Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Does turning off lens flare in the ini have an impact with any other part of the game?

nuCapcom character faces are quite ugly so I don't care that much.


any other scenes that normally have lens flares will no longer have them

The censorship is hotter leaving more to the imagination

based retard

are there life fiber demons in dmc5?

>the best version of DMCV is only avaliable to PC pirates

Uncensored DMC 5 guide:

Download the no DRM .exe an replace the one on the Devil May Cry 5 folder (make a backup)

On the Devil May Cry 5 folder there will be a dmc5config.ini file. Replace its settings with this:


Not really, i bought the game and have naked Lady just fine

Attached: uncensored.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Can you alter ini files in PS4 games? afaik PS4 is the only affected game version.

>Can you alter ini files in PS4 games?

Attached: 1343149308155.jpg (500x375, 48K)

>PC has polygon tits
>Sony has real shaped tits
So this is the power of PC...

Do I have to copy all of those settings to avoid getting the lens flare? Isn't there just one or two values that are causing the censor? I don't want to change all my settings to mid-high...

>make a backup of your files
>put uncensored config
>put your files back

it's easy

>the absolute state of SNOYS.

But what if I want to see Lady's body in ultra high quality too? I'm just asking if its possible to disable the lens flare alone, otherwise the webm of the scene everyone posted is good enough, since we'd presumably have to temporarily lock our games to the same quality anyway.

I don't think anyone knows the real setting that makes the censorship go away, i'm just waiting Lady nude mod by now

>I don't think anyone knows the real setting that makes the censorship go away
Ah, well it's not that big of a deal for me to make the change anyway. We already have the webms, so we've seen everything we need already.
>i'm just waiting Lady nude mod by now
I'm waiting on the SFM/Blender animations to start rolling out.

if you dont mind the occasional furry pic just look for Lady rule 34. It took me not even a minute to find Lady lewds.

They have shit art

the consumer for playing this garbage

give them some time. I'm waiting on Nico stuff though. Could care less about the others.

Sony is a nevernude

Is there a model rip?

Me according with the video game journalists

Im surprised the sideboob didnt get censored.

Leave that for blind people or kindergartners

The one who modeled such ugly ass.


Attached: 1539911704152.png (794x872, 278K)

>rule 34
Pleb. Why can't we have both?

crack open your ps4 and find the .ini file and delete it with no.2 pencil eraser.

i tried only disabling lens flare and it didnt work

Has anyone managed to beat King Cerberus without revives on SoS? Even on Demon hunter it gave me a headache.
Switching from Trickster to Swordmaster was a pain, but I managed to get him by using regular DT for regen and super DT for DPS. But man, did it take a while.

Attached: 1477166158339.jpg (200x226, 14K)

change the directx12 to directx11. It should remove all the out of sync audios from cutscene

Cute anime

Fix it for you. Snoycucks deserve this treatmemt

Just royalguard

Attached: 20190309170053.png (2560x1440, 1.82M)

>Just royalguard

I always tossed that stance to the bin. Am I retarded?

Attached: 1476805710349.png (609x722, 555K)

It's on all non-Jap versions.


Attached: 6476547657610.png (403x438, 72K)


Attached: 1552159434573.jpg (1280x1279, 302K)

I practice perfect royal guard and after fully charged royal guard, I do my combo and rinse and repeat.

Yeah, but you can turn it off on PC.

It's a stance that not only denies the enemies damage, it also gives you a stacking meter for doing so, royalguard is insanely good. You can throw it out instantly after stanceswitching too, there's no internal CD. Nothing stopping you from swinging away in swordmaster, going royalguard and parrying right as the enemy swings, then going back. It's a good style.

Why didn't his wife cosplay this scene?


it uses one bar of your DT if you botch parrying

You guys act like you've never seen a naked woman before. I mean, I get that it's fan service and everything, but you're not supposed to literally drool over her like deprived monkeys.

these are my settings and it its uncensored


So don't botch it, it takes off several bars of your hp if you botch dodging.

>being such a virgin that some nudity causes you to create multiple threads about it

>the state of snoytrannies

I fucking knew it!

Attached: 1477175375443.jpg (456x320, 31K)

Do you really need to disable the DRM to change settings in the .ini?

Removing DRM gives you +20 FPS because the Denuvo implementation in DMC5 is fucked and rapes performance, even BasedFoundry reported o it.

Won't a patch via steam just re-add the drm riddled .exe?

