Smash Ultimate Summit - Day 2

Schedule and brackets:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Cute OP

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do leffen and armada speak swedish to each other at times like this?

how is this not a dupe file

Im going to say the "s" word


Mafia tonight:
>Mango Cop
>EE Medic

Would this be OP town

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I want to breed this dumb dragon!

There's definitely a debate to be had

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What are these bitches saying

I wanna fuck Inkling




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Leffen will beat this fat Stinkling player, lads.

undeniably based

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they were just speaking swedish in fact

Leff really needs to work on his Charizard. He's basically a free kill if he can't switch back to Ivysaur in time.

Trainer is so bad


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det är coolt


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Ahh.. Now Yenesis 2.. Dat was a gud tårnamänt...

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Don't fuck retards

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Leff wouldn't dare go against Armada again like that after the last time Armada blew him the fuck out on Twitter

la abominacion....

android ees mai brudder

leff mentally crumbling, you can tell

>Just dodge teh roller cxddd
Based retards

Leff will win sadly

critical leffen tilt incoming

post please


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Someone tell me what he says, he has me blocked after I told him that he only lost to Cosmos because he got outplayed and PT was busted.

*combos nair into nair*

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>I want to take all your clothes off and ravage you Lucina-san
>Daisy let's go help those two fuck
>Okay! Let's go Peach

this was gr8

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If LEffen loses this we will never hear the end of it on twitter

Was Smash summit 6 the most kino summit?

>Best skits
>Birth of Chillinposting
>M2K winning

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don't worry bros
BASEDFEN has this one

LEFF WILL WIN, but I dont want it

I don't have it.
But someone should.


Who are in the top 8?


Isnt roller unsafe on shield? Why is leffen getting hit by it?


This is swiss round robin you dingus

ya it's like i think.... you know....

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The top 16 bracket is tomorrow so we don't know yet. Today's results determine who starts in the winner's side and how starts in the loser's side.

Galactic Leff

Jesus I thought Armada would be able to pull it off.

based armada taking a loss on purpose to save leffen's ego

>Based Leffen 3 stocks that Stinkling nigger
All is right in the wrold

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>that bald spot on Armada's head

how are you supposed to beat Razor Leaf spam?

that's what you get for calling samsho a generic samurai game

It feels like Armada is in the rut before the breakthrough if you guys know what I'm talking about. Like the flow of the newer smash games is still a bit awkward for him.

leff has to play against dabuz next.

How bad will he seethe against olimar.

Mirror Coat

>still Johns
He's evolving!

No one ever told me Mafia was so entertaining to watch. Any mafia rounds to watch from the past?

I think this means m2k plays leffen for winners spot tomorrow

>armada dissing samsho
wtf I thought he was based

Power shield or jump over it.


expecting atleast 3 tweets.

He has the best punish game out of all the Melee players, he just needs to perfect his neutral for this game

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>leaf shield spam =gay

>razor leaf spam = based

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>Leffen johning endlessly even when he wins

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samsho bought its way into evo and should be dissed
>hurr snk is poor
literally an official evo sponsor
>b-but the original
that's not why it's main stage and you know it

>File:Master Core artwork (Wii U).png

What's Mafia

squid pussy


he has a video up that we had been talking about the past week
t. armada
enjoy your loss loser lmao

>still complain about every aspect of your character

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the current prediction by the algorithm on the amount of olimar-related tweets is 2,73428.


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DBFZ summit mafia = brainletfest
smash summit mafia = couple of big brains leading the blind
dota mafia = 300IQ battle of wits

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Yeah that's what I mean, once he gets that down he'll be sick. Armada has always been a monster I'm glad he's still competing. I've been watching Smash for a long time and he was always a big part of the hype, especially the first time he came to USA it was crazy.

I was honestly bummed out for like three days after he retired from melee, didn't realize how big of an influence these guys had on childhood/adulthood.

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>replying to the wrong person
What were you going to say to him user?

>Mirror Coat
boomer detected

Every time.

>And we'll be right back after this short break...

