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Other urls found in this thread:

At this point, what even are the odds of us getting Heavy Update in 2019?

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the number of days without an update has grown exponentially since a few years. I'd we're being logic, we should have the baby update in around 150~ days.


A trusted source has told me that the update is coming this week.

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You psting this every day doesn't make it any more close to being real op

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>tf2 update
>not on wednesday or thursday
Sorry pal, you still have a chance next week


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>New update imminent
>it's more localization files

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Why do people underestimate how much you can heal from the Blutsager?

Daily reminder that the Heavy update has never been promised or confirmed. Real thread theme:

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>Tyler McNigger

it's something cute or cool

>number 2
>i know everything you do

>The community literally makes thousands of weapons and maps on the workshop and all valve has to do is approve some them to make updates

Valve has become so lazy they're won't update a game even when the community does 90% of the work for them

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You have exactly 10 seconds to justify why you don't have a Miss Pauling daki.

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>Scout VA streamed today outside of his usual schedule
>this was the stream name

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I have good taste

i told you


What’s wrong user, don’t you want a brain chip to play steam games with?

So what are the chances that this involves an ARG that needs to be solved before the update drops?

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there's already been one so far

>The Heavy update will be the final update

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how would you make heavy interesting

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nothing he is a sweet man and i love him

make the brass beast more viable for starters

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>TF2's very first major update and very last major update will both be based around the Heavy

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give him soldier's banners and whip

make it so that more than two miniguns are viable to use
only stock and the tomislav are viable to any degree, every other minigun sucks dick

Make the fat scout a bard
>New role
>New playstyle
Alternatively rubber bullets, so heavy can pre-shoot corners he knows soldiers, demo, snipers are coming from

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>Cut his health down by 25
>Allow full movement mid-air while revved up (not speed, just give him the ability to airstrafe and whatnot)
>Buff his movespeed to Soldier's
>New Ability: Bull Rush; when right clicking with fists, Heavy stops for a second and then starts rapidly accelerating to Scout speeds. This ends when bumping into walls and has a 45 second recharge time
>Melee unlocks are balanced to account for the new bull rush ability

they did say it's highly likely both will get an update, though.
she's not my waifu

>not enjoying localization files updates

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I have $2.49 on my steam account, Are the Jungle Inferno contracts worth buying or should I get a key and disappoint myself with unboxing?

What would you think about the Heavy Update being the last update from Valve and having 2-3 community updates a year? The Workshop is filled with great stuff that'll never be added. So this would mean we would get one normal, non-holiday themed update, Scream Fortress, and maybe Smissmas every year. Do you think Invasion honestly killed the chances for community updates in the future?

anyone? I know you get the yeti set and weapon skins from the contracts, but is it just unique weapons skins or is there a chance to get stranges? Can I sell the weapon skins to make some money back?

The banners are fine but wtf is this nonsense with rubber bullets

Wait, is this legit or is this just Tyler Mcnigger talking?


You can get your money back from a dragon spray paint, also the contracts can be fun
So yeah it's worth it

TF2 battle royale hopefully, because that would be new gameplay and also boost player numbers
fuck contrarians that hate br just because its popular

Not sure about return on investment but the contracts are fun enough to be worth it imo

community updates would just be cosmetics and maps so i wouldn't give a shit

I only care about gameplay, so new modes and weapons. There are already lots of maps and people just plays the same 1 or 2 over and over. You can play any custom map on community servers anyway

What are you even expecting with this post. Ridicule?
There's already cs thing, source is NOT the engine for this, seriously there's some youtube video explaining in detail how that one map is barely holding itself together and basically is the only one possibility you could have without moving to another engine, and trying to compete with not even fortnite but just pubg would put so much strain on the 15 people that tf team is it's not even funny.

all those orgional br games were made by a handfull of modders
valve could do it, they already did it for csgo

its insane we have gotten to the point were people see valve as this small poor little incompetent indi dev

i know there is a map size limitation
but they did it for cs go

Remove Shotgun from Soldier.

>but they did it for cs go
How old are you?
Valve isn't an indie dev, they have an entire set of unique issues in the company, mainly swimming in money and laziness. Stigma against working.
Source, and seems source 2 are NOT the engines for big open maps, period. Do you understand that? You think they'd make a completely new engine or worse buy rights to use one just for your wet dream of playing scout but in fortnite?
I'm too old for this

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A burst fire weapon of some sort to change up his gameplay a litttle. afaik we don't have anything like that and it'd be nice to not just depend on tracking aim. no idea how to balance it though, maybe make it shine in medium range since minigun and tomislav fill out close/long range play styles respectively.

He also said Half-Life 3 was totally not dead and everyone who said it is was stupid.

I understand your argument, but Titanfall, Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends run in Source and they do alright.

>Valve isn't an indie dev
i was saying people treat them that way

source can do a big map. Not as big as something like fornite, but it could do big enough for a br game mode

nigga u realize the hottest BR game on the market right now is source engine right

lol oh yeah i forgot apex legends is source

its forever gone isnt it?

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this was a great map in all its incarnations
I liked the first version that had the teleporters to mid and also the doors that opened up when you collected enough root parts

I wonder how many tf2 updates have been cancelled by valves stupid structure
moon update
spy vs engie update
whatever cactus canyon was for

>tfw realizing that 2018 was the first year tf2 didn't have any non-seasonal major content updates
tf2 is dead bros

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Moon Update/aesthetic was great but the gamemode they made was crap and would've been quickly abandoned like Territorial Control, Special Delivery, Medieval Mode, Arena, Mann Power and Passtime.

All the had to do was make a god damn CP or Payload map in the moon instead of making another gamemode to waste up server space and be forgotten.


have hope friend

Pyro update

reminder that MYM is still the most damaging update to TF2's community and that matchmaking has not done any good at all for the game

also arabs and other browns


2017 friend

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RD evolved into PD though, which is actually pretty good.

