Throw wide the gates user!
Throw wide the gates user!
Sorry user but XIV threads take up precious space from DMC5 threads.
>10 DMC threads
>1 XIV thread not allowed
God I hope he actually comes back.
Remember to do your fashion report with your squadron and FC buffs.
I really love PvP but it's too bad the queues are a bit long and the rewards are kinda shit.
>I really love PvP
Oh's retarded
I forgot what happened at the end of Crystal Tower story
If you want the best rewards do feast at the start of the season. Exclusive mounts and glamour.
I really don't get how someone can be this mad about a catgirl existing.
Hahaha epic meme dude xD
People just don't want your shitty cat plastered all over info you stole from others, Kaiyoko.
How is feast solo? I'd kinda assume you'd need a premade to actually get shit done.
I'm new to this but I don't get it. She doesn't look like she claiming that she owns that information, but she lays it out in a very clean manner. I don't know why folks get mad over it.
hrothgar will be asspulled as being the original inhabitants of ilsabard
screencap this
She also genuinely helps find it, so she isn't stealing it.
But like, whatever. Seems like more effort to do this when you could just ignore it.
Go cry to someone in your discord Kaiyoko
Chill mang. You haven't explained why you're angry at a person you've never met or done any wrong to you.
What doe she main
Her voice is really cute....but she kinda looks ugly...
I mean I'm not them but I've used their fashion shit, supplemented with the reddit thread for any other info.
It's pretty obvious, someone is doing something of note to help people out and plays a female Miqo'te. If it was a femroe or elezen no one on here would give a shit if they posted their character
I love how we've been forced to stop using logos as OP images in threads and have to use random screenshots because janny doesn't like us
>It's pretty obvious, someone is doing something of note to help people out and plays a female Miqo'te
No, they're taking information other people compiled and plastering their shitty character all over it to attention whore and take credit for it. Fuck off you dumb cunt
Did she claim it was her information?
I kinda regret not starting when it was new, starting mid-way in an MMO is retarded. Oh well, here's to FFXVI I guess.
How are they taking credit for it
you're the one who removed their sources
Th-this. o_o;; It's kinda mean spirited don't you think...? =_=; We should be making 4channel a more safe, friendly, and inclusive space for everyone! ^_^
Have sex.
Are you okay?
Reminder that Yoshida wants to one day have a business model like GTA:Online, loves Blizzard and attends each Blizzcon possible. Reminder that he will lead us down the same path as WoW. we need new blood to save us from the complacent old guard
>New guys made The Burn
>Everyone loves it, old guard gets annoyed
>Old Guys made Ghimlyt Dark
Who did better?
>Yoshi says new guys are doing crazy shit in ShB dungeons that he didn't even think was possible and everyone is gonna love it
>Ghimlyt Dark took the resources of 2 dungeons to make according to Yoshida while The Burn was average and was a one and done like all the others. I still laugh at people finding The Burn hard though, it wasn’t anything different from the rest. The Burn wins just because they didnt make it seem as if it was hard work, overall they need to readjust their dungeon and reward design cause they’re really meaningless in the long run.
Its unironically the 'new blood' idiot businessmen who have created the shitshow that is Acitivision and GTA: Online
Holy shit did I fuck up, didnt mean to greentext everything
The burn was generic.
>i like the taste of shit
How so?
Both are extremely good dungeons but story wise I would pick Ghimlyt Dark because I loved seeing Lyse, Pipin, etc on the battlefield. Same reason I love Ala Mhigo really.
>be newfag
>start on Lich since it's dead
>have 30% preorder bonus earrings
>all this EXP
I wonder how long it'll take me to touch the story beyond Heavensward, I've gotten 4 classes to 60 so far and I'm working on DRK right now.
Not him but The Burn really does nothing new. Its still the same pull to the boss and burn x3. Trash offers nothing unique or interesting and all the Bosses are rehashes of existing boss mechanics ranging from ARR to early SB. Ghimylt Dark isnt any different in that regard outside the final boss and a unique AI LB3. Dungeons haven’t really been content filled with depth since 1.0’s version of AV and CC where potions were a must for casters and the like.
Don't have to put up with Lala shitters if you don't play this game
>giving a shit about dungeon mechanics
Thought we were talking the most important thing in FFXIV, style.
I tend to judge content as a whole. Rarely do i even bring up aesthetics as it tends to be solid if not just watered down by outdated graphics but Style over Substance is something that should generally be avoided. Style is fine but their #1 concerne especially when claiming “never thought possible” is content that would be no different from any other dungeon outside of the iLvl/Lvl its tuned for.
I miss Yda
You never met her.
>inb4 "1.0 players met her!"
yeah, and that was almost 10 fucking years ago.
We never knew Yda. We knew a broken person pretending to be her dead sister.
In other words, 1.0 players met her.
You knew Yda if you started in Gridania in 1.0. But she never knew you, because you only ever saw her in Echo visions after she was already dead.
Echo doesnt count. You're in the past.
It does count. You saw her and experienced who she was and what she was like. Back then the Echo also let you interact with the people and objects inside the memories. In the Ul'dah opening you even bring back a flower from your Echo vision.
You know what I meant, autists. Go back to Eureka and leave this thread
>is wrong and arguing on a fundamentally flawed point
>"you know what I meant"
Seven hells, user.
>new game in series just comes out
>MMO thread that's daily that's for a game in a slump as it waits for a new expansion.
You mean Lyse, pretending to be Yda? Because in that case... that wasn't Yda.
I want to teach her about the extent of human endurance if you know what I mean
SE seems too invested in style lately. Now that's not bad but when you consider how much substance XV lacked with all its flashy animations you should be a bit worried for their whole direction as a whole not to mention they're not the best at planning shit given FFVII and even XV's dev cycle . FFXIV is even a weirder case where they don't want to even bump up the graphic quality a bet but still seem focused on that style over substance mentality. Raids are generally good but holy hell do Dungeons suffer for this.
Its fucking Zodiark. How can 14fags be so retarded that they think its an irrelevant cat from dead content?
>both hallways and bosses with basic mechanics
That said, Dark has much better presentation
I miss ARR.
What's it like being retarded?
Why would Zodiark be a fucking miqo’te?
You are fucking retarded my guy
Based retard.
burn lets me pull more things at once so it's better
The guy that wrote the ShB story also wrote the Crystal Tower story
She's a cute dyke user
>Au'ra scales
Wow you're right, same character XD
>maybe 25% of the total gear items available look cool/good
>even then those are prone to half butt capes or full butt capes
I hope they hit it out of the park and have more than maybe 3 sets of gear total look actually decent in Shadowniggers.
>can't even spell Au Ra correctly
Surely you know what you're talking about. Want to tell me about that Miqo'te arm and Miqo'te face with Miqo'te facial markings, champ?
>Zodiark was split apart from Hydaelyn by a restraining order that allows him no nearer than 13 shards after one ERP session too many
>She's a cute dyke
for you
Why is everyone forgetting that the voice that called out to us is the same voice as the WoD dude?
Aren't side stories considered non-canon?
No, literally everything is canon. Even the Lightning event was fucking canon because the reporter in the Ivalice questline mentions it if you've done it.
it's the fucking crystal aids you dunce
nero got covered in them when he was in the wod
No they're all canon. The only point of contention is the placement in the story when compared to the main MSQ.
No? Cid even mentions he can't believe Nero is back in 3.55 MSQ if you did World of Darkness.
only the crossover shit is non-canon, as far as i know
There's a flashback of G'raha during Omega and the whole raid series reveals vital info about the Allagans and why Bahamut was inside Dalamud.
Except it’s not.
Why would the raids be non-canon?
It should be illegal to be this retarded. Why is your caretaker letting you on the internet unsupervised?
>Retard cat is the one putting everyone in a coma
Yeah no
>tranny games
No one said that, you’re making an opposition that doesn’t fucking exist
i'm saying it, right now
the dumb cat did the coma thing and i'm going to be smug when i'm right, even if i don't actually believe it and am just doing it for shitposting purposes
Hasn't Yoshi said in the past that any stories outside of the MSQ need to be self-contained? Since otherwise it'd be jarring as fuck to players who haven't done the content?
Omega is literally a branch off the end of the HW story quest, and the reason Shinryu is the final boss of SB.
And now the Return to Ivalice series has Gabranth hinting at MSQ shit.
He more than likely meant gameplay wise. Like not locking dungeons or fights behind anything but their own stories.
Doesn't matter, the writing has clearly gone downhill since HW ended
>And now the Return to Ivalice series has Gabranth hinting at MSQ shit.
The Ivalice questline is also the entire reason that the barrier in the Burn works. Because Gabranth turned the only other airship refueling point in Othard to ruins.Otherwise the Garleans would be able to fly around it.
By having the same writers HW patch series had?
So assuming that the ever more credible leak is legit
>G'raha Tia and Crystal Tower are supposed to play part of ShB msq
>World getting flooded by light seems to be the main problem we'll work toward solving in 5.0
>Crystal tower links to World of Darkness, created by Ascians fucking up in a completely different direction, filled to brim with voidsent
>We are supposed to "Throw wide the gates"
So is the solution to Light Genocide in WoLs brilliant mind is to flood the world with voidsent and whatever the fuck else is in World of Darkness? Is there ever going to be a time where we don't fuck everything up harder for everyone while trying to solve earlier created problem?
They could also somehow end up connecting the portal to the First so we can go there to fix things.
That could technically be explained by Ivalice just being ruined in lore anyway, but very good point.
Yeah, but you only find out Rabanastre is in ruins to begin with when you go there with the Lexentales.
>Omega is literally a branch off the end of the HW
Not exactly what I meant.
>Return to Ivalice series has Gabranth hinting at MSQ shit
Right, forgot about the ending to that. Trying to remember what he said a bit more, I think he meant more that main characters that appear in side quests and stuff like the 24 mans obviously can't die, because if people ever go back and do that content it'd be jarring to see them alive again. Which means Yugiri and Krile can never be killed.
