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Needs more "uh oh big"
here's your uh oh big
What the fuck does "Toschka Dalanue" even mean?
pick one
How come no one was able to reach the level of details of Metal Slug spirits?
Apparently the lore explanation of why he keeps coming back is his love for his family
Is the only choise really
I need more MS art, besides Fio lewds
>choosing g*rl
closet homosexual
Ohohoho, BIG!!
Best annoucer ever.
they're not that detailed, there's just lots of the sprites
take Metal Slug XX for example, the game is barren as fuck. the spritework is minimal and half the levels have the same background.
Come on boy~
No u
Tarma. I liked how in later titles they gave him the mechanic special that let you heal the various slugs. Ultimately I just picked him for the cool shades back in the day. Only time I didn’t play tarma was in 4. Just went with Trevor because I was a weeb teen thinking white hair is cool design. I still stand by this.
>they're not that detailed, there's just lots of the sprites
>was so bad as a kid i could never beat him
post more eri
Smush me mommy! Please!
Why was 3 such an absolute masterpiece?
And what was your favorite part?
why is ikari team from kof in metal slug?
To fuck? Eri.
To play as? Ralf.
see you in hell....
They're in MS since 6.
Hell, the mobile game even has Heidern and Whip.
Anyone else own Metal Slug Advance?
no but i have this version.
Just how big do you think she is?
At least C
>Hell, the mobile game even has Heidern and Whip.
Metal Slug XXX when.
>Big nipples, no areolas
Good but not as much as the other way around
I wish i could read moonrunes, the metal slug artbooks have so many cool details about development and the lore that it's a shame they'll never be translated
Maybe one day i'll commission someone to do it, but that's a lot of money for a lot of books
god tier music
anya link to see them?
>Riding an elephant that shoots lighting
>Jumping on top of tanks with a camel
>Being a zombie with laser vomit
>Fighting AYYS in space
Why cant games be fun anymore?
Because that's shallow and games are art.
Any games similar to Metal Slug??? I'm surprised it didn't become a popular genre
CT Special Forces
I will always rep my boy, Marco. Who else /intelligent solider/ here?
>the fucking killer whale
that shit will never not make me laugh
Fucking hell, OP you just took me back to 1999 and a family holiday in Spain where the hotel bar had a Neo Geo arcade machine.
There's an SNK bundle on fanatical that comes with Metal Slug 3 and X, does anyone here know if those ports are any good? I've read that the emulation is pretty shaky but other people say that it just werks on their PC.
Just MAME emulate them all lmao
sound is fucked up and imo you're better off emulating them on FBA with the overclock.
What's the fatman version of super grenade?
>ruins your game
Why does everyone love Fio specifically? Is it the glasses?
dumb airhead waifubait
I like the pony tail
I don't know why they would like fio when Eri is 10x better
>Be Fatman
>Drop shot becomes useful
What the fuck I love drop shot now...
Fio all the way. Leona a shit
Basically this her animations make her look cute and give the felling that she is struggling through the whole thing
Best arcade game.
Had no idea they were supposed to be like caches. Also, DROP SHOT WORST WEAPON.
That is fantastic
Anyone play Metal Slug Attack? Once you hit the mark of beating all the story mode it's essentially a unit collecting game and every match is a rush game and if not then tons of mid and late game units spammed over each other and explosions covering as much of the screen as possible. But goddamn I get sucked into collecting games
I do, I don't play pvp because fuck p2w, i enjoy more the raid missions or the battle mode.
Still have to do the Another Story mode, I find amusing how serious it takes itself considering everyone knows MS as a goofy series even if the story is actually kinda interesting with Morden being actually the good guy
gross, she's supposed to be cute, also this guy's art style sucks ass
I honestly skipped the whole intro scenes, and yea I don't do the online or ranked modes, just battle and team battle cuz enemy ai is duuuumb. I'll watch the another story story scenes another day but for now I'll just keep beating them for the medals, just beat all on normal mode. And I thought that's always been the case with him throughout the series?
Name a series more blessed than metal slug. Oh you cant.
I do. It's the only gacha game I really like. Only thing is it seems like they add busted units every week just to add more and more to make all the units you had that took you forever to get obsolete
I love it exactly for that reason. Before this I was playing South Park Phone Destroyer for a year as my main mobile game, but goddamn did that get boring. They don't add cards fast enough and when they do THE CARD ISN'T VIABLE UNLESS YOU SPEND MONEY OR WAIT AGES TO GET IT LEVELED ENOUGH TO BE ABLE TO USE IT NORMALLY. It sucked getting a new epic or legendary tier character and having it stuck at lvl 1 because you don't have enough cards, at least in MSA you can level it and be able to use it, evolving it just makes it better.
