bosses
>12 areas


PC so idk if i can get that deal sadly

We dont know what Ninjutsu really does. There was a screenshot of a skill that allows you to create a huge blood cloud during assassinations that allows you to retreat into stealth again.

I cant steal baka

I wish a gril would send me saucy pictures

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I'd rather just run through the souls games with different builds. Also i dont pirate games, and dont want to spend 100+ dollars buying collections of Samurai games when i dont find the setting that interesting

I don't like when i cant customize my character at all, might be autistic but if i cant make the character my own thing in even a small way i dont like it. It's why I've fallen in love with Kenshi and FNV is my favorite game. literally everything about my characters is decided by me.

That's the point

I'm not even him but It's fun dressing up your guy

That looks like a different set of armor at 19:25. Thank you god.

>all these souls babbies being butthurt about sekiro not being another carbon copy
It's not even supposed to be souls like game but a modern Tenchu. Are they really that braindead?

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>No PvP
>No levels
>No builds
>No shield
>No weapons
>No messages
>No covenants
>No newgame+
>No multiplayer
>Retarded story
>No bloodstains
>Only 11 bosses
>No replayability
>No heavy attacks
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)

Oh, I don't like this.

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not a souls game either which you seem to miss

It's almost like it's not a Souls game. Huh. Can you imagine? A company making a different game? That's unprecedented. Never been done before. I mean, how can you not implement the same shit in every game you make? Who'd ever conceive such a thing? It's unbelievable. Impossible, frankly! Is FromSoftware breaking new ground by creating a brand new fucking game that isn't related to their previous franchise in any way? Because holy shit, this looks like something completely different, and not Souls in any way. Gee, maybe if you shitpost enough it'll magically turn into a Souls game. That way you can justify your pathetic existence by declaring to others that you were right! It was a Souls game all along, and because it's missing these key elements, it therefor sucks! Because as we all know, a developer can neve create new properties; only iterate on existing ones. You absolute fucking mongoloid.

Can't wait for this game to push your shit in, you low IQ dullard.

There are daily threads saying the game will be bad. It's going to be fine.

cdpr shills running damage control

Ah okay this is like that ds2 copy pasta about it what things it did better

Try controlling your autistic whims and not pre-order for once.

Are the enemies supposed to be just regular humans?
In soulsborne fromsoft had some leeway with the enemy AI. Dreglings, undeads and hunters are implied to be retareds so it's not jarring to see them act in a retarded way. But if they are supposed to be normal humans here it's completely immersion breaking.

>It isn't like Dark Souls so therefore it will suck
It's this exact fucking mentally that AAA gaming is so fucking stagnant. If it were up this board we would be going all the way to Dark Souls 7

It's a shame that in this game you can get multilpe revive charges. It should really be called "Sekiro - Shadows Die Twice or More"

Wow it’s almost like it’s a new game

There's literally nothing wrong with any of that because this isn't a souls game...

>people spamming "no builds"

>there is literally a skill tree

ignore the shitposters.

This. It's fucking ridiculous. These are the same faggots that'll complain about other companies milking franchises as well.

>game isnt dark souls
>it doesnt have dark souls mechanics
how is this a problem again? you fucking retards

Maybe open your eyes? People have already played significant early portions of the game and given their opinion on it.

>just got an ad for a Dark Souls fashion collab
>you can get an official Astora purse

At this point who the fuck cares what From pumps out? They'll never stray far or long from their bread and butter

lemme put it this way.

remember the doubts over Bloodborne? how did that game turn out.

>wow I'm so thrilled that there's no reason to play this game more than once
t. fromshill

The soundtrack is really good, at least in the context of the game. Fights seem really tense

How many people even complete the games more than once? I bet that number is very low.

Don't even respond to people who pretend like this isn't a Souls-cousin.
They act like it's a sin to acknowledge it's basically a Soulsborne game, aka the heart of modern From

I only ever played DaS1 once because there were a good number of areas in that game I disliked. I played BB three times despite having less build variety because I enjoyed the game more overall. If the game is fucking good I'll replay it

The complaints about lack of build variety turned out to be entirely valid.

I hear it's pretty parry heavy and I don't like that.

I feel like most people played the Souls games more than once after they beat it. Probably not Bloodborne but Souls yeah.

A lot of people don't even finish the game once, going by this logic all games should be 5 hours long.

We used to be wrong but Left Alive was a dumpster fire

Everybody wanted to kill each other in this time period. Also, rival clans and all that shit. It's a FromSoft game, we know there's dragonrot and probably other dark magic shit happening as well. There will supernatural monsters and beasts, not just humans the entire game.

Yet it didn't matter because people are still replaying it to this day. Wanna know why it didn't matter? Because the game was good.

You know why I don't replay Bloodborne till this day? No Build Variety. Funny huh

I have faith in two devs to always make good games:



and as of late, Capcom is getting back to normal, but those 2 are always reliable.

You realize Dark Souls 3 came out 3 years ago right? At least get your math right if you're going to shitpost.

One of the things that's really exciting me is the amount of verticality in battles. Seems like your extra mobility is being matched by enemies having more mobility and aerial movements.

They complain that this is a downgrade souls or isn't a souls game, even though devs said that this isn't Dark souls nor Bloodborne as you can see that in the footage.
Also, none of the design changes are bad if you look Sekiro as it's own thing.

Honestly if all I had was a PS4 I'd probably had kept replaying BB

Wanna know why I played BB more times than any of the DaS games? Because it was more enjoyable and interesting. Funny huh? It's almost as if (and stay with me here) people play games for different reasons. Crazy, right?

At BEST you could consider this to be a souls-lite game, but even that is pushing it. It appears to be its own thing entirely, with some inspiration drawn from their past game, but not MODELED on past games. It has slower methodical combat and that is where the similarities end. It's at that interesting midpoint somewhere between souls game and action hack and slash rpg. Hell, I would consider this to be closer to DMCV than Dark Souls at this point.

Yup and it seems like they removed the falling to your death mechanic

DMC is still not the right action game to compare it to. I'd say Nioh or Onimusha though those are still very different as well.

