Devil May Cry 5 thread, is this the 2019 GOTY?

Devil May Cry 5 thread, is this the 2019 GOTY?

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Got the game from a manufacturer promotion. Is there any way to get the preorder shit? I want those costumes.

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For me it is, officially? it will get nominated for sure, but if TLoU2 comes out this year that will win it for sure, or Smash

>angelo boss fight

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How do you unlock the alt skins?

So far, yes. DMC5, Sekiro, and RE2 are all looking like fantastic GOTY contenders. Itsuno did incredible.

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>Favorite Character
>Favorite Devil Bringer
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Battle Theme
>Favorite DMC

Might be the best action game, because GOTY will go to TLoU2 again for obvious reasons.
Also, how do i unlock V's EX color?

Does weapon switching ever just click with Dante or what, I'm so bad at it

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You can buy them

For me yes. Nothing will top it hell I don't think anything will top it for years to come save for DMC5:SE

Would Dante still get laughed out of the club these days?

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V/Vergil EX
Beat Vergil DMD without taking damage

That's just the deluxe edition stuff and orbs, the costumes aren't there.

I want playable Morrison

post yfw mission 18 ending

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The arms, Cavaliere-R, and live-action cutscenes are purchase only from what I remember, but you can unlock the EX skins.

Anyone else thought this vergil fight was a cakewalk compared to dmc3 and even DmC? i still have to do DMD for V though.

stick to two weapons if you're a shitter, when you get good add a third one
don't even equip more weapons than the ones you use

Gerbera GP1
Nelo Angelo theme

>not read by a decent impersonator
>not edited into gameplay
>not ending abruptly when V takes damage

It does. Learn the movesets and stick with two at a time. Try to find moves that have specific purposes and whip them out and then switch back to your previous weapon.

>is this the 2019 GOTY?

It is my personal pick. Unless some surprise games come out this year and somehow manage to be better games, which I doubt, I will gladly hand that title to DMC.

It is almost, -almost-, the perfect DMC to me. But you know how life is, you can't have everything. But I'm glad, the ten years were very much worth the wait.

Also, posts photos

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>You can taunt with the touchpad of the PS4 controller

My life has changed

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>unlock dante
>too spoiled by playing Nero for half of the game
>get annoyed because I have to switch to swordmaster just for air combos
>mfw what happens next

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Not a DMC fan. Just wanted to say how amazing it is that a proper sequel actually got delivered and is apparently amazing. What all the fans wanted all this time and it actually happened after DmC was a thing.

Kinda gives all those IPs and fanbases out their hope.

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Curious, what did the game did bad for it to be "almost", the story?

new patch when
>battles themes only play for half the missions
>load times for the fucking customization menu
>camera fucking sucks no matter how much you toy with the speed or distance

>Dante on that image

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Just stay vocal user and the games you like will revive as well. All any games needs is a passionate fanbase, we are proof.

idk user, I enjoyed playing as dante even more


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is son of Sparda unlocked from the start

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No cause people are too busy looking at their phones.

That one that has a whip

>Top Tier
Nero (DT) > Dante ( Sin de Diablo) = Vergil (forma completo)
>High Tier
Urizen (fruta de carrion absorbo) > Sparda > Mundus = Argosax (diablo rojo) > Savior

>Mid Tier
Trish > V > Arkham >> Sanctus > Lady (culo grande)

>Human Tier
Nico (de juden) >>> Morrison > Kyrie >>>>> Eva

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Story and pacing is shit
DMC2 story is giving 5 a run for its money

jump canceling never felt better

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fuck off, stop spammin this shit in every dmc thread for the yous


Does the air taunt have incincibility?

Nah, simply because Itsuno trying to shove Nero down our throat again. Look, I like Nero but just not as an MC, he's not that good.

not him, but I didn't liked some parts of the story, urizen and V being Vergil, they could have introduced Vergil among the new characters.
Also the game kinda falls apart during the final act.

fuck lol my friend did the exact same screenshot

Dante would really benefit from the ability to switch back to the first weapon in his loadout from any point. I think it would smooth out weapon switching a lot. You're already given the option to set the loadout in a specific order, adding the ability to hold R2/L2 for a small amount of time and jump back to the first weapon would be an easy addition.

>steals goty
psshhh.... nothin personnel

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based boomer making me think



I find it funny how Yea Forums was meming that journos will be retards who will bitch about story, yet Yea Forums is one doing THAT.

Just bought my younger brother DMC 5, he loved 4 too. He's playing on auto and on Devil Hunter though.

It's funny because it reminds me of when my older brother came home when i was little with DMC3SE and i fell in love with that game.

