This game will cease to be underag&ban this year. Does it still inspire your scorn and derision, or have new horrors made it seem better than it was?
This game will cease to be underag&ban this year. Does it still inspire your scorn and derision...
it's still shit
It never inspired my scorn. I really enjoyed it and it was the first game that made me think FPS could actually work on consoles.
It may be slow paced, but I think it is good. Certainly no Quake or Doom though
Only quakelards and sonyjabronis hate this game.
The first game was never bad.
more like gaylo lol
it had good couch multiplayer, but tons of games did back then, it only really stood out to me in 3 when a lot of games were abandoning couch multiplayer and they kept it going.
I dunno if I'd call it great, but it was better for multiplayer than stuff like goldeneye. That game is fondly remembered for multi, but it's a lot worse than halo at it. Still much better single-player in the rare shooters though.
Why do I see this comparison brought up so much? Halo was definitely inspired by arena shooters, heavily so, but it never really attempted to be one.
>even starts
>Weapons and powerups on maps
>map design has a heavy emphasis on platforming and verticality
>Map control is the most important part of competitive play and gitting gud
It's an arena shooter m8
Why does halo cause so much salt on Yea Forums?
>not making a Halo CE mod where you can floss over dead players
Console FPS are inferior to mouse and keyboard. Rerelease it on comp
only twitchy quake and unreal faggots hate it. they are not worth listening to
>Halo was definitely inspired by arena shooters, heavily so, but it never really attempted to be one
Multiplayer in Halo is irredeemable shit and cannot be compared in a good light to anything. The varied enemy design in the campaign makes it similar to Doom/Quake, but obviously the level design is dogshit by comparison.
1-3 are good games. Denying that is just bait or lies.
shooting bugs lol. "humans" with covered faces (robots) in multiplayer. this game's for fucking kids whose moms won't let them play violent games. Halo. more like Homeschooled
>He can’t keep up with dad so his game has to be slower
Tsk tsk
stop posting pls
It was viewed as "my first FPS" and ruined shooters, never mind that console shooters existed a console generation previously and the WW2 shooter subgenre was far more forgettable than Halo
consider that halo was released when Q3 was still the hottest shit in FPS. Quake is still brought up often as the gold standard for 3D shooters either way, and a good example of a game that you should play if you're a "real gamer".
It's obviously godly game but a lot of people who post about quake being superior to everything are just posers who barely played the games.
since it was before you were alive I'll spell it out, halo was the ultimate normalfag/dudebro game until modern warfare took its throne. That roughly 8 years of relevance was a lot of current poster's period of caring about what other people did with their free time, and the old scars of hating things past still burn from time to time.
>if you're a "real gamer".
unironically cringe. and i mean that. fucking hell.
you're fucking stupid
Oh no a 10 year old called me stupid. That’ll sure prove my argument wrong
t. zoomzoom
shit game for moids
this is what happens when you invite console faggotry on the board. this is nintendo/sonyfags fault. there are people on this board right now that cannot even begin to fathom why these games are bad because they have been raised to be vapid consumer retards.
game is shit and its a sad state of affairs that shit hasnt gotten any better since then
>Halo is the ultimate normal/dudebro
What is Goldeneye.
i could pick the series apart piece by piece and you'd never offer an argument to the contrary, but continue championing halo until the end of time anyways. don't pretend like you like the series for any objective reason. might as well stamp a microsoft logo on your forehead, they own your ass.
why do you think I put it in quotes you cringeposting retard, I'm specifically saying that people who shit on other shooters and talk praise about Quake in opposition to other games are too often just posers who don't fucking play quake. Don't ever post "cringe" to anything either, it makes you the exact same level of faggot as those who pretend to be "real gamers" by talking about how much they love games they've never played. Anyway good job reading the entire post.
No, I'm saying you are fucking stupid for a good damn reason. Try doing the most basic bit of research on Halo CE you dumb faggot.
Halo was the backbone of most of my early teenage sleepovers.
im a zoomer who only played halo 3 and while i had some of my best memories with that game it is literally unplayable now that im an adult and have played fps on pc for the last ~8 years. the combination of low framerate, motion blur, super low fov, and slow controller aiming is just torture. i tried going back and playing it with my best friend who played it 24/7 with me when we were kids, and after playing it for like 30 minutes we both said "how the fuck did we ever enjoy this?"
goldeneye is the game that got replaced by halo, or did you think dudebros ever stuck to one game/series? I pointed out too that halo got replaced by CoD in that same role.
You’re trying too hard to fit in. Type a little less autistically
I enjoyed sabotaging team pvp matches so much on Halo 3. And then there was the matchmaking screen. This game is unironically very similar to Yea Forums.
>im a zoomer
>now that im an adult
>If I just say no without providing any other input i win internet points
Have a free (you)
how the fuck would anyone that likes goldeneye like Halo. An evocative human shooting experience (per polygon hit detection - shoot a guy's face, his balls whatever, motion captured flinches and deaths) to ... shooting bugs. hit the general area of the bug and it drops
That's kind of why with MCC 343 aimed for better framerates and apparently added options for modern aiming.
you can keep your filthy (You)s
1/10 you got a reply, thanks for trying, go and be a fag somewhere else
You keep mentioning "bugs" lmao what the fuck are you talking about.
Use your big boy words please.
Why was the game so slow? Being a console game isn't an excuse because Timesplitters was on the same platform and ran circles around Halo.
It's a game for braindead casuals
how else am I supposed to describe halo enemies? "aliens" can mean anything. they're critters with shells
And i don't understand how any proper bloodlusting little boy could get satisfaction from shooting those
I like it, I don't hate it. I was born '95.
Also no, it wasn't my first FPS, I played Doom 64. I do think Doom is great, but I like Halo's world, environments and presentation.
>how the fuck would anyone that likes goldeneye like Halo
This resonates with me a little bit in that playing Halo felt like a massive step down from playing Perfect Dark. Like Perfect Dark was just an embarrassment of riches in terms of content - solo/co-op/counter-op/challenges/mutliplayer/carrington institute, the fact that you can choose whatever guns you want in whatever position on any map, play whatever music you want, dozens of character models and you can swap their heads and bodies, harder difficulties adding extra objectives, 40+ weapon arsenal, etc. I kind of thought at the time that more freedom and content was the direction FPS were headed, and Halo did kind of feel dumbed down after that. Then again, so has nearly everything else since.
consoleshooters may have existed earlier but nobody pretended they where a push forward to the genre or anything, even games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark where rated as ''great for a console shooter''
then somehow comes Halo and everyone somehow saw it as the biggest leap in the genre since DOOM when that wasnt the case at all, Halo still lacked many things that where in shooters before it, but because the media painted it as some grandiose new leap for the genre it became the shooter template everyone tried to copy, therebye halting progress on the genre
>when Halo is one of the reasons why FPS slowed down
Oh the irony.
>I was born 95
>after 18 years, Quakefags still seeth over Halo
You can't make this shit up.
Scorn? It wiped the fucking floor with DOOM, Quake, Wolfenstein, Blood, Goldeneye, UT, Half-Life, etc. Incredible game that only autistic shitheads with no friends hated on.
I don't blame them. They've had almost two decades of watching their genre get worse and worse.
People are quick to dismiss someone as underage, so it's important to mention birth year. People born in '95 are approaching their mid-20s.
I never understood the Halo hate and that's from an old Quake player.
it's ok but god you walk so slow in it
zoomzooms don't go to heaven
To be mad about Halo for 18 years, that's just pure autism.
Fuck off oldfag we in the scumgang now
Halo seems explicitly designed to be generic, in the way that you know any product line from Microsoft is going to be called (laughably literally) thing-X, "x-thing" "think one" or "thing 0" by the committee just to make sure there's no personality at all in it. Look at the fucking halo box art it's just like a stock like photo of "soldier" or "action". Armor Man point gun. the rest of the game i can't imagine is much different. All i've really seen of it is extremely bland featureless landscape environments and shooting at some genericised "enemies" ("red object, moving object")
imo Halo wasn’t bad in and of itself but rather the floodgate it opened is what was horrible
The genre may have gotten worse, but video games got better. Halo was a loss for FPS but a huge win for video games. Because video games are about more than just flicking your wrist to shoot at pixels in a boxed room all day long.
Then it's their fucking fault. After 18 years they should be making their own goddamn Arena shooter.
The definition of Game: The Game
Why did you just type all of that out, having never played the game? I can only speak for Halo CE, but it has a lot more character than most FPS games. Why did you spend your time speculating about a game you've never played, and then end up inevitably getting everything wrong?
