ITT: Games that zoomers will never be able to understand

ITT: Games that zoomers will never be able to understand

Attached: Donkey Kong 64.jpg (800x556, 164K)

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I saw hbomberguy play this on his stream for the transgender kids charity


Chunky is best kong

Banjo > Tooie >>> DK64

You know someone is an uneductated faggot when they say this near flawless masterpiece doesn't deserve to be the 2nd highest reviewed game ever

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I get that your tiny brain can't process anything besides "old good, new bad" but this game is seriously flawed, and this is coming from a guy that loves the DKC series and other Rare collectathons like Banjo Kazooie.

Never got to play this one. Love Soul Calibur 2 though.

this was one of those games like that made such a giant leap from its predecessors in genre it was truly remarkable and still an amazing game

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30yo boomer here
game was shit compared to DKC1/2

I'm zoomer as fuck and I think this game is beautiful, if a little imprecise. Great level design too.

It's probably the most well designed game ever made aside from Ocarina & Mario 64. Truely astonishing how good it still is today

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Disregard that I thought it was DKC1, DK64 sucks a bag of dicks.

dkcs are one of my favorite games and thought that dk64 was not very good.

DKC2 > DKC1 > DKC3 > A bag of diarrhea > DK64

Attached: Super Smash Bros. Melee.jpg (1064x1486, 320K)



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Good job proving his point retarded zoomers.

I'm sure that everyone has played Melee at least once and will admit that it's good.

recently played dk64 for the first time and loved it so much. TOO MUCH COLLECTING IS BAD is the only complaint I ever hear.

I had the game as a kid and it's aged like absolute milk.
Areas are far too wide-open
Collectables aren't as thoughtfully placed as other collectathons
To add insult to injury, collectables are locked to particular kongs.
Game lags like shit
Just like Banjo Tooie, it's the perfect example of bigger isn't always better

>wtf theres too much stuff to collect!!!

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You just have shit taste. Terrible collectathon that gets BTFO by Banjo and Conker.

Can you believe there's a Donkey Kong game with almost zero platforming, the main focus is opening gates, and all bananas are obtained through Mario Party minigames?

Nice of you to join us underaged baiter sir. Can I take your coat while your masturbating to your buzzwords?

Trannies ruined it just like they ruin real life and everything else.

why are zoomers so lazy?

idk i'd rather collect fewer objects with better-crafted challenges than a gigaton of things that are mostly boring to collect. DK64 sorta falls in the middle of this spectrum imo.

Maybe because no one wants to be child grooming trannies.

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Anyone have a link to a rom page for this that's not a virus or malware infested hell hole?

You evidently don't witness youtube smash content and accompanying viewer commentary

too bad you're on the spectrum too

Most games are shit compared to DKC2 though

Literally the most mindblowing FPS game ever made (No Metroid Prime doesn't count), it was insane how far ahead this game was, the amount of little details made it such a masterpiece. The low frame was the games only flaw

Attached: Perfect Dark.jpg (800x556, 66K)

>trannies living in your mind rent-free
Fucking cringe

What a fucking waste of charity funds. I mean most charities are a waste of money but this one takes the cake. Children shouldn't even be trannies, bullying for them at that age is good because it'll either set them straight or have them suicide early before we have to deal with their disgusting adult forms going out and voting with their mentally ill brains to make the world even worse than it already is.

> Cringe
> The word Trannies spam on Twitter & Resetera
Go back

The soundtrack, the roster, the mechanics are all perfect. The only problem is [spoilers]it's not 2.[/spoilers]

user, you should talk to appears that your mind is rotted out from kike propaganda and you should probably get some therapy

Nobody would give a shit about SC2 if Link wasn't in it

*posts the PS1 catalogue*

Idk, bro, i've never been there but it seems like you know all about it and frequent there regularly, maybe you should go back

I honestly think because of memes zoomers would be able to understand this more than the other N64 Rare platformers. Conker's probably the most dated.

I know about it from the constant amounts of Twitter screencaps that get spammed on here

Fucking zoomers don't know shit about Croc and Tomba

Attached: Screenshot_20190309-185431_Chrome.jpg (1080x1920, 404K)

Switch release when?

Just a random thought.
dkc1 is fricking hard to get 101% without any help while dkc2/3 are doable, latter being more easy.