DMC Thread

When will we see style videos?

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Do you think Kamiya played it?

who cares, where is the vergil fight but with ultra violet or vergil 1?

Meanwhile I can't even beat SoS

>Dante would have killed Vergil after mission 19 if Nero hadn't intervened
>Vergil would have suffered consequences for raising another demon tower if not for Nero wanting a dad

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Did they actually fix styles or are they still trash like in 4?

Give up and start clawing user.

Since he's not posting on twitter about it..

Gunslinger and Royalguard are useless.
Trickster is way better for avoiding damage and is more fun/looks cooler than Royalguard in every way.
Gunslinger sucks because why would you stand back and shoot like a bitch especially in this game when V is a character.

i saw someone mention something called "bringer knuckle" in another thread, is this some mechanic i missed or what?

Now claw at light speed and learn to use Gunsliger and RG moves to guard fly or parry anything
You noob

Guess 3 reigns supreme, then

3 is way better with SS though.
You'll have to claw anyway.
Deal with it and gid gud

What happens if you kill all the enemies before credits?

What happens if you kill all the enemies before credits?


Vergil now is stronger than Dante, user

Press R2 after an attack to do a [Stand] punch, it’s timed like Exceed Act


>Royalguard is useless
look at this shitter that will never know the joy of fucking Vergil's face with a royal release when he's flying around like an autistic airplane

T. vergil

>your face when Demon Sword Dante

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why would you risk a perfect guard just to end the fight a little earlier?
Royalguard is good for variety but not much else.


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No you need to git gud like you should have been trying to in 4

>Gunslinger and Royal Guard are useless
Look at the shitter

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Is Vergil fight different in harder difficulties?

Post yfw >cavaliere

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Why lady in this game is such a tease

So is the Buster arm basically a complete waste of space after you finish the game?

Here's your style video, bro.

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What? Just fucking turn off Lens flare. What a stupid guide.


Overcharged Buster Arm actually stops enemies from staggering you out of the animation, so no.

I kinda doubt it.

Post yfw 0:50

Fuck why didn't they make full remix like with Psycho Siren and other DMC1 songs

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>wanting a man faced goblin

These are all great
>mfw anytime Nightmare shows up

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I was so ready for the suffer remix. Goddammit. At least they did psycho siren justice.


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>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

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V is fucking terrible. Should have made Trish or Lady playable

I would like to think the DMC devs played Bayonetta, and the Bayonetta devs play DMC and learn from each other.

But I'm an idealist.


I called it when I saw it that Sparda and Rebellion would merge. The amulets were a dead giveaway and the organic mix of metal and fleshed gave it away further

Still was stoked as fuck to see it. I just HATE that it fucks swordmaster up hard since i changed my melee key to X on my 360 gamepad

Royal Guard has never been useless.

>nero now has 2 (TWO) timing based mechanics that you must master
i cant even max act consistently yet

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Devs don't play videogames


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>Dont you DARE say it!

I'm a shitter and RG is literally the only way I beat the last 4 or so boss battles with Dante

It was pretty bad in 4. It's awesome in 3 and 5, though.


Does Dante's SDT literally only have 1 combo?

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V may be gone but they can always make anew summon type character with different demons (and fix and improve upon what V already has going mechanically).

By now bringing V back the new summoner could also be more involved in combat, as he wouldn't be as fragile. Or he could use guns.

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How the fuck do I get good at this game, all your rankings are higher than mine, I even got a D on Devil Hunter, do I just jump over to Human for training wheels? Sometimes I get S or even SSS but some enemies just bust my balls like the scissor shits or the rolly pollys

wait , i played played 100% of dmc4 and currently almost done on sos in dmc5 , what other timing based event then the sword do you mean

>Timing is bad
>not the fact that you will have to occasionally hold 3 out of 4 face buttons for charging.

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How do I use taunts?

>Get SSS with V
>taunt while landing
>he starts conducting Ride of the Valkyries
Holy fuck this game

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get good.

if i have the denuvo-less exe file, could i just drag and drop the DLC files in my directory and have it work? or would i have to download the pirated version of the game

Reminder that V is literally just Vergil's nobody (kingdom hearts)

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So selecting Nico's recommend loadout gives you free devil breakeres?? I had none, selected that, and got 4 filled ijn at no cost.

>he didn't rebind gun to RT

I want to get good at V but I need first to try other buttons configurations.

Having to attack and hold two different buttons is a pain, I think I'm rebbinding Griffon to L2


The idea of splitting beings into their essences or personalities predates kingdom hearts by several centuries you uncultures omega-weeb

what does the accept a new job from Morrison trophy mean?

>when goliath dies the tree we thought was the demon tree before release crumbles
>giant tree in background
>giant tree not visible in any mission
>giant tree constantly shown to have a huge thick shaft
>when giant tree takes flight and is revealed to be a bunch of roots, it its still shown has having a thick shaft that goes into a portal in some missions, but every time you see it zoomed out there is nothing connecting it to the earth but some small roots


post credits scene with lady, trish and morrison

>literally just Vergil's nobody
First off, I don't think you know what "literally means".
Secondly, the game clearly states that BUI is Vergil's human part, and Urizen is his demon part.
In conclusion, I don't know why I'm answering to your absolutely shitty post.

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> Be Twins
> Both get ass kicked by mutt child
> Stinking up the joint
> Through twin powers concoct plan to find better place to hang out and ditch him.
> Feed kid lie that they can't comeback.
> Go do hell gardening and play like the good old days of 8 years old
It feels good boys.

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>can easily get SSS Ranks when fighting goons as V
>the boss fucks me

Gotta git gud

he played REmake 2 user

>Urizen literally tells Dante

you can practice combos in the void;
is it your first games with combos?

>a Nobody is a person's body after their heart is removed
>V is Vergil's human half, essentially his heart
that doesn't make any sense

>having a summoner bring guns
>because what is more interesting than staying far from the fight is encouraging people to stay further out of the fight.

You've got it wrong, If you have a summoner. You have to play galaxy brain and make it that you fight alongside your summons.

that's weird, i only got that trophy after beating artemis on sos

>DMC5 Vergil already uses DMC4SE assets
>Datamining has already found code that hints at him being playable.

Just announce the fucking DLC already Capcom.

