If RE Engine is so "well optimized" then how come I can't run DMC5 at 1440p/60 on my 1050 Ti?

If RE Engine is so "well optimized" then how come I can't run DMC5 at 1440p/60 on my 1050 Ti?

But seriously, does the RE Engine run much better on AMD cards? Cause I thought 1440p would be doable on my card when the PS4 Pro runs it at 1800p and has around an RX 470. Are we still waiting for game-ready drivers from Nvidia?

Attached: RE_ENGINE_Logo_png_jpgcopy.jpg (1800x1925, 366K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The 1050ti isnt designed to run 1440p games

Because your CPU is shit and you can't build PCs. Running 1080/

It's optimized because it means it can run games at an acceptable framerate in older hardware if you lower the settings enough

dmc isn't cpu-heavy
you're getting a good framerate because you have a fucking 980

>Why doesn't my budget card run at 1440p 60

Are you serious?

>What is bottlenecking

CPU has nothing to do with resolution though.

poor fucker.

Wow its almost like you have the most budget current gen GPU.

>But seriously, does the RE Engine run much better on AMD cards?
And the PS4 Pro version runs at 1800p checkerboard (interlaced rendering mode in the PC version).

What does Interlaced do really? make things blurrier and run better?

Nobody should expect 60fps 1440p with a 1050ti. I refuse to believe this is isolated RE Engine issue. You're a retard and your thread is retarded.

It's an image reconstruction technique similar to what Ubisoft uses that uses previous frame data to recreate a new image.
Generally speaking, it looks like shit, and this game is no exception.

Only literal retards expect 1440p 60fps with a fucking 1050ti for current gen games.
OP is one of those retards that doesn't do his research.

>DMC5 at 1440p/60 on my 1050 Ti?
What said

Low tier/budget PCfags are as bad as consolefags, and they're holding the whole gaming industry back

I could see you running this game at 1440p60 on an RX 570.
But not a 1050 Ti, why the fuck would you buy a 1050 Ti?
Even on release the RX 470 was a much better value.

I know you're all bullying my 1050Ti, but I think 1440p/60 is realistic for games that run 1080p/60 on the base PS4.

I can run Wolfenstein at 1440p/60 no problem.

Sorry for not having two 2080 Tis, i9 9900k, Z390, 128GB of RAM and a 900P SSD with a 4k 144hz monitor

" I can't run DMC5 at 1440p/60 on my 1050 Ti"

Yeah, weird, when the 1060 is designed to be the 1080p/60fps card, you know, 2 years ago.

Buddy, you bought a shit card.And Console optimization is a whole nother thing, they know exactly what hardware to fiddle the game for.

There is nothing that runs better on AMD cards unless the company was paid to purposely impede performance on nvidia or let AMD write parts of the game engine (Ashes of the Singularity)

>And Console optimization is a whole nother thing
Console optimization has nothing to do with it, RE Engine is very compute heavy and thus heavily prefers AMD/Turing GPUs.
If you don't have a 20xx series GPU (or a 1660 Ti) you're likely going to see lesser performance than the equivalent AMD GPU.
ESPECIALLY if you have a lower-end Nvidia GPU (sub-1070 level).

Babbys first PC?

>RE Engine is very compute heavy and thus heavily prefers AMD/Turing GPUs.

The game does not run faster on AMD. Lol.

>I can run Wolfenstein at 1440p/60 no problem.
The first one? You mean a game that is almost 5 years old now?
Or do you mean the 2nd one? youtube.com/watch?v=7f_3rjjhLk0
Because I know for fucking SURE you can't run the 2nd one at 1440p/60fps. That benchmark vid is for 1080p.

poor faggots like you and console peasants are holding back gaming get out of your mother's basement and buy a proper PC you incel piece of shit

Attached: 1543023867258.png (1000x1000, 350K)

>PS4 Pro
It's interlaced you nimrod.

He literally said "but seriously" right after, indicating that he was not serious before.
How fucking retarded do you have to be ?

>Sorry for not having two 2080 Tis, i9 9900k, Z390, 128GB of RAM and a 900P SSD with a 4k 144hz monitor

Just don't do it again. But you really don't need that much ram. 64gb will suffice for gaming

Much like RE2 and RE7, it does.
Again, if you're running anything below a 1070 the equivalent AMD GPU is going to take a shit on you in RE Engine games.
Hence why an HD 7970 from early 2012 is able to outperform a 780 Ti in REMake 2.