It's going to be the best from software title easily

I think it looks bad because of the skill tree and people saying the skill system makes it easier than From's Soulsborne series.
Skills and perks that drastically change combat IMO are the sign of a weak combat system in an action rpg

I bet fewer people are replaying it than any of the others (except DeS because it's only on an old console). I'm replaying DS3 right now, I considered replaying BB instead but didn't because it would have been a carbon copy of some other playthrough I've already done, with DS3 I could at least try a different build.
And Sekiro is going to be way worse than BB from this point of view.

>implying there was a reason to play any Souls game more than once
>"b-but muh builds!"
PLEASE. If a game is a good, replays come naturally through a genuine desire to reexperience the game. If anything, justifying a replay merely to play around with damage numbers is a worse excuse to justify a game's replay ability. You're upset that From isn't catering to your tastes because you're a massive pvp faggot, and are spinning this narrative that Sekiro is a watered-down Souls in hopes that it fails so you can get yet another Souls game with the same banal pvp elements. I'll send a prayer to Jesus tonight in hopes that some developer out there will placate your autistic wishes and develop a Souls-like that focuses purely on pvp to contain all you screeching faggots like the cancer you are.

Completely fair and wholesome. I've developed a love for role-playing builds ever since The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Well gosh, bet From is bent out of shape because (You) didn't replay their game.

New preview

>Poison area
I hope it's good cause I've only liked the gutter and harvest valley in FROM games.

>justifying a replay merely to play around with damage numbers
it's not just damage numbers but attack patterns. Playing a pure melee character is different from playing a character that has spells; playing a glass cannon is different from spec'ing a character that also has defense.
Replaying a game without build variety is just autistically doing the same thing over and over again.
>you're a massive pvp faggot
I don't play pvp, you're resorting to this strawman because deep in your heart you have doubts about sekiro too.

Guess I'm not going to sleep after all

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you didn't read the part where he mentioned guard gauge, it won't be effective

Enemies don't fight any different depending on your build, leaving the brunt of the Souls' games worth on the combat system, which was never good. EVER. The actual combat system in Souls is shallow, and it pains me whenever someone belittles another player for spamming R1, as if there's another attack players should be using in 80% of encounters. Magic, all three varieties, are all utilized in the same manner: stand back and spam. I'm not trying to oversimplify the games; the builds do not encourage unique play styles. Again, if the core gameplay is good, it's natural that a player would be drawn to replay the game. Look at DMC and Bayonetta: no builds, no deviation between playthroughs, but the core combat is exceptional enough to warrant replays. If Sekiro manages to have engaging combat, then that's the only excuse one should need to replay it. Truthfully, I'd rather games eliminate rpg aspects entirely; they only serve to bog the pacing.

What the fuck?

All I hear is no more easy mode for shitters lol

Do you know why ocarina of time is considered the best game of all time (even if the vocal minority disagree)? It's because a tight and focused linear single player experience can be better directed and controlled and crafted for the best possible experience for the player. Dark Souls openly calls Zelda its biggest inspiration and moving towards that tight controlled linear single player experience is the best decision the devs could have made for crafting a great experience for all of us to enjoy again and again and again.

teddy's visceral attack bugged out lol

this is a list of positives right?

what's this counting down to?

I think that Sekiro will be a good action game BUT it will have the standard FromSoft jankiness we've been accustomed to. Expect the usual Yea Forums treatment i.e everyone's fucking ecstatic over it at launch and around 2-3 weeks afterward, then people decrying it as a shit and awful game that died fast (because it's a single player vidya and everyone already played it).

Sekiro will NOT win GOTY. The game of the year awards are based on jew marketing power which Sekiro just doesn't have. It's an "AA" game with a relatively modest budget and it's marketing will rely on word of mouth and Souls ecelebs and it's going to be a niche game at best. I personally think it's going to be the best new game in 2019 for ME but it's not gonna win Game of the Year awards.

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Miyazakis death

It’s a casual game man, let them have sekiro

The state of retards

People are flipping out because it's not literally another Souls game. Which the dev themselves has been saying since the very beginning.

People were doomsaying the shit out of BB before release as well, but that game turned out to be fine.

If you're literally retarded and stubborn and refuse to accept that From is doing something else with this new IP, which they've been pretty transparent about since the beginning, then yeah you might be disappointed. But from what we've seen so far it looks like they have a good handle on what they want out of this IP and have a good gameplay loop to get there.


A shame there isn’t new game plus

...sekiro wasn’t made at the same time as DS3

They flew out a bunch of souls youtubers and shit out to Japan a few weeks ago and basically everyone said it was pretty fucking hard. There was one particular midboss that only one guy beat and that was because he snuck around and killed all the mooks first.

Sekiro special pre order ps4 theme
doesn't say if it's JP only

Attached: sekiro_ps4theme.jpg (2375x1361, 337K)

Look I like how Sekiro's looking like and all but could you Sekiro fellating fags stop with the ridiculous arguments that lack of customization or weapon variety doesn't matter at all? Because even if Sekiro *can* have depth without having either, it still doesn't invalidate that it's nice to have character customization options or other weapons to play with. The "IT'S NOT AN RPG" excuse just makes you look like a total dingus because there have been a lot of action games that give you varied movesets and actions despite also having varied weaponry. So it's a non-argument.

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Skill tree is not a build retard

You actually think something like
>UGS twink
>str/faith cleric
>full mage
>faith lighting spear
>Greatshield tank
Etc is comparable to a fucking skill tree?

Not to mention the DS weapons have different status modifiers that you can attach as well (fire, lighting, dark, etc)

Add that sekiro doesn’t have elemental system as well

when the developers can count on a player having a specific build at any given time they can craft a better experience. From software can better design every single enemy encounter and boss fight in the entire game, because they know exactly what the player will have access to at every given moment. They don't have to build every hallway and boss fight to accommodate every type of build, they can build better halls and better boss fights for that 1 build.
you're meant to max out all skill trees because there is an achievement for it, it's unlocking new moves for your character, the only way it becomes a build is if you don't unlock certain moves in which case you could just not use those moves anyway. Your build is just, yeah I don't really use the spin attack that's my build.

I got a dynamic them for preodering in the US. It Has fire blowing out of his fake arm.

most importantly if every player can max all the trees then every player is the same "build" anyway, the trees have stuff like increase posture damage, which every player will take because every player can take.