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Yeah, he uses DT twice

Nero is fun as HECK. I think I like playing him more than Dante.

devil knuckle is literally a second exceed with a slightly different timing

I like him okay but he's clearly the least fun and there are a couple of things that annoy me. The familiars have trouble staying on target, usually this can be remedied by staying closer to the target but sometimes it still happens that they just attack next to you and not next to the enemy. Also since back+square and forward+square are special attacks you can't move around while shooting with griffon like you can with Nero/Dante guns which feels annoying. And thirdly moving backwards with a jump while locked on to enemy summons griffon to you to help you move back which cancels any attack I might be charging with him and I always forget this, I wish V would just fucking jump back on his own.

Overall he's a bit disappointing. I get that because of ~lore reasons~ he has no attacks of his own but I kinda figured the summons would supplement him and not be the sole attack options. I kinda expected something more like Chaos Legion gameplay:

proof nigger

What is it with people not getting that a lot of common themes are common exactly because they appeal straight to our very existence as human beings? Is it caused by anime or what's going on?


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Everyone is just waiting for it.

DLC will sell itself just wait. I'm gonna buy all of it.

they're SOMEWHERE INBETWEEN 3 and 4. You should still switch often, but autism claw is less required

>cringedom hearts

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So does everyone just buy all the health increases in the shop or what?

>vergil and bloody palace at the same time

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It's time for another Irish Drinking Song!

>That cocktease with the start of the DMC3 Cerb theme just to then go into WUBWUBWUBWUBWUWBWUBWUBWUBWUB BARKBARKBARK DISCO DOG RAVE

>>Datamining has already found code that hints at him being playable.

You get more blue orb fragments in the missions. They're hidden in locations or rewarded via secret missions.

>Finishing move in Dante's new super duper DT is X+Y instead of Y+B like Vergil's Judgment Cut Finisher in DMC4SE

What were they thinking? That's such an awkward combination.

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seems like i need to check the movelist or something because devil knuckle doesnt ring a bell either

Arent the style experts people hating the fact DMCV has no inertia and other stuff I wasnt aware of when playing 4?

No, each DMC game is different than the last

i love it
it gave me a nostalgia rush of both madness combat and dmc3

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Use a keyboard


Yes but buy the extra specials for it, they are anime as fuck and highly enjoyable. The one that remotely crushes an enemy seems to kill any non-boss enemy from full health, even the huge ones.

Is there a list of where to find purple orb shards yet? I’ve bought all from Nico’s shop and found 4 shards but still apparently missing something

The best part is knowing 100% that Vergil will be playable again.
The worst part is waiting.

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pc mods when

>buster grabs Vergil and slams him head first into the ground
>runs right into Vergil's sword
>takes Yamato and stabs Vergil with it
Is Nero's Vergil's actual natural enemy?

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I don't mind it.
Found it kinda fitting to be honest.

DMC3 Cerberus is a very stationary boss and his low energy theme goes well with it.

King Ceberus is a fucking rabid bitch dog that has to be put down while he's raving and waving all over the place and his theme reflects that.


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yes, but in the ending when dante and vergil fly down to the portal, the thick shaft is still there connecting it to the earth

but zoom-outs don't show it

Reminder that V is best boy!

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No. A real Style Expert gets used to each new game because they all play different.

>tfw had to use gold orbs 3 times to complete mission 19 on son of sparda mode after trying about 13 times
>get a D rank
fuck me niggas, I did the DH version in 2 runs

E&I gunslinger can easily increase your rank by 3/4th, and some air moves are sweet.

probably because you can take half of vergils lifebar on devil hunter with one full just release

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There's tons of cool combo sstuff on jp twitter already.
The shit people are pulling with Dante is great.

>Fujo armpit-fetishists

Do those even exist?

press devilbringer right after swinging or doing anything (even taunting) and you get a spectral punch, or two in DT.

the tech for this is gonna be insane because it can stop enemies from being knocked back by moves like streak

I solved this problem by going to the gallery and setting each music for each character.

Can someone post the webm of Nero saying "FUCK YOU"?
Need it

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Is donguri still mad because he got exposed as a one trick pony?

Daily reminder that: Holy fuck, DTed enemies andbosses on DMD are fucking insane. This is the experience I waited for! Fucking lizards in the sewers already killed me a couple of times.
And Nero is fucking beast, his aerial combat is something

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>KH was one that invented yin and yang
Are you same retard that sees big sword and screams "BERSERK REFERENCE"?

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Calling the old man out

Hard to tell.
Considering he's head of competing action game franchise he might play it as research for the competition.

The holes in the back look like pink hearts. :3

kingdom hearts stole it from star trek.

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Well yeah, think about it. Nero is actually the Anti-Dante/Vergil.
He has a wife, he takes care of orphans. Can run a successful business, doesn't get walked over by Lady or Trish in the way Dante does. He is just CUHRAYZEE enough to reach the bottom plateau of the Vergil/Dante tier and he's both MOTIVATED like Vergil but chill like Dante.

That is the feeling I get too. V was a working gameplay prototype.

Can you just say woman instead of fujo because you are using that word wrong and basically just mean "girl" when you use it anyway.

anyway to control the way nightmare comes in? sometimes he spawns from the floor, sometimes the sky and shit, how do i control it duhg

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Is it possible to make gunslinger work in this game? I barely used it on 3 and only used it on 4 to build some quick style ranks.

This game has the easiest normal mode of all DMC games but holy hell the difficulty spikes make up for it.

Because it's cool and stylish. Why would you want to ever play it safe in a DMC game?

I thought this photo was shopped from thumbnail for a second. Damn, he looks weird on that one.

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>autocombos are pure impractical flashy shit that most often than not makes you take a hit
Feels good not to be an auto nigger, also how do i mount the rocket arm?


After noticing the problem I went to the gallery and noticed that for some reason there are no tracks set for anyone. So I set music for each character but nothing changed.

Not to mention, Bayonetta had some staff from DMC3 an DMC4.

why are PC controls so good bros?

I love that if you're a super bitchin demon in the DMC universe you get a sword named after you.
I don't use it too much though because it feels like cheating. Swordmaster moves+Gunmaster is god mode.

Hold O

Ye its great now, as pretty much every style

The fuck does making a style work mean?

you are supposed to use all of them you omega nigger, you don't main one

I hope they make another Chaos Legion with V as the main character.