In my country nobody had an xbox, while all the kids in my school had Halo Custom Edition in their USB. We made LAN parties a couple of times. I never saw Halo as a console FPS. It's slow but that makes your skill more valuable regarding accuracy. Also the Alien inspired plot was excellent. It will always have a fond place in my heart.
boomers still angry that Halo and CoD killed their shitty arena shooters. sad!
Funny thing is those arena shooters were alive for decades still.
>yeah I haven't actually played the game but it's shit
Yea Forums: The Post
>gaylo apologists
But user... 30 year old boomers grew up on Halo and CoD!
Why can't they just give us Halo 3 on PC?
Because they know PChads don't have bad enough taste to buy it
played it recently, keep getting bored in missions, keep going off it
ended up deleting
Then what are they about then?
>elitists still mad abour Halo and CoD
It's not the game user, you're just finally measuring your skill against the masses
nobody is mad at Halo, this is clearly bait
Bugs don't talk, alter their strategy in response to their environment, use geography to their advantage, strafe, roll, throw grenades, or man vehicles, dumbass.
Why would anyone on pc play that?
>Boomer bait: the thread
>make the game skill ceiling so low that even casuals can kill a pro and not have it be pure luck
Nice game design.
Immersion. All the genres are just pieces of the bigger picture; combine them and you get a more immersive experience. People prefer multi-genre games.
The only people who would buy it are fans who have nostalgia for it. No one gives a shit about Halo anymore, especially on PC where there's way more options than on console.
Quakefags seethe over Halo worse than Doomboomers seethe over Half-life.
Or you get a shallow mess with contradictions between narrative and gameplay. The only reason people prefer multi-genre games is because they lack the dedication to actually explore games with true depth in them.
Halo will forever be baby's first fps for its molasses movement, ridiculous aim assit, and non existant level design. I will give credit where credit is due and say it was a proponent of console fps controls but similar to goldeneye 64 being outdated by modern controllers, gyro has overtaken twin stick.
Hearing them seeth over Halo all the time makes me happy Quake is dead.
don't click picture
>contradictions between narrative and gameplay.
What contradictions are in Halo?
The only reason people who prefer single-genre games do is because they lack the intelligence to perceive the whole, getting caught up on each part instead and failing to understand the emerging complexity.
>think quakfags aren't THAT obnoxious
>/vr/ doom threads still get quake shitters complaining
good fucking god they are pathetic
>cannot be compared in a good light to anything
These motherfuckers seriously think CoD does multiplayer better? Talk about taking the blue pill
>18 years
I'll commend you on your tenacity, Quakefag.
whats wrong with that face??
Filled with Halobro sperm
Plain wrong
Because in reality, the only people who hate Halo sucked at it. I had plenty of friends who played COD that weren't that good with Halo, but I just played custom games or social with them instead of ranked. Everybody liked Halo in their own way. It's only people who truly suck at the game that talk shit about it.
I'm not good at Siege at all, but I won't deny it's a great game.
>if my character doesn't move at 25mph then it's a shit fps
Halo is the best FPS franchise in vidya history. From story, singleplayer level design, to multiplayer design it is the gold standard. Except Halo 4, that is trash.
5 was garbage it peaked at 3. ODST & Reach were solid
Zoomers still don't play true Halo though (CE, 2, and 3). Sometimes I'm off on Thursdays, and when I play before 2 or 3pm, it's impossible to find a match. When I do find a match after school/work hours, the only people with mics are adults talking shit, and people with a big gamerscore, ie, halo veterans 23 or over. Zoomers and cod-fags play Halo 5.
Gyro controls are aids and I use the sticks in splatoon 2
Late nights is when MCC is populated. It's pretty telling it's all adults left lol.
Kinda feels good though desu
Just play Dorito, it's great
Nah son
5 was fun af. Warzone was cool but the core mechanics of 5 were more fun than most of the rest
The game is slow for a reason, it's fucking tactical. A fight actually goes back and forth over time instead of being twitchy shoot first or loose tripe
I thought Halo 4's campaign was decent.
how does it add "modern aiming" when controllers haven't changed since 2001?
>CE released when most of Yea Forums was in diaper
bitch, please. if you call this shit underage, you're just admitting that your ass is 30+ and too damn old to be browsing here.
t. 35 year old
this, halo is superior only in framerate, and maybe in input depending on your taste (I vastly prefer movement on buttons/aiming on stick like in PD but that's obviously not standard anymore).
Only games made by Rare and FreeRadical really offer a huge amount of stuff, if FreeRadical had made Halo it would probably be a big joke, but goddamn would the multiplayer be god-like.
Or maybe because limitation of resources will mean that effort put into one field of the game will mean they're not going towards another, like with most games. There are games that can balance different genres, but that requires skill, and frankly most devs don't have that. I'd rather have a pure experience with fleshed out mechanics than have what is just Super Mario Party.
>it's fucking tactical.
No, the game is slow because it's designed with controllers in mind. It's the reason why almost everything in Halo acts how it does. Players are slow, you can only hold 2 weapons, grenades and melee get their own buttons, etc.
Just like the old days. Feels bad
Perfect Dark beat both of those when the 360 remake happened.
I never said it wasn't designed for controllers, but they made the absolute best of it.
They made enough things other than snap aiming matter to make it interesting
>I never said it wasn't designed for controllers
You certainly tried to imply that.
Get fucking good, gyro is flat out superior to analog for aiming, multiple switch games have shown this. Gyro should be a standard moving forward
>it's not slow because it's designed for controllers, it's TACTICAL
By the way, aim matters more in Halo than it does Quake. Halo's items spawn way too infrequently so there's less of an aspect of map control and more 1-on-1 pistol battles.
Yeah, this is admittedly a big problem with Perfect Dark. Input is fine; I actually prefer the old Rareware shooters to the dual analog layout that has become standard. Both are unacceptable vs. M+KB. I think the only reason dual analog is considered acceptable by anyone is the same reason I like N64 controls: it was what I had to work with when I was 12, so I just learned to deal.
marathon was and always will be better
half life, counter strike and halo ruined fps forever
That's literally not what I said. I wasn't commenting on intention of controllers or otherwise. I couldn't give less of a shit about the controller situation. I was making a statement about how the gameplay actually turned out.
Stop being retarded
Ironically the arena fandom treats Q3A like smashfags treat Melee. Nothing will ever live up to it, nothing will ever replace it, anything that is made in its style will either be identical to it (same game, stick to q3) or will have something, literally anything, that sticks out as someone not liking it (like a weapon that does a thing that counters a strategy from Q3A as an example) and say "ah nope, shit game, Q3 better" and go back to it.
tl;dr Quake 3 Arena is treated as a pinnacle of arena FPS and was ironically also its death knell, when no one ever managed to move on from it.
He's pretty obviously describing how enemies in Perfect Dark are way more responsive to being attacked or shot at than enemies in Halo. Specifically their dialogue, their reacting to being shot in different parts of the body, being able to disarm them (and their responding to it in multiple ways), etc. Perfect Dark is way beyond Halo in that and some other notable regards, in terms of deep game design. The most criminal failing of PD is that it barely manages to keep 20 frames per second on a good day, and that ironically, the game was balanced around that fact (and around controller aiming), so once you change it to 60 and/or give yourself mouse aiming, you basically trivialize the game's difficulty. Yes, you can customize it further, but only after unlocking the necessary means, and it kind of cheapens the experience when you are basically "fixing" the difficulty yourself.
I will never understand anyone calling Halo 4 and 5 garbage and then in the same sentence call Reach solid, I hate faggots that try to fit in with the Halo community by being a Bungie shill, that's not what it means to be a Halo fan you dumbass.
>That's literally not what I said.
>it's fucking tactical
What are the worst threads on Yea Forums?????
Thanks for proving my point. You don't understand the experience which emerges as the sum of the parts and only see the parts and view them as party games as a result.
I'm a really weird case, in that I'm left-handed, and because I mostly played games that didn't use the right stick in the dual-analog age, I pretty much never developed any ability whatsoever to use a thumbstick with my right thumb. As a result, doing anything with right stick is basically impossible for me beyond the most basic of inputs (ie. weapon selection in metroid prime). I can press buttons like a madman though (from playing pop'n music on psp especially), so moving on buttons is really easy for me. That definitely puts me in a small group of course, but it is what it is. Kind of a shame, I can't play any console shooter for shit, I wish I was better so I could actually clear shit in Timesplitters.
But all you did was show how CS was designed to be shit. Halo doesn't really do any of that stuff.
halo and cs are both casual garbage
You couldn't handle movement on the right stick? Most games offer the option to swap them.
