5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2

Attached: Devil-May-Cry-5.png (1200x630, 485K)

Other urls found in this thread:



5>3>1>4>2 and 5>3>4>1>2 are both acceptable choices


3 is a very well balanced game

Is it that good?

This truly is the return of CUHRAYZEE

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But please, feel free to be mad even though you know I'm right

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>3 above 4

I swear half of you didn’t play 4 and the other half don’t remember 3 at all

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5 > 1 > > > 4: SE = 3 > > > 2
The 3 Vergil fights don't cancel out all of the shit bosses, levels and enemies in the game.

5>3>1>4>2 is the correct opinion.

Eh no

Who would have thought that Yea Forums would unanimously agree on DMC5 being the best game in the series?

Feels good man.

5>3=4>1> 2

3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2.

Fucking based and objectively truth

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I don't see the unanimous agreement. Or are you going to rope everyone who doesn't agree with it as shitposters?

1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > DmC > 2.

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Fucking based dmc1 is the best

I played through both again this week and DMC3 is way fucking better.

5 games later and i am still disappointed that there is better non-boss enemy than shadow in the series.

I am sick of combo fodder.

Attached: Shadow.jpg (300x220, 7K)

they're not but they say it's good which still feels good man

Weres my DMC: Devil May Cry love? It is the best one i have played.

5 > 4 > 3 > 1

give it a couple of days the hate is gonna overflow the board just you wait

5 has the best gameplay but the narrative is messy and seems like it had the least amount of work put into it


It's the only one I played desu. The other games look like weeb trash

This. 3 has a lot of bad bosses and 4 Dante is so far above 3s it isn't even comparable.

Then you are a plebeian with no respect for objectively superior gameplay.

5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
5 >3 > 4 > 1 > 2

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>tfw i dont like playing as V but i would play him in some other rpg

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>most posts starting with 5>3 or 3>5

i still haven't played it yet, but this makes me pretty happy

We did. 4 is literally half a game.

Cringe as fuck.

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oh shit, 5 is good according you Yea Forumsikings?
noice. I didn't finish DMC4 because my computer crapped out just when I was fighting the angel dude.


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I don't play DmC games but I am so happy for you weebs. You waited years and years and never gave up hope and you finally got rewarded. That literally never happens in games that a beloved franchise is resurrected with an entry people consider among the best in the series. You are truly blessed and I am happy for you. Enjoy it and stay away from this negative place.

5 is definitely up there but I'm a little hesitant to say it's the best. If an SE version for it comes out, it'll definitely be a damn good contender for #1. Also waiting to see how Bloody Palace will turn out

This meme is dumb. You backtrack through so much of every DMC except 5 that you could make this complaint just as much as any entry. 4 objectively has more types of areas and visual variety than any other game in the series. It has just as many enemy types, and 2 entirely different characters. Even if you still wanna meme about it being unfinished, Itsuno recently debunked this in that French documentary. DMC4 was planned to be the way it is from the start. You can not like it, but this "HALF OF A GAME" shit is dumb and inaccurate. There's more work put into what actually matters to the series in 4 than any entry before 5.

Stop playing edgy pre teen games

>watching streamer play DMC 3
>constantly shitting on the game
>complains that the guns don’t do any damage
>complains about each enemy he comes across
>gets to the boss rush near the end and quits out of frustration
>uninstalls game and watches rest of cutscenes on YouTube
I was shocked someone could have such shit taste

2 is best because Lucia is in it.

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undeniable truth

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I personally think that it provided a fitting closure to Dante's and Vergil's rivalry and nicely tied up the Nero's loose end with his ancestry. Had a ton of kino moments in it too.

Thank you.
I was quite worried it wouldn't live up to expectations, but it went above and beyond and surpassed them.

Achtually, it's with a capital "M". DmD is the reboot.

You are a faggot

>This fucking mad that 4 is objectively weaker than 3

best girl 2>4>3>1>DmC
5 has no new girls

Appreciate it man. I may not have much going for my life but atleast I have DMC5.

Fucking thank you. These 3kiddies the past few months have been so damn annoying.


What about Nico?

oh I am fucking retarded disregard that awful post


the gameplay is the only thing that saved it

Attached: 106399-devil-may-cry-4-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg (800x917, 124K)

>all these people who hate playing as V

Combo fags
Plot fags
Atmosphere fags
Everyone likes something different about the series so it hard to rate

I've played most all the DMC games but i don't consider myself up to date on all the facets; what's the deal with 5?

I remember 3 and 4 really well, and then they rebooted it with a new game right? I bought and played the "DMC" on Steam a couple years ago and it was nothing to do with the other games, and now they're going back to the original series? Did they just reboot and then dump the reboot completely?
Anyone have a QRD?
i also bought the new one and i'm liking it, although V seems a little dumb and easy

just trying to be nice dude. this shit genuinely warms my heart. maybe one day one of my favorite games will come back like this. im genuinely delighted for the DMC community.

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If it was Dante the whole way through I would have enjoyed it more. Nero in 4 is just a shitty brat, Dante had the best moments in the game by far.

alright reddit

Literally the most based DMC ranking post I've ever seen.

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Direct sequel to 4

2013 DmC was a spinoff that they outsourced to a British studio (Ninja Theroy) made to boost sales figures & appeal to the Western God of War audience that got okay reviews & sold like absolute shit. Also really funny/bad cutscenes.

>People unironically putting 1 over 4
1's gameplay is fucking garbage in comparison to the newer entries and it rehashes bosses just as much as 4 rehashes stages

like i said, those guys should stay away from Yea Forums and enjoy their game. negative sad cucks like you will only detract from their enjoyment. go jump off a cliff you stupid prick, you bring nothing positive to the life of anyone you know

Wasn't Blitz in 4 pretty much how shadow worked? Shoot till shield is down than attack

3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 2

Yeah, but Blitz wasn't much fun to fight because it spends so much time invincible floating around in subspace, and its quick slash was bullshit to evade. Shadows are a more fair and consistently engaging design.

Attached: shadow.jpg (500x305, 23K)

For whatever reason 4 has become the game to dunk on in an attempt to prove you have good taste. It wasn't like this a few years ago.

What the fuck was that ending? Who wrote this shit?
This isn't cuhraaaazy retarded.
This is just retarded.

The "half a game" meme has festered for too long.