>2017 friend

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I wish TC became a thing. Hydro's great and all, except that one set up with a single giant choke.
I wish they'd revisit that idea and give us at least one more map.

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the gamemode was great! it forced players to actually move around the map. you could be anywhere and you'll still be helping your team! I even made a 2fort version of it some time ago.

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>meet your match
>get put on a team full of retards against a team full of quake pros
>get put on team full of quake pros against a team full of retards
Match my ass. Did they not test this fuckin' shit?

Because I'm not scout

What the fuck is up with this matchmaking lately? Out of like 32 games I played today I only won 4 the rest were steamrolls in every sense of the word

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There's actually no fucking way that Jungle Inferno was 2017.

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Just the thumbnail for that made me hard.

I agree PD is absolutely kino so I guess it wasn't totally useless but I think Valve not releasing RD was ultimately the right call.
>the gamemode was great! it forced players to actually move around the map
A/D, CP, KoTH, Payload and PD all do this and far better then RD.

RD was an absolute slog because while it suffered the same problems that CTF had, the general strategy everyone had was to have 4 Engies turtle in their respective base.

It was, and the fact that some people try to twist Blue Moon as a "major update" when it really was the other half that should have shipped with JI is fucking depressing.

It was look at the announcement date.


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Dual Gatlings
>1 gun on each arm/hand

+M2 allows you lock 1st gun's position so you can fire the 2nd in a different direction. releasing m2 snaps the 1st gun to your current aim
-removes the ability to rev without firing.

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I disagree. No time limits on CTF games has been great.

Why haven't they made a free contract set for getting all of the weapons in the game? Like you get a contract for an individual weapon and you unlock it by clearing the contract.
It would help people learn the weapons and make getting them less of a pain.

Rate my idea:

Have daily contracts that you have to complete for rewards like a seasonal keyless crate, a skin, a weapon drop, or a hat. Make the contracts center around a specific map or gamemode.

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Getting OHKOd out of nowhere is not run. Give him a helmet that makes killing blow headshots leave him alive with 1HP or something. He's already mostly fine against spy if you're good.

>turning TF2 into a generic skinnerbox
Fuck no. I want to get the drive to play TF2 from wanting to have fun with the mechanics and the game itself, not because of the feeling of "oh, man, if I don't login, I won't get Scout's new leg warmers"

>I disagree. No time limits on CTF games has been great.
everytime i play 2fort it's always a new experience

SoundSmith's video raised the prices of the Rifleman's Regalia recently and I can't even afford it anymore because I don't have a key

I like it, but instead of contracts, have the rewards be for when you level up in Casual.

Oh yeah, like the wacky, epic WE-WE-WE-W-W-W-WE-WE-WE-WE-WE-WE meme xDDD

>Make the contracts center around a specific map
not with tf2's shit match making

i cant believe those retards made map specific contracts
I dont think they play their own game and know how bad their match making is

Playing TF2 in 2019 is interesting

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One of the funnest things to do is turtle 2fort intel and wait to see how long it takes for someone to start begging for the game to end.

This but unironically.

5 and it's true

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It goes beyond TF2's actual game stuff
>comic confirmed not being worked on at all despite script ostensibly being finished
>Episode 3 never came out, last meaningful amount of talk about the project was something about Alyx having a deaf friend she learned sign language for, and then the whole Epistle 3 business came and went
>Valve getting a lot of new blood but they all pretty much went to work for Artifact
>single player games by admission not being a focus
>hardware projects like Valve Machines arriving with a shrug
>Steam subsidizing all this inanity along with Dota 2 and CS:GO which in all fairness are still getting somewhat reliable support and updates

Honestly I feel like the "hey we have this wacky office culture where you can work on whatever you want!" spiel feels a bit dishonest, like a kind of soft marketing charm offensive.

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>page 9

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>Valve getting a lot of new blood but they all pretty much went to work for Artifact
Most of which have left by now, including fucking Richard Garfield himself.

God, I'm mad that no one with an iota of sense called this shit off. From the moment it was announced it was booed. Fucking hell, a 95% of the Dota playerbase didn't want it or care for it.

Dab on dese Reminder

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Same as pyro. Burstfire primary, mobility secondary, unique melee, plus some overall tweaks to the universal functionality of essential stuff like miniguns and lunchboxes.

>Have below average aim with above average game sense
>Never really be that good but still enjoy the game all the same
>Quit 2 years ago
If I go back I know I'm gonna be even worse than before, wat do bros?

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Thicc pauling

play soldier and shoot rocket to man

You know it does feel off, if I was working for Valve I'd work on TF2 or HL2, how often do you think managers check on their progress?
It's been a year without a fucking update for TF2 and they got paid that entire year, think of how little work you have to do
So why would you choose to work on Anthem or DOTA2?

Should I come back to the game? I used to be a half decent soldier in 2fort before I quit back then in 2015.

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based reminderanon

please come back



You think I pay attention to all these new apex, anthem artifacts games?
Clean your room bucko

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we love you man (no homo) come back and go play some boot camp mvm for a time spender, maybe some vsh, or just some old timed casual even, we really miss you and its not the same without our stellar community to keep us afloat ,
nigga just play the game is what im saying, its dying and we need players again

Our man probably just meant Artifact. It's an innocent mistake considering they basically were both piles of shit on arrival that nobody asked for.

who fucking knows. I can equally TF2 as circling the drain, nearing a formal final end of long-term support, with 2019 as possibly the first year with genuinely no new Valve made content (just seasonal events collating community content), as I can see Valve suddenly deciding to come back to it with a near total rebuild in Source 2 and renewed constant new major Valve content updates.

i'll probably get in trouble

>as I can see Valve suddenly deciding to come back to it with a near total rebuild in Source 2 and renewed constant new major Valve content updates.
Yes, user, and people will stop preordering games, buying sports games, and we'll all sleep on beds made out of roses.

