Granblue Fantasy Versus

This is your base roster.

Attached: 1525375151080.jpg (1898x895, 1.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>only one cute and funny character
fucking dropped

we dont need your kind anyway

>no Draph girl
that sucks


They want to milk us with the DLCs, user.
Naru is 100% DLC-tier.

Attached: 1549032115563.jpg (607x990, 91K)

The roster needs more starch

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Where there any new gameplay videos aside from the Lowain reveal one?

I’ll play every water character they add


How did granblue go from a dead game to being shilled multiple times per day on Yea Forums

Nop. Just a little at the beginning of the video.
We know that there is some kind of roll mechanic:

Dead on arrival

The actual madmen

Attached: 469E5097-4207-4248-A435-C7B5F5EF0DF7.jpg (1024x576, 91K)

Saving the draph women for dlc, smart.

god I wish I was those 3

Post it op

I don't really understand why they're releasing a fighting game spinoff in the West before the game it's based on is available.
there was only this one

Ops pic is just shitty photo shop but all those characters are pretty much confirmed because their weapons are in the logo
Doesnt mean we cant get anymore characters

fuck this gayme

Probably to establish it as a premium franchise and not a spin-off from a mobile game

There's been an english translation for years, but the undertaking it needs juat to push for an official one is huge for the returns. It'll also split the community since a western version would mostly be delayed by years.

>dead game

i'm sorry wat

Without the homo angels, this is still a pretty brogame.

Because it was never dead in the first place
People just talked about it a lot less for a while because no new content to talk about

Only ten characters? I don't know anything about GBF so I'll main Ferry since she's the cutest.

So how long till we get the Vira, Cagliostro and Narmaya reveals

It's not a terrible lineup, but I think Perci's probably the weakest choice.

My main. It's a day 1 buy for me.

>metera instead of sutera
get that slut OUTTA here

Are you nuts? The Dragon Knights are the essential. I almost cannot believe they left Siegfried out.

t. potatofucker

Gameplay wise he seems like he'd be the least interesting given that we already have Gran, Kat, and Charlotta with swords and Zeta using fire shit with her spear. Vane probably would have been a better choice.

Weakest choice is fucking Gran
Why the fuck do we need the boring self-insert character in a fighting game

I wish it had Magisa and Rosetta

Attached: 0e6ffe0d3a54cc255e369d593f7621fc.png (700x945, 870K)

>No Narmaya in base game
Fucking hell
It hurts to know you are 100% right

>Not realising that unlike everyone else Siegfried mains a greatsword
He would be a character with heavier movements. It's different enough from the others in my opinion.

Also, he is basically Artorias, which makes him the coolest character in the entire franchise. That alone is reason enough for him to be in the roster.

I don‘t know what this franchise even is, but I‘d imagine his name being in the title is why he‘s in.

Siegfried would have been fine too, I was talking about Percival, I should have clarified.

>I almost cannot believe they left Siegfried out.
There are no armies for him to wipe out in this game, user.

That user is actually clinically retarded. No matter how bland he is, there's no way the MC would be missing from his own game unless the game specifically stated a reason for him not being present.

He's a self-insert mute character, and doesn't have defined abilities like other characters since he has a job system instead, which can't be represented in a fighting game.

There are several spinoff games for various franchise that omit the protagonists if they are just a self-insert. Hell, Gran wasn't going to be in Relink at first.

Where's Alexiel dammit

Why the fuck does Ferry appeal to 100% of my fetishes?

None of these characters look cool at all.
Then again this is the only granblue that i'd want to play as

Attached: Robomi Generations Nicholas.png (480x400, 124K)

What are some fighting games, barring battle royale settings like MVC where there's no definite MC, that don't feature the MC?

The real mistake with Gran is that they just went with boring old fighter instead of doing something more interesting with him like giving him a mix of abilities from some of the more interesting classes. It's the only reason why I want DJ in because if they don't do it with him then they can do it with her. But only if the actually have her rep the other classes. If they make her an alt or a clone of Gran then that would be fucking stupid and I'd rather take garbage like Elmelaura over that.

Attached: __gran_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_minaba_hideo__5b54f51a76f07e98ba30764a979dd4dc.png (480x705, 128K)

Slots are limited
If anything they should have only picked percival and left out lancelot

Is she the sexiest or most popular? Why does she get a guaranteed spot?

which do you think will get censored in the US?

because apparantly us girls can dress however we want irl, but in games it's male power fantasy.

