How does Yea Forums feel about adult video gamers?

How does Yea Forums feel about adult video gamers?

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post link, what did this nigger say again?



Wow that's 'mazin'


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Not really surprised this nigger is functionally brain-dead. You have to be pretty fucking stupid even by nigger standards to be a black conservative.

Satan is your daddy an you needa forgive your motha

you can just tell the incel on the right is a total manlet

This but also republican in general

adult? where?

NPC mentality at its finest.

>get back on the plantation

said the anti-racist



Look in the mirror, child and find forgiveness through Jesus Christ

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Get fucked, get fucked, get fucked. I hope you are destroyed. I want you to be raped, I hate you so much. Fuck you, with every fiber of my being fuck you. Stop posting like fucking girls on this board. Stop responding with one word comments like "yikes" or "oof." This shit is fucking infuriating and it's been going on for way to fucking long.
>"b-but I was just talking like a girl ironically"
Oh yeah, and I dressed your dad up in a wig and fucked him up the ass "ironically." Wow so funny am I right? What irony! Stop ruining this fucking board with this fucking yikes bullshit. Nobody is better for having read a single word comment just saying yikes. That bandwidth could have gone to something better, the net negative value of your comment is such that it is actively destroying the internet one bit at a time. Maybe those pixels that would have been used to say "yikes" on your screen could go to a more worthy cause, like reddit or a facebook group!
No stop right fucking there. I no you're going to comment back with "yikes," I know you just can't get enough of that retarded shit. I want you to know you're disappointing everybody right now with everything you say. Get fucked. Nobody comes here so they can see the word "yikes" unaccompanied by anything else. If that were the case, they could just get a marker and some paper and write "yikes" on their own time. Leave it by their computer maybe. Fuck you and your yikes.
>"please, st-stop being mean to me"
Then fix your life. Fix how you comment. Maybe fix what sites you go to. Stop with this yikes crap that's just fucking irritating.
Remember this: nobody wants, nobody likes, yikes yikes yikes




I think he may actually have a disability, I heard he was born with a cleft lip or something but maybe not.

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conservatives aint sending their best

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Are you a beta male?

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this is a mega ___

>watching ice age sid unironically

>watching females for their looks on the internet


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Inside you.


Reading all these posts in Jesse's voice, and I only saw like one of his videos years ago. He's got that distinctive voice that just engraves itself into your mind, like Arnold Schwarzenegger.



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Are you a slut?

Why am I suddenly seeing so many threads made about this annoying faggot multiple times a day? Did he say something recently that pissed off /pol/cucks or something?

>watching girls on the internet at all


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He abandoned his family to go be a cuckold in Europe after stating multiple times how parents need to be their for their kids. Basically the internet has enough of this faggot cucks hypocrisy.

Are you a children of the lie?

Do you love white people?


Destiny is a girly handle not gonna lie.

Holy fucking based

that guy looks like they just took him out of a coffin lol wtf

the black dude is pretty based politically tho

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So is Jessie.

>writing ALL THAT SHIT
Is this post copy-pasted from Reddit?

He said because he's nearly 30, banging a 20 year old would be like banging a 15 year old... then he banged a 20 year old. He has pretty much admitted that he'd bang a 15 year old.

He's black so he gets a pass.

Are you actually retarded? He said this about a relationship with a 20 year old Because they’re mentally immature and have generally little life experience. Banging one is different
Literal hypocrite and pedophile

This guy gets it. Jesse is definitely not perfect or even a good person, but I'll side with the 70 year old who could knock most of you incel betas out anyday.

He genuinely wants you

No I'm too misanthropic at this point to love anyone.

Like what you want all I ask is that you don't be a total fag over it.

wow. this post is so immensely yikes that it underflows into based territory.

OK, but do you love white people?

Have you forgiven your mother and your father?

For what? They did nothing wrong raising me. Sometimes you just get a bad seed.

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>the king of cherry picking data to support his arguments
Not the best example my man

Are you fucking kidding me? How is it wrong to be in a relationship with an 18 year old when you're 30?

I know so many married boomers that did this. Holy shit I'm mad we'd


I love all people

LOL, I think I saw that episode. Is that the one when some bitch called him Uncle Tom?