PvP is fucking shit in that game
I just want a comfy rebel themed army vs another themed army, but it just turns into just waifu spamming shit.
I just want to have comfy fights where the units I trained to get turned to soup in seconds
yeah, Morden made the Rebel Army because of a conspiracy with the government and the military forces being corrupted, that along with the death of his son (that also seems to be connected with this corruption) made him declare war on them, and X and 3 go even crazy with him joining forces with Mars People in order to defeat the military, but since the ayys betrayed him in MSX and captured him in 3, the rebels join forces with the military in order to rescue him and save the world
The story in Attack is entertaining even if the translation is pretty poor (but it's SNK so it alright lol)
As i said cute
I loved the feeling of the story mode, I imagine that's what pvp used to feel like in the game, then they had to appeal to the p2w players and released OP units. Then they had to appeal to free users by giving them good enough units to counter p2w, then the viscous cycle continued for 3 years now.
>thought they were just old guys who had free stuff
>realize they were prisoners and probably were for months if not years.
War is hell my dudes
Handjobs from Fio!
I thought they were hobos that just pulled out their boxers for comedic effect. Didn't know about p.o.ws as a kid.
Yeah true. They're also really generous when it comes to free money and medals. I get hyped whenever the extra ops is United front since you get a millions medals and money for free pretty much. Also this is my current deck
Metal Slug 3 is the best video game ever.
If it weren't for Sol Dae Rokker, the game would be as close to perfect as possible.
>Golden Formar
I fucking hate you Formar but goddamn do I want you, just one more EO until I can.
Titty Allen/Julia is so fucking good
>Huge HP
>Good ATK, can in different directions
>Great Range
>Amazing Special
>Low AP cost
She and Perche are my fav units
uhhh what the hell is this? this doesn't look like metal slug at all
>Tfw pic related happened
>Tfw you are a monster
>not getting the 2p comfy ending
>that feel when you board the rocket ship and go save your friend alongside Morden's army and the whole thing until you arrive at the mothership
I play the game every now and then but that fucking boss takes out all the momentum for me, goddamn was it fucking trash. It's one of my top ten games but that single boss is a blight on the game.
The mobile game is a clusterfuck of characters. Having previous SNK entries is the least weird thing in there.
If I remember, there is no game where you can use Super grenade while being fat
The Morden soldiers were the best part of Metal Slug. They had so much personality. I always felt bad for that one pilot who Independence Day'd himself at the end of 2/X
tfw you can play as them in Metal Slug 3 bonus mission
Fio would be an excellent mom for real.
I bought this bundle and now I have four Metal Slug games (1, 2, 3, and X). I've never played one before.
Am I going to have fun or are the Steam versions somehow worse than [insert other version here]?
I love blonde big haired leggy military girls so I was ecstatic getting her in the free daily medal crank a while back. Cheap, like 250k health I have her at, and her special has won me tons of games by firing right past enemies. And solved the worry of flying units.
My brothers went insane when we finally beat that last mission.
in the antology?
Theres more oc's in this game than the normal cast now, but it's ok they're all cool. To me anyway
Steam ports are pretty fucked up, sound's bad and no rebindable keys. Just emulate the games.
You may have some frustration if the games has slowdowns in the parts that fill the screen whit stuff, other than that its impossible to play Metal Slug and not have fun
peace forever
I had Metal Slug 3 on the Xbox. I don't think it's on the anthology, it's called Storm the Mothership or something.
>that girl got added in the intro screen of Metal Slug Attack
>if you clicked on her the wind will blow her hat and the soldier's helm from the tomb
>instead of praying she starts crying
And guess that's why they removed it
If there's something I always loved about SNK was giving vocal versions of some songs
Crazy characters but still awesome sprite work, and essentially Gotta Catch 'em All but with Metal Slug art and theme through crank pulls and lots of events each month. Crazy part is they give you tons of premium currency ($100 worth) and now even a free platinum unit to carry you for a while.
Shit, so it isn't in any arcade re-release
>get MSA for Yoshino because Musclegirls give me the hardest boner ever
>Finally get her
>She's fucking bad
I still have her on my deck but she's so sluggish and can barely take hits considering how much does she costs to deploy.
Yeah. I played it not too long ago again but holy crap.
I died twice to that boss's golden attack. Didn't die at all before it.
Twice to that boss.
And it's all random too.
I hate it so much.
If you try going into the debug mode for metal slug and selecting levels like that that's how the game was tested. With just being able to go into a segment of a level with JUST a pistol. I imagine, even if the game's super arcade-tough, that they still had some difficulty balancing done still. If I were to do some level design testing for a metal slug game, I would make sure that testers were able to consistently beat a portion of the game I was testing ten times in a row with just a pistol. Every additional slug or weapon is there to make the game more convenient.
