Can’t wait for Yea Forums‘a autistic meltdown when this releases to glowing reviews

Can’t wait for Yea Forums‘a autistic meltdown when this releases to glowing reviews.

Yea Forums retards are completely incapable of recognising a good game.

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I can't wait for you to shut up about this game.

Why is it that every time a Sony exclusive gets released the only thing snoys talk about is how it will beating Yea Forums? Do they even like playing videogames?

I bet this game wont even have threads on 4 chan that stays longer than 1 minute.

They don't play video games, they only watch faggot porn like OP's movie game.

>mfw I get to play another snoy movie game

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>all these seething nintentards


I can't wait for the rapes scenes finally in TLOU 2. Like you had to imagine or trek very deep to find TLOU 1 Ellie being molested shit. But now it's full on rape and I can't wait.

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>n-nintendo is attacking me again!

Victim complex

Rent free


The original wasn't very good either. It was crazy inconsistent and kept breaking its own rules. I mean, I go from conserving individual bullets and suddenly I'm upside-down hanging from the roof and I MAGICALLY have infinite ammo? And I start a generator and the building is MAGICALLY filled with zombies that teleported in? And I screw up a few times in one area and I MAGICALLY skip it?

It was a movie, not a game, and it should've been a movie.

T. Low IQ

Can you fuck off we these shitty bait threads? We just had one the other day and it was terrible.

But that isn't an argument

Actually try refuting the points.

You wont.

Uncharted 4 got high praise despite being worse than 2&3 so who cares

o wow you posted again i hope naughty dogs paying you well you sjw shill

>It was a movie, not a game, and it should've been a movie.
THANK YOU. Jesus TLOU is like the only shitty PS4 games. Sony and possible pedophile use as a last resort with this shit. It was a shit game. And the fact Ellie wasn't molested pissed off alot of Sony Players. Or they at least thought about it. Sick fucks.

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Yeah, it'll review well, and "everybody" will lie about speculate about sales numbers and all, but nobody will talk about the actual video game itself. I never played the first game and I honestly have no idea what genre the gameplay even is.

Third person shooter with stealth and resource management as its major mechanics with a fungal twist on the zombie apocalypse. Good story and great visuals, but mediocre gameplay.

>honestly have no idea what genre the gameplay even is.
The genre is western movie game

I won't count on Yea Forums shutting up on this game for the years to come.
Remember when the trailer came out and there were dozens of threads every day for weeks that were going insane over the lesbians?
That was just over the trailer, it'll be magnified x100 when the game actually releases.

While I think Yea Forums overreacts, TLoU is hardly a good game. If TLoU 2 is anything like it, it's going to be a snoozefest. A movie with some arenas to target practice between scenes.

You seem to have confused a movie for a game,it happens to PS4 owners a lot

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Why do you start the thread out like you're not Yea Forums? You are Yea Forums and apparently Yea Forums likes this piece of shit game.

It's not even the gameplay inconsistencies that are the problem, as it is a heavily story-driven game. It's the fact that the game has shit like "bare with me" in the script and that Ellie can fathom all the stuff happening in a porn mag, but the concept of an ice cream truck blows her loli mind.

The protag goes from being a pragmatic survivor to a sobby emotional teenager in the final scene, murdering anyone that had even a chance of developing a vaccine or, god forbid, a cure.

The tagline of the game, as I remember, is "It can't be for nothing!" Not only is the entire endeavor for naught, but they also lost lives in the process. Tess and the blacks gave their lives to see it through, but Joel had a sudden autism-attack near the end and was fine with the fact that the only person he cared for gave her life in order to make the vaccine - Ellie even wanted to die for the better. Not to mention that the fungi are located in the brain, so obviously they would have to cut her apart, which would be dangerous given the circumstances, something Joel only thought about when the Fireflies already had her and the aforementioned sacrifices were already made.

The ending was clearly so bad because they wanted a sequel, and it is easier to bring back beloved characters than it is to write new ones... A mellow zombie story with a Disney-esque ending is bordering on criminal.

>Yea Forums retards are completely incapable of recognising [ed: recogniZing] a good game
your post is a perfect example of that, yes.

How many times are you going to make this thread?

Well, you're here shilling it, so that must mean it's not a good game.


Why do people make this mistake?


Oh boy

Why do you guys talk like you're not part of Yea Forums? aren't you here?

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Lesbians are my fetish. Can't wait to play it and see all the new porn that will be made.

Why are characters suppose to have all the answers? I don't think he did anything out of character, he left people to die when the shit hit the fan with his first daughter, he lived a criminal like life after that, and now he choose himself again. You ever did something out of societies expectations and then later realized that it wasn't something you wanted? That's what happened to him. Not saying I agree with the choice, just saying I can understand it and it wasn't a "bad" ending.