But it's not Jessie it's Jesse

Even jesus tossed out the money lenders

He's the opposite of uncle tom, but that's because no one reads the goddamn book


Yes, I know. Uncle Tom is a hero. It's only liberals who use it as an insult for some reason.

This but also Democrat in general

Yup, I was right. That was the one:

Uncle Tom was always a term that attacked the person and not the argument, and people employ it because they don't want the racial discussion to go anywhere.

Do you me to tell you how i know you your a angry nigger ape and are shitposting like you are white?

good vid, this guy is not of sound mind

It's not that he's a hero, it's that he stood up to his master instead of being subservient. Which is the opposite of the insult's meaning

Is he not a very intelligent man? Wasn't that the point?
Come on now, you could accuse anyone of cherry picking because no one has everything on the table when making an argument, but the real question is your argument sound and proven? Can you use it reliably to predict outcomes.
But to accuse him of cherry picking I've never really heard that as a critique on him, do you have any links of someone making this argument with examples? I'll check it out if you do.
All things considered, o one is ever going to come up with the perfect answer, no one is infallible, what you want is the best answer, that's ultimately Sowell's argument, it's all about tradeoffs.
That's what people should seek, that's where naivety of the left comes in, this unwillingness to take into consideration people's nature into account when trying to come up with actually viable solutions from problems.
It's why they try so hard to argue for the Tabula Rassa/blank slate view of humans, which is scientifically baseless by the way, which gives them an excuse to ignore the difficult work or hard realities of life.
TLDR: You have to be nuts to not at least respect the man's intelligence and practicality.

How did it become this bad? why are videogames used as vehicules for these streamers to spout out their ideologies? why are people so drawn to this behaviour?

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Yes I do have an example. In his argument against the desegregation of schools, he points to a black high school in DC that had a very high GPA average, one of the highest in the country. After desegregation, it plummeted.

He uses that to extrapolate that it was bad overall because of this specific example. That's cherry picking.

Also, the reason said school had such a high GPA was because the school was very picky about who got in, it wasn't because segregation existed.

destiny exposed as being alpha as fuck?

Is Destiny Alpha as fuck?
He fucks Swedes girlfriend in front of them and makes livestream hear the sound of the girl mouning while the Swede cuck preps Destiny's livestream for free.

It all started with progressive game journalists spouting their ideological opinions.

Destiny could not give a straight answer to anything. That was the entire point of Jesse and his questions. Liberals can never give straight answers and instead avoid it or deflect.

Destiny couldn't even answer a straight answer about his family namely his father. That was a straight question with no ill intent.

And it was disturbing that Destiny was cool with Africans killing the White people in South Africa.

>That was the entire point of Jesse and his questions. Liberals can never give straight answers and instead avoid it or deflect.
The whole "do you love black people" is a trap. Either you say no and are labelled a racist, or say yes and are a cuck.


He just wanted to know why it was happening before he made a judgement call. Some people deserve to be killed just for existing, like communists

Do you seriously believe Jesse is the kind of man to edit the answer from the person if he/she said yes?

The guy interviewed Richard Spencer for gods sake!

gaming for the most part isnt a mentally stimulating task so your mind wanders a lot and you ask existential questions like why the fuck am i trying to give a half wolf human hybrid headpats in a japanese dating sim

Destiny didn't bother to ask basic questions if he really cared about wanting to know why Africans were fine killing innocent Whites.

No I mean the audience perception based on your answer. It's a lose-lose.

He asked the simple question of "why" and Jesse just said "why does it matter" to which Destiny basically said "I don't know, maybe they deserve it". Jesse could've at least answered him with why.

well all jesse does is ask loaded questions and the wants a yes or no
but its still funny and jesse is BASED

you have to be pretty fucking stupid to be a us politician tbf

>why the fuck am i trying to give a half wolf human hybrid headpats in a japanese dating sim
Because it makes her smile?

What does this have to do with video games?

You realize how disturbing that answer is? "maybe they deserve it" and Destiny answering it nonchalant?

who cares
destiny is an attention whore on the verge of suicide

All humans want to kill someone

It's the intellectual equivalent of "have you stopped beating your wife". You cant win in a yes-no answer

Jablinski is a good channel. Are other adult gamers this good?

all wh*toids deserve death

Richard Spencer answered the question and nothing changed.