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>not El salvador
jajaja este negro

Mine too. Currently it's an 8/10 because it crashed on my second playtrough, and for the love of Sparda I cannot get it to load a mission. There won't be a fix for days or weeks likely.

And yes, the whole Vergil fight was a lot softer. I could appreciate how they gave him extra moves to make up for the lack of Force Edge, but he really didn't had so much variety.

Also I had to ask myself what the heck are we fighting for here. It was like the brothers themselves weren't weren't concerned with it either. Like they wanted to fight, but there wasn't the same fire as before.

Is it possible to get enough style to S rank missions with only 2 weapons?

>Favorite Character
Dante, but Nero grew on me so he's a close second now

>Favorite Devil Bringer
I actually ended up liking Rawhide the most strangely enough, didn't expect that at all

>Favorite Devil Arm
Tied between Cerberus and Cavaliere

>Favorite Battle Theme
Way too many, user. Across the whole series there are plenty awesome battle themes, I can't answer this.

>Favorite DMC
Hard one. Probably either DMC3 or DMC5. DMC3 beats DMC5 in some regards and DMC5 beats DMC3 in some. But in sheer gameplay DMC5 takes the crown, period.

Agni and Rudra
Devil Trigger or Devils Never Cry
either 3 or 5

No, but you can unlock it pretty fast.

Nero power boost in this game is mind-blowingly bad.

>letting your brother be a fucking casual

Is Dante ok with the fuck word? He's clearly ok with some light swearing, my favorite was when he says "Hoooooly shit" after seeing his childhood home after god knows how many years.

Blender animations are going to be absolutely delicious.

>Favorite Character
>Favorite Devil Bringer
>Favorite Devil Arm
DMC2 Rebellion
>Favorite Battle Theme
Dante Sento
>Favorite DMC
3, which is my all time favorite game

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can we all agree
>god tier
Gerbera, punch line
>high tier tier
overture, helter skelter, buster arm/DB
>low tier
sweet surrender, tomboy, rawhide
>Shit tier
ragtime, pasta breaker, mega buster
any I'm missing?

What does Quadruple S do? i can't play for a few hours and the description confused me a bit

V players are cucks, right?

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"I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day."

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Have to beat Devil Hunter. They throw a lot more enemy variety at you really early in SoS so it’s probably necessary to unlock skills first.

too many flashbacks, this is the reason why time-linear stories are just easier to write and follow

It's not really bad, it just goes to show he has immense potential as a descendant of Sparda. Human blood powers up demons, according to the lore.

yeah, all arms except rebellion/sparda/dante can get S rank combos by themselves quite easily


Buster Arm should be moved to shit tier after unlocking DB unless it has some secret mechanic

I really wish they would fix Nero's music in the missions where it doesn't play, playing him in complete silence feels like shit.

lets you un-SDT instead of having to let it run out


it does a fuckload more damage

>Curious, what did the game did bad for it to be "almost", the story?

No no, the almost is the fact that in my opinion the Temen-ni-Gru is just plain the best location of all DMC games in my opinion. I love that place and how it's basically a japanese videogame interpretation of the underworld from Dante Alighieri's books.

so this is the Resident Evil 6 of the series right?

Anybody else genuinely shocked how blatantly this game takes concepts from the reboot and make them way better? It's like a deliberate fuck you.


They're literature appreciators and animal lovers. You're probably not galaxy brained enough to appreciate him.

rawhide is actually god-tier

I don't get it user, care to explain what you mean by flashbacks and how they affect the pacing

>looking at the character models
>see Eva

I see why Sparda couldn't resist.

DmC's dogshit story was better than 5s

Why is nobody discussing how many times this game referenced Dante's inferno? especially the paradiso part in Mission 17?

Don't you faggots ever read the book?

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its a great game user fuck off :)

I see, cool i guess, wish it allowed you to enter that mode instantly, so combos are a bit more seamless, but that's cool too

>wake up
>listen to subhuman all day
anyone else knows this feel?

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Waiting for BP to determine if this is goty or not. REmake 2 is currently better, but if BP is really good, that could change things. Namely if they incorporate multiplayer. Multi in the main story has been really fucking underwhelming, often I'll be """paired""" with people in stages, and never see them, and then the game asks me to rate their style at the end as if it offered me something. Seems all very half baked, was hoping for more. But if bloody palace has multi, that could be a gamechanger.

I wrote "in my opinon" twice. Sorry should have proof-read that.

>equip alternate style voices
>s ranking
>get hit and drop to b
>morrison says "You stink, son!"

whoa sons of sparda is pretty cool. wasn't expected more enemy placements

>Don't you faggots ever read the book?
I'm not Chuuni enough to read that or Blake because of DMC user.

