>this will never be you
Xenoblade thread I guess
This will never be you
Other urls found in this thread:
It'll never be Rex either considering Takahashi pussied out and split the girls up at the cost of Mythra's arc and never had either kiss Rex
He pussied out by not having them die, instead coming back without explanation when they were all certain it was goodbye
i'm sorry nia, how about we grab dinner and talk it over
Nia is cute. CUTE!!
delete this
I love you op! And the rest of anons too!!!
Shame Rex will die before he's 20.
the bends is a silent killer
>not having them die
Play the game, death for blades means returning to their core crystals
He only wanted some extra earnings to get that wedding ring, shame really.
>die trying to sexual satisfy Pyra, Mythra, Nia, Kos-Mos, T-Elos and more
At least he died like a chad
everyone in the party are special snowflakes where the rules are unspecified
No this is a well established aspect of the game.
they're the aegis, they're what the other blades were sending their memories to
Right, and?
>got torna a few days ago
>switch conveniently decides to stop upping the resolution in docked mode
>decide to pull through
>torna has a graphical glitch with the textures that i can only describe as "fuzz"
>pic related it's a terrible pic, I know, but it's the only example I have on me
I just want to enjoy the game for the first time in good quality bros, why did it have to be this way
Nia is a Pokemon trainer!
what is it like to fuck Pyra?
Study her doujins.
Who is this guy next to Nia?
It's Dante, don't you follow new releases?
Corvin, aka Literal Kirito clone, aka "shota dante".
Nia, what the hell?
Hello everyone, just making sure that you people are not lewding me and my sister's husband. We wouldnt want something terrible to happen. Right?
finish Kora's affinity chart
you might drop the game once you watch that cringy scene though
Whats the fastest way to finish it?
>Has taste for great girls.
He truly is Dante.
Nvm I just finished it
>Implying you don't enjoy it.
Exactly, Rex is mine and my sister's to lewd!
So why xenoblade 2anaged to get a lasting "fanart production" while ARMS and Octopath Traveler, two games that sold much more then xbc2, didn't?
Current list of Xenoblade 2 samefags
Anti-Xfag/Number 1 Fan
Liquid Eric
Elmafag that likes XC2
Elmafag that doesn't like Xenoblade 2
Pyraposter that never even played the fucking game
Mingeposters (Exact number of them unknown, may overlap with other users)
Redpilled Pyrafag
That one Niafag that won't shut the fuck up
Gearsfag that likes XC2
Gearsfag that hates XC2
Dream guy
Joesph NotAnderson
Lore autist/Perfect Works conspiracy theorist
Anti-XC1fag/Monado:Beginning of the Worldfag
Family Guy poster
Shitposter that plays both sides
Because autistic waifufags don't even play the games, they just care about the girls.
Just search "xenoblade english" in any of the usual sites. Last time i linked directly a doujin I got banned.
Generals go on /vg/.
Best way to do things really
Blades returning to their cores is the same as death to them and anyone in the first place. In the case of pneuma, she took all of her power from the special god core in order to destroy the source of all her powers. The core then was just a piece of glass, and everyone is deeply hurt by the loss. You wonder how will Rex manage to carry out all the responsibility burdened upon him without the aegis' help.
But then she magically revives out of fucking nowhere, and it's both of your wives at the same time so you can stop crying like a little kid. They treat the player as a fucking puppy and revive the girls as a fucking treat for the good job of finishing the game. It's fucking shit from a narrative point of view but I fucking missed Pyra too much at that moment to care.
>switch conveniently decides to stop upping the resolution in docked mode
What you did to cause this?
Switch 1 and X and this is correct.
Fuck you, I hate you fags that want fucking bittersweet/Downer endings. If you want that, there is real life.
Like bags of sand
>If you want that, there is real life
I don't want another TTGL's ending, I am still fucking pissed over it.
Hello average XC2fag, enjoying the fact you killed our series with waifufaggotry?
>Unga bunga me only want happy ending me not want tragedies
I honestly don't know, there's no visible damage on it and I can't recall the last time I dropped it or anything. It just stopped. I've tried everything from changing the settings to getting a whole new dock, nothing worked so I'm convinced it's the switch that's fucked
You did everything but the very first thing you should have done: sending the switch to Nintendo for repairs...unless you are in a country where that option doesn't exist.
>In the case of pneuma, she took all of her power from the special god core in order to destroy the source of all her powers.
What are you talking about? She didn't destroy the source of her powers, the Conduit was already long gone by the end of the fight with Malos.
i'm all for it, get em tiger
>This is what Xeno has been reduced too
I'm putting this in the /qa/ folder.
I wasn't expecting anything about the ending. I was too immersed in the story that Pneuma's loss genuinely struck me. I would have prefered a happy ending but this was not what was intended for the game. Having them return really shits on the buildup and the parting.
Should have seen it coming since azurda became a pokemon instead of dying.
The fuck is this cringeworthy shit?
If you seriously think a cesspoll of shitposting like /qa/ is gonna take you seriously, you are even more retarded of what you already are.
I want that ruler
For humiliation reasons of course
Oh boohoo, what could you possibly have to be so sad about in life?
You're siting here posting anime girls on Yea Forums while pretending your life is shit.
You could be getting beheaded out in the middle east.
So what's the optimal blade team for postgame/NG+?
Well my number 1 fan, the thought of them listening to me triggers you enough to respond each time, so I know it's working.
>love the game
>love the characters
>really enjoy seeing each new titan and awakening new rare blades
>making steady progress on all the side quests I can
>was playing it basically everyday when I first purchased it
>just dropped it immediately at the beginning of Chapter 4
What the fuck is wrong with me bros. I really want to finish playing it, but at the same time, I don’t have the willpower to put it back in and start going again. Hell I even bought Torna’s physical release.
Is this your first time in a waifu gachablade 2 thread? It's nothing but cringey waifufag RP.
Chapter 4 is trash, very understandable.
You probably just burned yourself out.
If you just dropped it, you didn't like it. I guess.