Nero is a better and more interesting main character than Dante and deserves the spotlight more going forward



Shut the fuck up tendie

Every time you fight a boss in 1 it's in a different location and gets new attacks. And the gameplay is not "garbage," it's just different. The emphasis isn't on doing sick 300 hit combos on sandbags, it's on skillfully dispatching really dangerous foes. Being good in DMC1 means being efficient. It's okay if that doesn't appeal to you, but it's not "garbage."

im not so sure if 5 will live up to 4s combos

He is absolutely not a better main character than Dante, and would have a lot of trouble supprting his own game. He is more fun to play as, though.

3>5>4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>1 is such a completely different kind of action game that I feel like it's a little out of place to compare them.

Ultimately what puts 3 above 5 for me is that I feel 3's locations look much better from a stylistic and aesthetic point of view and the game feels much more focused due to there being only one character and having to load in one style for the level.

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It's pretty sad honestly, it feels like as a few years pass there are people who will just straight up forget about the past and become revisionist

5 could have been the best if you only played as Dante.


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absolutely right.
Only thing I disliked about 5 was that most missions forced you to be a certain character, but that's not even a huge complaint of mine.

Nero is the most fun character in NG+. I do agree 5 would've been better without V, though. He's kind of cool, but his gameplay is just too easy. I wish you could play his levels as other characters.


5 > 4SE > 3SE > 4 > 3 > DmC > 2 with mods > 1 > 2

This quite possibly the most emotional, amazing experience I've ever had in a videogame. DMC5 was absolutely wonderful in every single regard.

Wow, an actually positive message on this board. Honestly we need more people like you here.


5 is fucking garbage.

He's discount dante without the charm. Nero could be an MC of a different series but he will never replace Dante in the eyes of most fans

what makes your opinion "official"?

Do you have a link for that documentary ?

Can you still play the demo? I don't see it on playstation store.

It's a good watch. Itsuno is based as hell.

Didn't beat 5 yet but I have a few issues with it.

-Sound is shit (DMC4 had very exaggerated and loud effects but it felt perfect; the sounds in this game are not loud enough and just have no oomph. An attempt at making it more realistic? Huge mistake on their part if so.)

-OST is very forgettable

-The niddog puzzles are awful and it happens way too often - infact it's their only puzzle. And if there's any other puzzle in the game it ends up involving a fucking niddog hatchling

-The game feels slow as fuck. Turbo mode when?

Current ranking:
4 > 1 > 3 > 2

4 wins because it's gameplay is solid as fuck. Level design and story are shit but none of that matters in a dmc game.

btw the part in dmc5 with the V/Vergil reveal and where Dante absorbs sparda was just simply fucking amazing. Huge shame about the sound.

All I could think about when playing through this is how amazing Dragons Dogma 2 will be.

shit > you

Thank you

Great than or equal? You must pick.

I disagree, Dante doesn't have the same punk attitude that's also packaged with a sense of genuine love for those close to him. Dante is too much of a goofball

>-OST is very forgettable

People keep shitting on 5's soundtrack, but I think it's pretty great for the most part.

We got a game with punk Dante and it was good. Nero was a punk in 4 and he's still a punk in 5. Not a whole lot of character development


You know it to be true

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You have bad standards then, it's barely even DMC.


>People keep shitting on 5's soundtrack, but I think it's pretty great for the most part.
not everyone's cup of tea I guess. There are only 4 good tracks. Dante, V and Nero battle theme + nico shop theme. Everything else is just shit.

lmao no, he is right, so far new version of Subhuman is alright, Devi

>OST is very forgettable

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I'd even say 5 > 4 > 3 > 1 >>>>> Bayonetta > 2.
3 really had a terrible art direction and shitty cutscenes. Battle wise, I found 5 and 4 to be better.

new Subhuman is fucking hype when you're fighting


It's a graphic setting.


seething snoycuck lmao


>3 had shitty cutscenes

Attached: 1551575698668.jpg (422x380, 42K)

>playing on pc
>got to see lady's ass in all it's glory in the first run
>now in the second run it's censored
wtf bros, how do I see that butt again?

In 5 he's punk but he's way more caring to his friends. He'll let some tattered up nobody into his home because he looks like he may be poor and hungry and he'll help Nico smoke even though he hates the smell of it. Nero is genuinely a good lad with good bants and a good attitude but boomers can't look at it like that because they like pizza man too much

bullshit, its not lens it?


Come the fuck at me. I will always love 2 the most.

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It's just okay outside of maybe like 3-4 tracks which is the problem.

Fortunately I'm one of the few apparently who actually likes the remixed Devil Trigger so it was nice to end on a pretty dope track

Of course, Yea Forums is in the honeymoon phase.
Believe me, the game is quite mediocre.

I dont like :
Guard doesnt cancel most animations
Weapons swapping doesnt cancel animations
No rolling guard
No inertia
No reversals
No turbo
No distortion
DSD fucking up Swordmaster
Sin DT pretty much gives Dante a no effort I WIN button
Dantes Devil Arm selection (Ifrit/Beowulf/Giglamesh shits on Balrog)
Shitty story
My custom battle music only works on like the first 3 levels per character then gets replaced by the game for muh story
Vergil cop out boss
No vergil theme remix for boss vergil

I like:
All the guns

3>4>5 >1>2
5 would be better than 4 if it had turbo

2 is the funniest game in the series.


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It is, turn it off and you get lady ass.

Why is everyone jerking off 3s story and 4 in general so much? 4s story wasn’t particularly good or memorable, although Dante Agnus and Nero were, and back tracking really killed it with the boring boss personalities, a with a few exceptions, can’t compare to 3 or 5s charm. Dante and Agnus scenes are absolutely god tier though. SE kind of fixes this repetitiveness but also kind of adds onto it by adding more characters, but it bites it in the ass by making you play though the short and boring story four 6 times if you decide to go through with every character on the first attempt alone, imagine how draining it is getting to DMD. As for 3s story, it’s good for an action game, it doesn’t make it better than 5. It’s not THAT good, and I’m pretty sure it’s Vergilfags that are as autistic as the blue blur himself that makes these claims. Or it could just be good ol contrarian TORantic vee.