The Burn has better music and isn't as gated so it's not shit
Ghimlyt is fucking garbage because there are gates on every fucking pull and multiple gates on the last pull including wating for a lengthy animation every FUCKING TIME FUCK YOU DROP MY MONK PANTS ALREADY YOU SHIT DUNGEON
Doesn’t the CUL quest gene you make something for Lolorito?
You cook meals for a dead Nanamo if you do the CUL quests during HW
Lolorito isn't the one that gets his head cut off if you're talking about that.
Yeah, you make dinner for Lolorito and Nanamo. It's perfectly fine now, but you were able to do it while she was """dead""". You can also go back and do the DRG questline after finishing Heavensward and Estinien is there meeting you for the first time still being corrupted by Nidhogg.
There's a CUL quest with Lolorito in it but that hardly matters since Lolorito isn't dead.
Is the WoL a primal based off of a magicite imbued into a regular pleb which is sucking the world dry of aether?
>thinking people cant fuck up
>not realizing this might be the equivalent of "One Hit Wonders"
Yes, that's definitely more what he meant. However, I actually think they've decided to just say "this happens before this" because if you go back and do the DRG 50 quest after you've already done 3.3... it's a bit weird already. Maybe job stories are exempt specifically because of this, though.
However, if Nero is ever used again there's a problem with that regardless.
>Do 2.0 questline
>don't do crystal tower series
>do story up to 3.55 where nero comes back
>do crystal tower series
>do omega and he's back with no explanation
Which just makes my "timeline" idea more sound. I don't think they'll KILL any character who appears in this side shit because of that, but it definitely already has some weird shit
But Stormblood was great
After the whole thing with Estinien and the DRG questline, they clarified that any quest you do canonically happens at the point in time with the patch that introduced it.
If someone gets to the end of 4.5 without doing any of the raids or sidestories they could also do stuff like coils with Alisaie, Alexander with Y'shtola and Warring Triad with Urianger even though they're all in comas.
all of the side stories take place in the patch (and therefore time) they were introduced, for the most part
teleliji is still alive for the 50 cul quest, if i remember right. if you did it at the end of arr it looked like nanamo came back from the "dead" to eat your food, which was funny
Old guys because based fucking Pipin is in Ghimlyt
Thanks for cropping that fucking catslut out.
Kaiyoko: NOBODY gives a fuck about how your generic Miqo'te looks like FFS.
>you think she's being an attention whore, you must be an incel!
Fuck off, I'm married and even my dumb bitch of a wife isn't that desperate for attention
can you go away, we're trying to talk about the game
I actually did do that, and it was pretty great
>Be accused and effectively exiled due to namamo dying of being poisoned
>Get to feed her during her visit to Limsa
>Bringing /vg/ drama with you
Fuck off retard.
It was horrible user. The story was heavily disjointed due to the vast distance between the regions at hand. All the focus that should have been Ala Mhigo end up going to Doma alone. It made for a rushed Liberation for both regions that really had no weight to them. Had they waited for the "Ala Mhigan" liberation to happen till now it probably wouldn't throw the story off and would still make sense for the Garlean Empire to quickly strike back quickly. That's the reason HW worked so well, it focused on Ishgard and its neighboring regions, one that was home to their enemy, and still had lingering issue far after the defeat of King Thordan and even Nidhogg himself. Hell as boring as the MCH storyline is in SB it does keep showing the bumpy path they're going thru in terms of their restructuring of society now that the truth is out.
>they clarified that any quest you do canonically happens at the point in time
Yes, I remember Yoshi saying this as well, all the events that happen reside in their own little 'time-bubble', which I guess totally makes the retard cat putting everyone into a coma absolutely a possibility. They could just say fuck it and make completing Crystal Tower a requirement to continue with MSQ, too.
Even worse, it's reddit/twitter drama. Just ignore it, it's really obvious they're doing it for replies now.
I disagree entirely, I think both were incredible stories and I can't wait for more in Shadowbringers.
>my Ozma mount? Why of course, I got it in the very first week
No, let's talk about glamour instead. It's more important than dungeons you do once and never need to play again.
>Post your current glamour/character
>What outfits do you want in SHB?
>What other customization features do you want?
>Will you play as a bunnyboy or bunnygirl?
Then we'll have to agree to disagree then user because I do really think the pacing is ass
>can't wait for more in ShadowBringers
Given the DRK writer was given the lead role I am also optimistically looking forward for the MSQ. Just hope there is more content variety this time around.
Oh people are gonna get real mad at people for character posting but yeah go for it dudes. I'm fucking unoriginal so I just run AF3, though.
never ever
Get the fuck out and fuck off back to /vg/ you retarded jizzrag.
She was co-writer of SB anyway my dude, Oda will probably be writing with her too but we'll have to see.
>She only did the Azim Steppe!
literally no.
>What outfits do you want in SHB?
I'd love some more colorful and maybe royal looking glamours. I want to stand out even more on my server!
>What other customization features do you want?
More facial hair and stylish hair options. Pic related (I'm the Hyur) is close to my real hairstyle, but I'd like something MORE accurate. And some more muscle options too! I'm much more big and toned in real life.
>Will you play as a bunnyboy or bunnygirl?
Bunnyboys are life.
Who is the character equivalent of this
She worked mostly on Azime Steppes user which were some of the enjoyable parts of SB.
She was CO-writer. She literally wrote half the story collaboratively with Oda.
Raubahn in 2.55?
I'd like to throw wide catboy gates if you know what I mean
>Post your current glamour/character
I'm the male Miqo'te and the cute female Miqo'te is my gf
>What outfits do you want in SHB?
More trenchcoats or outfits that can make me look more FF-protagonist looking. Most of the gear looks like it belongs to a supporting character or generic NPC
>What other customization features do you want?
More body options, face sliders and hair options.
>Will you play as a bunnyboy or bunnygirl?
I'll probably stick with my Miqo'te, unless we really are getting facial hair for Midlanders, which in that case, I'll be a Midlander again
Doma in general was great, it was Ala Mhigo and anything to do with Lyse that got really grating. I mean I get it you're Lyse now and your personality did a complete 180 from what it was as Yda for some reason, you dress like you're a retarded child and act like it too and we're supposed to carry your ass through leading this shithole, but fuck it I just want to go back to Kugane and not have the Azim Steppe be totally irrelevant.
Nah, Yoshi's "it's okay to stop playing" means he'll likely never take the game down the route of trying to make sure there's always that one upgrade you could get so that you have "infinite gameplay"
Fuck escapism.
>playing as the cuck race with your gf
>cuck race
I don’t see a male Au Ra in that post?
I just don't get why people say this. The Ala Mhigan sections were completely fine, the start where everything was desperate and pretty much forced to give up into Doma, and returning, sure to finally take it back from Garlean hands.
Lyse will be shit on forever and always it seems, but I don't get how people think she wasn't always acting like this. Papalymo kept her in line.
user. Catboys are literally a race of cucks, by design. Their entire culture is about that shit.
Lmao dude, read up on miqo'tes. One male in the tribe is the chad and the rest are beta cucks.
That user is a Keeper of the Moon. Mooncat males live as drifters constantly on the move. They stop in villages occasionally and fuck whatever women are there before moving on.
The main problem with Ala Mhigo is simple: why should I care about them?
>Invade neighboring states and rightly get BTFO for it
>Cause nothing but trouble for the states they flock to as refugees
>Make Ul'dah look like garbage
>Release Shinryu
Give me THREE reasons why I should care about them. Meanwhile the Garleans are interesting characters and even when they wrote one to be unlikable on purpose, everyone liked him.
I mean the MSQ as you're leveling is mostly fine, it just really starts breaking down once Zenos kicks the bucket. It's also frustrating to see a "comrade in arms" type character get reduced to a damsel in distress and a mostly useless figurehead who manages to somehow be less effective and useful than fucking Nanamo.
I'm a Mooncat, so no he wouldn't be a cuck. Nice try though.
Only Suncats.
Which means he's literally a cuck, never managing to have a woman of his own and just taking the scraps of some nuhn before bitching out again.
What are some interesting parts of XIV's lore that some might not know about?
It's good to have them as a buffer zone against Garlemald
If you mean the fucking meme definition of cuck, sure I guess. Tias don't get to fuck bitches, simple as that. They aren't having their wives stolen from them, and they're free to challenge the Nunh for his position whenever they want. A lot of times they don't just out of respect... because they're a tribal culture that care about each other.
Meanwhile male Keepers of the Moon are sought after because males are rarer, though the women are, I don't want to say "dominant" but the Keepers are a female focused culture is all.
Nigger mooncats make Tia's look alpha. What the fuck are you smoking?
The actual guides are made by her boyfriend. She just reads them to bait thirsty virgins for more subs.
>puns lmao xDD
I'll take MrCrappy any day over that thot.
The metaphysical stuff is actually catching wind so I can't even say that now.
The "World Map" doesn't show the two other continents.
People need to let this go. All signs are pointing to a genderlock and they'll go "yeah but lore" to write themselves out of ever having to make them.
Yoshi saying he dislikes them is basically a death sentence.
I mean, not really, they're as standard as anyone else in the world, they just happen to take their mother's name because their culture is ruled by their women.
Keepers barely get any fucking lore anyway though. They really need to flesh them, Plainsfolk Lalafell, and Duskwights out more.
>their culture is ruled by their women
>not beta
Pick one. Also doesn't help that cats are canonically slutty, but I imagine you'd prefer to tell yourself otherwise.
Do you have some sort of brain damage? Keepers don’t have nunhs, fucking retard.
Imagine being so retarded you whoosh this hard.
>Literally nobody wanted to be involved with mhiggers and their war because of everpresent "economic migrants" and because of the war between them and eorzea that happened before they were conquered by garleans
>Have to get involved because Mad Lad Extraordinaire Ilberd played everyone and framed Eorzean Allience for invading Rightful Garlean Clay™
>When eorzeans finally show up to help, mhiggers are almost nowhere to be seen because most of them died on fruitless rebelions without any planning behind them
>After WoL and the alliance do all the heavy lifting, Literal Who Hext comes up leading every other leader and has everyone sing mhigger national anthem
>First thing mhiggers do with their new established freedom is to transform their government into a republic by inviting fucking tempered snakepeople of all things resulting in a dyplomatic scandal
>Alliance is eternally bound to that place because garleans want their Rightful Garlean Clay™ back and sunk costs falacy prevents them from pulling out, almost getting gassed back to the stone age as a result
>WoL has to carry it all so hard it actually threatens to fuck over the world with a flood of light that will destroy everything
And they supposedly wanted to make Zenos unlikable.