As i saw it, she took all of the information and remaining power from her own core crystal to the station or her physical form or whatever. What i meant was the absolute certain destruction of everything related to her nature. I can't fucking see how she wi-fis herself from the ionosphere back to the glass.
Melia, Dunban and Fiora
You realize the game is shit, but the hivemind brainwashed you into wanting to finish it.
Break free from the NPC curse.
You have seen nothing, the story is 10 fucking chapters. Leave the sidequests for the NG+, go play that shit.
>my sister husband
Wow you're a cuck, cucked by your own sister, how does that make you feel? Even if you're the same person he is still married to your blond part and not cuddling you but her.
That's around the period where I just started to steamroll the story sections so I could get back to the side content. If you have the brand of autism that lets you LIKE Xenoblade in the first place, you have the brand of autism that will let you finish it. I believe in you.
Is there a way to actually read the info pamphlets I’m buying at the stores? I’ve figured out I can combo 3 elements together but not which ones.
>get rad new helmet with master driver form
>never wear it
>still probably full of grandpa shit and fur
For some reason the 'outlines' in Torna are really messy so characters constantly bleed out of them.
Someone has that old drawing with Mythra and Adaam (one that looks like an older Rex)?
Well, yeah. That's what I'm planning to do, it's just that everything I tried to look up was pointing towards it being a dock issue so I figured I would try that first plus I don't really mind having an extra just in case the dock I'm using gets fucked up somehow
I guess you have money to burn, user.
Doesn't make it any less of a copout.
The main issue is that it happens IMMEDIATELY after. It should have happened fucking years after the fact, and the fact that it was both of them is stupid. What is this, Kingdom Hearts? Is Pyra Mythra's Nobody?
But it literally wouldn't be a bittersweet ending because everyone else was so well off. The only "sad" thing would be is the shit about abloobloo muh waifu gone :( and because of how much the story told me to like them, I literally could hardly care.
Why do you assume anything transferred from the core to her physical form?
The way I see it, there was basically a split when she removed it - her current physical form was able to keep existing separately without a core for a short period of time (because that's just how Aegises work - which is still kind of bullshit that they never bothered to properly explain, but they at least established it earlier in the story). All of her data up to that point was still backed up to the crystal, it just went dormant like a normal core crystal does when a blade returns to it, and the Blades Rex awakens at the end are generated from that data.
Your logic is the same people uses to try to justify TTGL's bullshit, fuck off.
Edgefags will edgefag. You can't convince them because they think they're intellectual.
And they get to retain their memory thanks to it being the Aegis' crystal, which records all that data.
TTGL was already shit before its ending. Most overhyped, overrated garbage of all time.
Oh yeah, politics sure are fucking exciting. So is randomly killing off a bunch of characters I think I was supposed to care about?
Update rerelease with more blades, gameplay fixes and story extensions went?
Oi Rex what d'ya mean ya luv me an everyone else
>too emotionally fragile to handle losing fictional cartoon characters
>Ruining Nia with Shit Freak
Fucking Pokebabs
Probably. I can see them losing the memories of everything that happened after they transferred the full core to Rex, though.
For me its mint
Nia deserves a whole harem of cute guys aching to pet her ears
>Thinks a story is automatically better because characters die
who are you quoting?
>Popular things suck
I know the actual reason why they bought back the girls: Marketing. Seriously, it would have been a stupid move to kill off such marketable girls, just look all the fanart they still get to this day.
Instead she's doomed to be third choice next to a psycho blonde bimbo and a mentally inept redhead. Why even live.
Nia will go down as the biggest fucking cuck in videogame history and NOTHING will change that son.
And to be clear, the conduit was the source of Pneuma's god powers but not actually Pneuma herself. Pneuma was an AI raised to interface with the conduit back before Klaus performed the experiment. The conduit being gone just means she cant interface it and bend reality any, not that she can no longer return from her core (which is still her core processor).
That all said, the ending isn't really supposed to fit perfectly into the narrative I think since it wasn't the original intended ending. The original was supposed to be more ambiguous (like Inception, according to Takahashi) with it just ending on the core glowing or something, but he decided that it went a little bit against the entire theme for the game (having an optimistic outlook) for the game to have an inconclusive ending so he just decided to reward the player by straight up bringing them back. He wasn't sure exactly how to do it (whether it should be Pneuma, Pyra, etc) and eventually just decided to go with both.
>thinking boobs would lose over flat when Rex isn't a homo
Pyra and Mythra did die. The blade who was awakened by Addam was annihilated by Aion and is gone forever, and the people living with Rex are just copies with her memories.
Sorry user, but that is Melia. Nobody today consideres Nia a cuck thanks to the extended new game title screen and you can debate all what you want that "is not canon!!!" But the general public will not give a shit about you.
Bigger than Melia?
sorry, here you go
>Have to hear about people shitting themselves over how fucking amazing TTGL is for fucking years
>Finally get around to watching it myself
>It's just alright, not the most perfect thing in the universe and the best thing since sliced bread like I've been lead to believe
>Try and actually voice opinions as to why I don't think it's good
>Have to listen to the triggered crybaby piles of human garbage of a fanbase because they can't handle any amount of criticism
Preferring breasts over unconditional love and Welsh minge
The ironic part is that literally almost every single girl is way fucking better than both Pyra and Mythra combined.
>Rex used to be able to take banter
>Pyra coddles the fuck out of him
>Now he's a fucking wimp that gives up the moment she's not with him
You went into it wanting to hate it, user.
She's just there to push them away like a jelly bitch though...
You guys are right Melia is the bigger cuck. (from last gen)
I literally did not and go fuck yourself for even implying that. I went into it excited to finally get to see what people have been hyping up for years, and it was disappointing. It doesn't help that the existence of that Mary Sue princess Nia with the special snowflake eyes and candy-colored hair fucking ruins it. Oh boy, I sure do love an entire episode dedicated to shitting on Simon while everyone and their mother is talking about how great Nia is.
Holy shit, was this written before the torna expansion? Loads of things are wrong.
I feel like Pneuma introducing herself as the name you chose with no other memories would have been a good balance between happy/sad and player choice kind of mattering. Maybe her also remembering Rex's name for the implication that she will eventually remember everything.