>DMC2 Rebellion
Man of culture

Was that the one with king cerberus?

Such a missed opportunity, they shoulda called DSD "Inferno"

Anyone got a picture of Cerberus with the faust hat on? Or do I gotta go get one myself?

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>TFW you realize you can exceed strike

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Because referring to dantes inferno is nothing new in dmc?

How do you use Cavalier?

Based user.

To add to this, the Temen-ni-gru was also thematically great, since it had an excuse to be filled with deadly demons, traps, puzzles and artefacts.
Meanwhile, the demon tree could only had the leviathan intestines for many many missions. That one blood fountain was already hard to justify.

I haven't read that book in particular, user. But I'm really interested. Care to explain how it referenced Dante?

so what is the deal with the "starring the DMC crew" or "starring x or y"

am I expecting online invaders? because there's no one showing up to help or hinder me

It has to have co-op, right? There's no way they would implement multiplayer features just for this half-baked system that only really works right in one or two levels.

Like a madman.

It's literally a better version of DMC4 Trigger with both added utility and power.
Dante only beats it after becoming Majin and not by a lot, it's way better than normal DT

>Dante getting the Faust hat
Holy shit, how is Dante such a chad?

this shit pisses me off so much, just let me RESTART

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Are you just gonna scroll on by without saying Howdy?

That means the cameo system is going on. If it says "The DMC Crew" it means it couldn't find a player to join and it's just AI.

it's more of a punish than a use-by-itself weapon, but you can jump-cancel most attacks

because it makes the story hard to follow, it jumps from day to day, for example, instead of starting with Dante when he wakes up we get thrown back to May when they assaulted Urizen's tree, why? it just makes this needlessly out of order and more complicated

If you're in a level where another character shows up, if someone else online is playing as that character during that moment, you play together. DMC crew means it gave you a bot instead.

Gameplay: Incredible
Graphics: Spectacular
OST: Fucking amazing
Cinematography: Great
Fan-Service: Off the charts
Writing: Subpar

It was so fucking close to being the perfect game.

what is this? the game never explained it to me

Question, DMC2 claims its 3 swords have different range and damage but it felt entirely the same, same thing with the different elements on the dt. Is it actually true? I never bothered to look into it.

Nevan or Balrog
DMC1 Dante's in the second half of the game, whatever it's called
3, 5 may surpass it depending on how the other difficulty levels are

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Tomboy and Rawhide are top tier.
Helter Skelter is low tier.

>post yfw you realize V actually WAS two days old

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Which move is Strike?

You have to hit SSS to be able to manually un-Sin DT where (before this ability) you can't exit. You can't exit if you're SS or below, you have to be SSS.

You can't test it in the Void either, which is fucking annoying/hilarious.

So now that he's calmed down a bit, do you think Virgil will be a good dad.

What exactly is the point of Dr. Faust? Is it just Capcom's way of making you spend money on microtransactions to keep using it?


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>Favorite Character
Dante, but Nero's growing fast on me
>Favorite Devil Bringer
>Favorite Devil Arm
Ebony & Ivory
>Favorite Battle Theme
>Favorite DMC
>Favorite girl

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>Favorite Character
Dante > feather face > Vergil = Lady (DMC3) > Nico> Nero (sorry dead weight)

>Favorite Devil Bringer

>Favorite Battle Theme
Every single one from 1 and 2 (only positive thing there was about 2)

>Favorite DMC
3 > 5 > 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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>double kalina ann
>that railgun
>that laser cannon

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I still don't know what to feel about using a model scanned from a real person for porn.
Isn't that a bit fucked up? they didn't sign up for this.

Vergil looks like he has every Offspring album.

No fuck off

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You get way more red orbs than you actually use to attack with it

I mean story wise, my friend.

You didnt realize he was serious?

Some missions have you revisit the same area as different characters. If someone else is playing through the same level as a different character, they can show up in your game.
In theory it should have made for some cool co-op, in practice there's only one or two levels in the game that really take advantage of it.

>tfw you see Nero's DT has a puffy vagina
Curse you who made me see this.

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It's true. The only thing other that changes is how fast Dante strikes with said swords.

>Favorite Character
>Favorite Devil Breaker
>Favorite Devil Arm
King Cerberus
>Favorite Battle Theme
Psycho Sire
>Favorite DMC

>is this the 2019 GOTY
The only strong contender i see is Sekiro, but if The Last Of Lesbians Jew comes out this year SJWs and trannies will vote for it.

