Why wasn't this scene removed after "leaving neverland"?

why wasn't this scene removed after "leaving neverland"?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because Japs are based and don't care about western "outrage".

Why are you still a faggot?

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Don't even know what that shit is. Let me guess, more baseless smearing and media circle-jerking.

>leaving neverland
quick rundown?

Because he never actually fucked any of these lying shitters. They're just after his estate's money.

A documentary came out so suddenly everyone is acting like MJ being a pedo is a new revelation so that kikes can lower the value of his estate

THEY are still made MJ called them out and try to slander him a decade after his death.

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Michael's a pedo again after 10 years of silence

Why are kikes still upset after 10 years


>blue check mark

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People still think michael jackson was a pedo and a new documentary is makimg mad money on those retards

because all he wanted to say it that they don't really care about us

Why did it take so long for people to come forward against MJ, but when Saville and others died they were pouring in.

why weren't you aborted as a child?

Why does Japan associate a cowboy hat with Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson owned Sony's 1 Billion dollar music catalog & was protecting kids from Hollywood pedophiles by having them stay in Neverland. Kikes twisted this through the media as pedophilia & framed him multiple times in a attempt to pressure him into giving it back to them, this didn't work so they killed him & took the catalog from the estate by force. The documentary uses footage from a doctured 2003 interview with Michael that edited the footage & words in a way that would make him look as horrible as possible. Michael obviously was Offended & outraged by this. The two people in the documentary claiming Michael was guilty are the same people who testified under Oath in court back in 2005 that he was innocent of all charges.

TLDR: It's bullshit & people are scamming him for money

Because it's not true

Shouldn't Yea Forums idolize MJ since you retards obsess over lolis and traps? He also called out the JEWS

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>2D = 3D
ummmm yeah.... that's gonna be a HARD yikes

So what exactly are they claiming, cause I'm not about to sit through an hour documentary of old shit being dredged up about a dead guy.

Because he's innocent, read these quotes by him & you'll understand
> Because parents have power over children. They feel they have to do what their parents say. But the love of money is the root of all evil. And this is a sweet child. And to see him turn like this, this isn't him. This is not him.
> I will say again that I have never, and would never, harm a child. It sickens me that people have written untrue things about me
> I've helped many, many, many children, thousands of children, cancer kids, leukemia kids.
> And I remember going to the record studio and there was a park across the street and I'd see all the children playing and I would cry because it would make me sad that I would have to work instead.
> Everything that I love is behind those gates. We have elephants, and giraffes, and crocodiles, and every kind of tigers and lions. And - and we have bus loads of kids, who don't get to see those things. They come up sick children, and enjoy it.
> People write negatives things, cause they feel that's what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell.
> Because I wanted to have a place (Neverland) that I could create everything that I that I never had as a child. So, you see rides. You see animals. There's a movie theater.
> Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists.
> They did it to try and belittle me, to try and to take away my pride. But I went through the whole system with them. And at the end, I - I wanted the public to know that I was okay, even though I was hurting.
> Because I think every child star suffers through this period because you're not the cute and charming child that you were. You start to grow, and they want to keep you little forever.

Michael Jackson was the last real cowboy

Because that scene probably cost tens of thousands of dollars to produce.

>Normie believes he was guilty committing the crimes.
Get the fuck out of here you dick slave to the media.

kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me

>also maneuvered into owning half of Sony's catalogue, angering the US division kikes to no end
gee i wonder

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people think being a pedo means all the good shit you did in your life stop existing


They quite literally do newfags

Why can't Yea Forums accept that he was a pedophile?

Jesus what the fuck happened to him as a child to make him so depressed?

michael jackson was a weapon of mass destruction.

> Jew me
> Kike me

You realize that he is referring to the fact how Jews were used like a scapegoat and made out to be bad people here right?

You are not actually stupid enough to see this as him attacking the jews when it is literally the opposite?

bullshit blackie lies
mj was a pedo

In SJW future all these blue check marks shit talking MJ are going to have their tweets dug up and be crucified for hate crimes against pedos lol

Michael and R kelly are too close for a coincidence, how do we beat the Jews? Clearly this is for their future agenda of pushing pedophilia acceptance

it can taint it for sure but the crux here is that micheal wasn't a pedo and was taken advantage of by people who portrayed his spiritual damage as pedophilia and not what it really was, that being the desire to not only live out the childhood that was robbed from him but to protect other kids from experiencing the same.
this whole thing is sickening.

Because he was literally the nicest celebrity of all time & a shrewd business man. He was easily exploited & manipulated by his handlers & the kikes in the media. There has never been any evidence of him committing a single crime

he was a child star in the jackson five, he was worked to the bone by his dad

probably all the beatings that piece of shit father gave him all for fame and money

because he wasn't
multiple celebrities came out and said that out of all the Hollywood stars he was the least likely person to be a pedo

Keep seething
Means nothing because the Kikes called him Anti semetic simply for mentioning them

t. Kike

yeah because louis is such a great judge of character

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They definitely do weebfool just look at the

regardless of his message, there was outrage at the time from ""jewish communities"" that was directed at him and lead to the song being censored in future releases, as well as his being targeted in the future.
gradually i began to hate them

>taking a quote from a fake video on Youtube
oh man

Circumcised chode up the poo chute.

I watched south park episode about MJ decade ago, wtf

he was basically castrated

but he had kids

Michael Jackson has literally been dead for 10 years.


He was beaten, verbally abused, isolated, sexually whored out to hollywood kikes & chemically caserated. His childhood was so bad that it could rival most anime characters for tragic backstory

>not knowing louis theroux
top pleb

the only reason I don't believe the pedo narrative is because the media is pushing it so agressively and one-sidedly. He was acquitted
>but muh documentary
oh okay cool ancient aliens are real then

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No way.

You know, its kind of funny. Yea Forums is willing to jump on certain people and call them pedophiles but once it comes to a nigger with good music they instantly defend it DESPITE being a man who had children sleep at his fucking house along with an alarm system and teaching kids how to get dressed quickly if there was an alarm. Shocking!

Michael Jackson was alive when DMC4 came out

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They weren't his, he had to get a sperm doner for his wife just so he could have children.

I don't believe he was a pedo because Macaulay Culkin confirmed that their relationship was platonic. That guy would know better than anyone.

That's the thing, none of the things in the documentary are new. They're just bringing up the same arguments that were already debunked.

this honestly, nu-Yea Forums is full of twitter trannies and plebbitors that need to get the fuck out.

Because he wasn't.
>first case was settled out of court because the parents wanted money
>second case ended in nothing

>Dante is touching his dick and Yea Forums is fighting instead of moonwalking

You disgust me.

Keep trying kike

>this thread
why are you defending niggers Yea Forums?

Because people don't actually care about micheal jackson. They like to pretend, though.

Pretty sure MJ was some sexless weirdo who probably was just overly comfortable with kids, but he exudes zero sexual energy.

you mean the guy who failed to expose Saville but was oh so based the moment he died? Why'd he run with his rat tail between his legs while the diddle king was alive?
Fuck off.

not this shit again

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That's pretty crazy

Michael Jackson is the most famous person ever, he is bigger then the concept of what it means to be a celebrity. Every major celebrity respects or admires him, especially those in the black community

>Michael was a pedo AND a cuck

Faggots like you are why #metoo exists

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Michael Jackson wasn't a pedophile

but Steven Spielberg is

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fuck this zoomer

Anything to trigger the libz user. Don't you know how this site works, anything to right is okay as long as it gets those stinkin fucking libs heated.