The actual thing to happen is a permanent radio silence like it did to Half-Life.

I have a Ronald Reagan daki.

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when you get a new valve color?

that would be cool and give a reason to grind your level in casual, or just give you the actual badge as a cosmetic? when you hit level 10 you get a badge drop that looks like the actual badge, the moment your badge switches color your cosmetic badge does too, your thoughts?


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>>If I go back I know I'm gonna be even worse than before
wrong, I haven't played since 2016 and I was shit back then yet somehow I'm topscoring in most matches nowadays. all the people that remain are either new players or oldfags with stockholm's syndrome

I don't think it's a bad idea per se. Dota 2 is right now Valve's biggest property. Spinoff projects is a time-honored tradition for a lot of developers. Look at how much stuff Mario gets up to between rescuing Princess Peach, from car racing to sports to punching out Link, Pikachu and lesser Nintendo characters. Making a card game especially when there's a lot of interest around digital card games wasn't a bad idea.
But giving it such a prime spotlight for a debut would have backfired, since people were desperate for anything meaningful coming out of Valve, and making it buy-in-and-also-buy-everything-else was a dumb idea when Valve was transitioning even CS:GO to F2P and Valve around had competition from way more established properties with less of a buy-in, even on their own platform.

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What do you think would work better for Valve, Valve Racing or Valve Battle Bro's?

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The whole thing was bad in execution.

I have gotten hale's own in every scattergun but the soda popper, without any farming on idle servers.

Getting 8500 kills on the shortstop, post nerf has so far been the most excruciating. Worse than the baby face's blaster. Worse than the backscatter. This thing was just such a slog it made me want to rip my teeth out so many times.

what happened to the shortstop?
I don't recall it getting nerfed

I forgot the shortstop, what happened

Meet your match update fucked the entire game over, nerfing huge amounts of weapons

it's gone through a few changes the past 2 or 3 years. release had a much better reload rate.
Used to give you a pretty decent bonus to healing, but a slightly larger pushback force received.
Also for no explicable reason, they added an alt-fire shove gimmick that no one asked for or wanted that is pretty utterly useless.
There was maybe one or two times I managed to shove someone into the ravine on double cross. Doesn't really make up for the rest of the times of trying to get it to kill someone who was anything but brain dead at the keyboard.

SPUF cried about shortstop being comparable to the scattergun with lower damage from a safer distance and valve went full retard by doubling its reload speed then tacking on a bunch of retarded secondary gimmicks

>Meet Your Match
It's the worst update, no update comes close to wrecking the game.

84 damage at point blank range, shitty firing sound and shoots too quickly too aim precisely, also the push mechanic that does like 3 damage

>the push mechanic that does like 3 damage
1. It does 1 damage.

>shoots too quickly too aim precisely

>SPUF cried about shortstop being comparable to the scattergun with lower damage from a safer distance
the whole point was that it's a fucking pistol, of course it does that
it doesn't even compare to a scattergun

so literally nothing changed except for the bonus healing, which is basically a novelty stat, and the reload speed, which is still faster than the FoN if I'm reading the wiki correctly
I'm still not seeing what the big deal is

You and I both know a platform fighter pulling from the casts of:
>Left 4 Dead
>Dota 2
>Team Fortress 2(and maybe TFC)
>Counter-Strike somehow
>Day of Defeat
>Alien Swarm
>one of the black girls from that pyramid game by the Firewatch guys I dunno
could be the one thing that could punch near Smash's weight class in terms of hype and if they somehow find someone with Sakurai's drive and passion, quality.

Imagine "Meet the Team"'s zaniness but with the hype of reveals and the TF2 cast doing goofy shit with the L4D cast or Chell. Heavy wading through Dota 2, or seeing a CS terrorist about to plant a bomb before Soldier splashes down from the sky and says something like "the only thing that will be planted is my foot up your ass, terrorist" or some other one-liner.

Honestly the only real issue is Dota 2 has shitloads of characters so which one to pick?

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SPUFbads were the literal worst part of the community while they were relevant and every time Valve did something at their behest it objectively made the game worse.
>which is still faster than the FoN if I'm reading the
oh wow it has slightly faster reload speed than he literal worst scout weapon, it's truly been redeemed

sounds lame. but it does look nice. didn't even know it existed since i never seen anyone wear it.


stupid idea

>the literal worst scout weapon
I can honestly say I think I hate using the shortstop more than the FoN.


Nerf max HP a bit
Buff movement speed while revved a bit
Nerf minigun dps across the board a bit
Buff minigun accuracy across the board a bit
Rework buffalo steak so it's a more viable playstyle

make the machine gun not shit and were good.

It's modded source and it's hot garbage

The hypothetical theory behind the shortstop is that it's a way to play more conservatively as scout. Which is counter intuitive to the scout's strengths of being able to get in close, hit, and then leave in a relatively quick time frame. As a scout, the longer a fight goes on where they're aware of you or that you do not have the element of surprise (after the first shot) the lower your chances of surviving or killing your opponent. The difference in damage from that first shot from the scattergun or similar and the shorstop is enough that you're giving your opponent too much time to react to you. The ideal situation for scout is to (for lack of a better term) use burst damage rather than high sustained damage over time.


the DPS of the shortstop is better than the scattergun tho

Again, hypothetically, on paper.
But killing other classes isn't always just raw DPS output, and getting three or even four hits is always going to be by its nature more difficult than just finishing the fight in one or two.

