Why did the Persona series peak with P4? P3 was okay...

Why did the Persona series peak with P4? P3 was okay, but the dungeon was just too arse for such a long game and P5's story drags it down so it never reaches 4s level of quality.

Will P6 finally be able to top P4 as the best persona game?

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I want to suck Naoto's boobs.

Too late, she got a mastectomy to get closer to her desired gender. The penis transplant is coming next week.

But 5 and 3 are both better than 4.

>P3 was okay but the dungeon was ass
How is it any different than P4's dungeons? They're all randomly generated hallways

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Persona 4 is the weakest game in the series though.
>The story is nonexistent
>The cast while having good interactions are super bland on their own when compared to SEES and PT
>Hirata can’t sing for shit
>The Dungeons while better than Tartarus are just a long boring hallway

>pubic hair
could you fuck off

Sorry, this discussion is for hetero sexuals only. Go to your gay forums and discuss whatever you want there.

>ywn titfuck a woman so hard your pubic hairs fall off.

4's story sucks, the only thing it has better than 3 is the gameplay, and even with that, 5 improves on the gameplay again, so really 4 can't be the best since it has neither the best gameplay nor the best story.

P4's cast doesn't really develop outside of social links, so it can't be better than P3 overall.

4 has better music, gameplay, story and social aspects than 3.

>Why did the Persona series peak with P4?
Retard waifu alert.
P4 gets shitted on by both 3 and 5.

why do you fags keep trying to twist not liking pubic hair as gay?

Disgusting happy trail on a woman.

>better music, gameplay, story and social aspects than 3.
But it didn’t.
P4 doesn’t even have a story.

3 > 5 > 4 This is an objective truth.

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Drawing pubes getting stuck on the girl after sucking a dick or giving paizuri is the single best way to ruin an image for me. I don't know what kind of a degenerate you have to be to get turned on by a dude's pubic hairs, but you need to stop ruining your porn with that shit.

It has nothing to do with the actual guy existing, but the degeneration of the woman.

Similarly, the appeal of bestiality is not thinking horses and dogs are hot, but the degeneration of a woman's morals.

Sorry, he meant go be a pedo somewhere else.

No, it only has better gameplay. 3 has better music, better story, and the social aspects are about the same.

No, 4 has better music, a better story and better social aspects than 3.

What's with the hair between her boobs?

Have you ever seen a woman before, you fucking virgin?

Actually, 3 has better music, a better story and better social aspects than 4.

the artist has a pube fetish
you only really see it from japs

Have you? Women generally do not grow hair between their breasts.

Yeah your mom

Idk how else to describe it but to me P4 has the best 'feel'. I just enjoyed the characters and setting. P3 has this edgy early 2000s tone to it and in P5 youve got the whole thieves vibe going on. 4 just felt really lax and comfy, even if there was a killer on the loose for most of it it just didn't feel like they were being tryhards

>so it never reaches 4s level of quality.
I'm sorry, what quality? P4's story is one of its worst parts.

that's fine, I wouldn't mind her dick


Also those smudged markings are japanese tally marks.

Instead of ||̸|| the Japanese use this instead.

Attached: ideo-tally-marks.jpg (1200x200, 22K)

Persona peaked at one and slowly went downhill

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I was about to ask that

I don't think I have to say it but it's how many times Naoto has fucked.

>too much of a virgin to understand the concept of fucking a woman so hard with such a big and wild cock that your pubes are left all over

3 and 2 were the best. 4 and 5 are just friend simulators for autistic neckbeards who have no friends.

Is anything more top tier than women with short hair and huge tits?

Pretty sure there's plenty of non virgins who don't know what having a big dick is like.

Or are there?


>tfw shave your pubes and balls
>silky smooth

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That's an optimistically low number, even if it's just counting the for that day

I bet your bear appreciates that

You’re supposed to imagine that it’s your pubes you fucking retard

I have that excess nutsack skin on the underside of my dick. For the life of me I can't shave that area without nicking something.

Your mom appreciates it because now she can gargle my balls without gagging on pubes tickling the back of her throat.

We're looking at porn you retard. And we're looking at a women with a man's pubes all over her.

how do people shave their balls without making them bleed? everytime i try i scratch my fucking nuts hard and i bleed like hell

And? That's the point, you fucking idiot. The point is to make you imagine how hard she got it.

>he doesn't self insert as the dude
You are legitimately gay.

3's music is much better than 4's, the story is better as far as I've played of the game, hell, there's no way it could possibly be worse than a murder mystery that starts off interesting but quickly falls flat on its face because it has no direction and pulls the "haha fooled you, the real villain was actually this guy!" three fucking times, because the writers were braindead idiots that thought that more plot twists = better story, on top of that they pull bullshit with Nanako's death, making her magically come back to life if you don't avenge her, and then they try to make Adachi the bad guy, but it doesn't fucking work because Namatame is the one that almost killed Nanako, he's the dumbass that put everyone else in danger, Adachi literally didn't do shit, besides encourage Namatame's dumbass for shits and giggles, yet I'm supposed to fucking forgive Namatame and hate Adachi? No, Adachi didn't directly do any of it. Then of course just when everything should be over they decide to pull twist number three, and say god is the villain because they gave us the power to go inside the TV in the first place. No, none of that shit works, that's like telling me to hate the guy who sold the gun instead of the one who was actively pulling the trigger.
Social aspects were equal, in 4 its easier to S.Link with party members and you can actually hang out with the guys, in 3 you have more options for how to spend your day, they even out.