I disagree, but no point arguing when we find out in two weeks
plainsfolk have a fair bit of backstory, it's mostly behind sch quests though since most of it relates to nym and mhach
I want to fuck her if you know what I mean.
>mfw fighting Thordan
makes me think of Barristan Selmy, Arthur Dayne, Gerold Hightower, etc
They aren't though, how can you be slutty when you outnumber the men in your society 15 to 1?
i don't
Man why are SCH quests so shit though?
>Have to listen to some MRD potato thirsting after a green potato.
Like jesus fuck as SMN you get to BTFO Asians and ancient superpowered battletech while schooling everyone in the art of summoning. Then you go SCH and you get to babysit a retarded green potato and get carried by some random lancer.
How the heck do I play tank?
It’s my turn for the O12S weapon coffer on Tuesday and my main choice is looking like the DRK weapon. Tell me how to get those beautiful orange numbers.
What's gonna be the Yea Forums Meetup server once the cross world visit feature drops next month?
Rostnsthal, the Roegadyn from the MCH questline, was once the Commodore of Limsa Lominsa. He had dreams of replacing the corrupt Admiral at the time. He was approached by a man named Travanchet, who warned him of the coming primals and offered him the chance to save Limsa from them and claim the seat of Admiral. All he had to do was find the legendary Swallowtail Roam, aka Seal Rock, and retrieve an artifact from it.
This led to a whole conspiracy that led to the deaths of countless Knights of the Barracuda, but Rostnsthal did claim the relic from Seal Rock. Travanchet then revealed himself as an Ascian and stole it from him, leaving Rostnsthal alone and responsible for his actions.
The relic was later handed over to Mide, and used to summon Alexander. It's the reason he's so absurdly powerful, because the relic is exactly like the one topping Louisoix's staff.
Also anything in the fishing log is extremely obscure.
Quite easily? How the fuck does an absence of something make it likely for there not to be a great desire for it? How dumb r u mate?
>People need to let this go. All signs are pointing to a genderlock and they'll go "yeah but lore" to write themselves out of ever having to make them.
If the community revolts enough, they'll change it and hopefully issue a big apology.
That and we can pull sexism card too.
It really is just 60-70 questline for SCH that sucks so much.
30-50 has you work as an archeologist recovering lost art of nymian arcanima while uncovering the mystery behind tonberies while 50-60 gives you more backstory on Nym and events that led up to its destruction.
60-70 throws that away in favor of "Actually, White Mages!"
face boss away from group, pop defensive cooldown when tankbuster happens, turn off tank stance when there's no tankbusters coming, do your 123 combo.
Scholar bows to White Mage
Mooncats are the ultimate cucks because they don't even stand a chance of becoming a chad, they're always just going to be aimless drifting beta males
last boss of ghimlyt is kino, the mist dragon is just annoying.
>Playing on Mateus since 2.5 when i started playing
>Balmung Invasion happens
>Nowdays the server is so fucking crowded that when i go to the Gold Saucer everything takes ages to load due to the sheer amount of people
>Get queues regularly
The shadowbringers launch is going to suck so fucking bad i can already see it. I honestly want to transfer to a dead server but i'm stuck in Mateus because of my mansion. I'm also stuck not being able to unsub because of my mansion. You know sometimes i think i should just give up on it, it would make my life better overall, but its so much fun to decorate it.
>implying they won't pull some bullshit excuse like "lore" or "server limitations" to get themselves out of making them
I still think we're gonna get small viera, hrothgar, and no genderlock.
People forget that Viera have been on development for an absurd amount of time, and were almost considered for SB but they couldn't make their feet work.
I don't even have queues on Balmung dude, dunno how you have them there.
There's a clan of au ra that marries horses
The community at large won't revolt. Like 90% of the population of this game are normies with no opinions on anything. And the only response they need to give is "BUT THE LORE" or Yoshi saying "We didn't want to implement them" and all discussion would cease.
>"1.0 players met her!"
Not necessarily. They're not explicit in when the switch happened, and it could have been pre-1.0
Nah, 60-70 story basically has the old white mages canonically go nuts because of how inferior they were to old SCHs, though the whole spiel is delivered in a messy, contrived and convoluted way.
50-60 was pretty shit too mate. 30-50 was okay, but not very interesting or engaging either. I actually can't think of a job line that's worse than SCH in every tier.
>remind RDM that their AOE skill exists after 2 pulls that take forever
>get this
Had a hearty kek and gave them the comm even though they did less DPS than the tank
>They're not explicit in when the switch happened, and it could have been pre-1.0
They're extremely explicit. She died one year before 1.0. But you see her in Echo visions that took place 10 years prior to 1.0.
We don't speak of the Au'ra, user.
I thought this was a meme, Yea Forums?
>Commending someone with a skill emote
Never encourage retardation, faggot.
the lalafell in the warrior of darkness's party has a strong sexual desire for him
Yda/Lyse was fine as a comic relief side character but when you thrust her center stage and suddenly she needs to have a real personality and motivations and growth it kind of falls apart and they didn't handle it well at all.
The Ala Mhigo plot overall was a disappointment because it feels like it was glossed over and the real focus of the expansion is on Doma/Othard, although neither side really gets the attention necessary to make them feel properly fleshed out like Ishgard did. The Ala Mhigo arc had been built up since 2.0 so it was shit having it feel like the devs just wanted to rush through it and get it over with as soon as possible so they could jack off to japanese aesthetics.
You don't get enough time with the people, history and locations of Ala Mhigo to feel any kind of investment or connection with them or their plight, and the Empire is bowled over so quickly that it made the story's primary antagonists come off as bumbling incompetents. Ala Mhigo was already struggling to get any kind of sympathy from the player considering just about every Ala Mhigan you meet during the pre-SB MSQ is a massive cunt, and Stormblood barely did anything to try and rectify that while also introducing a really annoying character in the process (Lyse) who kind of symbolizes everything wrong with the entire arc. I don't blame people at all if the Ala Mhigo plot left a bad taste in their mouth.
I call bullshit on this one, but it's plausible because there is no limit to lalafell degeneracy.
pipin is a fuckin faggot
It's not bullshit, the lorebook says it outright. But she's not actually a Lalafell in her original body. All the Warriors of Darkness are possessing new bodies in our world like Ascians do.
So the rewards are still the fucking same than when this shit started? What's the point?
Most trannies have therapists right? They should probably do some questions where they ask if the tranny feels like the correct gender/that they're passing. I think the amount that do feel good about it versus the ones who don't is more than likely staggering.
Well yes obviously, I mean he's a potato. The only difference between a male and a female potato is hairstyle.
God I wish that was me
It's 60k MGP every week basically for free.
Even if you are delusional and drugged up with hormones some day you have to wake up and realize as much as you pretend you will never be a real woman and you mutilated yourself for nothing.
>another tranny thread
This has been weeb WoW from the getgo.
>SB came out years ago
>Still haven't fixed some of the broken shit from back then
>SCH disperse skill is still mostly useless
>Emergency tactics is still one of the worst skills in the game
>Selene is still completely useless
>Aetherpact is shit and fucks with positioning, short range, long wind-up and mediocre effect
>Excognicate makes lustrate even worse than it already was, still just a poor version of tetragammon because it costs resources
>WHM fluid aura will miss 100% against level 70 enemies
This. It was like every dime a dozen EXDR dungeon.
Why do people do this shit?
>healer is OP in PVP
>no one wants to heal in Frontlines
>alliance gets wrecked consistently
>SCHfag whining despite being strong as fuck
Shut up
Because sluts want it?
Playing healer in frontlines practically feels like cheating so I have no idea why people are so averse to it.
>Sit in the back easily keeping your entire party alive
>Impossible to die unless at least 3 people on the enemy team have the awareness to focus you.
>emergency tactics is still one of the worst skills in the game
>selene is still completely useless
>excogitate is a poor version of tetragrammaton
never knew there were players with such fundamental misunderstanding of the game
I'd rather be weak and interesting than strong and boring user. Class is boring as shit and their new skills are either just repackaged old skills or completely worthless. The most interesting ability in 20 levels is a 15 second debuff.
Yes, I am still mad they removed cleric stance and turned it into this abomination of a cooldown based buff.
Because it is boring as shit.
The main killer is the ostracisation. But one thing that really needs to be stated and is often ignored is that it's usually NOT the white middle class trans people killing themselves, it's lower class and minority ones typically. So really the white middle class ones should stop acting like they're the ones being murdered and driven to suicide.
You are genuinely retarded
Oh please, tell me when ET is useful other than when your other healer fell asleep, or how Selene is relevant outside of the 1% of fights where there's a bunch of debuffs to purge because eos healing allowing you more time to DPS is already more value than selene's worthless buff.
>WHM fluid aura will miss 100% against level 70 enemies
Why would you want to push enemies past when you're leveling anyway?
>over 100 days played
>have met exactly 0 girls
how the fuck do people meet friends on this game, let alone friends with vacant vaginas
Oh shit some faggot on the internet called me names, how devastating!
>Half of the kit is literally useless
>Still the tightest job that's nigh impossible to replace in any content
Also you are fucking wrong, Aetherpact is your core fairy heal while Rouse is on cooldown and Lustrate is infinitely superior to Tetragrammaton simply because it's 1800 potency heal over 45 seconds vs 60 second cooldown 700 potency heal, delete your jobstone.
>Every single thing except Selene being useless.
>Actually missing old cleric stance.
Fucking scrub.
It used to deal damage, also because I like having tools that I can use, rather than a skill that is literally "do nothing"
how is it possible to be this dumb
Do Eureka, namely Baldesion Arsenal runs on discord.
you shouldn't play a game just to meet girls user.
They're probably playing cat bois or big roes or avoiding you because you seem desperate
be social and not awkward. I've been playing since 2014 and I've met so many girls through discord and ffxiv twitter that I lost count.