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oh fuck m2k plays void
I have a bad feeling about him vs pichu
leffen has to face dabuz

okay and i just got this too epic

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what is Asa Butterfield doing there? LMFAO

That time Mango JV5'd a round

Let this be a lesson, don't play Falco.

i actually don't know what happened

Dabuzz always gets to top 16, loses and takes out every interesting and exciting player in his bracket along the way.

You can slightly crop images to have them up twice. In sure there are other ways too.

wew lard.

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Zero looking BIG

can we get some preemptive F's for plup?

Plup looks like he has the suds


>that zoom in on zero

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i thought you were melee, zero!!!

That's pretty Hboxy


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this shit is boring. They should just play mafia all day

>DBFZ summit mafia = brainletfest

it was pretty funny seeing leffen a the DBFZ summit with everyone being a clueless brainlet but him and since they didn't know any better, he actually wasn't killed night 1 and got to play

Well he doesn't win though

big choke
come on plup

what the FUCK

Is Zero the biggest tier whore of any top-level smash player?


why does plup always look so cranky at every summit?

>tier whore

Don't post this phrase again. There is literally nothing wrong with picking good characters.


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He's pretty unabashed about that kind of thing.

That’s not Hax

yes, without a doubt

Wolf is NOT top tier. Any character with a counter destroys his recovery completely.

>tournament setting
>pick the best characters
What's the problem with this?

It's not that being a tierwhore is a bad thing, it's just that being a character loyalist is admirable.

>Zero has Melee as his nickname

Dude's trying too hard.

But Hax played falcon forever, I don't think zero has ever gone a significant amount where he wasn't playing a top tier.

>having bad matchups means youre not top tier
sure pal

Shut the fuck up you obvious shitter

i have a theory he is intentionally sabotaging melee

this guy slaps yore ass, wyd?

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big case of the tism


He will, Plup sucks ass

wtf bros you told me zer0 was washed up?

Top players seem to disagree with you, since 6 of the 8 players in the squad strike GF yesterday had wolf on their team.

I doubt it. He's clearly trying to put his name among the top melee players even though he isnt one.

Tell him to pick berries with me.

he mained ness way back in the early chilean days i think

Yeah, and everyone thought K. Rool was broken once. In a month Wolf will be mid tier at best.

as they do on basically any character

What happened to the commentator matches? Who was the best?

most top players said krool was mid tier from the jump actually

and by everyone you mean online crybabies and not actual tournament players

even the skits were soulless

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chillin never had to play unfortunately

Yea Forums thought that, no top level players thought that. Certainly not enough to play K. Rool when money was on the line.

tk took 8 out of the 9 stocks the first crew battle

Nigger, that already happened with the "Wolf Can't Kill" thing, he bounced right back up.

Who the fuck is this dude that has been spamming these emotes for the past 4 hours?

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I didn't see the whole thing but from what I did see TK was doing really well.

wants to make melee look bad by acting cringy thus killing it earlier

mango is a huge tier whore instinctively

>What's the problem with this?
this kills the melee player

I thought the purple one was supposed to be the fat one.

what a stupid theory and its not a theory its a hypothesis

>Zero will never snack on you after emptying the smash summit fridge

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he said top players

i don't mind picking top tiers but sanford was pretty irrelevant even in sfiv
also notorious bad sport

Leff had the most retarded early tier list of anyone. He tries to defend the falco pick and blocks anyone who flames him for it

>top player
even if he were a top player his tierlists are always filled with personal bias. also i said MOST top players, you gave a single example of a mid tier player

you can angle Wolf's side-b???

Who isn't playing a top tier here? Serious question by the way.

that falco is looking so bad right now


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maaaaaaaaaaaaan plup deserved more than 3-1

What a disappointing end. Plup got robbed.

read the filename

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i knew ur faggy ass wouldnt like it

Leffen, MKLeo when he's playing Ike



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>Stinkling that low
What the fuck

forgot about the girl lmao


he's only tier whored across 2 games though, whereas zero has done it across all 4 smash games he played in tournament



Yeah, Go into training mode and try yourself

Do you have autism?

smartest girl in any summit mafia game

pokemon trainer is top 10 though, and ike might not be top tier but hes definitely high tier


Does Wolf have a single bad move?

anyone watching endgametv1 while waiting for mafia to start

>TF one trick in assfaggots
definitely wasn't

Based EE

>he didn't know "Gluttony" was an english word
my fucking god
>The same mafia mastermind

All of his moves have less range and speed than Lucinas and Palutenas.