Literally arguing semantics. Look if you want another Dark Souls game then go ahead and buy the remaster. The dev is trying something new and different here and has been plenty clear that what you seem to want out of it is clearly not the direction they're taking this new IP. If you don't like that, power to ya, but do realize that you're making apples to oranges comparisons.

>Not to mention the DS weapons have different status modifiers that you can attach as well (fire, lighting, dark, etc)
we've seen fire in sekiro and there's most likely poison and other status modifiers as well

there is a terror bar I saw down in the headless guy fight, maybe like, bleed or toxic or something

0-4 buy it 5-9 pirate it

Shut up nerd, you think you're so smart huh? Don't you realize that Sekiro is destroying the Souls legacy?

Maybe it's something like Frenzy in Bloodborne where it's doing nothing while building up and then does a ton of damage when it procs.

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There's terror, connected to the supernatural like Headless, and the occultic upgrades mentioned for prosthetic tools will probably use that.

that's a lot of makeup but i'm into artificial red heads

I'm really excited for Sekiro, I think it looks great, I'm really hoping there's something hidden behind the setting, I never expected eldritch horror in bloodborne, I hope there's something creeping under the seems of Sekiro as well. Discovery is an important experience in a from soft game.

Leak confirms Buddhist hell

>I'm really hoping there's something hidden behind the setting
Trophy list leaked yesterday. There's only 11 bosses and none suggest anything remarkable. The combat system revolves around things you can parry with a sword so I expect a whole lot of samurais and not much else.

>no stamina
So this is going to be an R1 mashfest just like Bloodborne was. Fucking wonderful.

not an argument

rolling doesn't give iframes faggot

I think it will depend on how the Katana fights feel. I dislike the idea of sparring and looking for opening for a long time and then go in for one hit to kill which seems like how it works according to certain articles. That kind of meticulous play style was always in Souls game but you usually had a different option. I don't like it personally.

>I won't buy it if it requires execution
Dark Souls players in a nutshell

Activision is pushing out a lot of trailers for just the already seen in earlier media bosses and that's annoying

There's only 11 bosses and they've already shown us 6 of them, do you want to see all of them in advance?!

>falls off the ledge at 2:30
>just respawns back in the boss room with no consequences
this cant be real
I hope its just a concession for the demo

is it going to be kino like bloodborne or shit like ds3?
wish pc had physical copies so i could buy collectors and resell if i hate it

Nah, it's confirmed to be a real feature. Gravity deaths have sadly been completely casualized.

Which is odd because the combat looks like it might be the least "casual friendly" as far as we can see but then they do that shit which removes the fear associated with falling to bottomless pits entirely which is retarded. Not having falling damage when you have solid ground underneat ? That's okay. Not having any consequences from falling into a bottomless pit? Fucking gay and tone-breaking.

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Souls was destroying King's field's legacy.

So... It doesnt have any kind of RPG mechanics and yet enemies and main character are damage sponges. No limb wound based combat, kool-aid blood, QTE kills. Boy, this game will have zero replayability. It will fade so fucking fast.

"Yes, we have included replay value and each run through will get harder." - Hidetaka Miyazaki at Taipei Gameshow

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>11 bosses

11 bosses is from the leaked trophy list.
Of course, this isn't taking into account bosses that you don't necessarily get a trophy from. Like for example Dark Souls 2 had plenty of bosses that didn't give you a trophy for beating them IIRC.

>I hope its just a concession for the demo
It's real, they are expecting people to use the jump+grapple mechanic to cross over a bunch of bottomless pits, it would be very annoying to have to redo an entire level because you missed a jump.
Fall damage has been greatly nerfed for similar reasons.

11. Good
10. Who cares PVP shitter
9. Wrong, dying is even more punishable now
8. "Main" weapon doesn't mean anything, plenty of sidearms
7. Irrelevant considering the new combat system and no iframes on rolls
6. Dunno about this one admittedly
5. Mostly wrong
4. And?
3. Good, different doesn't mean worse
2. And?
1. Too bad casual shitter

King's field was shit.

bloodborne had great r2s the fuck you on about? BB and Ds1 had the best r2s ds3 was r1 spam

I can sort of buy it since its a ninja game but at least have the MC have some sort of animation using the grappling hook to return , rather than just lazily respawning in after a fade to black

It's a very understandable combination of a game being popular enough to be discusse and people being on Yea Forums. What results is shitposting about whatever is popular. No one has to have any strong feelings one way or another to formulate these opinions. It's literally just shitposting to get replies. That is all it is.

they can do something new, this new thing just doesn't include builds

the gotyay

Pretty small number, I hope that those mini bosses like the chained ogre make up for it.

Optional bosses might not have an achievement to begin with. And yes, there are tons of mini-bosses, and they are all unique.

quit posting this utter fucking cunt merchant, user

easy, most of them are just samurais with the same attack

>Optional bosses might not have an achievement
Optional bosses should be the only ones with achievements. Bosses you have to beat anyway to finish the game shouldn't. Just my opinion though.

That makes more sense in general, yes, but it's usually the other way around in Souls games.

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Do we know yet about what occult upgrades for prosthetics do?
So far we've only seen the shurikens infused with power of SPIN?

It's not a Souls game dumbfuck, rolling "infinitely" won't help you one bit

Try mashing attack in Sekiro and see how far you get

But this is clearly far better than Nioh or Nioh 2 will ever be lol

Are you fucking retarded? They have made it very clear in interviews that Sekiro is a Miyazaki directed game with no other directors, that he came up with the game himself, and that its development started after DS3 was released. You are a lying fucking jew.

What is immersion breaking? What are you on about? Sekiro has tons of mythological creatures

Is this bait? This must be bait, considering those are the objectively two worst poison areas in any From games.
Valley of Defilement > Bloodbornes forest > Blighttown > DS3 swamp > the trash DS2 areas

It's not uncommon for From to lie about something in order to surprise players. Yeah obviously no customizing your character itself, but I do believe it will have different clothes you can find and equip. They just aren't telling that.

>What if AssCreed but Nioh
Of course it will be fucking shit.