>played halo when it released when I was 13
>im 30 now
>people a couple years older than me have been calling me a kid for liking it for 17 years now
got me then and it gets me now
Halo CE campaign co-op is some of the most fun you can have with a bro. Great enemy layout (for most of the game), great AI, perfect blend of weapons allows for many viable combos.
People that hate this game are tryhards, it's actually really fun and has some interesting enough lore behind it.
Halo borrows more from CS than it does Quake.
Beginning of the end.
Unfortunately all those babbys that played it have grown up as is evidence by the support in this thread.
It's fucking boring and the babby's first FPS is very accurate since only babbys that never played anything else think it's in any way not an utterly bland borefest.
Dual analog is the gold standard for controllers. M+kb is more space and orientation dependant so it is less ideal for relaxed settings where you may be lounging at odd angles
videogames are fucking boring you literal invalid, go outside and play some sports with real people
I guess it depends heavily on what you played growing up. For better or worse, console FPS controls have standardized over the last 15 years. I missed that boat, and sounds like you did too, but I don't feel anything great was lost.
>there are people who have nostalgia for half life, cs, serious sam and halo.
I HATE NEO/V/ so much
>quakefags are playing csgo now
No. Not really
Imagine thinking people that are nostalgic for Budokai or Otogi are underage
>arenatards this mad 20 years later that halo improved on their genre by removing the most unsatisfying part of it
said the valve drones and bungie shills
how old are you user, 35? 40?
why are you wasting your life on an imageboard for kids instead of doing something more productive with your already half over life
>slow movement
>location damage
>weapon limit
>grenades that function as actual grenades
All it took from Quake was weapon/item pickups and respawning.
t.someone who never played old school fps.
>muh arena boogeyman
Literally everyone hated this dudebro trashheap, do you also make MW2 nostalgia threads?
t. not arenafag
>halofags now infest Yea Forums
It was. I played it first on the PC actually, getting the fuel rod cannon in the sequels and having it be nothing like the original PC port was disappointing as fuck.
real fps gamers hated halo, half life, cs and serious sam back then.
want to play halo 1 again
>dat FOV
2001 was 18 years ago, user. halofags are oldfags now
Mouse and Keyboard is a double edged dagger where it's obviously the best way to play, but you can't do it on a couch with buddies.
I'm actually not sure dual analog is the "gold standard." Most used certainly, and universality does count for something. At the same time, I feel like the light N64 stick just feels better to me. PS/Xbox controllers don't feel natural to me; it feels like I'm aiming the main gun on a tank.
Halofags will always be eternal newfags, time can't fix bad taste.
xbone elite controller's sticks are nice and light.
time can make needlessly bitter faggots like you though
First one was always pretty decent, even had horror elements. Anything after CE was trash
Could be! I have not used them. And the downside to the nice light N64 stick is that it is very brittle, very prone to wearing down and becoming loose. Especially if you own Mario Party.
I have been shitting on halobabs since day 1
Just so you know, the things you like were almost certainly shit on by people younger than you too, and I'm saying that as someone who also shits on Halo on the reg.
there's no almost about it. 100% guaranteed what he likes was considered cringe
I still don't like serious sam, I tried it out because people said it was classic shootan but every fucking encounter boils down to "run backward and shoot". If you can't design a game to have more than one type of fight in it, then you didn't do a good job designing your game.
>imageboard for kids
Accurate description of Yea Forums
No since I never had horrible taste
Firstly, 3babies get out
Secondly, I sort of agree. I still really love CE, 2 and 3/ODST, but after playing Halo 5 it really becomes apparent how floaty and slow they really were
For as much shit as 5's movement systems get, they really do make the gameplay feel more responsive, tighter, and make you feel like you are more freeily controlling your character. The classic games feel sort of overly sluggish and constrained in comparsion.
I hope Infinite/6 can nail the right balance between 5's new mechanics and "classic" Halo, if they do it right it could really be amazing.
>CE in first for campaign
I started with CE but I've never understood this, it's really flawed compared to every other bungie campaign. You usually only have access to like 5 weapons, and uisually only encounter like 3 enemy types, the layouts and geometry as well as the visuals of any given misson and the game as a whole are very repetitive, and the levels start to outright re-use themes halfway through.
It's pretty tedious, and there's no involved cinematic story to help you through it.
I think there's a middle grounbd between "wtf you aren't skating around the map at like 50mph it's shit" and "THE HALO GAMES AREN'T SLOW/IT BEING SUPER SLOW AND FLOATY IS GOOD!!"
I mean technically the Halo games AREN'T slow, you are moving like 20mph in most of the Halo games, it's just the maps are scaled up compared to in many other shooters, but you getr what I mean
see above, CE is pretty objectively more flawed then 2, 3, etc. Pretty much the only thing it's campaign has over them is in how unique each weapon felt, and, if you are into that, the minimalism of it's plot.
Also 2 has even more horror elements then CE did.
>He's pretty obviously describing how enemies in Perfect Dark are way more responsive to being attacked or shot at than enemies in Halo.
That's fucking retarded because Halo's enemies are still echelons higher than the majority of AI in games, even ones made today. Bugs are a terrible description of the enemies in Halo.
>dude stop shitting on people that like justin bieber I bet you are just as cringe!
fucking tard CE is on PC
no, it feels really off and I can barely move in straight lines. My right thumb is just retarded, and (perhaps more to my own detriment) I've never bothered trying to develop it. I forget, does timepslitters let you flip the sticks? I might be able to do okay there, at least if I get off of the GC and grab the xbox versions.
that it does. I feel the same way, the best shooters of all time are all on PC anyway, so it's not like I'm really missing out from not being able to use a controller.
half life, cs, halo and serious sam are bad games
this should allow multiple answers IMO
If it doesn't, you could swap them in an emulator.
the problem is that Yea Forums has a range of ages, but the boards for really popular things like video games just inevitably get inundated with huge numbers of retards.
31 year old boomer here.
I always liked Halo from the moment I tested it at a game store, which made me actually buy an Xbox.
Sure, it's not as skill based as the good old arena FPS games but it's still really fun to play and the AI at the time was pretty groundbreaking.
>For as much shit as 5's movement systems get, they really do make the gameplay feel more responsive, tighter, and make you feel like you are more freeily controlling your character. The classic games feel sort of overly sluggish and constrained in comparsion.
almost like there's the better part of a fucking decade between 3/odst and 5. of course systems will have evolved. common sense, dude.
You're not wrong
if you like valve and bungie games you have to go back. its that simple.
The more single player FPS I played made me enjoy each Halo less. The multiplayer is still fun, but I'm well beyond the point of caring to git gud at it.
I dunno I haven't played it since those few hour in 2003
It's like saying you can't shit on Justin Bieber because you "probably liked Linkin Park" when that's mostly likely untrue since these things are more about plebeianness than age, I hate how nu/v/ throws these dumbass relativist nonargument mind killers.
Halo is garbage for dudebros, get over it.
>implying anyone on any board isn't retarded
lol, nice attempt at defending a total lack of self-awareness. You can be an angry old man, just recognize that older, angrier men most likely exist, that think the things you hold as good are kiddy shit just like you think stuff of people younger than you is kiddy shit.
Also you should really just kill yourself for even having a picture of that shit on your hard drive.
Literally all of those things were common in console fps at the time besides a two weapon limit. Halo is in no way related to CS
I don't emulate much, but I'll look into it
>about to mention /sci/
>remember that it was completely destroyed in the last few years, and is a total cesspool of retards now
thanks for reminding me of that loss
Itt:people who never played quake or doom and grow up with garbage like half life,cs and halo.
And they're still mechanics it has in common with CS over Quake.
friendly reminder if you grew up with Halo your childhood was just part of the ''lol us gamurz are hip amirite'' marketting machine of the 2000's and are partly responsible for gaming being shit today
I played this game when it first came out, I must have been about 10 years old. It was my friends, he had an Xbox. I had only ever played RTS games on the computer prior to this (mainly old blizzard games, back when they were good).
This was the game that made gaming my main hobby. I sometimes try to imagine what my life would have been like if I never had played it.
I don't see how anyone could call it bad. At worst it was good, at best it was all night playing Coop.
Just because you are abnormal does not make it not the "gold standard". N64 controller is nearly universally ridiculed because it's made for people with 3 hands.
>literally babby's first fps
Its not ridiculed by people who used one. Only dumb shits like your spic self say it is made for people with 3 hands.
It was not meant to be used with your hands in a fixed state. You would move your hand to a different position depends on what you were doing.
americans are so weird
whatever you played when you were 10 will be seen as babby's first.
