Quake thread
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aside from AD what other stuff should I check out?
I wanna get into mapping now
Gorre is best Q3 player prove me wrong
please play quake champions
>not single player
Can I mod the faggy NIN logo off the ammo boxes?
Also can I remove weapons from being selectable? The sticky grenade launcher in that expansion fucking sucks dick and is literally worthless.
Quick reminder that Quake killed single player campaigns by starting the multiplayer cancer
>not liking nin
are you gay
The quake 1 era was really special in a way that people here will never understand
Whats wrong with you?
Check out Seal of Nehahra (watch the movie first, it's great). The xmas and halloween jams are also good.
Altar of Storms is one I'm working through right now. Gonna do Zerstorer after that.
Individual levels are better than those packages like nehahrs and zerstorer
Quake & GoldSrc era was a time when you could make fully fleshed out mods in very short time due to the simplicity of modding and how solid the Quake engine was. Even lowskill people could pull something off that was neat where now everything is either unmoddable or needs a full time team just to make a handful of assets.
Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Duke and probably some others had MP before Quake. Q3 wasn't even the first Arena shooter, that honor goes to Turok Rage Wars.
trenchbroom is really cool but i wish it had goldsrc support
it's on the roadmap, at least.
Got any you'd recommend? I wouldn't mind some quick snacks.
Yeah that time had that balance between simplicity and complexity to do interesting stuff without needing professional teams to do it, or absurd amounts of time. To be honest it still blows my mind that people back then made a 4 hour long machinima prologue to their Quake mod. And the fact it's really enjoyable on it's own despite being older than the kids I teach is even more amazing.
go on quaddicted sort by user rating
zerstorer is literally 20 years old user mapmaking abilities simply have moved way past that
>tfw /arena/ is dead
I know, but I still like to see old fossils to see what things were like back then. For example, Bal did my favorite levels in Nehahra (e2m6 especially), and I loved his xmas2018 contribution, Entering the City of Pale. My favorite map in that whole pack.
At least now ive seen a small revival in some stuff for example some new mapping tools like Trenchbroom, J.A.C.K, Sledge and some others. There is even a pretty sweet MDL export toolset for Blender thats easy and ive seen some GoldSrc revival with some other tools/documentation. FOrgot the name of it but there is some quake site that has done some spectacular mapping challenges
Yeah, it just died. Like I knew it was coming, but it was like it was there, then no one bothered to make the thread, and I guess everyone realized there was no point in forcing it.
as someone who was a quake mapper trenchbroom makes me want to throw up
shit that took 16 hours compressed into a 30 second click drag operation
simply put thats why quake levels should be far better now, though i havent really played a ton of user made levels in 15+ years...
Hordes of Zendar was my favorite map in AD, followed by Foggy Bogbottom and Sepulcher. All the techbase maps were fun as well.
>maps that aren't actually possible in Quake
I give those maps only 4 out of 5 possible HUUHs
What went wrong?
I tried, I wanted to like it
Then some update made it literally not playable for me
Care to elaborate?
developed by saber interactive and really hard for new players to get into. getting stomped every game by someone who has been playing for 20 years isn't fun for a new player. also it's developed by saber interactive
Outsourcing the development to a russian team using their own engine trying to idTech3, resulting in some serious network problems. Also slow as fuck development.
Bethesda is probably the big reason why it was outsourced to some no name studio at first, forcing hare-brained monetization schemes, no player controlled content (no servers, modding tools, etc) so they could force people to be dependent on corporate for maps and cosmetics. It was typical corporate minimum effort to maximize profit.
>getting stomped every game by someone who has been playing for 20 years isn't fun for a new player.
Git gud.
Based if true
outsourced to literally whos
id didn't learn their lesson with doom 2016: nobody cares about mp in their games anymore. they even gave away the doom season pass for free and nobody still played it. sad part is id is still going to throw away untold resources and man hours on another multiplayer shitheap for doom eternal too.
He's not wrong. Most gamers don't like to improve themselves. Shit sucks, but that's how it is. I never touched Quake before Champions, but it made me want to git gud. No matter how hard I got stomped, I always tried to play my best, fix what mistakes I made, and never complain if I got beat by a veteran.
give me a HUUGH man
I wouldn't mind another single player Quake game in the vein of the original. I'd just worry they'd fall for the "brutal" meme that Doom 2016 has. And I don't even mind it for Doom, but I would mind it for Quake and it's one of the biggest reasons why I'm not interested in Quake 1.5
I never felt so overweight as in that level and somehow it has flow. Try noclip mode and see the retarded size of that.