>wait gluttony is an english word?
>yeah isnt it one of the 5 deadly sins?

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>EE is an elder god at Mafia
>doesn't know what gluttony means
this nigga

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One of his throws maybe?

based AbsentSoul

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No. Do you?

he played mario in his brief time with smash 4 too

>Smash niggers don't know gluttony is English and is thinks it's "one of the 5 deadly sins"


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>yfw you lose the ditto match

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this is what happens when you do nothing but play smash games all day

>no real notables aside from Zain and Swedish
won't watch but good luck to Bobby Big Ballz


He's good at social shit he said, way she goes for some folks man.

being good at one thing doesnt mean youre good at other things

EE's legitimately a dumbass.

Watching the stream without chat is so much better

he didn't know how long it would take a car going 80mph to go 80 miles

EE is like a dumb anime protagonist.

It seems that the more a game is a fighting game, the more its players are stupid niggers. Hmmmmm

>implying EE isn't already preping for Mafia by pretending to be an absolute retard in order to throw off Leffen

who tf is kalvar he's sick
and why are your webms so grey it triggers me every time

>open stream
>hear Fendrick Lamar
no I'm not

it is, I use streamlink and I never have to open twitch and can record the vod

damn the footstool

I swear EE put all his points into social EQ and none in IQ, it's incredible
He was fucking insane at mafia

Mario was never THE top-tier in sm4sh though


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mango getting absolutely brapped on right now hon hon hon hon hon

How much longer until mafia?

So who's guaranteed to be buffed next patch?

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French frogleg coward.

Not Kirby.

Reminder EE once pretended to play Cuphead on his stream for a full six hours while actually just playing a Youtube hard mode run

All according to the plan.

shut your mouth

based salem poster

Everything according to plan, Salem?

He also didn't know Taiwan is part of Asia

no fucking way

Marth and Icies

In what game does Wario eat his bike

I mean, I wish they buffed him, but he's Kirby.
Not happening.

>commentators can't suck mango's dick

boo hoo

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mango looking more washed than in melee

Zero is nowhere near that clever.

they buffed him last patch

Palutena and Lucina.

>minor buffs
Yeah, that's all he's getting.
And I seriously hope I get my mouth shut next patch.


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imagine how terrible the commentary of that set would've been if scar had been on the couch

robin and corrin

live up to date rankings
m2k > plup > leffen > armada > mango

bowser jr


i hope kirby, piranha plant and mii

Gluttony's a pretty nice guy

>go to eat during Plup v Zero game 4
>come back to see that Glut 3-0'd Mango

> I seriously hope I get my mouth shut next patch.
me too

wtf Glutonny is cute

Ken/Ryu becoming high-tier would be kino. They're probably the most interesting and most difficult to master characters in this game.

that looks about right

Glutonny has probably the best English out of like any French person I ever talked to lol

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based frenchie

Can’t wait for all these melee players bar m2k to drop this game unless they invited to next Summit. Salem was right

they're hype too. People enjoy watching them. But how do they buff them without making them OP?

try talking to a french person below 30

>Wario is art

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nice blog

Good it should be canon that Kirby sucks in every smash game Because everyone in smash is Kirby's friend and he would never hurt his friends.

>honhonhon stopid American peeg. Aye fart aun you.

Make them faster and make them kill more reliably. Ken's shoryuken doesn't even kill until like 150

I did plenty of times

>plup > leffen

love this meme

>learning basic inputs and crossing up nair on shield is difficult


sounds familiar

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>main a character since brawl
>they suddenly become high tier

hon hon hon hon hon hon

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honestly, once Melee starts slowly dying, I can see Leff and Plup continuing to play. They have pretty steady stream following where they need to play the top game to keep their subs.

