When did Pokemon peak?

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Imagine answering your own question

3/4/5 were the glory days


when sprites peaked

BW2, it then got much much worse with x and y

Gen 5

HGSS, Platinum and BW2 are the holy trinity


gen 1/2/3 and gen 2 remakes
thats pretty much it

Either gen 4 or gen 5. I Prefer gen 4 but realistically it's very similar in quality to gen 5

Certainly not with that inferior piece of shit, posting the true chad version excluding Emerald of course

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>gen 1/2/3 and gen 2 remakes
What shit taste.

In terms of relevancy, gen 1.
In terms of game design, BW2.
It doesn't really matter, as long as everyone agrees that the series got significantly worse with gen 6 and beyond i'm happy.

Gens 3 and 4, they're all literally god tier
no need to play anything after HGSS, they're all shit


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God tier answers

Probably when you outgrow the series aimed at kids but there's a lot of autistic manchildren on Yea Forums so never?

>no need to play anything after HGSS, they're all shit
>no mention of BW2 the actual peak of Pokemon
>imply HGSS isn't shit

Bump BW/2 up two, bring HGSS down two

Probably DS games. Platinum, HGSS and Gen 5.

I'm going to be honest, how the absolute fuck did they expect anyone to actually beat the emerald battle frontier? This shit gave even adults who knew about things like proper EV training and IV breeding problems.
The RNG will actively go out of its way to fuck you out, from not letting your pokemon attack in the battle palace, to making sure your opponent's team is custom built to fuck you over in the battle factory, to status effects out the yinyang in the pike and pyramid.

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Black and White 2. It's objectively been a downward spiral since then.

Gen 5 is the objective peak

DS games good
3DS games bad

I don’t think it was something players were expected to finish. It was that ‘infinite horizon’ you can always come back to and try again.

>HGSS is shit
Where is this meme coming from? Its gen 2 with the phys special split and a good meta game. Gen 4/5 was the peak of competitive pokemon. It all went to shit with weather teams and mega evos took the field in 6 onward. and dont start me on fucking Z-moves

3, 4 and 5. 5 is divisive but it's still pretty great.

I know, it would have been perfect if he didn't include gen 3

Crystal is the best if we're talking soul.

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Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
Gen 1 remake
Gen 4
Gen 2 remake
Gen 5
Gen 6
Gen 3 Remake
Gen 7
Gen 1 remake again
Gen 8

Face it, if they had kept to the formula and remade Gen 3 in the B/W era, it would've been the best remake hands down.

>Where is this meme coming from?
>pokemon distribution still sucks
>trainer and pokemon levels are bad
>worst villains
>post game is pretty underwhelming
>phone is a terrible way to get rematches

5 is still great if you're an actual RPG fan. B/W's story still remains unmatched.

People shit on Gen 2 because it didn't fix the horrible level scaling. After your 4th badge you're fighting lv 25 - 30 pokemon and then suddenly lv 45 pokemon because fuck you.

You're probably right about gen 6 though. Power creep was noticeably felt during Gen 5 and weather wars but Gen 6 and 7 is when power levels lost their fucking minds and when you had to have a 600+ BST to even be mentioned in the conversation barring a few specific examples.
