I fucking hate him so much.

>Tricked people into thinking he created Mega Man
>Responsible for Capcom's dark age of shitty western outsourced games
>gets fired, pretends it's because Capcom just DIDN'T UNDERSTAND HIS VISION
>His "vision" is a student project tier UE3 game and he conned fans out of millions to fund his horribly mismanaged project
>Now that his influence has been fully purged Capcom is entering a new golden age with Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Devil May Cry all achieving major critical and commercial success

Has any singular creative ever done as much damage to one company as this retard?

Attached: Inafune.png (970x629, 660K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You'd have to be retarded to think he made mega man. The mn9 kickstarter was so fuckin funny because of how many people didn't actually know shit about the franchise they claimed to love

Dead Rising is legit good tho

>forgot about Dead Rising

MMLegendsfags are not real Megaman fans.

>people trusted a man with that haircut
What fucking idiots.


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So who was that big new hero Inafune promised he'd make?

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So what happened to Red Ash? I actually wanted to play it.

That stuff he said was true. Japan didn't adapt to HD development well and struggled terribly hard in the 360 ps3 days. Were lucky that PC and indie games, and mobileshit, helped change the way games work so the Japanese industry didn't outright die.

>weebs got Molyneuxed for the first time
>can't get over it

I kind of miss that sight. Was great for instant news with little bullshit.

As someone who loved Mega Man and bought into the MN9 hype and actually threw in money to the kickstarter, I can tell you that my love of Mega Man came purely from the games I played. It didn't help that the kickstarter vids and all of the information on the internet at the time were basically pushing the con man as the head of Mega Man and the fact that the actual original creator is somewhat lost to time. The incident really opened my eyes though, and I started paying a lot more attention to who actually does and does not have a helping hand in creating a game.

Next to be exposed: Kojima

I notice people circulating that. But the only time I ever heard of Inafune as a person and in retrospect of his work before his spotlighting for Dead Rising 2 was in G4's Icons, where he states he didn't design Mega Man.

This. He may be a giant fuck up but he still made one great game.

Where is it Inafune?

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>Has any singular creative ever done as much damage to one company as this retard?

That man who did so much damage even the toys don't sell anymore.

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So... Could we get another good Dead Rising like 1 and 2 or is that series dead forever?

nice nigger lips

Capcom said some vague PR speaking about taking the series of CV back inhouse. The only other game they developed was Puzzle Fighter. Unless they had unannounced titles in the works.

RE and DMC had a proper revival. I think DR will be next now that Capcom Vancouver is dead.

>makes a great game
>immediately outsources it to some literally who western studio
I'm not sure bros... do I love him for making the only good zombie game ever made or do I hate him for trampling over its legacy this way?

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You should hate him for Capcom being shit for nearly a decade. He convinced everyone that only the west can make good games and that's why nearly every capcom project was outsourced for years.

Check my 5

PC and indies have nothing to do with the reemergence of Japanese devs You can thank easy-to-use game engines with proper Japanese documentation (e.g. UE4) and devs finally adapting to HD development over the years for it.

I could only see that happening any time soon if MS wants another exclusive Dead Rising and pays for it.

You know Comcept is an ideas company, right? They don't do any development themselves. The one demo they put out that used the MN9 models was likely thrown onto Inticreates. I don't recall there ever being a development team announced for Red Ash, so technically, it never really existed in the first place.

At least Call got to be in an OVA

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>was in G4's Icons, where he states he didn't design Mega Man.
Guess that episode was buried by the time he began calling himself "the father of megaman" during the kickstarter.

>"w-we knew he was conman all along!"
Hate faggots like you. Just admit you were duped too.


Better to make a great game and crash. Most will never even have one.

>Capcom is entering a new golden age with Monster Hunter
As someone that loves Monster Hunter, I'm gonna have to disagree with you. Not sure if "Casualizing the game, making it more cinematic, and removing mechanics to make the game more accessible to american audiences" counts as MH being in a new golden age.
SFV is struggling with Ono at the moment as well.

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Kill yourself

Its not my fault you were late to the franchise. I'm not gonna act like I love the changes just because you're a zoomer weenie that couldn't get into the better games.

He's definitely gone on record before clearly stating he never made Mega Man, he just "inherited it" at best, but when the kickstarter was going around, in his original video, he outright calls himself the creator, and really pushes the angel that capcom wouldn't listen to him. I even remember anons posting videos of him saying that in the threads, and I, like many fools, simply made excuses for him. I didn't wisen up until the Dina incident and thensome.

