Play Etrian Odyssey

Play Etrian Odyssey

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too busy playing 7th dragon iii code vfd but it's on my list of what to play next

Dropped that game hard, not sure why, might get back to it later.
Maids and crazy cat mages were alright

I'm playing it right now!

My ronin is almost lvl 40 and she has carried so far with air blade, I want to rest at 40 but not sure what damage skills are a must, everything seems average, any advice on skills besides passives, eov btw

I am. Waterfall Wood remix is incredible.

The maids were great. Wish the game was actually difficult sans the last post-game boss.

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how do i make my landsknecht decent
she does no damage, runs out of tp too fast, and dies easily

>New Etrian Odyssey came out this year for 3DS
The fuck? How the fuck did I not hear about this? Why didn't you fags make threads about it when it came out? Is it good? Is it shit?

>just now remember I was playing Nexus on my 3DS
>it was in my bag last I saw
>the battery is now dead
>my run is lost

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Someone tell me what to get and I will buy it on Amazon right now.

I'm at the end of EOV's first stratum, is there a way to make the early game less boring and slow? My party members barely have any skill points.

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Skill branching doesn't unlock 'till after the 2nd stratum, coupled with a casual filter boss. Have fun.

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If the game is boring play a harder difficulty. If it's slow, get better at killing enemies quickly. If it's both, consider other genres.

Allie's Death March you mean, right? Because you can Brave/Vengeful through the regular postgame last boss in minutes, just stun him with a Godhand burst and then set up.

For Nexus? Make her a shieldshark.

im playing persona Q user

why is 4 so easy? I just got past the sealed door in the Forgotten Capital and I've been able to steamroll through the FOE's since the 4th stratum. Did they forget to balance the enemies to counter all the broken class skills?

I've played all of them starting with 4 and I always quit right at the super boss. The only one I've killed is the boss in 5, and that's only because I had a necromancer with chain blast and petrify. I told myself that I would kill the super boss in nexus for sure but then when I got to the super boss I found out it can randomly dispel all buffs,debuffs, and ailments as an end of turn action.
I just want barrage pug to be good, is that too much to ask?

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Barrage tree in V was insane. Never touched them in Nexus.

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I would if you didn't have to map shit out
It's boring

it's kind of shit in nexus. All they can do is bind and deal okay damage. If you want binds you can just use gunner, who can deal damage when not binding, or arcanist, who also has debuffs/ailments to go with the binds. Pug still works fine for the main story, but when the super boss can randomly cleanse pug just can't do anything in the fight

Yeah running gunner for that exact reason. I'll probably try pug in a gimmick run. Always loved the concept, especially after monks got robbed of a viable offensive tree in 3.

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What's the key to nexus? Veteran/ the harder difficulty seems way harder than the harder difficulties in previous games. Are emperials just as op and broken as they were in 4?

>etrian general is dead again
>threads are popping up again on Yea Forums
>they still try to keep the general "alive" by image dumping
You guys will never stop being pathetic as hell


It's good, but can get stupid long, this time post game takes you up to lv 130, it's also the easiest in the series but that't not necessarily a bad thing

>implying i visit autsim general

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I am, I can't fucking believe the final dungeon in X just uses a slight variation on the shitty shrine theme.

Yeah Nexus's original dungeons are shite

The fact that you have that image, says otherwise

never played it before, tell me where to start

Yea Forums crossboarders are the worst thing about it
Cancerous underages forcing shit memes and acting edgy, then you wonder why there's no discussion

Make me

I like the layer mechanic they have and the FOEs using them, but the theme sucks and there are way too many floors of it.