It will, but there's no patches for now and you can back up the DRM-less exe.

meh, i'm playing with 140 fps and don't want to have all this work, but denuvo is retarded and should be removed asap since the game is already cracked

this is why you are console-only.
it wasn't a choice.
how sad to be ignorant.

>every single time someone assumes a tool used to censor with no drawbacks or liability will be executed in a limited self-controlled manner and will never escalate
Imagine if history had happened before, and in this magical history thing, every single instance, no matter how important or trivial, in any field, any business, any person, things played out a way that fucked up the majority.
Would be pretty useful to stop it from happening again.


Yes, but you will need to download more RAM first.

Chapter 3 confirmed, someone call Caramel

Cute butt and cute hair!

I guess the devil may cry.

those low polygon tits

nah I'll stick to my porn since porn-makers seem more competent at making 3d models in their mom's basement than actual game devs

why nico is so goddamn ugly

jew genes coupled with the white trash design

The SFM makers for taking so fucking long WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK!

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Still hasn't crossed the line as far as I'm concerned. So far all they've done is vandalise a bunch of shitty weeb games for lonely incels which is okay in my book. Hopefully more to come and rapey pedo anime games will just naturally die out


sounds like too much bother for two seconds of ass

Attached: chapter3.png (1566x984, 1.01M)

>Capcom goes the extra mile to model, render and display nudity; just to censor it afterwards.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

that's pretty much what the jav industry is, film everything including close ups just put pixels in afterwards anyways

>human body -- BAD
>gratuitous violence -- GOOD

really makes you martyr...

Attached: deus_vult_amerimutts.png (1200x895, 1.53M)

>tfw pc is too shit to run the game with good graphics
>but if I get it for ps4 I won't be able to decensor it
life is suffering

>mfw so use to Japanese porn pixels and invisible dicks get me off
You guys just don't understand.

Attached: 1434529264218.webm (1280x720, 2.18M)

Ignore the Nintendo one. They don't have DMC 5 so they don't count.

Attached: sony censor.png (1500x1070, 1.5M)

Literally all you need to do is set lensflare and DoF to off.

the fuck is with these lenticular hologram dicks

>afaik PS4 is the only affected game version
lol no, you been trolled

it effects the PC/Xbone as well

it's just that people can disable it via .ini in the PC version

Reminder about who's making these threads.
8000 times.

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You could have just said they don't count at all, since no one except losers and incels give a shit about that tablet.

Trish is now a loli. Only literal grandmas are allowed from now on.

SEETHING snoyboy. Are this mad that people are talking shit about your censor game.

Is the patched JP ps4 version uncensored? That's what I heard but I'd like more confirmation. I heard it also has full English text and audio.


Attached: snoy degenerates.webm (1280x720, 3M)

us GAYMERS right?

Have sex

Game crack when?


Has a single AAA game ever made it easier for fans to make SFM porn of their characters


nice response, tranny.
stay mad.

right there in the picture


post ladies i need more

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fuck off pedo. i still won't defend your shit.

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you can see the side boob tho

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Everyone time someone writes this easy bait, just counter it with *I just did with your mother last night* like the good ol boomer days

This is a lady

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I heard Horizon zero awards was a gud game though


what is this stupid ass word you zoomers have concocted this time? i feel like individual cells in my brain are dying every time i try to read this.

stay mad, snoytranny.

Attached: snoy.jpg (623x1893, 299K)

I know women are more comfortable with nudity among each other than men are, but even so, this is just silly.

the whole thing is fucking insane made up garbage meant to lure horny teens into right wing faggotry. dmc especially has always presented their preposterously sexy females with a gratuitous self aware wink.

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seething snoy detected

what do i want to see some girl's stinky butt for?

Rip the models.


I don't play games to jerk off and begin the trip of my mind wondering why I'm lusting after polygons rather than banging a woman. I don't need the reminders.

Its one thing for VNs or porn games, but for something like DMC or fighting games who gives a fuck. I play for fun, not to pause/screenshot a scene and jerk off.

Stop being fucking spergs.

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>Its one thing for VNs

too late

>Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: snoyboy.jpg (1368x2100, 488K)

a reminder that the slippery slope is real

Attached: just give us an inch bro.png (486x241, 219K)

Not all nudity is meant to make you want to go jerk off. It's more like a quick, cool breeze hitting you in July, something that is pleasing for the fleeting moment it exists. Or do you not take pleasure in things that are aesthetically pleasing just because they are nice to look at?