Current problems with scholar:
>Selene could afford to be a little bit better than being summoned during downtime/prepull only for buffs
that's it, you're dead wrong about everything else
>like any wound, a man-made vagina will heal if but given time
Old cleric stance made a clear distinction between healing and dealing damage and allow for a greater range of skill. This whole obsession over healer parsing got far worse as soon as healers were able to do dps for free.
Emergency Tactics is literally the best fucking mitigation skill in the entire game you moron what the fuck is wrong with you
>Aetherpact is your core fairy heal while Rouse is on cooldown
And most of the time the effect is negligible.
>Lustrate is infinitely superior to Tetragrammaton simply because it's 1800 potency heal over 45 seconds vs 60 second cooldown 700 potency heal, delete your jobstone.
Learn to fucking read you pathetic shitstain. I compared it to excognicate, not lustrate. And Tetragammon is a free skill that costs no mp or resources whereas excognicate/lustrate costs a limited resource that is generally better spent on other abilities. Something is seriously going wrong if you're spending your shit on lustrates.
>Still the tightest job that's nigh impossible to replace in any content
Oh boo fucking hoo, what kind of soulless husk of a human being would have "other people want me to play this boring shit" be their defining purpose for acting. Make the fucking job interesting again.
>Being too much of a toddler to appreciate old cleric stance
Fuck off underage.
Dissipation could also ressumon your fairy when it ends like bahamut does.
I dunno how you could achieve it, since you're so much worse with your literal shit posts. Try finishing elementary school at least?
Congrats on one of the dumbest posts I've seen in months
This is a tranny game dude
eureka is good for spotting cute girls
>Emergency tactics: Transforms the next Galvanize status into HP recovery equaling the amount of damage reduction intended for the barrier.
How does it feel to be so retarded you confuse Emergency tactics for deployment tactics?
>tfw no Lalafell wife
just talk to people, break the ice.
Well, if we needed proof that you don't even read the garbage you type out, we now have it.
Why the fuck are /vg/ retards bleeding into Yea Forums again? Who the fuck thinks just posting random "hurrr durrr ur dumb durrrrr" is acceptable?
Everyone has been using that left one, it's great.
Feels very bad.
Don't be so triggered that you're retarded, user.
These people are exactly why SCH and AST are going to be buffed yet again and why WHM is going to spend yet another expansion on the sidelines.
>An arbitrary stance that increases the room for error while giving dpslets an excuse not to dps is a good thing
>A healing ability with higher potency, lower cooldown, ability to go off on a condition that uses a resource that restores itself faster than any WHM cooldown is worse than a 700 potency 60 second cooldown
>Fairy healing is negligible
>"I won't appreciate this class until it's unplayable so I can have an interesting job"
Holy fuck, stop posting you french fuck.
>not jacking off for your discord gf over her toon
lmao @ you beta cucks
use ET on thunder god's doom in orbonne ;)
>I am literally incapable of reading so I'll just rephrase what you said into nonsensical drivel and then dismiss that
Nice strawman faggot.
post your logs so i can laugh at how fucking bad you are faggot
i'm going through uwu as a sch and i use literally every single skill available because i NEED to in order to progress, that dudes a fuckin faggot and an idiot.
No point. Indo + Whispering dawn is more healing than you will need, especially if you have any other healer casting any single aoe heal.
I mean don't get me wrong, if there's ever a time to use it, that would be the kind of mechanic where it's useful. But the reality is that even then it's just not really relevant.
>it's great.
it looks like shit and I'm tired of fucking seeing it.
>I'm bad
>Also that guy is an idiot
Convincing argument there buddy.
I sure miss the greater range of skill of lag fucking up cleric activation/deactivation and causing a wipe because I couldn't heal for shit for five seconds.
The change also gave the Syphie fuckers who never did any DPS no excuse.
>800 is higher than 700
>a direct quote
>a direct quote
>"N-no, that's a strawman"
Go hang yourself off of the nearest tree you worthless subhuman.
I should get into getting tributes on my Miqo'te.
indom and whispering + one gcd from another healer arent enough to top you off, whispering takes too long because of the way that fairy potencies on its heals work, etsuccor+indom +other healer gcd+ogcd are needed to make sure you dont fucking die in the 10 seconds you have to cleanse that doom.
t. SCH that forces their co-healer to cover literally everything
>A direct quote
>That is in no way direct or a quote
>And completely misses the point of what they were talking about
>To sperg out about 800 being a higher number than 700, when that is in no way relevant
>Get told off for your strawman bullshit, make a strawman about that too
>Think everyone else is as retarded as you are, so surely something this fucking stupid will work right?
Sorry buddy, it does not.
Scholar was a mistake and Astrologian is a clear example of dev favoritism in action.
Astrologian is a clear example of being based.
Heartless Archangel is a pretty clear example.
It's still useful for savage progress in general.
Just finished World of Darkness, I can definitely see why people think he might be in the expansion seeing as its the only known stable gate to the void and the fact that Wedge tells him, "We'll be back in a few years, just you wait!" Would be a great setup.
Lyse posing as Yda was a completely different character to just Lyse on her own, they act nothing alike, your being autistic
>Buffed indo heals for 2k+
>Cast succor normally without ET for 8-12k
>When people have around 4.7k health
t. shitter too busy healing the floor to pay attention to numbers.
Imagine being this retarded when simple data is available. ET is only relevant if your other healer is dead or sleeping.
An actually decent example, color me shocked.
why would we need the world of darkness when a flood of light in imminent? Unless their goal is to siphon the darkness and put some of it into the Source?
classic wow or ffxiv shadowbringers, which one will be more well received by critics and players this summer?
>buffed indo
>not realizing that ET doubles effective healing of succor/adlo for the purposes of Doom when there's no extra damage coming up
>"when people have around 4.7k health"
You might want to add an extra 0 to your numbers.
You could use the Darkness from there to balance it out. Or you could change the portal to go to the First instead, because right now the problem is that strange Light-tainted aether is bleeding into our world from there and Solus plans on fusing it with the Black Rose somehow.
Stormblood was consistently good and the people who jerk off Heavensward were likely newbies who joined after 3.2 and don't remember how barren half the expansion was.
Stormblood was consistently good and the only bad parts of HW was after you beat it and 3.1, it was a great expansion too.
I just love this game, even ARR 50+ story.
why is triple triad so fun?
>literally anything to do with ala mhigo
ShB is going to suck, isn't it
Classic WoW will attract a bunch of WoWfugees back, but almost everyone will leave on a month or two.
The devs were at least willing to try and fix the game during HW, rather than in SB where the excuse seems to constantly be "we're putting all our resources into future content" and hoping band-aid'ing over glaring flaws is enough to keep people distracted long enough until 5.0 comes out and SB becomes a forgotten memory.
This basically. Old Lyse was fun when she was a bumbling comic relief sidekick. She wasn't great by any means, but at least she wasn't boring. As far as I'm concerned she died along with Potatolymo and the only reason why she's still technically the same character was as an attempt to get the player at all invested in the ala mhigo bullshit.
She looked better with her old turban and stupid goggles too.
You have no reason not to cast indo, and casting ET will never make a difference unless your other healer is dead or sleeping. None of your rambling nonsense changes that fact.
>B-but the numbers!
Just because you CAN do something, and it has theoretical value, doesn't make it practically significant. It is typical brainlet theorycrafting.
I mean if they actually removed indo as they fucking should because the ability is boring as hell (herp derp healing my entire party for 30-50% of their health with a press of a button every 45 seconds durrrp) Then ET would actually be useful. As it stands, it's extremely situational where other classes at least get abilities they regularly use. Goes back to my earlier points about Excognication vs Tetragammon, where excognication is basically just a stronger lustrate every 45 seconds vs an actual ability to use in addition to your other spells, rather than instead of.
>Alisaie asked me to protect her
>I failed
can't be any worse than stormblood
>It was actually the same retard who can't into math further proving that he can't into math
O, lord, this is getting better by the minute.
the whole lyse pretending to be yda was so stupid. i hate how for years the scions knew she was pretending but never confronted her. they just went along
Probably both going to be shit
better than stormblood, worse than heavensward.
>Be monk/pugilist w/e
>Leader and symbol to the oppressed and the downtrodden
>Wear some frilly dress that not only makes you stick out like a sore thumb from your fellows, but would also be really impractical to fight in.
>Get completely sidelines by Raubhan because you're utterly incompetent and irrelevant outside of your uncanny ability to summon the WoL to fight your battles for you
odds = it sucks
evens = it's MMO of the year
Classic for players (for like a month) >shad for critics.
>"Leader and symbol to the oppressed and the downtrodden"
>I lost the argument so I'll just imply I won with vague claims instead! Surely this will work!
Finish school, kids.
Please do explain how what is effectively a 200 potency heal every 45 seconds is better than a 700 potency heal every 60, because that's all excogitate amounts to.
Balmung was a mistake
Well it's a good thing Ala Mhigo ended up being an afterthought which is really only featured in the post-67 MSQ. Ala Mhigo as a dungeon was pretty great though. Skalla sucked ass. Still, we spent most of the expansion in Othard which was nice. Return to Ivalice was excellent, Eureka was a great time waster, Omega was mostly shit thematically but had some great bosses and the best Savage incentives in the form of exclusive end bosses, Ultimate was good, the Four Lords was a primal series that didn't feel like villain of the week shit, and the new jobs were pretty fun.
The fuck did they end up fixing during HW that wasn't fixed simply by releasing content that wasn't subpar? About the only thing they really shifted during HW was raiding difficulty. For the most part nothing in SB needed to be fixed except job balance, and even then job balance was pretty tight. Other than Eureka not being what casuals wanted for their daily grind what was there to really complain about?
despite being extremely rare, we'll see more Padjals than even a single male Viera because they're so reclusive
All Padjal are condensed to a single city and forced to take active roles in the government, so it makes sense.
You're obsessed man. You always post the same things
what do you mean
Better story than ARR.
Pretending like Eureka is only hated by casuals is just facetious. It's not hardcore content, its mindless grinding.
What is the best class for a retard to play? RDM or SAM?