RE2 is a remake, doesn't count

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if you put a hat on an enemy, they drop more orbs
so the hat throw is the only ability from it you should use

Story wise it at the very least held its own against a fucking Sin Trigger Vergil.

Just a reminder that there WILL be a Special Edition and the game WILL get even better.

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Did they make Max Act easier to get? I feel like I pull it off more often that I did in 4.

is Public Enemy and Lock and Load really in the game?

Playing as Dante feels great as fuck, especially with Taste the Blood as the battle track. Finally got that DMC3 feel again after so many years.

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He doesn't even have a social security number, I don't think he can be one

I don't want to derail the thread, but can anyone fill me in on what's happening with the PS4 version? Is it censored vanilla or can I just choose to not install the patch? I'm not really sure what to do, I despise censorship but I don't want to miss out on Bloody Palace or future DLC

He accepted responsibility for his actions and gave Nero one of his most treasured possessions so I think he's off to a good start. At least until Vergil starts quoting blake at the dinner table which makes Kyrie interested in reading it and she starts quoting it as well.

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The OST was fucking incredible in this game, such a massive step up from 4.

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How does one remove the lens flare off Lady?

Just like the old days

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>>letting your brother be a fucking casual

he's 9yo user

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How the fuck do I deal with Nero's lack of aerial maneuverability?

4 haters are so obnoxious holy shit, they still cant cope with the fact 4 is STILL king of gameplay

Imagine your mom wearing this around the house haha

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Gonna have to wait until Judgement comes out to decide that but if that game fails to top this then DMC5 is easily the best game this gen.

Just got the faust hat and picked up the Kalina Ann in an earlier dante mission. How many more guns are there? I get another Kalina Ann I'm pretty sure, should I be looking for other guns in the levels?
please tell me I get spiral back ;_;

You're too pure for this website, user.

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It's a lens flare on a barely-there butt shot. It doesn't fucking matter.

Balrog is God Hand 2

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Post your DMC5 report card right now.

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Punch Line

I don't he how Eva looks pretty nice while Trash looks like trash.

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I swear they did that shit on purpose. If they had waited 4-5 years with this, I would have told them to fuck off, and waited for the SE.
But now, after all this time I felt like I had to buy the original release.

>I see a FUCK YOU has awoken inside you as well


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Mission 16 is Dante's climb, Mission 17 is his paradiso and its also the only area that Vergil can't enter, and the ending is basically obvious with Dante and Vergil journeying through hell

There's more but those are the major ones

I mean, I guess.

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>Favorite Character
Dante, but Nero and Vergil might be tied with him now for me after 5
>Favorite Devil Bringer
>Favorite Devil Arm
Red Queen Rebellion, but I have to play around with DSD a bit more to see if I like it more
>Favorite Battle Theme
Crimson Cloud = Devil Trigger = Lock and Load
>Favorite DMC

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Unarmed Kratos is God Hand 2.

>Griffon was actually a fun character to have around

>Mundus had the grown up version of that around all day

>But he killed it anyway despite Griffon being loyal to the death even when an arena pierced his chest

Fuck Mundus

No, the story and a few designs put this far from GOTY, RE2 has that title for me, sekiro could change this but I'm worried a bit

GOTM but that's it

I like how Sparda is Thor's Hammer. If you're not worthy you can pick it up.

Yea, and it is much easier if you try it during the air taunt

What is that anyway? I couldn't figure it out.

>no god hand devil breaker
it's so fucking obvious too

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I thought it was literally too heavy for him.


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>sekiro falseflagger
Back to discord

Overture should be god-tier too
>those bounces
>charge shot returns
>DT bounce
>constant bouncing

Does Dante even have a SSN?
Did Sparda?
Did they go to school?

Did nobody say "Let's rock" in this game or did I miss it?

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so how hype was dmc5

if you play offline/network off the game will place a user named "Vergil" to play as V

This needs a Dante or Morrison edit

Calibur to close gaps+Snatch, if you need an extra push use the air taunt

When you go up the stairs and into the next room, you can see a little pit where V is fighting. Said fight is part of Secret Mission 03 IIRC.

One would hope, otherwise I question the point of implementing it at all. It's really neat when it works out, but those moments have been few and far between for me. The weirdest one was the stage where V needs to get his summons back. You're paired with people despite being in your own little area 90% of the stage. If it isn't in Palace, then it just feels like it was put in to work on netplay for other games, rather than this games own benefit.

Unga harder

>Force Edge
>Devil Trigger

>counter Empusa Queen's pincer attack
>opens it up to the buster arm
How many enemies can be countered?