I have no idea what their conditions were for Sol Dae Rokker. I've seen expert play-thrus where people lose a life to the golden attack...
>Just emulate the games
enjoy your censored white blood
just dipswitch that shit lmao
dipswitches exist, dude... Understand how neo geo games work.
they all feel disgust at the end of 3
You gotta get the Ver. Rebellion of her, over half a million health, TONS of damage, her special sends her across the map and (my own) deals 70k damage, and she can evade attacks And perform an attack when she evades.
It's pretty funny how she's the most probable cause for the Martian invasion (she was praying to the Martians so they could revive her dead Rebel husband)
oh thanks, didn't know about that version.
I love how this gif makes it look like they have infinite guns
>LV Armor is supposed to be Rebel Armor
>The Invader Queen is actually a king
>The Monoeyes are not Martians but "from another star"
>Brain Bot is actually named Space Robot
>Sea Worm is Marine Unidentified Mysterious Animal(MUMA)
This is just tip of the iceberg. How much info are we missing?
I wonder how long she'd been praying for. Dunno how true it is but apparently the paper airplane was a message to Morden stating that communication with the ayys was already established and the twinkling stars that are seen appearing when Morden looks up and the camera pans to the sky are them getting closer.
I shocked more hasn't been done with MS as a franchise. No anime or comics or whatever
Honestly SNK seems to not care that much for MS in general.
KOF characters were a mistakeeeeeeeeeeeee
Anyone other old lads here remember playing this in the mini arcades that movie theatres had?
>Ikari warriors
Newfag please.
I first saw a cabinet in a restaurant, actually.
Bowling alley, but yes.
I just miss the aesthetics of these kinds of games in general. Something about military settings in older games was just aces.
is it true shes the one that wished for the aliens?
i always felt bad for her
I dunno about ikari warriors, I just saw these guys in KOF first.
>I just saw
and that's why you're a new fag.
I think my first experience to metal slug was in a movie theater. I saw a neo-geo cabinet with metal slug 2 in it
it looked beautiful. I'll never forget how beautiful it was.
>butthurt that his forgotten franchise is ignored outside of KOF
Yeah, cry more butthurt from that butt.
>Im not stupid, you're just mad.
holy shit so they were a supply box?!
Can any tank autists tell me if the Metal Slug would be a good tank irl
the new engine they used to make Metal Slug 6 and 7/XX sucks, those HD backgrounds don't mesh well with sprites, and the sound effects are kinda off too. if SNK were to make another MS game, it should be more like the first 3 games, though that would probably be a lot of work in this day and age and I'm afraid they wouldn't see it as "profitable", shit sucks
Not really had to do with the engine, more how low budget the art direction was. Though there is totally no excuse why they replaced the sounds with inferior ones. It feels like I'm shooting rubber bullets.
>regular army got mordens son killed
Ahhh Metal Slug...
Gives me the cozy feelings.
Takes me back to when i was a kid n dropped by the arcades afterschool.
Never played ms3 because it was always occupied by the older kids.
shitty bait you got there kiddo
Then play it, its the best MS you know
I do not dare to guess how much money i sank on the arcade between metal slug x and KOF 98 i have memories of both, on MS i was able to get to the chinatown without dying and beating the game with 3 coins and on KOF geting the shit kicked out of me by Rugal
Are the Android ports any good?
i guess you have a controller, otherwise no
I doubt anybody can play metal slug on a fucking phone
First saw Metal Slug 1 at a burger joint, saw the first Aero Fighters there too. I miss that place it had nice burgers and served them with steak fries. It also served breakfasts and what they called a mega burger which was about as big as a pizza and had something like 20 or 24 patties. Eventually it got shut down and what stands there now is a fucking starbucks. There was another restaurant owned by the same people that served the same food too about a 20 minute drive away, but that one burned down.
Although yes, I've played Metal slug in those jap cabs you mentioned at a movie theater before, but that was 5. Also saved like $20 in quartes when I was a kid and played 2/X at a mexican store with a friend, at one point that same mexican store also had X-men children of the atom (I was like 6 when I first played that there and kept whooping a kid my age with wolverine unti he pulled out fucking Ice Man), Tekken 3 and Tekken Tag, and Metal Slug 4.
First time I played Metal Slug 3 in arcades was at an auto repair shop.
I will. Just got the anthology on my vita.
Btw is there a difference in feel between playing it on a controller and on a arcade setup?
*Arino-san has found again the Metal Slug machine*
I'd imagine it's kind of expensive and hard to find competent artists.
MSA releases waifu units every week that have the same level of detail. I think they can pull it off.
That tower defense thing, right?
Is that more profitable than a single release of a normal run n gun game? If so, I guess it makes it easier to pay the artists to animate it while keeping a profit.