>V was a summoner prototype
>Itsuno said he had "some ideas for Dragon's Dogma 2" while working on DMC5

You see where I'm going, user?

Gameplay wise, what's the difference between Rebellion and Sparda?

You are a true friend, anonymous

I think it's exactly how it was in DMC4

I don't get where he got that fucking nose from. Young Vergil and Dante had some pretty big noses, but nothing like that honker. And why was the first thing he went out and bought a pair of fucking sandals? Vrgil's human side is kind of a loser.

I feel happy

More like kidneys. Or liver.

I'll just call them "female shut-in nerd with bad hygiene" from now on.

Is it weird that I like every Dante weapon except for Dante itself, the new sword. Both the damage and stun ability feels weak and the summoned swords are kind of a hassle for a very small damage/utility boost.

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Where the track that plays during the final Urizen fight? I liked it and want to hear it on its own.

Fuck that. Sieg Wahrheit for DMC VI. V is finished, they could bring him back OR they could give us Sieg as a way to make hype for a future CL game.

I'm guessing that with cameos they're are just testing systems for DD2's pawns/online mode

I see it
and I like it

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>Nero gets full DMC4 buster and still has devil breakers
Anyone else immediately rebind the B button?
I feel like doing SoS mode without ever bringing my own devil breakers for old times sakes, shit's too fun

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With Sparda you're more distracted by your sword as it looks AWESOME

>they like a character I'm jealous of so I'll call them stinky and nerdy


>Get SSS twice as Dante
Is the game easier than DMC4 or am I actually getting gud?

Call it back and while it's flying back to you hold the devil breaker button. Alternatively you can just look at your skill list you dumbass.

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>tfw lucifer (demon arm) and demi fiend appear in the bloody palace

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Gunslinger is great, even ebony and ivory are now more than just combo extenders. Twosome time can deal pretty mean damage and ebony shots have good staggering power in general.

I have no info on this but it does feel like the sword is nerfed because of the summon swords.

Can you use the devil bringer with nero or you need the devil breaker to do a buster move?

Nero and V should be the main characters for DMC6.

I would but fuck me, Gerbera is just so fun. Nero with a dedicated dodge button is some hype shit, bobbing and weaving across the battlefield avoiding attacks.

You should take screenshots instead of videos, user.

It's easier. You're probably getting good too, though.

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When I saw Gilgamesh, I was waiting on Lucifer to appear
but he never came

its great.
the DT is amazing, devil knuckle is amazing, and the DT upgrade that gives you a triple jump works outside of DT.

literally everything from dmc4 AND breakers, its insane. i dont wanna play any other character.
>yfw this kicked in

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You get R2 as dedicated Devil Bringer button

I think it's harder than 4 but 5's weapons flow until each other better allowing more fluid style.

One thing I'm actually struggling with mechanically is getting good with Dante's air taunt. It doesn't follow lock-on.

Van music is so comfy.

No it's kawaii hearts Urizen is a girl.

Implying? Did you forget alligator pants from 3, or his fashion sense in 3 in general?
Vergil was always a nerd-weeb-loser, that read poems, loved collecting them and pretending they were his own. V is just complete incarnation of his loser side, without power-autism to it.

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Is anyone else amazed at the sheer complexity of Nero? When I realized you get bonus damage pressing Devil Bringer after each sword strike, AND you also have to press Exceed after each sword strike, it's fucking insane

Between that and breakers I think he's way more difficult to use properly than Dante this game.

Did my elaborate description make you feel adressed, user?


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>tfw used a gold orb during the Nightmare fight in mission 18 SoS
Sorry Yea Forumsros; I just wanted to fight Vergil again.

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I feel like Dante has so much potential, but every time I fight with him, I'm frantically smashing the directional pad, trying to remember which one is which style, and which one will let me down any one thing that I need at any given time.
Dante definitely does not have as easy a gap close as Nero, which is my main issue.

Still, Dante>V>Nero, amirite lads?

I ve played the game today and beat it in like 10 hours.
By the last few missions my hand was hurting so bad i couldnt even get A ranks.

Yeah, Nero is the coolest now not only in plot, but in gameplay too.

>How´s that for road rash?

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>Nero has his arm back
>But keeps devil breakers because Nico just makes gloves now instead of fake arms

This is so simple but well functionin' I never would have thought of it

Is there a way to set Crimson Cloud as the BGM for all fight themes?

There were interviews that said he looked at other action games at the time like DMC4 when making Bayo

Nobody ever rates me stylish..

No, I just think it's funny that you aren't even trying to hide your butthurt.

>wahh i don't like him you are stinky nerd if you like him!

Grow up.

Cracked torrent link now pls thx

thats insane

So Griffon and company felt the need to "atone" by sacrificing themselves to Dante? How sad. I really hope V comes back if they ever make another game.

The funny thing about the new vergil is that he literally looks like a 40 years old boomer, he doesn't need the monster drink or sunglasses edits.

Yeah, it's really hard to wrap my head around everything Dante has. I usually have to limit myself to only switching between styles, or only switching between weapons. Really need practice and some basic patterns.

>old charge shot
>tripple jump
>devil punch keeping enemies in place
He's twice as fun on NG+

I couldn't think of the word to adequately express the difference between Dante and Vergil because I was going to say Cockiness but Vergil has that as well but in a more subdued sense so I used Chill to provide a better implication of things like "Cheer up Crewcut" which isn't something Vergil would say but Dante would.

R2/RT works exactly like the buster button in DMC4, including holding up enemies as a shield.
What I don't know is, is there a point to using wire snatch over devil bringer?

user, if you had even a little bit of trouble defeating them, imagine what Vergil can do to you.

It's either double KO or Vergil victory in that fight, actually. Dante has to fight many obstacles to reach to Vergil meanwhile the asshole is just sitting and chilling around waiting for Dante.

>it's like I'm at Mallet Island again
I like to believe Dante is referencing having to face the same bosses multiple times in DMC1.

When I realized you get bonus damage pressing Devil Bringer after each sword strik
Wait what?

>The name of Tomboy's buff move is `One Night Stand`

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>Dante definitely does not have as easy a gap close as Nero, which is my main issue.

