It's better than display port

It's better than display port

Attached: 0012298_3-meter-984-ft-high-speed-hdmi-cable-with-ethernet.jpg (1600x1200, 104K)


What does HDMI do that's better or worse than display port?

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heh yeah lol


Displayport gives you 4% better resolution and 6% faster response time. Not much but definitely worth the switch.

explain why

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i use vga desu

- HDMI can't display higher than 60HZ
- HDMI is proprietary
- Probably some other shit

Those 2 reasons alone are why HDMI is worse than DisplayPort though

>- HDMI can't display higher than 60HZ
that's just not true.

The colors on my desktop looked like shit when I had to swap to HDMI for a couple of days so it’s displayport whenever possible for me.

VGA-ng rise up

non durable proprietary shit

It was true, I think they're just now beginning to support up to 122Hz but almost all existing HDMI ports/cables/displays won't work higher than 60Hz

144Hz monitors are useless on HDMI

There's idiots who plug their 144Hz monitors into HDMI and wonder why they can't get above 60Hz, or worse, don't even realize and think the 144Hz monitor is working.

Waits silently for that one guy to begin posting crt threads again, for what reason.


too poor to use it

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>google this shit
>hdmi 1.4 and below support 120hz at 1080
>2.0 does 144 hz and 60fps at 4k
Op lies again

Display Port is not a cable though, while HDMI is a cable. So display port is also dependent on the cable used, most likely USB C.

Does it matter what HDMI cable I get, because all these HDMI cable 2.0a and 2.0b confuse me and I'm not sure if getting an Amazon basic HDMI cable will cut it.

I have a package of some displayport cables, I got them like 2 years ago, is it safe to assume they're 1.4?

When I use DP and turn my monitors off and on, all my windows get fucked out of order. This doesn't happen when I'm using HDMI.

Already BTFO.

>>hdmi 1.4 and below support 120hz at 1080

Yet almost no 144Hz monitor supports HDMI running at higher than 60Hz

While the HDMI specification might allow it, for some reason IRL the displays just won't support it running at higher than 60Hz, while they do for DisplayPort.

I have a very new 144Hz Zowie monitor, the only brand of monitor other than Asus used at esport events, and it won't go higher than 60Hz when plugged into HDMI

If I'm not mistaken, any HDMI cable does 1440p 60 FPS or 4K 30 FPS. You need HDMI 2.0 for 4K 60 FPS. Also some TVs may only have one HDMI 2.0 port to cut some corners, usually labeled "4K 60 Hz" while the others are labeled "4K 30 Hz"


The amazon basic cable should be able to cover the HDMI 2.0 port then?

If it says 2.0 it should be fine if you're not planning on going above 60 Hz.

Can display port run audio?

Windows reports to me that my Acer runs at 143hz over HDMI.

What's the deal with that, anyway? I've had the same experience with HDMI vs. DP or DVI.