Anyway, Terror_fuma is my favourite map.
What's with all the Quakeposting I've seen recently? Has there being some goings-on going on in the Quake community I'm just unaware of?
>sad part is id is still going to throw away untold resources and man hours on another multiplayer shitheap for doom eternal too.
No they aren't, it only has the PVP part, which looks great.
Quake mapping is going through a bit of a revived interest. Someone more knowledgeable than me might be able to explain more.
quake's dead because you hate quake
Probably Wrath. Or maybe it's just the cycle of daily Quake threads I found here sometimes
Where can I see characters from quake 2 mp? Wiki doesn't have it for some reason.
theyre just skins.
Recon ftw.
bring back /arena/
Just like in q3, right?
? No..Quake 3 are models...
>inb4 it's not quake
It's quake
they went for the zoomer hero bs, fuck them and their ruined game, no zoomer wants to play it, no human wants a game build for zoomers
it's not quake
Currently, the game doesn't resmelbe Quake, with poor verticality. It resembles Unreal moreso imo. Complete with awful-feeling bio green gun.
>tfw I actually like the movement passives
The direct damage abilities are pure cancer.
true boomers know that id wanted to give characters different stats in q3
Probably nothing more than normal levels of recurring Quake-ry, though given that Quake's two cousins who are also repped in Super Quake Brothers are having some games coming out this year and Quake Global Offensive fighting every day for life in spite of being F2P, that might explain some general interest while we're still in the period of "hey people liked games where you could go fast and kill a lot of things." There was a little spark back when Quake 1.5 came out a little while back anyway.
>resembles Unreal moreso
So girls really had smaller hitboxes?
They got rid of those. All abilities are reworked to be utility based.
did some eceleb start a quake playthrough or something? what's with all the threads for these last few days, viral marketing?
So what's the difference between skin and model then?
looks fun neither or less
he's right
>every weapon has a unique alternate fire mode
>larger more open levels over good level design
>gun that shoots projectiles rapidly with an alternative fire that shoots alot of them in a single burst
what it doesnt have that unreal has is enemies that actively dodge or do anything to keep themselves alive
I wouldn't call it's enemies similar to quake beside the floating guys either, yes quake had zombies but they really werent used as commonly as this game does. Why does every encounter have to have slow shambling hordes of fodder? They don't even have a ranged attack or a gimmick that makes them hard to kill like quake
a skin is the texture map applied to the model
How does this affect Death Knight, Sorlag and BJ?
men I fucking this hero stupidity, just make everyone equal and let people compete with gunplay and movement skills only, there is a reason CS:GO still is one of the most played FPS after 2 decades basically without new real maps and guns, a shitload of people like to play FPS this way...
thank god they didn't actually tried a tf2 quake at the time...
>tfw to smart to play quake champions
>spawn's internal name is tarbaby
were id racist?
that is just extra fluff, it's fundamentally quake
>larger more open levels over good level design
you can large open levels with quake, making them a bunch of boxy corridors doesn't make it "good level design" by default
what matters is that levels are standalone single maps that let the game systems just work autonomously.
Based thread. We’ve had a lot of quake love today.
wrath devs making quake threads to shill for their own game, of course
they haven't shown any good level design. the game is fundamentally unreal with bad AI at this point in time.
Really need to see more enemies because that's the clear weak point right now. Design looks like Doom 2016 "arenas", instead of Quake like good level design
People here, especially if they arent from the era, really never seem to undrestand how good the maps were in quake 1
>larger more open levels over good level design
As if you can't have both.
What's the difference between quake live and q3 arena?
you really can't. large open areas in a quake-like game means doing nothing but circle strafing while running backwards.
you are wrong and will be proven wrong
quake live is adapted to be for retards and changes the balance in bad and unwanted ways
quake live removed blood and gore
quake live removed community mods and maps (nobody ever played vanilla quake 3 past mod releases)
quake live removed community servers
quake live is an inferior version of quake 3
looks like all the other generic retro fps
to be honest it's getting boring
>looks like all the other generic retro fps
What does this game look like that is coming out?
>Design looks like Doom 2016 "arenas", instead of Quake like good level design
They literally haven't shown any arena gameplay at all. The only time you seem to be locked into any kind of arena is with the blades dude, and these fights seem to be solo.
Locked in isn't the gist of it, it's the arrangement of the space and enemies within it.
But Doom 2016 was nothing but a succession of arenas where you were locked in and enemies spawned in, with the odd area in between that happened to have some monsters in it. That's not at all what's shown in the gameplay videos.