RDM is best for a complete tard since it has no proper rotation and can res the whole party without even thinking about it.
I hope her lizard was okay.
RDM. SAM, while having a low skill floor, has a pretty decently high skill ceiling.
RDM stays consistently braindead.
I never said it was hardcore content. I said casuals were the ones who complained because it wasn't what they wanted out of their daily grind. You didn't hear anyone complaining about content that wasn't Eureka.
RDM is dps on easy mode. It's fun as hell and pretty much zero effort. SAM has a good amount of optimization if you're into that.
That's because eureka was so mindblowingly bad that it dwarfed anything else in the game to date. It's a blackhole of suck that makes more expert roulette dungeons look like good content by comparison.
People complain because it's the most souless "carrot-on-a-stick" tier grind ever. I couldn't justify spending any time in there at all, if I ran out of relevant content I would just play another game.
RDM. But I'm sure they'll do something in 5.0 to make it more "challenging" like buff maintenance in order to use verholy2 and verflare2
>verholy2 and verflare2
>not Verultima
>worse than Diadem
>worse than Gordias
>worse than Verminion
>worse than any of the garbage attempts at PvP modes
>worse than HW's infinite tome grind relic steps
Shit, it was a grind for sure but it was certainly different. Optimizing grind methods was at least kind of fun since it brought me back to FFXI days. Had I done it solo I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it but I had a good time doing it with friends since it had a clear progression path that wasn't just "get tomes, increase ilvl, repeat". Comparing it to old relic steps I thought it was pretty excellent since there was an open-endedness that previous relic series ended up lacking.
>Tfw no ASoIaF mmo with XIV style boss fights
Fate grinding isn't anything new. That's pretty much all it is. Really they just need to do something new for relic in 5.0. Maybe make a questline that requires you to go into a solo duty to fight in relic steps or something.
that doesn't even make sense
The relic is always going to be designed as a timesink and they've already announced plans for more timesink content "similar to Eureka" in Shadowbringers.
The difference being none of those, not even DIadem, sucked all the dev time away from other content
Also gordias is strictly better than Eureka
>worse than diadem
At least you had objectives to complete before dino-island, and you could gather in there too. It also wasn't supposed to be a selling point of the whole expac that was announced before it even released.
>worse than gordias
What was wrong with gordias? Too hard for you?
>worse than verminion
a one-off mini-game we got as a total surprise one patch? yeah sure fair comparison to something that was advertised as a main point of the expansion, we had content cut to provide dev time for, was delayed repeatedly, and then sucked on arrival. That's totally in the same category you're right.
>worse than any of the garbage attempts at PVP modes
PVP can be loads of fun sometimes even if its imbalanced and crapshooty, Eureka is boring every time.
>worse than HW's infinite tome grind relic steps
Since they only cost obsolete tomes that you had nothing to spend on other than relic you could literally just play normally and spend the tomes as you got them and have the relic done in time for the next step to be released.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
A classic. Bravo.
>tfw no ATE where you push a shota out a window
It makes sense that it doesn't make sense to you, since you clearly failed to make sense of it the first time. Don't let it get to you and finish elementary school before coming back here.
this is why nobody like au ra or fem roes
The only thing that would make Eureka any more of a resource-drain than Diadem was would be the tying a relic-weapon to it, hell Ultimate difficulty for Coils of Bahamut and Ultima Weapon are objectively bigger distractions and wastes of dev-time than Eureka on account of the sheer player turnover for Ultimate.
Chaining parties made it a lot more than just fate grinding. Having to wrangle tards and drag them kicking and screaming into an activity that would give them huge rewards was pretty fun for me. There isn't enough pick up content that allows you to boss people around for their own good.
I'm trying to remember those content gaps that Eureka caused. Because I'm remembering four and a half Savage bosses per tier, two Ultimate fights, one more extreme trial than HW, some of the best 4 mans we've ever gotten, and easily the best 24 mans we've ever gotten. All without patch delays.
I understand the time sink, but do it differently. I'd like to be able to solo stuff and work on it in my own time.
>Play Femquote
>Nothing applies, closest thing is Type B
>The only thing that serves to qualify me as a weeb is FFXIV and being on Yea Forums
Just seemed like the most fitting race for BRD, fml.
We got less expert dungeons,less new/unique models per patch, and less totally random out of the blue side content like ARR and HW had.
how does this works if you didnt complete crystal tower
>play female miqo'te
>B applies I guess
>but Lalafell type B fits better
Those alliance and 8man raids also had more recycled models from other recently released/remasterd games in them too, compared to HW's all original non-crossover content.
stop lying
This has to be bait but i'll respond
>Optimizing Grind Methods
Yeah the most optimal way of grinding sure was fun when it wasn't compatible with the game's battle system. Surely chaining trash mobs with no unique movesets when compared to their overworld/dungeon counterparts can't be the peak of this game.They didn't even try and fit it into XIV properly, they just extended the grind as much as they could and then fucking suffered for it in Pagos
>b-but Pyros and Hydatos were good
They're only good cause Pagos was so fucking shit you couldn't go anywhere but up
>FFXI days
If you think Eureka was any kind of good representation of FFXI then you're fucking daft. The content didn't offer any kind of reward to justify the grind nor did it try and work itself into the XIV system.
>Had I done it solo I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it but I had a good time doing it with friends
Shit Fallout 76 is horrible solo but I know if I got a few of my buddies we could probably have fun playing the shitty game by just doing retarded shit. That argument helps no game at all. If you can't have fun when you're by yourself then the game and/or content is already doing something wrong.
>Comparing it to old relic steps I thought it was pretty excellent since there was an open-endedness that previous relic series ended up lacking.
What open-end? This literally a linear path, there is no multiple avenues of content you can do to upgrade your weapon its literally go into the instance, farm crystals and light/mnemes + 5 of a NM material and then move on. The content isn't even future proof making Hydatos Relic a "Get it now or never get it again" Relic.
"Huge" reward is a bit subjective. Since it was late in release and the weapons didn't mean anything through most of SB. Sure the bis weapon is out in the last few months left of the expac. Though I guess what's fun for a few isn't for the rest.
99% sure this picture was made by a disgusting potato shitmongler which makes any opinions on it irrelevant.
considering elezen and hyur have the least offensive ones i would say it was made by one of them,lalafell are still garbage though
I love her
>Ultimate difficulty for Coils of Bahamut and Ultima Weapon are objectively bigger distractions and wastes of dev-time
Except all of these were just reused assets, almost little to no work was done on asset creation for this. It was just a balancing act for the most part and was something Yoshida gave the devs free reign to do. Eureka on the other hand was already confirmed to be draining resources from multiple avenues by Yoshida himself even stating it as a reason to us getting one less dungeon. Hell the Raid Tier in of itself used a lot of reused skeletons and pulled a shit ton from Dissidia and other games. Hell it was literally "Haha nostalgia remember?" instead of something like Alexander or Coils where they try and integrate staples into an interesting bit of lore for Eorzea that isn't just nostalgia itself.
>chaining parties made it a lot more than just fate grinding
Yeah that's great except now we have to ask why the need for an arbitrary leveling system? Why didn't they bother adjusting the chain style grind to the XIV combat system or give those mobs unique aspects to their movelist? All you're doing is attacking health sponge variants of existing mobs with a shallow R/P/S system.
>content gaps that Eureka caused
How about offering no other avenue of content for casual players to do? It was Savage or Eureka and without the Relic being a generic goal for anyone and everyone due to Eureka it caused most content to die off fast when compared to the Anima's timeline. It's resource cost alone made Stormblood one of the worst cases of re-used assets ever.
>without Patch Delays
Except they had to delay Eureka:Anemos at first and accordingly made it a .5 in all consequent patches afterward making its reward nothing more than a glamstick furthering enforcing the idea that the grind is not worth the reward though we can also blame iLvl
How does coils work if you don't complete that? Coils is Canon but you could have passed it over. It's Canon that it happened and that's where alisaie was before the end of HW.
>Recently got back into the game
>Oh what's this Eureka shit
>No one around to group/level with since everyone is already level 20
>Takes extremely long to kill shit and no good way to grind alone unless you play something like RDM
>utterly boring "kill this mob 60 times"
>higher level players can't really help you without slowing you down more than their help benefits you
Who the fuck designed this horse shit?
No way in fucking hell is lustrate a better cool down than tetra. Tetra is completely free, lustrate has a hidden cost of 150 potency and mana lost from not using energy drain.
Aetherpact is incredibly strong during auto heavy moments where few mechanics are going out, again since aetherpact is completely free and is several thousand healing potency over 30 seconds.
This has reminded how fucking grey the average poster is in these threads. I don’t think any of you retards are qualified to talk about game balance
Yoshida. Do your Challenge Logs and do it at peak hours to catch an NM train or if you're autistic enough to constantly be pressing your keyboard without stop find a chaining party. At this point if you don't finish your Hydatos step by ShadowBringers chances are you never will.
>now you realize was the casual content for Stormblood
>they're repeating this in 5.0
I really hope he announces someone taking over his creative lead role.
Expert dungeons made up most of ARR's content and a good amount of HW's. HW already trimmed them back without really increasing their quality or putting out better alternative content. Dungeons have never been great content though since they're designed like one and done romps with zero difficulty but you have to do them every day even though they're not engaging at all after the first couple of runs. Art assets are kind of a whatever sort of issue. I've never cared much about the generic flavor of the month patch glamours. On the whole I have a lot of sets from SB I enjoy so I might be biased. Skallic, Alliance, and some of the Bonewicca sets are better than any dungeon gear we've gotten before unless you count Darklight when it was shifted down into dungeons. Mob models used a lot of existing models but I never felt like it got as bad as something like Warlords of Draenor where literally everything was a reskinned ogre, orc, or dire troll. The Dissidia models looked good. Amemiya's Ivalice designs were stellar.
I would consider something like mahjong out of the blue content. BLU was also completely out of left field. It was a nice distraction for about a week and pretty interesting as a piece of side content even if it was underdeveloped. Rathalos was also neat. Ultimate kind of knocked us on our asses when they sprung it on us. Other than something like Verminion I can't think of much out of the blue content we got in HW. ARR was a bag of surprises but that made sense considering they were still trying to make the game feature complete at the time. ARR was a lot of fun for all the crazy shit that would become staples that they threw at us constantly but I don't think the game can really sustain that level of freshness at this point without being forced.