I also would have liked a blank slate Pneuma + Malos ending.
miss me with that shit
TTGL was fucking shit.
What? She pushes rex, not the girls.
Pneuma didn't die, she went to another universe.
As does every tsundere ever in every anime. Always punishing the guy that is happy without her.
>Girl dies, has everything about her erased
>It's balanced because this random new girl has her body!
You know there are two scenes, right?
I said I'd also like an implication that she would eventually remember everything, damn. I just don't like the ketchup and mustard ending.
Where Homura calls her over to hold hands? Seems like a "just friends" scenario desu.
That's a lot of implication to fit into ten seconds, user. Bittersweet endings are dogshit, if you want misery wank go full misery.
Whatever you believe, user.
Honestly I hate it. I wanted Mint to win not this shitty hand holding shit.
So, was the last scene in Mythra's vision in Torna meant to be post-XB2?
What? The last thing she saw was Rex, how is that post xbc2?
She doesn't even have her own personality.
Something like "And you're Rex!" before he can say who he is would be enough to imply that.
I feel like I'd be okay with Mint being split forever if she appeared earlier and had more on-screen internal conflict with Mythra/Pyra. There was kind of a whiplash with the narratives of "lol we're basically the same, do whatever" and "enjoy your two sisterwives (and cat)"
This is getting out of hand.
She was Pyra minus the airhead
Two girls and a pet cat that physically assaults you isn't that bad
Also, following this artist gave me what is maybe the first Astral chain crossover drawing.
Your series was never that good to begin with.
All of the other scenes are from cutscenes involving Pyra and Mythra, and they're shown chronologically.
The last part is completely new (it looks like it's on Azurda's back, but it doesn't match up with any of the cutscenes in chapter 1), and Rex doesn't have the core crystal on his chest. He also turns around and smiles at something, which makes me think he's not supposed to be the only person in the scene and the perspective could be Pyra or Mythra's (since they're present in all of the other parts except for that one).
It could be Mythra seeing a vision of Rex before she meets him in XB2, but why would they bother animating a new scene for that? And why would they place it last?
Based artist. I wish there was more Astral Chain love from fanartists. Hopefully its inevitable E3 showing will rocket it in popularity.
I hope it gets it's own direct.
St. David’s Day was last week you silly cat.
please never post this image again
Just for that now I will always post it.
I too would like to kiss Rex.
And have tits.
What is this?
I'm at Uraya(sp?) and having fun so far, any of the DLC's worth having for a first playthrough or is it just Torna as a separate campaign?
The DLC gives you a lot of items that will help you on a first playthrough (for example it gives you a good amount of ether crystals for poppi so you can upgrade her without playing the minigame, it gives you some legendary core crystals too which means you'll have a better chance at getting the rare blades). There's also a few quests and extra blades you can get too
The DLC gives Crossette, one of the cutest girls and the best ball type blade.
She's an annoying lesbian.
Even better! Although this part confuses me, rare blades appear after a common core has been refined many times and that can take some lifetimes, Pyra didn't become active until recently in the game timeline so it doesn't make sense for a rare blade with a default "Pyra Senpai!!!" Character trait to already exists.
Also, this detail is missing on the dub, in her japanese awakening scene she literally says "homura senpai" in her first lines.
So she's non-canon. I really don't get yuricucks and their need to shoehorn this shit, I imagine the artist was the main one behind it.
Technically ALL the non story related rare blades are "non-canon" until the next game incorporates them to the story. But this way of thinking is boring and only a killjoy will have it.
The ending was a total fucking copout but there's room for a silly "happily ever after" ending once in a while.
Which is why it's easier to think of the DLC blades only as non-canon. An opinion that only really has value because of Crossette and her shit.
I said ALL the non story related rare blades. Either accept or deny them all, not just the ones you like/don't like, you piece of shit.
>Either accept or deny them all
Yeah, deny all DLC blades. Or do you know a way to justify a Blade coming out with memories/love for a specific person she'd have absolutely no way to have had interacted with?
Her Pyra obsession is a new trait she's just gaining during this resonation. It's not that complicated.
There's no way for her to come out even knowing what a Pyra is.
This is how I feel about the ending. It's a total copout but even the writer said it was just meant to be a feel good ending for the player. It's a lighthearted ending for a light hearted game
It's a particularly stupid example with her love of Pyra specifically, but the logic is kind of wonky throughout. Even with the stagnation of technology, for example, how does Newt retain specific otaku-level knowledge of Ardanian military vehicles?
She got the knowledge of Pyra the same way Malos got Amalthus's hatred and Haze got Lora's appearance.
It's pretty reasonable to assume that all of Crossette's potential drivers have some amount of respect for Pyra. For whatever reason, she picks up on that during resonation, and amplifies it a shitton (maybe due to whatever pre-existing personality she has from her previous drivers, who knows). It's silly, sure, but it's not that crazy.
But the point is that no one should have any respect for pyra because they shouldn't know she exists
Why wouldn't Rex, Nia, Morag and Zeke know that Pyra exists?
But where her automatic dislike for Mythra comes from then? Rex is out pf question as her "canon driver" just for that.
Oh I see what you're saying. Yeah I agree with you, even though that's kinda shaky reasoning but it's the only way her obsession makes sense
Octo path didn't sell better than XB2 thou
You can resonate with Crossette before Mythra's introduced in the story, and she doesn't mention her in the initial resonation scene. It's probably not an automatic hatred of her, just the opinion Crossette formed from her own interactions with Mythra.
What? It made a million much faster so i assume that by now it passed xbc2 current 1.5 million.
I guess that makes sense, Mythra is such contrast from Pyra that a fangirl like Crossette would automatically hate her.
How the fuck do you guys enjoy this game.
I tried xblade one on the 3ds n the combat was so shit i dropped it after 30 min.
I am genuinely curious.
Octo was just confirmed to sell 1.5 mil just a couple days ago. Most people expect XC2 to be sitting at around 1.7 mil now. It definitely hasn't outsold XC2 yet
I find the combat to be pretty fun
that's probably a big part of it
I lasted much longer than 30 minutes but ended up dropping 1 as well. 2's combat was much improved, imo.