The fact that Yea Forums unironically has Halo threads is proof this board is fucking dead.
trying so hard to fit in to chan culture aren't ya bud? 2008 is long gone. fuck off with your faggotry
The fact that Yea Forums unironically has Halo, cs, half life ,fear and other modern fps threads is proof this board is fucking dead.
Duke nukem 3D, Doom, jurassic park for the NES.
I did. Halo is good.
>CE campaign is flawed
The balance was better, map design was better, story was miles better
First, you said "borrowed" which is wrong
Second, as far as I am aware the way weapons shoot and map movement besides speed is more quake than cs in halo
You say that but like 60-70% of the halo community hates 5's movement systems with a burning fury
I know babby I know. That's why I exclusively shitpost.
it came out in 2001 wtf how old are you?
Lol. I used one and it was dumb af. I grew up on NES, Supernintendo, N64. N64 controller was trash
this shit is literally cs with different rules and maps
prove me wrong
>muh weapon spray
I THINK *fps you enjoyed in the past* FUCKING SUCKS
>That's why I exclusively shitpost.
babby mode
>there are people in this thread who hate on halo but love battle royale games
seriously fucking end yourself if you fall into this
>It it came in 2001
>halo, rtcw and serious sam are so good guys
>also cs and half life are my favorite fps so retro hehe
this shit is literally casablanca with a rabbit
prove me wrong
Like, watch your fuckin mouth, man! Halo is a classic!
thats what i thought kid gtfo
cant, idk what casablanca even is
new horrors in the halo series is far worse. I actually enjoyed the Halo plots up until 5 although I must admit I had to read the books to appreciate halo 4. 5 was just awful I was hoping for a war against the forerunner but instead I got skynet AI cliche #42. So now 6 has to resolve that fucking dumpster fire of a plot.
As for gaming on the whole things are far worse. Awful battle royal meme on top of previous moba,phone and waggling memes. Biggest console seller seller Sony censoring fucking belly buttons and valve biggest PC game distributor banning games. Western devs are not allowed to put attractive females into games anymore. The high praise of movie games and the hatred of gameplay. Games releasing with little content so they don't have to put effort into future DLC and so on.
The nigger said it was his first you nob.
Why you spouting off random games you black bastard?
I very much doubt that, they run on the same normalfag mainstream corporate artificial hype machine vein.
current gen Yea Forums is babby mode: the board
>Giving a shit about this piece of fuck
Protazoa mode
and all who inhabit it. let's fuck.
reminder half life, halo, cod and cs ruined fps forever. you have reddit if you want discuss these games subhumans.
its real dude
they think halo is noob but think pubg or apex legends takes skill
this kids are trash a cod
i'm a bit excited about infinite bros, i think this is going to be the good one
>i think this is going to be the good one
halo hasn't been good in over 10 years
honestly i like halo 5 multiplayer.
not as much as the original trilogys but its a far cry better than any other fucking fps of the modern era
> Anonymous 03/09/19(Sat)21:52:53 No.453912553▶
>and all who inhabit it. let's fuck.
quake champions is better than halo5
Yea Forums will lose its cool points if it likes any game that isn't old or outside of mainstream. be careful lads
thats a negative desu senpai.
quake champions is a pile of aids that shits all over the legacy of quake
dunno man, i just can feel it
Yea Forums talks about nothing but mainstream garbage.
Fuck off retard, you're part of the nufag problem.
i think youre feeling drugs
>i like pop garbage
Halo hasn't been good since 3.
You need to let it go or you'll turn into a Sonic fan-like creature
You literally can't make me leave.
thanks for being careful lads. after all, we have an image to maintain
halo 5 is all of that and more
at least they added competitive MM in qc
perhaps, well see when the game comes out.
Whatever elitism Yea Forums had died many years ago, most likely before you even started posting here.
Now fuck off with your garbage.
fucking lol the irony
my old brother was playing halo lan in his dorm back in the 00s, but CE is underage because us 30 year old boomers played it when we were teens.
i'll never understand the logic.
More like 10-20% of a bunch of loud mouth classicfags that barely even exist anymore, most people who aren't classicfags liked Halo 5's multiplayer and Halo 4's story, it's the main reason 343 are building off of 5's multiplayer gameplay for Infinite but they're also correcting many of the issues Halo 4's campaign had and Halo 5's multiplayer had with Infinite by looking at Halo CE-3.
Me too, can't wait to finally see it at E3. Been waiting too long for a Master Chief campaign again.
It's not ironic, newfags like you were told to fuck off and lurk more by the majority of people but now there are just too fucking many newfags that can't get a clue so me telling you to fuck off won't be very effective since you will have your newfag cushion of other newfags telling you it's ok to be a newfag, further destroying the quality of the board.
why do you keep responding to posts about death animations by talking about fuckin AI which is totally unrelated? I wanna see human muscles flinching I don't care how 'crafty' some bug beetle things are. I can stomp a beetle in my garden
Halo is by definition an arena shooter as said, it just has a different focus than Quake. The lead multiplayer designer (of Halo CE) said that he wanted to create a shooter with a lighthearted, Nintendo-esque party game feel, whereas Quake was designed around complex mechanics like bunnyhopping and rocket jumping to reward long-term player mastery. inb4 those mechanics are glitches, they were originally glitches in Doom but id fully embraced them in Quake
So yes, Halo is an arena shooter, but it's to arena shooters what Smash Bros is to fighting games.
Retards who don't understand the genre they pretend to enjoy
Agreed, I wonder why the rest of the classic fans can't see it that way and Halo CE was my first Halo game.
kek, nice joke.
more! amazing. please keep contradicting yourself by being a gatekeeping faggot
Halo was never bad, you just hated Xbox, just like how Gears was the hardcore shooter you complained didn't exist last gen.
Me too
>inb4 those mechanics are glitches, they were originally glitches in Doom but id fully embraced them in Quake
thats not really where quakes skill shines imo
muscle memory skills are nothing to brag about
actually being to out play your opponents like in halo and every other afps takes skill
point n click fast ttk shooters are honestly trash
Just the fact that you feel compelled to try to "shame" me for calling you a tasteless casual newfaggot is proof enough of what I said, get a clue.
>neo Yea Forums
Icecream? I love Icecream! Sometimes I have dreams skiing down the slope of a mountain of vanilla Icecream!
Halo was a bad dudebro then and is still a bad dudebro game now, no amount of dudebros flooding this board trying to rewrite history will change this.
>map design was better, story was miles better
CE almost doesn't even have a story. For the vast majority of the game, the cutscenes just exist to give you an excuse to go from A mission to B mission, and there's also no envoirmental storytelling (outside of 343 guilty spark) or inside the mission narrative either. There;s no cast of characters, the only two that really are present and do stuff are MC and Cortana, and MC is basically just a player avatar and Cortana just exists for player navigation.
In 2, meanwhile, you have actual cinematic cutscenes with direction, animation, and real character acting, you have a whole cast of characters that interact and gets narrative play, characters like the arbitter have actual development, and there's more then a single narrative thread, and there's an ample amount of in mission narrative as well as envoirmental storytelling. 3's story is a bit of a step back from 2 in the quality of it's narrative and writing, and is basicsally just a generic action movie plot, but it's still got far more meat to it then CE does.
In terms of map/level design the vast majority of CE's outdoor envoirments are just wide open, empty fields without much geometry, which means that approaches to combat in them don't really vary since you never have to tackle them differently. The interior spaces are almost all heavily cramped hallways and cooridors, and their layouts are heavily copy-pasted. There's also very little visual variety. In 2, both indoor and outdoor spaces vary considerable in layout, size, and desnity of geometyr/obsctacles, which leads to far more interesting and varied engagement options and encounters: Outdoor spaces have stuff like city slums, to downtown citysapes with bridges and parks, city blocks, plazas in forerunner ruins, etc; while indoor spaces all actually feel unique instead of copy pasted now and the more complex. 3 does what 2 does, while having more CE style wide open fields as well.
and what amazing multiplayer fps were you playing in 2001 son?
First post absolutely best post
>garbage sniper/pistol skewed balance
>unsatisfying gunplay
>linear as fuck level design series of corridors
>2 weapon limit
>floaty movement
>regen health and shields encouraging bitchboy gameplay
>entire second half of the game is straight up copypasting entire sections of the first half
The only thing this game did to get so popular was enormously casualize the FPS genre so that drooling retards could play too.
Let's not let historical revisionists pretend it was ever good just because they're 20something now and it was the first ever FPS they played on turning 12. The series always was garbage.
UT of course, Halo ruined FPS like WoW ruined MMOs (and the internet in general since it brought in a huge flood of big gay)
You realize most of what you point out are issues Halo 2 fixed right
I feel like most people who played and complain about CE never played 2. See in reference to the level design, asset re-use and how those were improved in 2.