Who cares about that lesbo simulator.

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>british "english"
>going off what the tree dwelling barbarians thought about language
oh BOY indeed!

>claiming somebody else’s history as his own


>Can't wait to play it and see all the new porn that will be made.
All the rape porn will make up for that Rape day game that got banned.

>implying i'd want to claim the history of tree dwelling barbarians who got their shit pushed in by rome and were forced to latinize
get the fuck out of here you stupid limey

>crazy inconsistent
Posts only THREE (3) minor inconsistencies, two of which are just shitter protection, one of which is easily explainable for somebody with an IQ above 80

Compelling argument

>he thinks I’m a b*itoid


When during Uncharted 4 endgame they made a self reference joke about “no magic monsters this time” I realized that nu-Naughty Dog is piece of “we don’t use fun” shit. Fuck them. Last of Us success killed Snoy first party, now every game is serious art.

>he would rather BING BANG WAHOO instead of connect with a narrative on an emotional/intellectual level.

Infantile manchild detected

>defending british anything
>not british
so then what, you're locked in an institution or something?

My reasons are my own, amerishart

Now, go shit your pants.

right so mental illness then


I doubt I will ever buy a game from a Jew named Druckmann who doesn't use the word fun but lesbian propaganda instead. You just have shit taste period and the entitlement about good reviews just shows how desperate you are. Neck yourself.

Seethe harder nintentard

>would rather spend $60 on a movie after shelling out $300 for a video games console instead of $10 at the theater

>connect with a narrative on an emotional/intellectual level
Books, movies, plays exist for this

based retard

>connect with a narrative on an emotional/intellectual level.
Fucking soi

>milquetoast wannabe hollywood shit
>connect with a narrative on an emotional/intellectual level
If you genuinely thought something as predictable, contrived, and generic as TLoU emtionally or godforbid intellectually touching you're retarded beyond belief. Imagine thinking something as boring and self-loathing as TloU could stack up to old sony kino like SotC, Persona 2, Silent Hill, or even lowbrow but ludonarratively strong games like DMC3 or MGS3. Get some better taste in games, get some better taste in films (because protip: if TLoU was a movie like it wanted to be it would be panned as derivative and mediocre), then neck yourself, tryhard virgin.

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>game made by a hysterical anti-white jew
>intentionally made the female lead characters ugly as sin
>literally said they're not making the game to be fun
wow im sure its ognna be great bros..

Why do niggers talk about glowing reviews like as if that is some hype upset in the modern games industry? Every person with room temperature IQ expects this game to be a 90 minimum score by default.

Cant wait for all the retards who love it uncritically and sperg at everyone who merely goes "eh, its okay"

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>if TLoU was a movie like it wanted to be it would be panned as derivative and mediocre
Not him, but it definitely wouldn't have been

It could be an hour and a half of a baboon shitting and it would still collect 50 awards and accolades just because it's ND and Sony.

It's pointless to say it'll get glowing reviews. There's NOTHING they can do to net it negative press. It's a cult of personality at this point.

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yea, i'm thinkin hes based.

>two of which are just shitter protection
What if the whole game is "shitter protection"? It's pretty laughable to invoke terminology like 'shitter' when these games are designed for people who don't play games. What do you think you are, Quake?

I am pretty sure they are doing a film, so we will see.

Responding to bait

>Sony niggers: they're not movie games you guys are just JEALOUS
>also Sony niggers: how can I play this game if there aren't any EMOTIONAL NARRATIVES?

Can't tell if you're being ironic.

>Ellie wanted to die for the better
Neither Ellie or Joel knew it would kill her, they both thought they just had to draw blood or something.
Which makes Marlene's betrayal all the worst because she knew Ellie since she was a child.

What kind of person drags an unconscious kid who just nearly drowned, immediately sticks them on sleeping drugs and gives the high sigh to the doctors to rip her open?
That's cowardly bullshit

She probably knew Ellie wouldn't go down quietly

And all Joel did was decide he's not going to lose another daughter.

I wasn't being ironic. The strength of the performances alone probably would have carried it if it was a film. Critics care less about 'derivative' or predictable stories than you might think. Look at how well 'Superhero Origin film #3775' does with critics.

I doubt it. Nobody ever talks about tlou

>kino like SotC, Persona 2, Silent Hill, or even lowbrow but ludonarratively strong games like DMC3 or MGS3.

>ludonarratively strong
Good one, user.

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TLoU only appeal will be “based on epic vidya”.

Looks like left is a book, right is a videogame.