Attached: Clipboard02.jpg (564x530, 77K)

Its nice, don't get me wrong, in the right way the way you explain it. A good example: Romeo and Juliet. Its nice, realistic, quick, and impactful.

This one just seems lame, low angle, big focus on the ass...

This isn't censorship. This happens on PC too with lens flare on. Simply on consoles you can't turn it off.

Yeah, it could have been done more tastefully, but DMC has never been big on subtlety. It's loud and unashamed, just like everything else in the game.

Yeah, but Trish's buttcrack is only censored on the PS4.

Literally the only reason I still have a console besides the switch.

but do people care about buttocks so much? jesus christ.

Have sex

Lady for not using that amazing body to fuck Dante and make kids


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It means this is what Cyberpunk 2077 is going to look like.

Attached: sony censorship.gif (834x559, 1.32M)

Isn't she supposed to be 40+ by now? She's hot but it's a little bit late for her to have kids.

Is... is that a...

Aren't her eyes supposed to be different colors?

her fault for rejecting dante like 30 times

Short answer yes. Long answer no.
Yeah, you're fucking retarded, RG is by far and wide the best stance, but it only becomes that way when you work at it and time shit right. Hit the void user til bloody palace is out and train up.

>he actually download the bitcoin miner

Never too late for her. The kids might be autists like Vergil and Dante though.

the fuck are you talking about

>game runs on 240fps stables at 2k with denuvo enabled
maybe try to update your pc you poorfag

More like Dante's fault for having a suppressed Oedipus complex for the past 20+ years.

say what you want, the guy in the pink shirt is based as fuck

Royal Guard is the only stance you need if you're not a faggot. Better damage than gun/sword, better defense than trickster dodges. Its legitimately busted if you're good. Vergil 3 in DMC3 was a breeze if you learned the timing for each of the moves he had.

Stop being a misogynist.

Lady should have raped Dante. Pinned him to the ground while playing into his mommydom fetish to make him nice and still, bouncing up and down on his dick while he covered his face in a mix of shame, arousal, and fear, all culminating in a final thrust down by Lady ad she buried his dick deep inside while he came in her.

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I see you're a man of culture aswell.

Attached: 1552149295347.png (604x866, 974K)

Lady NWF'd Dante so hard that gave him PTSD.

Attached: NWF.gif (422x169, 1.72M)

>rl tumblr nose makeup

What's the sauce?

dont do that shit, just Add the vendor extension thing and disable lens flair, thats all i did and it worked, also use the DRM free .exe just in case

She's late 30s and Dante is early 40s


S-stop, user... this is a blue board...

>muh slippery slope censorship!
>as civilization races to put explicit gay sex in children's television
Are you retarded? The world slips towards Hell.

The risk for congenital problems increase dramatically after 35. Not to mention that by 35 about 20% of women are pretty much infertile. It could happen, but they better pray that the stars will align over that one.

>Been digging and digging on the forums looking for dx11 crash solutions
>Tried multiple nvidia drivers until I found one that was more stable
>Can't set the game to 1080p otherwise it crashes

Welp, at least so far it hasn't given me troubles.

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Liberals until proven otherwise.

>play game on PS4
>isn't censored
but the update
>updated the game before playing
I hope you soys aren't playing with parental controls on.

Attached: oh no no no.jpg (768x926, 114K)

Why the fuck are people not mad at Sony for using the Gay Pride to market its products?

Because they are faggots?

>why are attention whores not mad about getting attention?
These people are not against corporations or marketting, they are angry when they don't have the spotlight.

that was SE, not Nintendo, you seething snoygro.

you must be a very basic person... or a fucking tranny.

FE gets censored too, retard.

Why indeed

Attached: based aaron.png (673x625, 462K)

Wait, i thought PC was free of the stupid light?

Only because of Treehouse and they're gone.

Because the people at the parade barely know what Sony does. SJWs are not any significant part of any market demographic.

any model extractions?

this will never be not funny

Gone, rebranded, or replaced?

frankly i'm glad they censored it

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>the absolute state of 4channel

Nippon COPE

The faggots that eat the shit out of gold orbs.

rip soicucks

>he doesnt stick his flashlight up his ass

Can someone tell me why this part was censored on xbone, but they remained with trish’s butt?
Why the inconsistency in the censorship?

>that reddit spacing

Hence why JAV is worthless trash.