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Those last two fights were my favorite fights in the entire franchise

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That's not what it's like at all

Nothing has topped this though
>that intro
>that slow build
>that perfect snare
>those rises
>that rhythm

In my opinion it's the second best story in the series tied with 1, but 3 still has the best one.

>DT bounce
Tell me more

today it's a buttshot, tomorrow it'll be costume designs from DMC6

I ordered pizza and played it for 12 hours straight. I'd say it's alright.

No they don't. The AI cameos are called the DMC Crew.

best color

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4 guns in total, or well 5 because you can dual weild Kalina Ann

I would rather have this or RE2 for GOTY but knowing the costal club of cunts, they would probably pick some indie game that no one has heard of over this ( assuming Tlou2 does not get released until late next year).

I mean, Griffon did say that you had to be strong in both body and soul to lift it. So you aren't too far off.

Probably all of them.

post ladies

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No wonder Dante and Vergil have mommy issues, damn.

thats where you are wrong kid


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>deliverate fuck you
When I saw Nero say FUCK YOU finger raised and everything I honestly chuckled, for Itsuno to put that in the it most certainly was a diss to Ninja Theory and Donte.

If you prove you're a tough shit by beating Urizen in the prologue you get a secret ending, a trophy, and immediately unlock the next highest difficulty. Seriously.

I like how this is the thing everyone is doing in their game.

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no, but vergil would. my god they wouldn't even let him in

Go turn off your PS4's internet and go to Mission 02 to that area. Tell me the username that pops up.

>Favorite Character
>Favorite Devil Bringer
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Battle Theme
Vergil 2
>Favorite DMC
Still 3, I admit.

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Remember when Lady was a stoic and brooding fighter? Why did she sink so low in 5?

beat vergil in DMD with no damage taken
have fun

the live action cutscenes are some of the best shit i've seen in a long time

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So is she still a witch or was that exclusively a Kamiya thing?

Huh interesting, i got that same guy too
Not him, but that is the ghost data of an actual player i think, i had the ability to rate him at the end of the mission, can't do that with the DMC crew

Punch Line
Red Queen
Devils Never Cry

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Can he really be a dad at this point? Nero is like 25 years old. He doesn't really need a paternal figure any more. He'll probably be a decent grandpa though.

Someone post DT1 Vergil
I want to play as that beautiful sunuvabitch


He's fucking SSS tier too, I could barely tell what was going on.

Is there a version of this but with Vergil's new black coat? That looks kinda ugly.

>this camera
>these V missions
>these load times
>slow af menus
>this mess of a story
>that waste of a final mission

I dunno guys, I think I still like 4SE better
I didn't want it to be this way...

>have plans for this weekend
>break my ankle
>can't leave the house
>have to stay here and play DMC 5 all night
Feels good mang

Since they played some of the intro in King Cerberus cutscene I thought they were going to reuse this or remix it.

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I think you need to beat mission 19 and 20 without continues

That was never a thing in DMC

Not just that, daddy gets to have a proper dick in his

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She solved her daddy issues.

>This is fine

She's had more than a decade to cope with her baggage from 3?

Game doesnt pick up unti mission 13, then falls off hard near the end

took off work,ordered pizza and played all day while my little brothers came over to watch me play

fun times

>tfw grinning like an idiot for the entirety of mission 19 fight.

This game saved my soul.

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Devils Never Cry

As someone who just finished playing 4 its menus are even slower.

>Goes from trying to kill the world and fight hell to sitting around in a van while his brother reads magazines
I really wonder what's going through Virgil's mind in those calm scenes in the van.

>tfw no lady gf

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i turned off every network shit because the shitty rating system after every mission annoyed me
when i played Mission 02 again i got "Vergil" also playing as V and since network features completely off it can only be a built-in one like DMC Crew

So how hard is DMD in 5? Anyone played it yet?

Faust is made for bullying Vergil, my friend.

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This game actually made me realize something.
Namely that it is basically a smooth continuation from DMC4 (while doing great and improving greatly upon the series).

But therein lies the realization. This is a game how they were made 11 years ago. Back when big titles were not afraid to be single player and offline games. DMC5 is basically made with the mindset of those times. When you could pick up a game and required neither internet nor someone else to play it and you can play it at your own leisure. It might just be me but this game really feels like it comes from a different time in the industry.

She's been downgraded to Thot with DMC4.

Not even the best track from 3:

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>loading times
get fucked you console peasant
though i agree there should be less loading screens, holy shit


Vergil kicked my ass countless times, but i was way too motivated to use a golden orb, man it was worth it

>FIghting in mission 14 where everyone is
>Starring Xx420WeedJesusxX and IfugMilfs311 hardcore stylin on demons

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Dante says it at one point

it really fucking hurts

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Vergil gets some classic blue unlocked.