Mango has the same situation but he has big enough following he can pretty much play what he wants

reality says fuck your canon

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okay that is pretty funny

I suggest getting rid of their gimmick true inputs. Yeah it's cool but they should make the damage equal whether you true input or use B. Just make it so you have to smash the B button similar to how their light/heavy tilts work

You stupid bitch faggot. What kind of fucking bitch plays mii? I would kick your fucking ass if I ever met you.

when's melee?

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>Drum roll sample to fill the build-up spot
>Shitty melody
>Looping sample on the background
What a great choice of music for the breaks.

Two months.

Please, step in, sir
the melee is over here

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i was expecting him to be found out on accident
this is better than that but still
most of the time the dumbest are always the most entertaining

>Every Smash 4 player agrees Armada is improving the fastest of the Melee gang.
If he can get his neutral working, he may end up really scary.

What do we think of Vikki?

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>when's melee?

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Yeah that makes sense but that's not likely to change

Mii is based

why do they insist on having vish and vikki on commentary. fucking hell

Vicki does not mesh well with the nature of Summit desu

would be pretty neutral if her laugh was quieter

she's fine

May 9th

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But are the shotos actually WEAK or are there no pros willing to put in the work to see results with them? Similar to Shulk

Gonna give her my dikki.

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kalvar got dabbed on

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EE is the best

does she have dwarfism? she's like 3ft tall

2nd of Augus- oh wait..

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This man gets it

I'd rather Fran Drescher's laugh.

what odds do you give him vs dabuz?

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Gib me the BJ

I saw this, before seeing this I was already playing Ryu way more despite EVERYONE seeing he had higher potential because of combos and shit.

Fact is, none of the twitter combos you see fucking work. Ryu just feels better

I close stream whenever a Melee player isn't on and open it back up when one is mentioned as playing in this thread.

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Fuck Stinkling users.


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I have a feeling if Peach gets nerfed by a significant amount, Samsora is gonna fall off HARD. Feel like he's a one trick pony. Get the same sort of sentiment with Light, but at least he can play Wolf somewhat.

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Don't fuck this up Cosmos

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i always find it funny how scary samsora looks when playing vs him flaunting his gay self when not

You're on your way out you silly bitch. No one will give a FUCK about melee or melee players in 1 year. Screen cap this.

>I named my tag Gilgamesh because he's an anime character from fate/zero
fucking normies

I fucking miss 2013-2017 Melee. The golden years. Peaked in 2015-2016

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Oh good a match where I hate both players so I don't care who wins.

What's wrong with you? Is Leffen's cock really that tasty?

Dabuz is mr. consistent, he never gets upset by any goofy shit, and he's just better than Leffen
These old mafias in an actual house seem way more comfy than last night.
It was still fun last night though.

the last thing we need is more inklings..

Fox's recovery in this game is kinda bullshit. Jump, Side-b, AND up-b to recover? And if you get hit out of side-b you can still do another one AND up-b.

They gotta change that shit

I'm really trying to give this a chance but this shit is dull as fuck

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Depends, do Pikmin stick after he changes pokemon?

Stupid Stinkling dickrider.

Is he gay for Gilgamesh?

time to make a hotpocket

man I hated when they doctor bitch was there for like 3 summits in a row ruining mafia

Why can't women play mafia competently

I mean yeah, he's gay

>Hating on based Leffen

I thought he got it from FF

aight samsora is switched on

Gilgamesh is the ultimate chad in that

I could care less about Inklings

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Is the Bowser win the confidence boost M2K needs?

>Mirror Coat

Razor Leaf is a physical move since 4th gen, get with the times, gramps

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Based PEACH laying down the smack on that piss yellow Stinkling

y'know after game 1 m2k went pretty close with the best player in group a

No, because he's not top tier

get a hobby you autist

EE is the definition of based retard

>Call Leffen's cock tasty
>"S-stop hating on Leffen!"
What's wrong with you?

>samsora looking like a snack

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this is so black lmao

>Peach Bomber is safe on shield

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Where are all the melee players ranking rn?