Attached: 1080p_Medium.png (1328x2839, 159K)

You guys don't actually know as much as your think.
1. Console "optimization" is not really a thing. Some games are just poorly optimized on PC, normal games run the same on equivalent PC and console hardware.
2. "1440p/60" is not an objective performance level. If a game runs at 60fps on consoles it's a lot easier to reach that on PC
3. I have a 1050Ti because I have an HTPC with a small PSU.

One the RE engine relies more heavily on GPU than CPU. Two, why the fuck do you think anything over 1080 is ok for that card? You bought the most budget GPU and expect it to run 1440? Step up to a 1070 or don't ask for 1440

>small PSU
i think you misspelled penis

>1050 Ti performs slightly better than a 5 (FIVE) year old R9 270x
Jesus christ.

>If a game runs at 60fps on consoles it's a lot easier to reach that on PC
>normal games run the same on equivalent PC and console hardware.
this is so wrong it's actually insanely funny
you need more expensive hardware than what any console has to reach their performance and visual quality. The famous 750ti = ps4 performance meme doesn't apply anymore, despite the console specs, resolution and performance remaining the same.

>Buying Nvidia in the sub-$300 market
The fuck were you thinking?
The 750 Ti was never equal to a PS4, it was always the 7870 since it's literally the same GPU (although the 7870 is actually weaker since it lacks the ACE units that the PS4 has), and the 7870 still to this day outperforms the PS4.

Attached: 1440.png (500x730, 49K)

>ur 1050 Ti is shit and garbage and can't run games at 1440p lol

>GTA V at max with some Advanced settings on: 30fps
>Arkham Knight on Normal: 30fps
>Wolfenstein TNO on Medium/High: 60fps
>Forza 4 on High: 60fps
>DOOM on Medium/High: 60fps
>Destiny 2 on High: 1080p/60 or 1440p/30

You guys forget that Ultra settings waste fucktons of performance for very little difference. At medium and high settings, I can get around console performance. Considering I have my PC plugged into my TV, that's kind of the point. I'm mainly just wondering if the RE Engine has a major bias for AMD, which apparently it does.

Attached: nerd.png (680x680, 124K)

the 570 is a just much better card than a fucking 1050ti. Its not even on the same ballpark.

well yeah if you play everything on low like that you'll be fine but we're talking about playing the full games

I am running DMC5 with RX580 and older i5-3750k. For some reason I'm not getting the black magic performance, I checked on MSI afterburner that I'm not bottlenecking on CPU. My GPU usage is around 60% and my CPU usage is around 80%.

What did I do wrong? Oh I'm also on Windows 10 LTSB. For comparison, I can play REmake2 at >100 fps, but in DMC5 I only get 75 fps average with dips down to 30fps when things and particle effect get cuhrayzee

>I'm mainly just wondering if the RE Engine has a major bias for AMD, which apparently it does.
Again, that's mainly because it's very compute heavy.
Forza Horizon 4 is also compute heavy and largely prefers AMD/Turing GPUs.
Same with DOOM.

>being ok with 30/60 fps
And no the engine doesn't have an AMD bias. It has a bias towards gpus that are not shit

It does actually have an AMD bias. Or more actually, it is able to get the full performance out of AMD cards so that they perform in line with their GFLOPs vs Nvidia cards.

PS4 doesnt have laces, retard

You okay. bro?

What settings are you even playing on?

>Tfw running the game at 4k60 on a high end GPU from 4 years ago that was originally designed to compete with the GTX 980
Feels good

Attached: DevilMayCry5 (2)_2019_03_08_23_41_23_070.jpg (3840x2160, 1.85M)

What settings?


No, it's just pkeks, any time a PC users attacks other pc users they go after the attackers hardware with a no true scottsman fallacy

Time to return to the glory of console gaming

Pic related.
Kek, consolefags do the same shit nowadays, I see them do it with XboneX/PS4 Pro all the time.