>so i assume that by now it passed xbc2
You assume wrong
Yeah I think it's the combat for me too. I think it's probably a love it or hate it thing
Well, i researched and you are right.
By September 2018 xenoblade 2 have sold 1.53 million.
Octopath traveler was reported to have sold 1.5 million by January 2019.
Yeah, is safe to assume that Xbc2 has sold more than Octopath in the end.
Then those faggots shitposting...lose?
I'll just say this. When this thread started there were 2 other XC2 threads shitting on it (one making fun of the Mythra sleepwalking scene and one similar to the other threads the other day talking about the changes made between XC1 and XC2 like >no compass >no armor) those threads died and CONVENIENTLY around the same time this thread, which was comfy and just had people talking about the game, had a couple posters shit posting about XC2. Fast forward an hour or so and there are no more people shitting on XC2. Very interesting
It's fun the irrelevant little hatebases some games get on Yea Forums that are fueled by probably less than a dozen people who just can't get over it.
What stat gets tied to auto attack damage in XC2?
Jin did nothing wrong
I dont even read the comments im xenoblade threads anymore I just save all the pictures
He absolutely did.
Yes he did, he was so consumed by hatred that did everything Lora wouldn't have wanted.
Octopath had a faster start but fell off faster.
Am I the only one who thinks that there was supposed to be some kind of subplot with Jin trying to revive Lora that got scrapped later in development?
I think it's the atk stat of the blade
Jin trying to bring Lora back wouldn't make sense with Torna's plans at all. She'd just die again when they destroyed everything.
How did you figure that?
I just took it more as a sign that Jin was obsessed and not thinking rationally
I find that hard to believe.
Exactly this.
He didnt want solutions, he wanted to be mad!
He changed his mind by the end but opposed the party because he wanted to be proven wrong
Well, he did want a kind of solution. That solution just happened to be 'kill everything'.
I want to marry Nia
fiora need more art desu
Jin was so platinum mad even Malos was a little weirded out. He then decided he and Jin were BFFs.
I can believe that Octopath fell off faster though. It hasn't really gotten a great reception. Meanwhile XC2 had got a good reception overall, Torna, and lots of fanart and merch
>Fall in love/form a bromance with the man whose waifu you inaverdently killed
Maybe is the lack of actual interactions between the main characters, that killed off the fanmade stuff interest.
Does anyone know the name of the Xenoblade chronicles 2 tune that plays during the one-eyed monstar cut-scene?
Technically Amalthus killed Lora. Since they both hate Amalthus it works out I guess.
>tfw no suffering homicidal widow BF
I think there might be a couple of songs that play in that cutscene, but the one you're thinking of is probably 'Eye of Shining Justice'.
As someone who was hyped as fuck for Octopath and let XC2 pass him by until halfway into 2018, this. Octopath lacked that great feeling of going on an adventure and meeting new people and forming a team full of fun relationships and interactions.
I picked up XC2 just for this reason hoping for the rest and wasn't disappointed. I loved all the characters and how much they liked each other. Everyone by the end of the game seemed to genuinely have each other's back.
Your pic makes me remember my wish for a blazing sword remake where, if you don't marry her with anyone, Lyn ends up with avatar tactician (regarless of the gender).
Malos doesn't seem to push the blame entirely onto Amalthus, though. He's aware of his role in fucking up Jin's life, and that's why he's focused on achieving Jin's goals, not his own.
Every word that erupts out of this cunts mouth makes Malos seems like a dickhead. Why does everybody like him so much, is his voice acting that good? I like his design but his nonstop cunty attitude pisses me off. He never lets up. Jin stabs people in the back and follows Malos' darkness while trying to play the sad front towards the end. They look awesome but I fucking hate these dudes. Does hating a villain make them a good villain? That's what my father used to say about bad guys in movies.
THANK you. So good. So catchy.
Malos for the first 90% of the game is "That guy you love to hate". Then at the very end he becomes "That guy who got fucked over by life".
I like him because he's a dick, but he's a dick who genuinely gives a shit about his friends.
I figured he's a constant douche bag because he is the purple core crystal (darkness) Aegis, as opposed to Mythra's green core crystal (light) Aegis. Nia mentions that hate and destruction come as normal to Malos as breathing, it's all he knows. That is sorta badass not gonna lie. Almost finished beating the game at this point. climbing the World Tree.
Oh you haven't even beaten the game. Get the fuck out of here Jesus Christ.
Malos pulled the short straw in life, became a villain, got his ass kicked, and then discovered the power of friendship and decided to fuck up the world for the sake of his friends.
It's a very touching story arc.
lmao yeah get out of this thread NOW
Malos' backstory isn't as clear cut as Nia's line makes it seem
Was Nia his friend? When she was in a group with him. He seemed to brush her off pretty quickly but who knows how close they were in terms of friendship.
She already gives you the "I'll be waiting for you" speech though.
Ok I'll go! I didn't think Malos would change so drastically at this point so far into the game. Keep up the nice threads
It's all fujos.
He doesn't change but I will say he's not evil JUST for the sake of it like nia was saying. There's a reason
Nia didn't seem to like any of them except Jin.
I want something more definitive, dammit. All her later appearences suggest she was in love with the tactician.
To be fair we don't see Nia interact with Malos that much before she betrays torna. And given what she says she wasn't there for very long. They may not have been friends but he might not have known her that long.
You'll love to hate Malos because despite his backstory he's actually supremely shit at his job and it's great to see him fail. Jin is the bland Mary Sue edgelord who can't die until the moment it would conveniently make another Villain stronger (So guess what you have to do)
Also Rex is a fucking weenie and I hope Nia gave Jin a brain tumor for his trouble.
they made her make sandwiches and she did not appreciate it
>Seen him fail.
Except at the end he wanted tp be killed and got his wish.
She was the newbie in Torna and didn't even know the basics of their plans, so I think she wasn't close to any of them.