>has varying builds you can make
>non-linear, labyrinthian world like DS1
>tons of secrets to find, definitely many optional, hard to find secret areas as usual
It will have just as much if not more replay value than Souls games did, and even then - what kind of metric is that to judge a game, how much it makes you want to play it again? It's going to be like a 50 hour game, so if those 50 hours are amazing it shouldn't even need to have "replay value" to be considered a success.

So we established it's not part of Dark Souls series.
Now you should try to explain why the game will be bad, unless your idiotic reasoning relies on: not_like_*souls = BAD GAME.

It's not like Nioh in any way at all but ok lol

>youre going to see those animations for EVERY kill user
No you aren't fucking retard, they've showcased it perfectly well that you can kill enemies by just lowering their health bar to 0 with attacks too, you do not have to use viscerals.
Stop being a lying dumbfuck retard.

>wants a free aim grappling hook system even though that has been absolute garbage in every single game ever that tried it
Yikes. Yeah, stay away from this one, it will be too hard for you.

It is objectively far harder than Souls games, this has been proven already

Even that isn't true. Any enemy can die from normal hits, you just deal more damage with visceral attacks.

Or, a boss might use a Moonlight katana against you.

I never understood how people haven't noticed this, but the mouths have been moving in every Souls game since Demon's Souls. They just never synced up with the dialogue and it was just a repeating, outdated up-down movement.

Why would you rather want a Nioh 2 than this? Considering how bad Niohs gameplay, world design, enemy variety, pretty much every single thing was.

What were they thinking? That it's a demo version of the game from 10 months ago? Retards.
How about you look at footage of the finished product from this week. Of course the reason butthurt Niohcucks keep posting that 10 month old demo video is that they are dishonest and don't want to show how great the gameplay really is.

Stop lying already you fucking retards holy fucking shit.
There are not only 11 bosses, THERE ARE ACHIEVEMENTS FOR 11. That doesn't mean there are only 11 bosses, seriously kill yourself already.
What the fuck has Yea Forums become. Every single game ever now has to be the next TORtanic?

Too stupid to understand what you are seeing? Every miniboss they have shown has been a completely unique proper boss fight, with completely unique attacks.

>stop lying you retards
I did say >Of course, this isn't taking into account bosses that you don't necessarily get a trophy from

Learn to read dude, I'm giving Sekiro the benefit of the doubt here.

Attached: Bloody44.jpg (723x697, 100K)

>what if I lied outrageously, that will surely get me (You)'s
Your brain is shit

No you aren't, because your retard ass that is posting that ugly fat cow in every single thread is constantly trying to push an idea that it has 11 actual bosses, when there exists zero reason to even assume so, at all.
If it had 11, they would not have shown half of them already.
The fact that they have shown like 4-5 actual bosses already 100% confirms that there are many dozens of them.

Again, learn to read you fucking retard. I said "11 bosses is from the leaked trophy list", I just mean the 11 bosses argument is the leaked trophy list and added that it's not necessarily indicative of the actual number of bosses.

You already got your shitty pictures removed from the thread you faggot stalker, fuck off already.

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Why are people defending this? most of this is sky-clear downgrades.
Did Activision hire a corps of shills or is Yea Forumseddit just acting contrarian again?

>tfw you remember people saying Vendrick was the last boss in DS2 based on very early trophy list leak
I don't believe trophy lists anymore

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whats the story here, why sword man samurai killing all the old grandpas?

Learn to read yourself, your delusional stalker ass can't even figure out what you are saying yourself:
"There's only 11 bosses and they've already shown us 6 of them, do you want to see all of them in advance?!"
You flat out lied, when there are obviously something like 30+ actual bossfights, as usual.

Yes, and the MK11 leaked trophy list, while it was correct for most of the roster, for some reason it does not have Fatality achievements for every character, so the actual roster ended up having like 4 more characters.

People are fucking retarded to think an achievement list leak means anything.

Epic bait

>people are sperging out about boss battles when there's a SHITLOAD of mini-bosses that look as fun to fight as actual bosses and they are fucking everywhere

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muh dork souls players BTFO right? i lose features but DARK SOULS PLAYERBASE = BAD therefore NO FEATURES = GOOD because they also will lose the features

That wasn't my comment originally sorry. I just chipped in on the discussion in the middle

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>recycled humanoid minibosses
fuck off, nigger.

Are you really this retarded? I thought you actually were baiting, because no one could be that unintelligent. Guess I was mistaken.
Sekiro does not have any "features lost", it has different features because it's not a Souls game. Why would you think it needs to have Souls game features to be a good game, when it's NOT A SOULS GAME, YOU MOUTHBREATHING TROGLODYTE MONGREL.
It very literally has actually far more features than the Souls games ever did, just different ones.

Will the game unlock local time or at the same time for everyone on Steam?
>tfw game unlocks thursday and I got friday off

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>we've already seen like 5 of them in release gameplay preview alone and all of them were unique
What did this moutbreathing moron mean by this?

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Yes and there are a shitload of actual bosses too, not 11. Anyone thinking that is brain damaged.
>not all of them are humanoid
>every single humanoid one shown yet is completely unique, with completely unique boss fight mechanics, attacks, everything
What are you even on about, fucking retard? Seriously take a knife to your throat and just end your misery, you're too stupid to waste our time like this.
You can't possibly be so inhumanely stupid that you can't see every single miniboss is completely unique in every single way.

>its not a souls game
>this is my justification for downgraded features
even in the world of RPG's this game looks like hot shit with no replayability. Sorry nigger but i'm gonna have to discard your shill opinion
stopped reading your post halfway through.

>all of them were unique
4 shades of samurai general and a single gigantic ogre? so unique, such gameplay.
t. riggered sekiro shadows fail twice shill

It's not an RPG, which doesn't make the game bad by default.

I'm excited to see what they have in store, nothing I've seen so far has seemed like a negative, game looks great on the videos.

I mean I would have preferred an RPG game (or a stealth Tenchu game), but this is good as well, new IP.

I don't understand people, after DSIII they were whining that they had enough and want change, now they are whining because it has to be more like Dark Souls.

Fucking idiots I swear.