>make family filthy rich
>go to your dad after a successful show with your family
>he beats the shit out of you anyway to teach you a "lesson"

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Oh shit you're right. All those times I slept over at friends houses, it was actually because their parents were pedophiles. YOU FUCKING CRACKED THE CODE.

He made thriller.

Because he's the most popular person in history besides Jesus, his fandom rivals even Pokemon, Soccer & Star Wars.

Stop replying to yourself

Poouis BTFO

Some are retarded and some are /pol/ idiots who think they're battling the man (the jew) by defending michael. When in reality they're playing into their hand for a future of pedophilia acceptance.

America = Cowboy
MJ = America

And dumb motherfuckers like you are why people like Trump exist. You're an idiot and a useful fool just like all the others. You're just another side of the cog that moves the world. No wonder centralists hate you motherfuckers just as much as they hate liberals you're too gooddamn stupid to see you're all being ruled by liars and cheaters.

Reminder that the actual famous celebrities who are sexual predators got away with it or it was only brought up once & never mentioned again. The fact that kikes keep attacking Michael with false allegations 10 years after his death just proves how innocent he was

>He was acquitted
So was OJ, rich people get away with shit

They exploit the EMOTION OVER FACT culture right now, and just say the grossest things they can think of so that anyone who goes against them is suddenly for the gross things.

At least he owned up to it. No one else knew he was a pedo either before he died.

keep screaming JEW while you showing that you're the problem.

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T. Tranny

yeah, just look at Manafort, broke all sorts of laws and he only got 3 years which he won't even have to serve the full term for

>Lots of celebrities said that he was a good boy
Well, fuck, I can’t doubt the opinion of rich, powerful people from Hollywood. I guess that settles it then.
Fucking moron.

They aren't "victims", you idiot

The problem with your equation is that it didn't actually happen. If you have a more compelling argument than saying "thing is true", you forgot to post it

Adding big adjectives doesn't make you sound any smarter.

I know I'm talking to a static image, but holy shit. Who gives these idiots power

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Trump is a useful shabbos goy idiot puppet of Israel, and I don't support him, fag

Those are different cases which massive evidence stacked against OJ and none against MJ.

How fucking dense are you? Micheal Jackson was one man, and he had kids over. Holy shit, go back to plebbit with your dumbass comparisons you fucking mongoloid.

nah, they only got away with it because they were white.

It's bullshit that is easily debunked by a guy who still listens to metal


He had a shitstain of a father

>So was OJ
but there was clear evidence the OJ did it despite his bullshit acquittal, there is literally no evidence on MJ even though he was investigated by the FBI twice

Juice did nothing wrong. I would have done the same to a cheating bitch.

>the same rich people that accused people of abusing them said this one rich person wasn't abusing people

America owes alot to Israel not supporting them is being an ungrateful bastard. Fuck idiots like you who don't know history.

I'm sure that kid who correctly identified splotches on MJ's penis was just coincidence.

yes, it's more likely that the holloywood jewish cabal killed a man, framed him as a pedo for some reason, messed with tapes to prove their point than just the man was a creep who liked to diddle kids. Doesn't that sounds insane? Would it make more sense if that guy was just a pedo?

fake youtube propaganda tier bullshit is the basis of most red pills and these retards unironically think they're intelligent

OJ was obviously guilty, but due to incompetence on the part of the police force, he was able to get away with it due to there still being a shadow of a doubt as to his guilt at the time from all the tampered/damaged/missed evidence. In the MJ trial, the evidence was all obviously bullshit and circumstantial even though it was all verified and properly investigated unlike the OJ case. Additonally, OJ had the media on his side while in the MJ case, the media was firmly against him. The two aren't remotely comparable.

>leaving neverland
Because it's just a lie.


>can't take a hyperbole
God damn you should go back.

That's a funny way of saying Israel has bought high ranking officials for decades

keep slandering a corpse, hero.

man journalist heads belong on a fucking spike

No it doesn't retard. It proves they want to a force a hard reaction out of the population, they want you to defend michael so in 10 years or so they can push for pedophilia acceptance and be like "you guys were cool with mike doing it!" But you still lose if you condemn it so whatever. Only way to win is if someone brings the whole ring down


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Who listens to tabloid shit? The movie is as real as the Ghost Adventures show

plebbit spacing, discarded.

Didn’t they also say that Roman Polanski was innocent?


I don't get how people can still believe the #MeToo bullshit when it's a ruse made by the corrupt higher-ups in Hollywood to get rid of shit they don't like.

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I mean, you get enough kids to shotgun out dick descriptions, it's not surprising if one of them is correct. Alternatively a kid just happened to bounce into the room while he was changing, and doesn't guarantee that an abuse took place.

Honestly at WORST mj had consensual relationships with those boys. There's nothing wrong with a little boy being lovingly introduced to sexuality by a trusted friend. Micheal had true love with many boys and we should all be so lucky to experience something so innocent and pure.

Israel didn't exist 60 years ago. What the fuck do we owe them you stupid moron?
Our taxes and firepower are the only thing keeping them alive, and I wish they weren't.

>rich powerful people say anohter one of them is an abuser and/or pedo
>same people say another one (who was falsely accused of and thoroughly investigated for pedophilia MULTIPLE TIMES with literally no evidence pointing towards it) is innocent

keep slandering a corpse, hero
man journalist heads belong on a fucking spike.
Better? Is your aneurysm fine now?

why is MJ so based lads

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jew me sue me everybody do me
kick me kike me don't you black and white me

For those of you that haven't already seen this video, be sure to check it out.

I don't get how anyone can trust those fucks when so many of them are also giving kids the ol' in n out. It's the worst kind of projection since they use their influence to fuck over innocent people that aren't towing the political line.


shut up pedo, a kid can't consent. He was brainwashed and groomed by michael who was a fucking icon and starstruck people.

Israel owes us everything. We owe them nothing. We continue to support them because the kikes are paying off high level government officials


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He thrilled millions.

He's definitely /ourguy/ for obvious reasons.

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>There has never been any evidence of him committing a single crime
Now that just a big fat lie, the're evidence of him buying drugs because he was a depressing and paranoia fuck

>this man triggers the average nu-Yea Forums user
how does he do it

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You're saying it like if he was just a random person

He was not, he was Michael Jackson

bullshit documentary made by some leeches

With his sick dance moves.

>fuck due process let's just slander a dead man x)

>Kike mentioned 13 times
>jew 11 times
We get it /pol/ you want to be edgy now please fuck off somewhere else.

yes but you're still retarded and gay and possibly mad

>Never cared for MJ or his music
>Still remember Late 90's-Mid 2000's MJ was seen as a joke, hated by everyone
>He dies
>All those same people worship him, call him a hero of the music industry
>This goes on for years
>Documentary releases about the allegations
>Nothing relatively new is brought up but instead just reminds everyone what people already knew in late 90's-mid 2000's
>People hate him again, act like anyone who ever supported him is a monster
I don't know shit about the guy and frankly I don't care enough to do so.
But the public's relationship with popular culture and media is absolute cancer.

It's pretty obvious nobody truly cares and everyone just wants to be a part of something.

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Meh, Smooth Criminal is a better song.