He bullies her a bit, but that's it. That could be seen as somewhat friendly, but he isn't nearly as understanding when she hesitates to kill the salvagers as he is later on when Mikhail starts doubting Torna's entire plan, so I don't imagine he likes her much.
why the fuck are there so many amalthusfag artists
I don't like it one bit
>55 IPs
>over 200 posts
This is why these threads need to go to /vg/.
Dunno, but in that artist case she is just into NTR. Just not with Jin and lora.
Dude calm down. We like the game and we prefer Yea Forums
This is the exact issue.
Added Doujin cover poster to the samefag list.
I've seen much worse ratios
Give it a rest this thread has almost died a couple times and it's late just give it a bit and it'll be gone
>Hi I'm new what do you mean people post more than once in a thread!?
This kind of IP counting shit has never made any amount of sense. I can only imagine it's from newfags who have no idea how the site works.
the doujin cover poster isn't a samefag. I know I've posted it before. It's just a meme
I swear that as long as I live and breathe, I'll do everything in my power to make sure every singe one of you fucks is forced to post in /vg/.
>the doujin cover poster isn't a samefag
Doesn't matter, someone had to have done it a bunch of times for there to be imitators.
It won't happen
if threads like are allowed every single night when fighting games already have an active general they won't kick xeno threads
but you're certainly welcome to try
They already deleted 6 Xeno threads in my 1.5 years of posting, I know at least two mods are on my side.
That's more than enough for me to have some leg to stand on.
if it's not the same person every time you can't say it's the same posters every thread
>XC2fags are THIS new
Again, it doesn't matter, in other for someone to imitate him, he had to have done it multiple times, so at least on person samefagged, I don't even care if he doesn't do it anymore.
Redpilled Pyraposter has posted in a long time, and I still added him to the list.
So your list is literally just 'people who have posted in a Xenoblade thread more than once'?
wow 6 threads in 1.5 years of dedicated shitposting every day. That sure is some accomplishment.
But like i said keep trying if you want to. I honestly hope you end up getting them banned so i'll never have to deal with you ever again
>shitposters return
>Morons reply to them
You idiots.
>deleted 6 Xeno threads in my 1.5 years of posting
I'm trying to find out more info on the 30-50 posters that show up each of these threads.
If I can prove it's only them, that would give me serious ammo in my case against these threads.
Thank you for your support my number 1 fan, I'm glad we could agree on something.
Why not try to police any of the numerous non-vidya threads that pollute Yea Forums? Why do you fags on shit up threads by doing this?
The "one word reply to stealthily bump the thread"
A favorite of mine.
Because those threads have nothing to do with my mission.
And I'm not "you fags" I'm literally the only one who understands the sins of these threads, nobody ever sides with me, they think I'm crazy.
Imagine being so autistic that you dedicate your life to a shitpost mission on Yea Forums against a game you dislike.
>1.5 years of posting
>6 threads deleted
I'm pretty sure even I've helped more Xeno threads get deleted than that, and I actually like the games.
Just started playing and I really want to know how the fuck did you people put up with this? I'm ready to throw my switch.
>can't even play the game without a tutorial in my face
>fighting low levels in gormott
>gets bitch slapped by some level 80 something unga bunga out of nowhere
>can't even run away without getting one shotted
>these entire battle quotes
>MEH MEH MEEEEEEH and Poppi cringe every second in battle
>escape from titan battleship
>literally went out the way I came from
>I have to go back into the titan battle ship to escape from the titan battle ship just to fight some bitch, her bitch, and titty blade #3
>go and find umon
>compass and map is fucking trash
>once again have to dodge and weave higher levels like a bitch only to get caught and can't escape because everything can kill by targeting and hitting the fucking air
>gets diamond and tree shit
>haha, dude, the titan ran away, you gotta find it and feed it
Oh my fucking god.
1.5 years isn't a long time for me at all.
You have to have a strong will and play the game for years upon years, even if it takes me 10 years, I will accomplish my mission, time flew by so fast for me, I can't remember anything of note that happen in that 1.5 year span of time.
If you have that will, you can outlast all the weak minded ones, and do anything you set your mind to.
Most threads that get the “move to /vg/“ posts don’t have constant back to back threads, and I see this in threads of differing series. Why the fuck can’t you just let people talk about what they like, how much of a pathetic fuck are you that you have to bitch and moan about this kind of shit? Anyways last response because this is incredibly off topic.
you can turn off the battle quotes (it's 'game voice' in the sound menu). and the level 80 monsters waiting around to fuck up your shit are just a part of the ~xenoblade experience~ at this point
you're right about the rest of that shit though.
I don't care about other series, I'm not the people you think I am, I'm the only one that wants Xenoblade 2 threads moved to /vg/.
>Hates Poppi
You know what, I can respect that. I apologize, I was talking about the move to /vg/ posts I see all over the place in general. I will admit there are a large amount of XB2 threads on Yea Forums.
Most people who play RPGs aren't that hostile to some early fetchquests, is one thing.
>I can respect that
You should really have better judgement than to respect this kind of nonsense.
You are a wise man, unlike the ocean of sheep that flock through these threads.
Thank you, I will continue my mission, I am grateful there's still smart people like you left on Yea Forums.
It’s 4 am here and it is making sense to me. Maybe it’s a sign I should go to sleep.
The first game was dubbed by the European branch because NOA actively refused to touch it for some absurd and unknown reason. So now it's tradition.
Just remember that he is literally talking about spending 1.5 years of his life doing little else but shitposting in these threads and actively treating it like a holy mission. That's the behavior of someone with a mental illness.
Correction, it is the behavior of a king.
>Marry a big titty anime girl who can cook
Hell yes.
A story is better when actions have meaningful consequences. Pyra sacrificed herself to save the others/the world. All the meaning is removed from her sacrificing herself if she also gets to live afterward by author fiat. I mean, if you're just going to do that, why have her sacrifice herself at all?
Don't even try and argue, it's the same old shit every time, you'll just get called an edgelord or shitposter.
I remember feeling a lot of your pain user. The more you stick with the game the better it gets. If it isn't for you then that's fair too
A whole different planet.
Tantal, but only before chapter 9.
that mental illness isn't worth a (you)
What are you talking about?