Attached: images.jpg (199x254, 8K)

She's the most popular cowgirl. The devs said they aren't going to let relevance or popularity decide who gets in, but I'll believe that when I see the final roster.

Here's your reply you stank assed mike n ike munching faggot

>Why the fuck do we need the boring self-insert character in a fighting game
>he don't want to play Bahamut

Attached: 1549542958810.png (1362x781, 1.05M)

Lancelot is cuter

If that's the case neither Lancelot or Percival should be there. Siegfried should instead, since he is the coolest of the four and his style can actually have some different gameplay from the rest.

Is that really the base roster? Fucking trash.

>characters with swords are all the same
I thought that you could only find this shit in a smash thread

>Homo knights

Attached: 1539911704152.png (794x872, 278K)


>plot twist
>Gran Azure is playable
Also holy fuck the remix of Lowain's song is good

What is Granblue Fahtasy bros? Feels like it just popped up suddenly from nowhere getting a fighting game and a jrpg suddenly.

I started playing granblue when the second Robomi event was happening and it was pretty nice, too bad the interest didn't last that long.

I like the setting, most of the characters are nice and so was the main story and original events, but it needs way too much dedication.

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>He's a self-insert mute character
No, that's Relink Gran.
Versus Gran is based on the anime.

popular japanese browser game

Oh, my bad. In that case, he's a self-insert native isekai character

>No Asanagi girls
I sleep

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>The devs said they aren't going to let relevance or popularity decide who gets in
They never said that, they actually said this:

>Versus is going to be a more character-driven game, and since it’s a fighting game the method for choosing is different. For instance, an important factor is how people would enjoy fighting with each character. There is much more room for introducing more unique characters or some who aren’t as relevant to the main story of Granblue but do have a strong fanbase.

>native isekai

A prettier Adventure Quest

>These are the only characters in the logo, therefore these are the only characters in the game
>The roster doesn't have my favorite character, therefore it's a bad roster, even though those are all iconic and popular characters

Assuming there's going to be some kind of story mode, there's probably at least one unrevealed boss character (though I'm sure they'll only be playable in DLC). It would almost have to be the Black Knight, although, if they're going to make summons and giant characters a major part of the game, I guess it could be Freesia.

What's the connection between the stupid browncat trio and my pure and kind Yggdrasil again? Is it another Freezie type thing? 'Cause I hate those fucking NTRcats.

>Lancelot is a Leo clone
Interest in this game went up 100%, especially since Xrd is getting shit canned.


She's Elsam's waifu

Grand delusion

She is one of the most popular character of the game, of her race too and she has the perfect fighting style for that kind of game (stance katana user), also she is a bit taller than the other cows and her first outftit is not that relevant.

Attached: 1534646024836.png (250x250, 10K)

Thought so, from the original run of LETS HANG or whatever, right?

>tfw Elsam started to give up on yugu and went for Korwa in Table for Six


Hum, where's Yuel??? Kana's been supporting the FGC for years, they can't leave her out like this...

The Yggdrasil stuff was in Table for Six I think.

It's a browser game made by former square devs. At first it was infamous for being so jewish that that law went down on their asses but has slowly become one of the most generous gacha games out there. The devs wanted to make actual games at first but didn't have the funds for it which is why they got into gacha in the first place and the spinoff games are funded by the money they made off of GBF. The reason it's so popular is because it panders to every group with it's characters and events.

>only 10 characters isn't a bad roster
Drone, drone, drone. Hey its the drone drone song.
lalalalala lala LA,
lalalalala LA LA LA LAAAAAA
hey heeeeey mr. shill, what would it take, to end-ya-drill?
lalalala LAL ALAAAAAAAA hey hey hey! its the E-Drone sooooooooooong!

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I really want them to show a character not in the game logo else I'll think this will actually end up with only 10 characters
Which is absurdly low

So she was designed to be popular?

I'm secure in the knowledge that Korwa would knit him a scarf that says "PROUD KEK".

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>No korwa
>No Ilsa
>No Eugen
What the actual fuck

Attached: 70290739_p0.png (1393x2018, 3.43M)

Are you retarded? I said in the same post that it's unlikely this is the entire roster

There are already 5 sword users. There are so many more unique characters they could add instead.

Isekai has become so prevalent that regular fantasy is now considered a subset of Isekai.

yaia more like kawaiia

Pretty sure all characters are designed like that

Eugen (with Rackam, Io, and Rosetta) was in the background in grancypher stage, dunno if this confirmed that they're unplayable.