Attached: DevilMayCry5 (2)_2019_03_09_21_31_17_217.jpg (3840x2160, 786K)

my r9 390 still runs it at 60fps at 1080p while streaming it runs great, I am more worried that it can not do cartoony artstyle, I would hate it if SFVI or MVC4 with a realistic art style

Frostbite engine shits all over it graphics wose, good thing pkeks will never touch it AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>good thing pkeks will never touch it
Not anymore, considering all the modern Frostbite games are fucking trash.
Unless you actually think shit like Mass Effect Andromeda, Battlefield V, Fifashit, and Anthem are good games.

found your problem right there bucko

Grow up kid, I rather spend money on something worthwhile

>good thing pkeks will never touch it

>Grow up kid, I rather spend money on something worthwhile
>Not being able to afford a nice PC while getting something worthwhile.

Don't worry man, one day you'll have a grown up job.

remember DMC4's optimization?

>ten years ago, built a Dual Core E2180 pc (not to be confused with Core2Duo, E2180 is complete ASS compared to any Core2Duo chip)
>Paired it with a, at the time, $40 Geforce 7300GT

Performance in Oblivion was pretty ass, I would use the toggle grass (tg) console command to play the game at like 40fps while in outdoor areas, but cities and caves were solid 60fps

Anyways, I vividly remember playing DMC4 on that machine and running through the benchmark. I would average 125FPS with a clusterfuck of enemies on screen.

That shit was great

It runs 1440p/60fps on my 1080ti with all settings maxed.

>work your ass off to buy expensive toy

Attached: 7b1.gif (554x400, 120K)

You should be playing at 4k60 on a 1080 Ti m8.
>work your ass off
What kind of shit job do you work where it takes more than a few week's pay to build a decent gaming PC?

I'm not retarded.

>still have 1440p 144hz monitor, 2600x with 16gb of RAM and a 1070

Dude you're a dumb shit if you think being poor is an excuse.

You're playing at 1440p60 instead of 4k60 when your GPU easily has the power to push it, so yes, you are.
This'd make sense if you were playing at 1440p144 or something.

1080ti can't push 4k 60fps without downgrading the video quality, user.
I would consider downgrading the quality to hit 100+ hz, but the game supports 60hz maximum.

RE Engine games run amazingly well in my potato PC. The only other engines with great visuals that can get anywhere close to its optimization to older hardware are Frostbite and Fox, and they're both owned by literally the worst gaming companies out there.

RE Engine is not CPU-heavy though. Almost all its processing is GPU bound.

You are right. Just wait for a relatives hand me down in 5 years.

>work your ass off to buy expensive toy

Again, one day you'll have a grown up job, and I am not talking about being a McDonald's manager.

>but the game supports 60hz maximum.
The game supports up to 144 Hz at the bare minimum.
And you can easily push 4k60 on a 1080 Ti in this game completely maxed out.

Attached: DevilMayCry5 (2)_2019_03_09_16_27_49_125.jpg (1920x1080, 394K)

And what is your screenshot is supposed to show me, user?

The game supports framerates higher than 60 FPS.

There are better ways to spend money than overpriced pcs kid

Yea, like an overpriced phone.
Or an overpriced TV.
Or an overpriced Mac.
Or some other shitty, overpriced electronic that you don't actually need.

Why not? You can do some high level rendering and get yourself noticed as a graphic designer or 3D modeler. Oh wait. Don't tell me. You're a no-talent wage slave that has no interest in learning skill for the sheer love of learning?

169fps on a fury?

Well, you ain't showing it. Having fps higher than 60 doesn't mean the game actually refreshes at that rate.
That being said, HA FUCKING HA.
I'm retarded as I was playing at 4k60 fps as it figures. It's 4k that doesn't support framerates over 60fps.
Switching to 1440p immediately.

This game runs like magic on my 2080
1440p and 100~165fps on max settings with the denuvo free exe
It's the ONLY recent game I'm able to get such good performance
metro runs like garbage for example I've stopped playing it

>Having fps higher than 60 doesn't mean the game actually refreshes at that rate.
The game has nothing to do with the refresh rate m8, it'll output however many frames you tell it to unless it's hard-locked to a specific framerate.
But yea, no one does 4k at anything higher than 60 Hz without being insanely expensive and/or nuking image/color quality.