He lived a hard life and when he saw what his influence could do he used it not for himself but to help the youth. He pissed off genuinely evil people who wanted to prey on the kids. That's how you know he's a great guy.

thise are Mike's lyrics zoomoid

Because Leaving Neverland is a psychotic hitpiece on a dead man who was found completely innocent. Those who accused him were found to be swindlers looking for easy money, they got hit with the hefty legal bill due to their failed accusations.
Japan knows Michael is a good man, it's only the media and influential actual predators in the west that obfuscated the fact that Michael was acquitted, continuing to push the lie.


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>first case fell through as attempted libel
>second case proved nothing
>FBI turning the house inside-out proved nothing
>LITERALLY no evidence outside of "Dude, trust me"
>It's pretty much fucking nothing

Gee, I wonder why, (((user))).

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>trying to stir up social justice over 20 year old debunked accusations against a man who made his success 40 years ago and has been dead for 10 years
Even playing videogames is a lesser waste of time than this.

Mike was a superstar in the 90's dude the fuck are you smoking?

The man admitted to sharing his bed with little boys. How that shit didn't end his career 20 years ago is kinda mind blowing.

Michael is bigger then any person has ever been, he cannot be treated as if he's a normal celebrity because he's simply larger then life

fucking retard

because him having peter pan syndrome and being very childlike was no mystery.
Dude had fucking sega arcades at home and had sick kids visit neverland all the time

Michael Jackson never molested a kid. It's easy to slander a dead man and I hope the Jackson estate sues HBO into poverty. There has never been proof he molested kids.

We all thought he was a joke, but we never hated him. I think he did at one moment do something inappropriate to someone (NOT the people who stand to gain from the documentary) but ultimately it doesn't change the fact that he made godlike music. The joke was always that sure, he diddled kids, but he also made excellent music that you couldn't hate.
He could've gassed kids and I'd still play his music

people will still love his music, the pedo allegations be damned.

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A real pedophile wouldn't admit to sleeping with children

>It's pretty obvious nobody truly cares and everyone just wants to be a part of something.
Duh, why do you think R.Kelly got away with abusing young girls for decades. He made good music so nobody cared, he only got in trouble this time because he went after white girls

The documentary was pretty hot. I guess he would have them spread their cheeks while he touched himself and licked their buttholes.

He was chemically castrated

barely made the news in yurop
wouldn't even know about it if ot wasnt for this website, nobody is saying anything even on social media

Literally what part of this post has to do with MJ? You and all of Yea Forums need to stop being obsessed with fucking /pol/, they don't think even like videogames idiots.

Yes, the former (a common and reasonable occurrence) is more likely than the latter (a statement which contradicts literally all evidence and testimonials that haven't been debunked).

joe jackson was fucked up man
in general our society is trash at understanding and curbing abusiveness in families

Regardless of evidence, guilt or innocence, the testimony of “he was a good dude” by lots of millionaires is not adequate proof for me, or anyone. So why post it? That’s like my mom saying I’m innocent.

>people who know that hes a pedo is classified as a jew by retards

He share his "room", which was the size of a poor man house, he also share it with family and whoever was staying with him

Because according to Matt Walker, this scene is actually based off a Japanese musician that more or less stole MJ's brand.

I think you're the one remembering wrong.
Around mid-90's he started getting his zombified white guy look and his child molestation accusations started to spread.

He was still relatively well liked and famous at first but by the late-90's he was a joke and vilified by everyone.

>A real murderer wouldn't admit to killing someone

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Because the same kind of retards trying to claim MJ is a pedo are the same people who accused random hollywood stars of being rapists based solely on the word of other random hollywood stars
you can't have your cake and eat it too

>implying he was the slightest bit sane

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who is this "us" that the king of pop is talking about ? If i'm white can I still be one of Michael's homies ?

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Nigga, you heard people talking about how big his bed and his bedroom was? They said his whole family could sleep on the bed if they wanted to, and his bedroom was 2 stories. Even the parents of the kids slept there.
If he diddled with kids he would deny it with all strenght on his body.

This is due process dumbfuck, those kids were groomed by him at a very young age and constantly told they needed to lie and keep it a secret because they would both go to jail if people knew. The kid was able to identify a specific vitiligo spot on Mike's dick. This isn't a lie. It was something that needed to be said, all your evidence is there you ignorant fuck. He has even openly admitted to sleeping with kids in his bed, then he would say "yeah but there's nothing wrong with that but I slept on the floor anyways but even If i did it's still fine" and he would clearly be lying. Touching his face right after the statement and shit, you're delusional if you don't think he was fucked enough to diddle kids. Always spending money on them, taking them to dates, having them sit on their lap while he whispered in their ears and shit. Dude would literally openly flirt with boys.

it's resetera or some other third rate shill trying to stir shit up.
Don't worry brosef.

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>bring up proof
wow this board is really shit when it comes to discussing actual people

yeah I know a dude who runs a MJ themed bar and dresses and dances like MJ
maybe it was inspired by that freak

Why would it be?
Nevermind the fact that MJ was innocent and protecting those kids from the actual rapists in jewywood, which is the real reason he was attacked so aggressively.
Him being super fucking weird didn't really help matters, though if you know anything about his life it's easy to understand why.

>pedo defense force

>There was no reason why [Jackson] had to stop calling me ... I picked the nastiest son of a bitch I could find [Chandler's lawyer Barry Rothman], all he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big as he can and humiliate as many people as he can. He's nasty, he's mean, he's smart and he's hungry for publicity. Everything's going to a certain plan that isn't just mine. Once I make that phone call, this guy is going to destroy everybody in sight in any devious, nasty, cruel way that he can do it. I've given him full authority to do that. Jackson is an evil guy, he is worse than that and I have the evidence to prove it. If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever ... Michael's career will be over.

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I'll take court proceedings over a twitter documentary, KIKE

>"he's guilty"
>okay but what makes you say that?

What proof?

I fucking swear, every time we have one of these threads the samefagging on defending MJ is really fucking noticeable.

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Reminder that the FBI ran repeat investigations on MJ and even gave monetary reward for a confession/proof, but nothing happened. Shit's shady

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Kek, the proof is that this dude swore on the bible and on court that MJ never did shit to him. Whatever he says afterwards holds zero value.

The pictures.

Hee Hee!

While Jackson was makin music in the 90's, HBO was making porn.

honestly HBO needs to disappear.

Whoa bobby, you're pretty redpilled

Shut the fuck up, Bobby.

>This is due process dumbfuck
You fucking disgust me, subhuman

And he's already explained this. He wanted to give his fans the chance to see his son without exposing his son to the excessive flash photography and activity. He just managed to do this in the worst way possible

Yea so strange that they were convinced that this wierdo who paraded around his harem of little boys was a pedophile.

People who bitched about that are the same ones you see REEE'ing in animal youtube videos because the perfectly kind vet applied slight pressure to the cat's shoulder to nudge it an inch closer. MJ's a stick figure but there's no way in hell a fucking baby is going to fall out of that grip.

Same reason The Lord of the Rings can still be streamed, and it's got Harvey Weinstein's name all over it. No one cares.

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>Michael died almost 10 years ago

Holy shit, I thought it was only a year or two at the most.

cringe, absolutely cringe.

There has been proof for years and nobody cared. They're literally just bring back up old news.

Nobody really cares. Everyone just wants to be known as the people who fought against pediophloia (despite most of said people held him as a hero not a month ago) or defending the honor of a misunderstood man (despite only doing so mostly as a means of counter-culture).