Wait is that really it? That's a tiny pool if they release it like this

I don't play fighting games much but if there's not a Siete DLC with a summoned sword fighting style I'm out.

So, that's the power of Yea Forums, I'm impressed.

Could've chosen any better girls than this


>he doesn't know about native isekai
It's when the protagonist is born in the isekai world instead of being from our world

>literally the only likeable male character who isn't just there for NTR keks isn't playable
I'm so mad right now
fuck off secondary

>a Nodachi stance user is like every other sword!!!
please kys smashtard

No, that's a photoshop
But the ones in the image are basically confirmed since they are in the game logo
There's no confirmed rooster size

guess ill choose vagasil on the right

Attached: 4mcWkVMX.png (600x400, 530K)

The devs are well known for putting proper characters in the background on stages and never making them playable. They also might show up in the story but certainly doesn't mean they will be playable.

>Create waifu gacha
>Create a bunch of muscley dudes for those wiafus to fall in love with
Is this the gacha for cucks or?

Attached: 1544378774284.png (300x555, 305K)

I recall one an interview where they said that the cast was going to be less based on story relevance and more on who is popular and would make a good fighting pick, so that might further rule out the rest of the story party

>mad weeb
Go swing your katana around kid, be careful not to hurt yourself

You're goddamn right

It's probably because they have the focus in Relink too.

He's a little bit less delusional than Tomoi. If you take her recruitable version as cannon, it's at least a theoretically possible relationship. Well aside from the fact that she can't speak, doesn't have human-like thought patterns, and her minimum size is still fuckhuge. Still, it's not a complete out-of character fantasy like Freezie.

Well I have no idea where they got that roster form if it's based on popularity
Not a single draph female and a bunch of literal whos

The muscley dudes are for the women and gays, retard.

>>Create a bunch of muscley dudes for those wiafus to fall in love with
the FGO thread is 3 blocks to the left, by the garbage recycling

Jin and Kaz in the background
Not that anyone expected them to be playable

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I just wanted to tell you that you have good taste. Who's your favorite?

No cares about female draphs you silly girl

There are fighting games with playable characters that also show up in the background of certain stages if no one is playing as them. Even Smash did this. But with that being said I doubt any of them are going to be playable because of the devs comments on story characters.

Is this ps4 only?

The muscley dudes are husbandos for the girls playing the game.

To start yes.

my dick does.

Girls don't care about Vas though

I never expected him to be playable so that doesn't bug me. What does bug me is his lack of an SSR.

Attached: SSRwhen.jpg (496x108, 29K)

Here is your Draph female. Enjoy your grappler character.

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Looks like shit

keep telling yourself that cucky
I only played for like a week but once I realised half the female cast wanted to jump on this guys dick I dropped that shit fast

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040084000_01.png (960x800, 121K)

just started the web game, what's the general template for omega grids? should I just follow this shouldn't I add some gacha weapons for normal modifiers?

All signs is pointing it will be a dumbed down fighter akin to bbtag but I'm still gonna buy it for Ferry.

When's the next event that they could possibly show a new trailer? EVO?

Gacha weapons are a pain to uncap since they require exact copies or even more annoying mats.

Here's your DLC Season Pass bro:

Native Isekai if you will

She's so much better than Naru

Attached: 1545112737325.png (960x800, 206K)

EVO will have a trailer for sure. Arksys have a Sunday spot with nothing else to show off and are sponsoring the whole event. Arkrevo for sure will have a trailer. Maybe TGS or E3 if they are rushing them out.

I wouldn't start worry about omega weapons until you unlock omega raids. You can make do with your starting SSRs and the SSrs you get from the story and sidestories for now. Most weapons from the gacha are better off being reduced, but make sure you do your research on a weapon before you reduce it because some are really damn good.

Ugly eyebrows!


Attached: __narmaya_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_lvl_sentrythe2310__0e796d4f97a49536261f0662aec0ffdf.png (1280x1920, 1.99M)

Vaseraga is a draph

She's also a literal who, while Naru gets tons of merch and in-game content. Even Yaiya has a better chance of being our female Draph than sheep.

There's a draph right there.

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040029000_03.png (960x800, 227K)

I thought I told you already

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>Soriz is not there

Attached: 1545054198798.gif (500x281, 1.59M)

All I want is Cerberus

>100+ girls want to fuck him
>meanwhile he only cares about his sister's pussy
Ayer is so based

I think you forgot someone.

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I would too if Jessica was my sister.

Why the fuck would they add Vira and Eustace at all let alone as DLC?

Can't blame him.

