Have any of you tried this game? It's an arcade game but it runs natively on PC...

Have any of you tried this game? It's an arcade game but it runs natively on PC. It's really fun if regular Tetris has gotten too easy for you.

Attached: Tetris the Grand Master 3 Terror Instinct.jpg (596x447, 66K)

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Why is Tetris so popular?
My eyes glaze over watching my roommate on his 5th game of Tetris 99, and he'll usually play 50.

Have you played it for yourself?
It's the combination of fitting things into holes and creating nice stacks, ever increasing speed, and going for a higher score/grade/win that makes it appealing

>why isn't he raping and murdering people like in my western videogames tetris sucks

Attached: mortal_kombat_11_scorpion_fatality_1064761.jpg (640x360, 25K)

what a cuck

the input lag is fucking unbearable

Would Tetris be considered a western game? Russia isn't exactly west but in video game contexts western just means not from Japan.
Then again, many versions of Tetris come from Japan, like the OP image.

There's a version without input lag, dig around a bit

probably your shit ass TV

>but in video game contexts western just means not from Japan
Only if you're a retard who doesn't know what words mean

It's the perfect game. Anybody can play it but you can always improve. It's a stimulating puzzle that goes as fast as you want it to go.

In the video game world people only use "From the west" and "From Japan" to describe where games are from. This is a factual observation.

It's addictive because you can immediately recognize any mistake you make and know what to do in that situation next time so you feel like you're constantly improving.
Leads to a lot of "just one more game I swear."

Because once you get into "The Zone" in this game you get a feeling far beyond that of simple pleasure. Its like you and the game become one. The blocks flow down without you even fully consciously thinking about where they go, you just know how to flip and stack, and then the thoughts become then:
" do I cash in on my stack or do I keep building for a bigger combo? Should I go for a Tetris right now or a T-Spin double? How do I best escape this garbage pileup my enemy has sent? Do I let the garbage come and deal with it in my combo? No I'm flashing red, I can't risk it."
I mean that specifically for Tetris 99, but even in Grandmaster you need similar thought processes because you can't do too well or too poorly at certain checkpoints else the game WILL punish you. It is very very very very VERY hard to achieve anything close to the Grandmaster ranking. And even when you think you are done the game can also add invisible Tetris ontop during the final credits.
TGM is a masterpiece in Tetris. Arika will never be toppedexcept by themselves.

as per usual the Dunk-tards come to post on Yea Forums every time a video comes out. fuck off

Sounds like projecting
anyway I actually did watch it and he barely mentioned this game so fuck off

He's a Wyatt.

It's video games distilled to their most basic mechanics driven form. There's no context, just action and reaction. The truth is that is all any video game is. Developers just find increasingly obtuse ways to hide it. You build a wall, you break it down, you do it again, but faster until your precision fails you. It's so simple any child can grasp it, but you can always go faster, you can always make less mistakes, you can always plan your moves a little better. It's the pleasure of creating order from nothingness and the thrill of breaking it down. It's improbable human drive for mastery and perfection in the face of inevitable failure. No game had less context than Tetris, but perhaps no game says as much about the human condition.

Attached: 1537027487380.webm (640x329, 213K)

tgm3 has a pc port?
I know tgm 1 does and 2 can be made to run with some tweaks, as far as I know there's no way to get 3 running.

I'm a GM in 1/2, but not 3 because they scale ranking based on consistent performance, so if you improve you'll fuck yourself over, it's stupid as shit.

its the best game ever made


TGM3 was developed for the Taito Type X arcade machine, which is literally a Windows PC. Someone modified it a little bit to get it running on modern systems and it's floating around somewhere. Some versions of it have a lot of input lag, the one I have doesn't.
Just search "TGM3 PC" or some variation of that and get digging

why not just get nullpomino

My local arcade has this game. I've been playing on it for about 8 years now. I have an M6 ranking in master mode and I can reach M9 from time to time.

actually fuck it i'll just drop a link
I'm PRETTY sure this is the one I have

NullPo is great but slightly inaccurate for TGM 3

Where are you at?

Forgot the pic. lol

Attached: 17966873_10155100714300256_8498446819945386716_o.jpg (2048x1152, 622K)

>playing on the PC version
Enjoy your input lag, nulpomino is the way to go

Attached: 59a62772275c0.jpg (640x480, 113K)

That's really cool, how much time did you took to get to M1?

Austin. The arcade is called Arcade UFO

Ah ok neat
That's probably one of the only places in the US with this game

Where can I get it?
I play TAP a lot but never tried 3.

It's just the ultimate falling piece puzzle game. It's the best implementation of a good concept and it's something you can always get better and faster at.

I don't really remember. It was probably only a few months, but I had been playing other versions of Tetris since the Gameboy. It wasn't until I started playing this version though that I really starting playing it a lot. The hold mechanic was new to me when I started this one.

lowly S7 reporting, one of my favorite versions of tetris

Speaking of NullpoMino, is there any way to make it operate by Tetris.com rules? Tetris.com is totally guidelines except that after level 20 the lock delay actually decreases every level, meaning you can't just play forever easily. Because of that it's my favorite version of guidelines Tetris.

>playing on the PC version
>Enjoy your input lag
Isn't it just as much lag as the arcade version then? Because the real arcade hardware this game is made for is just a PC with a JAMMA connector.

Yeah I know what machine it's on, I just meant most ways to get it running involve an emulator which isn't really native, and has tons of smaller issues in addition to whatever input delay you may face. 1 and 2's proper pc ports don't face that.

>1 and 2's proper pc ports
Are you sure you aren't just playing clones?
As far as I know the only way to play the actual original versions of those on PC is with MAME

>I just meant most ways to get it running involve an emulator which isn't really native
user it's a PC game, nothing's emulating
Taito Type X is a PC

Attached: 1531324349438.jpg (320x228, 9K)

You must be very skilled at it then, i played for around 2 months non stop and was only getting S3
