Free on xbone

>free on xbone
>no one cares

Attached: crackdown2.jpg (1024x657, 175K)

I've never seen a good reason to buy an Xbone and time has only reward that decision.

game sucks

crackdown 3 was a fucking disaster and everyone wants to forget it came out, MS included, so they dumped this out there, only to forget that crackdown 2 was also worse than the first one. Literally all they had to do was put the first game out there, but maybe they're trying to avoid the parallels that show off just how bad the third is, especially in comparison to the first.

Are you trying to cheat me? Crackdown 2 is not added to backwards compatibility yet.

Crackdown 2's shit.

Ohh, it happened recently.

I downloaded it on my Xbox One X last night.

Loved crackdown 1 but i remember dropping this immediately. They just reskinned the city and had shitty zombie type missions.

Still waiting on the next wave of OG BC
My wishlist is
>Metal Arms
>Oddworld Stranger's Wrath
>MechAssault 1/2
>Goblin Commander
>Gauntlet Dark Legacy (Hydro Thunder is on Game Pass, MS hasn't forgotten Midway)
>Hulk Ultimate Destruction
>X2 Wolverine's Revenge

They gave away the first one recently too

They gave the first game for free when it became BC

Max payne 1+ 2
>not happening but would be cool
The thing
The punisher
The suffering
Outrun 2/2006
Jet set radio future

>playing max payne on consoles

>playing video games on a personal computer

Because they stripped away everything fun in the first game.

The Thing and JSRF actually have a decent chance, they were essentials to an OGBox collection and Phil's an outspoken nostalgiafag (see Crimson Skies)

Nier is my top choice.

Crackdown was always poor man's Saints Row, which was itself poor man's GTA.

Still waiting for
>remember me
>Deadrising series

GTA became a shell of its former self

it's the second one, the better game was already given away.

>Outrun 2/2006
0% chance of that happening, it was delisted.

Crackdown 1 was a mediocre game with some really cool and neat ideas propping it up
Crackdown 2 removed literally every single neat and cool thing that Crackdown 1 had