Only Sony is going full 19th century puritan

god I wish that was me

Still #1 selling on ps4. Based sony.

Attached: 1551590903298.jpg (1125x1429, 182K)

Nope, it’s been confirmed lady’s butt is also censored on xbone, the only difference in the ps4 version is trish’s butt is also censored, so I’m wondering why did Microsoft also cave in to the censorship

>JJ Abrams directs DMCV.png

Source for anyone wondering

Now that works for things like lingerie and risque swimsuits. They're specifcally designed to be tantalizing and teasing, as well as accentuating the body well.
However, lens flare when she's ass naked anyways? Get the fuck out. That shit not only leaves nothing to the imagination, since she's still naked, but it's extremely annoying to boot.

Attached: 1547337289842.png (243x309, 8K)

Attached: Welcome to Bamco Games.png (332x269, 160K)


Attached: fatgothspic.jpg (1080x1344, 630K)

Bottom is funnier though. Only a genuine autist gives a shit about seeing two seconds of ass in a hack and slash action game.

Name for this braphog?

The Lady scene is censored across all platforms, the other one is only censored on PS4.

feels good to be on PC where none of it is censored and within a few weeks we will have full detail for each of them

They are, it's just harder to see because of the lighting.

Attached: lady_render.jpg (1200x723, 78K)

I'll be honest, when I played i thought the light was meant to be a joke to make the whole thing even more ridiculous and wouldn't have known it was censored if not for these threads


>The Lady scene is censored across all platforms
not if you modify the ini to add Vendorextension=true and flaire=false as well as using the DRM free .exe

two different chicks, but the second one is caadaaver on insta


Attached: 1029569482.webm (642x614, 2.87M)

>tfw you realize Lady is like 40 now and probably probably can't conceive

nice no need for contraception

I am incredibly saddened that there will never ever be more episodes of this.

>can't conceive at 40

Attached: 1519866699035.png (107x145, 33K)

>tfw thought this was just a joke and it got a giggle out of me
>apparently it's a actual censor
I thought it was a fucking gag

Attached: 1551745135880.png (1000x563, 492K)

>tfw no lady gf

Attached: 1542570611272.png (580x548, 293K)

Go back to your discord tranny

Seriously. It reminds me of Jeanne's in Bayonetta, had nobody said Lady's was censorship I never would have known.

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Yeah that's what I thought too but then I saw Trish's scene was censored even though it originally wasn't when that Dante gameplay video was first shown several months ago. is Trish's scene still censored on Xbone and PC?
i know, brother

Attached: Lady_Contemplating.png (1920x1080, 2.41M)

Trish apparently was never censored on xbone and pc, only ps4
Lady is censored on all platforms

>played through game yesterday, no censorship
>lol another Yea Forums bait thread with the censorship
>check custcenes from menu
>actually censored

Attached: 1532728653595.png (992x604, 824K)

thank you holy shit that was annoying

weird applying this thing didn't change my graphics but the light is gone anyway

That's no 'Gay pride', it's plain degeneracy.
Gay people are just regular people, but these bondage-parading degenerates who try to get children involved are a whole another thing.

What could’ve possibly inspired them to pull this ridiculous shit so selectively? I just finished Metro on the PS4 and there’s completely nude sex slaves dancing in front of you that you can look at as long as you want, why censor a cutscene?

>Gay people are just regular people

Attached: 1538665168476.jpg (640x640, 38K)

How do you rev Cavaliere exactly

Nah but you get me, the people who go to the parade believe in what they believe in, I'm just dumbfounded at the fact that they've let corporate marketing get into what originally was a rebellious movement, at best it's ignorant and at worst it's fucking shameful, can you imagine the gilets jaunes in France getting sponsored by Sony? Corpo has never and will never give a shit about social issues (except when it affects their bottom line, obviously). I know most of them love getting fucked, but this one has to leave a sore taste.

>classified as "ecchi, comedy, seinen"


Unironically FUCK the user who told me not to preorder it because Capcom TOTALLY sells the alt colors later. Fuck off man and fuck this shitty game and this chink company run by mongoloid monkeys that won’t even give series like LP a chance.

Daily reminder that Nico is j*wish

What's the vendor extension do

literally all of the preorder skins are awful and look objectively worse

It's hilarious, really.

That only applies to filthy audible dialogue with out of character responses.

>What could’ve possibly inspired them to pull this ridiculous shit so selectively?
It's a Japanese game.