Air Trick is your gap closer most of the time. I like to map Trickster to L1, so you just get muscle memory of L1 + Circle = Teleport to enemy.

Wait, you can see if people have?

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the bayonetta devs must have played dmc 4 because the story is literally the same

>bad guy needs person to enter statue to call forth god thingie that will purge world or some shit
>bad guy needs person to enter statue to call forth god thingie that will purge demons or some shit

>tfw played the entire game without using royal guard even once
Now that I'm playing around in the void it seems fun but for some reason I always default to trickster and swordmaster in actual gameplay.

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V is better than Vergil in every way though and I actually like Vergil, but if we are going to compare the two...

True Style Tournament 5 when?

I do not see how the butthurt is supposed to come from me when I asked a question about a picture but you are acting like a shitposter over the, supposed, misuse of a word.

Trace back this conversation, user.

Did you forget Eva or something?
Her hair and makeup are only things that are making her less retarded than Trish, but that's still Trish's model there.

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That's what I thought as well.

Of course, he even says that after "ROUND 2"

>What I don't know is, is there a point to using wire snatch over devil bringer?

Wire Snatch can be upgraded via Rawhide. But Devil Bringer can use Hold, as you pointed out.


>tfw the git gud is kicking in

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That's because you're a brainlet.

so what's the explanation for vergil surviving nelo angelo's death and coming back?

>inb4 because dmc5 needs to happen fuck you

>Fight vergil as Dante
>get floored the entire fight, end up using 4/12 gold orbs I had to beat him

>fight him as Nero
>becomes a fucking joke as I counter him with my buster and get that sweet and satisfying buster finisher

Explain this shit. Is buster just this broken now?

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Your stand will do a punch if you press it immediately after attacking
It's subtle but pretty neat

Fought this fella with Balrog in blow mode and it's so much fun holy shit

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>People hate V
>He's the exact character I've always wanted in a game
Fuck. I hope his reception doesn't make Itsuno think he's a bad concept, this might have simply not been the game to test drive this idea. Absolutely love him though.


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>harder difficulty is harder
wow tell me more

only plebs hate V

Honestly I'm really disappointed with Release damage. It only does like ~1500-2500, which isn't THAT much.

And they really nerfed jump guarding compared to DMC3. It's still okay for certain situations but it's not the godlike monster that it was in DMC3.

To my knowledge, Itsuno and Kamiya are on good terms with each other so it's possible.

I absolutely demolished cavaliere with royal guard

What did he mean by this?

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REMINDER: Don't say the bosses are bad until you've played on SoS


But people like V

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I guarantee V is basically a tech demo for a summoner archetype in Dragon's Dogma 2

When Bloody Palace comes out.

Refrain from shitposting and provide.

I think the fight as Nero was supposed to be easy, your DT regens like crazy.

I've only seen good things about V. I saw someone say they even like him more than the other main characters kek


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He's probably someone who liked Donte and the themes of consumerism and rebelling against the man.

At least I don't get mad over people using words on a cambodian shadow theatre blackboard.

How many missions does V have?

I'm pretty sure he had less health. That or Dante's weapons are hilariously underpowered compared to Nero's.
Plus buster is fucking busted, just like in DMC4

I wonder if that cutie Owen can replicate this lol.

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Holy shit imagine shoving your duck into that neck!!!

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How does this game look so good on ps4 ? I have it in on my gen 1 ps4 and it looks stunning.

Imagine being such a pathetic Brazilian you have to beg on Yea Forums for torrents.

Attached: vovol.png (1152x628, 72K)

Not enough.

>DmC storyline was better
I really can't comprehend how people think this. The story in DmC was absolutely terrible. Worse than any DMC game, except 2.

It was supposed to be easy, it shows how badly Nero BTFOs him.

Absolute state of this mongoloid fanbase

It only regens on Human and Devil Hunter. No regen on SoS or DMD

>Vergil without coat never
>Vergil with hair down NEVER EVER
>nu-Dante without his coat never
>Dante/Vergil swapped costumes/hairstyles never

Attached: (stylish combo stops).jpg (323x254, 27K)

If Trish kept her dmc4 hair she'd look a lot better. At least show her ears.

This is part of the DMC5 package. Not only did we get our series back, we got it back in a grandiose manner AND we continue to taste the salt of these people.

Anyone figured out a way to either cheat in the higher difficulties or some other way to kill the prologue boss and unlock it? I wanna start on hard.

I have no doubt about it, he visits Capcom all the time, especially recently with Okami HD and RE2, he was probably playing it before it was announced.

Attached: Kamiya fucking knew.png (590x435, 60K)

>calling people weeb unironically
Why is it always these people who have the shittiest tastes. What if I just prefer the good videogame instead of the 30fps FUCK YOU one?

I just wanted costumes

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Truestyle rising like a super saiyan phoenix from the ashes is what I'm most excited about with a new DMC.

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Do the other songs you can pick from work with the dynamic lyrics? I'm guessing no but it would be pretty sick if they did.

Guys I'm playing 4
but what is wrong with Dante's voice? did they change the VA?

Wait for more DLCs buddy

That's why you use the sidestep thingy my boy

I miss him...

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How does this game look so good on ps4 ? I have it in on my gen 1 ps4 and it looks stunning, hard work went into this game

No, he deletes his own arm to equip the Devil Breakers again, and resummons his arm at will between Devil Breaker equipment.

>DMC5 Dante but with the shirtless design from DMC1


>kino transformation sequence
>remix kicks in
This is exactly the chuuni shit that I wanted out of DMC5

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He was saving Dante (not that he needed it)

it'll probably be free though like with DmC

You got recolors and a gay cowboy hat, isn't that enough?

I know you are unable to provide anything so might aswell shut the fuck up while youre at it

I get what you're saying but other than parts where him sperging out is understandable, like finding out Vergil is his dad or when Kyrie was in danger in 4, Nero seems like the most normal out of the 3. He seems pretty nice/chill.
>offers person who clearly looks like a hobo who wanders into his garage if he wants a hot meal and shelter in his home.

>when spamming Blow Mode punches is pretty much an auto-parry

RE engine is magic

Kamiya is such a bro towards Itsuno.

>Fuck. I hope his reception doesn't make Itsuno think he's a bad concept
If Itsuno cares that much about what people think then Nero will not be an MC of DMCV, user.