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Another character that needs an SSR. I want to pair them together in battle.

Attached: Jessica_Silk_Gown.png (960x800, 138K)

>Why the fuck would they add Vira
Early story, 4xSSR +1SR, 4 Alts, huge fanbase, Katalina and Lowain are already in the game

Attached: 1521716286908.jpg (706x1000, 361K)

>I want to watch them fuck while I jerk off in the closet

We should just have gotten this as a grappler instead of normal mc

Attached: 1529465843085.png (640x688, 145K)

They're both extremely popular and have tons of move set potential for Team Red shenanigans. I think Eustace might miss out because Vas and Zeta are in though.
Prepare your ass for noob stomping bits corner pressure.

Why is that?

Is Sandalphon any good? I've reached the point where I have more than 5 SSRs for each element and have to think about synergy and shit. I have (Mechanic), Robomi, Ferry and Clarisse in front atm for maximum 1 turn damage.

What other teams can I make out of these guys?

Attached: 1528462837283.jpg (2160x1851, 586K)

Because they're popular characters? It's not as if they're obscure like say Aoidos or Marquiares. I don't like Vira but I wouldn't be surprised if she made it and I'd totally pay for Eustace if he's DLC.

As it should be. Siblings should fuck siblings.

>I’ll believe that when I see the final roster.

You’re looking at it.

If there's no Walder we riot

Attached: 408px-Summon_b_2040219000.png (408x400, 153K)

I knew it would be all vanilla GBF characters but seriously

Attached: EUlp2zA.jpg (240x240, 16K)

Yugu appeared with Lowain bros. Who knows Ilsa, Eustace, and Bea might appear in Vas/Zeta's special attack.

He's pretty decent.
Did you beat God's Reverie yet?
If you don't you won't be able to 5* uncap him.

I don't think so, the popular duo is actually Zeta and Vas

Pretty sure Eustace and Bea are both more popular characters. I do prefer the Vas and Zeta picks though, relevant axes and spears are more rare than guns and swords and being introduced first makes me think of them as more iconic Society.

Adding draph would be problematic for sony.

I don't think there was a character who grew on me the way Walder did. My first impression of him when I got the free version was along the lines of "what the fuck is up with this loser?" but sure enough he ended up becoming my favorite. I like cute girls as much as the next guy, but Walder speaks to my soul.

Neither of them are that popular and they are mostly just staff favorites. Vira is disliked by a LOT of people, even one of you. Not a good addition.

Sandal is fine in an atma sword grid but there's nothing much to write home about. Light is a gorilla based element and he gorilla's fine but not as good as the premium gorillas. His 5* is meh but it's not terrible. Looking at your party, he's easily beaten. Jeanne/Lucio/Juliet or Clarisse for solo content and sub in one for Jeanne for raid. For blasting/racing you have Robomi, for strike time you have Ferry. End game is getting Song and getting her uncapped.

Yeah he's solid for a free unit. Make sure you do the quest to be able to 5* him though.
Light's characters are kinda interchangeable honestly. You can probably run Sandy Lucio and someone else. Clarisse is a solid pick. Jeanne is good for solo content. Juliet is a solid tank that does some decent damage too.

Pretty sure you've got a good light team already, you don't need Sandal.

Durray Chad is too strong. Got to save him and Tiamat for DLC.

Attached: Rackam.png (960x800, 214K)

Eustace is consistently the highest ranking male in every poll that isn't a homoknight or a gayngel. Vira's divisive at worse but despite being a trash unit for ages, she's held high in every metric of popularity for years and more consistently than literally everyone else in the game.
It's fair to try and make whatever arguments about them being bad additions or being shitty characters but it's an incredible amount of delusion to think they aren't popular with the sheer amount of evidence to the contrary.

This is Rosetta. Say something nice to her.

Attached: 1549818447241.jpg (198x211, 12K)

Old hag cucked me out of Pholia from free draws during new years so fuck her.

Where did this screenshot come from anyways?

It's a mock up. All the characters in the image are safe since they're represented in the logo but it's probably not the complete roster. Just shitposting.

>Neither of them are that popular and they are mostly just staff favorites.
That describes most of the current roster though.


Attached: swimsuit rosetta.png (720x1020, 1.12M)

What? Gransexuals are far more common than party members, and what's wrong with your bros getting tail on the side? Yngwie destroys pussy wherever he goes, but he lets the (You) sluts stay for (You).