MSA pays for the budget of the real games.
Either way, SNK is finally showing interest in making games again and a new game is scheduled after 2020 according to its finance report. Also this dualshockers.com
Someone please explain the Metal Slug lore, this shit seems kinda interesting with the girl praying and stuff
Morden's an asshole and martians are back
With 4K coming in and ever increasing resolutions spritework needs to be bigger and would probably be more demanding. I don't think people in general would appreciate sprites in their original resolution despite how neat they were or people say they like them, I don't know how effective simply upscaling or putting filters on them would be either.
Even the KoF XIII sprites that people like to fawn over so much were incredibly expensive, it nearly bankrupted them again and the kicker is they're smaller than people think. At the time they were fist showcased for XII I recall people comparing it to to a snes game. Now people constantly circle jerk about them, that's not to say some weren't nice. Hell even during their atomiswave releases some were already calling them lazy because they still used the old Neo Geo sprites.
What said is partially the reason why they aren't doing sprites for their current mainline games along with financial reasons, the devs have stated as much. For the XIII stuff one character took months and months or work with a frame taking about a work day apparently. A new slug 2D slug, which would be great, would certainly kill them.
iirc you can use it in one of the debug levels, it's the same as the normal but with bigger shells.
I love Metal Slug but goddamn am I terrible at these games.
Just like most SNK games back in the day, the lore isn't presented through normal gameplay unless you sit down and examine backgrounds and small sprite interactions. Metal Slug games prior to their bankruptcy had loads of descriptions for even the smallest items. You should look up things like Parker, the Neo Geo merchant. They're on
They're on the wiki*
vanillaware MS game
yes or no?
You could emulate the arcade version
you'll get good with enough practice user, don't give up!
I finished MS4 in 3+1 credits
I gotta step up my game
How would people feel if a new Metal Slug game went for a 3D aesthetic? Let's say... handrawn backgrounds with 3D characters, to save time and money?
Or would it be better to reuse the old assets and just try to make new boss sprites on top of pre-rendered backgrounds? Because I noticed they stopped using pixel art BGs after 5, and even on that one I noticed a LOT of reused BGs.
MS fans didn't take painted backgrounds too well, I don't think they're clamoring for high definition sprites.
That sprite is cute, but it screws up her hitbox. Wish I still had the gif showcasing it.
Speaking of sprites, it was very noticeable from 4 onwards the sprite reuse.
For example,
The ending to the first Metal Slug is one of my favourite ones.
They could've at least used the same color palette as the rest of the boss' tower segments, would help hide it better.
First time I ever played MS3, was a friend at the arcade who would play it all the time and wanted to try a no death walk through. I think we both went through about $10 on that machine to get to the end since I was so bad at it. But god damn was it a fun time.
a proper metal slug cannot be done without effort.
The work HAS to be put into what makes the series shine.
People never mention how MS5 reused a lot of assets too.
Fair enough
I just wonder if it's profitable to make a new one, I doubt it'd be cheap to make all these new assets.
A new metal slug would be very very VERY profitable, but only with the proper direction.
Every Metal Slug game reused a shit ton of assets. All of Metal Slug 3s assets were already done in Metal Slug X for example (you can see them in the debug modes), but they pumped that game out first to cash in before releasing MS3.
>People never mention how MS5 reused a lot of assets too.
MS5 had a shit ton of new assets that got unused. Literally everything except Stage 1 is half finished in that game. They had a proper final boss, for one.
so you are the bad guy?
Someone please explain as someone who was never good enough to beat any of them.
Words that fill my breast with elation.
I meant the stages, user. Nearly all backgrounds were reused from other games, the only true original background I remember was the very first section of Osaka.
war is bad no matter what
I like glasses
No, it ws just an intelligence failure on the end of the regular army. Morden went insane because of it and founded the rebel army.
I find it very ironic that he founded an army using the exact same guerrillas that killed his son.
the instructor
they do
I dunno. Maybe it really was corruption. Why did so many people join his rebellion?
Why are there always more?
Why the FUCK did timetravelers go and help him out?
he was right about the corruption.
>samurai showdown is back
>metal slug is next
can't wait
Was Metal Slug really popular in spanish-speaking countries or something?
I always found it amusing how almost every time I saw a MS video on youtube there was someone speaking spanish.