>now you realize was the casual content for Stormblood
Everything but Ultimate and the last two Savage fights were casual content.
I like Eureka
me too
I hate most of it but Baldesion Arsenal is great.
I think they're finally hitting their stride on the side-open world content now that they've had Eureka to experiment with. Shadowbringers' area ought to be really good.
BA is literally the most cancerous content ever added to the game
free kupo nuts
>t. portal sniper who died to Raiden and then raged when the group didn't sac for him
Reminder all we lost with Eureka was 1 dungeon ever odd patch. We gained ultimate fights and interesting side content. Plus BA is a blast.
>portal sniper
McFucking kill yourself
he does it
>look at how good I am
While I agree with you, would even argue most of the final fights of Savage weren't hard either let's not act like the majority of the in-game community considers that "Casual" content. When you mention Casual content they don't think early Savage fights. There literally was nothing else to do but one and done dungeons and maybe some of the Extreme fights if you didn't have the mount and most of the content burns out fast.
BA is great but has a point because once again Yoshida proves he can't design to save his life. They completly fucked up queuing into the thing itself and adjusted it for premades in an attempt to push the mnemes that don't help bridge the gap between roles.
Same. I understand why people wouldn't like it but it's probably the best grind content the game has ever had since it wasn't railroaded. The Logos system was also pretty neato. Fortunately it seems like SE isn't listening to the people who constantly bitch about it.
Lmfao you were right. He is a portal sniper.
This only seems to be an issue in the West, why is it the JP guys can just go "okay so who came in? these guys? cool lets work with what we have then" use a macro to spam tactics and get on with it, but that just seems to be beyond NA/EU
Stop trying to steal a slot from a premade group so they'll carry you to victory, bitch
Even in JP it isn't going the best. A lot are coming to NA for organized clears.
Last I saw their completion rate was like 10 times NA/EU tho.
>why is it the JP guys can just go "okay so who came in? these guys? cool lets work with what we have then"
Because then you end up with three tanks, four healers, no sacrifices, and nobody with the proper damage or support logograms.
God, the horror
>BA is a blast for discord circlejerks
You literally can't even get to AV with that set up, so yeah it's a gigantic waste of fucking time unless you just want fragments.
Imagine being this butthurt
>enjoying a 24-man that takes 3 hours to start
the only good thing about BA is using stabilizers to piss off 40 shitters at once.
>Aetherpact is incredibly strong
Hahahaha this fucking brainlet dares call others retarded. Aetherpact is literally just a 90% buff to embrace, which is nice but in no way significant or interesting, to call it incredibly strong is just completely laughable, get the fuck out of here retard.
Stop this hyperbole, you have time to organize once everyone is in.
NA can't work with pugs because all of you are too lazy and are dependent on voiced callouts.
I was kind of disappointed when I realized Return to Ivalice using old music meant less Soken pieces but then I remembered how much I adore Sakimoto's work on Tactics and FFXII. The fact that they sneaked a couple of Vagrant Story tracks in at the end was a delight.
Soken's work on SB was excellent but it's one area I'm willing to say was better in HW.
>one small zone comprised of reused assets
>4 large zones comprised of many brand-new assets
>entirely new (shit, but new) systems that had to be programmed and tested thoroughly
>a glorified 24man raid (but 1000x more tedious)
male roe
i just wanna be big lads im not gay i promise
>Stop this hyperbole, you have time to organize once everyone is in.
You can't change jobs in there you dumb faggot. And you're just showing you have no fucking idea what goes into spawning the support FATE. And if by some fucking miracle you managed to get past AV with that impossible clusterfuck of a team comp, you're going to die on Ozma because again, you don't have the proper team to actually deal with the mechanics.
>BIS weapon
Yeah, if you spend literally 400 hours respeccing it repeatedly
So explain why JP pugs are regularly clearing it then. Even with weights.
>dependent on voiced callouts
What are you talking about? NA players are complete sociopaths and literally incapable of communicating with someone except to scream at their mistakes which are usually their own mistakes they're unable to admit or even recognize.
Nobody fucking uses voice anymore. Nobody wants to actually hear another person talking.
Oh you're one of the absolute fucking retards that thinks chaining was in any way, shape or form a good mechanic. Off yourself.
their clear rates are the same as NA. the nips hate BA too, which is good, because it means we'll never see this shit again.
Just goes to show that NA players are shit.
>90% buff to SCHs only resourceless healing source.
Holy shit you greylet, I’d stop talking until you can actually get a good parse if I were you, because you’re never gonna get far in savage if you don’t know the basic principles of healing in this game.
>hell Ultimate difficulty for Coils of Bahamut and Ultima Weapon are objectively bigger distractions and wastes of dev-time than Eureka on account of the sheer player turnover for Ultimate.
Really? cause I see parties up for Ultimate all the time. Clear rates aren't high but that doesn't mean nobody is doing it - it takes a long fucking time to prog for 90% of groups. Besides, it uses an infinitely small fraction of dev time compared to say, Eureka Hydatos, which 12% of the playerbase can even enter.
I got a weapon that's superior to the omega weapon after 4 rolls on my SCH weapon and 2 rolls on my AST weapon.
Omega weapons have 685 substat, and your roll range is 400-1000. It's really not that hard to get more than 685. For omega weapons with shit substats you can roll even lower.
Because JP players don't queue for BA in groups not prepared for it. In NA/EU if you get a random group join, they're likely to have a meme comp with the wrong logograms set up. In JP due to their culture you will never see a group join BA if they're not set up for it properly beforehand.
Not even 5% of the playerbase has even ATTEMPTED an ultimate, let alone cleared it. Yes, they are a massive fucking waste of resources catered solely to the top .1 or 2% of players. This is the same shit that killed Everquest all those years ago- the devs spent so much time spoonfeeding the 'hardcore raiders' content that the rest of the players were left out in the cold.
>I got a weapon that's superior to the omega weapon after 4 rolls on my SCH weapon and 2 rolls on my AST weapon.
THat's nice but as anyone who actually pays attention can tell the vast majority of people who are trying for BiS weapons have to reroll dozens of times to get something even usable let alone anywhere near the raid weapon, and then dozens and dozens more times to actually get one better.
>It's really not that hard to get more than 685
It is when you factor in that there are three layers of RNG, because if you get a 500 SS 500 det monk relic you might as well just be using the omega knuckles instead.
Honestly both Gilgamesh and Balmung need to leave Aether and go to Crystal.
I'm tired of this dichotomy we've had for the past six years dictating how the entire data center operates, and it's going to be the exact same thing with Gilgamesh and Balmung determining the fate of Aether and Crystal. Quarantine those servers to themselves, the rest of Aether can manage.
the damage numbers are getting too big
>Not even 5% of the playerbase has even ATTEMPTED an ultimate, let alone cleared it.
So about half of the people who can even enter Hydatos?
Oh shit, not the WRONG LOGOGRAMS, fuck man, might as well just fucking kill yourself
Am I a cunt if I go into Castrum Abania at iL 278
>everquest died because too much hardcore content
So you agree that Eureka (IE content exclusively for hardcore poopsockers) was a mistake?
You're just proving you've never even fucking attempted BA.
Well yeah you might as well because you need the right ones to do BA
go ahead and tell me how it goes queueing into BA in a group that isn't using spirit of the remembered user
Is thhat the 69 dungeon? That's only 12 item levels lower than what it syncs to, so no.
>90% to a weak resource-less heal on one target that will only be effective if it takes continuous damage at the same interval as the heal tics
>Each tic is still only about half a psychic in healing
>At the expense of your fairy not spreading heals anymore
Why are you doubling down on your retarded garbage, faggot?
>no marche fight where he deletes your account if you lose
Honestly just give Gilgamesh a Gilgamesh Data Center and everything will be fixed.
t. A player on Gilgamesh
Not him but thanks to the buffs to leveling exp and crystal drops, you can get into Hydatos from scratch with just a weekend of casual play. Maybe a few extra days if you want to do the entire weapon grind (fuck Pagos).
amid the flowers
I literally just told you it doesn't take that many rolls and explained why. You only need to get 5 stat slots which takes around 10-15 rolls, then you only need a mediocre mid-range roll with stats that aren't completely shit to be BiS.
A BiS relic shouldn't take you more than 25 rolls max, and that's if your luck is totally shit.
user the tank doesn't have to take continuous damage for it to be useful
you can use it to top them off after a buster during something like patch, or to manage auto-heavy phases of the fight, without losing any MP or GCDs from either healer
Honestly 5% is probably being wayyyyyy too generous. And even then, it's not like Hydatos is, like, challenging or anything. It's just a grind. A monkey could do it. A monkey could not do UwU. If SE wants the game to continue succeeding and making money, they need to add more content a monkey could do. Most of the playerbase is too fucking stuck up their own asses, smelling their own farts and talking about how gay they are to actually devote any time getting good at the game. Keep gating them out of content and they'll go find some even easier MMO. Whatever Blizzard replaces WoW with, probably.
the burn is fucking awful garbage because the monsters are so huge in the final pull that they never want to play nice with each other and clump up well for aoe. feels like one of those faggot giant worms is always off to the side where i cant hit it with my aoes with everything else.
It will take you a couple weeks if you're not poopsocking it now, assuming you want to do a weapon (which you do because what the fuck is the point if you don't). t. someone doing a weapon and not poopsocking it who took a couple weeks to get to hydatos and I was borderline poopsocking it in pagos.
However if your argument is that Eureka is good content because of nerfs that came several patches after the content released then your argument is a pretty fucking weak one. The point is that we're getting an unenjoyable poopsock grind slog in each patch in SB instead of acceptable content that we got in ARR or HW patches
It's a fucking Au'ra
>Honestly 5% is probably being wayyyyyy too generous.
So your numbers are just pulled straight out of your ass?