>2 weapon limit
This isn't an inherent bad thing.
idc that i missed out on ut. ranked and unranked matchmaking is way better than a server browser. playing against the same people over and over again is boring af
> Halo ruined FPS
No it didn't. Doom, Quake, and UT all had titles come out after both Halo 1 AND Halo 2. the FPS genre didn't all turn into samey loadout based regen healthy shooters till CoD4 in 2007.
>This isn't an inherent bad thing
>the player having objectively less choice, more restriction, and less ways to choose to approach a given situation
>isn't inherently bad
fuck off newfag retard born in 2000
kill yourself right now
half life , cs and halo ruined fps
nah dude maybe you should for going against the same n00bs over and over again
youre basically as bad as br players
>OP asks specifically about Halo
>bbbbb-b-b-b-b-bbbut Halo 2
based fucking moron
>server browsers are just as bad as this genre that relies on matchmaking (matchmaking is great btw!)
what did he meme by this
no ranked matches are fucking gay after 100 hrs of playing
you were fucking gay the day you were born and you still are gay 13 years later
Quakefags shit on everything that isn't Quake
>they get a game
Gaylo btfo
>Being able to rape everything with a full arsenal at once is a good thing
>Having to select weapons to create a balance that's correct for the potential scenarios is bad
I was never into quake and still knew Halo was a stinky pile of shit.
My problem with Halo is that I always felt like another game could come along and do the same thing but better, but as it turned out nothing did. There are games that did some aspects better than Halo, but nothing since has had all the components of Halo wrapped up in the same package.
I hate gatekeeping too, which is why I encourage all kinds of offtopic and political shitposting from /pol/ and sjws so people with little to know knowledge of video games can feel comfortable and included on Yea Forums
did i hit a nerve?
seriously i would rather play the most casual game competitively instead of going against the same shitters 10 hours a day and thinking im good
I already told you to kill yourself
Half life,cs, serious sam and halo suck.
The problem with halo isn't that its a horrible game but that when talking about the FPS genre as a whole it did nothing remarkable and only furthered trends that lowered skill within the genre. Literally everything halo did 'well' only matters to the space of console players. So really what is there to talk about with halo other than 'wow it was popular' and ' man it was a console shooter that was not shit?'
no u kill yourself
>serious sam is shit
ironically good tastes user
its a better team game than quake and cs at a competitive level desu
>liking 5's mechanics over the OG trilogy
That's gonna be a yikes from me
That is objectively false.
How did Halo kill arena shooters when it was an arena shooter?
quake tdm is awful
team slayer is honestly way more competitive
kill yourself
>>the player having objectively less choice, more restriction, and less ways to choose to approach a given situation
So skyrim is the best game ever then right?
dude i had 3 50s in halo 3 and was a 30 in halo 2
i got onyx the first week h5 came out then never played it again
right now im gold 5 in quake champions and i dont even play pc i think i know what im talking about
youre probably not even 1800+ elo in qc so literally fuck off lol
Giving me conclusions without actually making an argument doesn't make you right user. I really fail to see how quake is a worse team game.
>Halo is a role playing game cause you play a role xD
Can we admit these games are bad Yea Forums?
Imagine being so shit at game design you're unable to balance your arena based FPS without resorting to arbitrary weapon restrictions
Lol zoomer doesn't know what quotes mean. Stay in school kiddo.
You can't be this much of a brainlet to not understand why full arsenal takes more skill than two weapon limitations.
that game was a pretty blow to mainstream PC gaming in during early 2000s as every publisher wanted to copy the success of halo and led to consolification of many titles and many "Halo Killers"
tdm in quake is great dont get me wrong
but for the game to be played competitively it needs to be 1v1 based on health pickups on the size...weapon spawns
halo you spawn with a useful weapon and fight for power weapons as a team that spawn every couple of minutes unlike the weapons in quake i also got to mg in csgo when i first started playing with like 300 hrs of play time not even caried
>>Being able to rape everything with a full arsenal at once is a good thing
If someone is able to acquire all the guns + ammo + powerups around the entire map unchallanged then yes it is.
In practice this doesn't actually happen since top players will use a handful of weapons and do not need a "full arsenal"
are any of the old UTs still populated? i've been wantin to play one for a while.
What shells?
user you literally fight over major pickups such as red armor and mega health, quad, battle suit, invisibility in quake as a team. Are you fucking joking? Have you ever even played tdm in quake against people who know the map and pickups? Do you think they just take turns letting each other get items in the game?
>make it like Halo 5's multiplayer
Get a load of this retard.
Well you said having less choice = bad. Skyrim is a game in which you don't have to make choices you can just be/do anything. According to you that would make it the best game, because you aren't forced to make a choice. As you said you would have no restriction, and more ways to choose how to approach a given situation. So ergo your favorite game is Skyrim.
you've only played social tdm
if they made a competitive playlist with 4v4 it would be awful
even 2v2 is a bit of a clusterfuck in qc
>2v2 is a clusterfuck
>what is CTF
>competitive tdm doesn't work because I said so
Once again, have you ever played a tdm with people who know what they're doing?
Congrats on giving the least generous interpretation of user's post and arguing to the extreme while comparing an RPG, a genre literally all about character development choices and consequences with an arena shooter.
>regen health and shields encouraging bitchboy gameplay
Halo doesn't have regen health. It has a health bar and medkits.
The second part is also bullshit. In Halo, the fact that both you and your enemies have shields (among other mechanics) rewards aggression and punishes timid approaches. You have to commit to your tactics much moreso than in most FPS, including Quake.
LOL! Classic me!
>people who know what theyre doing
you mean try hards? lol
im talking tdm not fucking ctf you know where kills actually count towards winning?
show me competitive tdm in quake where the players are actually baiting and camping weapons as much as they can.
seriously you would only need to have like one guy sit on rockets the whole match
The regenerating health you call shield rewards the opposite of aggression.
>Seriously just sit on rockets and ignore every major other pickup and you'll win guise
Jesus christ you have no idea what you're talking about. You're not even worth talking to.
>try hards
Whats quake?
>try hards
>you would only need to have like one guy sit on rockets the whole match
total opposite actually
its nice being able to kill 2 people without being finished off unlike in every other game ever
>it's nice being able to play casually
Funny cause Halo 2 got rid of health packs that were in CE and went straight to regenerating health on top of regen shield
why even troll. just because youre bad doesnt mean you need to troll kid
why do people like halo when the same devs made a much better fps years before it
So why do you troll? Because you flat out admitted you're so bad you can't survive in every other game after fighting two players.
TTK has nothing to do with regenerating health.
The issue with Halo is that the TTK is high for the wrong reasons (slow movement, regenerating health) instead of things that actually promote plays and counter plays and strategy.
Arena and class shooters in general have high TTK by the way, low TTK is instakill stuff like CoD.
why even troll. just because youre bad doesnt mean you need to troll kid
at a competitive level nobody can survive a fight with 1 hp in quake
>floaty movement
So you like Call of duty huh?
>regen health and shields encouraging bitchboy gameplay
>implying your health regenerates automatically and not by getting healthkits
How dumb do you have to be user?
>2 weapon limit
That mostly just encourages you to not endlessly spew bullets in mass.
>linear as fuck level design series of corridors
So you didn't get past the tutorial or something?
>restrictions are inherently bad
Unironically one of the dumbest things i;ve seen on Yea Forums. Limiting the player's options and forcing them to come up with creative solutions or handle problems in specific ways is a fundamental element of game design
Halo absolutely has trash weapon balance, it's something the series has always struggled with, but NO gfame has a perfectly balanced weapon sandbox to where being abnle to use everything at once would lead to every weapoj being used
This is pretty much why I like Halo. It's not the best at anything (arguably music and lore aside), but it does everything pretty well and it does do a lot of things at once.
>all games need to be innovative
can't stand this meme. There's nothing wrong with a game that just iterates ands refines existing ideas.
There's no "over". 5 doesn't change the OT's mechanics like Reach and 4 do, it just builds on them. Even starts are preserved, etc.
I said "most", I agree 2 took a step back there. That being said, 2's still does have health underneath shields, it's just not displayed to the player, and while it does regen, it does so slowly it might as well not.
All this says is you're bad at competitive quake.
>That mostly just encourages you to not endlessly spew bullets in mass.
So it does nothing but encourage limited tactics and passive play, how is that a good thing?
>shoot for a lil, hide until your health comes back.
This is what console babies think tactics are.