This boy is right

Fuck off Milo


>I-i-i know Occam's Razor, that'll shut them down

Kill yourself Zoomer

Damn, MJ looked like this?

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>despite only doing so mostly as a means of counter-culture
You're right. Only fucking idiots care about the sanctity of our judicial system!

Capcom may be occassionally stupid, but they aint stupid enough to cower down to false accusations like the fucking simpsons

this shit pissed me off

Why people are so mesmerized because of the controversy involving Michal Jackson if everybody already know about him being a pedo since 20 years ago?

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Reminder that if you defend Micheal Jackson, you're either a furry, a jew, or a discord tranny.

>He pissed off genuinely evil people who wanted to prey on the kids
Yeah they tend to get angry when you don't share what you have
>who was found completely innocent
There is a big difference between being innocent and being found not guilty.

> Innocent until proven guilty
When did this timeless philopshy stop being the case?


You've got nothing, any reasonable person knows he sucked little boy cock.

MJ was a furry?

Again, what proof?

The jews are the ones behind the documentary though

Exonerated in court. Cleared in an FBI investigation. "Victim" stated under oath that nothing happened.
Pretty easy to slander a dead man.

its always idiots with blue check marks saying the dumbest shit. the "victims" are a couple of dumbasses who keep changing their story and are trying to ride off of the impact of the R.Kelly documentary

there was never any proof.
2 (TWO) court cases were dismissed after thorough federal investigations.
Literally nothing happened, and this is just another episode of the media slandering a defensless person because it's trendy.
I hope the Jackson Estate sue the everliving shit out of the guy who made the doc and HBO

Plastic surgery plus eccentricity is one hell of a drug.

It's the other way around user. Defending MJ is redpilled

Yeah he was mentally ill and desperate for a childhood that he never had. There is still not a speck of fucking evidence that he did anything untoward to them.
He was taken out because he didn't want to send those kids off to the hollywood gangrape parties.

it's almost too trite to say without laughing or cringing, but people are sheep with the collective attention span of maybe 3 days and will regurgitate and accept whatever is shown in front of them if it has enough of a media sparkle

It's still clear that FOX has pussy CEOs as they proved with Apu. Hell, they're being absorbed by the Mouse kike right now.

> Reasonable
What proof? There has never been a single proof for him being guilty & you can't point out one that hasn't been debunked

That's because you're an ignorant fucking idiot, Michael was fairly open about what he was doing. He paid people off when he was alive and groomed kids from a young age, you think you're being so smart by fighting against people who are trying to hold him accountable but all you're saying is "I'm cool with pedos." Literally being used for a future of pedo acceptance and you don't realize it because you're a stupid ass mindless drone. Kill yourself.

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I mean you pretty much nailed it.

Is the remixed version of the DMC1 combat music that plays when you fight the V summons up on youtube?

And yet only now we found proof by virtue of a Netflix documentary over the FBI? Again, shit's suspect. He was surely weird but I don't think anything that bad happened. This feels like gaslighting

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...he wasn't. there needs to be solid evidence.

Nice try, Schlomo Goldbergstein.

sure thing kike.

Who cares. It's nice to see a good old fashioned public lynching. Proof that the courts have failed when people like OJ and MJ walk free while the rest of us would go to jail

Only had two Surgeries, the rest of his face changed because he was so scared of the kikes killing him that he stopped eating

Nevermind solid, there needs to be literally any evidence period to even begin suspecting him.


They're credible accusations user. It's indelible in the hippocampus

This, Culkin is trying to become relevant again, he would go for it.

OJ and MJ aren't comparable. There's no evidence that MJ was guilty and plenty that he was innocent, meanwhile there is plenty of evidence of OJ being guilty.

>SJWs are nazis about consent and think everything is rape
>SJWs are pro-pedo rights, somehow
Pick one

People only give a fuck about themselves and a few people close to them. So no, no one cares what happens in the government they have enough shit to deal with in their own lives.

Michael donated over 500 Million dollars to charity & saved the lives of over 30,000 people. You are a worthless faggot that nobody cares about

if Michael Jackson was a big bad pedo rapist, how come the pedo raping in the entertainment industry hasn't stopped?

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>There is a big difference between being innocent and being found not guilty.
Indeed. And he was found innocent.

pedophile or not, you have to be a shitty parent to let your kids sleep in the same room unsupervised with an adult stranger like that

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Johnny Rotten called Saville out in 1978.

Speaking of scenes
>just beat the game
>didn't get the Trish and Lady scene
>nowhere online says how to get it, because "dmc5 secret ending guide" just gives the prologue ending
How many enemies was I supposed to beat as Nero? I killed all of the ones it spawned.

Does the torrent on piratebay work?

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>SJWs are pro-pedo rights, somehow
This is some heavy level of denial.

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I'm accusing literally everyone in this thread of raping me
I have 6 other people willing to corroborate my story
prove me wrong

> Literally swore under oath that he was innocent
> Later claims he was guilty
If this was anyone else that wasn't in support of the kikes he would be in Jail

Twitter has done nothing but make society more angry and shit. Tweets like this are specifically made for attentionwhoring and likes, which means that being a twat is encouraged and rewarded. Just stop using Twitter and, for fucks sake, stop fucking posting Twitter screencaps.

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When it first came to be because it only ever existed on paper.
>Pretty easy to slander a dead man.
depends on if any relatives are still alive.

But not enough evidence beyond a reasonable doubt.

>pedos operate on highlander rules

Sounds like he had a pretty guilty conscience.

>My basic mode of thinking applies to everyone, even people with double, or hell, triple digit IQs!

>all people who disagree with you (who are now leftists) are also pedophiles because there's a pedophile somewhere who's a leftist and they disagree with you


No he was found not guility.

user, anyone who lets their children be a part of the entertainment industry in any shape of form is objectively a scumbag. I sincerely doubt they cared.

Give me their IPs and their lives are over. #MeToo #BelieveAllWomenAndLGBTPeople

would be cool ngl

Because the LAPD were the ones who investigated OJ, and they tampered with and destroyed evidence as well as calling untrustworthy witnesses to the stand. Meanwhile the MJ case was investigated thoroughly twice by the FBI and they found LITERALLY nothing indicating his guilt that wasn't circumstantial or hearsay from witnesses who admitted under oath that it was all bullshit.

how retarded can you be?


As much as this guy makes me cringe, he's offers reasoning and sources for his claim as to MJ being falsely accused as a child molester. Definitely worth a watch.

Are you fucking retarded? Compare the timelines you fucking retard. Jesus, fuck this thread and fuck you for prompting this.

But you're not credible. Wade Robson actually does have some credibility in the industry.

Pedo acceptance isn't defending MJ.

Pedo acceptance is narrating in perverse detail sexual acts between children and adults under the pretense that it's real, then broadcasting it on HBO.

People aren't doing the thriller dance every halloween cause they want to fuck kids.

>leftists didn't openly defend a 10 year old drag queen dancing for money at a gay bar
You "people" really are experts at denying reality.

Keep coping kike

MJ was a generational performer and talent. He was abused as a child horribly and grew up mired in misery. After being set on fire he lost it and was known to sleep with kids platonically. He built an estate called neverland where he could live like a child forever.