That period was interesting. I wasn’t a jaded fuck yet and generally had hopes that MN9’s success would lead to some kind of renaissance in terms of spiritual sequels. While I didn’t donate to that I did donate to Yooka Laylee in part because of it. That’s when I realized that KS is a fucking scam.

yeah it was great
then you remember Inafune was also the one who appointed those Canadian hacks to the series from 2 onwards

It's always the monster hunter fags. You can't expect a series to make a jump back into to new generation of consoles from handhelds to not go through some changes. especially not make changes that improves the overall game experience. This coming from someone who's been playing monster hunter since frontier and fucking hated all the unnecessary excess fat the older games had being paraded around as "fundamental mechanics".

At least in Yooka-Laylee's case, the problem was just a fundamental lack of understanding how dog shit some of their own ideas were. Bohemian Rhapsody put it best when Freddy said "I told them exactly what to do...and the problem was? They did it."

MN9's case, I don't see how any of that was anything short of malicious intentions to get money. Poorly handled the community, outright lied about the claims, lack of transparency, etc, etc.

Bloodstained is looking good so far. I think it'll break the curse.

I don't like his actions, but I can't hate the man.

If 2 was shit too I’d agree but 2 was a good game. Fixed some of the shit A.I. from the original. 3 on was a shit show though

>the only good zombie game
zombies ate my neighbors
l4d1 and 2
killing floor
resident evil
house of the dead

Agreed 100% OP. He's a fuckin cunt!

No it's not.

dmc5 didn't casualize shit, yet is newer than world

I'm just as mad about MN9 as you are, but he never "tricked" anybody into thinking he made Megaman. Gaming news outlets kept calling him the creator and he could only correct so many of them.

You're right on just about every other point, though.

There was nothing wrong with DMC, but there was quite abit that need to be done to make Monster Hunter better. Stop demonizing legit QoL changes as "casualization"

I honestly can't get mad at the guy anymore. I mean, he's disappointed me, but that just means I'll pretty much ignore him. A lot of his ideas weren't necessarily bad either, it's just that he was bad at implementing them.

Most people don't like him because he was bad at designing video games; they don't like him because he fucked over their pocketbooks directly.

I wouldn't mind seeing more of Red Ash, given that the anime was fun to view, but I'd hope they pick a good company to actually make the game. It's clear that Inafune was an idea-guy and concept-guy for the most part, so the best thing would be to hand those ideas to a competent group which can make something decent out of them.

And he's specifically said he didn't create Mega Man, even in the Kickstarter, so it's more idiots not listening and stupid journalists ignoring it repeatedly. I can blame him for a lot, but not that one.

The anime was released as Red Ash -GEARWORLD- although I've only found the original (JP only) poor quality release of the video. Looked pretty nice, although it was choppy and poor FPS. That might've just been the player, though.

This user is right, though. It was a concept that was going to be handed to a company to develop, not a game that already had time put into it. Given that the Kickstarter failed, they probably shelved the idea since they had too much stuff to do and no responsibility to complete it. The main reason the OVA came out is because that Kickstarter actually succeeded.

NTA but SFV is also completely gimped. Why do you think niggers spam porn in the threads? There's little actual depth to the game and even the Japanese are just dragging their feet to get remain sponsored until SFVI.

Oh i can agree on SFV, it's just his main complaint and pretty much only complaint for that post was monster hunter, which was a legitimate success that that opens for more doors and gives more room for the series to grow.

What if I like legends and the other series' too

there was nothing wrong with monster hunter
get the fuck of Yea Forums casual scum

Inafune is a hack and a fraud and deserves to get publicly executed. Fuck him and everything he stands for. Capcom is based as fuck

We all make mistakes user, some larger than others but in the end we all learn.
my rage is unending and my disappointment immeasurable

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Have you seen that Mario Maker level he made that one time? It fucked sucked ass. People were leaving comments on it talking shit about it, it was hilarious and gratifying. Dude is a hack, through and through.

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I can’t wait until game developers start making Mario Maker levels again.

IGA’s classicvania styled approach was pure kino.

>yfw you didn’t fall for Mighty Scam 9

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Played it, expecting some kind of MM level. There's a massive skip on it beating it easily.

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What the ACTUAL fuck is this shit?

kaizo mario by a brainlet

>Inafune didnt know Mario could spin on piranha plants

At least his game came out and he had a hand in making Dead Rising and Onimusha. Imagine if you backed this.

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fixing pic

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It looks like it could've been fun, just there wasn't too much there. Nothing amazing but just needed more to hit its potential. Whoever was playing seems rather dumb for not finding the exit pipe that was obviously right there at the time, though.

The biggest problem is that the top level is so simple and short that you don't ever need to go into the bottom part.

The real question is. Where is he hiding now with all our money?

I havent heard about him in ages.