Let's count the Gransexuals, and feel free to chime in if I miss any. In no particular order:
>Probably Zeta

Attached: c7744c271541f1cf2d2c1c404a0eead3.jpg (620x876, 85K)

I fap to her.

The season pass will contain


If you purchase the special gay dragon bluray collection you will get early access to Grea for 6 months before she goes on sale for everyone else.

Why when there are so many better options?

Ahh. Yea I know about the weapons in the logo but I didn't know if someone messed up on the site and revealed them early or not.

No. The names being in a different font and the inconsistent art probably should've been a give away even if you weren't familiar with the franchise.

The fat dragon?

>fapping to old ladies


Attached: Npc_zoom_3040018000_01.png (960x800, 168K)

>for you
You mean she's for Socie and/or Kou

There's also post-crazy Vira.

Will she make it in?

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Attached: Npc_zoom_3030245000_01.png (960x800, 99K)

I'm a little underwhelmed.
I guess I shouldn't have expected much else but it really just looks like knights knights and more knights.

No chance in hell.

None of the logo weapons being a RoB veteran probably means we shouldn't expect any for launch roster at all, just because it'd be so obvious to include one if they were in. I'm thinking it's all GBF natives for branding purposes.

Flip a coin on it.

I wish they would buff her/give her uncap (which is impossible for now because dark uncap is bampy), I would love to use her in my dark fist team.

Tix S Bea

This isn't /gbfg/.

Yeah. They are probably also afraid of adding ultra sexy race in base game. DLCs are safer.

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>Nio/Aru/Corn DLC

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It's a nagamaki.

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Most girls in game are gay dude.

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Naru don't show her boobs in her base outfit anyway.

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Is granblue really that mainstream for retarded polyniggers to actually know it exists and complain about Draphs?

So are Harvin and Lalafell basically the same species?

Shut the fuck up user I am already spraying the cologne in my eyes

Half of this list is self insert retards wishful thinking.

She's one of Cygame's most popular characters ever but she pretty much does nothing in GBF. Vampy of Olivia are much more likely.

Cygames makes over 3 billion $ per year and about half of that is Granblue.

Attached: 1551643421157.gif (250x250, 3.11M)

All of those characters have (you) sexual stuff outside of seasonal lines
Well except maybe Ferry, i dont have her so i cant say anything about her

Different proportions. Harvins are far more sexy.

Attached: tumblr_pb2xhhTkiJ1x274kho1_640.png (640x688, 305K)

Dude character being nice and blushing a bit doesn't make them (you) sexual.

Guess i should specify mainstream in the west. I cant see some outrage in JP happening and i just don't think its known well enough in the west for Game Journos to through a bitch fit over the shortstack race.
Feel free to correct me if i am wrong however.

They are bitching about everything now.

Popular shitty characters should not be accepted just because they are popular

Then what the fuck are they supposed to do in a game like this?
Confess their love to you straight up, because thats what almost fucking half of the characters in the game do on valentine lines

And dont give me that "seasonal lines arent canon" crap, you can stuff it up your ass

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Is there any cute girls in this game?

>People actually read the stories in gbf
>Actually caring about the characters
>Not just skipping everything and go back to grinding

Attached: laugh.jpg (1183x1080, 86K)

If you are talking just about Versus, Charlotte is cute and Ferry too.

My maids never had a chance. All I can hope for is Beatrix

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>No zoi
Guess I won't be buying then

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>same weapon style as gran
dont hold out too much

The only thing more pathetic than being invested in mobage stories is being invested in mobage "esports"

>playing this game at all when you can just look at the pngs

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Percival uses a one-handed sword and he's as good as confirmed, at least Beato has her clock gimmick to allow for a unique character mechanic, unlike Percy who doesn't really have anything.

What if she went bigger?

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She can play like Mu-12 it'll even be an in joke with how Imai's character was cucked by an isekai in a previous arcsys game and arcsys loves to recycle character styles anyway.

I doubt any of my wishlist characters will make it, but I'm still gonna try the game out.

Attached: Rosamia 03.jpg (700x700, 61K)

Re:Link is fucking vaporware, isn't it?

>No titty monsters
What's even the point?

She has to be in.
There's no cross-branding issue, since she's a GBF original, and she ain't slutty, so no Sony nagging.

Attached: Zoey gun.png (960x800, 207K)

She's 200% going to be in at some point.

You really need to stop that since it starting to concern me how many people are taking you for face value and think this will be the ENTIRE base roster.

Percival uses two handed flamberge. But Charlotte also uses a two hander so I don't think having same weapon styles rules out a character.