I doubt nothing would have changed if Destiny had given a straight answer, but instead couldn't give a real answer. That was the actual lost because it showed Destiny has no convictions.

speak for yourself nigger

watching some old black guy trigger faggots by talking about stuff he doesnt understand is funny


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You just haven't met the person yet.

and i never will because i never leave the house

Nothing Spencer says can change what people already think of him. If you know who he is, you've basically already made up your mind on the guy.

Also, having convictions does not mean you see everything in a binary fashion.

I fucking love this interview, Destiny constantly throwing out bait and Jesse just shooting shit down and changing the subject to another gotcha.


The questions Jesse were asking weren't "gotcha" questions. They were just simple questions that any decent interviewer would have asked.

why does destiny have so many dick riders?
they literally raid everything he appears on and goes "DESTINY WINS AGAIN THE OTHER GUY CHEATED WITH HIS ARGUEMENTS"

Asking a grown ass man who thinks he's some kind of political genius why he named himself a stripper name is funny. The politics of the people involved are irrelevant.

They're loaded questions because he expects only a yes or no answer and repeats the question if the answer in any way other than that. Most normal people don't answer with just yes or no, that's overly simplifying human thinking.

He called out Destiny for having a girls name.

he just kept making fun of him with bullshit questions and assumptions
pretty funny to see destiny fuming

>Asking a grown ass man who thinks he's some kind of political genius why he named himself a stripper name is funny
Of all questions I don't know why Jesse got hung up on that. Destiny said pretty clearly that he was a kid and didnt know it's a stripper name.

Jesse isn't the type to cut out a person's explanation.

He's basically a liberal ben shapiro so brainlets flock to him under the notion that talking at a million miles an hour, gish galloping nonstop, and throwing in epic zingers to totally own your opponent means you're an intelligent debater

He was mentally checked out, you could tell he was in space halfway through the interview.

Pic related is the single most intelligent black man on the planet when it comes to law and politics.
He and Ginsburg (as much as I hate her) are the two most intelligent members of the supreme court by a long shot, which is why both were best buds with Scalia

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Is Destiny even good at video games?

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he plays league
he doesnt like videogames

Well for Desteeny the answer would be no because he admitted to beating her until they divorced

So I'm actually watching this right now, a little over ten minutes in and Destiny has not answered a single question so far, everything is vague, elusive, non committal, responding to a question with a different question, a bunch of maybes, I guess so's, nothing is actually backed by any kind of point.
It seems like he doesn't want to answer any question because then he has to defend a point and once you do hypocrisy can be pointed out, so he simply refuses to answer anything with an actual question.
The commentators seem to think that his a very intelligent person, are they joking? Have they every actually heard an intelligent person speak?
They come with clear answers, with a carefully laid out basis on why they believe what they believe, with supporting evidence and examples of such, they don't hide from questions they well though out responses, they don't act elusive, they stake their opinions confidently because they believe in the soundness of their work and they speak eloquently.
This guys posses none of these traits, so why do people consider him intelligent? Jesse is not fastest wit around, so why can't simply make a sound argument to him?
It's clear what his gimmick is and it's not being intelligent.

republican dumb
democrat smart

The answer would be yes because he no longer has a wife to beat

I am older than 18 and I play video games. As long as you aren't an idiot about it, you're good

What the hell? Jesse was right in making fun of Destiny for being a 30+ year old still playing "games".



keep in mind destiny is used to rage quitting every 5 minutes and leaving the discord call and making his audience suck his dick and tell him hes right for like 10 minutes before going back and doing it all over again

Destiny is a weasel who wins debates by arguing in bad faith and then saying "you sound triggered my dude". Anytime he is forced into talking about his own beliefs he is shown to be a complete retard.

He's a debater. Debating isn't about being right, it's about bullshitting enough that the audience agrees with you and declares you the "winner"


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He usee to be an okay StarCraft 2 player and has been irrelevant since

>why are you so triggered dawg
>dawg you're like so mad right now
>*smug chuckle*
>okay dude

I'm not saying he isn't smart, but the dude has literally never adjucated in a way that didn't tow the party line. Even Scalia took the liberal position on stuff like violent videogames. So even if he is intelligent, he's just s stooge for his party, and I'm against that regardless of the party they agree with.

>that caller who Jesse basically assumed every stereotype about gamers

Not sure if Destiny is smart enough to realize Jesse was using the same tactics that Destiny uses on others to "debate".