To be honest I'm not as optimistic. It is true that their main money makers are the mobile games and their licensing/crossover stuff, but I'm not sure about a new Slug being very profitable. While they were satisfied with their recent endeavors with console games over compared to the other stuff mentioned the share of profits is smaller. Ever since they started making games again I've seen many people say how they'll buy their games, but if they did this or that or added in this or that or if the price went down to this or that, when it was all said and done some of those fell of the face of the earth. Saw this a fuck ton with KoF XIV, to some extent with SNK Heroines despite people getting assblasted for one reason or another and it will happen with the new Samurai Shodown. It doesn't help that a lot of SNK fans' set up runs on toasters and when it comes to people asking about playing SNK games the go to answer is "just emulate bro". If they do manage to scrounge up the money for it somehow, I just don't see enough people going for it to justify the probably insane costs.
Also with how a lot of people demand cinematic story modes etc, I'm not sure the usual amount of content of the home releases will be enough. A lot of them included the combat school, mini games, special mini missions, etc. 7/XX were pretty go as far as content goes for Metal Slug games, but I get the feeling that won't be enough for some people. What Metal Slug has over other SNK games is likely a far wider reach, but again I'm unsure if that'd be enough.
Pretty sure that SNK games are pretty popular on Latin America for some reason
t. Argentinian
MVS cabinets were very easy to pirate
Do you think there should be female POWs?
>he's a terminator by virtue of being a family man
Fuck I love her bandana and blonde hair.
NeoGeo/SNK is very popular with latinos in general.
I'm honestly surprised MS is also popular worldwide, it's not like a KOF situation where it's only huge on China/Mexico
Morden is a very charismatic person if you're on his side. He was well known as a very good commander when he was in the Regular Army. When he defected, several of his troops followed him.
Plus remember that this world is ruled by a single government, so maybe those troops want a change of government or something.
Rumi and Madoka Aikawa already exist
It's that 80s-90s action movie feel.
metal slug was super popular in italy too, I probably spent 200$ at arcades playing just the first one
I mean actual POWs, not wandering backpack girls
very comfy thread, guess I'm booting some MS to play tomorrow
What's the most modern, non-mobile kusoge Metal Slug anyways? I heard that the new (Chink) president at SNK wants to revive the old arcade titles, so does that mean there's hope of a modern iteration of Metal Slug?
demon front
Only XX comes to mind and that must be 10 years old at this point.
What's his endgame?
Most recent one is XX. The chinks want them to do that, but they sure ain't gonna give them the cash for it. They've been with them since KoF XIV and the devs went on to say that that game had a small budget. Everything SNK's done since has been funded by whatever they get from their mobage and licensing.
I played with 3 at a laundromat.
Anyone played Metal Slug 5 Elite? They resumed development.
Sleep tight, Aniki.
"Literally perfect wife" character bio
Nadia is my guilty pleasure pick, because nobody likes MS4, but Tarma is my regular pick.
The lore of Metal Slug is actually pretty sick. Morden is actually a beloved military man and the 'rebel' army is in fact the majority of the regular army. The government assassinated Morden's son(or at least allowed it to happen) and is generally so despised that pretty much every soldier rebelled when he attempted the coup. That's why even awesome family man Allen is on the rebel side. Even the special forces protags you play as are pretty much all coerced by the government into fighting in their backstories. Eri and Fio are literally ordered there to kill Marco and Tama if they attempt to defect while the government is holding their friends/family hostage. That's why they cry/looked pissed when you select their portrait.
Point being, you are a monster on the wrong side of the conflict and you unknowingly backed the wrong side and committed war crimes for an evil government. War is hell. At least before they retconned all of it later.
Basically after you beat the game you are in an adrenalin trip and then as the credits roll you see the aftermath of what you did, it is a 2:42 that they rip your hearth out
Tue between Mission 2 and Final Mission
My nigga
Holy shit, I never knew metal slug had a proper story and it was this deep.
But how do they explain the game having 7 games?
>tfw in high school when Metal Slug 1~2 and X were in the arcades
>played it so often through Neo Geo emulators at home, I memorized the game like the back of my hand
>one credit to clear the game, 30~40 mins each run and there's always a crowd gathering around watching me play through the ending
Those were the days
Jesus Christ man...
*slash half the screen and eat your coins*
#$@%? €£! ₩¥
Man, fuck this route but the theme song is great.
i heard the selection screen portraits are wanted posters
for me it's popeye Marco
Wasn't Morden's granddaughter that got murdered?
That's true. Which explains why everyone looks like exaggerated.
where can i find more lore about the game?
what the fuck was his problem
For me it was the mini arcade at my local ice rink. My sister took figure skating classes, so mom would take me along as well, and I would just play Metal Slug X the whole time.
If you can find a rip of the Metal Slug Anthology Booklet that has a lot of back story
This link has a lot of concept art and cool shit, well worth looking at.
I'm sure there's a Metal Slug wiki with more info as well. I mean, I assume there is.
oh god i'm so sorry
what can i do to redeem myself
am i the only one that liked MS4?
even if it's a rehash, I had a lot of fun with it back then.