IMO it’s extremely likely he did weird sex stuff with the poorer kids and not the famous ones. I think he got thoroughly fucked by society unlike anyone before. It’s all horribly sad. He’s a fucked up complicated figure. I could see everyone being kinda right about him.

no, the cases were dismissed, he was innocent

The doc is just a smokescreen for actual Hollywood pedos
Sex creeps love to virtue signal

Wrong. All suspicion was thoroughly cleared. OJ was "not guilty". MJ was innocent.

Cool, I'm left and I think that was retarded. Next delusion, please.

Gee, i wonder whose behind this post? Kikes

Time is a harsh mistress. Our perception fades as the years blend on, as less and less starts happening in your life and you fall into routine.

>Tweets like this are specifically made for attentionwhoring and likes, which means that being a twat is encouraged and rewarded

So pretty much like here then.

eat shit faggot

Micheal was one of the few people in that industry who wasn't going to get your child raped.
The fact that people still don't accept what a horrible place hollywood is is disturbing.

>mj is a pedo
>mj isn't a pedo

> Testified under Oath in court that he was innocent
> Outright lies afterwards
Anyone on Yea Forums is more trustworthy then him

This. The prosecution fell apart in every trial once cross-examinations began. Can't refute facts with feelings.

Cool, now how about the rest of your teammates?

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>Social Media

Yea I'm totally going to give you a like for this post. Retard.

>/pol/ rushing to defend a blatant, long-known pedophile just so they can latch onto some complex jewish conspiracy and brag about how they've seen through the matrix for the umpteenth time
Holy fuck lmao
Imagine being the guy who can walk up to a crying little boy with a bleeding anus and be like "you're just a paid actor, i'm calling you and the kikes out"

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oh shit nigga the jews got

>Yea Forums is so retarded that they believe a documentary made from a confirmed conman who has tried this shit before


After Apu I'm not even shocked anymore about modern Simpson's killing itself further than ever.

I'm saying is if you make your kid become a child actor you're the type to not really care whether or not they were going to be raped.

Not that MJ was a rapist, but if he was the parents still wouldn't have cared.

I swear, Yea Forums has some defense force because they always pop out on these threads. I wonder how much the Micheal Jackson (((Estate))) is paying them?

Fuck off razofist

so are you a flat earther then?

He probably was a pedophile but I find it doubtful that he actually molested any children.

The jury found him not gulity, that's not even close to the case being dismissed.
Again if all suspicion was thoroughly cleared then the tiral would have been dropped. But it wasen't, not gulity.

So where's the bleeding little boy? all the people MJ has been accused of raping have stated under oath that he was innocent.

Nah. Here people would call you a faggot and move on. Twitter would put your shitty post on the front page of trending topics for everyone to see and read first.

Keep coping

The MJ defense force easily rivals any console manufacturer force.

The accusation of being a pedo when he admitted to having children sleep over at his house literally writes itself. Literally no man could say this and not be labeled a pedo.

He was pretty obviously asexual, all the drugs he was taking probably killed his sex drive completely

>o-o-oh yeah well i bet you believe in flat earth reptilians from the 9th dimension!!!
Do you have an argument?

>Thread full of arguments summarily dismissing the bullshit claims
>Kike cherrypicks this garbage so he can spin the narrative
Like pottery.

But any credibility and fame he had was because he denied accusationd and defended MJ in televised interviews when he was a kid????

>no man could say this and not be labeled a pedo
He could if the FBI investigated him twice and found no evidence that he was one.

what boy?
You're on Yea Forums bro, /pol/ don't have DMC thread patrols.

Because it's crystal clear this is just an act to get money

Claim an innocent man is evil, use your influence so everyone thinks he is. Proceed to do evil things because no one thinks the people who outed the vile, sick child fucker would ever do something as sick and vile as child fucking.

the record company people have milked the holographic MJ meme dry and are now unpersoning him for daring to have been a powerful person in the music industry without doing what they tell them to.

They are on every website. Twitter is the worst probably.


The attack force has hit piece "documentaries" made 10 fucking years after his death.

>Again if all suspicion was thoroughly cleared then the tiral would have been dropped. But it wasen't, not gulity.
That's not how trials work, retard.

Do you? You assume all leftists agreed with that shit, so by logic (assuming you're capable of logic) all rightists believe the same shit.

Here's a hint retard, something that may not have occurred to you: Being left/right doesn't mean you agree with everyone on that side on fucking everything you retard.

but where is the evidence

Israel needs to be nuked

The fact that American society will readily leap to accuse a dead man of pedophilia proves how fucking insane Americans are. The guy proved his innocence in a court of law, and now you all leap to condemn him of crimes you can never prove now that he can't defend himself against your pedo accusations? America really does have a pedo hysteria problem.

Holy shit I wasn't expecting this when I came to the videogames board !

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Because only Americans have a culture that is so insistent on tearing down the rich, famous, or powerful.

they're called people who take dismissed cases over netflix hogwash.
Shocker, I know.
Keep pretending you belong though.

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Predictable little kike.

That's exactly how it works

If a MJ was a pedo he would have done something to Macaulay Culkin. That nigger was prime pedo bait. And yet all they did was playing games and having sleepovers like children.

So what's your favorite MJ song, Yea Forums?
>youtube.com/watch?v=MPAhnoCzFyw >youtube.com/watch?v=h_D3VFfhvs4
I'm not too well versed in MJ's music outside of his top hits, but feel free to share.

Yeah because having one of the most popular, richest and influential musicians in history breathing down your neck had absolutely no influence on those those testimonies.
Because the court of law is always, ALWAYS 100% fair and un-biased, right?

He was already NSync and Britney Spears choreographer at that point.

PSA, Yea Forums has a new faggot hatch of people like OP crawling through and will be pretty shitty for the next couple days

Welcome to a Brave New World, where everyone is guilty until proven innocent.

Drag kids and other related degeneracy are mainstream leftist opinions. Flat Earthers are a fringe group of nutjobs that were created just to make all conspiracies seem insane by comparison.

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that's not the point i was making, i don't think he was a pedophile. but you have to be a shit parent to let your kids hang out with a stranger to that extent

>He was a pedo it was obvious you're a dumbass yikes cringe
Michael is on heaven laughing at you retards.

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Just look at how many people will readily assume he is sexually attracted to children because he associated with children regularly.

Says more about those people though, thinking you would only associate with things out of sexual interest. Kind of disgusting really.

Yet half of them worships a man who sent his secretary give his pedo kike best buddy a minimal sentence for his sex crimes. America is the land of hypocrisy.

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serious question. why do they actually dress up to resemble demons?

user? user!? ANOOOOOOON!!!

Uhuh. Where did you get your law degree buddy? I highly doubt you have any education past highschool and your only interactions with the legal system have been through television.

>Yeah because having one of the most popular, richest and influential musicians in history breathing down your neck had absolutely no influence on those those testimonies.
So everyone rich is automatically guilty of any crime they ever commit, because even a MOUNTAIN of evidence to the contrary and NO evidence in favor of them being guilty, means they're guilty because they just covered it up? Got it, accusing all rich people of murder now because that means they're all murderers

>Because the court of law is always, ALWAYS 100% fair and un-biased, right?
No wonder your country is descending into literal anarchy. None of you believe in justice. Burden of proof is on YOU to prove beyond a doubt that he is a child molester. Not a single piece of valid evidence has ever been presented. The only cases that arose were jealous bitches trying to cash in.

>Because the court of law is always, ALWAYS 100% fair and un-biased, right?
The court system will never be perfect, but there's a reason Double Jeopardy is a thing

>Drag kids and other related degeneracy are mainstream leftist opinions.