Just got home, has the entire stream been this bad?

I enjoyed the one where hbox was freaking out over how he thought she was mafia during the endgame.
Almost clutched it but everyone was too drunk/tired.

m2k #1 for actually beating ZD with a b button

Leffen plays an honest game. He doesn't stood low to use these broken flowchart ass characters

It even says so in the loading tips.

This game is literally Smash 4 patched up. It’s all neutral instead of defensive play.

m2k and leffen are 1-1
the rest 0-2

This and her forward air are the only things that bother me about Peach. Forward air is ridiculously strong and with the hover even more so.

What was even the point of picking up Roy if he supposedly sucks dick against the other top tiers.

whens leff

how old is Zack?

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I-is EE okay?

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That's even worse

The post talk interviews are so good and this was the best one yet.

Only M2k has beaten an ultimate player, no less.

All in on Zack now

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will Corrin ever be back to not garbage tier

Day 2: "THE HECK?"
Day 3: ?

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Cosmos and Samsora are great together

>You're a smash pro at summit
>You're in grand finals going against Zackray. You're completely fucking him up
>You're about to go into game 3 up 2-0, you hear him sniffling and look over to see some tears coming down his face. He tries to hide it.

What do you do

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This is pretty much the only horseshit that bothers me about peach. it puts her in an advantage state rather than a disadvantage so you can just throw it out whenever.

M2K > Plup > Leffen > Mango > Armada
M2K beat ZD 3 times with Bowser. Leffen's won a set too but it was against Armada and he got totally btfo by Cosmos. Plup is 0-2 but is actually putting up a fight against every non melee player. Mango and Armada are roughly the same but Mango was better in side events.

Imagine cheering on for someone using Stinkling. I mean who the fuck would pick Stinkling in this game? Swagless ass fucks.

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Dear lord. More.

he wants to be a snowflake so he's fucking around with characters that could maybe be top tier instead of the actual top tiers. Basically he's retarded

Reminder that he wanted to pick up Inkling, Wolf, and Pichu, but after being unable to grasp them he tried to use Roy but failed miserably, then falling back onto PT again. He literally outed himself as a one-trick pony that can only be carried by Ivysaur's Razor Leaf spam and cheesy down air spikes.

He's 16 years old not a fucking 10 year old.

so cute

I hope. I just want her to be good just not top tier.

Spike him on his last stock and pop off.

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Sounds like a 40 year old smoker with an obnoxious laugh
Sometimes has insight but usually just has boring play by plays

He's 17 in 3 days too.

People act really condescending towards him because he's short and looks 12.

You get one

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imagine in a year he hits a huge fucking growth spurt and becomes a 6'5" chad

fuck him up and throw him out the window

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Nairo is out for blood

Wipe off his tears with my index finger and then suck it.

that's not how asian genetics work

wtf he's 17. Dude looks like a child
tbf though Wizzrobe got the same shit until he turned like 19

He's japanese dude


Nairo is fucking going off right now

Palutena is fucking BUSTED

Wolf is one of the most boring characters in the game. Right up there with Palutena

No fair I want one too!

Thanks to diversity bullshit, this is what we have. These guys are shit commentators but they get 24/7 airtime.

that apex nairo emote is so contagious, too bad i dont sub to streamers

then don't get hit spotdodge it.
its safe on shield and hit but not on miss.

Name 3 characters, if they were top tier and were used by top players, that would be fun to watch

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K. Rool, Dedede, Mewtwo.

>N-Air o.

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Falcon, Ganondorf, Pacman

ryu, ken, and game and watch

>He's 17 in 3 days too.
no he isn't, he literally just turned 16 you retard

Normally, they're not bad, but they have been abusing memes way too much.

mewtwo, inciniroar, falcon

Cloud, Falcon, G&W

duck hunt, corrin, mii gunner

just air dodge bro

Robin, Game & Watch, Meta Knight

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Imagine actually losing t

ICs, Ryu, Mewtwo


What do

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hard to find a third, maybe falco or jigglypuff

his birthday is march 12th 2002. He turns 17 in 3 days.

I want to sticky my dicky in Vikki!

