What im in for?!

what im in for?!

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an experience that involves lots of fapping.

A light-hearted and cute parody of the game industry and JRPGs.
Also best girl Compa.

You wish.

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Disappointment unless you are the lowest of life forms

Oh yeah, this boss.
You better be prepared for a sudden and early difficulty spike, but don't be afraid, all you need is Life Ring accessory, becomes available right before this boss.

It's super nep rpg for switch gonna flop?

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No because Nep is gonna be in Smash.

A 700MB hentai folder titled "Neptunia"

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Hah. Imagine top players pwning noobs with nep

I tried it. Found it incredibly boring. Fights are simplistic yet XP gains are tiny. Got stuck on the boss other folks were talking about. I found a guide that said how to grind for XP, but even that grinding method took a lot of super careful play that didn't make the benefit worth it.

I prefer to imagine WHO THE FUCK IS NEPTUNE?

The game of a generation.

A cute and light-hearted adventure to save the world with the power of friendship. Unfortunately the best girl won't take part until you unlock her at the very end, but you can look forward to seeing more of her in the sequel.

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Buy Life Rings, they are the best accessory through 70% of the game
Unequip Rush Combos until you don't have EXE drives and equip the strongest break or power.
Use buffs
Items heal better than Compa, use her mostly as backup healing, or not at all once you get other characters. Or be like me and use her just because she's best girl
Once you get EXE drives, use Rush + Power combos for normal enemies and Rush + Break for bosses, unequip all the unnecessary shit
Lily effects such as Reduce Physical Damage are broken af, Ignore Enemy Traits too, and Reduce Wait is definitely up there.
It's not worth using coupling EXE drives, LV.1 ones are more than enough, Neptune, Vert and Noire will do 9999 every hit pretty easily with them.
Keep an eye on Plans, they are very useful

Forgot one very important thing:
Neptune Break, Hard Break (Blanc) and Uni's EXE drives have a secondary effect that delays enemy turn, it's a very broken feature.

It basically started the cute girls doing silly things in games trend

Have fun and hope you have a laugh

A mediocre rpg with really good characters and fun story

Cute girls, fun story with mediocre gameplay. Though the series gets better with every game (not including spin offs, which are all over the place in terms of quality.)

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Vert and Iffy being lesbians

Is there a single nep spin off worth checking out even

>MAGES is cute!

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Why the fuck would you get the worst of the remakes? Game so bad its set in its own universe and never explored again.

Noire's game has the best girls never again seen ever ever ever because fuck you. Downside is that well, they are in chibi form.

Megatagmension is fun; it's still a musou so the gameplay isn't the deepest but it's way better than Action U.
Hyperdevotion is also pretty good if you like that type of gameplay, but again it's piss easy. There's more depth to the gameplay, but none of it really matters.

Noire's game also pissed off the "community" since it was implied the secretary was male and well Noire can't be straight now can she?

I almost rage quit the game after my first few attempts against Black Heart. Crazy to think how I might have never learned of the glory of Nep if I had.

A lot of grinding. Like holy shit.

Blanc's game was alright if not repetitive. Cyberdimension would have been good of not for the numerous bugs and terrible online

Eh, yurifags aside the secretary is still a pretty awful attempt at a self-insert. I don't think he detracts from the game as much as people like to claim but he definitely doesn't do it any favors.

Cyberdimension was so fucking horrible. Its weird considering they had done 2 previous games that worked better.

Utter mediocrity. The entire series is like that

Is it really that bad? I'm slowly working through the spinoffs and I was actually kinda looking forward to that one based on the trailers.

Surprisingly good JRPG mechanics and combat.

Breaking the 4th wall. Lots of game jokes.

You can play through it quickly and it's not a long game.

I did and I was pretty sad when the developers started thanking me for playing.

You only need to grind in the very beginning of the game to be able to beat the first few bosses.

They want you to try the optional quests.

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You get to play as the great mary sue of destiny.


It's Nep. You think people buy these games for their gameplay?

I got it day one and tried playing online. It had the worst netcode of any game I've played ever. So there went like 50% of its appeal. Then the combat. Like holy fuck it feels weird to hit things and even with a fucking lance at close range I'd miss hitting shit. I spent most of the game playing as Uni shooting shit like if it was a 3rd person shooter before it got boring and quest repetitive. (even more than all the other games combined) Weirdly enough I bought their new game Death End (trapped inside a mmo cause vr and conspiracy shit) and that has different modes within battle and it plays miles better.

Rebirth 3 is a solid JRPG and has good gameplay.

I guess. I'm not sure about getting rid of the EXE Drive, though.

Neptune fighting game when?

It made the previous games cheese. The way they handled SP was also for the best. Since in most Comp games SP makes everything easy.

people play nep because they like the characters, which is honestly a better resume for smash then being in a game people play for the gameplay

I kind of enjoy the gameplay. I'm also a sucker for henshin and the CPUs are cool.

Is that mentioned in game or was I retarded?

Brave Nep looks like it has some nice shit, story-wise, so I'm still waiting for it.

It's MAGES. How could you forget the dot?

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I love C-Sha!

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I don't think it was ever explicitly stated, but it definitely happens. If you had a character with a decent rush combo count you could basically stun lock enemies.

Dub or sub for this?

Subs. I cringed internally with Dubs.

Sub. Dub is okay, not bad but not great either

Both are meme as fuck, so take your pick.

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Dubs are horrible in all Nep games

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>dirt low budget american dub
why even consider it.

This one time I said Nep dubs were no bueno at some random ass gaming site. Got a bunch of people calling me a terrorist. I shit you not.

I bought the first two from the humble bundle and am playing Rebirth 1 atm. Why can Compa pronounce Planeptune but not Neptune fucking retarded bitch I bet she's not even a real medic.

This chick is everything I hate about Cloud and Squall rolled up into one package. Which was probably the point but she still irritated me.

Not interested.

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Compa can patch anything up

even anthem?


Yeah I noticed that some people take offense in that, maybe they feel like their entire language is being shit talked or some irrational shit like that.

>Let's give this chick all the skills of Contra and Metal Gear and also make her a complete fucking lunatic

Imagine if they gave her Castlevania too. Uni should count her blessings.

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They proceeded to call me a weeb. They had Nepgear avatars. There was so much fucking irony.

But Noire's game had a literal girl snake and she had better skills.

Pretty boring game that'a unplayable without a controller

And that's a good thing


Don't use IF
MAGES and Neptune are the best party member

At least it would have cute girls.

IF's not bad. Her EXE is excellent for mob clearing. She always goes first, her EXE has a wide attack radius, and because it has so many hits, it can fill up a decent chunk of the EXE gauge, especially with more targets. Pretty worthless in boss fights, though.

But MAGES. do what IF do but better

MAGES is slower. You can end the fight on the very first turn with IF.

Plus this is especially important in Re;Birth1 because there's no convenient material-gathering shit like Stella around, so in order to get the shit you need for your Plans, you need to hunt everything down yourself. Wiping the mobs out on the first turn is really convenient.

Grinding. Lots of grinding. Plans are a bitch.

You play 1 of them you already played the entire series.
I played a bit of Rebirth 2 and you go throught the same exact areas again, why is this allowed?

if you bad in the ame

You need to grind for mats to unlock all the dungeon plans.

>Playing these games for the gameplay
That's where you fucked up

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>that pointy ass hip bone
Is nep an anorexic?

If all you eat are a few pudding cups a day, in spite of how much sugar and calories are in those cups, you're probably not gonna get that fat.

Sticc-Nep is cute!

I want to rape old nep
and make gear watch