Nadia is also pretty cute
I play. It's the only gacha I really bother with because of my love for Metal Slug.
Unfortunately waifus have definitely taken over. I'm a tank kind of guy myself. At least the gold versions of units bring some of the basic old units back to the forefront of the meta though.
Marco main here, reporting in.
kill your goldfish
Never thought I'd see an ichii gif
That gif gets posted daily. Where have you been?
>Latin America for some reason
I think I remember some mexican user saying they where incredibly easy to pirate and pretty much every corner store had one.
Man, these games has a lot of weird concept art
Trying to sleep and successfully failing
The Pachinko animations are great(that's what it's from)
I liked it for what it was. Music wasn't bad either. It was one of the first MS games I got to own in some way.
My favorite has to be this one because it implies that the censored white blood in the soldiers is because they are cyborgs/robots.
I want Fio to pa my chinko.
She's preparing to pull a weapon out of his drawers. Because that's canonically where they store them.
Same but I want Eri to do that to me
How fucking new
A reference to Aliens no doubt. Was white blood how they censored a port of the games? I suppose if you need to censor something, that's a pretty cool nod to make.
I made some webms out of this scene. I'm not at my computer right now though so I can't upload it to /wsg/ but yeah she's pulling a laser gun out of his pants to take care of an enemy vehicle. There's a few ways the scene can play out depending on your pachi luck. That particular metal slug pachi game has such good art.
The original final boss (a brick steampunk giant turtle) looked way the fuck better.
From what i've seen, that turtle wasn't the final boss originaly, it was what was carrying the tower that the boss resides. the final boss was supposed to be this guy
Metal Slug database used to have a bunch of interesting stuff back in the day. Shame the site died.
Found these on archive
>First stage boss + Metal Slug attack
>Fio's scenario played straight
>Second stage boss
>Eri's mission fail
>Tarma's different scenario outcomes
>Mission failures, character idle shots, and character select
Sauce: boards.fireden.net
Oh yeah, I forgot.
Nice Discworld reference too.
Yeah, white blood was the preferred use of censorship in the games but the yetis would also bleed purple in the censored versions of the games (Or at least their corpses would). Zombies would also explode in a brown, sand like mist instead of a red one. Most enemies have red blood otherwise and the games can be pretty detailed violence wise.
Wayback machine works
>Metal Slug database used to have a bunch of interesting stuff back in the day. Shame the site died.
Yeah, I remember that site. It was fun how the author kept re-inventing the layout, I liked it. Now everyone just uses wikia for this, nobody makes dedicated fansites like this anymore.
Whatever happened to the guy running it anyway?
The white blood in the games was just generic SNK censoring, same as everyone sweating instead of bleeding in KOF/Fatal Fury.
The concept art may have been aliens inspired, who knows.
Considering the games reference everything from Independence day to Starship Troopers, an Aliens reference is pretty much guaranteed.
I did that with Time Crisis 3. I even dressed up as Wild Dog, it was always fun to hear people put two and two over it when I faced him.
I wonder how much one of the machines cost, I tried it again recently and was terrible.
For more metal slug visit this site
God I wish that were me.
Who knows man, hope he's doing ok. I just remember browsing that site, looking at and reading whatever I could.
Looked up the site on wayback machine and some stuff got archived, some didn't. Guess that's how it goes. Apparently they had images of the cancelled GBA port of Metal Slug 1 press kit, but that's some of the stuff that didn't make it.
My nigga since first Metal Slug.
It was the last MS game SNK produced so they ended with a high note.
I used to be active on his forum, I remember it got hacked once, pic related.
to be honest I treated him pretty rude back in the day, but I always respected his work. I recall reading somewhere that he quoted me on being right about him losing interest and letting the site die... It's ironic considering that I wish his site was still online, even in an unmaintained form. I miss the unique fan sites like those.
It was the last MS game SNK produced so they decided to end it with a bang.
>And what was your favorite part?
Rocket launch in final mission, the largest final mission in any MS game pure hype.
Playing this part in Level 8 did gave me ptsd and sore fingers.
i remember a Crossover Manga with street fighter where a Mars alien comes from his UFO to trying to shoot one of the fighthers but they dodge the shoot even tough he fails he simply retreats back to his UFO happy fro some reason and Fly off leaving the area.
what? So they change weapon barrel?.
>MS with gacha sluts
Nothing is sacred anymore.
That shit is why I never play any Metal Slug, except the first one, without autofire. The last time I played MS3, my hands ended up hurting for a day.
use your index finger for the shoot button, don't use your thumb.
I alternate between my index and middle finger so I can fire twice as fast with less effort; and I still got hurting hands after a full playthrough of MS3.
Is better to think MS never went past 3, maybe 5 but is debatable.