Based mods finally doing something about Xfag.
Adding locationfag to the samefag list
>Around level 50
>Decide to try the challenge battles
>Getting absolutely shit on with even the easiest normal battle
I feel like I've been bumbling through combat in this game and this seems to confirm it. Every fight starts with all the enemies immediately aggroing Rex and murking him in seconds, before I can even get a couple of arts off. Even if I'm using a tank blade. What the hell am I doing wrong? I've got the best chips/accessories/aux cores available and I'm above the level limit for the fights.
Yeah, I'm glad xfag was finally banned.
>Japanese humor
almost as off in the head as Eric
There's an accessory that lets you start combat with aggro you can throw on your tank (or play the tank yourself). By the time I got around to doing the challenge stuff I "knew" how to play so I don't have much to offer for better advice.
Eric doesn't post in these threads anymore, it's just Liquid Eric.
Any lore on xfag and liquideric?
>I'm above the level limit for the fights.
Oh also they scale you down to the level listed. It's not a limit so much as it is a requirement.
This about sums it up.
Liquid Eric is a wannabe Eric that posts the Japanese humor webm, but doesn't actually act like him.
As for Xfag, nice to meet you.
>Even if I'm using a tank blade.
There's your problem. Most tank blades are terrible in challenge mode. The only tanks that might be useful there are Corvin and Shulk.
Lao did nothing wrong
He did, he was in a wiiU game.
>That ending
>That ending
someone motivate me to read the artbook
>asks artists to make guest designs
>they all make titty blades because they weren't given any further input
>the main characters already have titty blades that are stronger, more prominent and guaranteed to be seen by all players
>gacha means you might not even be able to get the blade you want while there's still content to clear with them
gacha is gay and dumb but the guest designs are also poorly thought out
It's comfy to flip through
>are also poorly thought out
A lot of this game was poorly thought out.
This is now a Dickson thread, post Dickson.
Can i get into the Xenoblade series if i only get the Switch? I think the first one released on Wii U only.
This is my only Dick pic, sorry.
Answer pls
>gramps sleeping in the salvager helmet after mentioning how uncomfy it can get
Yes. XC2 is a perfectly valid starting point. You can always emulate the first game sometime.
I'm feeling it again
The first one is on Wii actually, emulate it, or get the 3DS version first.
Make sure you look up what kind of game XC2 is before you get it if you want to try it, it's very love it or hate it.
Do you want to kiss Rex so badly? That's pretty gay.
>Yes. XC2 is a perfectly valid starting point
Except they didn't kiss because this game was pussy shit unlike the first one.
You have to post fanart to try and make your story seem like it was better than it actually was.
Anyone got the "I could go for a hot cup of Dicks" screencap?
>forgetting subfag
>forgetting Rexfag #2
>forgetting anti-Rexfag
>forgetting 'sposter
>forgetting weeb Niafag
>forgetting cutegirlfag
>forgetting fakeposter
Still enjoyable
why are the torna versions of these themes so much better than the originals
I don't have the full screencap on hand, is this good enough?
I feel like the biggest pitfall of starting with XC2 is that the combat is the most polished and going back to the older games might feel like a chore.
>forgetting subfag
>Rexfag #2
Not sure if he's different from the first Rexfag.
Don't know who this is.
>weeb Niafag
Which Niafag is this? There's a lot.
Perfect! Cheers
that's all you're getting from me, do your own research fag
if you still want the full version, here it is.
I started a new playthrough in Japanese. I generally like the voices better, but it really bugs me that they haven't subtitled the field/battle banter.
>that's all you're getting from me, do your own research fag
Why even bother to reply if you're not gonna help me out?
even without it being subbed it still sounds better
even the announcer in the english version sounds like a bored piece of shit
I can't believe there are people on this board who actually like the fucking awful dub
it would be comfy if it wasn't so big while also having a lot of double page spreads get ruined by the binding so you have to nearly rip it in half to actually see the art
and what the fuck were they thinking with the double mini slip cover that shit is annoying beyond belief
Because majority of them never played a JPRG before.
because it's fun.
you should know this.
I didn't think it was THAT bad. Yeah, it was objectively mediocre but I really liked the Brit accents.
I'm playing through Xenoblade 1 and it's a little bit better. Howden really nailed it as Shulk
While a lot of voices weren't great, Nia and Malos are fantastic, and Morag does a pretty good job too. It has charm.
lmao what the fuck
Is X emulatable or should I just play it on the Wii U?
Yeah, but can you at least give me a few hints?
I might now who those people are if you give me more than a vague name to go on.
Morag's great, but it annoys me that she doesn't even try to sound like a man, which is part her character. The Japanese voice actor does it well
It makes pretty heavy use of the gamepad so you should probably play it on the wiiu if you have one. The game is deeply flawed in a lot of ways but I still had a great time with it.
>The game is deeply flawed
How so?
fuck off back to pontypandy
>story has a lot of problems and is overall unfinished
>huge, major plot points just left unexplained
>most characters get almost no development outset of their character quests, which vary wildly in quality
The gameplay is fantastic but the story has serious issues. A sequel would presumably fix a lot of those problems, but who knows if that's ever happening.
but all of them are equally great if not better in jap
hell everyone sucks english malos's dick because he actually emotes but even when jap malos is just casually talking he still sounds like a scary, powerful motherfucker
also I wouldn't call english nia fantastic when all she has going for her is a "unique" accent, she sounds nothing like how the character looks or emotes at all
I don't get the argument that voice acting can just be mediocre and that's good enough
especially with something over the top like a jrpg if even one person is off on something it completely pulls me out of the game on a level nothing else can, and this game was a fucking mess throughout dubbing wise
voice acting can't be anything less than great otherwise it fails at the one thing it exists for in the first place and when the original audio is officially available so easily I cannot fathom the logic for not using it
>story has a lot of problems and is overall unfinished
Story wasn't the main focus
>huge, major plot points just left unexplained
Setting up for a sequel, or not meant to be understood.
>most characters get almost no development outset of their character quests, which vary wildly in quality
You must hate Persona then.