Stray pubic hair is a tag on Pixiv, too.


Or just stray_pubic_hair on gelbooru.

Shave in a hot shower so your nutsack gets all loose and dangly, then pull it tight with one hand and shave with the razor in the other. Dont shave in the water. Lean out of the shower water and lube up with either shaving cream or lotion, and shave away. Only put your balls back under the water to wash off the cream/lotion.

People thick they can just shave under the water, with their nut sack all shrivled up and end up cutting themslves with the razor. They dont realize you let the skin get all lose and pull it tight and then use lotion/cream instead of shower water.

>3's music is much better than 4's
Stopped reading there. No reason to listen to someone with taste this fucking bad.

Yeah right, I'll bet you read the whole fucking thing and can't refute shit for how awful 4's story was, so you had to come up with some other excuse when replying.

Your taste is already shit if you think P4 is good

>Yeah right, I'll bet you read the whole fucking thing
No, neither am I going to read that post fully either.

thanks, ill try that

Fuck off resetera.

Keep telling yourself that.

>hairy shmoo
No thank you

>Pubes from titjobs still wedged in her chest
>Nipples still erect
>Smudges from where the guys were marking up her body with how many times they've fucked her
>unkept pubes peeking up from her waistband
Did I miss anything?

>Naoto is my favorite Persona girl
>this is one of my favorite artists
I'm truly blessed.

The wedding ring

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Nuoh my god

I declare this the BEST Naoto image I've saved

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God I wish that were me


>the stray pubes between her tits
>her own pubes go up to her stomach
why is this so hot

How you can you say it peaked at all before 5, when 5 has generated like 10x as many fucking shitposts like the one you just made? Shut the fuck up, and we might actually believe you when you say was more worth discussion before P5.

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>literally acts like a man against her will so she can keep doing what she loves
>"her desired gender"
This is the future trannys want

>against her will

You must be really new here. We had daily P4 threads for years, long before the whole "do you want emancipation" shit with P5 even started.

P3 fags are literally just blind with nostalgia.
That game isn't that good. Please stop overrating it faggots

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Adachi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> every villain in Persona.
Pretty sad when it's not even a competition.......

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he's just like me, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor

>those big fucking nips

You should see the Ann pic, so big she can hang masks on them.

it's hot

Liking Persona 4 is just admitting you enjoy Diamond is Unbreakable desu senpai

you are blind with shiny graphics and no substance, stay mad

This is literally it.

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who finds this attractive?

god i wish that was me

Those pubes
>Those pubes

I played P3 well after its relevancy and still prefer several aspects of it compared to their later predecessors. Mostly character writing and atmosphere. It was nice to have a group that weren't necessarily friends doing shit because they were the only ones capable, as opposed to every character in p4 tripping over your dick the millisecond you meet them and being very character driven due to how slowly paced P4 is--which can be an issue when you don't really give a shit about people like Yosuke or Yukiko

Degenerate retards who are also into body writing

is there a non pube version?

Holy fuck I love kunaboto


Holy shit that's hot

>Basically you only like because muh edge

It helps no one to be reductive. Also, Adachi is the fucking edgemaster incarnate, so I really don't know why you're using this as some sort of point of contention. Of course it's a gloomy game, the theme of it is about death and rebirth, but that's a breath of fresh air compared to the tired tropes of most JRPG games where everyone is fast friends and there's no inner conflict or turmoil the main characters go through. It would be stupid to say that its gameplay is superior to something like Persona 5, because other than split physical damage types, P5 has more depth and is better balanced overall--so I have to lean on the more narrative based aspects to explain why I like Persona 3. Thankfully, it's an RPG, so that is just as important as the game play.

That all being said: Fuck The Answer, the Answer sucks.

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This is originally Chinese, like many Japanese characters.

That's a really stupid way to do it

>ywn fuck a nasty hairy fat Kunaboto girl
Why is life so cruel?

>ywn be a nasty hairy fat Kunaboto girl
I want to die...

>the dungeon was just too arse for such a long game
But P4 is the same thing, just split up into more different styles. If anything, it's worse for how long each floor can be.

Body hair fags are worse than footfags.

Anyone else get a laugh at just how butthurt and desperate P3 fanboys are to want others to hate 4?

God I can't even imagine how amazing that would be.

I'd rather be a pedo than a pajeet like you.

Where the fuck did you pull that theory from?

P4 dungeons are nowhere close to being trash like Tartarus.

>long as shit hallways
>keys required to advance
>almost unavoidable battles in a lot of cases
They are all utter shit.