>Tricked people into thinking he created Mega Man
He is partly responsible for Mega Man's design (Kitamura did the sprite and Inafune made the art based off of the sprite), and his art style is what everyone thinks of when they say "Mega Man art style". He created Zero and the X series (even if not X himself). The Mega Man Legends series is his creation and everyone on the internet seems to cream themselves over that failure of a series.

Let's not pretend like didn't have a huge influence over the series just because everyone has a hateboner for Mighty Number 9.

>Responsible for Capcom's dark age of shitty western outsourced games

That's true. Capcom still hasn't really recovered from this mentality, there's way too much Western influence on their shit. It's been getting better little by little since Inafune's departure, but only minimally.

Comcept went bankrupt, was bought out by another company. Inafune stepped down as CEO and is now in some minor position at the company. They fulfilled their Kickstarter requirements for Mighty No.9 (at least, as many as they were going to) and the Red Ash OVA, so they're mostly just doing their own thing under better management.

Whats the Yea Forumserdict on Mega Man 11?

>nip lips
ftfy. There's more races than just white and black.

Where's Red Ash, conman?

The game or the anime? The game's Kickstarter didn't reach its goal. The anime's did and that got made.

I had hopes Dead Rising would be medium sized sandboxes with a few new items and set pieces released semi-anually with the Case File games.

I wish they could manage doing anything similar or better manage their game engine to incorporate add ons.

nothing to hate my dude inafune made multiple great games

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>Nothing amazing but just needed more to hit its potential. Whoever was playing seems rather dumb for not finding the exit pipe that was obviously right there at the time, though.
The biggest problem was all of it. There is no signaling on the pipe that it's there other than a bunch of springs of which there are others throughout the level, the area next to it looks like it has nothing but there's enough space to make you think you need to take a blind leap, made worse by the fact that jumping off of the roof of the ship is a blind leap implanting the idea into your head, the platform spacing is sporadic and random, and to top it off, the entire area is pointless because you can literally skip it and it doesn't even offer anything other than like 10 coins.

This isn't even talking about the top side of the ship where it's littered with Phirana plants that you can clearly spin jump on, thus eliminating hte entire challenge there, which lasts for 20 seconds.

This isn't "missed potential", this is an outright misunderstanding of game design in general. It is literally half a step up from "a toddler got his hands on the game pad and put random shit on the screen until he could submit it".

I really wish Japan wasn't so tight lipped about their companies, because I would REALLY love to see the developer interviews of "what went wrong" like we can get here in the states with Western games.

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A chinese company gave the rest of the money, so where is it?

>Now that his influence has been fully purged Capcom is entering a new golden age with Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Devil May Cry all achieving major critical and commercial success
This thread reeks of crapcom shilling. Stop shilling crapcom, shill.

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He's got a point but that's more to do with the fact those fuckers play mobile shit more than anything else.

Capcom has had a serious comeback and you'll just have to deal with it.

There's nothing you can do.

I enjoyed mn9

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He arguably had help from JJ, though. I mean, yeah, TFA is on an entirely unprecedented and unique level of awful and franchise-killing, but I feel like the brand was still significantly hurt by TFA and all its forced diversity SJW bullshit and quippy nonsense and its general derivative nature. Who knows, if TFA was much better and TLJ was a lone aberration unique in its awfulness, maybe the franchise would have survived.

Infaune has no equivalent to JJ.

He has nigger lips

Quit seething ya simp and go back to playing jive with all the other pinheads because you ding-dong diddly just got worked into a shoot.

Even I would enjoy a game which i wasted my money in.

>has shit taste
well imagine my shock

Bros this may not be the right thread for it but I fucking love Mega Man Unlimited. Though the boss rush at the end sucks fucking dick for those tedious gauntlets. Thanks for reading my post.

One of the few times Kamiya was right.

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Only casual brainlets dislike Unlimited and its boss rush.

When was he wrong?

When he thought making an Xbone game was a good idea.

Oh yeah Scalebound. Theres a rumour it's gonna be on the Switch instead, but idk.

When I ever wrong?

Ask your mom.

Don't forget personally shutting down Clover.

But I already asked her 100000000000000x times

Actually imagine being replaced by the director of Haunting Ground.

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>Seething Xniggie

Haunting Ground was great though

There were springs in exactly two spots: one to get you up to the area with the coins, and one to get you up to the pile. What's more, the player clearly bumped their head on the second set of springs showing that something was up there, but didn't try going up a pipe in case that was the exit. Instead, they just jumped off into a bottomless pit because they didn't bother thinking things through.

The 10 coins also had a chance for some 1ups, if you'd kick the shell and follow it to the left. It would clear out all those Piranha Plants like in the sections above. The jumping isn't exactly expert difficulty but it seems like it was at least interesting.