>The regenerating health you call shield
Nicely walked back, but it's still obvious you've never even played Halo. You have Cawadoodie in mind here.
Shields on enemies reward aggression because your attacks count for nothing unless you attack persistently. Shields on the player reward aggression because you can expose yourself to tons of danger as long as you can kill enemies efficiently enough to remove the danger. In Halo, you can't escape any situation at will by running away at 50 MPH. Relatively speaking, Halo's enemies are faster and more aggressive than in most FPS, their attacks are more lethal, and they come in more tactically disadvantageous situations. Again, including Quake. Quake is a simpler and easier game than Halo. But you wouldn't know, because you've never played Halo.
unironically once of the best single player FPS ever made, and the best halo easily. never cared about multiplayer when it was new because of xbox live BS and the queue being 10x slower than other games I was playing at the time. got back into it on PC a bit later and I still love it. I like halo 2 as well but it felt like an expansion campaign, I was done with the game in a few hours, the levels aren't nearly as good, just more show-off-y
>reee i cant be ultra aggressive with a sniper and have to conserve ammo!!11!!1!1
It's called learning when to stop shooting, have you been playing too much CoD?
>but it was better for multiplayer than stuff like goldeneye
This is pure delusion and favoritism. I was playing Quake online on TEN when goldeneye came out and it still had value as a couch MP game. Halo never had value outside of its coop unless you bridged with your PC at which point why aren't you just fucking playing superior PC games?
Because people that tout marathon as a good FPS are either lying about playing it when it was released or played it much later. Doom was dominating LAN parties not Marathon.
>>>Having to select weapons to create a balance that's correct for the potential scenarios
It's called ammo you fucking moron. If you "rape everything with your entire arsenal" you'll have no ammo left. The strategic decision can be made at any time which weapon is the best use of ammo. Plus, with how bad Halo's weapon balance is, selecting 2 weapons is a nobrainer anyway.
Fucking zoomers I swear
>forcing them to come up with creative solutions or handle problems in specific ways
Too bad 2 weapon limit doesn't do this.
>where being abnle to use everything at once would lead to every weapoj being used
That's wrong unless you pretend that power weapons and map control don't exist While no game has perfect weapon balance that's still not an excuse for arbitrary limitations on the # of weapons you can carry no more than character inbalances in fighitng games is an excuse for limited movesets and automatic input.
>dissing Serious Sam
Kill yourself
>it does so slowly it might as well not.
Except it literally does. Halo 2 doesn't have any health management like in CE or other arena shooters like Quake and UT. With the exception of CE Halo is entirely regen based.
Marathon love is revisionist at best. Generally the most honest involvement of it is people who say hrmmm, this was an impressive game for Macs during that era (coming from a guy playing it much later than that era).
>You have Cawadoodie in mind here.
>Shields on enemies reward aggression because your attacks count for nothing unless you attack persistently. Shields on the player reward aggression because you can expose yourself to tons of danger as long as you can kill enemies efficiently enough to remove the danger.
Replace the word shield with health and you literally described the Cawadoodie mindset.
>Quake is a simpler and easier game than Halo. But you wouldn't know, because you've never played Halo.
Halo is not a bad game, the first 3 games are legit great.
The fanbase is dogshit, and all its underage fans thinking Halo is the best shooter ever aren't even worth arguing with, but the games themselves don't deserve scorn because of their fanbase.
and what does that have to do with the game's quality?
such as?
its slow because console players can't move and aim at the same time with a thumbstick
Because mentally healthy people don't go and play a game that wasn't even that big relative to its era just to hold it over peoples heads like there is some fact about gaming only true gamers would know. It's some shit that got second handed from the 10 people that actually played the game. And I do agree marathon is better relative to the time period but so is shadow warrior and a billion other FPS.
Nope. Talking about SP here, not MP. Cawadoodie is a trivial twitch-based headclicker with unavoidable damage everywhere that forces you to cover all the time. Halo is an run-n-gun FPS, with avoidable damage (and a strong need to avoid damage due to high lethality). They're entirely different styles of game, as you'd know if you'd actually played them.
>quakeniggers still seething 20 years later that no one wants to play their specific flavor of FPS
>they prentend that they were somehow ordained with the authority to decide how fps should "progress" and what it should be
>scapegoat good games as a coping mechanism saying they ruined FPS
>they don't realize when their game was new it could be accused of ruing FPS for things like introducing mouselook.
I still don't understand the massive amount of seething frothing raging hatred this series creates here.
but the game auto aims for you
>The fanbase is dogshit, and all its underage fans
i am pretty sure the majority of halo's fanbase is over 21 yrs.
there's only like 3 good maps
>they don't realize when their game was new it could be accused of ruing FPS for things like introducing mouselook.
Everyone, literally everyone thought mouselook was an improvement. The only complaint was it felt awkward to people who were used to using mousestrafe. But literally no one thought it was a downgrade. Nice try though.
It's a bad casual game that popularized many horrible things, the hate is justified.
half life ai could flank and nade your ass, nothing about halo was groundbreaking
As a Halo fan I agree, I started with CE but the fanbase has always been shit, this stems from Halo 2 and 3 and Halo 3 is my favorite Halo game. They shit on anything that isn't Halo 2 or 3.
>Unironically one of the dumbest things i;ve seen on Yea Forums
>Limiting the player's options and forcing them to come up with creative solutions or handle problems in specific ways
when Halo's best weapon choices for each situation you will encounter are fucking obvious the game benefits in no way from limiting the player's choices of how to approach a situation to 2
Explain why it's a bad casual game. Is this only compared to the hardcore tourneyfag-level FPS games that it should have been exactly like with no identity of its own?
Don't even start. Halo fags think psychic AI is groundbreaking. It's not worth getting into it with them.
>hardcore tourneyfag-level FPS games
This is just a buzzword for "non casual". Same energy as the term tryhard.
how do you "outplay" your opponent when auto aim and regenerating shields means whoever gets the drop first wins?
It has been explained a billion times by different people in this thread alone, all that's left is your denial.
>Halo fags think psychic AI is groundbreaking
Yes same with FEAR fags and Pcbros. They think the AI in those games are good but they're not.
Trying to outplay your opponent is for tourneyfag-level games.
>Hurr durr you just like cawadooty
>despite the fact that COD 1 is a better fps than gaylo even back then
fps was always for drooling retards, don't kid yourself.
this one was just more fun and you are mad about it.
>wipe your chin
>regen health
>melee enemy
>you get a kill
>enemy respawns
>you're low on health
>they get a kill
wow so much fun
FEARfags =/= PCbros. Fear came out in 2005. That's 10+ years after the first FPS. Those were console fags that eventually got a PC.
it's the reason PC gaming sucks now so this medicore turd of a game still pisses me off
>implying you think that regenerating health behind cover is a good thing
Zoomer begone, you didn't exist when the first CoD was a thing.
Halo's single player isn't some big mindgame, it's a fairly standard shooter. The two weapon limit is annoying as fuck in single player though, all it means is that if you need a rocket launcher or a sniper the game will have one lying on the ground right there. Half Life 2 does the same shit with the rocket launcher, if you actually need it there is almost always a chest that has infinite ammo in it.
People always try to act like the two weapon limit in a single player shooter adds to the need to conserve ammo, but that's completely untrue. Letting you hold all the weapons allows the player to use whatever he sees viable in any situation depending on the resources he has, not on whatever gun he happens to be holding.
The only reason Halo has a 2 weapon limit is because it's hard to switch between multiple weapons on a controller. This is why melee and grenades have dedicated buttons.
I personally don't care that it's a casual game or not, but it is a pretty casual game. The aim assist, the bullet magnetism, the decreased importance of headshots on most weapons, the slow pace, the generally long TTK with health regen.
The nature of console shooters keeps them pretty damn casual in comparison to decent PC shooters. I love Metroid Prime but I've never considered the series as anything deep or complex.
And it fits when people complain about a game because for them personally it's not super-difficult.
All I've seen is personal opinions angrily thrown around.
>Regenerating health on enemies reward aggression because your attacks count for nothing unless you attack persistently. Regenerating health on the player reward aggression because you can expose yourself to tons of danger as long as you can kill enemies efficiently enough to remove the danger.
How is this meaningfully different from what you said? The only difference in Cawadoodie SP enemies don't have regen health and instead a lower TTK. You are also forced to find cover in Halo 2 and 3 to avoid damage without outright killing enemies (same in COD) since you have no other way to restore your health. For the record I've owned and played through every Halo on the Xbox and 360 so your accusations that everyone who criticizes Halo hasn't played the games just makes you look like a desperate tool.