>that bulge movement

I fucking love V's alternate outfit, and just find him fun to play as. I will really enjoy using him in Bloody Palace and getting good.

Is there really any point to Griffon's other moves besides charge shot? I haven't found a ton, the damage of other moves isn't high and they're dependent upon his position, whereas charge shot just blankets everything in lightning.

>Played through the entire game twice already
>tfw haven't found a single secret mission

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April, no exact date.

t. mad brainlet


It's free.

I don't get that joke? Wouldn't be more logical if they used Kadaj + Yazoo + Loz instead?

Me too...

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>Hating V

I don´t get it, he was pretty entertaining, even if his playstyle needed some getting used to.

Give me more replies, user.

Bro's I beat the game on just devil hunter, and I did it fine didn't use continues, but apparently I am missing two ending cutscenes? Why the fuck would this happen?

Nigger how do you miss the first secret mission, it literally pauses the game to tell you that HEY THIS IS HOW SECRET MISSIONS WORK IN THIS GAME

I missed the lady weapon in mission 11

Is it possible to beat the demon lord in mission 1 on demon hunter? I've been trying for 30 minutes and haven't dealt any damage.

Only complaint I see about V are people who haven’t figured out how to play him.

I found three including the first one, they seem pretty tucked away

those are secret ones you get from doing good during the credits battle, I think

isn't the last cutscene Dante saying jackpot?

you have no idea how glad i was that the charge shot was brought back. My middle finger will die because of it but its so satisfying

And shows how to properly drop a F bomb.

yeah but it's not as satisfying

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Yeah. Her hair in 5 really contributes to her looking bad a lot of the time, it makes her face look longer and more rectangular, it also makes her forehead look weird. Can't wait for someone to make a mod of her with Eva's hair.

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The Divinity Statue music is very DD as well.

that means you didn't kill enough demonds in the credits

My makeup looks good.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 Screenshot 2019.03.08 - (1920x1080, 3.81M)

Ahh I guess I was doing shit then, I just have to play good in the credits or someshit? I was just kinda fucking around.

Except for the face department.

Was it explained how the fuck nero angelo became vergil again and what was vergil doing in fortuna during the events of dmc4?

Thoughts on Nero's DT design as a whole?

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Yeah, he actually shoots the screen and causes the post mission screen by that.


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Nero DT with well functioning arm > Dante and Virgil Sin at the same time> Nero DT > Dante Sin = Virgil Sin > Urizen fruit > Dante (Dante) > Dante (Sparda) > Nero (well functioning arm) > Dante (Rebelion) > Virgil >> Nero (no arm)

I love her so much bros

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>what are mods

Attached: Ho0ndb1.jpg (1920x1080, 563K)

>I want memes

Do you think he will have force edge? He did in 4 but he wasn't part of the story. Can force edge's moveset be completely implemented into yamato's?

Does holding triangle in balrog blow mode automatically dodge incoming attacks or do you need to dodge them with the analog sticks?

>yfw you get the double kalina ann and try its moveset and charged attack

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Dante is so good wtf

I really like all of it except the long hair, I don't get why that's there. I do like how it has both red and blue parts.

What I was most glad to see are the over the top DT special moves
Showdown is pretty useless for combat but it's so flashy I can't help myself

>copy the ending of Donte may Cry
>make it 100% better

also: Scythe Girl protagonist for DMCVI

Attached: sample_9e53c3e91db523949d9beeae17246f64.jpg (850x1247, 134K)

>Think V is gonna be gimmicky
>Mfw I end up liking him even more than even Dante
>He then ends up being semi ruined cause lol it's just Vergil's humanity
Also I thought there was suppose to be a boss rush? I don't really think the three easy bosses V does really counts, I thought more of DMC3.

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Please Respond

the controls are clumsy cause 1 stick alters both griffon and shadow moves
but worst of all griffon's moves lose charge if he teleports to you fuck that shit i hate it

The build got a bit of Devilman to it, overall looks cool.

>kamiya blocks everyone
>itsuno follows back everyone

My problem with v is the amount of red orbs to make him fun, but once you do it feels great having fatto defending you while you read your shitty poetry

I like it, but it looks better there than in-game.

>it's a V mission

Attached: thats_enough.gif (295x221, 554K)

Reminds me of Onimusha but I think it looks off in DMCV. I don't know it didn't blend in with the direction of the game, I guess?

That's nothing. Do it in Devil Trigger and shit a brick.

Anyone here tried out DMD mode yet? I'm on SOS and the game is still way too easy.

Amazing. The way arms fold into wings is probably the single coolest detail out of any DT.
He feels like an Oni from Onimusha.

>MAD QUALIA not a selectable battle theme
I think its perfect for it

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Based user thank you.

If you were gitting gud you would've jumped to HaH already

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>People hate V
where? haven't seen much negativity for him in there at least.

First thing I did when starting the game was turn the tutorials off. I just thought they'd be a bit more visible or obvious.

Why does covering Nero and Dante in blood make them look even more attractive? I'm not even a guro/ryonafag.

Attached: Bloody_Nero_Closeup.jpg (1920x1080, 603K)

The men look good. As well as Dante, Nero, and V.

Great design. Hair is questionable but the arm-wings are sick, especially how they fold into his shoulders.

>it's a V mission

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Do you think they'll actually give Vergil Doppelganger when he's added?

>some of the replies in this thread

V is a casual filter confirmed

I am so mad you can only see the Slow Mo transformation cinematic shot once, it was literally the most Kino shit ever

Does Nero know he's Dante's nephew at the beginning on 5? He never seemed to realize it through out the entirety of 4, but when chicken woman called him the "kin of Sparda" or whatever he just shrugged it off like he already knew. Haven't made it to the end of the game yet so I'm not sure if it's acknowledged later when Vergil shows up.

Fuck you buddy, not even dmc2 was that bad and it gave us the kino that is dmc3 and nocturne

>mfw royal releasing Vergil when he dives at me in bird up mode
So this is the power of RG, i'm impressed.

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When do you get Double Kalina Ann?


We will probably get a mod soon. I want it as Dante's theme so badly.

where's muh nude mode already user!

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>V is casual filler

Getting the DevilBringer back pretty much means the Buster Arm is useless from then on, right?