Been Shapiro never realized when doing his "how to argue against liberals" video that he debates literally no differently from them, so probably not

Wait i thought Brittany Venti was a dumb thot? i didnt expect this kind of video, it's not bad either

shes been a politics person ever since before trump was president
essentially attention whoring again but for politics

>since before trump was president
That wasn't that long ago dude

I'm surprised Destiny even bothered to be interviewed by Jesse. Destiny had to know that Jesse is a conservative and republican.


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Read some of his opinions. Everything he's written is focused on pushing the power of the Constitution.
He makes one exception and one exception only and that's libel. The reason why should be pretty damn obvious

Jesse Lee Peterson is literally a brain-damaged retard.

It's embarrassing that people think he has ever made an actual point in anything he has ever said.

>that little manlet destiny got BTFO by a fucking nigger

its over 2 years

The SC is effectively above the law

>P. Are you for illegal aliens breaking the law and just coming into our country?
>D. Uh, not generally, no.
>P. You're not for that? When you say not generally, are you saying that you are somewhat for it?
>D. I think it depends on the type of illegal immigrant I guess.
>P. Oh, there are certain types that you would let in?
>D. Yeah, I guess, maybe, sure.
And the conversation goes on like that over and over again, that is not a loaded question, specially when he asks followups that ask him to elaborate and he's often refusing to do.
He's just trying to get a straight answer, when the guy is clearly avoiding standing on any point.
What he is trying to get at is if Destiny, believes that illegal aliens have a right, a claim to a country they entered illegally.
He's not asking a loaded question, he's just trying to get to where the other guy stands, Destiny himself is the one refusing to elaborate on anything, so he has to keep repeating questions which people in the comment section hold against Jesse as being retarded for asking a question over and over again instead of blaming Destiny for refusing to answer questions over and over again or expand on any of his stances.
It's an interview and Destiny is purposefully saying the least possible to every question or topic and will not delve into anything without repeated prodding on Jesse's part.
I saw the interview of Jesse with Dr Drew and he didn't have to repeat his questions to him, because he's intelligent enough to respond with a well though out answer and didn't have to resort to avoiding questions and being obtuse.
Whatever, I just don't see why anybody would hold up Destiny as anything of worth.

I'd rather listen to a brain damaged retard than a snide, smarmy little twerp faggot like destiny

This nigga sounds like he hasn't blown his nose a single time in his life.

If they weren't our country would be in chaos.
FDR only got away with the shit he pulled because of the great depression so people didn't think of the ramifications of court packing

The fact that there hasn't been a constitutional amendment forbidding a court size over 9 by now is because both parties are waiting for the chance to do it and get away with it

all conservaturds are brain dead morons that live in trailer parks jerking off to cuck porn.

this desu

>What he is trying to get at is if Destiny, believes that illegal aliens have a right, a claim to a country they entered illegally.
Yes he does, for the same reason he believes in outsourcing: the cheaper iphone

he was born without the contents of his head
he got them installed soon after birth though

What about this toxic twat

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Where the fuck does the phrase "bookoo money" come from

just from the look of her i want to see her erased from existence

you'd have to be even more retarded to be a white liberal

1937 Nazi Germany

Sounds like projection

It's a Louisiana mutation of the French word beaucoup. It just means a lot.

>both parties are waiting for the chance to do it and get away with it

Obama could have gotten away with it in his first term since he had the house and senate.

Full Metal Jacket. Soul Bratha too buku.

Nah, he got progressively more butthurt all the way to the end.

He could have done it not gotten away with it.
Centrists would have flocked against him in 2012 and the Republicans would vote to remove all his nominees
Like how the 1994 assault weapon ban actually lead to a huge conservative pro gun movement that saw conceal carry legalized in nearly every state

tldr about her: Bad Bunny is a lazy human being who abuses her meds and wants money for nothing and likes beta fuckboys she can control

>destiny fanboys absolutely seething that his own disingenuous "gotcha" tactics were used against him
Almost as good as when he got banned off twitter for doxing and they all acted like he was an innocent little angel.

she looks like it

thanks for explaining why

In fairness I don't think anything should get you banned from twitter. If anything I think freedom of speech doesn't go far enough. Why shouldn't direct threats of violence be protected?