Halo was one of the first games with the blockbuster mentality of formulaic production with more interest in shareholder value than artistic and mechanical merit, everything it does is designed to be safe and easily digestible for the widest audience possible, with a marketing budget higher than the actual development budget to add insult to the injury.
>trivial twitch-based headclicker
Fans who used words like these are the same fanboys who think controllers are better for FPS and more "skill based" than a mouse and keyboard
playing fps games on a couch is so hard when 20 foot usb cables and optical mice exist
I actually wrote out "Valve drones" without the space and Yea Forums autofiltered it to PcBros. I wasn't aware that one was on the filtered list like "sony pony" and "ninten drone".
cool story bro, still managed to have some of the best lore of any game series of all time.
Not him and I have no stakes in this debate but a lot of stuff that is said about halo is straight up objective fact that I think people that weren't around at the time or far too young to remember regard as opinion. Halo was the preamble to CoD mechanically. It was the first FPS to overtly dumb down everything below industry standards so normalfags would enjoy the genre and CoD, specifically 2+ is a direct descendant of if mechanically despite differences.
It's still shit but has some rare gem moments.
Half-Life 1 did actually have revolutionary AI. That was one of its selling points. Half Life 2 didn't have anything revolutionary aside from physics and narrative. So yeah if they are saying HL2 then they are wrong.
It's the most generic play-by-numbers movie-wannabe "lore" I can think of.
>CoD 1
>Regenerating health
Kek. Zoomer who thinks that they know shits really makes my day.
literally has to aim by moving the character instead of the reticle
literally just cobbled together scifi tropes mate
Says the zoomer who thinks CoD is better overall.
nice auto aim bro
COD up to 4 were pc games first
Valve games are garbage. Fucking underage.
Half life is the same garbage.
Cod, hl1&2 , cs and halo ruined fps.
dear halo infant
notice how moving while shooting allows him to evade rail shots and rockets?
that's called dodging
thanks for reading, i hope this was an educational experience for you on games made before you were born
You're probably right. I'm 30 and most of my friends were giant Halo fans back in the day. Granted I had a kid that just turned 20 go on about how Halo is the best shooter series of all time. Still the bulk of the fanbase is probably on the older side.
I just mean that most Halo fans know nothing about other shooting games. No Quake, no Tribes, no CS, no Half Life, nada. They usually call Halo the best fps series made when they haven't even really tried most fps games out there.
This is the main reason I can't stand the fan base. Microsoft even plays into this mentality with them calling Halo "the best game ever made" at some conference when Halo got outplayed by CoD4 years ago.
Do you not know what armor is? Do you think Knights are insects?
The impressive part wasn't the shot user.
no i mean he can't move both thumbsticks at the same time to both move and aim
Combat Evolved!
exactly, because console players can't aim without auto aim
console players can't cope
Hello underage posseur, the weapons in Halo's enemy faction are exclusively projectile, the addition of a hitscan enemy in Halo 2 was widely regarded as the most difficult in the game; as such defence is entirely dodge based. The games you have played remastered of on 360 and Wii frequently use hitscan enemies.
>While calling Halo is good
I think I remember this. Wasn't this a challenge on GameFAQ's by some guy claiming that keyboard has no advantage over controller and then proceeds to lose every single skirmish and then never posted again?
My dude, i don't exactly think halo is good, but halo is still better to some degree than CoD in a decent amount of cases.
Sometimes its the other way around.
Oh, and there are more shooters than those 2, i know.
Why not try serious sam, sure it's just duke nukem but worse, but its got a little bit of shitpost value atleast.
It is compared to soulless tech demos like Quake 2 that IDsheep gobbled up despite Carmack phoning in everything but the programming. Keep unironically defending corridor bullet sponge shooters as a pinnacle of FPS because a movement bug made the multiplayer fast.
spoken by people who didn't read the lore
Serious sam and halo are garbage. End of discussion.
Same with hl and cs.
I don't think you actually read my post, you fucking retard. Nowhere did I insinuate that Halo doesn't have projectiles. Take your man made of straw and go back to 2001 when you were born.
>I just mean that most Halo fans know nothing about other shooting games.
Oh well, you're right about that, I never gave a shit about other shooters, I still don't.
>Keep unironically defending corridor bullet sponge shooters
He isn't defending Halo though.
Early Zoomers took over the Internet and are now posting nostalgia on social media for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012). It's all over.
>>linear as fuck level design series of corridors
That’s your beloved quake, doom and duke nukem. Halo had big open maps with vehicle sections and flying as well.
Couldnt agree more.
You up for some sonic heroes or?
>post-9/11 newfags are SEETHING at the truth being said here
I haven't played the CoDs with "advanced movement" but Halo still has more depth than the normal CoD game. The last CoD that gave you Overwatch abilities that are even stronger than Overwatch abilities is a goddamn joke though, shit's designed to make shit players have their moments of glory.
Quake 1 has fantastic level and enemy design, neither Quake 1 or 2 have corridor level design.
Pretty much every interior level in Halo 1 is a bunch of copy and pasted corridors. It's so bad that they literally put arrows on the ground so you can make sure you don't get lost in all the identical rooms.
I'm not much of a Halo fan but that's an outright lie. Halo clearly had artistic vision behind it.
its literally 40k space marine rip off
there's like 3 different entrances to the first part of the first duke 3d map
all of halo's map were just open air "arena"s that dominate modern fps games
Halo is still shit even back then and the only thing that makes it good was the fact the controls are playable for consoles. It's still a repetitive shooter with copypasted corridors and unsatisfying guns.
The original COD 1 maybe a shallower game but it has a better campaign with more variety, it was a classic PC. The same guys even made Titanfall 2, which was a much better game than any Halo games.
i think you accidentally tagged me user, not the one going at halo.
Oh, maybe we could play some team fortress 2 later?
>this shit is literally cs with different rules and maps
But it is. Quake players always made fun of CSbabies
>copypasted corridors and unsatisfying guns
Have fun with your small zombies map with unsatisfying guns.
You are probably one of the zoomers that thought that the "raygun revive me" meme was funny, how sad.
Now leave, i'm playing an actual shooter game.
>inb4 "hurr durr its probably gaylo haha lole"
Nope, i don't play that, and my first FPS wasn't even halo, it was disruptor.
Quakefags are subhumans who hate fps that are not quake.
Meant to
It's pretty clear that our discussion was never connected anyway. What you thought about old CODs was probably something after COD 4, while what I was talking about was the original COD 1 from 2003.
>fun shooting, balanced around shooting down shields using the plasma weapons and afterwards killing the enemies with human weapons
>car physics that prioritized fun over realism
>dog fights in alien jets
>being able to kill half the aliens in a room undetected while they’re sleeping
Literally no game had such variety and quality back then. ARMA 1 did have lots of variety but it’s awfully janky
Don't respond to schizo posters user, we're trying to get him to stop.
CE is much faster than Halo 5. We should know since we've been playing when it came out unlike you. You're a zoomer that hates Halo. Nobody but a small minority wants faggy abilities.
this is you quakefags
I love this game.
>implying i was meaning of blackcocks
Not exactly, i was meaning CoD 2: big red one.
i automatically disregard any posts that defend Halo Reach, 4 and 5 and assume they're under 25 and are bad at Halo.
tribes 1 and 2
Halofags are subhumans who hate fps that are not Halo.
>Literally no game had such variety and quality back then
Battlefield 1942 had more of both.
All PC FPS had more of both because of mods.
Nice job I think you gottem
Halo players can dominate in any FPS, but non Halo players can't come to Halo and do good. I like some FPS games, but Halo is clearly superior.
This thread is funny. You can see the clash of different generations defending meaningless things based on feelings.
There is no need to get angry.
Who the fuck cares about that consolized piece of shit
Prove me wrong.
same except replace halo with nearly any fps on pc
It's not that we don't hate other FPS, we just don't care about them, you're thinking of Quakefags.
You seem to, otherwise this thread wouldn't exist.
>online-only games
unreal tournament 2004
none of those games are online only
>Halo players can dominate in any FPS
>play CSS with friend that's huge into Halo
>he complains that the guns have too much recoil
>Play CoD MW3 with a bunch of Halo fanboys
>playing on console
>do headshots only
>I dominate hard
>gets to the point were they're throwing grenades and using riot sheilds against me
>still win every game until they give up
Games like Halo and CoD train you to not actually aim for headshots with most guns, shit's silly.
Basically yeah, shooting game fans are honestly pretty fucking retarded overall.
Prove yourself right first bitch.