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true fans know 3 is the best
5fags are casuals who just got into DMC and and never S ranked all missions on DMD

If you actually knew the DMC fanbase, this game would be getting shitposted like fuck if it was bad


Elder God Tier:

God Tier:

Good Tier:

Bad but fun Tier:

Bad but not fun Tier:

Does anybody have the concept pohotos of Dante, Nero and Vergils Devil Triggers forms from the gallery?

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I feel as if you didn't replay 3 in the last 4 years. It's great, but not as great as 5 in the level of depth and polish


no good, maybe because my copy isn't legit?

4 is half a game and seriously overrated by Yea Forums. The special edition with the new characters makes it more of a slog to go through.

3's story is almost PERFECT for an action game though. The buildup to Vergil is amazingly done, and teaming up with him before the final confrontation was just fucking kino. Without the buildup the fights with Vergil wouldnt have been nearly as memorable.

3>=5 > 1 >>>> 4 > 2

5 has the potential to be better if it actually gets good post release support.

I literally played it again like 3 days ago.

>If you actually knew the DMC fanbase
the people who have been starving for a game for a decade, and praise 4 despite it being a disgustingly unfinished game, in a series where only 1 game is great and the rest range from trash to ok
we know them dont worry

5 > 3 = 4 > 1 > DmC >>> 2
>Level Design/non-combat gameplay
1 = 3 > 5 > DmC > 4 > 2
>Replay Value
5 (w/ BP) > 4 > 5 (now) > 3 > 1 > 2 > DmC
>Weapon Selection
5 = 3 > 1 = 4 > DmC > 2
5 > 4 = DmC > 3 > 1 > 2
5 > 2 = 3 = DmC > 1 > 4
>Sound Design/Voice Acting
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 = DmC > 2
3 > 1 = 5 > 4 > 2 > DmC
5 > 3 > 1 = 4 > DmC > 2

DmC's sound design was hard to rate because I like the dynamic music and Style announcer which it introduced, and I actually liked its Mundus's voice a lot, but its actual sound effects are awful. Revenant has less punch than the mainline games' E&I despite being a fucking Shotgun.

Attached: 1513783925036.png (1000x898, 592K)

3 has shit level design and anyone rating it as a strong point over 5 is just being a nostalgiafag

Don't worry, you will hate it in a month, a week if you have an actual brain.

Actually agree a lot with this

you haven't played dmc1 in the last 5 years, I guarantee it. It doesn't hold up compared to 3 4 or 5

DmC: DE actually made me like DmC more. Wish the new gameplay modes were in 4:SE, that special edition would be pretty shit if Vergil wasn't playable.

Reminder that anyone that thinks 5 is the best in the series is suffering from post-purchase rationalization.

I played it five days ago. I guarantee you're shit at it. The only things that don't hold up are the same things that always sucked about it. Griffon 2, water sections, and the escape in the plane.

Actual level design is a weakpoint for the whole series. 1 is probably the best due to its RE routes, but as a Kamiya game it has a lot of "THAT part" moments scattered throughout.

I don't care that the Underwater FPS section is less than 10 minutes, it's fucking horrible and I hate it.

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If you were actually capable of reading, you would see that a minority ITT rates 5 the best


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it's not but it's pretty good.

Gameplay purists pick 4 as the end all be all
But from an overall perspective 3 is still the king

Hipsters choose DMC1 as the best

Why didn't Dante use styles in DMC1 and DMC2?



What is even the endgame goal of arguing which game is better
Just replay the ones that you like the best

It's annoying that people cant praise a game without shitting on someone elses favorite

It is pretty good, but it’s not worth placing over 5 because of that, and it doesn’t mean 5s is bad by any stretch

5>4>DmC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i dont care

You sure you’re not having that bug where the sound goes all fucky? Happens to me periodically

3 was utter trash

Zoomer trying to fit in post

Dmc2 has the baseline for some styles in it.

If you were capable of reading you would see 5 clearly has the most posts saying its the best

>13 posts say 5 is the best
>9 posts say 3 is the best
>5 posts say 1 is the best

DMC5 has the best OST of all DMC games so far. In all the other DMC games 90% of the tracks are absolute garbage and people still quote the same 2-3 tracks from every game. DMC5 is quite solid all the way trough.

based retard

the Vergil fight themes were kinda lame in 5

People keep saying M20 has a remix of devil trigger. I'm not hearing it at all. ????

10 of those 13 are the same IP

Objectively the best graphics and gameplay, everything else is subjective.

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They have said Bloody Palace will be more than just the normal Bloody Palace we know. If there are doubts now there won't be any after blood palace gets released. Vergil DLC will completely settle it in stone that DMC5 is the best DMC so far.

Just started SoS and it seems like Nero’s battle music is stuck on Silver Bullet. Game runs smooth as shit, but I keep getting audio issues.

What are the worst threads on Yea Forums??????

>1 and 4's story better than 5
MAYBE 1, but what's your justification for 4

Attached: hue.png (567x600, 329K)

3 > 1 > 4 > V = m >>>>>>>>>>> 2

>from the gallery
do you mean from the model viewer or like actual concept art? Here's Dante and Vergil's Sin DT

Attached: sin_dt_concept_art.png (1800x967, 1.02M)

There's definitely something wrong with the audio in this game. I hope they patch it.

I wonder what they're doing for BP

BP in 2 allowed you to choose how many floors to progress with 3 options at a time, so maybe like that again annnd maybe some environmental gimmicks

Why is Dante so unkempt in this game? That is no styled beard, he just looks like he doesn't care anymore

I really like his theme when you fight him as Dante but the DT remix for Nero is just overall good/average. As in for me there are parts of it that are bad/annoying and there's a few parts that are really good, so it kind of evens out.

Attached: daddy.jpg (1136x640, 161K)

One thing I really appreciate about 6 is that has a lot less friction, all of the other DMC games have weird parts where the pacing grinds to a halt as you have to push some stupid fucking block or solve some inane 'puzzle', with 5, you can just keep going and going

Crushing depression

That is his maximum beard length, after 1 month it still looked the same

The lack of puzzles is terrible, the series always had them.

And they’ve mostly sucked

probably because he fucking doesn't. did you see how he lives? he doesn't give a fuck about any social stuff.

at keast we all have common ground...

probably the correct one, if only for the omission of 2

You posted this in the other thread

(massive powergap, all the above games are in the ballpark of each other)

Balrog is the best glove and anyone who disagrees just like to eat the poop who took a pee

>Dante players
He was pretty good tho

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I can't disagree.
The mode switch is so fun to think around.

