Is Kenshi worth playing?
Is Kenshi worth playing?
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that depends, do you like peeling potatoes?
it’s ok
Not op but I quite like it. I don't understand, where is the connection between the two things?
Trying to decide between Mount & Blade and Kenshi. Have a week off from school so seems like a good idea to just get really drunk and play an open world game. Which one would you say is better?
I enjoyed it quite much for a good while, then I noticed things felt incomplete and started modding. Played a while with my mods and other mods and had a grand time, but I noticed more and more stuff just felt wrong and there was no way to fix these issues with mods.
Now all I do with this game is provide support for my mods and I kind of hate it, I've spent 166 hours gaming and modding combined.
FUCK spiders
depends how much patience you have for an absolute garbage early game
it gets good
it's not really a game so much as a misery simulator desu