Because social media was a mistake

ultra cringe
ultra based

They want to be pounded with Wrath of God.

If you were going to molest kids going after the famous rich ones would be fucking dumb, especially when you have access to a bunch of poor kids you can fuck in the ass and manipulate.

MJ threads were godlike the one time a month they would appear on Yea Forums before this bullshit. They are not only rehashing literally everything that was ever popular nowadays, even old scandals need to be relieved.

I watched an HBO documentary
Let me tell you how things REALLY happened

I stopped being a magatard with the whole aipac and israel funding thing
prime meme material but fuck me what a turncoat

They've been brainwashed to do so. Baphomet is traditionally a hermaphrodite, and hermaphrodism (the union of male and female in a single body) is considered a holy concept in Hermetic magic.

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Jesus why are Zoomers so autistic, old Yea Forums would declared this bullshit instantly & ignored spamming threads about it. What happened to this place?

Trump has been a kike shill from before day 1, you're a retard for ever thinking he was trustworthy.

>the tranny obsessed psycho rears his ugly head

There was this video with the Aquaman actor in some Hawaiian festival in his honor and people suddenly accused him of being pedophile because he had his arm on his daughter

heaven ain't real dude

Doesn't AT&T own them now? It's only gonna get worse. Bill Maher still has a show there and he is a fucking moron and a shitty person. You remember his movie where he went across the country to brutally make fun of lower IQ Christians to make look terrible? These people were just lower IQ working class people who only had little in life and look to Jesus for hope and strength. He is a terrible person and the type of people that work for HBO. Jackson is innocent until proven guilty. No parent would chase after Jackson's money if their son or daughter was actually molested. This is why he settled out of court and was never found guilty of anything. And these people in this documentary have no credibility cause either way they are a liar. If they lied under oath the first time then they should be in trouble. No matter what these people accusing Jackson are or once was a liar.

the baby trump photo gets me every time. it looks exactly like that one picture that circulates /pol/ with all the ethnic/LGBT stereotypes marching in front of a big jew-spider. can't make this shit up.

MJ was keeping him safe from the actual Hollywood jew pedos, they're still salty about it which is why they're trying to smear his name.

You're welcome to read the court transcripts of the case, they're readily available. If you wanna see bias check out some of the wacky shit the prosecution claimed. Dude even admitted he had an axe to grind with MJ.

And I remember going to the record studio and there was a park across the street and I'd see all the children playing and I would cry because it would make me sad that I would have to work instead.

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>z-z-zoomer! k-kike!
discarded, sorry.

Two groups of people with an agenda to push have decided to argue with each other constantly. The internet has become more and more cultlike with each passing day since 2011. It's fucking awful here.

Imagine it's a 4 hour documentary of WE'RE OUTRAGED AND YOU SHOULD BE OUTRAGED TOO bandwagon emotional manipulation.

How long until MJ's music becomes lost to time once every archive decides to burn everything because of unproven pedo accusations? Is this how it'll really go down in western society? You can just censor and erase anyone from the record as long as you pay a lot of people to yell about how they're a pedophile?

Why is there a sudden care about what MJ did or did not do just when Weinstein went to court and soon to be Jeffrey Epstein case coming around the corner? Or did I just answer my own question?

I've posted situations that were covered by popular news outlets, and that's all easily provable. What have you done except try to call me crazy for believing an objective reality?

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it's not zoomers, it's Sony media or HBO, or whoever the fuck doing damage control because people aren't willing to shit on an innocent dead man

What's the point of normally hanging with rich kids instead of fucking more poor kids in the ass then? Don't even try to pull anything like MJ was playing 4D chess since he fucking openly admitted to having children sleep over at his house like it's nothing, the guy was obviously mentally ill.

>HQ, clean shot.

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>So everyone rich is automatically guilty of any crime they ever commit

Yeah, probably.





There is also a video on youtube by an lawayer explaning the difference, let me see if I can find it.

>George Pell was convicted decades after the fact based on evidence and testimony
>"B-but of course MJ got away with it because he's famous and famous people never get caught and abloobloobloo"
It's shameful how quick you retards jump to mob justice when you're proven wrong and abandon the system because "nuh uh my baseless prejudice can't possibly have been wrong!"

I didn't ask you, tourist, fuck off

>Michael Jackson has literally been dead for 10 years

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can't find any based posts this time

No one can ever reference MJ after Leaving Neverland even though the accusations have been around years before it.

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>None of you believe in justice.

Dude judges in the US are all on power trips.

Shh, just let me pretend it exists.

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Why can't you post proof?

>I've cherrypicked, what have you done?
Not cherrypicked lmao

get me some real sources or surveys

Social media is fucking insufferable

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>Documentary offers no new evidence to a case that was thrown out after being investigated multiple times by multiple parties
Same shit as the 90s, innocent until proven guilty. If you can't prove it, it's just conjecture about a dead man who can't even defend himself anymore.

I'm tired of it all. How can I accelerate the fall of Western Society so we can get past this whole bullshit cycle of "X culture"? I'm getting fucking tired of the cancel culture and supposed countercultural and post/counter-countercultural movements infesting popular discourse here on the Internet.

who the fuck do I vote for?
I was thinking Tulsi

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I just think you and your other tranny obsessed ilk from /pol/ are ironically the most manipulated by the kike propaganda...you let it get to you and now it has taken over your life, just like they hoped it would

Never, you can't censor the most popular person ever. As this thread has proved, Michael's fandom is the largest & most loyal in the entire world. Most people believe he's innocent & it's only corporations & jewish media that is pushing the narrative

he was a Honorary Aryan


>your tears say more than evidence ever could

what's the problem with Michael Jackson my main man ?

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And yet you obsess over it and save pictures of it, that's pretty pathetic.

>Media that is silent or defends paedophilic entertainment industry pathologically slanders MJ for supposed paedophilia
>Newest wave of accusations coinciding with the sale of his assets

Shut up nigger. He's only been dead for 9 years, and about 11 months.

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trannies aren't normal, eat shit and sticm that weak pilpul up your ass, freak

>"WHAT IS INNOCENT? Being deemed innocent means that you have been cleared of all speculation that you committed a crime."
And this had happened. Testimonies withdrawn, evidence not found. Some gran on facebook thinking he might ha done it is not "speculation that you committed a crime" in this manner.

> Cringe = Downvote
Go back

>why are you defending niggers Yea Forums?
Why are you trying to make this a race thing when it's a #metoo thing that affects everyone, /pol/?

No one...don't feel manipulated into voting, it doesn't count for anything in the first place. The kikes will do as they wilt

>those videos of that kid dancing at a gay strip club and all those creepy ass dudes throwing money at him

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Nobody said it was a downvote nor did i compare it to a downvote. You're retarded.

He was framed by kikes & obviously in the social media age where everyone is retarded NPC's. People are eating it up without even questioning it

This is entirely the point. Now you can call anyone a pedo and have mob rule tear them apart with no trial. Does anyone else see how this can be used to ensure absolute dominance by the politically powerful? Anyone who opposes them can just be called a pedo and their life is over. How long until we stop teaching calculus to the masses (but not the elite's children, of course) because someone writes up some fake shit saying how Isaac Newton was a pedophile?