He doesn't want to go to pattys party anyway


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platforming and puzzling was always shit in DMC its good that they got rid of it

DMC1 fag here. Ifrit is the best until now. Balrog is amazing.

Yeah dude I really miss hitting a few mirrors. Those made my noggin really spark



5 would have been the best if it wasn't for the story being kind of shitty.

There's a ton of good ideas but a lot of them feel poorly executed, the ending also feels kind of overly sentimental and sweet, more like fan-service and not actually earned.

1 > 4 > 3 > 5 > DmC > 2

Attached: _-Devil-May-Cry-PS2-_.jpg (226x320, 16K)

looks like we have a winner

Attached: 1551495953858.png (1449x1099, 2.75M)

>the story is shitty
No, and is the story really going to tip the scales for you?



3 > 4 > 5 > 1 > DmC > 2

top three are very close though

He is designed to be like a rockstar, so he doesnt give a fuck about how he looks while at the same time looking good

sorry he should've said cute girls

>4 lower than 1

come on nigger? 1 is slow as balls, has repeating boss fights like dmc4, has FPS UNDERWATER, how the fuck can you put it higher than it other than fellating kamiya

"half a game" is a non argument now that itsuno came out and said how it went, so you can stop parroting cynical brit

based and kamiyapilled

>is less than 10 minutes
its less than 10 seconds faggot

only because the hype is still fresh, give it a few months and people will change their minds

yeah wait for the Vergil DLC

non-believers will change their minds, youre right user

playing as V is unironically worse than having hemorrhoids

Buckle up for hipster opinions.

There's a good idea there but giving him no actual cane attacks was a bad move

4's gameplay is tight as fuck, and
>the people who have been starving for a game for a decade
That's exactly why you should trust them.

I need to know how to properly rev Cavaliere, can an user tell me

Also 5 > 3 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 2

Attached: 1552021426728.jpg (580x636, 76K)

the last part of the game both incorporated "not in a million years" and "fuck you" and that is the only reference to the shitty reboot.

I love it.

Attached: 1552158296833.png (475x709, 530K)

>that is the only reference to the shitty reboot
That is wrong though.

>heheheh funni they say the f word XD

kill yourself underage. god why does this series attract a ton of retards

probably more but I still liked it

they could have made nero beat up a donte lookalike but they were more subtle.

So is this game worth playing if I've never played one before?

You know what man? FUCK YOU

>>watching streamer

stopped reading, you are subhuman

which game is the best for enemy variety and boss design?

The story would be tough to follow, but gameplay wise it's as good a place to start as any. I'd recommend you play 1, 3, and 4 first, though.
game also has a synopsis of the franchise so far

Thanks for the reply, did they close the story in 5 or something?

your atmosphere rankings are fucked
everything else is accurate

nero feels so much more complete to play with his Buster, Devil Trigger and Charge Shot

too bad it's introduced literally in the final boss on your first playthrough

Not necessarily, but a newcomer would have trouble following all of the assumed references to past games, I think. There is a "History of Devil May Cry" video on the main menu that covers the main plot points, but I still think it would be hard to grasp all of it. I could be wrong, though.
NG+ Nero is amazing.

How do you efficiently build style against those Nelo Angelo troops that appear as Dante

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Terrible taste. Hate on DmC all you want but the level design and movement with the level changing around you is the best part of the game. More than any other DMC game has done, usually the environments stay pretty static


It has the best enemy variety and all the bosses are pretty decent (maybe except Gilgamesh). It lacks 'annoying' enemies like all the other games (i.e. Fallen, those gas guys and Dullahans in DMC3) which are just not fun to fight, but I do think the basic enemies are a bit too weak in 5.

3 definitely has really good bosses, but it also has a bunch of real shit ones. Basically any fight that nets you a Devil Arm was pretty god tier, and of course all the Vergil fights are great. Everything else is average to crap.


Get behind them and use Balrog punches.

>playing kamiya's dmc in 20(twenty)19(nineteen)

Wew lad...

>Get in totally hyped
>Get stuck for hours on the second mission because I don't understand where the hell to go and feel like I'm retarded
Does this get better, lads?

DmC overplays that trick, though. It's cool at first, but like 25% of the game is boring platforming. By the end you're just fucking sick of it.

hold L3 and the game literally shows you where to go you brainlet

What manner of bait is this?

Thanks senpai




Level/mission design:


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1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > DmC > 2

I'm sure that's true, but That's A Good Thing.
Think about it. Most players don't even finish games these days, let alone replay them. They made the game the way they wanted to, with the understanding that people who care would replay it and fuck everyone else.

>a fellow one friend
It’s not my favorite anymore but I really do people think too badly of it just because it’s the oldest and most simple. It holds up better than 3 in some ways if you ask me thanks to its setting and way superior devil trigger system.


I get what you mean but now there’s no bosses built around you having some of these DT skills. Thongrnsted maybe once I try them with it I’ll get just as much cool stuff as in 4 to happen.

I literally got stuck for 15 minutes in that fricking hotel wandering and spent just as much time afterwards where to go afterwards
I completely forgot about the L3 thing and felt completely retarded
This doesn't bode well for the rest of the game
I've never had this with the other games

So what exactly makes DMC 2 so horrible? Seems like it's almost unanimous here that it's the bottom of the heap.

Though I haven’t relayed it yet* jeez phone are you okay.

You have to play it to find out. The story and dialogue is awful, the combat feels like complete shit and the animation is hilarious. The level design is giant stretches of nothing, every mission just has you appear in a complete different location with no cutscene showing you how you got there. The guns are busted and you can beat the game quickly by holding shoot.
Oh and the villain is some literal who.

just try playing it, the gameplay and combat is fucking awful. dante controls like a pile of bricks wading through a pile of shit and all the enemies can be killed by standing in a corner and firing your guns

how do you get an S-rank in the first mission? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Story: 3 > 1 > 5 > 4 >2
Gameplay: 5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2

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Literally my only gripe with this game is that getting S ranks is still stupidly easy even on SOS and I have to play as Nero and V before Dante because Bloody Palace isn't out yet and there's no Turbo.

Can't wait for BP though. Once that's out I'm pretty sure this game will be perfect, story be damned because honestly I didn't care too much for the story to begin with outside of some cutscenes and the Sparda brothers.