Sadly slut OCs bring money
Yup, just look at Skullgirls or Overwatch or even Dead or Alive.
He is trolling you know?, story is quite simple:
>Morden was loved and good leader in the regular army
>His son dies becaus regular army fucked up big.
>Tired of Regular army incompetence and corruption he joins rebel army.
>since he was loved by his mens most of them defected to rebel side.
>bow vengeance upon regular army
>they got the upper hand until regular army starts deploying Metal slugs and Peregrine falcon unit.
Oh, done right a Metal Slug game probably wouldn't be profitable at all. More likely it'd be a huge loss.
I don't believe that for a second.
A new netal slug game done right would be cery profitable. You only need a few features to make it worth the price
Depends on who's being shipped with who.
Canon pairings are
Marco x Fio
Tarma x Eri
I always thought it was
Marco x Eri
Tarma x Fio
>they got the upper hand until regular army starts deploying Metal slugs and Peregrine falcon unit.
Incorrect, rebel army stole the metal slugs from the regular army since they're so damn incompetent.
>TFW We never got to use the black metal slug seen in the last mission in MS.
It's backed up my concept art and how in metal slug 3, if you don't switch your character after dying, you'll have:
Marco saving Fio
Fio saving Marco
Tarma saving Eri
and Eri saving Tarma
if you did switch yoyr character during play you'll just have the lady character you played as savr your soldier.
*last character you played as
never played any metal slug what am missing?
That doesn't look like Tarma More like Eri twin.
But it just the chibi artstyle.
>But how do they explain the game having 7 games?
First games story is the rebel army uprising.
The second game and X have Morden allying with the Mars People, only to get betrayed by them.
MS3 doesn't even have you fighting the rebel army most of the time, you are busy killing zombies or giant enemy crabs or graboids from Tremors or Audrey IIs and so. I can only assume the story is still you against the Rebel Army, except that they are led by a martian body snatcher in an attempt to destabilize the powers that be. Once this is found out, the rebels and regular army blitz them together.
MS4 has a group called Amadeus trying to get into power, they are into robotics and hacking. They have terminator lookalikes of Morden and Allen, and they use it to take over the remnants of the rebel army.
MS5 has you fighting smugglers who steal a blueprint for the Metal Slug tank (you can fight two enemy metal slugs on stage 1). During the confrontation in the ruins, a cult leader ends up getting possessed by some death god, and takes over the smugglers, and then whatever happens afterwards ended up being cut from the game and left unresolved.
Metal Slug 6, I think, introduces a new alien race invading the planet. They are predators of the Mars People, so you join forces with the martians to beat them.
I haven't played the rest.
You overestimate how willing people are to shell out money for SNK games despite Metal Slug casting a wider net. Hell most of the time you just see people telling others to emulate their games, in this thread included. There's a reason why their main money makers is the mobile and licensed stuff. Saw a ton of people say they'd buy KoF XIV and in the end put up reason after reason as to why they wouldn't and when they were met, those people were nowhere to be found. Something similar will happen with the new Samurai Shodown, I can almost guarantee it. I love SNK, but I keep my expectations of people buying their stuff low, this is regardless of quality. They could make a game that sucks your dick and the same would happen.
Something the likes of a new, proper and nice looking metal slug would be a money hole magnitudes bigger especially since the chinks haven't given them jack for funding and likely won't. I'd say it'd be even worse for them than KoF XIII since everything in MS is so well animated and there's tons of little details everywhere.
beautiful sprite animations, huge explosions, and a generally wacky and insane run & gun game where you first fight not-Nazis led by not-Saddam-Hussein, then by the third game every damn movie monster from the 70s to 90s get involved.
From the top of my head you have Little Shop of Horrors, Tremors, Independence day, Mars Attacks, Starship Troopers, Dawn of the Dead, some bigfoot looking things, Body Snatchers, giant mutant fish and eels, Indiana Jones, Terminator, and god knows what else I missed.
And the not-Nazis also use extremely impressive weaponry, from giant robots to land-cruisers to atomic submarines and just generic gigantic tanks.
All with superb, detailed, exemplary quality sprite artwork that only the Neo Geo hardware can handle.
>a ton of people say they'd buy KoF XIV and in the end put up reason after reason as to why they wouldn't
Yeah, reasons like that the game sucked.
If they make shit games, then no one will buy them. Then the company will blame it either on the franchise being too weak or the gamers not interested in it anymore, and proceed to not make new games.
Why the hate for ms4? It is the peak of metal slug for me, alsp mission 1 and 5 soundtracks
Because it's an unoriginal rehash of the previous games. I still prefer it over 5 though.
Where, how, i have played only 2-3-4- and X
MS4 tried going back for the MS1 gameplay, focusing on the rebel army instead of movie monsters, and I liked it for that.
