Opinions on Notch? He's quite the controversy lately

Opinions on Notch? He's quite the controversy lately.

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I like him. He has fuck you money and doesn't have to be a corporate drone like all the other ass kissing influencers.

He's based and redpilled

He jerks off to Overwatch porn so he’s cool with me.


seems like he never left Yea Forums

Did he upset someone on twitter again

Proof that no amount of money or opportunity can cure incelism once you've caught it.

Autistic conspiracy retard.

>He's quite the controversy lately
What'd he say to the SJWs on twitter this time?

>being a depressed whiny billionaire

zero sympathy

some say he was happier back when he wasnt so rich

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t.poorfag ex wife

he fucks whores every day, so i guess it can

found the kiddy diddler

Has enough money to know that he doesn't need another job so he can publicly say what people are afraid to say lest they lose their jobs to the public opinion quad who go the nuclear option if your hurt their feels. Based & Notchpilled. Every man would love his life desu.

He is? I hadn't really heard anything since he was working on a new game early last year.

What are Notch's thoughts on the minecraft community? I feel like he'd hate them or find most of them cringe but i'm not sure if he'd ever admit it

too big of a pussy to buy Yea Forums from that retarded zipperhead because "Yea Forums scares him". Smh he could have saved us

Really hope you're not the type that pines over Vinny because he's just oh so relateable and depressed then.

>tfw can't play Minecraft 4k anymore
>instead any google search just shows the 4K resolution

Found the shut-in sausage finger incel.

has he gotten a new girl yet

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He made a highly successful videogame he wanted to make and is going to go into the annals of vidya history for it and sold the game off when he was done with it and made lods of emone. From what I heard when he was on Crit1kal's podcast he lives the lifestyle of a king NEET except his NEETbux can allow him to do whatever the fuck he wants. Sounds like he is living the ultimate Yea Forums dream.

That's the strange thing about it though. At a certain point it doesn't matter if you get laid. You simply cannot go back once you've embodied the incel.

How can I make a game as succesful as Minecraft?
LWJGL is so difficult.

>He bought into the Q larp
Literally mentally retarded. Like, I can understand if you love or hate Trump, but pretending Mueller will arrest Hillary any day now is just asinine.

>Using Reddit insults outside of Reddit

do you ever stop and think about the things you say?

I have sexy hands, tranny

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Yea Forums and Reddit have been one for years now
Just kill me

Proof that money can't buy happiness

I guess your point (not much of one) is that one per definition is not an incel if you have sex? Funny how words and terms work like that huh. It's as if they can evolve and take on a broader meaning.

You have never met a woman if you think they don't throw themselves at a self-made billionaire lmao

Kill yourself. Make Yea Forums one faggot cleaner.

>having pics of your bony, wrinkly hands on your computer

money can't fix a broken society

Oh shit I'm in trouble. I didn't expect to meet a women expert in this thread of all places!

This. I fuck hookers on a regular basis but I've never had a gf and I still feel like an incel.

Id cum on your hands and make you lick it up.

it's called a smartphone, people use them nowadays.

Actually scratch that, I'm more of a volcel now.

y-you too

but why do you have pics of your hands there already, how often are you in need of showing people your hands.

>having pics of your bony, wrinkly hands on your smartphone

i guess that's why they call you a tranny

does this guy have only one picture on the whole internet, every single thread about him uses the same pic

I'm only ever fucked one woman so I'm hardly an expert. But literally every man on the face of the Earth can tell you that if your networth is 1.6 BILLION then you aren't "involuntarily celibate" lmao

Hopefully kills himself soon so I don't have to see his Alex Jones conspiritard shit because some turbo retard retweeted it in my twitter feed ocassionally

/fa/ and /int/ threads.
sometimes for /pol/ to prove I'm whiter than them, so on and so forth.

why are you incapable of normal human interaction?


The official podcast?

>haha celebrities don't rape kids haha that's silly

Trust me that doesn't fix the loneliness. There is nothing worse than thinking you won the lottery by getting wealthy only to find out nobody gives a shit and charisma and connection which are hard to form for some people are still paramount and irreplaceable.

t. /g/ bitcoin autist

I want to make business with him, got some ideas and as soon as I make my own enterprise I wanna make sure creative people like him have their own platform that pays well

I'm not rich but I'm handsome and lonely. iktf

I'm perfectly capable of normal human interaction with my male friends. We play video games, talk about politics, watch movies together. It's women who are incapable of carrying a normal conversation about anything even remotely interesting.