I honestly love how much fucking mechanics this game shits out though. I haven't even touched any of the other Styles other than Swordmaster yet and the shit I can pull off with just that style alone is crazy.

I do also miss Reversals and Inertia but I don't think they handicap the game at all.

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put 3SE at 2nd place and badda bing badda boom thats spot on

Thanks for the link

>scrubs on Yea Forums have the nerve to say they beath the game without dying and using a gold orb

LOL You know damn well you fucks played on human mode or your just flat out lying.
I have played hack and slashes like DMC since the PS2 era and my Fav hack and slash is Ninja Gaiden 2 on 360 and i beat master ninja so im not am amateur at all.

Even i fucking died a few times and im playing on son of sparda mode.
Im about to start chapter 18 and so far i died 4 times.

Died to the Laser bitch with nero for trying to style ,
Died fighting second urizen with Dante casue i was expecting the entire fight to be Sin devil Trigger, so i got careless and started mashing and once it ran out i gto fucked by his projectiles
Died fighting Malphestas with Nero during her charge attack that i though she would stop if i kept attacking her, but it didnt work and she one shotted me
Died fighting Cerberus cause damn that mother fucker is a damage sponge and i had to sin devil trigger to fuck his shit up cause that fight was dragging on for quite a bit.

Getting all the way up to chapter 15 without dying is deffinetly doable,but once you get to Melphas the bird bitch games difficulty kicks up quite a bit when it comes to bosses.

What mods could unfuck 2?

But there's only like two paths....
1. Level design is the worst in the series. Levels are enormous, but empty. A lot of slow running through empty areas.
2. Enemy design is the worst in the series. Everything from mooks to bosses just meander around aimlessly barely attacking and rarely targeting you properly when they do.
3. Sword attacks cannot be canceled, so attacking with melee is unnecessarily risky and clunky as fuck.
4. Because of the previous two points, guns are enormously overpowered. Most fights are literally just standing in place and mashing the shoot button to win.
5. Story has nothing to do with anything, and there's very little story to begin with. Cutscenes are short and nonsensical. Voice acting is amusingly bad at least.

It all culminates into a game that is just immensely boring. The best things about 2 are the soundtrack and Trish. Trish plays like DMC1 Dante, so she's a little more responsive than Dante and Lucia are. 2 also introduced Bloody Palace, which is now a series staple.

Watch Crobcat's video on youtube for the skinny on what DMC2 gameplay looks like.

We should always judge games during their honeymoon phase. Nothing bad would ever come out of it.

There an easy way to take of the scissor reaper things?

Find myself having to spend so much time on just a single one, and just burn through their weapon

Parry their attacks and they will die in one hit.

>Level Design
>Doesnt matter

Atleast in 5 you dont have to play the beginning half of the game for a 2nd time.
And from a gameplay standpoint the only character thats good is Dante and maybe Vergil (hes quite overpowered, but still fun)

Nero is such a basic bitch in 4, his gameplay is insanely forgettable. In 5 you have the entirety of 4Nero and the addition of all the Devil Breakers, which helps the gameplay alot.

And if im being honest, i dont even count Trish and Lady as characters, they are far too simple and boring

3's cutscenes were great and very unique fuck off.

They shouldn't be taking you that long. You are snatching them, right? It doesn't take that many strikes to break their scissors.

When players want fighting game mechanics in an action game.

Wait, you can do that? Same as in DMC1?

>3 really had shitty cutscenes

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This. Soften them up with some Balrog punches, fling them in the air with kick mode, and do some Sparda air combos

the combos in 5 right now are far worse than they are in 4.

I don't think most people think 1 is bad so much as it's outdated.

Rights now yes you fucking idiot, wait 5 until people start finding all the tricks

I can clearly pick 5 tracks from DMC 1 off the top of my head another about 3-4 from DMC 3 none from 4 and I guess 3 from 5. DMC 1 literally had the best tracks. Nothing beats Lock and Load or Vergil's Ultra violet fuck off.

What? How? 4's a fucking mess plot wise and 1 is horribly voice acted and paced.

it may as well be a fangame.

who fucking cares if the hallways shift a little bit? DmC was still painfully linear and did absolutely nothing interesting with the those environments. they just looked pretty.

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Yep. In fact, one of the secret missions is doing just that.

Either kill the boss or just style on them hard enough before you die.

because people have been playing 4 for 10 fucking years

Maybe it's just me being really tired...
I hope it's just that and that I'm not clinically retarded

Everything is flawed and if you don't focus on those flaws you are having fake fun. You are not enjoying it correctly by simply enjoying it.

there are less mechanics to take advantage of that allow for diversity of playstyle or flare. it won't approach 4 unless they start fixing things and add turbo, faggot

Bro right now most people haven't even unlocked all of the movesets and found all upgrades.

good opinion right here

I'm going to laugh at

Hm? 4's plot is plenty serviceable. Its problem is being too generic and anime, but the progression is fine. Voice acting wasn't bad either.
Shit, I missed that one.

Post your screenshots! I'm posting a few photos of Tomboy.

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Not mine, but I loved it so much that I had to save it.

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Last one, but best view.

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Doesn't make it bad if it was slow. DMC 1 you had to find opening shots and think when to attack. It was one of the great things about it. Over the series course it just got faster and brainless which is why 2 sucked and 3 was easier in most aspects.

>plot is plenty serviceable
>the progression is fine
Nigger most people don't even realize how important Credo was to Nero. That's how shitty of a job they did of building them up. The game's rival dies on a fucking cutscene 10 missions after you fight him. Then there's the blueballing of Nero not getting to kill Berial or Echidna because they had to have them alive for Dante. Then there's fucking everything to do with Trish and Gloria.

I saved that one too. I got a couple Faust Vergils.

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3 with Style Switcher is objectively the best

>3 easier than 1
1 is my favorite game in the series, but that's just nonsense.

>Summoned Swords are still modelled after Force Edge

Sneaky bulgeposters.

Never played a single one. Where should I start?

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Right, a picture of "Tomboy"

Hey can someone help me please? I'm on mission 13 and at the end after the hourglass statue in the room with all the pod things, I can't go down the hole on the floor. There's this huge invisible wall that makes me stand above it.
Restarting to checkpoint doesn't help, has anyone ran into this?