I wish a good artist would make reams of porn of BLU girl
>1960s tits and ass has been staring horny teens in the face for ten years and nobody thought to make porn of it
rule 34 was wrong

>Territory Control and Hydro was designed to combat players' tendency to gravitate towards one map
>i.e. 24/7 2fort/Dustbowl, or 24/7 cs_office or dust2 in Counter-Strike
>players ignore Hydro and eventually Valve jettisons it to "alternative game modes"

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it has no shot control because it reloads 4 shots at once.

>>Territory Control and Hydro was designed to combat players' tendency to gravitate towards one map
Not necessarily to combat it, but to work with it
ie: if you play the same map every game, it's at least going to be different every game

it was a valiant effort by Robin but it failed for the following reasons
>people don't like constantly being taken out of the action and respawned every time a point is capped; they enjoy constant uninterrupted deathmatching for hours on end, which is why dustbowl and 2fort are so enduringly popular
>the constantly switching layout is confusing for newbies
>the level design is excessively cramped and chokey in too many areas
>a single cap point means every round is either over instantly or runs overtime into stalemates
and finally, stopping the mode from becoming more popular:
>it's incredibly difficult to make a TC map that works because so much shit is interconnected, literally the most complex kind of TF2 map
it was an issue of execution but the idea itself was sound


I disagree. No time limits on CTF let's you enjoy the game more without it ending prematurely.


When it first came out the reload speed was much faster making it an actual decent side grade but f2ps complained about dying to it whenever they joined 24/7 Mario Kart all crits servers until it was nerfed into the floor where it would never ever recover again

>his loadout is just random shit slapped together with no cohesive theme
it's not necessary to fill every slot, y'know. a two cosmetic loadout can look loads better than random shit with random paint all over it.
Vanilla look is still the best, prove me wrong.

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>the only thing that will happen on the heavy update is going to be making him the best class in the game

do you like my gamer engi

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I prefer the more subtle cosmetics.
Like boston booties or digit divulgers. the kind of cosmetics that look like they could have been part of early concept art or an alternate model at some point.


I've never seen a decent pyro because pyro and cosmetics never match. Because of this I just slap whatever together

Not him but pretty good, its a complete theme

Perfect mod for it

Uncle Dane tweeted this nonsense at 2:22

Attached: ud22.png (727x450, 64K)

opinion disregarded


>170 posts in
>it didn't devolve into engieposting
faith restored

Attached: Sniper shitposter.png (1024x908, 54K)

I'm assuming this is a joke.

too bad that retards don't understand that they can just leave whenever they wish with the only penalty being the inability to rejoin that specific match.

Hot Take: The wrangler needs a nerf

While on the one hand I love some of the crazy weapon ideas people come up with on the workshop, the other part of me is terrified of how much they could throw the balance for a loop. Still, at least maybe it’d breath some life into the game

you could literally fucking do that with community servers before that you fucking idiot
no one plays ctf to tryhard
what the fuck is this argument even
>mym is ok because it removes ctf timer so that we can stay there forever even though it pretty much ruptured the whole of quickplay

correct opinion
>breath some life into the game
what did he mean by this

Hot take: Dispensers/teleporters need less build/redeploy time so they're more easily deployed and able to be used

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Not for the mini-sentry

just kill the engineer lol

Do you realize how annoying it is to turtle in the 2fort basement for almost an hour just to have the game end because of some bullshit timer?

>turtle in the 2fort basement for almost an hour
protip: don't do that_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How the fuck do I engineer? Also, how do I enjoy myself on community servers? The matchmaking makes me feel a bit weird.

use the gunslinger and you will have actual fun

But it's a perfect mix of being able to eat fast food, looks at webpages in the steam browser, and still being able to play the game by jumping into action when I need to.

>use the gunslinger
BAP, I'm your man. I've already been using it. So, do I depend on assists rather than kills?

>CTF timer was worse than all the problems MYM brought and still have
there were literally 24/7 ctf_2fort servers before mym if that was your cup of tea

>hurr da engie can increase da sentry health by 30% pressing one button!

The Heavy can do the same shit too, but I don't see you complaining about it.

Attached: 250px-Fists_of_Steel_RED.png (250x136, 48K)

>gets wrecked by a demoknight

There is a good middle ground between 24/7 on a single map, and games ending prematurely. That's being able to switch maps BETWEEN games.

depends on your playstyle, defend your sentry while dominating whatever you have to dominate or just use that 25+ hp and have some fun with the shotgun

Bad spot. You place the sentry on the stairs so that it covers both your spawn from jumpers and the way to the intel. Only blind spot is if a soldier jumps through that metal grate front to spawn, but you can force them into alerting you by placing a dispenser in the doorway. Even if you die by the time they grab the case and try to make it back you should have a lvl3 ready.

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>wrangler actually doubles sentry health with minimal effort
>has multiple upsides for virtually free, unlike the FoS where overheal is reduced
>FoS takes an eternity to deploy and take effect
>You can't shoot while it's active unlike the wrangler
>FoS damage reduction can still be reasonably damaged through, unlike the wrangler
>You actually have to weigh the decision of either holstering the FoS which is risky in a firefight, or keep shooting, unlike the wrangler where it is better to have it holstered 80% of the time
Maybe you're just scared that the only class you're capable of playing is potentially gonna be nerfed

yeah how dare they com-
>gets killed by a demoknight
>gets killed by market gardener
>gets killed by a jarate bushwacka

I think you're pretty much the only one who actually enjoys that.

WTH even is source 2? Some people say it's some super VR Engine, others say it's like Unreal if it didn't load in assets and have bad scaling, and I hear on some accounts it's just Source 1 without the dead code from Quake era.

Don't forget that 100% melee vulnerability that makes you a free head to demoknights

>but i don't want to play the game
then don't play the game retard

engi power is objectively better than 2fort
base 2fort is unplayable

Oh believe me, I'll do that sometimes depending on if other engis are setup.
If an engi is setup in courtyard or straight I will sometimes setup in the spiral.

