Not him but

>not him but
>actually am him

Attached: 1400890630195.jpg (342x342, 56K)

>idk tho
>dk tho

Attached: 1504750142622.gif (220x289, 30K)

>I dont even own (console) but even I have to admit that
>actually own all the consoles

Attached: 1541083332813.jpg (275x275, 74K)

>it was bg

Attached: 1549173467608.jpg (550x550, 53K)

>shitpost about game
>i actually love game

Attached: 1525758840617.png (500x500, 109K)

>never played game
>call it reddit trash

Attached: 1426270550337.jpg (500x707, 54K)

>ask question
>already know answer

Attached: 1538355725636.jpg (432x578, 71K)

>quote a random post
>call him a tranny
>leave thread

Attached: U8JoEwtp_400x400.jpg (400x400, 19K)

>Make low quality post and imply that I live in the USA
>Leave knowing that the thread will become USAians vs Europeans
I love being Canadian.

>somebody makes a valid argument against me
>call him a dumb nigger and post a wojak/pepe image

Attached: 1551617092464s.jpg (125x112, 2K)