The problem was that the level design kind of sucked. Not only did they have a shit ton of inescapable death traps, but they also failed to grasp some gameplay changes introduced in later games. For example, in MS1-2-X, one bullet kills one enemy and after that they have no hitbox. From MS3 and onwards, killed enemies can sponge 3-4 more shots, so you can't kill groups of enemies fast enough with the handgun. This means that normal enemies can overwhelm you extremely easy. You have to use grenades to clear groups now, but then you don't have anything to take on tanks with and you get screwed.
So basically the level design sucked. The artwork is also less impressive, you don't have the giant animations the other games are known for.
Personally, I didn't even notice that the game reused graphics until it was pointed out. It was the horrible level design that I disliked. MS1-2-X-3, you can rush through the levels and blow shit up nonstop, in MS4 you have to be slow and methodical to beat most levels without getting hit.
It also changed a lot of the music from insane quality chiptunes to prerecorded sound, but the Neogeo hardware wasn't capable of doing that in high enough quality, so things ended up sounding bad. Although in retrospect, the soundtrack for 4 and 5 are fucking awesome, despite being done by a different guy. They ended up changing the music guy again from MS6 and onwards, and it got lame synth music instead of the diamond heavy metal.
Nearly every background from MS4 is swiped from the previous games, I think only the last boss is unique. Most of the sprites are edited together from old ones, again excluding the final boss, and the maybe two new enemies (the dude who shoots you with darts that turn you into a monkey).
For example, this boss: is an edit of the spaceship you see in Metal Slug 3, in the cutscene where you launch the attack on the martians.
good find
Yeah, I don't liek Metal Slug 4 for it's level design either. Morden in the stupid tower gun ad the second mission's boss id a huge low for the series to me.
I loved the final mission's music at the beginning though, with the PIANO. Ooooh, that was so good.
What's the best way to play Metal Slug? Emulator or Anthology?
The only thing I hated in MS4 was that they ditched the recurring theme songs from the last game. You don't have the final boss music or the assault theme in there anymore. Only the generic drum roll tune remained.
Metal Slug 5 only added the last boss tune back, and it was okay. The rest of the songs ended up better, the song in the second part of the last mission, "Last Ditch Resistance" was fucking boss.
Yeah, no nigger. The game was fine, not the best, but not among the worst, it'd say as far as they go it's within the upper half. The majority of those excuses were if they add this character or that, and when they finally got added nothing. It's almost always shit like that, happened during XII/XIII to where the whole no mai no buy retardation happened that now they shove her into nearly fucking everything. Even in cover/promo art for XIV despite her being largely irrelevant to the game's main plot.
As for different KoFs there will always be those with different preferences whether it's 98, 2002, XI or XIII and call everything else shit. The most adamant of which were those who liked XIII because muh sprites or those wanting them to carbon copy what other companies did despite being a fraction of the size, despite them already stating the reasons why they could not (no money for it, no access to previous assets, not enough sprite artists willing to do the work) before release, and other draw backs like them taking a fucking long time to make. Doesn't help when people want to know about the series people are just like "just pirate it" or mainly play on fightcade which they get nothing out of. They keep going with the mobile and licensing stuff because people don't buy their main games for one reason or another.
If this kind of shit happens with KoF, what a ton of people dick suck SNK over, what makes you think people wouldn't pull something similar with Metal Slug? Especially when people seemingly want shit like cinematic story modes and shit. You've already got some people in here calling certain slugs shit, granted that they may not be the best slug games, but as games in general they are fine. Pleasing people won't be as easy as with previous home releases. The main campaign, combat school, mini missions/games and a gallery will no longer be enough.
OG Xbox? Glad I just bought one and am finishing up downloading all the games.
I've read that Metal Slug Anthology on PS4 is a bad port with high input lag. Has that been patched or is it still fucked?
Unfortunately, in MSA they're trying to pair a character named Roberto Nicola with Fio. Disappointing to say the least, he was just a character that appeared once in a mobile game long time ago.
That guy's just a fanboy, not Fio's wannabe boyfriend.
It's further than Marco ever tried. Nowadays he's just a nerd who cares more about his holographic waifu.
Yea Forums would shit on it regardless of quality
>we will never get sprites that look this good ever again
feels bad man
There is only one instance in the games where this is possible normally.
MS3 mission 1 - crawl where the submarine is to get the G and then crawl out and go up, kill all the bugs when they get close to each other to make sure you have some ammo left, and finally, before jumping on the boat, shoot the wooden plank tilted downward you stand on right before the boat to spawn 4 mushrooms. Eating those will make you fat.
But the weapon doesn't change.
super grenade confirmed worst weapon