And when I say basement I mean in a spot that covers the medium health/ammo right outside the intel room to prevent an attacker from being able to run back and forth between intel and the health kit.

If I'm preventing the enemy from capping then I'd say I'm playing.

FoS takes 99.99% of your range and damage and melee survivability in order to use its tanking function, Wrangler does no such thing.

>This weapon holsters 100% slower
>-40% maximum overheal on wearer
>-40% health from healers on wearer
With that said I actually do think FoS is slightly overtuned still, but it's nowhere near Wrangler levels and making the comparison is stupid.

Yes but not the sentry shield/repair or rof itself. Something like more damage taken or slow speed on the engie would be okish

Well then I'm honored Valve would do the MYM update for my sake.

>not in the enemy sewers
>not in the enemy intel

Attached: 1515863147064.jpg (600x1000, 125K)

The aimbot is playing, not you.

I dare you to pull that shit on any scout or soldier worth his shoes. You are dead even if you retreat.

FoS are in a good spot now

>but not the sentry shield/repair or rof itself
Why? Give me one justification for that shield continuing to exist and making the defensive bias in tf2 even worse.

But I have to stop spies and I will occasionally go on a frontier justice crit rampage.

>when you and a friend make a nest in BOTH the enemy sewers and intel

Does someone have a clip of him smashing his bottle on the desk?

Great! Now fuck off cancer.

>complain about turtling 2fort basement for an hour
>"okay don't be a retard then"
>but turtling 2fort basement is great guys!!!
are you a woman?

nah he's complaining that he can't turtle forever in 2fort prior to mym
so worse, a furry

>>complain about turtling 2fort basement for an hour
When did I do this?

Don't be mean

I think you just summoned the enginigger, now the whole thread's gone to shit

>When did I do this?
>Do you realize how annoying it is to turtle in the 2fort basement for almost an hour
based amnesiac retard

doesn't the enforcer penetrate damage resistances
just use that to take out wrangled shit

rent free

Did you read the rest of my post? I love turtling and I hated it when the game would end early.

What they did to the GRU was pure retardation

>not on top of the bridge

>not outside the enemy spawn

then why mention specifically the fact that it's "annoying when you turtle for an hour"? it's not my fault you worded your post like a moron
>Do you realize how annoying it is to turtle in the 2fort basement for almost an hour just to have the game end because of some bullshit timer?

GRU change objectively made the game more balanced, now I actually equip other melee weapons for Heavy literally ever

van had the best 2fort experience

Attached: van.jpg (1920x1080, 531K)

now I equip the ham only

If I remember correctly, Valve servers would have the game end automatically after a set amount of time. I don't remember if it was 45 minutes, an hour or what.

But also, it was more to emphasize that I'd invested a lot of time into the game and having it end because of a timer is a total buzzkill.

did you even read the conversation prior to the post, not him but it's very clear

even better

does the teleporter trap on the stairs still work? Haven't seen it in a long time

>that I'd invested a lot of time into the game
by choice, in a server you KNEW was going to end, you idiot. find something more sane to complain about

I too would rather sit around and do almost nothing than actually play the damn fucking game

I see your point, but Im getting bored of the whole "change the whole weapon" thing that we got in the last few years of balance

Wrangler in the concept should give you more damage, control and tanking power at the cost of high vulnerability which doesnt have right now, something like shit should fix it

>increase the disabled seconds from 3 to 7 and doesnt allow to repairs when the sentry is offline
>engie takes 15% damage and moves at demo speed when the wrangler is deployed

>not the Eviction Notice

They killed the weapon so fucking hard and it can be fix so easy with just removing the +move speed while is out and the health drain. The whole weapon was about punching people like a Scout but tanking damage with your 300 hp pool. I dont know why they fuck it up for no reason

>Invested a lot of time at the game
>eat fast food, looks at webpages in the steam browser
Pick one

>that time when its reload speed was increased
>it's reverted one patch later because it was apparently a bug
I'm still mad

>by choice, in a server you KNEW was going to end, you idiot
But it was worth it to me because I had fun. I can have even more fun with no timer.

My main gripe with it is that it pushes your target so fucking much when you shoot someone with it you end up missing follow up shots, atleast in my experience with it

>but Im getting bored of the whole "change the whole weapon" thing that we got in the last few years of balance
When the weapon is straight out flawed it's necessary, and GRU was.

Plus, the whole weapon wasn't changed, the core concept is still entirely intact (sacrifice survivability for mobility by holding out the weapon).

The upside of GRU is still exactly the same, only the downside changed. And that was necessary because the downsides literally didn't matter. Taking minicrits was easily avoided by putting the GRU away before reaching the frontline, to the point I pretty much always used GRU, always used its speed, and never got minicrit. So it was the only melee ever worth picking.

It all part of the epic 2fort engi experience. Do you realize how enjoyable it is to have a burger, fries, and soda at my desk while browsing the SCM, and being able to quickly get back to the game if I hear my sentry go off, or a spy decloak?

There were already plenty of no timer 24/7 2fort servers in existence and if you got bored of those you could just change servers???

Duel wield shotguns. Let him use anything he currently has for primary and secondary slots, maybe it will produce some different play styles. Maybe he could shoot the shotgun while eating the banana or equip two lunchbox items and become the new friendly meta.

>Let him use anything he currently has for primary and secondary slots, maybe it will produce some different play styles. Maybe he could shoot the shotgun while eating the banana or equip two lunchbox items and become the new friendly meta.
sounds like cancer, the last thing the game needs is encouraging pottis xD second life cancer
>Duel wield shotguns
now this could be cool
but it's dual*

Ya but I prefer Valve servers to community ones. I like the 3 cap win condition and lots of those have it set to like 99 or something.

