Fire Emblem Awakening:

Fire Emblem Awakening:
Male Avatar: Reasonable design
Female Avatar: Reasonable design

FE Three houses:
Male Avatar: Reasonable design
Female Avatar: Fucckin stab me in the guts lmaooooo

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I wanna get my sword all up in her guts


I love her cute tummy and shorts + tights is my favorite combination

Do you want me to keep talking about her cute bellybutton and the lewd things I would do to it, because I will

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How are students supposed to focus with that thot of a teacher?

How do you want your Fire Emblem Three Houses cast to be like?

>Cosplayer student with a train conductor's hat
>Homosexual males
>Soulless eyes for everyone
>Female teacher with fishnets


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You skipped over Fates where the Male Avatar was shit.

They both look like shit, even by Fire Emblem standards. Their armor looks like it comes from a sci-fi game.

>this is your character design on waifufags

Fucking nuFE so unrealistic old games weren't like tha-

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Same way I did, m8.

I know, but the contrasts between Awakening and 3 houses conveyed my point better

I'll do fates right now

Male Corrin: looks like a doofus
Female Corrin: Just stab me in the thighs lmaoo

did you jack off in class?

The teachers in this school fuck their students

You didn't?

No, you just slouch in your desk and position your boner upwards between your pants and your waist so all the blood rushes down and it goes soft.

You do realize that this is a video game right?

boring, I'd rather jack off

Have fun getting expelled.

>this character design looks retarded
>umm actually its a video game, its supposed to look retarded

Male Corrin looked cute though.

How does it look retarded?

I hope the male version gets in Smash. His design is great.

There's already up a fucking thread about this game

Reasonable doesn't mean good. Robin looked like shit

Honestly it's not so much the fantasy aspect of it. I don't mind wacky over the top armors that are more fantasy fashion pieces than functional slabs of steel. Chrom's Great Lord armor is my favorite armor design in the series and that looks like it belongs in a scifi FPS.

My issue is that it just doesn't look like it wants to commit to being a sexy fanservice thing or "normal." It tries to do one and then doubles back.

>just stab me in the guts lmaooo!


female Robin is a cutie take that back

The design is clearly trying to be sexy fanservice.

her armor has a hole right where her vital organs are, and it looks retarded

The new worst game of all time deserves multiple threads shiting on it.

Fuck no she isn't. She's a ugly bitch that looks like road kill and plegia outfits have no sense of style or aesthetic.

Echoes is still the worst game in the series

That's a weird way to say sacred stones.

It looks cute. It's the girl character so the goal is to look cute, not to be functional in real life.

>3Hs is so boring people are just talking about the girl showing her bellybutton

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but it doesnt look cute, it looks stupid

SS is bad but not as bad as that game

being a weeb should be made illegal

Your post needs an exclamation point on the end of it. Maybe two.

Yea Forums is an anime website

>women in a combat situation in a video game

>women in a combat situation in a video game but she's in a dumb skimpy outfit
>Yea Forums: lol why u complain about realism? is just a videogam

your face is an anime website

Your post needs a question mark on the end of it. Maybe three.

>women in a combat situation in a video game
This would be good if they were cute and in a cute outfit.

You mean Awakening

The white collar is weird enough. The patterned leggings, lack of sleeves (still wearing arm guards for some reason) and navel gap make it irredeemable.

Awakening is bad too, doesn't change facts though

I feel quite confident in saying that literally every vidya girl needs a navel gap in their outfit

I'd stab her right between the thighs with my dick

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lmfao you got annihilated

Why didn't male have this thigh thing?

Missed opportunity desu

I really liked the conceit in Awakening of Robin having tactical vision as a kind of game interface synesthesia, that he was kind of a master-at-arms/chief of staff, so while Chrom could focus on broad strategy and actually lead his army as captain on the frontlines, Robin was doing stuff like spending money on guns and ammo, prioritizing training and other shit and presumably making strategy and shit if he wasn't fucking around with the other soldiers on baking trips or camping projects or whatever. Kind of like the ultimate manifestation of prototype avatars like FE7 and 12's.

I'm kind of annoyed that the avatar concept's been warped around from "here's a way for the player to become more involved in the game world" to "you are literally the only reason anybody remembers how to breath" and now we're super-special mercenary that is also licensed to teach and can shape the future of the continent's three major powers at a whim.

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This. He even has the thighs as well. Just make gay romance more availible and give the Nohr noble outfit of female to male Corrin and there'd be little reason to play as a girl.

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>I really liked the concept of a mary sue

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Robin literally only wears a coat and a shirt for both sexes, they wear even less armor than Three Houses female Avatar

I really fucking love how one of the most liked characters from 3 houses is literally a girl with A FUCKING HAT

>My Unit
lol FE has been dead like aeons ago

Don’t respond to him user

Yes mary sue lover, what is it?

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Well how many FE characters have a hat of note?

Fire Emblem is not trying to be realistic. It's fantasy complete with magic.

My boy Joshua

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>Awakeningfag can't handle criticism of their shit character
Oh no no no no no


Yeah their amnesia plot being used as an introductory tool into the game world is pretty solid from a story telling perspective.
Both Chrom and you were the main characters and I’m glad they establish a relationship between you two before you even learn they’re royalty.
But fucking Corn on the Cob is the literal center of the universe

Robin literally is the center of the universe and hijacks the game

You can’t beat another’s autism. The true answer is to not engage with the autistic

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You mean they’re costars and their relationship with Chrom is what drives their actions at the end of the story?

You don't get expelled just because someone see you masturbate in class, lol.
Nobody says a thing when I did it.

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Of course, you don't want to meet fact and get proven wrong. That's why Awakeningfags stick to their circlejerks since otherwise FE fans would shit all over you

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Something that almost nothing to do with Chrom? Nevermind the fact for the ending with Chrom is the worst possible scenario in the games shit story.

Nobody gives a shit about Robin until the last act. Bosses barely acknowledge his existence if you're lucky. Saying he "hijacks" the game is just a convenient lie for detractors to use and ignore the fact that almost every FE drags some other party member besides the main lord to the fore for some final battle plot point.

All the members of the party do actually.