I do agree with you that it's not that great, but it didn't pull me out of the experience like it might've done to you. It's easier for me to relate to the characters that speak a language that I can fluently understand.
Like I said, I started a playthrough in Japanese it it is of much higher quality, no doubt. I wish I understood the language better so I wouldn't miss out on those unsubbed parts.
I relate to characters that actually sound believable and match what they're doing no matter the language
the dub doesn't even try to match the mouth flaps when the fully animated cutscenes happen and that alone would make me write it off even if everything else about it wasn't also bad
Some people can overlook the lip syncing and get the gist of the scene that the developer was trying to create. Subbed probably would sound better than Dubbed but I can't bring myself to do it for a video game. Anime it would be no question. I could try Subs for NG+
what the fuck i don't remember boze's armor set looking like it came out of an N64 game
British accent? Sounds very japanese to me
I don't wanna be hispanic
I want to FUCK Linada!
>Vanea's metal pasties
delicious robotitty
I wish we'd get a Xenoblade 1 remake with the updated art style from 2. Shulk looks fucking great in XB2.
We'll probably get a Xenosaga remaster, but I'd be fine with that.
>Shulk looks fucking great in XB2.
>not a Xenogears remaster with an actual disc 2
pyra and mythra are really hot dude
>Responding to a post that was made yesterday
>minji desu
but why
video games are no different than anime
Thumbnail looked like Pneuma kissing Tracer.
It hurts
Everyone left the gen- I mean the thread, try again tomorrow.
Thank goodness, that was a bad Xenoblade.
>posting reddit shit that was never ever posted here
I just finished 2 without having played any of the others. Someone explain the ending to me because half of it didn't make sense and I'm assuming tied into the previous games.
Congrats, you just spoiled the entire main plot of xenoblade 1 for yourself. Go play xenoblade 1
>tfw no suffering homicidal widow BF
They're gonna do this for every antagonist going forward aren't they
>leaving out big daddy himself
can we just admit that the ending was dogshit pandering and the setup of pneuma sacrificing herself didn't deserve 15 minutes of screen time + buildup if it didnt actually amount to anything?
How can a fetish be reddit
Another example of why these threads should go to /vg/.
The XC2DF won't admit shit.
no hes genuinely boring, compare malos to metal face and you'll see what i mean. you love to hate metal face, you hate to see malos on screen because that means you know the next scene is gonna be full of edgy anime noises.
Focus... FOCUS!
>can we just admit that the ending was dogshit pandering
Saying it over and over without an argument is pointless no one will be swayed with such shitposting
Ban evading is against the rules Andrew.
Good thing I wasn't banned.
>Opinion I don't like is shitposting
Stop doing this, XC2fags.
Dude I'm just saying not having an argument is poor form and guys like you crying about it doesn't help
What are your dreams for Xenoblade X-2 guys?
>You're not there
it reads like it was written by someone who has never spoken to another human being in their entire life
Why is Fiora so good? I've seen her abilities, I know what she does, but what is it about her that's better than the fucking Aegis and KOS-MOS?
Hmm, I wonder why that is?
pretty sure she has a multihit crit stacking ability that can be literally spammed forever
Just do more with the setting.
>quests where the payoff is explaining some of the stuff about Mira instead of throwing more mysteries into the pile
>areas that help flesh out what kind of place Mira is (ie ruins of a previous civilization you can uncover relics and artefacts in, battlegrounds, etc that can get touched on in story or sidequests)
>alien party members, preferably multiple of each species so you can explore different aspects of each race and flesh them out
(ie what is an older member of the species like in terms of values/attitudes? a younger member?)
I don't need a chunkier main story, story to me is just an excuse to run around these nice areas. Leave the linear storytelling to the numbered games, let X do something else.
>Set hundred or thousands of years in the future
>biological human warring kingdoms wage war with each other under the subtle control of New Jerusalem
>church division/union called Reclaimers/Testament deals with skell distribution/repair
>Elma / Lifehold are the final boss
What's the rush?
Page 10, also i literally just woke up.
Xenoblade X2 when?
3 years, at the earliest. New IP comes first.
Sorry but this thread is dead as fuck, stop bumping it.
No. The new IP is another Tetsuya lie like Xenoblade 2 is not related to 1.
He never lied, stop pretending he's some 5D chessmaster like Kojima.
Fuck you, I do what I want.
Is finally done.
No give me Elma
I want their new fantasy game to be medieval mechs thats-totally-not-revealed-to-be-Xeno-related-3/4-into-the-game as much as the next guy, but that's not gonna happen, user
Are you Elmafag that likes XC2 or the one that hates it?
Xenoblade mechas in SRW when?
>I want the same old boring shit instead of something unique
You're the reason this series will never evolve.
>Tetsuya revives the Xeno brand and interest to a new height with Xenoblade 2
>abandons for a new RPG
But why
1) Xenoblade 2 is great
2) There are many, MANY elma-anons
She looks like Kirby Adeliene and I really like that.
This but unironically.
>Cute and fierce
>Thick thighs
Holy fuck it's perfect.
>Replying to a 9 hours old post.
But why?
Desperately trying to keep the dying thread alive.
she cute
She deserves more art.
I want more Elma
>it only gets worse
>Several other anons are posting while we talk.
>"Keep a dying thread alive"
Can you be more pathetic?
>this series will never evolve
Is this nigga serious? Gears couldn't be any more different than Saga, and Blade. And even in the Xenoblade series, the 3 games are different.
And even if I wanted something else, there are many other devs to go to. I'll take my action games from Platinum, or Capcom, or some shit. Monolith's attempts to do genre other than jRPG didn't turn that well. Not saying I didn't like Disaster Day of Crisis to some extent, but it wasn't a very good game. I'd rather have Monolith do jRPG like they do. Each jRPG they do are different enough anyway. Plus there are huge flaw in every entry, they should learn to fix them first.
Stay for Elma user
She has more story for you
Based Negresco (yeah, that is the artist name).
God I love his KOS-MOS
>All this fanart or Amalthus doing mundane stuff.
I don't get it, people really like assholes with shitty childhoods?