There are actually only 2 legit concerns and he didn't even cover them
>1. How OP will it be to just run, hook away and wait for enemies to drop aggro and go back into backstab 1 shot everything.
Reason for this concern would be the only person that killed the bandit boss at the 3hr FROM press invite play session did it by abusing the hit and run tactic.
>2. How OP will the blodspray smokescreen be?
Seems super broken if you watch anyone competent abuse it.
>Sneak around and 1 hit KO
>Get spotted
>Just blodspray and instant back into sneaking

Wow it's almost like they wanted to make a more pure action combat game and not re-use the souls formula again.

It's not really a downgrade when the game is trying to do something different. It's like saying their last game, Deracine, was bad because there was no build variety, weapons and online in an adventure game where you play as a fairy in a boarding school.

>4 shades of samurai general and a single gigantic ogre
Samurai general
Shinobi hunter
Giant ogre
Claw man
Fully armored knight
Centipede monk woman
Your memory is as shit as your posts

>no online
>no character creation
>despite "not being a souls game" it actually incorporates fuckloads of souls features
>soulsclone RPG with the same style of storytelling despite having an MC and a "streamlined story"
>clang, clang, clang, TSUNG FISSHHHH combat with no depth
>no fashion
>only one main weapon

Pack up boys it's dead on arrival.
Wait for the next soulslike queued after this actishition dumpsterfire flops



This can't be real
Does this game actually have only 6 bosses?

3 bosses 8 mini bosses


>selling an indietier no replayability 20 hours game with a piss filter for the price of a triple A

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1 final boss and 10 mini bosses

>20 hours game
As much as I like the current trend of games having substantial gameplay length, 20 hours isn't that bad and I believe that if there are more than 1 ending I'd still go for a few replays.

It's one final boss and maybe a dozen minibosses, all reskins of the ones we saw in the footage so far.

do you sip onions regularly? I'd take a 20 hours flick for like $35 max. $60 is unjustifiable.

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Harvest valley and The gutter are the best because they aren't huge and annoying poison swamps that slow your movement.

It looks good but that instakill-meter needs to drain way faster for enemies

They couldn't get bosses to work, so there are actually no bosses in this game

>Take NPC invaders
>give them one or two unique moves each
>wow so many minibosses!
I loved fighting Livid Pyromancer Dunnel The MiniBoss.

Imagine a day would come where Yea Forums wouldn't be at max hype less than 2 weeks away from a From title after Bloodborne and Old Hunters.
Everything about the previews looks incredible, even more so than Bloodborne. However this time we won't have the technical mess that was Bloodborne thanks to PC. Even Dark Souls 2 threads were at max hype and the threads were comfy as fuck.

I don't know about you fags but on the 21st you just know there's a high chance you'll be firing up a masterpiece.

That miniboss in bloodborne in the cathedral was harder than 90% of the bosses fuck you

But it releases the 22nd

Deracine costs 30 bucks and wasn't very good even at that price.

>VR shit

Depends on steam unlock times and PS4 is 00:00

>4 shades of samurai general and a single gigantic ogre?
What's the point and objective of blatant lies like this? People can immediately tell you lied since it doesn't in any way reflect on what they have shown.
You must have brain damage, poor thing.

Could be like Resident Evil 2 remaster and unlock local times. That means you can just activate the game with a NZ/Aus VPN and play during the day of the 21st.

>How OP will it be to just run, hook away and wait for enemies to drop aggro and go back into backstab 1 shot everything.
that's been my only concern as well, everything else seems 10/10 as fuck
There has to be some kind of system in place to prevent enemies from forgetting you easily. Maybe like in Metal Gear, they'll be on high alert for many minutes and patrol, looking for you.

You haven't seen the fucking centipede claw man if you're claming they are just npc invaders, retard.
They are all full fledged unique enemies with shitload of special attacks

physical copies breaking release date isn't that rare, you should know by now
and for pc timezones exist

Recent months have actually confirmed that somehow, in the current year, Reddit is less cancerous of a place than Yea Forums. What happened?
This place is a shithole full of the biggest retards on the internet now.

Why lie? You clearly didn't look at the footage. The "minibosses" in Sekiro are equal to real bosses in Souls games

Which one? Eileen The Crow? The three hunters in Hypogean Gaol? Or the two hunters right before the Research Hall? So many MINIBOSSES in bloodborne...

I was at work today so I watched nearly all footage. Game is a guaranteed 9/10 probably even better.

Based Fromsoft not cashing in but delivering something fresh and refined.

Are you unironically trying to compare Souls game minibosses to Sekiro minibosses, when the ones in Sekiro are actual boss fights indistinguishable from the scale of boss fights from Souls games?
These are all completely unique, proper boss fights, the reason they call them minibosses is that they are not inside boss rooms, and can be avoided.

Yea Forums has always been the worst board though, even on-topic vidya threads are absolutely horrible.
He's obviously talking about the Bloody Cuck from Cainhurst that you fight in the grand cathedral at the end of Eileen's quest

>Buying Activision shit
You all disgust me


It would nonetheless be unbelievable retarded to say Sekiro minibosses are "recycled" when there are no two same ones, each one is a perfectly unique, actual bossfight. They even get a proper boss HP bar with their name on it.
This idiot must have not watched any of the footage, it's either that or he is intentionally lying for reactions.


This is actually the the perfect news for me. I'm sick and tired of Souls.
I want something new and different.

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Fuck off cuck, no one cares what you think, Activision didn't make the game.

>missing out on potentially one of the greatest games in the last 10 years because of a publisher who has nothing to do with the game

This is what everyone wanted from FromSoft, something completely new and different. The whiners are just extremely butthurt Nioh fanboys.

Nu Yea Forums is all about just complaining about every single good game ever and skipping them so you can spend 8 hours a day whining about it online

>Game isn't even out yet
>Already has the tag 'Difficult'
A bit presumptuous don't you think?

>He's obviously talking about the Bloody Cuck from Cainhurst that you fight in the grand cathedral at the end of Eileen's quest
I wonder how many of Sekiro's "minibosses" are going to have cheese strats like poisoning the bloody crow.

It's way more than what that guy listed too. There's is fundamentally nothing similar between the two games other than lock on and r1 to attack.
Nearly everything is new or different

Do you not understand that lots of people have played it already, and each one said it's insanely hard?

>e-celebs are now the epitome of skill
Christ this place has changed.

Dragon rot just made this game 10x harder than I initially thought it would be


The more souls babbies cry about this, the more I want it.