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start with 3, play 4, play 5.

if you are too lazy, just play 3 and then play 5 a month or two later

if you absolutely must play more, play 1 and DmC

dont play dmc2

DMC1 and 3SE on the HD collection > DMC4SE > DMC5

Optional: DMC2, DmCDE

That boy ain't right

If Nero is wearing his EX colors his DT is white and purple.

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Restart the whole level, apparently.

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i did, had to restart the mission

What was your reaction when he got out of his chair?

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I wish I could use Nero but with just the white coat and Credo DT. Eh, I guess mods will make it possible eventually.

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Well that sucks, thanks anons.

what am I in for Yea Forums

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Cute, tiny Nightmare! I've only seen him bring out Shadow.

Does anyone have that edit of Xehanort squad with the Vergil/V/Urizen faces shittily pasted over them?

Oh Hell no! Here, now it's your turn!

If Shadow and Griffon are already active he'll bring out a tiny nightmare.

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Did people post their game and pizzas?
Because I saved my CC lemon for tonight

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Does he not do it if they're all active or Griffon is the only one that isn't? Or is there a tiny Griffon too?


I had the same fucking problem, seems to be tied to the funky co-op mechanics. I re-did the whole mission with another character, and switched the online settings to limited.

a good game :)

What does CC Lemon have to do with DMC? Just that it's Japanese?

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>SoS m20 vergil is an actual boss fight and he never leaves DT for the 2nd half of it
fuck I wasn't ready for this

>first level as dante
>just getting the hang of him
>break dancing on the ground with the balrog

This game is a fucking treasure, what a fucking rush.

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Man i'm trying dmc1 since i liked it as a kid 15y ago but its really easy and bad, did a mission in like 30s

I fucking love that shit. And the only place near me that sells them is 3 bucks a pop, it's a rip

Is there really no footage of DMD Vergil yet? People have beaten the mode, right?

Thank you, it's perfect

I think there might be a Griffon. I'll have to experiment because I've only seen him bring out Shadow and Nightmare. It's a taunt so I'm guess if all of them are active he'll do a different taunt.

These are the new owners of Devil May Cry. Say something to them.

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No way, hags.

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Kinda sounds more like they are employees, no?

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Dante already said those crazy bitches wont get his shop.

>Lady tries to take over, Trish tells her to fuck off
>Morrison tells Trish to fuck off.

The pecking order obviously goes Morrison > Trish > Lady.

Coupl'a cuhrraayyyzee bitches

what the fuck is lady wearing

But why dude?

I restarted and that worked. The first time no one showed up to co-op, pretty sure that's what glitched it.

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>he rates 4>5

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Turn off DOF in the ini file. Both settings effect it and I'd wager Lady Ass is the main reason you can't turn off DOF in game.

Like literally any game series out there, you start with the first one.


>4 and 1's story better than 5
I can understand you thinking 3's is better but fucking how. DMC4 is rushed as fuck, DMC1 is serviceable but it's extremely simple, barely there and cliche (don't kill me I still really like DMC1 and all its campiness).

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For whatever reason, I can't wrap my mind around fighting the Hell Antenora (dual meat cleaver guys). They're introduced early on but I find them to be the toughest enemies to fight cause I can't knock them down. How do you guys fight these dudes?


DMCV is pretty meh.

I Want To Fuck Dante fags

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You can't knock them down when they're glowing purple.

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People will shit on it in a few months just like they did with Dark Souls 3. Now everyone suddenly loves the fuck out of 2 despite being shat on by everyone.

I wouldn't be surprised if people will suddenly suck the dick of Tameem and call him a visionary and shit like that. Be prepared for this shit hole to turn contrarian and love DmC. Remember the rule, the game before the current is always better.

discordtranny pls

Get them into the air. Try not to let them down. When they do touch down, just jump and shoot until they stop sperging out, then go back to work.

A shit/wierd ending can honestly really drag down something even if the rest of the story is great

>The older the better
It fits.

Don't knock them back, they will glow purple activate super armor after being knocked back. Launch them instead
They are basically there to teach you not to Streak everything

I thought you couldn't knock them down period cause instead of going into a knockdown state they get pissed and bumrush you

I've seen people suck up to DmC already, none of that shit is new
I think people might end up not liking the way DMC5 forces you to switch characters as they continue to replay the game though, it's one of those things that's acceptable the first time but later on when you just want to play 1 character it's not so great

5 has literally the only happy ending in the series.

Don't tell me you wanted to see Dante kill his brother a fourth time.

>Top tier
5, 3
>Great tier
>Good but only amounts to a shitton of wasted potential tier
>Shit tier

So when is Bloody Palace meant to be out?

Release order:

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In a month.


Nah i thought everything to do with dante and vergil was kino. What didn't sit right with me was nero all of a sudden getting sentimental about credo and family and using that to unlock his DT with the power of emotion when it hadn't been hinted at or built up all game. Felt like he should've had a few more missions dedicated to developing him and unlocking that. Would've been kino if he unlocked it in a fight with Virgil.

>I think people might end up not liking the way DMC5 forces you to switch characters as they continue to replay the game though
I think that won't be as much of a problem with 5 thanks to the void. You can fight any enemy you want there except bosses, and if you want to test yourself out you can go to BP. Plus once you're done with a difficulty you can just pick whatever mission you want to replay.

after going through the full kingdom hearts series this resonates with me too much

4 had a pretty happy ending. I guess it's only sad if you count Credo dying but that wasn't really at the end. Actually the only games that had a sad-ish ending were 2 and 3.

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Really, seeing Dante pat Nero on the shoulder warmed my heart. This game was kino if kino is getting stuck in a huge drunken summer clusterfuck with your crazy uncle and dad and then having them tell you at the end of the night, "You did good."


1 ends with Dante killing Mundus and flying home with his new Mom/best buddy.
That's a net gain all around. Pretty happy, I'd say.

you are fucking mental, 3 is the groundwork of the franchise. 4 being a complete game now makes it worse now.

>We learned so much from Ninja Theory and DmC. That was a collaboration between Capcom and Ninja Theory. I went to Cambridge once every couple of months to work those guys. So we learned a lot of from them, and you want to talk about stylish… Ninja Theory, those guys are style incarnate, man. What they did with DmC, that art style, those animations, that is real style, y’know? So we took a lot of what we learned from that.