You need to dodge them yourself.

Easy, just have him holding a summoned sword for it. Dante will get another Beowulf as a present for Vergil at the start of their DLC adventure, it will have Vergil's name o the bottom of one of the boots. Vergil will turn away from Dante so that he can't see him cry.


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Except for faces.

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>Vergil fight at the end means it's a copy of DmC

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How to dissable the rank annoncer? It sound so bad even if I use the annoncer voice switcher, but it sound like those retarded Halo 5 medal annoncers.

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If he hasn't, he will.

Well look up how they work and what to look for to find them. Entering a secret mission is pretty novel now

>mup da do didda bix nood po mo grub
Whatever you say Juan

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>We will probably get a mod soon

Can the audio files be swapped like in previous games?

Mission 18 iirc. Nico gives you Kalina Ann 2 in a cutscene.

I never implied that. I was just joking sorry user.

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4 looked cooler

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Nero DT is not that overpowered, he came in when those two autists already beat each other to a pulp.

I don't like the long nails. But it's the only thing I don't like, and it's a minor thing, so eh who really cares.

Glad there was no huge boss rush this time. Always the worst part at the end.

Can't wait for DD2 on RE now.
Wouldn't mind seeing some mechanics from DMC in it.

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>Does Nero know he's Dante's nephew at the beginning on 5?
No. He is surprised when V tells him Dante has a brother.

He understood he was a decedent of Sparda since DMC4, but he never knew how specifically.

3's a curiosity with style-switcher, the game is very blatantly not balanced around you being able to SWORDTRICKSWORDTRICKSWORDTRICK or universally have access to charge shots regardless of style

t. casual pleb

The divebomb move knocks enemies up for Shadow combos, and double check is great for just hitting everything over and over when charged. You are right that the basic charged shot is WAY too strong.

are wa dare da dare da

You guys said increasing the camera distance fix the hilariously low FOV, but it really doesn't change much. I hope someone does a mod or cheat engine table to change it. That's by far my biggest issue with the game
When you go back to 4SE the camera is both close but still retain a wide FOV. 5's camera is too narrow

It's RE engine and RE2r already has music mods

Legit cant wait to see Donguri play this

Were the crazy markings on the wall and the bright red glowing spot also not enough of a clue?

Attacks knock off almost a quarter of your life. Health values are insane, even worse if they DT and different configs for enemies make some encounters much worse.

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I also kinda like how Vergil's Sin DT pretty much turns him into a dragon

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how do I get good at hack and slash games?
I tried bayonettta aaaages ago and was shit at it, decided to give DMC 5 a go and I'm still shit at it.

>game says press triangle triangle and then triangle triangle triangle
>ok that seems easy enough
>in combat
>triangle triangle triangle triangle
>forget literally every combo even though they're simple variations on triangle and pause

I'm honestly not this retarded in day to day life.

Nice digits. Here's to both of them.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190309210549.png (1920x1080, 2.65M)

t. double casual pleb

V summoning was obviously a beta for DD2 summoner

>I have SEED
>for SNEED
Fucking seriously, Capcom?

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>yfw Silver Bullet plays during the final boss

Attached: 1552122930066.jpg (316x316, 17K)

I failed on both counts (Nico told me I could do better, Dante said he'd beat Vergil next time) and still got those cutscenes.

He's already streamed his playthrough if you're curious.

Autistic players may actually prefer Nero this time, I feel Dante lost most of the incentive for autistic claw style switching. No guard flying, and 3/4 of his weapons reward you for NOT switching (Balrog buffs, Gear Wheel, Cerberus charging).

Whereas top play Nero optimally you would have to ACT and Devil Bringer bunch after EVERY attack.

>he doesn't know about rainstorm floating

The mission where you save Trish. It's in the buildings somewhere in the beginning.

He uploaded his playthrough and kept playing like a shitter, look at all his videos, he only plays against bosses and the first 20 floors of Bloody Palace of DMC4 all the time, anyone can become good at that if they are autist enough and play them for countless of hours

>I have two sides
>Nicest guy you'll ever meet
>And twisted fucking psychopath

Where is the V nude mod though?

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>Vergil canonically has a bigger dick because he is confirmed to actually have one
wow this game is fucking DmC2

Secret Mission 2's in chapter 3. When you're in the sewers, there's a stairwell leading to the Death Scissors fight. Go downstairs and look up towards the ceiling.

Secret Mission 3's in Chapter 4, you need to pick up a spare Nidhogg hatchling by making Nightmare bust through this building, then take it all the way to where the damaged Qliphoth root is by a blue orb fragment. Climb the building and when you get to the opening, look down towards the street.

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you just have to play a lot user, that's about it;
you can also practice in the void

I like how people love pointing out how Vergil's face is fatter from his model and his eyes way smaller, yet Dante has same issues when compared to Cowie. Just saying.
Non of them look 100% like their models.

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Thought I was the only one

Am I the only one who was disappointed?
It is fucking short, compared to 4 it is like a dlc. I completed it on devil hunter diff. in 10 hours maybe...
The story is very weak. In 4 I was constantly on edge what will happen next, here everything is predictable. Don't get me wrong it is not bad, just I expected something really awesome after 4. Or maybe the problem is that I was 16 when 4 came out, and now I am 28?

>it's a V mission

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Just gotta play until you learn. There's literally no other way. It'll come eventually.


Dante doesn't have a dick?

>when Kyrie's on her flow, but the pussy is life

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t. triple S casual pleb

speaking of turtorials, I also turned them off at the start. How do you make Griffon and Shadow go into auto mode?


I don't know why it isn't the default for the Vergil/Nero fight, i mean I thought the DT remix was okay but the lyrics are perfect

we need a mode to see whose dick is bigger

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Honestly when DMD is so hard I couldn't care less about balance

People weren't lying when they called this DmC 2
But they were wrong when they used it as a derogatory description because all of the DmC-esque moments in 5 are fucking awesome

Also his Bloody Palace runs are cut up floor by floor. Donguri is shit at games, and the exact kind of autist that DMC4babs love. Trust me, they will turn DMC4 into the Melee of DMC4 and say DMC5 "casualized" Dante.

Damn you got me.

Doesn't the real buster arm cost a bar of DT?

L2 and their attack button. It costs DT. You do relaise there's a skill list in the pasue menu right?