Maybe eating while using shotgun is shitty, but the dual lunchbox might make some of his melee options more viable with chocolate and steak at the same time?
Dual* I'm retarded, thanks.

Old GRU was too strong I agree on that. I not a fan of giving speed to the Heavy but the weapon is ok right now. Still I rather use FoS/KGB but is my own playstyle

>and lots of those have it set to like 99 or something
not all. not even most.

Let's say by some miracle Gaben restructured Valve into an actual 2007-tier video game company again, and Team Fortress 3 was made. What would you like to see in it?

But I don't level up a badge.

No. No, I do not.
>epic 2fort engineer experience
I play engineer in 2fort sometimes and I think doing what you're doing is boring as fuck.


>dead ringer removed entirely
>substantive updates and regular decorated weapon contracts

It can be kind of boring at times, but the rush of being able to stop pushes or swatting the stray scout that managed to get past your team's first line of defense makes it all worth it.

>But I don't level up a badge.
Who even fucking gives a shit about badges at this point.

I want to see it cancelled because it won't top TF2, no matter how hard Valve tries

Say what you will, I think it's neat to have a leveling/progression system.

Just set it in the same universe as TF2 with a cast of mostly new characters and some old favorites. I wouldn't mind seeing a cyberpunk-ish setting, maybe in some sort of dystopian Australia. Remove the Sniper class, though.

That's what hours and stranges already are, and people actually notice them relative to your badge epeen which nobody notices.

>Heavy update is released alongside announcement of heavy in smash
Your reactions?

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They all matter to me. While hours and stranges are nice, those can both be farmed on idle/trade servers.

The new TF2 remixes would probably be weak in comparison to the originals but nonetheless I would be a very, very happy man.
ISoldier might work better though. Engineer would also be really cool.

>Remove the Sniper class, though

>They all matter to me
>those can both be farmed on idle/trade servers
If it matters to you, then you know when you have and haven't farmed it.
How many times are you going to disingenuously move goalposts? They've moved about 5 times now.

Give him a plasma minigun that destroys explosives.

Sniper is the only class that is long-ranged in comparison to all the others, who are close-mid range.
Sniper is also infinitely better as a pick class than his fellow contemporary, Spy. I'm sure you've heard the saying that "everything a spy can do, a sniper can do better." Removing Sniper would place more emphasis on Spy and his stealthy shenanigans.
Sniper can also be really unfun to play against, as they can completely shut down a push from afar with little to no chance of counterattack. Sure, playing as Sniper well requires an immense amount of skill, but in a regular game they can absolutely dominate and score the highest of uninterrupted kill streaks.
Sure, Snipers add an extra layer of skill and game sense with knowing where sightlines are in maps, locating enemy Snipers, etc., but for what TF2 is I don't think they fit in too well.
This isn't an attack on the character of TF2 Sniper though, he's wonderful.

>you know when you have and haven't farmed it.
Other people don't necessarily know though.
>move goalposts
Until you force me to set up in the intel room.

Yea Forums will attack this.

Attached: BLU Control Point.png (400x219, 96K)

But it's already been captured though.

you're on the red team dipshit and this is 5cp.

>Sniper is the only class that is long-ranged in comparison to all the others, who are close-mid range
That's not a reason to remove him at all, that's a reason to keep him for being unique. Heavy is the only tank, Medic is the only dedicated healer, Spy is the only stealth class, Engineer is the only autoaim class, etc.
>Sniper is also infinitely better as a pick class than his fellow contemporary, Spy. I'm sure you've heard the saying that "everything a spy can do, a sniper can do better." Removing Sniper would place more emphasis on Spy and his stealthy shenanigans.
If you want to fix Spy not being used, you buff Spy. Spy is still going to be a bad class even if Sniper is outright removed. In fact, removing Sniper would remove one reason to play Spy.
>Sniper can also be really unfun to play against, as they can completely shut down a push from afar with little to no chance of counterattack
There are an enormous amount of ways you can counterattack Snipers in TF2.
Hit Sniper outside his field of view with arcing projectiles or splash damage which can allow you to attack him while he can't see you. Eg: Flare spam.
Use Bonk to run into closerange.
Use Jumper weapons to get right in his face.
Use Cowmangler charged rockets which will instakill Snipers from long range.
Use Fists of Steel, Brass Beast or Shokolad to tank headshots while passing sightlines.
Use Wrangler to countersnipe the Sniper.
Use Vaccinator bullet resist mini-ubers which build incredibly quickly to nullify 75% of his damage and completely block his critical hits.
Use Spy to literally just walk invisibly to his position and stab/shoot when he scopes.
Use flank routes to completely avoid the area he's looking at and get into close range.
Call for Help to bring your hand hitbox above your head hitbox and block a headshot.

See? Plenty of counterplay. 1/2

>but in a regular game they can absolutely dominate and score the highest of uninterrupted kill streaks.
Hardly happens much more than Soldier or Demo will do exactly the same thing.
>but for what TF2 is I don't think they fit in too well
They're a core part of the formula and fit in just fine. Sniper was in the series before Heavy, Pyro, Spy and Engineer were, in fact.

there is no 2 this morning

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fuck off soundsmoth

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Valve lost the right to do ARGs years ago.

>you will NEVER have a 1960's Ms. Pauling as your braphog gf
I just don't see a point to it all anymore

medic gets a TFC style aids kit melee unlock and healing nades unlock (replace primary) that can be used to conc jump

No crossover items/cosmetics
No tenth class
Have TF2 inventory carry over aside from the conflicts with the first step
Have TF2 maps be usable on TF3, somehow

>join game
>no medic
>alright I've played offense enough, I'll pay my dues and play medic
>team has 2 snipers and 3 spies

Rinse and repeat.