>Favorite Character
>Favorite Devil Bringer
Never like it
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Battle Theme
Vergil 2 in DMC3
>Favorite DMC
Currently, still the same old DMC3

Tomboy,and maybe Overture
Gilgamesh, Rebelion if only 5's counts
Vergil 3, Subhuman if only 5's counts

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Music and story are trash. Design is all over the place.
Graphics are fantastic, gameplay is great.
Enh, it's pretty darn good but nowhere near what it could have been.

Is this shopped

only slow menu in 4 is the title screen

everything else is bam bam bam you're in the game
the fact that 5 has a load screen for the title menu and then another load screen for the customization menu does not bode well

it reminds me a little too much of Ninja Gaiden II

I personally like music with lyrics more than instrumentals.

>when i played Mission 02 again i got "Vergil" also playing as V
No you didn't.

I started grinning during the king cerberus fight, after that it was a grin fest for me.

Can someone analyze these as to who has the bigger demon dick between Dante and Vergil?

I'd rather have Nerdy.

As hard as DMC2 ie not very

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Yeah. She got over her issues in that game. She was mad at dad, and then sad at dad, and now is free from dad.

I'm more surprised she took off her blanket in front of Nico without giving a fuck.

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anyone find the ending weak as fuck? I was honestly expecting to play as dante in the underworld and it just cuts to nero driving back, felt pretty underwhelming

the game suffered from a severe case of telling and not showing there

even 4 had a more impactful ending

Same user
Actually a great game experience. A well crafted game with lots of love poured into it and basically every detail.

alot, i tell ya that i feel like a incel for being inlove with a vidya character

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>remember that god hand is owned by capcom
God Hand Remake in the RE engine soon

How did subhuman ended up being the best theme?

Now that I think about it, it's kinda odd to have your revive by red orbs do damage to your enemy.

welcome to the club

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I was going to say some meme shit but I'll be honest instead, I think he's pretty content for the first time in his life. He's finally exorcised his demons and made peace with Dante so he's finally able to enjoy his family, the very reason he started down his dark path in the first place.


fixed vocals

Holy shit why is V so much fun.

I agree. It's very different from the previous games, but probably my second favorite in the series right after 1 which is tied with 3.

t. crimson cloud virgin

>Duel wield kalina ann charge shot obliterates shadow and griffon

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it was a wild ride, I played 3 when I was like 10, it's been a cuhrazy ride vergil


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>Music and story are trash
This, the music is so underwhelming compared to the other entry in the series.

They wanted to give an use to Red Orbs i guess, after unlocking all abilities/items there wasn't really a point to them

I like how they recreated the family portrait from the old Resident Evil 4 concept art.

The lyrical stuff in 3 is the weakest part of the ost (aside from Devils Never Cry) imo.

Did people really struggle with Griffon?

>Use DT in a fight randomly and Nightmare breaks a wall down
Fucking amazing.

>finish the game
>missed the mission 1 weapon
how embarassing, I'm sorry


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Just imagine Vergil's inner dialogue while he's sitting in that van

>"V, we gave up power for THIS? I would rather have Dante kill me."
>"Shut up Urizen. Sit down and enjoy some relaxing days with the family."

>"I wonder how much stronger I could get if I killed Dante and turned him into a Devil Arm"
>"For the last time Urizen shut up or I'm gonna do the Jackpost thing with Dante."
>"Oh christ no please I'll be silent."

>aNd EvA tHe WhOrE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So when are nude mods?

It's more about the flow than the actual lyrics for me. The vocalists rhythm on cerberus' theme is fucking perfect.

Will the pain go away someday, fellas?

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ok retard

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>yfw vergil goes full jet plane
>all the banter between them
The music was kinda souless but everything was so damn good

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>"We're both girls here, nothin' to be shy about"

>total results screen doesn't display all rankings at once like the other games
disappointing, seeing all your S rank next to each other at once was great, almost a goal to work towards in itself.

>game makes you do all 3 variants of the mission 13
>only first choice gets saved

fucking bullshit i tell you


How the fuck are you supposed to get an S on the Prologue? Die incredibly quick in the boss fight?

There's no way any other game in the next 10 years is going to top this for me unless that game is DMC6 and the story is Metal Gear Rising-tier.

Post your face when FUCK YOU happened

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Try as many places as possible, it opens up secrets

IM GOING TO BUY ORBS FROM THE STORE and you cant stop me

This is a nice thought user, thanks.