If you're having trouble memorizing the buttons, memorize what the moves themselves are.
For example streak is a straight forward sweep, so you hold the stick forward while pressing the sword button.
Shuffle makes nero dodge back a bit and then sweep forward, so you do a back-forward motion with the stick (back forward being relative to where your character is facing, your character faces whatever you're locked onto)

Vergil should use a scythe weapon in DLC

Take it easy, practice timing in the void

can someone answer this?

It evolved into an ice cream dispenser. Use it or lose it

you can't deal breakage buster damage with regular buster

Much better they should've stick with this design instead of a twink faggot of design in V.

A lot of shit glows red in this game, I did notice the cult markings in the hotel in mission 2 and one of V's levels but I couldn't figure out what to do. I'll probably just look it up and run through them on my Human playthrough.

>the reason Donte is popular with sfm pornmakers is that he had an almost fully modeled body ready in the files
Does that mean we can expect to see V in a lot of sfm porn too?

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He better take notes

Aside from a few moments (that pic being one of them) I thought Vergil and most of the faces in general looked great. I think they just look better in motion.

Yeah, I just looked through the whole thing and didn't see it. I thought it had to be that though, but I haven't gotten back to playing to test it out.


That's single Kalina Ann. I'm talking double. But another user has replied already, thanks still.

They all look like shit too. Dante is the least offensive but they're all awful looking.

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What did Capcom mean by this?

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They already did, i am on a DMC discord and there is tons of babies complaining about the longevity of DMC5, saying that they fucked over it completely due innertia and shit like that

How do I unlock Heaven/Hell and Hell? I just completed the game on SoS but I didn't "win" the credit fights.

your mom

>mfw instead of the vocal version the one with the lyrics kicks in and turns it up to 11.

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they're about the same length, but DMC4 feels longer because you just replay the first 10 missions backwards with Dante rather than 20 unique missions

>nero has damn near all of donte's traits
>is still a shitload more likeable

Learn to guard cancel scrubby

>It's not failed
he knew, 2019 is young but dmc5 is gonna be goty

>Donte is popular with sfm pornmakers is that he had an almost fully modeled body ready in the files
What about his brother? Is it true that he has a bigger *wub* ?

No, Kusarigama. So he gets a move to pull enemies to him.

Nero is fun as fuck in this game.

Does anyone have concept art for Vergil's new DT?

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>Vergil Yamato's himself for more power
>Ends up getting his ass beaten and then made into a gay porn star

DMC4babs are mentally ill and never liked DMC anyway, most of them got into the series late and spent very little time with DMC3 (which they almost always played via the shitty HD collection).

God, I fucking hope so.

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No, he's still voiced by Reuben Langdon, don't know what you're talking about.

Attached: reuben_motorcycle.jpg (1304x730, 158K)

howdy :)

>all those people already playing 2nd if not 3rd time through the game
>tfw I spent whole friday downloading the game then realizing my controller is fucked
I just ordered a new one but I'll have to wait untill monday to get it.

>a slight bitch slap from Nero's devil claw sends Dante flying and looks actually painful to boot unlike 90% of the shit Dante was hit with in his entire life

Attached: 1548367657532.png (411x449, 60K)

So how does that change anything?

Feels more natural on Nero, Donte was the tryhard version of it.

That's because RE engine combines two faces into one. Which is why every single character looks off from their model. Some, like V, Lady and Nico, not as much. But Trish, Vergil and even Dante, don't resemble their face models that much.

Attached: facu.jpg (640x696, 138K)

Dante was never gonna kill Vergil. Fucker had an emotional breakdown both times he thought Vergil died. He was just gonna kick his ass and go "Alright, we've done that, now help me go kill this tree."

>DMC discord
these are the same cretins that trashed DMC threads until one of the got doxxed. go back

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I really fucking hate the bangs, ok his hair grows out when he DT's, but why give him bangs?

Better reasons, better context

why do people like this dorky looking noseman

where is his playthrough uploaded
I can't find it
someone said he got dunked by vergil on DH lmao

Gotta agree senpai. DmC's wild SAVAGE is so imprinted onto my mind that hearing the new announcer grunt it out is less than appealing. Really prefer the DmC announcers tone overall, but admittedly it's a subjective nitpick.

Nocturne 2 confirmed

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Nero is NotDante which is much better than Donte even if he is just Dante knock-off.

i know that difficulty is subjective and all, but the only parts that gave me trouble were the forest mission after beating echidna, and mission 17 the combination of chimeras, faults, and the sin scissor knock offs is absolute cancer

i strongly approve the amount of blood in this game

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He's cute as hell I don't know what your problem is brah

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What will demon sword Vergil be ?

I hope it's two katanas able to cut portals for fast portal combat.

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hey man, a lot of people got dunked on by DH Vergil

I don't care.
Fuck everyone seriously. Trapping Dante to jerk around with his asshole brother forever, or just for another 11 years is like a torture.

I've watched the anime and I've never played 4 (I watched videos) so I'm extremely rusty.
How should I start pulling off combos in this game? Does the game ease you into pulling off combos? I heard there is an "easy" mode which is just the same game but it's easier to get high letter ranks without needing to combo. Pls giv tips.

Youre vergil, hes vergil, im vergil
Is there any other vergil i should know about

>it's V's boss rush

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So, wait a minute
If demons can't kill other demons, how does Trish do it?

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that's good to hear. I've been super pissed off with how easy this game is so far.

many combo videos aren't going to be impressive especially ones with lots of air time and jump cancelling because any retard can do it now.

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this scene was peak kino

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Why was Vergil forgiven for genociding millions of innocent people, including Nell Goldstein?

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I actually like the baseline aerial rave bc it's on my circle instead of triangle


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Dante Must Die gets you Heaven or Hell, HoH gets you HaH.

Who would you guys recommend as someone who could pull off some good combos? I need to see some inspiration.