They’re multiplayer oriented, the fact that you can spawn bots is not the same as having a fully-fledged campaign like halo did
Halo players are mostly adults who grew up with the game since its release. Obviously it makes us mad when underage retards who don't know shit about Halo want to dumb the entire game down with gimmicky abilities and weapons. It's like we're the Americans (Dutch, Saxon, and Scots) that founded and built the country, while the non whites and leftists want to change it and destroy the West by making Halo like every other game (country).
Imagine actually believing this.
there's like 3 spots where you drive a car less than a mile
what does the campaign have to do with anything, you were talking about what things you can do in the game
It's not that we don't hate other FPS, we just don't care about them, you're thinking of Halofags.
> train you to not actually aim for headshots with most guns
ummm what kind of shit are you on ?
>halo players
>not manchildren who were too young to play real games on pc
It's the truth. Halo requires more dexterity, map awareness, and skill with the controller than any other FPS. It's much like how boxers have an easier time transitioning to MMA than vice versa, because of how high the skill gap is. Most boxers started at an early age. Most Halo players started in the early 00s.
Twitch shooters have always been for casuals and children.
Funny cause you basically described how people older than you felt about Halo when you were a kid. Ironically you're living through the same hell that older PC FPS fans already suffered through. Like pottery.
I was talking about single player campaign having variety, that’s why I mentioned stealth, literally a thing that doesn’t exist in multiplayers fpss. Everything listed to me as a counter-argument are multiplayer-oriented games.
But COD 1 was first released for PC only nigga
>Multiplayer oriented = online only
Incredible that you are this retarded when even Halo 1 had lan play on consoles.
Forgot to add
>aim assist
I always hated Halo most because of the aesthetic and dudebro culture around it when it first came out. Gameplay-wise it's just average and I have no idea why it ever got as popular as it was. Timesplitters was way better.
>Halo requires more dexterity, map awareness, and skill with the controller than any other FPS
I've been playing Halo since December of 2001.
Head-shots only matter with the sniper and the BR. Team SWAT was fun as fuck in Halo because of this. Beyond those two guns you just spam center mass.
>It's much like how boxers have an easier time transitioning to MMA than vice versa,
Deep tissue trolling.
Also to give props to Halo, Forge at least tried to emulate the ability to do new maps and mods like PC FPS games had been doing since forever. I really wish other FPS games had a focus on stuff like this, but it looks like all of them are just straight abandoning user made content.
Can you read?
What do lan parties have to do with that? Spawning bots in ut2004 is not a campaign.
Kek, it the most casual out of all the console shooters during it's time and after. While this guy gets it.
child detected
It is a children’s game
Timesplitters uses its origin as a console shooter to make its control scheme more enjoyable instead of just trying to copy PC based FPS games like damn near all other console shooters did.
>halochildren actually believe this
this is honestly the main reason people hate you guys, you laud a game without knowing anything else about the genre.
It was the most competitive FPS. Now? Not so much. 343 caters to players like you nowadays. Bungie did the same thing with Reach. It's simplicity is what made it great. CE still holds up to modern shooters. You just suck at it.
I'm 23.
It's also the only console shooter I can think of that has fully customizable controls.
You moved the goalposts to campaigns after people called you out on your retarded assertion that Tribes and Battlefield were "online-only" games. That was literally the term you used to describe those games.
You can't think let alone read.
>Implying Halo was more competitive than fucking Quake or Counterstrike
What the fuck am I reading?
I like being hated so long as it means outsiders like you stay away and stop trying to change our game. We can play your games, but you suck at ours. Fact.
but it became consolefag bait later on.
>Halo was the most competitive FPS
I'm reading Reddit spacing. Also, Halo started MLG.
halo is an extremely easy game to flourish at, what are you talking about user? Fuckin tf2 had more going for it than halo and it's a casual class based shooter.
Funny considering eariler in the thread anons were basically whining about how other FPS were too competitive referring to them as "hardcore tourneyfag-level" FPS games
>halotards are so stupid they don't even know what quakecon is.
Uhhhh user...
What goalposts? You misunderstood me, that’s all. Halo’s campaign did vehicular combat, more complex shooting, flying and even stealth. That’s all I’m saying.
The crucial mistake is attempting to reason with mentally deluded, stubborn halobabbies instead of just telling them to fuck off.
They aren't welcome here and they never were.
Halo threads halfheartedly made on Yea Forums typically die at 10 posts and the only thing keeping them alive is people pointing out how horrible the series is.
If you see a halobab, just tell them to fuck off back to Facebook and keep going on your merry way. It's not worth your time to stand there and listen to them tell you how a pile of garbage was better than every other shooter.
You wouldn't take someone telling you Candy Crush is good seriously, after all.
Are you suggesting that Yea Forums, a PC gaming centric place, is shocking to shit on consoletards? Are you that thin skinned?
Valve and bungie are garbage compared to id software games.
finally this cancerous thread reaches bump limit!!!!!!!
The irony of this post is palpable.
So since you were a child? Not sure how that refutes my point considering Q3A, UT99 and even CS were all being played years before.
I never liked it. Regen shit and 2 gun limit can go fuck themselves forever. Beyond that I can't remember really loving any of the guns or finding them very satisfying, the game just felt like a downgrade compared to older shooters I played and I never really understood why they would make it like that. Nowadays I can conclude that they dumbed it down to better work for the console crowd.
That esports league that was considered a joke to the point where it became a meme to make fun of "pro-level" console players.
I didn't misunderstand shit you doofus. You literally responded to posts that brought up Tribes and Battlefield with those elements by calling them "online only" games. After you were called out on your stupidity you moved the goalposts to the lack of campaigns in those games.
Post your service record and show me your 50s. Until then your argument is invalid.
Those were most likely Halo fans who sucked at the game, but enjoyed the campaign, custom games, and social playlists. They were willing to admit it was a good game despite being bad players.
No one cared/no one cares. Halo was the king.
Thanks for proving to the 343 apologists that Halo had competition.
Grasping at straws.
console players can't aim up or down or handle 90 degree angles
Uhh user, you know that there were competitive shooters before halo right?
Citing MLG as proof Halo was "the most competitive FPS game ever" is in fact grasping at straws yeah.
>No one cared/no one cares.
Again the irony. Literally nobody cares or remembers competitive Halo. More people know about MLG through fucking Starcraft than Halo at this point.
>Post your service record and show me your 50s.
Not him but you now have to do the same or else your entire argument is invalid by your own standards.
>Thanks for proving to the 343 apologists that Halo had competition.
This doesn't attach to what was being said at all.
Tbh the only shooters that feel good to play are Bungie games and Valve games. Everything else is so bad to play.
Interesting enough Apex has the same feels as these too with and is enjoyable.
I listed stealth as a thing in Halo
It literally means I’m talking about campaign. I didn’t expect retards to come at me with big multiplayer games to say “duuh it also has vehicles”
That's a pretty funny interpretation considering those posts were made in the context of Halo vs other competitive games and not a single one of them admitted to being bad at Halo despite accusing others of the same.
The irony of you calling anyone else retards after you literally called early Tribes and Battlefield "online-only" games is hilarious. You're a clown.
I believe you're misquoting, I'm saying Timesplitters was good because it embraced being a console shooter and made aim assist super heavy so you could run n gun better.
Apex is closer to CoD than anything Bungie or Valve made. Hell, Bungie and Valve are both pretty anti ADS when it comes to shooters, something I really like about them.
Also why are people mass replying to the guy trying to argue that Halo is mechanically deep when he doesn't know what the term mechanically deep means?
Yes. I already thanked you for proving how Halo had competition. The point is that Halo was competitive and popular. It had a low skill floor with simple controls, but the skill ceiling was high.
We all remember the glory days, even the bad kids. Halo is old and most likely finished I'll admit. Modern Halo isn't Halo.
It's not, because I'm not the one saying it's an easy game.
Sounds a lot like they were talking about Halo 5. It's a causal game, but it takes itself to seriously and "tries" to be competitive. For example, there's a gay ability in Halo 5 called spartan charge. While you're sprinting you can lunge and melee someone from a distance while at the same time knocking back and disorienting an enemy player. 343 tried to "cater to the pros" by nerfing the radar range, but because the radar range is so small now, there's no counter to getting hit with the charge. By the time you see an enemy on your radar, you're dead. Bad game design.
And then I corrected myself with the multiplayer oriented. So can you list a single player FPS with more variety than halo?
Yea Forums seriously defends candy crush with anime tiddies aka mobile gacha, this board is that shit nowadays.
No, you moved the goalposts to single player FPS after being called out on calling multiplayer games "online only". Not once did you conceede the point, instead you double downed and claimed we were misunderstanding you somehow.
>Sounds a lot like they were talking about Halo 5
Sounds a lot like you're grasping at straws.