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win the fight with style

why won't Nero's battle themes fucking play?

Her biological clock's ticking and she's trying to get Dante's attention since she wasted her youth only hanging around with weirdos like him and Trish

>Beowulf (might end up as Devil Sword Dante)
>Vergil 1
>3, but i havent finished 5 yet

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They were really I great. I'm so fucking happy we can actually launch Vergil and Air-combo him.

>that hint of the song at the start
>nope FUCK YOU
It hurt

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>game still doesnt tell you in which missions you are missing DT/HP orbs

So I'm on mission 12, V is Vergil's human form? Why does he look like a twink with no resemblance to him?

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Post-game you try it again, except with everything unlocked for Nero.

>not having S ranked all of devil hunter already
wheres your motivation

you can win that fight, pretty sure.

Vergil's Devil Trigger looks like a dinosaur[\spoiler]

I-is that you Spiral user?

>yfw he also screams AND FUCK YOUR POWER

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>Anime reference

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100% GOTY, unless project phoenix ascends to godhood.

Fuck I'm gonna miss daily dmc waiting room threads and pull my devil trigger gifs.

Not to lift it but to use the power in it, like how arkham was consumed because he was not strong in mind and became a giant blob, even nero could lift the sparda in 4 and had no problems.

>get a cool new DT with a massive power up in mission 12
>get BTFO twice anyway and end up with B
I wish I didn't suck at this so much. I swear to god I was S ranking everything until Dante showed up.

>tries to shock nico for suggesting something as stupid as being told to start digging after waking up from coma
>nico bites her lip instead

Me tooooo!
I was gonna shitpost and be like.
>Play game
>Get spoiled by online

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>wheres your motivation
out the window when im forced to play as V

this was on a new game give me a break.

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based clownbro

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Vergil doesn't hold his humanity in any especially high regard, so V is a scrawny thing.

Can hybrids be arm'd?

Not his human form. His humanity. He used Yamato to split himself into pure demon and pure human. But his human side was neglected and underdeveloped. That's why V is so fragile.

>Fuck you dad
>Proceeds to stab him with his own sword (and he didn't even start this)
>Slams his head into the ground while he is pretending to be a butterfly
Is it his chad genes acting out and kicking Vergil's ass for being an embarrassing weeb?

>That part where Griffons theme kikcks in

Not THAT takes me back. Anyone got shots of nerdy?

Why the fuck are you spoiling yourself user? Get the fuck out of here!

clown dante

So does the directional inputs with V work in relation to his pets position or V's?

Wait is this picture in the game?

He's not his human form, he's his human side personified.


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>tfw bought the regular edition because I'm not sure if the casual welfare orbs are automatic
did I make a mistake

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I still don't understand exactly how the ranking system works.

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So we can all agree that all 3 Urizen fights are garbage, right?

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>His face when stabbing his own father
Confirmed psychopath

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>Favorite Character
Autists of Sparda
>Favorite Devil Bringer
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Battle Theme
Public Enemy, Ultra Violet, Suffer, Vergil 3, Sworn Through Swords
>Favorite DMC
it's still 3, but 5 is right next to it

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So how would a Human/Demon separated Dante be?

>Old Man's Note
oh Vergil...

No they're all pretty good.

>Favorite Character
>Favorite Devil Bringer
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Battle Theme
Psycho Siren
>Favorite DMC

Itsuno is a wonderful memelord, after all.

>Ask for motivation when the game force you to play as NotDante for the first half of the game
Fucking Itsuno and his boner for Nero.

wait, is it an actually player? I thought it was like ghosts in dark souls

if that's true why can he command demons? he should be just a normal guy

how'd I do?

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urizen 3 is fun as fuck with dante, don't even have to touch the ground the whole fight

Oh, I see what you mean now.
I know that people didn't like the same thing in Beyond Two Souls either, but I kind of like this way of storytelling desu

The fight against him as Sin Dante and the fight outside the childhood home was pretty kino. Maybe you just have shit taste

Some missions like the coop with v and Nero don't have the battle track, if you suspect a bug, just try to Switch track in the jukebox and start mission 2

>Legendary demon hunter who's saved the world a dozen times over
>Sitting alone in the dark at his desk with an empty pizza box, no electricity or running water
>Trophies of his past glories lining the walls
>The couch for his clients to sit on is covered in dust
>Has to take on the toughest job of his life just to scrape together rent for the month

That cutscene made me really sad.

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mission 13 you only can get other players to help you
is like bloody palace lite.

I honestly don't even remember being this hyped for a game, ever, in my entire life.

How does he keep getting away with it

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>Are you just gonna scroll on by without getting motivated?