One thing that really satisfies me is the sound design
All the sword clashes, the warning sound effect when an unblockable is coming, everything just sounds so fucking good
This is getting me too hype to wait 2 weeks

Not gonna lie, not having any online component is kinda shooting themselves in the foot. It seems like this game will lack any replayability.

Are you mentally retarded? The only kind of e-celebs they let play it were people like Souls speedrunners, like Elajjaz. Yes, he very LITERALLY is the epitome of skill when it comes to FromSofts games lmao.
And he said it's extremely difficult.

>Not gonna lie
>proceeds to lie
We've all heard this trash a million times by now. No one else cares dude, online was trash and unwanted, everyone is glad it's gone. Replayability comes from PvE content being good.

What game have you been watching?
The core of the game is standard Souls approach.
>healing mechanic
>NPC and item mechanics
>areas with shortcuts and hidden bosses/items/monsters similarly to Souls
Heck, even the signs that pop up when you reach a new area is Souls

You can't grind and out level areas
You can't shield and spam r1
You can't coop summon
No iframes
You can be instant killed if you're taking tons of fatigue damage
You must git gud and be a parry god
They removed tons of crutches bad souls babies relied on

You are out of touch with reality if you think many of those e-celebs that played it are not far better at games than you. Multiple world record holders from speedrunning Souls games.
You're quite trash compared to them, actually.

>No iframes
There are i-frames.

>checkpoints is now a Souls mechanic
>healing potions are now a Souls mechanic
>a game having consumable items is now a Souls mechanic
>shortcuts and secrets are now a Souls mechanic even though Souls games took this inspiration from Metroid and Castlevania games
What a retard

>They removed tons of crutches bad souls babies relied on
Aside from you know, you can fall down bridges even at bosses and you just get teleported back

>instant kills
>grapple hooks
>wall jumping
>different level design to accommodate all the new methods of getting around
>no blocking
>1 weapon the whole game
>no leveling
>no coop
>no builds
>no shield
>no iframes
>different controls
>different respawn and death mechanics
>no stamina
>new fatigue bar
>different currency mechanics
>different exp mechanics
>voiced and named protagonist
>different setting
But I guess since text pops up in new areas it's souls huh?

You’re mom’s an i-frame

>Yes, he very LITERALLY is the epitome of skill when it comes to FromSofts games lmao.
>And he said it's extremely difficult.

Note that every e-celeb that has gotten access to the game is a paid shill. Maybe they want to like it or actually like it but you can't be certain.

Attached: 1530439345592.png (594x705, 88K)

>There's is fundamentally nothing similar between the two games other than lock on and r1 to attack
>list fundamentals that are similar
>t-t-they don't count

Lots of people are saying no iframes was that not grounded in reality? Do you have a source? I've never seen someone dodge through an attack in gameplay yet.

Don't be deliberately obtuse. The games are made by the same company and the way they work are 1:1 the way they work in Souls.

simply because it's not a dark souls carbon copy

Are you esl? This post is not comprehensible.

>I’m sick of dark souls
>Why isn’t it dark souls!?

if you watched any video on the game you'd know that will get you killed instantly

You're the one being obtuse, since they work in very different ways than in Souls. How could you not be embarrassed to claim something so outrageously false? Not a single one of those mechanics work the same way in Sekiro
Do not replenish your healing potions, and you have additional checkpoints where you died if you have a full charge
Consumable items that need to be found
Work the same way in Souls games than in Metroid and Castlevania games, not uniquely a Souls mechanic

Except Elajjaz was not paid to play it. And he did not market or promote the game in any way, he just said he thinks its far harder than Souls games. And this is a guy with multiple world records across all Souls games speedruns.
Shut the fuck up already, you got BTFO several times, do you really want to embarrass yourself further?

>same healing mechanics
>same way to upgrade said healing mechanic
>very similar death mechanic when you do die (loss of exp etc)
>same item mechanics
>same debuff mechanics with different names
>similar UI elements (poison/terror buildup etc)
>world tendency mechanic
>same npc functionally
>same save mechanic
>same bonfire mechanic
>same hub mechanic
>similar AI (strafing enemies with shields up is identical souls 1:1)
>same physics of enemies can hit through walls with retarded collision, standard FROM
Lots of new things but to say the ave similar aspects is just flat out wrong.

There are no i-frames, he is wrong. Just look at any footage, you can get hit during evasive maneuvers if the enemys attack reaches you. This is to encourage you to deflect their attacks instead if you can't get our of range fast enough. Your dodge moves in Sekiro do not give you immortality and are mainly just useful against long range attacks.

I'm pretty sure the Healing Gourd was supposed to function like Estus i.e it refills at Sculptor's Idols / "bonfires".

Wasn't he invited to an activision event in Stockholm ? Like he didn't go to Japan or New York like ENB / Lobos but still. I admit that I don't know for sure if Elajjaz is a paid shill but ENB, Vaati, FightingCuckboy and Lobosjr certainly are.

Attached: Dga4OppUYAA6l-A.jpg large.jpg (768x1024, 150K)

Streamers that aren'r retarded confirmed there are I-frames but it doesn't work like Souls.

>same healing mechanics
>same way to upgrade said healing mechanic
[citation needed]
>very similar death mechanic when you do die (loss of exp etc)
Wrong, completely different. You can not regain your money and xp from a bloodstain.
>same item mechanics
[citation needed]
>same debuff mechanics with different names
[citation needed]
>similar UI elements (poison/terror buildup etc)
Literally any game ever with status effects
>world tendency mechanic
You can't even claim this, no one knows yet what effects Dragonrot has on the world if your NPC friends die. Already based on the fact that dying makes NPCs start dying, it is very different from the results of WT.
>same npc functionally
[citation needed]
>same save mechanic
Actually whining about autosaves that prevent scrubs like you from save scumming? Pathetic
>same bonfire mechanic
>same hub mechanic
>similar AI (strafing enemies with shields up is identical souls 1:1)
Wrong, you clearly have not looked at gameplay at all. You are incredibly dishonest to claim AI is the same
>same physics of enemies can hit through walls with retarded collision, standard FROM
[citation needed]
No footage so far has shown anything of the sort happening even once.

