What kind of games do Doomers Play?
What kind of games do Doomers Play?
Planetside 2 at 4am
Red Alert 2
they dont
>same faggy edgelords with a new catchy name
Fuck off
>conservative values
>deep thinker
old rts , old fps , old third person games , old rpgs
garbage/mixed/negative review games on steam
obscure indies
>Vanilla Wow
>Deus Ex
It's been helping for a few months
Can I be a purpler if I'm everything but purple?
>boys make babies
Fuck off /ss/hitters
Fucking subhuman pedos
I knew something didn’t match!
>Men will prep the bull
There i topped it off
I am entirely depressed. If I did what I "wanted" I would spend the rest of my life as a NEET playing skinner box MMOs and card games while eating junk food. I don't want that though so I force myself to play acclaimed games and classics to basically check them off a list. Currently playing japanese action games mainly.
What do you want, pity? Go fuck yourself
Nah, he's OK
You fuck off, edgy redditard
I don't have the energy to get mad about shit anymore. It just all washes over me now.
Is this even a question?
Interesting, I wonder how that post triggered your insecurity.
>Boys make babies
>Men raise children
Are they implying the man is raising someone elses child?
It makes no fucking sense
Whatever is the most distracting.
It's a cuck prep propaganda, the same kind of shit that governments use to create patriots.
>fighting for israel isn't cuckoldry, it's bravery!
Stop inventing terrible new generations
In other words
>Men are useful cucks
I'm so sick of protecting women from ravenous shotas
Jesus christ, it's literally me. I'm currently going through Dying light for the first time. It has been on my backlog for ages.
Hollow knight
>Considering retirement in a monastery
If by "monastery" you mean the ground, then yes.
>wojak shit with generic adjectives and attributes
>Men don't have sex with many women as they can you worthless manchild!
>They raise Chad's kids instead!
I wasn't aware "man" was codeword for cuck.
>doomers cant even spell
youre pathetic
Getting a "man" to try to prove his masculinity is one of the easiest way to cuck him.
Telling someone to "be a man" or "man up" is a request to have him lower himself to some stupid bullshit against interest.
It literally fueled wars.
One of the most pathetic things a male can do is to try to prove he is masculine and straight.
If he tries to do it by putting other men down, it's an ultimate proof he's a turbo bitch.
Ridicule is mankind's strongest weapon precisely, because its most effective against men. It has been long over due, but manhood really just needs to be abandoned at this point to preserve what it stood for. Otherwise women, faggots, and Jews will abuse it to shame men into being every a man is not.
le boomer/zoomer/doomer/bloomer/ based wojal edit poast moar end le peooe edits le clown n moar *ahem* based lerrermljtrr zoo er zoomer boomer xd boomer zoomer bris im a dooomer bros literallt me bros yeah but bro im a gloomer bro ur a cooner voomer roomer eoomer woomer foomer xs now le pepe n cown smug tux ahem clown heh xoom palligacccu tucedo smug pepe edit 99 wojalk xdd
this really demonstrates the pathetic nature of current "OC" output of this board/website as a whole.
>minecraft beta
game was dead already, indev is the only acceptable answer
>Otherwise women, faggots, and Jews will abuse it to shame men into being every a man is not.
You already failed the part where:
>If he tries to do it by putting other men down, it's an ultimate proof he's a turbo bitch.
Congratulations, you're the cuck.
le boomer/zoomer/doomer/bloomer/ based wojaks moar wokals pink blue red crying siny ninto xbocx moar wojak n pepes bros moar
edit poast moar end le peooe edits le clown n moar *ahem* based lerrermljtrr zoo er zoomer boomer xd boomer zoomer bris im a dooomer bros literallt me bros yeah but bro im a gloomer bro ur a cooner voomer roomer eoomer woomer foomer xs now le pepe n cown smug tux ahem clown heh xoom palligacccu tucedo smug pepe edit 99 wojalk xdd
And this basically summarizes the state of the website as a whole. Welp, we've really hit rock-bottom, time to fucking kill myself.
tf2 pubs but they have maybe 3 hats and a couple other weapons but mainly uses stock
and they dont speak a word
Doomers are the biggest faggots on earth and this shitty meme is some /r9k/ tier garbage along with any other "20 year old X" variants
hopefully the end of a gun like all dumb wojak posters
i remember going into feels threads on Yea Forums for this shit. never did me any good but damn this is way worse.