>my monado status: BUSTER
For years he was literally the only person keeping she and T-ELOS relevant.
People like XC2's characters. That's all there is.
Xenoblade 2 has some good characters
You know, by how much he likes robotic girls and futurist themes I am surprised he didn't jump into xenoblade X. Seems more close to his tastes than xbc2...yet he jumped into the latter instead.
There really isn't a divisive character like Tatsu in Xenoblade 2
But that is a xenoblade X character, not from 2.
Xenoblade 2 has KOS-MOS
She is both
Xenoblade 2 literally has his waifu, KOS-MOS, plus a new robot girl with multiforms: Poppi.
I read somewhere that the way Elma acts in Xenoblade 2 is how she originally acted in X but the localization literally changed her personality in the west release, is true?
Negresco has good taste in girls. As such, it's not surprising he also has good taste in games Sorry, I had to shitpost a bit, even though I like XCX
That's what I heard too, we need some Nihongo anons to find out
Next Vandamu?
I still don't get how the xenoblade 1's one survived that fall.
Why was XC2 so soulless?
It's probably one of the most soulful rpg in years though. You can feel the team having fun making it.
Seeing these edits reminds me of how much I miss Okahi.
Crossette is cute, friendly, and approachable. The "annoying lesbian" you're referring to is Sheba.
I really like her design.
Takahashi certainly didn't want to make it.
I am disappointed that they didn't make Aion do the "gunbuster's pose", though.
Except he did. And he wants to make XC3 and XCX2.
Nice projection fag
Well, we totally had this at least, and my inner /m/fag creamed his pants
It's a combination of two of his most hated things, JRPGs, and Mobage shit.
He did it just a quick cashgrab to fund his next project, and nothing more.
Idiot, ignore the obvious falseflagger.
>A common pose is an /m/ reference
Yeah, sure.
This is JoJo tier autism.
>He said something I didn't like, so he must be falseflagging
I like how his posts are exactly 1 minute apart
Is true.
Did this game really look like xenoblade x2 for you? I shocked at the amount of people that thought it was and didn't realized the truth until they saw Kamiya's name.
For the first few seconds I was confused as fuck and X was the first game that came to mind.
Why you don't upload individual x's fanart instead?
>Did this game really look like xenoblade x2 for you?
Definitely in the back of my mind during the summoning of the demon guy
Like maybe the new creatures were X's Blades
I did, but I slowly realized it looked too good to be a Xeno game.
Xfags can't use their brain, what else is new
From the very first second, people should've known it wasn't a Monolith game, as it's fucking futuristic, and not the fantasy game Monolith is working on and that will be revealed first.
A lot was lost from /xbxg/
>Demon guy
Both the stands and enemies look more like Warframes.
One of X's quirks was the variety in artists for different aspects, it wouldn't shock me if they have more unique artists for Xenoblade X2
>but all of them are equally great if not better in jap
Gonna have to disagree. Several of the jap VAs have really fucking annoying accents and most of them over emote to boot.
There's some dogshit VAs in English too but it's less generally grating to my ears.
>Several of the jap VAs have really fucking annoying accents
Which ones?
I remember being more shocked over the literal stands to make a connection with X.
Xenoblade warriors roster
>All xbc1 playable Characters
>All xbc2 playable Characters
>KOS-MOS and T-ELOS (the RE ones).
>15 of the most popular xbc2's rare blades.
>Ai Nonaka
Her acting was perfect. The cast for XC2 was top notch. I just wish Aoi Yuuki and Chiwa Saito were part of the main cast instead of just Blades
Day 1 buy
It'll probably be FE Warriors tier pandering trash.
I was expecting getting hate for just putting Elma for X.
I'm enjoying all this art of Pneuma that's coming out thanks to the artbook, minty Aegis is a great design.
X gets left out of everything, we're used to it by now.
What? How? Xenoblade only has three games while FE has loads. HW also only tool three games (at first) but because three of those appear in almost all the zeldas people didn't went nuclear like they did with FE (plus the DLC fixed the variety anyway, while FEW's dlc didn't fix a shit).
>Xenoblade X characters
>no Skells
Nah, Elma is fine
FE Warriors was shit because they all play the same. Hyrule Warriors was great because the gameplay was fun and different for each characters, and you just know the guys making it were Zelda fans, it showed. As far as a Xeno Warriors is concerned, gameplay-wise we're already covered. All it needs is a team that loves Xeno like the team that did Hyrule Warriors.
XC3 and X2 will likely be out by the time a Xeno Warriors game comes out.
*Three of those CHARACTERS (Link, Zelda and Ganondorf).
I know it'd never happen but I'd kill for some Xenogears characters in there. Doesn't even have to be everyone, just Fei and Elly would do.
Speaking of which, I find funny how HW had literal clones but none of them have clone gameplay, unlike FEW.
You would have to fight Square Enix for it.
>I know it'd never happen but I'd kill for some Xenogears characters in there
And nothing of value was lost :)
Why square enix holds an IP they don't use so much?
Because I put her alone. Is true then? Besides Elma everyone else in X is pretty forgettable?
I'm guessing because the game was made by Square employees with Square money?
>become chuuni
>number of belts decreases
>Besides Elma everyone else in X is pretty forgettable
But they don't allow any collaboration.
Hate the fucker but Tatsu is the second most popular character in X. Other good X representatives would be Lin, Nagi, and the Thundercats.
>Asian party member takes out a Katana and teleports behind people while dumb gaijin soldiers stick with knifes and guns
It's the little things.
Well we don't know that, we just know they do very little with their old IPs, they had some recent concerts for Xeno though
Fuckers at Square only remembered Xenogear's anniversary because Xenoblade is popular.
>no Laos
>no elf gf
>Bump Limit
Well, despite some shitposters, falseflaggers and derail attacks, in the end this was a good thread. Happy elf goodbre for everyone (except the shitposters).
>no Eleonora gf
I really liked Hope
Reminder that Crossette could have been Kagerou.
>edgekeks btfo once again
When will you middle schoolers learn?
Happy goodbye to you to
Crossette is 2cute4 this world