Like I said, the biggest problem is that there just isn't enough there. The lower route would've been more interesting if it was a shortcut, as opposed to a much longer detour where the exit pipe was just two jumps away. Outside some 1up opportunities with the shells, there was nothing but single-coin blocks, and not even any hidden ones. If the upper stage had been longer, or forced a long detour, and there were more things to find in the ? blocks, then it would be an interesting stage. The Piranha Plants, 1up chances, and progressing from jumping plants to open pits is a nice idea. It was just implemented poorly and far too short to work right.

Saw you seething in another thread earlier today.

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Hold on, so he was responsible for LP3? What the actual fuck. I didn’t care about Megamanfags and No.99shits but that REALLY fucking sucks.

>There were springs in exactly two spots
Multiple places, correct. Nothing indicating the need to stack them on top of each other.
>the player clearly bumped their head on the second set of springs showing that something was up there
Clearly? No. The camera didn't pan up, and the sound effect for head bumping was completely muted. You wouldn't even know it was there without a second watch through of this level, let alone playing it. There was nothing "clear" about it.
>The 10 coins also had a chance for some 1ups
Just stop. This is stretching to try and find meaning in this area AT BEST.
>Like I said, the biggest problem is that there just isn't enough there.
No, the biggest problem is that what's there is utter shit. There are dozens of levels that are literally one screen in length that carry so much more weight, content, and actual challenge than this level. There isn't anything interesting in kicking shells at non-threatening plants. There's no creativity, and ultimately, everything is circumvented by almost every action you have at your disposal.

You literally cannot save this level, the design of it is THAT atrocious. Trying to defend makes me think you're an Inafune fanboy or someone who desperately loves to argue.

Redpill me on this fag.

Guy who made The Last Jedi

>You wouldn't even know it was there without a second watch through of this level
Given that I predicted the exit pipe was exactly there on the first viewing, I think you've either not played that much Mario or are nitpicking at minor details which you would've been fine with in a standard Mario stage.

And you certainly didn't need to stack the springs on top of one another to get up there. The player did that anyways, which forced the camera high enough to show the pipe, but that was hardly necessary to do to get through it.

>You literally cannot save this level
Stick a giant vertical wall in the middle of it, and suddenly half your complaints disappear.

Given how trivially easy it is to dismiss your complaints about the length, and given that just throwing in some invisible blocks and better power-ups would dismiss several others, I think it's you who insists on complaining just because you can. None of this would make the level particularly good or outstanding, mind you, but they'd make the level a lot more interesting.

Also, if you think the lower level just involved "a toddler got his hands on the game pad and put random shit on the screen until he could submit it" (from here) then you are either incredibly oblivious to level design or completely missing how bad a design like that could be.



mod dayZ is fun

>Given that I predicted the exit pipe was exactly there on the first viewing,
I did the same thing. Congrats. Doesn't negate the fact that it's bad signaling, especially because it was the intended path and NOT a secret area like I initially predicted. Only a faggot would make an exit like that.

>Stick a giant vertical wall in the middle of it, and suddenly half your complaints disappear.
Literally 2 of my complaints disappear, that being the fact that the underside portion of the level serves no purpose, and you can run through the stage in 10 seconds.

>Given how trivially easy it is to dismiss your complaints about the length
lol. Okay champ.

>oblivious to level design or completely missing how bad a design like that could be.
I didn't miss it at all. I actually watched the video. Did you? The level isn't even bad enough to be "so bad it's good" like shit you'd see in obscure dead-console platformers. Your "ways to save the level" don't stop the intrinsic faults of the level being shit design. You'd have to drastically alter the level into a completely different one to save it, meaning that it cannot be saved.

Either way, I've confirmed you're just desperate to argue considering your arguments are getting shittier by the second (invisible blocks save this level? lol). So here's your last (you). Enjoy, fag.

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I was genuinely interested in Red Ash, I guess I still am, but I'm 100% okay with the kikestarter failure - it's all their fault and seeing how shit MN9 ended up, I'm sure the same would've happened to Red Ash.

The animation was great, though
I'd be happy to see more if possible


The concept was good but the execution was mediocre as fuck

>Japanese millennial artist draws fantastic quality anime style character art, no signature
>Japanese boomer artist draws kitschy toon style anime character art, signature
What does this mean?

Holy shit this and on top of that people got asshurt because some random girl made a picture of the MC as a girl. Yea Forums retardation knows not limits.

Hi resetera

>hurr durr dem sjws infitrating a completely shit game made by a hack we can't have that

i also hate

I can only hope, pray even, for a REmake 2 style reboot for Dead Rising.

>Dead Rising remake a la RE2R
>Frank is still voiced by TJ Rotolo
He's still working in Capcom so it's possible