Just block him if it'll help get your panties untwisted

>he thinks getting a gf is more meaningful and satisfying than having good friends
don't be this guy

What is more likely.. that ALL of the women

Then teach me how to be rich.

does he have a game dev/studio is he working on anything, even something small? anything at all?

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>i-its the women that are wrong, I'M great but those dumb cunts can't see it!


What if you don't have either?

>climate change isn't real

He's right though, I got laid plenty and then returned to my incel life as soon as it stopped.
I even told my last girlfriend I would rather play video games than deal with her bullshit.

faggout never bought this place

He lost all his friends when he sold his company. All the connections he had was lost. As someone that went through a similar situation I know exactly how he feels.

This is not some hippy anti-capitalist talk but money genuinely doesn't fix any of that shit. You can just buy the goods and services you want, that's it. Meanwhile you can't have genuine connections with people anymore and you'll feel isolated forever.

Worst is is that it's hard for normal people to identify and sympathize with you because "who cares you're rich" so you're in an unhappy situation that nobody can identify with while not being taken seriously and everyone showing interest in you has an ulterior motive.

I'm rich, in my late 20s yet have never felt true love, only shallow sex that is the equivalent of masturbating with a pussy instead of the real deal. Yea Forums is genuinely the only place I can talk to people "normally" anymore.

I honestly doubt that. He sounds like he spends all his time in his house doing nothing. Whats a sad life, being a billonaire and not even doing anything fun with it.

pro-tip: women are emotional creatures unlike men, who are primarily visual.
Women are attracted to men who make them FEEL good, whereas you're a robot scanning for ass and tits.
You don't tali about interesting stuff with women, you indulge them like children and have fun.
She doesn't want to hear you ramble on about geopolitics or technical details of Toyota motors. Take her out to see a movie and work with that, dingus, the sadder/scarier the better.
Make her correlate emotions to you and you're golden.
Save the ramblings for marriage.

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What'd you do with a billion dollars? I'd do pretty much what I do now, sit around on Yea Forums, game, sleep until the early afternoon etc. Only difference is that I'd have a nicer house and faster computer.

Nah I'm just indifferent towards women and don't really see any reason to care about them. They can do whatever they want while I do what I want to do with my male friends. That's why I said I'm more of a volcel now, because I don't even want to have a girlfriend anymore. Paying for sex occasionally is good enough for me.

he's not a billionare. You can solve any problem with that kind of money. To see him bitch on twitter is ridiculous.

a few billions are a paltry drop in the bucket my man.

>tfw you have given up on women and just want a buddy to play video games and watch Kino together with but you can't even find that
I work my menial job and then play games and that's the basic expanse of my existence.

>you have to be happy when you have money because money is the only thing that matters!
Pro tip, when people say things like this faggot did they are 100% of the time shallow and uninteresting

Based and redpilled.

>he thinks anyone can leave
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

no, he's just fucking around with different tech now, testing things. doubt we'll ever see a finished work from him again. some of his small game ideas were sold with mojang so he had to start from scratch after that.

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I feel genuinely bad for you, I can't imagine getting so jaded that I fully write off the idea of romantic connection

Hell, just cut out the women entirely and fuck your friends, your well down that path anyhow

I did that too after I got cheated on. Shit sucks and I can't trust you guys anymore as a result.

never played Minecraft, but i did play a lot of Wurm online, so he's alright in my book.

>I can't trust you guys

I've never been interested in romantic connection with anybody and I don't even see the point in any of it. Maybe I'm just autistic or something.

>be a Swedish billionaire
>end up believing in "Qanon," a conspiracy theory designed to placate gullible Republicans, made up by a couple of con-artists

Conservatism is brain poisoning

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Yeah, you're right. You're the complete embodiment of a faggot.

What can you do as a billionaire. Think about it for a minute.

You go traveling the world. See that most shit is the same everywhere where it's a big city with different stores, some local food, go see the cultural sights and the natural wonders.

Okay so you do that for 1 year and have seen everything the world has to offer. Then you go on drug fueled parties and fuck women and hookers. How long do you do this until it becomes stale and just boring? After a while you've seen the bodytypes and all the party people and women you fuck are just shallow anyway. They never reveal their true selves and just say whatever you want to hear.