Can you choose between sparda and rebellion after completing the game? Getting the new Dante sword screwed with my style action muscle memory, and I'm not sure about the summoned swords.

i agree but im still confused why i like him

There isn't any inertia in 3 and people still produced tons of good stuff for that game, right? Besides it sounds like the problem with inertia is that JC cancels your inertia and hopefully that could be solved with mods. Them removing reversals also really sucks

>Vergil probably got laid because his demon dong did a cool party trick
She will not forget that devil's power

>wakes up after being knocked the fuck out for a month
>fucking stabs himself and is the catalyst of a new sword being born
>immediately goes to beat up urizen
>then again
>then goes against vergil who also has his sin devil trigger
give him a break

Demons can kill other demons. But until V reunited with Vergil, the demons were just "dreams" and not truly part of this dimension. They mention that they become truly real again in Mission 17, but then Dante kills them.

I can't printscreen in game help

Fujo is just a shorthand for fujoshi. "Fujo" doesn't mean "girl." Joshi does, but not fujo. And he's specifically referring to the yaoi-and-oftentimes-gore-fascinated autistic fangirls on the internet.

Because we like him.


Hidden weapons, what did you find?
Is there only Katalina II? Does not seems right to me.
Also, HOLY FUCK, DMD might be harder than DMC3, everything is kicking my ass non stop

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I am in mission 13 where I have to kill demons and jump in the holes in the middle. But because of a fucking bug I can't. what a shit game, I already reloaded my mission twice.

Yes. You can have Sparda/Rebellion and DSD all equipped at once if you wish too.

I love how Dan Southworth's jaw is hilariously apparent in DMC5. They had to change his jawline to make the motion capture work better.

Attached: Daniel_Southworth.jpg (600x859, 41K)

The same way behemoths and hell bats can kill other demons. Bingo's a retard.

>Dante Must Die
fuck me.

Great, thanks.

I think it's obvious as hell that Vergil's face got Nero's treatment. Aka got altered from his model.
Just look at cheekbones, chin, jaw, nose and eyes, ESPECIALLY THE EYES! It's way too off.

Yes you can, but if you choose to do that you're admitting defeat. DSD is a straight upgrade. You might as well learn it now.

pls respond

Whats that "3, 2, 1," i keep hearing when playing dante. Did i miss something. Why the fuck do i randomly keep hearing it?

It's a mystery.

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Do they have any advantages over DSD? DSD doesn't need to be in Swordmaster to use aerial rave which is a huge improvement. The summoned swords don't do that much damage so I could live without them.

Likely also helped him having the bigger one.

k i n o

Fuck man they should had an updated version of the Cerberus song. I suddenly got so hyped hearing that tease.

Gigamesh stops being POWERED UP

Better motivations, personality, and honestly? Writing.
>Donte says "Fuck you" to basically anyone that bothers him
>Nero specifically says "Fuck you" to his deadbeat dad whose only interactions with him before this fight were variations of beating the shit out of him and ripping his arm off

Post a webm

The only thing with V that bothers me is that i feel like he is only 5 minutes away from calling himself Kylo Ren.

Nah just player preference.

>use Gerbera to dodge Vergil's summoned sword
>it flies back into him
holy fuck what

>vergil hangs out with the cool weirdos and gets laid
>dante hangs out with the autistic losers and is unable to get laid

How do you use it? From my experience the summoned swords push enemies away and there's only one combo.

Not sure if you can unlock it but here it is on the model viewer

Attached: Sin DT Vergil.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

Kylo wishes he was such a fun character

Honestly King Cerberus is such a fucking cool weapon I don't care if they didn't repeat everything 100% from DMC3. But yes I would have love a remix.

You forgot something:
>Nero drops his F bomb by going Devil Trigger and manhandling his deadbeat fathers ass.

Its not in what is said, its in the delivery and follow up that sells it.

i almost died on the dante fight but clutched it and the only thing i consider myself good at is max-act
i don't see how combo autists with a shit ton of hours of practice from 4 can get dunked by vergil on DH

Art book releases on the 20th

I still think V listens to Death Grips

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>that V on his chest

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When are they gonna make him playable?

That's all this game needs. Otherwise it's hands down the best DMC game.

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>gigachad chin

I actually like big noses.

With the god-awful nails? 6/10
With the nails removed? 9/10.

If you arent smashing demons with Barlog he'll start counting down the end of the buff

With Special Edition, Capcom is fully aware that everyone will buy the game again just due make him playable

This was something out of Bloodborne.

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>tfw like Kylo and V both

hahah get fucked

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Do you think Vergil is now a good guy for good? During his fight with Dante, he took some time to actually think about Nero and whether or not he was his son. He tried to say he didn't care but he clearly does, because the way he asks and his reaction basically told us he legitimately had no fucking clue he had a son out there, and didn't even think twice about why Nero had Yamato in his arm to begin with.

If he DOES become a good guy, does that mean he will finally be stronger than Dante for having a more human side, since he'll care about protecting what little family he has left? It's a nice story setup, I think.

>Vergil, traumatized by his past, searches for absolute power
>Can't become as strong as he wants no matter what, can't ever beat Dante because he wants to go full demon and doesn't understand that it doesn't work, always falls a bit short
>Comes back from hell
>Surpasses Sparda and Dante by doing the one thing neither of them could do
>Had a child, unlike Dante, giving a reason to give a shit about sticking around the human world
>Actually staying to be a proper father, unlike Sparda, who wasn't there when his family needed him most


Best case scenario when Bloody Palace drops
Realistically, SE/paid DLC a year from now.

cringed hard thanks

I'm glad they kept the hammerhead thing he had from Kaneko's design.

Balrog speaks
>writes down his name on everything he owns
>even does with with his SDT
for old times sake

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>dante has stabbing wounds on his dt
>vergil has his name like a narcissist

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>Dante goes to hell at the end of DMC2
>SMT collab
>Dante goes to hell at the end of DMC5
>SMT collab
I think the worlds are connected through hell.


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>under minimum specs
>still 60fps looks great
>only a few missions in and its fuckin great
>V is weird but i like the change of pace

I'm happy bros

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You get a yellow orb if they do.

Amala network

reminder that donte may cry copied the end of dmc3

How do I S rank the Prologue mission?

>Surpasses Sparda and Dante by doing the one thing neither of them could do
He did what now?

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Just go to your equipment menu, they're all there once you've beaten the game and all of them can be put in your slots.

It'll only last for as long as it takes him to find another power-granting MacGuffin
Luckily, Dante will be right there to stop him before he powers up

Both have what defines them:
>Vergil has his ego.
>Dante has his impalement running gag weaponized.