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Let it aim for the D.

>never-ending use of nair, neutral b and fair is fun to watch



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>people listing heavies and projectile-heavy characters

Don't kid yourselves, if those characters were commonly-used you'd be in this thread calling for nerfs.


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I can't tell if she's chubby or not

Nairo will still win this.

that's icky


just a midget

Kirby, Kirby and Kirby.

Zack. Please.

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mii gunner, mii swordman and mii brawler

She is just short. Shorter girls tend to look thiccer even though they will weigh less than taller skinnier looking girls. Source: Was a short girl

am i the only one who hates when zackray wins? maybe because im not a pedophile


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post feet slut



does he stand any chance vs void?

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ok zackray is the best player in the world




Good set


Look at him

Nairo is the type of player who either wins 3-0 or loses.

Zackray more like Zackbae

t. nairo


The chinaman beat the darkie.

popped off irl just now, filthy gaijin go home kudasai

Nairo's not much better in that regard. That aren't many non-cringey people to root for at Summit.

but it'll be interesting to see who chokes first

I was going for a reverse jinx. I fucking hate palutena.

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>he just answered that
based obese translator

What the h*ck is Vikki even asking

No I wasn’t.

Konichiwa !!

somebody post the "chew you havisfaction a single satisfact to snack that up"

>Vikki literally asking the same question

>lets talk about how..

Can I stikki my dikki in you because Vikki is gut wrenchingly painful to listen to?

Why hasn't Nairo just switched to Lucina? Palutena is a one-trick pony and way too easy to edgeguard.

its the name you should know

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Why does everybody choke so hard in Ultimate more than anything? Is it just a heavily momentum based game or is it just because the game is new


Is calling shit OD a regional thing? Or a black thing?
I've never heard anyone who isn't a smash commentator use it.


Cute retard?

its an east coast thing

It's a more cerebral game, so the better player will typically come out on top.

Both? We use it here in NYC, but it’s defibitely black culture.

ZeRo says it's because it's too momentum-based. He talked about this a lot in his Frostbite re-stream.

based yui hair dryer poster

>this shota FUCK downloads you and pulls a 3 game comeback
what do you do?

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its a new york thing, smash commentators just picked it up and wont fucking let go even though its already falling out of style in nyc

OD is super common in NYC, but it's also a predominately black thing.

When players start getting antsy, the opponent can capitalize on that by slowing down the tempo and wait for them to commit unsafely, then punish accordingly. That's why Zackray's waiting is so good, and why most Melee players have trouble closing out games (most of em have gone to last stock sometimes last hit with most of their sets) due to being used to having more options to deal with defensive play

Kiss him on the lips and show him my collection of ecchi.

block his path with a stool

Attached: zackraystoolstruggle.webm (642x460, 1.91M)

You’re right. It’s been a while since I even heard the phrase if I’m being honest.

>Is it just a heavily momentum based game
Yes. Even someone as bad as Armada becomes extremely oppressive once he wins neutral.

>plup and mang0 playing melee


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Did EE really cheat on Mafia??

after seeing that cuphead clip I wouldnt put anything past him

>damage in the game is calculated in percentage
>its not guaranteed death at 100%
>it can go over 100%

this is the worst fox I've ever seen

>Stinkling isn't overpow-

What are the worst threads on Yea Forums???

>losing to melee players

>the fox player that claims hes melee gets btfo by melee gods
i guess he really is a melee player if they can trash him so easily

You sound like someone playing Smash 64 in 1999

they're both melee players, retard

this nigga beat tweek? obviously tweek threw

why does he waddle over there? Was he the one that shit his pants midset?

>ZD throwing to let the melee players get some wins

>play fox for dummies
>still lose


zd currently has one 14 man tournament in the melee section on ssbwiki

Armada's Inkling is so fun to watch compared to Cosmos.

ZD is a Sm4sh playerr, what are you talking about

anyone catch that boomer sip?

>Melee players su-


Did someone save armada sipping that monster

>its 2-0!?
fire all these commentators

That's the melee way I guess
except for hbox


this tweet didn't age well