You do realize anyone who has cleared savage can attempt ultimate right? And savage clears are far higher than 5%. Meanwhile we have empirical data on Eureka clears and literally only 12% of the playerbase can enter Hydatos. It's dead fucking content carried solely by the fact that it's designed to have RNG on RNG on RNG on RNG on RNG to keep the few people who do it inside indefinitely.
I'm laughing so hard but you're right
2 lines of dialog change. it will be the same for CT if it does come up, which it looks like it's gonna.
Yoshi has said that the FFXV event and the Rathalos event are noncanon
If Eureka didn't have a relic weapon tied to it, nobody would have kept playing it.
I’m doubling down because I’m correct you fucking monkey. There’s a reason why every top scholar player this tier uses or looks for opportunities to use aetherpact. And like I said before, when used during auto heavy sections of the fight, you don’t need fairy heals on the rest of your party (which should largely be covered by whispering dawn or your cohealer anyway). Speed running with Selene would be almost impossible without aetherpact, but I guess every SCH in the top 10 statics this tier is wasting their time using it right?
The fact that you are the one doubling down here with no argument just tells me how much of a casual shitter you actually are.
We're getting the second part of the MSQ before the Tokyo fanfest right?
That's not true, since Thancred also tells you in the MSQ doesn't he?
It really is true though. Stormblood's MSQ was great until the fucking end. A bit past that it started getting a bit better.
Omega was a major disappointment in terms of story and battles. Alexander and Bahamut actually felt like raids instead of platform fighting.
The only good thing that came out was the Ivalice raid series. Which is sad because it's 2nd tier end game.
Situational at best, and if you're using pact after a buster you might as well be using WD as your only recovery after a huge aoe. Yes, that shit helps, but it's padding at best. It's by no means useless, but it's also not particularly impactful.
More importantly though, this is only ever relevant in less than 1% of content, other than having some minor utility in your daily roulette on pulls. I'll also remind you that the primary point of the original post I made was more to the fact that these skills are all boring or literally just removing interactions. In most cases your flashy new scholar skills don't lead to you doing more interesting things, more intricate combos or w/e, it's pressing a button where you previously had to press several, with a modicum of timing involved. Pact is in effect does little more than buy you time for an extra broil. Whoopdiefuckingdo.
Really? I thought we would because i supposed the full ShB trailer might have some spoilers
Is there any chance he shows up in 5.X
I hope not
>There’s a reason why every top scholar player this tier uses or looks for opportunities to use aetherpact.
Yes, and that reason is called optimizing and maximizing resources, not because "omg le aetherpact is so powerful zomg we must use it moar!?" Again, you're just being a retarded faggot desperately moving the goalposts after you got called out on your bullshit.
>but I guess every SCH in the top 10 statics this tier is wasting their time using it right?
How adorable, a strawman that answers no arguments made and is completely irrelevant to the conversation. What's the matter retard-kun? Are you so lost you thought this actually meant something?
anything is possible with the amount of crossovers they do, but I don't really see it happening.
No please.
he'll be introduced as an old friend of jacke's
ninjas will get the ability to combine daggers into a thiefsword stance
Ghmlyt dark was such casual trash. I don't understand. They could've just got the concepts from Baelsar's Wall make it a bit better and you would've had a great dungeon.
He'll be the 70-80 NIN teacher
>Yes, that shit helps, but it's padding at best.
your tether can literally full heal the tank after a buster though
it's FREE healing that costs you nothing, that is always good no matter how """"lackluster""""" it is
>this is only ever relevant in less than 1% of content,
LIterally everything besides physic, WD, and succor is "only ever relevant in less than 1% of content"
Reminder that you are the retard who said aetherpact is next to useless, and are now resorting to “hur dur moving goalposts” like the hypocritical imbecile that you are. You even said it your fucking self that it’s about optimising and maximising resources. The fact that aetherpact saves you effectively an aether or gcd every time you use it (for you and often your cohealer simultaneously) means that it is a powerful healing tool. More powerful than excog, lustrate, adlo etc, as they cost resources. Appreciating the strength of aetherpact is literally the sign of how good a scholar (or healer in general) someone is.
Also if you weren’t so completely fucking useless at the job you would know you can use aetherpact in dungeon pulls to freely dps.
which concepts? aoe 3 packs then a boss? yes, it would be better but not by much.
The next likely crossover, after Nier anyway, is probably FF7. They can just pull an FFT and say 'Cloud was summoned to Eorzea during the time he was lost in the Lifestream' or some shit like that. Cause you KNOW it's gonna be Cloud. Though they probably add Tifa's outfit to the cash shop, because they'd be crazy if they didn't.
That said, I've been saying for years they should add the FFXI racial gear sets to the shop, and we still don't have em, despite plenty of other armor pieces being ported over (like, literally who gave a fuck about Kirin's Osode?). Mithra outfits on Miqo'te bodies? License to print fucking money.
>imagine caring about BIS at the end of expansion
>imagine going further and relying on RNG to give you better stats
Anyone willing to use the Hydatos weapon for anything other than glamour is just straight retarded. I honestly don't think there should have been any RNG with this weapon but hey it wouldn't be Diadem's child if they didn't somehow bring back the Emergency Mission RNG weapons now would it. Anyways what others have said is right, regardless of how BiS your weapon is you spent an ungodly amount of time for a glamstick when the Savage weapon was enough. What are you gonna do with that BiS user? Finish Savage only slightly faster? Be like anyone else who just waits for the tome weapon and level with it for a good chunk of ShB? Doesn't help that the Hydatos weapons look like shit too, as shitty as Pagos was of a region did it give us some of the best looks.
>I've been saying for years they should add the FFXI racial gear sets to the shop
>to the shop
Jesus's gated content and yes it makes sense in the scope of the story what quests you do but they don't have to all tie in at the sametime just because you missed a Blacksmith quest.
Every MMO has done this. It's like saying well shit it's kind of weird to speak to the Lich king in WoW at so and so dungeon because I killed him. No shit they made that dungeon for that specific content it doesn't mean the story is in shambles.
I would say an upgrade to ARR would be nice though.
FF7.. Of course, How could it not be Cloud? Besides, the game will no doubt have a FF7 crossover to promote the remake. Just wondering what we'll get. Buster sword? His ex-soldier outfit?
>I'll also remind you that the primary point of the original post I made was more to the fact that these skills are all boring or literally just removing interactions.
It's because you are a fucking shitter who hasn't gone beyond extreme primals so you don't need to push yourself.
Xi tards are cancerous retards, just ignore them
Hey yeah I'd like to dress up my DRK like Zeid
No it fucking isn't, do you see any horns you brainless ape? Just because he has shit on his skin does not mean he is an Au Ra. Those aren't scales. The face is also a Miqo'te face, it makes no sense for them to make an Au Ra look like a fucking Miqo'te. Anyone saying that's an Au Ra is literally a braindead retard. Stop spouting this fucking nonsense.
I'm the biggest XIfag and I'd love a lot of XI sets brought over, but anyone who wants something added to the fucking cash shop instead of wanting them in the game is literally a fucking lobotomy patient.
Let's be real man. You know they'd never give them for free. You know as well as I do that people'd pay out the nose for the Mithra outfit, and maybe the Hume one too (game has a serious lack of good shorts). It'd be nice if they put them into something else (Eureka 2.0 or something) but they'd be fools if they did. Mithra racial gear in FFXIV is literally a multi-million dollar idea.
eat shit
also fuck the cash shop
>I'm the biggest XIfag
So how about you fuck off to your own threads instead of shitting ours?
Because I'm also a XIVfag and I've been playing it longer than you have. I didn't even say anything about XI except that I'd like some armor sets ported over. Stay seething over nothing, nigger.
>XI-Fags are the Cash Shop fags
>not the XIV fags growing up on a 400+ cash shop
No that fuck is retarded for wanting them on the cash shop but that mentality was created and fostered by Yoshida and his own game. WoW is a shitty game but even their cash shop isn't as jewish as ours. Its comparable to a fucking F2P game.
>Its comparable to a fucking F2P game.
There’s also a separate clan that drinks their own piss.
settle down, C'uckol Tia.
>The actual guides are made by her boyfriend. She just reads them to bait thirsty virgins for more subs.
Source or get fucked
>even their cash shop isn't as jewish as ours.
This is just a blatant lie.
No it wasn't. The story while great for the most part was a complete disaster at the end. Zenos motivation was completely fucking retarded.
The only good moments in Stormblood's story was with Raubahn and Fedora (yes I said it Fedora). Shinryu was great and all but post patches weren't that interesting jumping back and forth between Doma and Ala mhigo was tiring. Then people dying and coming back.
The omega raid was not great either. I'll only give it to Stormblood in that it had probably one of the best dungeons in the game so far. Along with Ivalice. Also, to even make this expansion worse they give you a trash job that has been hyped by the fan base for a long time and they demolished it. Speaking about BLU of course
It's common knowledge. She doesn't even do the fights.
>Reminder that you are the retard who said aetherpact is next to useless
Right, and if you actually read that sentence properly rather than ignoring half the words, you'd do a better job in this argument we're having.
>and are now resorting to “hur dur moving goalposts” like the hypocritical imbecile that you are.
Again, your failure to read is no fault of mine. Still comical that someone making such blatant cognitive errors dares speak of imbeciles.
>You even said it your fucking self that it’s about optimising and maximising resources.
Recognizing this, most non-retarded people would realize that maybe they misunderstood something important earlier in the dialogue, and had been sperging out over their own mistakes. Not you though! You double down! Double down HARRRRD!
>The fact that aetherpact saves you effectively an aether or gcd every time you use it (for you and often your cohealer simultaneously) means that it is a powerful healing tool. More powerful than excog, lustrate, adlo etc, as they cost resources
And in practice, this translates to one broil, two if you're lucky. All that fancy drivel, and you get one broil. By no means worthless, but again, whoopdiefuckingdoo.
>Also if you weren’t so completely fucking useless at the job you would know you can use aetherpact in dungeon pulls to freely dps.
Another retarded strawman completely unrelated to the point at hand. Are you going to make a habit of including one at the end of every post or are you quite done? Even in dungeon pulls the end result is the same; one broil.