Ps4 keeps winning :)

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They care more for sale numbers and the like because they're onnaholes for their corporate overlords.
>Look at all these console sales
>look at all these sales
Ask "what about the stuff they're doing that's anti-consumer?"
>LOL Seething
>LOL Nintendies can't compete
They don't care about what happens for the consumers. Sony could show up and say "For the PS5 you can't play any of your older games unless you pay for them again on PS5 at $60 and they'll never go on sale. Even if you bought them on PS4." and they'd cheer and talk about how Sony BTFO the competition.

>right is a videogame.

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>The road or Children of Men but more predictable and poorly written with no emotional weight.
Shaun of the Dead is better for emotional weight and is less predictable than TLOU and that's a fucking parody movie.

>1 hour 32 minutes
Liars not welcome

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ok. For a lot of people it did have emotional weight though.

shit bait see me after class

And critics would shit on it relentlessly if they weren't paid because it was some of the cheapest shit imaginable.
>soldier appears
>kills girl you've known for 10 minutes
The brothers are also just as bad because they never try and switch things up. You can tell exactly who was going to die. Hell the one time they could've thrown a wrench in the works and made something that has merit they turn and say "Hey, let's take this creepy looking fuck and make him evil and creepy. No one could possibly see this coming"
This is all from a critical standpoint. Not the subjective "it made me feel x", its about the techniques and methods used to present the scenes. It's only impressive if you've never watched a zombie movie before.

Critics are just as often influenced by the emotional aspects of a film as the technical ones, often times more so.

SH2 is genuinely scary and creepy.
SH2 is not linear, since it got several endings and one detailed free to explore area.
SH2 got puzzles, TLoU got ladders.
In SH2 cutscenes are cleverly used. Meanwhile TLoU got short movies about black kid who dies PLUS press forward to move forward and listen to shitty dialogue with no purpose.
Oh, and this: Eat shit snoy fag


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Both shit games

I don't know. I remember being genuinely surprised when Sony peeled back the curtain after debuting Ellie's lesbian kiss and the audience just seemed annoyed or uncomfortable. I loved the first Last of Us, but ever since Druckman's ascension to sole creative head of Naughty Dog, the games have felt like technical power houses wrapped around boring games. Last of Us' DLC and Uncharted 4 were slogs. We've had a decent amount of trailers up to this point and there's still no clear idea on what this game's fucking story is supposed to be about. This already hints at some meandering bullshit.

That all said, if the multiplayers up to snuff, then I'm happy. LoU's MP is one of the best fucking multiplayers I've ever enjoyed. I hope 2 builds on it.

I want it to fail so I can see the meltdown of sony fans and sjws.

i dont mean this as an argument towards one or the other because i didnt play it yet, but literally ALL the videos in that pic except one are titled "all cutscenes + gameplay" or "game movie", implying they show more than just the cutscenes, and the one video that indeed is titled "all cutscenes" and therefore adds no gameplay is indeed 1h and 32 m.
if anything, that pic proves he is nor lying?

Even if it has a dozen 10/10 reviews, it's not going to entertain me as much as DMC5.

Thread literally overflowing with nintentards

Very few people consider exposition walking segments gameplay and put them on the level of cutscenes.

>shill game
>pretend to have autistic meltdown in the same thread you are shilling

I own a ps4 and i've never played or plan to play bloodborne or TLOU. Go fuck yourself op. Every ps4 exclusive i've played so far have been mediocre. Except for horizon. That game is a fucking 10/10 all the way.

>OP too retarded to understand how communities work
>calls others retarded
The "game" could get a 99 on metacritic, if it doesn't have gameplay like the first one Yea Forums is not gonna touch it with a 10 feet pole. Discuss it with other pretentious retards on resetera where you belong.

Can you wait until the game actually releases before you start shitposting?

you fucking incels and pol schizos making such a huge deal about ellie being lesbo are the reason everyone hates this website. Who actually gives a fuck? It makes sense. She was almost raped and cannibalised by that david cunt. The theme of the sequel is hate so obviously that goy boxlicker is going to die pretty early on. That trailer does appeal to mentally ill faggots and trannies but you know why? Not to stick it to straight white males. To draw in another audience and make fat stacks off of their hivemind mentality!!!FACT!!!

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>connect with a narrative on an emotional/intellectual level.
As if TLOU fucking did that

Yea Forumsincels on suicide watch

Why are you using autistic as an insult this isn't 2012 you incel


why are newfags incapable of spotting false flags? its even worse on /pol/, literally every single bait post gets a hundred (you)s these days from people who think they have something to prove

i just dont get it lads, trolling used to be a art

>spotting false flags? its even worse on /pol/
Have you not realized that irony died in Yea Forums and /pol/ killed it in 2016?

as long as its fun, I don't see a problem

>Can’t wait for Yea Forums‘a autistic meltdown when this releases to glowing reviews

Lol. The field is dominated by liberal journos who will give it 10/10 even if the game is utter crap.