People that gravitate to sniper I can kind of understand even if I despise them but honestly, how fun is prodding someone in the back successfully maybe once then just making the entire enemy team paranoid and have them blasting fire everywhere while not making any meaningful dent in their backline or vanguard? It only gets worst with diminishing returns with three spies in play since you're just rewarding the enemy team's pyros.

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>you can't choose the valve servers you want to play
>you can't choose your team at roundstart
>alternative game modes are dead
>people are ragequitting? tough shit enjoy waiting for people while your team gets steamrolled
>no fucking team scramble
>related to that, you can only play 2 to 3 rounds
>ranks mean nothing since it's just playtime with no rewards
>you can't join valve servers your friends are playing in at all
This is still a fucking problem and you think it's fine because you want to sit on your ass on one of the most boring modes of TF2, Capture the Flag.

>Miss Pauling
i sleep, call me when there's a Zhanna one

Attached: tumblr_nculrnz5Kw1rwtu3go2_500.png (450x320, 137K)

>>alright I've played offense enough, I'll pay my dues and play medic
this is why medic needs to be nerfed desu, it's like a chore that you HAVE to do because he's so good you need him to win

It's also the most popular mode.

>popular means best
CTF is popular because it is so braindead to begin with.
It is literally the mode for fucking around and doing nothing and caters to friendlies.
It is fucking boring and usually either a deathmatch or a friendlyfest.
2fort and turbine are the worst of the lot.


And? It's fun to do that with the objective as a secondary goal in mind.


>Soldier might work better though

I'm getting tired of nu-Yea Forums thinking the soldier is the mascot of TF2 and not heavy.

I think its likely
Seems like Gabe is getting more active with answering questions and firing some of his own staff so Valve might be changing to get more active with development

Heavy is the mascot. I'm just saying that with his fewer amount of weapons, and lack of any sensible recovery option (I saw a moveset idea that used the fucking Mannpower grappling hook of all things) Soldier may prove to be easier to design for.

turbine is fun to camp on
2fort isn't

I'm going to be 100% honest. I have no idea what b4nny is even saying here. I'm not talking about the "imminent", but the tweet as a whole. Was this part of a larger thread? What is the point he's making with this tweet. How is "rate of updates" a copout? Capitalize on WHAT within WHAT window?

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If I wanted to fuck around in servers I'll do that in community servers
Too bad most of them are dead

soldier is a more interesting toon than heavy and that's a fact


Soldier is the only character with projectiles and hitscan. He has a unique gimmick with his rocket jumps. Soldier has many memorable lines and gets a lot of the spotlight in the comics. Rocket jump waltz is the best TF2 song. He is the best choice for smash by far.

Attached: soldier.gif (500x500, 66K)

>not the art of war

2nd best


Attached: TF2.png (597x342, 199K)

>not Scout

Too busy banging a blue scout's mom daki.

Give him a suit of armor that makes himmune to crits, mini crits, backstabs, and headshots, and occupies his primary weapon slot. Make shotgun heavies great again!

>not [/spoiler] Nonon Jakuzure Theme [/spoiler]

nil it made me think of a tf2 track

>thought it would be nearly done since more than 2 years have passed
>"sorry, we haven't even started yet"

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Soldier is the most Reddit character. He was great when he was just a deranged jingoist larping as a military commander, now he adopts raccoons and mayonnaise and honey and makes onions faces.

>soldier has more association with food than the fat guy character

oh no who said that ?????? please give me a source

the comic's artist said this a week or so ago

Attached: to be concluded, my ass.png (936x355, 80K)

actually it's 200% considering the wrangler's shield cuts all incoming damage by two thirds, basically multiplying the gun's health by three
nice bait though

Attached: 1548174147672.jpg (960x843, 86K)

>has a counter that everybody has
>can't do any damage with them out
>limited overheal from medigun
>40% damage reduction
meanwhile sentry does ~300dps with lockon and has 66% damage reduction

Attached: heavy four hundred thousand keks.png (600x900, 537K)

>HE'S IN threads and TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT threads will combine for one day

Based and bearded

>visit TF2 comic artist's blog
>it's just her dyke-shipping World of Shitcraft characters and crying about Donald Trump

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Attached: Mission begins in 60 seconds....webm (720x1276, 2.83M)

Wake me up when the Fists of Steel shoot bullets at double the firing speed of a sentry gun at any visible range

Attached: mission begins in 30 seconds.jpg (1024x678, 152K)

i dont know who i want to die more

R8 my snoipah boys

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The girl in the blue short-shorts is a fucking party animal kek
she was so ready to dance

Politics cringe

looks pretty dope


quick rundown on this homo

Found the nigger.

Im not a sniper main, but he has one of my fav loadouts Ive made. Sry if you dont like sniper.

this guy is a total warpig

oh ok so Yea Forums zoomer idol

my csgo terrorist loadout, i also have a cleaner's carbine that i renamed tec9

Attached: loadout (1).png (1066x689, 144K)

this post is a total warpig

i was drinking water you faggot

Attached: images.jpg (179x282, 8K)

R8 my Spy loadout

Attached: Screenshot_20190310-193103_Samsung Internet.jpg (709x1211, 126K)

garbage 0/10 just like the actual game

iz nice 8/10

Your bantz is 10/10 though, friend

rate my loadout :)

Attached: Loadout.png (366x631, 192K)

cowboy soldier

Attached: loadout (3).png (1066x689, 168K)

uncledanefan02 its you??

do you think b4nny regrets not switching over to OverWatch?

I legit can't trust valve with anything after this

Attached: 3456.png (250x82, 21K)

Rate my engie.

Attached: engineer.png (373x663, 168K)

It's so weird seeing muselk go from TF2 to OW to Fortnite. I don't follow youtubers that closely but scrolling through his videos is pretty disheartening.