You're so desperate, literally everything you just said was a lie. Why does game get you so SEETHING with impotent rage? Did Miyazaki fuck your girlfriend or something?

Based Miyazaki can fuck my gf any time

We'll see, but pretty sure that's horseshit.

>Wasn't he invited to an activision event in Stockholm ?
That is literally the point I was making, he is not paid to promote the game. He asked the publishers if he can try the game out in Sweden, and they let him. I saw the stream, and during it nor after did he even once shill it. His entire summary on it was that it is far harder than Souls games were, and this is a pro, who is not just one of the worlds best at Souls games, but a ton of other games too.
So that guy saying there is no proof that it's hard is simply a moron. This is pretty conclusive evidence here.

You can be as sure as you want, but you're a one out of a million minority. Almost no one ever cared about Souls PvP or wanted it. The games were popular and had replay value because of the great PvE. Your lack of brain functions does not reflect on the playerbase as a whole.

I already played Tenchu.
>no one cares
>proceeds to reply angrily

This is clearly much better than Tenchu games.
And no one is angry except you seething cucklets who for some reason can't accept that From is delivering yet another masterpiece.

>do complete the corrupted monk 2nd phase easier the one wit the fog and illusions you can simply drop down the bridge and respawn with a 30%? health loss and the phase is over

>being this utterly incapable of writing a proper sentence
hello Sergei

>has varying builds you can make
the only variation in the entire game is upgrade paths for your prosthetic tools, which just change damage and nothing more.
>nonlinear, labyrinthian world like ds1
it's entirely linear as you can't access secret areas (Even if you know about them) unless you buy the treasure map. It's also not labyrinthian at fucking all, there's shitloads of cutscene teleports to bring you to new places in the world
>tons of secrets to find, many optional, hard to find
I disagree, the extent of secrets that aren't "pay me money, here is map/key item to unlock area" are basically fog wall equivalents.

PC shitters were mistake

Oh, oh wait. You probably meant the """"""""skill trees""""""" which you can equip ONE(1) skill from at a time. Yeah those are really gonna change up your gameplay from run to run.

Where’s the video for treasure maps?

>the only variation in the entire game is upgrade paths for your prosthetic tools, which just change damage and nothing more.
not true since we've seen the ability to make blood clouds after stealth killing people accessed through skill trees
>it's entirely linear as you can't access secret areas (Even if you know about them) unless you buy the treasure map
how does that make the case that the game is linear? the fact that you can go to optional areas divergent from a single path somehow means the game is linear because you have to use in-game currency to do so? what?

also I don't understand your equivalency of secrets to fog walls, since we've seen streamers miss and find option prosthetic items

basically none of this post makes sense.

Wasn't allowed to be shown, but the system was talked about by:
Sunlight on yt
eurogamer on yt
ign on yt.

>how does that make the case the game is linear
because you can't access those games until the game allows you to?
>retards missed items
well that's no surprise, those same dipshits probably missed the doll to get into irithyll in dks3.

>the worst netcode of all mainstream games for at least a decade is replay value
>the cancerous fucking meta and lack of balance is replay value
>intentionally breaking AI is replay value
>spoiling ambushes is replay value
Even if this turns out bad, it at least served to expose beyond doubt Soulsfags as dumb bandwagoners.

>because you can't access those games until the game allows you to?
This just in, DaS is linear.

So DF said the PS4 pro version runs at unlocked framerate and has no frame pacing issues, but it was 1080p based on the preview build.
I'm wondering if the final version allows higher resolutions? I always prefer higher framerate but if it's super inconsistent I feel like in some cases locking it to 30fps for the consistency feels better.

>because you can't access those areas until the game allows you to?
If you're given the freedom to spend the in-game currency as you wish, how is the option to spend it to open up divergent levels somehow linear?

>DaS is linear
It is. Especially without the master key. The previous games, Demon's Souls, was a lot less linear. Dark Souls' linearity is actually one of its strong points

>The previous games, Demon's Souls, was a lot less linear.
Stopped reading there.

Hidden paths, shortcuts and checkpoints/save points aren't "Souls" specific.
You are describing Metroid for me too.
You are acting like those journalists who treat everything as "the Dark Souls of" .

It objectively was. After 1-1 you could go to the other levels in whatever way you wanted.

Sekiro just exposes underage fags that grew up on ps3 and 360. The design of Sekiro is how action games were back in older generations.

Cool, they must have found new skips while I was away. How do I go straight to, say, 3-2?

So should we go to password-based saving and 8-bit sprites? Older gen doesn't mean better.

That's a pretty rarded argument my dude, considering most if all community souls content exists solely based on the online functionality of the game. You forget Yea Forums bashes the online mechanics of Souls because it's what's popular, and Yea Forums is the edgy sonofabitch who has to have the opposite opinion.

Yes it does

can you or can you not go to 2-1, 3-1, 4-1 and 5-1 in whatever order you like in DeS after 1-1? and could you not decide to complete the second then afterwards the third levels however you liked (e.g. after beating 4-2 going to 3-2, or after beating 2-3 going to 5-2)? do you really think Dark Souls is as open as that?

>considering most if all community souls content exists solely based on the online functionality of the game.
It certainly explains why you mouthbreathers were okay with these last shit games.

Sure are convincing arguments I'm seeing from you.

>muh slippery slope
Underage and gay.

Demon's Souls doesn't have a "game world" as much as it has 5 straight lines that you can alternate between but the straight lines don't interconnect between one another and within a "world" (which is 2 actual levels and a the bossroom for the archdemon) you have completely linear progression.

Dark Souls 2 for example has 4-5 directions you can go to from Majula and after THAT you can another few forks and optional paths later in the game.

Demon's Souls is restrictive and linear in terms of how the levels are laid out within each "world" (short path with 3 bosses) so DeS' "freedom" compared to DS1 / 2 is questionable at best.

Attached: 25496848928-offset-5892-preview.jpg (1364x768, 67K)

>can pause and change skills and prosthetic mid fight

Then what's the point of having a limit of 3 equipped?