You quite honestly have no idea at all what is being shown in the gameplay videos. They're seconds-long segments with no context
I'm talking about the 11 minute gameplay video you dumbass.
ah, so you haven't actually played doom 2016
"nothing but a succession of arenas" is 100% wrong. the 11 minute gameplay video isn't contiguous, the game could still be just like doom
This and a couple of newish communities and Tools have come onto the scene such as trenchbroom.
Also, I think renewed interest also because some people want to go back to the simpler times since right now everything is such a clusterfuck and modding being dead for newer games.
>ah, so you haven't actually played doom 2016
I have, and the game has far more in common with Painkiller than it has with Doom. In fact, the large, open and interconnected areas are so much at odds with the arena progression that it feels like you're playing two games at once.
>Your job is to ride around on top of this crate
But boss there's an overlook right here I can just stand on the ledge...
God the whole quake live pisses me off to no end especially since some people started with it. Feels like pissing on Q3's legacy; I mean removing blood and gore and community stuff, what in the absolute hell.
Why did they remove the gore?
Weird, I thought it would've been Germany.
Germany is not a relevant video game market
"wider audience"?
Quake 2 ost > Quake 1 ost
Still so good after all these years
I was surprised by how good it was when I first played it
Makes me wonder how much of Doom 2k16 OST was inspired by Quake 2
I just thought China would not have cared that much about Quake in the early-to-mid 2000s. Nowadays I'd believe it, but I'd be surprised if that was the case back then.
Mick Gordon played a cover of it live when Doom 2016 got best soundtrack award.
I hope ID makes a new Quake game in the style of the first one after they are done with Eternal
They better get Mick for the soundtrack
I don't know if Mick Gordon can do atmospheric the way Trent Reznor did. He might, but I wouldn't want Doom 2016 style to be part of a Quake 1 remake.
Honestly I kinda want them to touch on Quake 1's more "Lovecraftian" feel and also because Quake would be kind of free of the conceits of Brutal Doom/16 and be free to be a game about going fast and shooting things until they die without stopping to do a gory canned animation kill on a stunned enemy.
Also to add on to I really like some of the Quake Champions OST, like
Especially the last one if we're talking in terms of that Quake 1 style ambience. But Netherworld is my favorite track hands down.
What are the worst threads on Yea Forums???????
Post your fav Quake1 track
I get hype in that grim, and fatalistic way when 4:48 kicks in.
*when the guitar distortion kicks in.
You're absolutely correct in that regard.
I doubt they would, since loveceaft weirdness doesn’t quite enable crazy violence like demons in hell with blood everywhere does.
actually, it lacks two critical features I thought it had.
Why not gt trent reznor to do it again?
As much as I hate /pol/, the asians vs whites threads are by far the most useless threads on Yea Forums. /pol/ threads are dumb as fuck, but are rooted in truth. Whites vs asians threads are literally just retarded spinoffs of /pol/ threads, only what little “truths” the other ones were rooted in are replaced with pure spite.
when I was a kid I always thought he had giant earlobes with big red gauges in them
>not liking NIN
Why are straights like this.
lmao do you play with the music muted too?
Yeah it would be nice to see Trent back
What was the last vidya ost he did?
Black Ops 2?
I was but they updated it and now the game doesn't even start.
Trent Reznor has moved on to bigger things since then. Back then he was just a musician, now he scores movies that see wide release.
Who knows, he might do it if he thinks the atmosphere is right and is free. He did do Quake because liked Doom, but he declined Quake 2 because it wasn't shaping up to have the same atmosphere Quake 1 had.
But I think most likely, he'd be too pricey for moneygrubbers like Bethesda to pay for. And I don't think he wants to deal with the rigor of modern game development. Like comparing even Doom and Quake's development to Doom 3 ,which Trent was originally attached to. He ended up leaving because of a mix of money, and the development taking so long, it was starting to interfere with his other projects. That was the early 2000s, now imagine 2020s AAA development.
Still waiting for you to answer , my dude.
>And I don't think he wants to deal with the rigor of modern game development.
never forgetti
I don’t see why he wouldn’t do it again anyways. I’m sure he’d see it as “oh hey, my first game soundtrack. Yeah I’vd give it another go.”
He'd still want to be paid for it. Nostalgia can only go so far, and I think Reznor is savvy enough to know that the friends he made at id (Carmack, Romero, and McGee) are long gone. And that's assuming if the atmosphere was right for him.
my only problem with this is that the only two common enemy types shown so far are slow-ass zombies and scrags, neither of which are exciting to fight