>Another thing is, we have a lot of friends who love DmC. For me, DmC is one of my favorite DMC games, if not my favorite. And we wanted to make the game in a way that people who enjoyed that game will enjoy the way it controls just as much as they enjoyed DmC.

Why is it a You-tuber does a better version of Subhuman than a professional artist?

Guys how do it move my save form pirated versions to steam version. its not working if i just move the save file..

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the only thing i dont like that much is playing as V, hes kinda boring, unless theres some crazy shit i can do with him that im missing

>Would've been kino if he unlocked it in a fight with Virgil.
Nah, that wouldn't have made sense.

I think Nero was fine. They could've made the Credo thing more explicit, but throughout the game Nero is just trying to catch up to Dante because there really isn't much more in his life. He feels he has to prove himself because he feels alone and unneeded. Coming between Dante and Vergil changes that for him.

A lot of the writing and conflict in 5 are trying too hard to be fanservice, to the point it sometimes feels like fan fiction. Too much time is spent try to make you think the villain isn’t Vergil too for some reason. I would’ve actually preferred it if it wasn’t and V was just all that was left of Vergil or something else.

1 and 4 felt a lot more focused, rushes and campiness aside.


5 = 4 = 3 = DmC > 1 > 2

Nero's devil trigger looks gay as fuck

and lady DLC when?

How many changed the battle music as soon as they got the chance?

Nero's went straight to his DMC4
Dante to his DMC3
V's to DMC 3 Cerberus

fuck outta here

>mfw I finally get my power after sacrificing millions of people but get away with it because I play nice so people think I'm redeemed.

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>Too much time is spent try to make you think the villain isn’t Vergil too for some reason.
They really couldn't have made it more obvious if they tried.

everyone to devil trigger because i didnt realize you only get the other music from the deluxe edition

>5 is best for mechanics
well if you're a casual.

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Based power autist

>just bought the deluxe edition
japanese or english audio

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doesn't it stop playing your custom music after a while? haven't started yet.

Nero kept Devil Trigger
Dante got Battle 1
V got Vergil Battle 2

As expected. When are you going to make a new tower and make it a professional devil hunting business?

Only for certain fights.

Devil Trigger is the worst Devil May Cry song ever

English for DH
Japanese with alts for SoS
Live-action cutscenes for DMD

>spamming aerial rave more than twice
only one whos a casual is (You)

Now slap yourself for even asking this question

How long did it take you to buy the deluxe edition?
Just curious on how well you deal with your life decisions and why you need others to control your decisions

english, dmc has always been mainly english

Fuck off with that Tsundere character type bullshit, hes a punk curses and acts cocky without the skill, he has no charm.

I really wish they kept Lucifer.

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does it have divine hate as an option? that song is just based.

>Devil Trigger is the worst Devil May Cry song ever

Lock and Load DMC4 remix and Taste the Blood are both far worse.

You don't know what that word means, do you?

>nero all of a sudden getting sentimental about credo and family
It's not that hard to believe. He clearly got emotional when he saw Credo get shanked by Demon Pope in 4. I'd blame it on 4's writing more honestly because since the game was so rushed we didn't get much interaction between Nero and Credo. He even says to Kyrie that she and him were the only people he had growing up. Remember that Nero DT'd in 4 when he remembered Kyrie, the girl he grew up with and is in love with getting attacked by demons
>And if I become a demon, so be it. I'll endure the exile...Anything to protect her.
In DMC4 he lost what he thought was half the family he ever had, Credo. And now he's just discovering that he does have a family, an uncle and a father.

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wait so how do I unlock the V ex costume? I thought killing urizen in the prologue does that

He's punk attitude is annoying, with a edgy game setting about demons and being stabbed and edgy music you wanna add a punk edgy teenager to add on? no you balance it having a charming goofy fun character Dante is the OG for a reason.

Im not sure when it went over my head but whats the explanation as to why the Qlipoth sprouted? I know its the consequence of Vergil's actions but whats the explanation for a demon tree that bears a fruit of power to just popp up?

5 feels more like Dante's game than Nero's.

Don't think you can lad. Good on you buying it though.

>taste the blood
>worse than DT
shit taste detected

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What exactly is this webm supposed to prove?

He didn't get away with it, Dante says multiple times that he's following Vergil around to keep an eye on him cause he's the only one besides Nero who can stop him.

that's how it should be.

>think when to attack
It's "always", you shitter.

>Devil Trigger is the worst Devil May Cry song ever

Shut up retard

Plot point that'll be used in a sequel since Mundus was said to have used the same method to rule over Hell and he's already back to gathering power there.

>Implying Nero isn't pretty goofy

You could do that in 3. Even easier because it's possible with switch cancel, not just jump cancel


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Absolutely based facts my guy.

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>Trish ass uncensored
>Lady's isn't
Wtf bros? I'm on PC.

I feel like they did it that way for the casuals because for anyone who was a fan it was obvious as fuck

>guy in a cloak takes nero's arm and turns it back into yamato
>dante says jackpot when he sees urizen
>one of V's taunts is 'I need more strength'

a bunch of other shit I'm probably forgetting

Hideaki Itsuno :Nuuuuuu you will like my OC Nero!

>It's like I'm back on Mallet Island
I really felt that line.

>Be Vergil and decide it's a good idea to split from your humanity
>for the first time in your life you're on the outside and you can see what other people see
>a power hungry autist

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>Devil Trigger is the worst Devil May Cry song ever

Attached: speen.png (380x240, 88K)

>Vergil secretly likes chess, classical music and romantic poetry

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>Can't back it up so has to insult someone

Stay classy user

you gotta beat the game, because the EX costume some what spoils a plot point

This is the post to read after coming back to Yea Forums after months of abstaining. Thanks man, this game was great. Played it with my brother whom I'm always fighting with.

Isn't the wisecracking bird born out of his psyche too or am I misremembering

>all of his summons are from DMC1 (featherface, shadow, nemesis)
>urizen's minions are a bunch of nelo angelo knockoffs
>V has mommy issues

he cant exactly prove that Devil Trigger is good, its a song and you need the taste for it.

however not thinking that that song isnt the hottest shit ever is objectively wrong and your gay for not liking it

>merges back and pretends he saw nothing

He was born out of his memories of the original Griffon.