I must say this is a mediocre roster. It would be a bit better if you can switch between Gran and DJ.

And she's delicious brown.

>implying they won't sell characters two at a time in packs like FighterZ
Vira + Naru (fan favorites)
Vane + Siegfried (compete the homoknights)
Beato + Eustace (Society pack #2)
Sandal + Lucifer (gayngels)
Monika + Lily (Cygames recurrent characters)

She's just the best.

>no Draphs
Do the devs hate them or something?

but Vaseraga is a draph user

Attached: 1551133902198.jpg (750x600, 266K)

Sony might.

why is there a loli with the moonlight greatsword?

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Brown pig never.

Attached: 1544957636394.jpg (820x943, 149K)

I refuse to believe this is the entire base roster for this fact alone. I can believe however that this game is coming out late as fuck this year.

Because everybody loves box.

>says as GBF just finished the best storyline in any gacha game to date

Attached: 1540523967588.png (1280x1280, 1.42M)

>expecting secondaries to know any better

What systems is it coming out on?

Imagine being this retarded. GBF story is great for a while now.

Also Versus needs Mika as secret boss.

Attached: Mika_NPC.png (960x800, 131K)

Unlike FGO, Granfags play their game.

PS4 and more than a little likely PC as well.

Because she's cute.

Attached: 1527560429104.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

I’ll pay money to play as Vane or Tsubasa.

jesus they couldn't get anyone better at the game to showcase the gameplay? they make it look so clunky

I wouldn't know, I skipped it.

Attached: 0c3.png (250x189, 58K)

oh yeah then probably no draphs cause sony makes sense.

>stands on a box
i know nothing about granblue but this is adorable and I want to buy it assuming there's a nice size playerbase

Only familiar with GBF through Shadowverse.
Any idea how Ferry will play in this?

Cygames sponsored Evo last year before the game even got announced. They'll MAKE it be a nice playersize. As long as the game is decent which it more than likely will be.

>Probably Zeta
>When it's confirmed the Society members all have group orgy sessions to strengthen their teamwork

>"hurr i hate reading"
Being illiterate is not something to be proud of user.

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I'm really glad that there's still more than one type of jump because that makes that a lot more closer to KoF than Street Fighter. Cause having only one type of jump really is fucking lame.

Watch the first trailer and you'll know as much as anyone

Pretty much. The last thing they said was they won't announce any new release dates for the game anymore until they know for sure they can make said release date.

when is summer banner

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In a few days featuring S. Yuel.

but it's not summer yet

>no Albert
>no Yuel
>no Grea
>no Amira
>no Black Knight
>no Tsubasa
>no Ilsa
I didn't expect any of them to get in, but I'm still sad. Oh well, it has Ferry and Charlotta so I'm good I guess.

Yah but they did it anni with S.Jeanne.

Wow thank god Arcsystemworks can finish a game on fucking schedule or else I'd be really antsy about Versus right now

Grubble always have that 1 "out of season" banner for summer, christmas and halloween characters. Summer one is always happens a few days after the anniversary.

Half of those are almost guaranteed to be added later.

>No earth element whatsoever
I don't fucking believe you. There'll be more

Remainder that she will be in. It sucks it's going to be a fighter class though.

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The only ones I could see happening are Albert, BK and Ilsa honestly. Tsubasa and Amira have pretty much zero chance and the others have somewhat of a chance. But maybe I'm wrong, I don't know how popular most of these are, I'm just guessing.

>last gameplay video was three months ago

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Yuel is 100% guaranteed. Grea is likely.

Well, that gives me some hope.

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Why can't I hold all these Japanese taters?

Financially speaking it's more favorable to combine characters who appeal to different demographics.
For example, if you sell Vira+Naru and Vane+Siegfried, then waifufags might only buy Vira+Naru while skipping the others, while fujos would only buy the knights and ignore the girls. But if you do Vira+Vane and Naru+Siegfried, then both demographics would buy both set.

Society events are better.

They can, but they also clearly cut plans short, when doing so.

If you force a waifu and fujoknigh waifufags hate together you may lose sales.

No waifufag that likes Naru also likes Vira and Vira is not even a waifu character

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tell that to every other granblue circlejerk that isn't /gbfg/

Cygames doesn't care about maximizing profits, if they did they wouldn't be so fucking generous with GBF. If they wanna release themed character packs that's what they'll do.

/gbfg/ is full of guys who waifu vira
Its just 1 or 2 really autistic guys who constantly spam how you finding vira attractive makes you a faggot


Where are these even from