Dante really liked them eh?

Urizen 3 is legit as fuck.

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Just finished my first run last night.

Started SoS today.

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Post yfw Capcom is redeeming itself while everyone else is crashing and burning

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Do i really have to wait until mission 13 to have fun? Fuck

>unlock enemy step
>90% of his attacks are way too low to hit you

it was so easy

>dante vs vergil fight
>channel my inner trickster
>suddenly nero vs vergil
>no trickster for easy fight
>get A


>set battle themes for everyone
>go do mission 7
>battle theme I picked literally never plays

if I'm personally setting the theme myself then theres no excuse, it should ALWAYS be the theme that plays for every fight with that character.

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I liked how he went all pseudo-Beowulf on me in the last fight but yeah.
Nelo Angelo was a better evil Vergil than Treebeard.

>switching V's battle theme with Ultra Violet
Everything is better.

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I liked the last one. Although in hindsight. I think the track is what did it for me.

prologue BTFO everyone

>Favorite Character
Dante, Nero close second
>Favorite Devil Bringer
Rocket punch
>Favorite Devil Arm
>Favorite Battle Theme
Devil Trigger
>Favorite DMC
3, now very closely followed by 5

>Vergil turns it into a competition with Dante, agressively checking off all the various things dads do with their kids.
>Nero has to learn how to ride a bike while fishing for a piano recital as Vergil tries to teach him about the birds and the bees while lobbing baseballs at him.
>And then he offers him a beer.

>Also I had to ask myself what the heck are we fighting for here.
Yamato? Are you forgetting the rapidly spreading demon invasion/Qliphoth with civilians getting slaughtered? The military isn't able to contain it. Dante and Nero need Yamato to close the portal.

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Just limit yourself to one or two weapons and try mastering styles instead. Dante is overwhelming so you end up using stupid shit while sword combos + one melee weapons and some gunslinger to mix are enough to get smocking sick style as long as you dodge damage. Dodging damage is mostly where you quick switch to trickster/royal guard from swordsmaster/gunslinger. Perfect Guarding reliably is hard so at first you just use it against selected few attacks you are good at timing, then switch to trickster or normal dodges for everything else. Gauge you can either use on counter or royal revenge after you unlock it.

I only have this art left, my hard drive where I had that saved failed.

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They didn't try to do a new Vergil theme from DMC3 because they knew there was no topping the Vergil 3 music

>Devil May Cry 5 thread, is this the 2019 GOTY?
So far, yes but its only March

He says that he is basically using the little residue demon power he has left. And it's taking a toll on him because you'll see later that he literally begins to crumble.

Actually, the DMC5 prologue light novel confirms that Nico is a Goldstein in name only due to who where her mother is on that family tree, so she's not a jew herself. She's half whatever Agnus was.

>Patty calls Dante in mission 9

so the anime is canon now?

You sound like the kind of person who gets confused watching Pulp Fiction

has anyone unlocked this? I wanted to see what it looks like ingame.

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>mfw the whole game from Dante getting appearing in front of Urizen in Sin DT to the after credits scene

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Building up style in the prologue is legit hard as fuck due to a lack of options initially and then on NG+ it's hard because you only fight Empusas for most of it. The only way to guarantee higher than A Rank for it is by beating Verizon.

You forgot MM11

How the fuck did Capcom go from an absolute laughingstock to probably the best AAA developer currently out there?

all they need to do is fix their fighting game division and they're back

She's older and got over her issues, I see no problem with that, she's much more charming now.

>play on Human because I've never played a DMC game before
>after playing a while I realize it's ridiculosuly easy
>can put down the controller and not die easy
>I guess I should crank up the difficulty
>can't unless I restart the game

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DMC5 Nero
Devil sword Dante
shoot the works/devil trigger

Urizen 3 and Vergil 1 are the only good fights in the game

Its always been canon

Yes, if you see the "story of DMC" video it mentions the anime happens inbetween DMC1 and 2

Participated in all eight months of DMC threads, every day.
Played the game from the moment the delivey man arrived until 5AM.
Playing it again.
The game soothes my soul user.

Yes and she is starving for Dante's dick.

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purging Inafune's influence. The damage he did to that company really cannot be overstated.

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Those threads were a treasure. Way before DmC was even announced. I’ll never forget the OC, and the orb heads

i love how in the final fight against vergil, nero vents out all his built up anger against vergil, callin him a fukin asshole and shit

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That's a really cute anime girl.

I think they are like "recordings" of the players otherwise they would be ping issues and all that

Inafune is dead and gone

he's gotta become a man some day, schum.

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