ITT: Characters that are just having a fucking ton of fun doing whatever it is they're doing

ITT: Characters that are just having a fucking ton of fun doing whatever it is they're doing

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God this game is so garbage, I uninstalled it 5 min after I beat it. DmC looks amazing compared to this turd

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just baitin it

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Hahah yeah cuuraaaaayze XD

Fuck dmcucks, obnoxious as smashfags

bump I love happy protagonists and games that don't take themselves too seriously

Maybe Conker? Borderlands characters seem to have a good time.

You don't deserve this (You)
That bait is terrible.

nice bait, here's your (you)

You need to be over 18 to post here.

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I don't like how Nero goes full donte the demon killer at the last stage. He did the opposite character development of a Dante.

When does this happen

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Mission 10


came to post this

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Not bait, literally what I did.
I haven't visited Yea Forums in years, but I wanted to see what neo Yea Forumsirgins think about this and It's very dissappointing to see people defending it.

I can see someone making a solid case for the combat being better in this one, but who gives a shit when the characters and context of the story are so retarded.
All of the characters have lost their charm and are just spouting cringey, nonsensicle bullshit. There was no point to the narrative AT ALL, no goal, no great enemy, just virgil started some shit aaaand I guess we're pals after all.

Your IQ is in the 90s if you like this game's narrative.

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S-s-smokin hot seething style!