>not him but
>actually am him
Not him but
>idk tho
>dk tho
>I dont even own (console) but even I have to admit that
>actually own all the consoles
>it was bg
>shitpost about game
>i actually love game
>never played game
>call it reddit trash
>ask question
>already know answer
>quote a random post
>call him a tranny
>leave thread
>Make low quality post and imply that I live in the USA
>Leave knowing that the thread will become USAians vs Europeans
I love being Canadian.
>somebody makes a valid argument against me
>call him a dumb nigger and post a wojak/pepe image
>as a *put platform or game here* owner, it's shit
>don't actually own it
the absolute state of Yea Forums
>i'm 7.5 inches
>really i'm 4
I do this way too much in real life. I want to know what others people answers are and sometimes I reveal my power level but most times I don’t . There’s probably a word to describe this and I’m sure it isn’t healthy for me
but not actually >this
OP Here, i changed my mind about my previous comment.
i am, in fact, not him.
regards, op
>ask what are some games that ____
good thread
actually not that good
it's called be a little bitch
>no one responds to my joke
>link my own post with "underrated"
>post porn crop
>don't give the source
>get into an argument
>don't know what to say
>call them a seething discord tranny
>they get mad as fuck every time
I see right through you australia
>kys pedo
>am actually a pedo
>enter into thread
>pick a random side and instigate a fight
>leave thread
>go into thread I don't care about
>find two anons arguing
>start replying to one as if I'm the other user
these are my personality
>falseflag as ignorant amerimutt
>tfw actually european
>post well thought out post that btfos brainlet with a mocking anime reaction image
>brainlet ignores argument and tries to shift by pointing out the reaction anime image
>Be in thread with an argument
>Post is made that agrees with your side but isn't actually much of an argument
>posts pepe, wojak, or "discord tranny", invalidating their opinion as they have been outed as a shitposter
>Your side looks less credible
>50% chance they actually don't agree with you and purposefully looked like an idiot to discredit your argument
>Realize my post could have been clearer.
>Consider responding to it to clarify.
>But isn't that samefagging?
>make political off topic post
>pretend I'm some unhinged alt right type, complain about the jews
>everyone believes me and calls me a /pol/tard, asking for the board to be deleted
all according to plan
>derail a perfectly fine thread by commenting how piss awful the graphics are
>tfw actually like the graphics