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it's funny, they literally think this is how Yea Forums works and that we can't tell who's who by typing pattern

>Yeah because having one of the most popular, richest and influential musicians in history breathing down your neck had absolutely no influence on those those testimonies.
he has been dead for 10 years

Even a mentally ill schizo can have the common sense to try to hide the fucked up things they are doing, even if they are dumb enough to admit to sleeping in the same bed as kids.

I think this whole outrage and reckoning over MJ's legacy and infamy over pedo allegations is just a result of the internet promoting "cancel culture" and the like. We've too much time on our hands, and I'm pretty sure China is going to sink Taiwan and build a wall in the Spratley Islands.

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America loves their mob justice though. It doesn't even matter if you're cleared of all charges and every shred of evidence dismissed, once they decided you did it, you're done. Evidence be damned.

Tulsi it is

Is being obsessed with them normal behavior to you?

No nigger, I said sources and surveys.

>Burden of proof is on YOU to prove beyond a doubt that he is a child molester

>spent 70% of his time in public with little boys
>would literally flirt and hold hands with them in public
>would convince them to come out and live with him in his private ranch
>which was loaded with candy and other goodies
>where they would often sleep in the same bed
>never seen dating women, only hung around little boys

But because we don't have video evidence of him brutally assfucking little boys, this means he's completely free of any possible wrongdoings.
>b-b-but they testified in favor of his innocence!!
Do you fuckers have any idea what grooming is? You can mindfuck children into saying nearly anything in your favor. There's a good reason why saying "he consented" is never an excuse if you're caught fucking a child.

This is like watching a man with a white van stroll up to a public school, goad children into the van with promises of candy and fortune, watching the children go inside and disappear, and then saying "nah he's perfectly innocent bruhs, as long as no video evidence of him assfucking the children shows up, they're all perfectly fine ;))"

It's almost as if some fuckers involved in one of the most disgusting businesses this side of Sodom is doing something shady.


yes because they can't stick to their own shitty fucking forum

So what are the Jews hiding now that they want to unleash this controversy in the public. What are they hiding

Calling it now. In 2029, there will be a documentary discrediting today's documentary.

This will go on and on to get the moony.

Get fucked oven dodger, I can’t wait for the day you get overrun with third world hordes

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Why does it matter if he is dead and can't speak on his behalf?

still no proof incel.

> Cringe = Downvote
> Based = Upvote
This isn't how Yea Forums works you faggot, go back

No you god damn stupid piece of shit, he was found not gulity. HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE?

OH wait I get it now, you're trolling. Because it's pretty damn fucking clear you didn't read the entire page
>Being found innocent is something that can be done before trial in various ways.
The fact that it was a trial means they where not able to prove his innocent before it.

>that were covered by popular news outlets
LIES. They didn't cover it, THEY PRAISED IT. Those sick fucks must hang.

Just stop using social media faggot.

what if nero had a foot fetish

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>lose childhood because dad is the worst kind of nigger
>try to live the years you lost
>literally no evidence of him touching them
flock off featherface

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Like Yea Forums and countless other shitpost threads in a nutshell.

>spent 70% of his time in public with little boys
This is not in any way evidence of pedophilia user. Never have kids.
>would literally flirt and hold hands with them in public
Uhuh, and surely this isn't just confirmation bias on your end, especially after that last sentence.
>would convince them to come out and live with him in his private ranch
"private ranch"? You're not even trying to hide the fact that you're spinning a narrative here faggot.
>which was loaded with candy and other goodies
Oh no, someone traumatized as a child wanting children to be happy, how horrible!
>where they would often sleep in the same bed
Again, never have kids.
>never seen dating women, only hung around little boys
Uhuh. So no actual evidence of anything then, just "he acted funny, that means he must have been sexually attracted to children because you can't just be weird without being a pedophile!"

Disgusting rhetoric. Die in a fire.

You're the only one comparing them to reddit terms you fucking loser. Go back.

Michael Jackson was in league with the kikes but when the media got a whiff of his little pedo affinity he tried to blame it all on them to turn attention from himself.
It's a sad story.

based Mel Gibson avoided getting MJ'd due to Passion being a global phenomenom.
Jesus Christ literally saved this man from kid raping demon jews.

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Its just another distraction ploy. All this identity politic shit from Captain Marvel to tranny obsession in the media to MJ's assassination is all just distraction ploys to keep the proles from joining together against the elite. That's why /pol/ and it's identity politic shilling is more detrimental than helpful. Its exactly what they want.

Calculus is actually literally worthless though.

Keep coping

it's a sad story you have zero proof of :'(

Reminder that being weird is not a crime!

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>never seen dating women, only hung around little boys
He was married.

Why would he deliberately pick sick and dying kids to groom? That's not a very sustainable system imo.


At least he's not making the same mistake twice

t zoom zoom

>"cancel culture"
This isn't real, or at the very least not new people bitched about what shit was on TV and tried to get it canceled back in the 90's.

>Get proven wrong by your own citation
>Double down anyway
Yea. Thought you would.
>Being found innocent is something that CAN be done before trial in various ways.
Capitalized the important bit for you, since you seem to need special care to not miss the obvious.

The fact that it was a trial doesn't mean his innocence wasn't proven at all, just that it wasn't before the trial.

Stop being a fucking retard and read the shit you googled yourself you braindead lemming.

>Safechcuck tries sue the MJ's estate with Wade's testimony with the medallion bullshit in 2017 with a mixture of Jordie Chandler's testimony he stole from a book where the Author was sued for libel and flew to Chile to avoid paying.
>Story literally relies on "repressed memory" bullshit that Democrats used to stall Kavanaugh being appointed.
fuck off donkey raping shit eater.

he has a tendency of being wrong, yeah


If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a fucking duck.
But hey dude, you do you. But let me tell you; in 10 years when pedophiles are pushing for their "rights" and it becomes law to fuck 10 year old boys as long as you can convince them to say "yes" you'll be responsible.

That's not what he's talking about. There's a trend on twitter nowadays where people dig through everything celebrities have ever said or done in the past, then post it and say 'X IS CANCELLED'

You have no idea what pol is about.

About what?

Recently. They voted to give illegal immigrants to have the right to vote.

Its a thing now.

Why did sony kill him?

good thing mike was neither a duck or a pedophile then.
Fuck off to wherever your kind spawned

No he's pretty much right, /pol/'s been divided and conquered several times over

That isn't especially different.

Yea Forums - Pedophile allegations

No you don't understand because you keep claming that he was found innocent when he wasen't. The verdict was not guility, NOT GULITY. I'm trying to tell you that in the legal world there is a big difference between innocent and not gulity, but for some reason you refuse to accept it.

neither do you, buddy

>Guilty until proven innocent!
Right, and black people are all criminals that should hang, same "duck" logic right?

Also, no pedophile would be public about it, and all your accusations are hinged on the fact that MJ was extremely public about his affection toward children. So no, he doesn't look like a duck, doesn't quack like a duck and doesn't swim like a duck, you determined he is a duck purely because he likes sitting in the water you demented prick.

Yea Forums - defending niggers

>b-b-but they testified in favor of his innocence!!
"Due Process? Fuck that! The court of opinion is all that matters! "

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>Dancing like Michael Jackson makes you pedophile

he looks white to me, /pol/. Whiter than you anyway

>Right, and black people are all criminals that should hang
This but unironically

this desu, i wouldn't have known if not for Yea Forums

By all means; What evidence was there that survived the trial?

None. He was proven innocent.

>wahhh! wahhh! kike! kike! jew! jew! pol! pol!
Zoom zoom!