What a nerd.

Even ignoring that DMC has mostly always been English these super realistic looking white guys speaking with Japanese anime voices is fucking weird.

Anybody know how i can start a fresh mission 20 where Nero has the refilling DT?

devil trigger has a solid beat with good moments to get you pumped when your hitting SSS
even after 8 months of repeated listens and memes i still love hearing the song every fucking time
i would say V's battle music is the worst

I got huge DmC vipes from this


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Nah, Crimson Cloud is great and fits V perfectly.

And Vergil will literally smother him in his sleep.

The story would have been more dramatic if Vergil forced Nero's hand, just as he forced Dante's. That's part of why DMC3 is so good: some differences are irreconcilable and some people will never stop, no matter how much you love them

thats the point, he also said "Not in a million years!"

it was intended to poke fun at DmC

>Can't bring anything useful to the chat or explain why his taste like it

Even classier user

This pretty much means dante has become Vergil's tard wangler hasn't it?

That you're a retard who doesn't know what a webm is.


fuck it.

I wouldn't even say it was poking fun, it was clearly just a reference to it.

>some differences are irreconcilable and some people will never stop, no matter how much you love them
Referr to


I really like V's
I do think Dante's is kinda shit though

Taste the Blood is fucking awful.

Will Vergil get a new theme once he's playable or will he keep Crimson Cloud?

Look forward to DMC6 when Dante is trapped by Vergil in the underworld and Nero finally has to put daddy down.

its still all personal preference in music taste
i like the instrumentals for sub human even if the vocals arent my cup of tea
i dont like playing as V so maybe thats one of the reasons i cant get hyped with crimson cloud like i can DT or Subhuman
i dont even like subhuman that much but when your tearing it up it works well

I personally disagree. Vergil was clearly not going to give up and hadn't changed his stance after fighting with Dante and his change of mind really felt jarring. And Nero just getting his dt without going through an actual struggle or growth felt really un-earnt.

With how much Urizen slags off Nero for being born human and how much Vergil thinks humans are weak anyway I think it'd be much more tonaly consistent if he was still purely lusting power/disregarding humans after his Dante fight.

It'd be really poignant if Nero, a person who's more human than demon, and his own son changed his mind by overpowering him with his willpower/challenging his views. Thus making Virgil realise that a) humans/humanity isn't a weakness and b) he actually cares about this one human and that they have value. This would also be a perfect place to have Nero gain his dt as well allowing him to prove his/humanitys worth to his father with his inner strength.

From a storytelling point of view it would be far better than Vergil suddenly being like "yeah I killed thousands of people and have been on a massive power drive but if you beat me then I'll do what you say lol"

I am honestly disappointed Nero got a devil trigger (and a really stupid looking one at that) was hoping he would be different and use more tech styled shit like the devil breakers

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>tfw your plan was to get the power, be nice and bolt as soon as they look away
>dumb brother wont let you out of your site so now you're forced to be apart of the family

Vergil looks a little uncomfortable in these scenes. Like he has no idea how to interact with these people.

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sub humans instrumental is pretty solid even if its a little slow

>waiting to see general consensus before buying a game instead of pre ordering is a bad move
yes...good goyim....

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Beat the game and then is when I find out that V has an auto attack button. Does it only work when auto assist is on?

>Too much time is spent try to make you think the villain isn’t Vergil too for some reason.
Jesus christ, you remind me of the people who refused to believe Nero was Vergil's son despite all the signs
>Urizen talks about muh power all the time and how being human is a weakness
>Dante going "Guess I get to see it with my own eyes..If it really is you" and "Getting real close now, I can feel him"
>Nero cuts the palm of Urizen's hand like how Vergil does to Dante in 3
>"This demon is your reason for fighting"
>Urizen says Dante's name without it ever being said in front of him/any one telling him
>"Dante, that demon is.."
>at the end of the flashback where V is explaining how Vergil split himself, Vergil begins to transform and his shadow looks exactly like Urizen.

3 > 5 > 4 (first and second act) > 1 > 2 > 4 (third act) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. DmC


wtf is that shit? I don't even see no one play with me.

i like how vergil awkwardly wants to interact with nero but looks too afraid to talk to him

>Vergil was clearly not going to give up and hadn't changed his stance after fighting with Dante and his change of mind really felt jarring.
You have bad memory. Before fighting Dante, Vergil wonders what his life would have been. Vergil wasn't fighting Dante for power. He did it because that was the last thing he had to settle from his past life. Most likely he was intending to die, like he did when he went against Mundus.

>his own son changed his mind by overpowering him with his willpower/challenging his views
That's exactly what happened from Vergil's point of view. However, that doesn't make sense for Nero. Nero never had the problem of having to decide between being human or demon as Dante did. Nero's struggle was about being accepted and protecting those he loved.

What you're asking for already happened in DMC3. And it didn't work out for Vergil.

I really really really like 3... but if I'm being honest, DMC3 has a few filler sections and really shit bosses while 5 fairly consistently fires on all cylinders all the time. So I'd have to put 5 above 3, and then 4 just below 3 because it's really good but has even more filler shit by design.

Really hope playable Vergil gets added as DLC to 5 tho. Don't care if there's no story, I just wanna play an updated version of him.


Is Vergil playable?

No, 5 isn't bad but i wouldn't place it over 3 yet

If you go into the Extra menu where you can play the Battle Tracks on the Main Menu, there's the 3 track for V, Nero and Dante with a fourth one that is just "????".
It's pretty obvious he's going to be added.

what does this mechanic do?


Attached: 341844037.jpg (500x408, 38K)




fucking retard

>got the Lady asscrack lens flare censorship

There's actually a setting for dynamic sound or something, which I think adjusts the sound range?I thought it was set by default to let loud things be very loud, but maybe that's worth checking on.

Better than The Time Has Come

Cause Vergil is a retard who only cares about putting that unga Dante into the ground with power, a feeling that V and Urizen are both connected by.

co op

Attached: 1546883366395.png (534x520, 343K)

you serious? I have never seen no one when I had this on.

Attached: 1 perfect faggot.gif (268x200, 1.73M)

1>2>3>4>killer is dead>aliens colonial marines>5

He didn't though. You gotta read between the lines with Vergil because he will never just come out and say it.

>That DMCuck honeymoon

Can't wait for the backlash in a few weeks