Im running an I5 with a 1060 6gb and pulling around 60 frames with no noticeable dips at high settings with some tweaks. Same thing for Resident evil 2 remake. You can pull high settings on low-mid tier cards if you just fuck with the settings for 10 minutes

>poorfags seething and coping

Attached: thumb.jpg (800x450, 36K)

That's because, ironically, western devs are shit at optimization nowadays and can't produce good visuals, good performance, OR any kind of balance.
Seriously, between REMake 2, AC7, and DMC 5 Jap devs are hitting it out of the park thus far in the optimization front.
Especially considering MHW was only a year ago and that game was optimized like hot garbage on every platform.
Makes me wonder how decent Sekiro will be.

Because Japanese and most foreign devs devs aren’t as concerned with making a political statement with every game they make.

>graphics cards are the only factor affecting performance

Attached: 1510830474930.png (645x729, 57K)

Ps4 games run on lower than thr lowest settings on pc. An example is that mrme image where it is showing censorship between consoles and pc. The pc had actual hair, but the ps4 was a ball of blur

Turn off shadow cache

>Ps4 games run on lower than thr lowest settings on pc
That's not generally true.
It's usually a mix of mostly medium and high settings.
Just go and watch any Digital Foundry analisys.

Depends on the game.
If it's a game that runs well on medium-high settings on a low-end GPU (like DMC 5) then chances are it runs at medium-high settings on PS4.
If it's a game that DOESN'T run well on medium-high settings on a low-end GPU (like pic related) then chances are it runs at low or sub-low on PS4.
Just for perspective, pic related is the PS4 Pro version of Ass Creed Origins.

Attached: vrDhWmv.jpg (1920x1080, 795K)

>The game has nothing to do with the refresh rate m8
The game has a dedicated framerate setting, user.


Yea, variable and capped.
Guess which one allows you to run at whatever framerate you want.

>turn on game
>defaults to max settings at 4k
>hitting 60
noice, turned of CA though, fuck that

Attached: 20190308214913_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.72M)

>Most settings on medium with a few on low and a few on high
>STILL has drops below 60
Wew, lower end Nvidia owners really get fucked with this game, huh?

I got a 1050 ti 2 years ago (I think) and had no idea it was a terrible card
should I buy a new one? which one should it be?

>buy rx 570 for a 140 bucks a few months ago
>get both RE2 and DMC5 for free
>both games run flawlessly
based capcom and re engine

user, you're being silly.
Refresh rate and framerate are different things.
Variable framerate generally means your GPU will be rendering as many frames as it can while the game will deal with them as it sees fit.
Meanwhile, the game only allows specific refresh rates. If you want to play on, say, 144Hz, you have to select the 144Hz option or all your extra rendered frames simply won't be showing up.
Hence, saying "I got more fps" says literally nothing as it by no means shows you're having that refresh rate.

I'm also using a 980 and I can run this shit with 60 FPS

git gud

Buy 2070

But the point is that if the game DIDN'T support higher refresh rates it would have no reason to run at higher than 60 FPS, at least in 2019.
If you had a 200 Hz monitor or whatever the current max is I'm sure the game would probably have an option for THAT refresh rate too.

Probably not at 1440p on higher than medium-low settings.

I don't even have a monitor that supports 1440p

Just this 1080p TV that supports 3D

>Ring finger shortest one
>Small bitch hands
Why did they use a woman's hand for the logo?

That point was addressed when I stated I actually fucked up the settings myself.
I'm just saying that showing your FPS counter proves literally nothing, user.

Damn, the 1060 seems like a good value

Not really.
Especially now that the 1660 Ti is out.

It was for a while. Still treats me right for 1080p stuff

It was good value for about 3-4 months, then the RX 580 came out and started being sold at sub-$230 on a regular basis and made it irrelevant.
Even moreso for games like DMC5.
The only excuse for buying a 1060 is if the 580 was much more expensive in your country or if you're brain damaged.

>tfw got a 580 just before the half price sale ended
Soon as my paycheck's in I'm grabbing me DMCV

Attached: 1540528873403.png (900x840, 361K)

My laptop has a 1060, i7 8750H, and a 144 Hz screen. Pretty comfy to play in bed with desu.

>Pretty comfy
I'm pretty sure the spec has literally nothing to do with the laptop being comfortable.

For sure
Wouldnt bother

I love my 6gb though, plays everything this year at high settings with good frames at 1080p