>can you or can you not go to 2-1, 3-1, 4-1 and 5-1 in whatever order you like in DeS after 1-1?
You can.
>and could you not decide to complete the second then afterwards the third levels however you liked (e.g. after beating 4-2 going to 3-2, or after beating 2-3 going to 5-2)?
Yes, you can only access the second areas after beating the first ones.
>do you really think Dark Souls is as open as that?
It's far more open than that. You can go through Darkroot, Blighttown, Parish, Burg, Great Hollow, Ash Lake, Catacombs without killing a single boss by selecting Master Key as your gift or starting as Thief, entirely glitchless. Most of those feature interesting mid to late game gear and abundant souls bundles. You can even make 4kings your second boss if you play it right.

its gonna be fine, its just not going to be dark souls.

And of course I'd forget to mention New Londo.

Consoles and traditional shit tier From Software coding.

With the master key. Demon's gives you those options without that. And even then you're always required to ring the two bells of awakening, while in Demon's Souls you have to beat one archdemon to go to Penatrator > King Allant and it's basically optional to complete the other levels.

I don't know it feels kinda shitty to pause during combat to change build.

I was sure you could only do that at bonfires

Can anons confirm that the i-frames are extremely narrow? Any of the Souls vets say anything on them? If so, that's very nice.

Immersion breaking in that the human enemies react unintelligently to the player's actions. It seems like you're still able to draw out enemies one by one from a group by exploiting their agro range. The player runs around in plain sight creating all sort of commotion yet they don't spot him. That sort of stuff is what i am talking about. There's an in universe justification for that in soulsborne but i don't know if there is here.

>Demon's gives you those options without that.
No, DeS makes you go through 5 paths with 5 levels, each with mandatory bosses. Your progression is extremely rigid.
>And even then you're always required to ring the two bells of awakening, while in Demon's Souls you have to beat one archdemon to go to Penatrator > King Allant and it's basically optional to complete the other levels.
Not with glitching, but that's beyond the point. Granted, DeS has that over DaS. I'd rather complain about mandatory Seath and his shitty zone without glitches anyhow.


>an in universe justification for that in soulsborne
huh? wasn't it just a given that enemy AI in souls wasn't that great?

>zoomers think a well crafted action game has no replayability because you cant dump 40 points in a different damage stat each run

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The decay/zombie thematic played into that, whether it was intentional or not.

The explanation is that they have slanted eyes and consequently can't see very well.

I doubt that’s extended, but shitters will cry about it being a thing while abusing it anyway

what is this painting called and who is it by?

I meant intended

>I doubt that’s extended

What do you mean?


Oh ok

Especially if it's not intended it's a big game flaw

I mean it's not a glich abuse it's a thing everyone will know immediately

You're braindead retarded just like every other butthurt hater of this game. Everything you have unlocked from your three skilltrees are always active, you don't "equip" any 1 of them separately. That is a different system in addition, that allows you to customize your fighting style even further.
>it's entirely linear
False, they literally said it has similar world design to DS1
>It's also not labyrinthian at fucking all
It is, they said that months ago.
>there's shitloads of cutscene teleports to bring you to new places in the world
>I disagree, the extent of secrets that aren't "pay me money, here is map/key item to unlock area" are basically fog wall equivalents.
That's just because you're lying about the whole thing, you don't need any treasure maps to find secrets. Why lie like this? You're embarrassing yourself pretty badly.

Butthurt cucks BTFO every single second, loving it.

You can literally go countless different ways right after the Asylum in Dark Souls. There are 8 different bosses you can kill as the first boss in your playthrough. You're just too retarded to do anything else than play the same route every single time.
Sekiro is a very non-linear world, as they have said and shown.

Maybe your Reddit community that you frequent. But 99.9999% of people who are into Souls games never partake in multiplayer.
You are in a dead minority that no one cares about, not even the devs. Just die already.

Nevermind builds in Souls games being all the fucking same with softcaps strangling variety and how rigid the tiering for equipment and spells are.

>I played Dark Souls for it’s great pvp


>i played dark souls for it engaging co-op boss battles

>I played Dark Souls to dress up my character

Nah, I came in for the single player, the bosses, the world, and the narrative.

>I played Dark Souls

>I play video games

>When I talk to people about playing Dark Souls it's always about the great PvP and fashion, not the bosses or difficulty.

has there been any info on how the pc controls feel? i searched for pc gameplay and i didn't find any info on the control scheme and how it compares to other souls games on pc

>I played Dark Souls for the variety of builds in PvP to min-max with
>Gets back stabbed and one shot or ganked

>I came for the difficulty
>Stayed for the lore

>I played Dark Souls for the memes

What game are you talking about? Because the opponents spot you in Sekiro from super far away.

It may not be what I played it for, but it is what I replayed it for.

This game looks like an Assassin's Creed rip off. Same type of gameplay. So I guess I'm not gonna buy it.

>I played Dark Souls for the massive weapon variety that allows me to replay the game for a different feeling
>One play through I used a longsword
>The next one I used the broadsword

Epic bait.
You make that same joke in every thread and never get any attention for it, so here you go, here's your first (You) ever.

How retarded do you have to be to actually think like this?

This game looks like a Dark Soul's rip off. Same type of gameplay. So I guess I'm not gonna buy it.

This is the one legit complaint though.

He's just baiting for replies, no one actually believes what he said.

>Ah, yeahhh. Dark Souls. NOW THAT was a PvP game.
>Cracks sip

Attached: daboom.jpg (240x210, 7K)

No it isn't dumbass. Tons of hack n slash games you have one main weapon through the entire game.
Why do you keep thinking of this as a Souls game, it isn't one.

Based and Shackleford pilled

This is the first time I'm posting in a Sekiro thread. So that means that I'm not the only one who thinks that. The gameplay looks scripted as fuck just like an AC game. Sorry but it's true.

Historically, From underdelivers pretty bad on the traditional action game end. In such cases, the main weapon tends to have a lengthy moveset. Wouldn't hurt to have like 3 weapons if they played differently, this has nothing to do with Souls.

Attached: doubt.png (300x162, 31K)

>pvp shitter thinking he knows what the fuck he’s talking about
Granted, backstab tech was absurdly present in 1 but after that not so much.

Not really. Being able to use lite-stealth and kill a few trash mobs (in a fucking starting area) with insta kills doesn't mean anything.

You can't even stealth kill more than one enemy, because you don't re-enter stealth on kill. Unless you have learned the bloodmist ninjusu, which costs spirit emblems to use.