Why does his sword have wrappings or bandages on them? Is there any point to doing that to your sword?

Why does his sword have wrappings or bandages on them? Is there any point to doing that to your sword?

Attached: cloud.jpg (1280x720, 174K)

I heard that it was because Square was worried about their rating.

Leon's gunblade doesn't have bandages.

For the base yes, irl knights did it too. For THE WHOLE BLADE? No, it's like Sonic Boom bandages, just rule of cool

What about the kunai?

Use brings about wear, tear and rust. And that's a real waste.

I heard he did that because KH thread?

Attached: KINGDOM-HEARTS-HD-2_8-FINAL-CHAPTER-PROLOGUE_15.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

No, it does not.

A sword that big is gonna do tons of damage to something even with the edge covered by simple nature of being a thousand pound hunk of metal. Might as well keep the edge safe and sharp for emergencies when you really need to deal damage.

The real answer however is just it's fucking Nomura and his chuuni bullshit.

Based smug old man

Check this out, OP:
Because it's stylish and KH is a game for kids or teens.

Wasn't he planning to murder Hercules with that sword and needed to get through Sora to do it? Why would he be holding back then? Haven't played KH1 in a while so maybe I'm forgetting something.

>Why would he be holding back then?
He expressly tells Hades he doesn't want to kill a kid.

>not bandaging your sword to help soothe it's pain every time it takes a life

Fucking plebs, all of you.

It's a shuriken dipass.

Thaaaaaat makes sense

He uses it to wipe his ass.

It's supposed to be a scabbard, since a scabbard for a blade that size would be ridiculous and stupidly difficult to remove, it's wrapped in cloth to avoid being used while not being used.
He just left it on because holding back I guess.

What's up with his hand? And isn't that the cloak that other character used in FF7?

Initially, Vincent was supposed to appear in Kingdom Hearts, but he was replaced with Cloud late in development. The cloak and gauntlet are holdovers from then.

What the fuck? I could have sword she used kunai. Is this the Berenstein universe?

I've never seen a source given for this

No, you're just an idiot.

Yuffie's weapon in 7 is a shuriken, why the hell would they change that?

Attached: Yuffie_KH.png (344x779, 182K)

Think about the sheer amount of zippers in KH1 and you'll answer your question very quickly.

>implying I played FF7

According to Wikipedia's references, the source is Kingdom Hearts Ultimania: Revised Edition.

You can never have too many zippers.

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the true answer is because Tetsuya Nomura

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Because it's probably some interview from the original Ultimania or in some Brady games guide for the game that I wouldn't know where to find. I just remember this being the answer since like 2006 on gamefaqs and kh13

>i'm 17 and only consume mature adult media like dmc, avengers, and mario


It's a big sword

If I take off these bandages will it dull?

I still don't get the wings part

Sephiroth is the one winged angel, Cloud is the other winged angel because in KH they're two parts of the same person or something.

There is a legitimate reason. Swords that large can't really be put into scabbards, so wrapping them in cloth would do a 'good enough' job of shielding them from the elements.

There's absolutely no reason to not take the whole thing off though, and I can't remember where I heard this so I'm probably talking out my ass.

The bandages have to be special if they never get cut off. Maybe they're not bandages at all and just cloth belts for the sword?

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>I'm 30 and can only communicate through memes

It's weird how they work off of different logic than every other person in the series. They say they talk about their relationship, Cloud should be a Nobody, Sephiroth should be a Heartless, and apparently Tifa is some kind of Namine-style abomination. Instead they're all weirdos.

Nah dude, Nomura clearly saw into the future and referenced Angeal.

It's used by the hunters to contain the blood curse.

Attached: Hunter_Saw_Cleaver_Scourge_Beast.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

Yeah but that makes no fucking sense. No "no sense" in the usual KH way, it's just a mess because it's not explained at all, it's just happens and you are supposed to say "kay whatever"

I wouldn't rack my brain over it. Sephiroth has a single wing in FF7, Cloud and Sephiroth are linked, Nomura decided Cloud gets a wing too for pottery reasons. That's all there is to it.

addiitonal suffering points