I hope you're nowhere near as bad at your class as you are at arguing about it, because good lord you're a fucking dumpster fire, and I'd feel bad for whoever has been carrying your ass while you masturbate over what real players do.
Sure if you say so but comparing Stormblood to Heavensward. Heavensward is just superior.
Is some fucking retard seriously trying to argue that a 480 potency off GCD regen with no mana cost is bad?
do you realize that regen is 150 potency and costs like 800 MP right?
The point
I should also mention you're clearly a complete and utter shitter yourself if you can't manage to "push yourself" without having these new crutches to use, SB SCH is fucking baby tier compared to ARR SCH because of retards like you wanting easy solutions.
You must not do roulettes then
At least her guides are fucking concise instead of her rambling on for half a fucking hour about nothing like MrShitty.
"Hey guys, MrHappy here and in this video I'll spend the next half hour reading a letter from the developer you could have read in 5 minutes, and then make a bunch of retarded wild assumptions and predictions which are always completely fucking wrong."
>She doesn't even do the fights.
Is she not the Highlander in the videos? The one that has her name?
>they give you a trash job that has been hyped by the fan base for a long time and they demolished it. Speaking about BLU of course
I lowered my expectations the first time Yoshida claimed the job wouldn't work in the MMO format that XIV follows, which was said somewhere around one of ARR's post-patches if I'm recalling correctly. That and these threads' resident epic shitposters crowing the job would have all skills locked behind quests like every other job or wouldn't have any useful skills for the sake of balance, then heel-turning to begging for a more standard job to take to endgame when we got anything-goes-but-it's-limited.
Look at it this way- when her guide for O12S was up her static was still progging O11 on stream.
Widargelt it's a fucking shame he wasn't brought in mentioned or even cameo'd in the SB MSQ another point to mention on how bad SB was.
>It's been like five years
>/vg/ guideshitter trash are still arguing over their favorite eceleb
The job does have skills locked behind quests and doesn't have any useful skills besides 1 (which is what everyone was saying from the beginning)
Who will win? Shota, Bara or everyone else laughing at them?
Whoever wins, we lose. These threads will get far, far worse.
>The job does have skills locked behind quests
It requires you to learn them before accepting the quests. But expanding on that to give them a proper battle set and also let them learn on their own is apparently impossible. Please understand.
everyone but me because i don't give a fuck about the new races and im tired of entire threads devoted to shitflinging over leaks.
You could've at least put SCH/SUM being broken by them leveling at the sametime. You literally embarassed yourself faggot.
Just two more months until the battle system live letter, brother.
>The job does have skills locked behind quests
No, it doesn't; job-quests request you learn certain skills but you can still learn them in any order, your progression is only limited by your level. Double-check BLU quests on Garland Tools if you don't believe me, they all request after that you come back with a certain number of skills or a specific skill but none of them are vitally important to BLU as a job since it purposefully has no real cohesion. They're patterning it after XI's BLU to boot, probably HW's skillset will completely replace ARR's outside of keepsies like Peculiar Light and the instant-death skills.
>Try BLU
>Level 20 and 14 skills learned, you're still just spamming your level 1 water bolt because nothing other than the +damage debuff skill is worth it
>Gives you self-destruct and final sting
>Final sting is literally just a worse, single target self-destruct
>Both kill you instantly
>For a class that generally won't ever be in groups
T-thanks Yoshi
i hope everything doesn't get fucked up.
>Playing BLU
SB brought us retard gauges. What will SHB bring...?
There are a few jobs I'm kind of concerned about. I think BRD is literally perfect and NIN is close. How the hell are they going to improve either?
1000 needles is the only worthwhile skill at that level.
Did you not pay attention to what's going on? The world is being flooded in fucking light....time to become the warrior of darkness to prevent that....World of see where this is going?
>fuck around with unsynced friends to clear primals quickly
>forget I have Mighty Guard on
>White Wind a couple times for kicks
>accidentally rip aggro from the tank because I'm overhealing them all for my max HP
We already know they're combining TP and MP
>nin is perfect
I'm guessing you don't play ninja.
Personal limit breaks i wish
HW was plenty scattershot. Frequently sending you back and forward from Ishgard's areas killing the pacing, and sending you on further macguffin hunting because otherwise you'd have just been at the final zone like nearly two zones early. Ishgard was often not the focus at all.
hard maybe
Because TP does nothing on MP classes, and MP does nothing on TP classes.
What's the best way to go about leveling a combat class pre-50? I got my DRG to 34 in ARR and left it there while I leveled everything else up. Do I just have to do my roulettes and grind it out? Even with the ShB pre-order earring this is just the worst.
TP is functionally useless except to limit your AoE capability for all melee jobs
What? The entire expansion was in areas related to Ishgard and the war, except for the Hinterlands which are still in Dravania.
I cant believe this spastic retard replied to every single post calling him an idiot with some asshurt comment. Give me a (You) too you sped.
Worst part of HHW was the random-ass side-quest to retcon the death of Nanamo.
It was foreshadowed since 1.0, retard.
Here (You) go. For begging nicely.
Maybe its because i just finished DmC 5 but a devil trigger style mechanic would be cool. A ultimate mode you could enter with your job for a few seconds to boost something, and it would be unique to each job. Dragoon could go triple nidhogg mode, Warrior could surrender to madness, Paladin would go full divine spirit mode with wings, Summoner summons something even bigger than demi-bahamut for a limited time or something like that.
it gets much easier once you get to lvl~7 and start doing NM trains
much comfier too, I stopped doing challenge logs altogether at that point because I'd rather do world bosses and socialize and stuff than grind on monsters that take an eternity to kill by myself
Yep. Do your leveling roulette for the most possible exp. then potd if you can stomach it. Hunt log provides a minimal exp gain as well, and breaks up a bit of monotony.
>Summoner summons something even bigger than demi-bahamut for a limited time or something like that
>Summon Alexander
>Colossus rises up in the distance
What? If it wasn't in Ishgard's area of Coerthas it was in Dravania which was home to their enemies. Even the journey in Dravania was an attempt at peace leading to the first death of Nidhogg. The only zone that was a bit off was Azys Lla, which by the way was still in the Spine, and wasn't touched upon outside of side stories that came out as a result of Thordan's plan.
Uhuh, and Rhaubahn's just has that reaction he had whenever Nanamo has a nap, obviously.
Even if we are to entertain that bullshit 1.0 excuse, it still doesn't excuse the retardedly hamfisted delivery of it, it was simply terribly written from start to finish, and everyone instantly forgot about the entire Ul'dah plot that you had to waste so much time on.
Thanks my greylet friend.
Ultimate difficulty are great content, nice distractions, and worth the dev time.
NIN main since Gordias actually. About the only thing I don't like about the job at the moment is numbers tuning and Ten Chi Jin being kind of jank and doesn't work well for players with high latency.
>Gagging for air, choking and passing out
>Person who cares deeply for them had an immediate sense of dread come over them
>She was just sleeping :^))))
I had a better idea and stopped wasting time on Eureka entirely.
>Uhuh, and Rhaubahn's just has that reaction he had whenever Nanamo has a nap, obviously.
No? But he was told she was killed. What the fuck point were you trying to make here?
Yeah, it was still fucking poison but again that was literally foreshadowed since fucking 1.0. They even tell you something is up right afterwards with the handmaiden reporting to Lolorito, and then revealing that for some reason she hasn't been reported dead.
>muffled SONIC BOOM
I'm doing HW right now, and all these sections where you just go "oh btw go to Ul'dah for 3 quests" break up the pace pretty aggressively.
>Cid and team have got a way for us to break through the tempestuous winds protecting Nidhogg's lair!
>oh we have to calibrate it a bit
>btw really conveniently Tataru got a message go to the waking sands and go learn more about Ul'dah for 20 minutes.
>okay now you're back we can go do the dragon slaying.
Some jobs use both though? PLD, RDM, BRD, DRK.
Any time, I know you refugees can get a little desperate for attention at times.
I wouldn't go that far the music in HW is still better than SB. Thordan's theme, Stone and Steel, Dragonsong, Revenge twofold, I can go on.
The story took big turns into "anyway here's Gnath/anyway here's Goblins/anyway here's Vanu Vanu" shit that was only tangentially related. The whole Sharlayan escapade was a sidequest for an attempt #2 at getting to Azys Lla.
PLD has it to gate how many spin-attacks you can do, RDM can't even really be described as using TP on account of the time between your Enchanted melee combos and your gauges being full, BRD only uses MP for Battle Voice, DRK is severely unlikely to run out of TP
Pretty inconsequential for all the classes except paladin I guess. BRD it's basically a cooldown inhibitor since foes doesn't have one. RDM will never use any significant TP and DRK is like a melee BLM in that it springs its MP around with basic skills.
>No? But he was told she was killed. What the fuck point were you trying to make here?
Watch the cinematic again. He reacts the moment she is poisoned, long before he is told.
>Yeah, it was still fucking poison but again that was literally foreshadowed since fucking 1.0
Which makes the writing worse, not better.
>They even tell you something is up right afterwards with the handmaiden reporting to Lolorito, and then revealing that for some reason she hasn't been reported dead.
"for some reason" being that they had no interest in declaring her dead immediately before capturing her killers, which they also talk about.
>needs need stacks of entropy to summon Alexander-egi
>entropy gained by moving in the correct directions like Suzaku's intermission
>need to move forward and back and then forward and back then go forward and back and put one foot forward
You can complain about the writing all you want, but calling it a retcon because you didn't play 1.0 and weren't as familiar with the characters is fucking retarded.
>Get Cruise Chaser on roulette
>One new person is super confused
>But they'll learn
>They'll learn the pain
In terms of enviroment, have enemies clash at you, have unique designs to these enemies and bosses. Baelsars wall just flowed better also. Dark was just a fucking tease.
>you'll never be able to hear SONIC BOOM for the first time again
>>They'll learn the pain
In a normal raid roulette in 2019?
I want FF9 content no more fucking Cloud shit we already have his goddamn bike his damn minion. Stupid materia all over the game already.
So PLD is the only one to get chucked by all this then lol
There is a constant influx of new players and even with old players it's a grab-bag as to whether they've touched Alexander before that or not