Can we have a Crackdown 3 thread?

Can we have a Crackdown 3 thread?

Attached: crackdown.jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

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what the fuck is crackdown

how is it? do you have to collect tons of orbs?

Same game different year

>Can we have a Crackdown 3 thread?

The other three guys that own it are playing Halo at the moment, so you'll have to wait

Crackdown 1 is still the best in series, how can a game release a decade after have a more liveless town than the prequel, even that shitty volition game is better than 3.

this is a AAA game in 2019

npcs look worse than gta4

crowbcat made this thread and is hoping someone else will link his video

No it fucking isn't.

What the fuck happened. Why do games from a decade ago have more detail/gameplay mechanics than games released now?
The same happened to GTA and RDR for example the way AI reacted to bullets is a step down from previous games.

Stop screenshoting Crowbcab videos

should we tough?



High polygon graphics games are demanding on the system. Since ever one wants HD and now uhd or hdr you'll get beautiful graphics but shallow games. As someone who dabbled in 3d I can say high polygon modeling and animation are really demanding on expensive hardware

Don't tell me what to do.

Attached: cyberpunk 2077.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)


graphics have gone too far.

You are a fucking idiot. Sure that applies to games like crackdown. And MAYBE you could lump GTA into that category (although its probably pretty debatable). However RDR2 definitely has more detail and gameplay mechanics than the previous games.

This game is shit. Where the fuck is all the destruction?

>t.disappointed xbox owner

wow a whopping three npcs on screen
wow a whopping one car on screen

how is microsoft so incompetent with their exclusives? it's embarrassing.

People waited 5 years for this.

more like crapdown

I'm surprised he hasn't do anything for vr or the new gow since gow removed the jump button and some from the previous games

Why do Rockstar fans get so booty blasted when people point out flaws in their recent games?

Crackdown 3 is fun.
Terry Crews is reddit.
Max agility is better than Anthem.

wow a whopping zero cars or npcs

how is god so incompetent with his creation? emptiness is not a thing god!!!

Attached: wow.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

It's fucking garbage. Somehow they completely fucked up platforming which is glitchy, floaty and devoid of any fun.
Also, game screams jank at every corner. Somehow C1 felt more cohesive and finely made years ago.

Shitty analogy user


it's fun and yes there's a stupid amount of orbs, however you can offset that now with races which give you orb boosts without having to go hunting.

The only thing Crackdown 3 is really missing is keys to the city mode.


>"but crowbcat told me it is!"

Tell me why is Snoy so incompetent when it comes to racers and shooters? Why do they suck at online games? Hell even ms managed to make good exclusives


Attached: make_mutts_kawaii_again.jpg (491x438, 136K)


Attached: v discussions.gif (256x192, 1.57M)

I played the shit out of the first Crackdown and it was fun. I didn't play the second one because it looked bad. This one looks even worse.
>New game good
>Old game bad
>Delete all memories of media being held to any kind of standard don't you know it's always been terrible like this?
Some people are capable of differentiating between things that are good and bad, even if you can't.

Attached: 1521108398794.jpg (288x266, 29K)


Crackdown 3 doesn't even look worse than 1 in that video to be honest.

yeah and physics
it sucks nigger nigger nigger

Member the 2015 multiplayer showcase? I member.
Especially the part where they said they'll construct the interiors for every building.

Attached: crackdown-3-gameplay.png (1920x1080, 918K)
This one, you mean?

physics are just fine

Yeah but the alternative is cine-weeb-shit from Sony, or babby-autism-shit from Nintendo.

As someone who owns all three, MHW and RDR2 were the best games that came out last year and no exclusive came close.

Everyone just focuses on the 3rd party stuff anyways.

That's embarrassing

Funnily enough, that same sentence can be used to describe xbox this generation.