>michael jackson
stop appealing to the /pol/ crowd, hypocrite, it makes it twice as sad

More like paedophilia is part of their culture, so no-one really gives a fuck

>are specifically made for attentionwhoring and likes, which means that being a twat is encouraged and rewarded
>on an anonymous web-board
You're a dipshit, but here's the (you) you so desperately want

I appreciate your bait, but pretending that sleeping in the same bed as your own children is anything even remotely close to sleeping with someone else's is low effort as fuck.

Because every idiot can see that it's bullshit made to milk the MJ money cow one last time because they have no shame. Dante is too high IQ to buy into that shit

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I find it ironic that hes chastising people about being willfully blind of paedos.

MJ did nothing wrong.

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Mike is allowed in the ethnostate.

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you guys do know we can tell you aren't from this site by the way you type, right?
You aren't creating a narrative by bawking senseless ramblings at each other.
You don't even greentext properly

Attached: MrGSfMI.jpg (1600x900, 151K)

Even if he DID do something, it in no way tarnishes his musical legacy and in fact he still had a net benefit on society on a whole

Attached: janny_are_you_okay.jpg (265x191, 5K)

>I appreciate your bait, but pretending that sleeping in the same bed as your own children is anything even remotely close to sleeping with someone else's is low effort as fuck.
You're the one claiming that sleeping together with children is only ever sexual. This is completely absurd and putting the cart before the horse. A pedophile sleeping with a child is likely sexual. A non-pedophile sleeping with a child is an adult and a child sleeping, in the same bed.

Your complete retard logic makes about as much sense as insisting that anyone who has their pet sleep in their bed with them is into bestiality and has sexual relations with their pets

Yep, he was in the (s)hitlist of a bunch of kikes, so they are not done yet.

You could say the same for every fucking retard on who yelling "KIKE!" to anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Yea Forums - loli posting while idiots argue

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Your anger is just as impotent as a twitter user's, the only thing bitching on the Internet is good for is personal validation which is still something you can get on an anonymous image board.

Ex Britney Spears bf wants gibs because being a MJ-impersonator and ex choreographer isnt enough to sustain a luxuriant life. Sudently, after 20 years, he and his fuccboi, realised that they could hit the jackpot by telling retarded americans that michael rimmed him.

Also; Jewflix, reputation destruction by corporated media, narrative changing, thinking trimming, etc..

If you think /pol/ is just a safe space for the right, you are clearly a newfag who came over during the 2016 election and have no clue what /pol/ is about...the elites were always /pol/'s number one target and then all of a sudden they started worshipping the biggest kike puppet ever because he promised to get rid of the brown people, but tell me, why are there more brown people then ever now? Hmmm?

> 90 % of the threads about MJ are people defending him & realizing it's bullshit, shitting on the 10 % vocal minorities every time
Maybe their is some good left in this shithole after all

no, those are /ourguys/.
You need to fuck off.

>Implying MJ even had a working dick or a sex drive left

Do you have kids?

actual fucking jew

Well he did make a lot of shit music though.

More tummies, dumb phoneposter.

What that does have to do with anything?
>Mr. Jackson walked free after a Santa Maria jury found him not guilty

>Jackson was eventually found not guilty of all charges by the 12-person jury

>The jurors found him not guilty on all 10 counts

I keep fucking tell you, he got the verdict "not guility". He did not get the verdict innocent

my grandfather was an SS officer and goosestepped on your ancestor's ashes, pilpul slime.
I'd rather you call me nigger than kike

This, he was still a virgin during that Oprah interview judging by his reaction. And he was basically in his late 30s at the time

Whatever floats your boat.

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It's adorable how you're not trying by this angle after being thoroughly BTFO user.

Take the hint; You lost, quit now. Debasing yourself like this and trying to bait some false equivalence isn't going to make things better.

So Dr. Grant sleeping with those kids in the Jurassic Park movie was him being a pedo?

go away

Well. I mean. When shit like Project Ultra literally fucking exist(ed)s, I'm willing to believe any level of grand scale mind fuckery exists. The documentary "Hot Coffee" even goes into detail on how high-level societal manipulation can lead to the alteration of public perception and, thereafter, law. The book "Dark Money" is also good for this. Influential people with metric fucktons of cash can and will influence the popular culture. What's to stop those same tactics being used to acquire dosh.


Yep, the MJ defenders are going full damage control. Eyup.

Finding Neverland transcends race bickering when you consider this is another #metoo battleground that the left has created. Don't go to crazy sucking off the left when this court of opinion witch trial bullshit is their fault.

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That's because MJ was a closeted transwoman

Attached: hard_to_swallow.jpg (680x979, 55K)

Answer the question you retarded faggot. If you want to play the "never have kids" line to the other user, the implication is that you yourself have children. So I repeat, do you have kids?

>What that does have to do with anything?
Literally absolutely everything, according to the citations you yourself provided earlier in this conversation.

There is no such thing as an "innocent" verdict. That's just you moving the goalposts. Being "proven" innocent however, is what actually did happen.

that desmond shit is something else.

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Listen you troll, I'm trying to educate you for your own good. If he was innocent there wouldn't have been a trial

he doesn't have to answer to you, idiot. Him having kids won't make a dead man a pedophile

Why don't you spare me the rubbish and write out both of your replies. I would be utterly shocked if you managed to come up with something valid and original in either case.

The fuck retarded troglodyte logic is this?

go educate your eyeball on a rusty rail spike, disgusting honorless subhuman

Again, your own sources disagreed with you. A suspect can be cleared of all suspicion, during a trial evidence can be proven faulty, a case being brought to trial doesn't prove you are not innocent.

If you're trying to educate people, start with yourself and read the fucking shit you posted about this very topic, it might prove enlightening.

Nice try Tranny, how does it feel to be BTFO'd?

>the #metoo movement is at its peak money making opportunity
>thinking kikes wouldn't get the two kids who were coached by their parents a couple decades ago in order to get settlements to retell their stories to make more money off shaming a dead guy
Its so easy to see how this could be a lie, you have to be an easy manipulated fool to believe it

imagine your "hero" online being a pedophile nigger because you're that much of an unhappy contrarian

millennials and gen x deserve to be put to death

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If you have kids, which you clearly don't, you'd know how fucking insane it'd be to let your children sleep in the same bed of someone you don't know, without you being there. If you want to pretend you have kids, fine. Bring them to my house to spend the weekend. Not that it matters because I'm not a pedo, but I sleep in the nude and like to spoon.

I would love to hate MJ for being naive but the hellbent shills against him make him look good in comparison. You give him honor and righteousness when you condemn him.

>only black man that Yea Forums likes is a pedo

>An innocent man must be guilty because the court of opinion insists that he is despite all evidence to the contrary
>Stop disagreeing with my emotions!
Imagine being this retarded

there was a thread on Yea Forums calling Spielberg out for raping O'Rourke to death a couple of hours ago, and there was like 1 or 2 people amidst a hundred posters who kept calling everyone /pol/ conspiratards and using the exact same hollow circular logic and nonsensical greentexting as this guy ITT, it's as if they're 50 year old suits pretending to be fellow kids.
Something fucky is going on.

doesn't look black to me

>lets blindly follow everything that comes out to shame celebrities that is clearly money motivated

How could possibly believe shit that was settled decades ago and just being brought up again now during peak metoo isn't just kikes being kikes?