>he's a "pro scout"

builds on last/10

>comp play is undercooked
>valve does nothing with it before releasing it for real
>it's a big steaming turd
>what's meant to be TF2's grand revival is a half-assed mess
>comp dies in the water
what the actual fuck was MYM?

wrong person

Really good, aesthetically pleasing
Unironically based. Stock is God tier

Mine is better

Attached: engie.png (409x607, 153K)

>have one
>it's now worth 42 australian dolleridoos


All MYM accomplished was putting all community servers in a fucking awful state.
All they need to do to fix MYM is remove casual matchmaking, re-add quickplay with a few Valve servers, and give some actual incentive to play on Competitive.

He's played it before and said it perfectly

TF2 and OW are two seperate games. It's a completely different experience and not supposed to be like a TF3.
He's happy streaming the game he loves and not giving into peer pressure to stream something more relevant.

Engineer is fun

Attached: engie.png (374x583, 196K)

Shit, you're right.

Why do people wear unusuals? 90% of them look like garbage or don't fit with the hat's style

After seeing STAR_ switch to OW and promptly become miserable I bet he knows the grass isn't actually greener on the other side

Rate my Scout

Attached: scoot.jpg (735x759, 57K)

>its a "scout main DMs and gets inconsequential picks while his team loses" episode
getting tired of these reruns


>finally get into trading after not playing tf2 for years
>cosmetics are so cheap that I can trade my shitty csgo skins for them

thank you blessed trading bot website

Attached: 1550399145575.jpg (909x1200, 130K)

>that scout jumping around your face like a spaztic retard while you're focused on something else
>literally flailing around like his favorite pubstar as if he's skillfully dodging your shots
>fails to realize he is 100% irrelevant to you at the moment
>his spaztic movements results in him taking longer to kill you
>had he just realized you weren't paying him any attention he could have pulled off 2 quick meat shots and ended you before you took out his team's medic/engi nest
>despite failing to kill you in time he still spams his lenny bind as if the game outside of his DM-centric world does not exist

Attached: 1524264432907.png (1000x800, 110K)


fantastic sign/20

tenth class


Attached: 1505441835990.jpg (300x300, 74K)

err I'm assuming you mean simple craft hats and shit

actual good cosmetics are still fairly expensive, with my average guess being 20-30 ref

>here's your new class, bro

Attached: 1551233785047.png (571x444, 252K)

they're not simple to me, these are great cosmetics that traded for shit csgo skins.
used this site

Attached: trade.png (592x816, 33K)


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How do I get good at Engie? It feels weird to be an actual Texan yet I'm not so good playing as him

Never use the gunslinger.
Everything else you'll learn as you play

Watch uncle dane

My hats carrying over

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post killcams

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All important nieces are allready filled but more importantly can you imagine valve having to hire a new voice actor that needs to have interactions with all classes and also having to rehire all original voice actors to give responses to the 10th class.

sauce 2

>nieces are allready filled

yes but it blocks you and your teammates from walking up the stairs since they collide with teleporters

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Post your patriotic americans and rate

Attached: Soldier.png (524x557, 186K)

Sorry my Alabamha was showing.



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What would his moveset be?

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NeutralB: Sasha
SideB: a charge attack like in meet the spy or a chain attack involving the boxing gloves
DownB: Sandvich
UpB: Mannpower grappling hook

Final Smash: Team Strike! (Involves all 9 mercenaries)

the only daki i'll ever own will by a pyro daki

used to be this before i quit and sold everything

Attached: 440_screenshots_20161007221622_1.jpg (1600x900, 129K)

>join game
>game ends immediately and voting for the next map begins
fuck you too volvo

r8 my russian

Attached: hev.png (292x381, 114K)

>everyone vote for 2fort and leave

jesus christ you smashfags are pathetic. Stay in your containment threads

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i wish i could still care about team fortress, but it takes at least half an hour for matchmaking to put me in a game and the only community servers left are either 2fort or nonstandard maps

the days of instaspawn dustbowl are over

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>they should give the soldiers banners to heavy

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>half an hour for matchmaking
stop playing in the antartica user

Attached: huh...png (256x256, 56K)

>that one time valve listened to ~10 players (the entire comp tf2 playerbase) and ruined their game with matchmaking
what were they thinking?

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is just some fag wanting to make heavy a nonlethal bard class for some reason


it was valves decision to implement casual matchmaking, not comps.

chips in my brain that let me play TF2 from uni

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the night to fuck a fag!

The money it would make.

>15 people tf team
user, i ....

Attached: image.jpg (310x392, 12K)

>yesterday, look for one particular creepy TF2 video
>didn't find, whatever, let's play few matches before sleep
>login, plop in casual
>game throws me at gravel pit, absolutely alone
>consider things and decide to stick around, waiting for players to join
>warm-up done, no one in sight. Probably game coordinator is dead again, I guess I'll fool around and win game by myself
>run around capping B and A, then, SUDDENLY
>loads of players join game, almost a stream of them, all at same time
>names are all some regular western names, like "Bob Smith" and alike, no profile pics
>everyone chose stock scout and run around, call out medic every second and act like bots
>chat is blocked by what seems to be cheating script (you know one, when you barely see anything in chat)
>votings go off on both team one after another
>get kicked after one of bots change it's name to mine
I understand it was some cheater's shenanigans, but boy timing was absolutely impeccable.

Anyway, about that video - it's one particular one, it starts off pretty nice and all, but around the end it suddenly turns to horror, with some time stop shit happening, and pyro in Pyromancer's Mask being some sort of world-controlling monster deity. I think protag is scout, and it happens on 2fort. Anyone recognize what I talk about? It also ends very abruptly, and I remember there's scene with some solid wall of bones blocking the way.

It was something around that about 4 months ago, but I think they had more writers then. True, actual code monkeys propably don't exist or it's like 3 people with map makers and writers for the rest.

I'd rather get one of Soldier.

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