This is a baby in the Bethesda game "Fallout 3"
This is a baby in the Bethesda game "Fallout 3"
What do they eat?
is that really what you looked like in that little scene? truly surreal, maybe we are all really just tiny people
Anyone else glitch out of the vault as a baby?
Looks fetish-y.
>tfw games don't include anymore small status as a debuff
Wow, you mean they didn't fully model and design something you aren't supposed to see?
There was no need for a baby model when you couldn't see yourself in that scene. Video games have a lot of smoke and mirrors, it's just that Bethesda games let you peel back the curtain pretty easily.
>He wasnt a chad as a baby
everyone knew this already
>he has never done a baby playthrough in fo3
Somebody post the train head NPC
This is a train in the Bethesda game "Fallout 3"
Wow so the game devs did something that made their job easier and didn’t affect the gameplay or the users experience unless the user specifically chose to break the game and make these flaws apparent?
How dare they
shut up
wtf why
Take the cock out of your ass. Not a single thing in either of those posts hinted that he was complaining about those things.
Programming is hard, retard, and doing clever things to avoid a waste of time and effort is a good thing.
5'11.5" vs 6'0"
>ManlyTears plays fallout 3
human souls
>complains at me and not the five other people also assuming he’s complaining
Wash the semen out of your eyes
>Programming is hard
We found the Bethesda dev. guys. Tell Todd to fuck off on our behalf
Fake news. If you used tfc in Fallout 3 at the start, you don't have a character model.
Your post was the most passive-aggressive and whiny sounding so I chose to reply to that one.
The engine can't handle actual vehicles. Also Oblivion horses are deformed people.
no, because you can’t. stop making shit up for attention
I could have sworn the "baby" was just a camera with no model from start to finish. I could have sworn that i remembered glitching the FPS camera to confirm for myself.
>t. idiot nodev
Easier to cobble something together out of already existing features and turn it into an illusion, then to program something new for a thing you only use once in a game and then never see again, but could also result in new gamebreaking bugs.
yeah, so?
learn to code
You literally can, I did it on xbox 360. Search this shit on youtube faggot. The pip boy is glitched out though and your arm clips through, so a full playthrough isn't viable
But you must be able to. I've read in a guide it's the first step to revive Aerith.
Imagine being this retarded
This was a clear example of how horrible their engine is, if it cant handle a train or a baby model, how was it ever supposed to handle a mmo styled online game? let alone Skyrim 6 or Starfield? are we gonna be flying around space on someones head too?
You're an idiot.
cute. Now show me a supermutant baby
>hmm, impressive
don't a lot of first person games pull tricks like this?
a lot of first person games don't have crouch animations for main characters
Every game is just a bunch of smokes and mirrors. Though in bethesdas case it's laziness and incompetence that just causes trouble for them later on for not coming up with a real solution.
Still funny.
Every time
Is there fanart of this?
where did you go inside a train in fo3?
Why do something right when you can just fuck it up and pretend its right?
Do you think Star whatever will have functional ladders?
I imagine the sound of those Gmod videos when characters moves their neck.
Yeah bioware never was good
imagine being so massively autistic that you complain about something that doesn't affect not even 0,1% of gameplay and you have to alter the game to see it
There's a scene where you ride one in Broken Steel. trainwiz discovered how it works and told people, now retards think it's a hat.
Isn't that how Destiny looks like?
They followed a trend of hiring people for jobs they weren't qualified for and it bit them in the ass.
Good riddance.
well, the moving train in new vegas is a complete nightmare. I've never got it to not bug out completely, the quest to disarm the bomb on the train is almost impossible to complete without console commands
I actually went looking for this when I was replaying Broken Steel earlier this week. I noclipped and looked underneath the train but couldn't see any human attached to the train.
There is a part where it's in motion briefly but I haven't checked it out yet. I'll have a look now
Bethesda didn't make ESO.
That's just Todd Howard self inserting as a character.
ESO isn't even on Gamebryo
Ok I see what's happening now, you're wearing the fucking train on your head as a hat, there's no NPC
lies and slander
This. I don't mind shortcuts no matter how lazy they're revealed to be. If you're not meant to see it then what's the problem?
These retards are going to have a fit once they realize nothing you see outside your field of vision is loaded, they probably consider that "lazy" too
because fuck you that's why.