So what do you do now? You just go home and return to the life you've always had. Sit in your room on the computer, play games, watch movies and anime, shitpost on the internet and sleep.

Please remind yourself that the only reason you guys are obsessed with sex is because you don't have it. There's a reason it's called "thirsty" once you quench your thirst your interest fades. But you keep on living.

Then the depression seeps in as you can't form human connections anymore. Your old friends feel alienated by you and instead have their own personal lives. They feel intimidated by your wealth and don't really want to spend much time with you anymore since you don't have the same lives anymore. Or their entire personality changes and they want to hang out with you all the time for your wealth, both suck and break friendships.

You can't find true love anymore, there are no friendships anymore. You live in a golden castle isolated from the rest of humanity to die alone.

lol, what a baby.

absolutely fucking based. I hate that stupid hypocrite Ethan after how he treated Jon like a punching bag, but himself relishes in the word 'nigger' even moreso.
Based (but bluepilled) Bill Burr put him in his place too.

>woe is me I'm too rich to enjoy life
boo fucking hoo bro, you won't get a shred of sympathy for plebs.
I'd skin you alive and rob you just because I'm jealous, not even ashamed to admit it.

source? stuff he's paying others to fuck around with coding/engines or some hobbyist stuff he himself does

can you pm me some money I could really use it

Massive spoiled incel who happened to strike a goldmine by accident and still became another arrogant /pol/lite drone. Zero respect for him.

both the right and left are different heads of the same hydra (no pun intended because I'm not a marvel bugman)
Theatre is politics and the winning move is not voting, but kicking these scum's doors down

>Your old friends
Hah, I don't have one of those. And I'm a kiss-less virgin fat fuck on my 20s with barely any relationship skills. All I have going for me is money.

>by accident
cope harder tranny. How's that indieshit project going?

hobby stuff he himself does. now and then he'll post something on twitter, something neat he's learned in game dev, but it doesn't seem to all go into one game or project if you piece it together. source is a mix of my ass and following him on twitter, make of it what you will.

>a conspiracy theory designed entirely for Republicans to try to save face is "same thing both sides"-ed

Brain. Poisoning.

go to church and meet people that don't have ulterior motives.

punished notch

i still like him, but everything you just said is absolutely correct, i avoid his podcast like the plague so maybe i enjoy h3h3's content more because of it.

get a hooker to pass the mental hurdle of virginity and get jacked and /fa/ you mong. You can afford to improve your life.

That must suck.

Sorry user.

Good fucking joke.

he's a troll you vacuum skulled degenerate

I'm saying you're both insane brother.
Qtards and tranny enables equally so.

I don't understand why he doesn't just fund pet projects if he's so unhappy that he can't program anymore. Just fucking do it. It's not like you need to worry about profit anymore.

>he's only PRETENDING to be retarded, by behaving 100% identically to being actually retarded

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Notch is a hack who became rich and successful purely by accident. The fact that he's never made another good game is proof of this.

he should pull a Howard Hughes with his research lab, and just hire a bunch of coders and give them a bunch of funds to just code make cool game engines, about whatever the fuck.

he won't fund your shitty game, fag

he's constantly shitposting on twitter

>Well Qanon is obviously bullshit, but I hate fags, so both sides are just as bad

Brain. Poisoning.

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that's because he never has to make another game in his life. I sure as fuck wouldn't.
What he has made is the modern equivalent of Tetris.

>go to church and meet people that don't have ulterior motives
What is the Catholic Church.

I never even mentioned buying into the Q psyop, fag.
Project harder.

I don't even know what Incel means anymore.

and unattractive white man, is this the correct definition of an Incel?

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the one true religion.

hes literally on drugs right now. The weird shit hes saying and submissive attitude is a telltale sign of drugs

>Luther didn't happen
also if you think prots are just leftist retards... you're right, if you define a movement by its careless majority

this only happens if you're in public light like notch, if you're some literally who you can just hide the fact you're rich. but people are too dumb to do this and want to flaunt their money, which pushes away everyone around them and just attracts gold diggers.

People who aren't hacks don't just give up on their passion once they have enough money. Look at someone like Miyamoto. He became rich as fuck a long time ago and yet continues to work because he enjoys it. It's apparent that Notch never actually had a passion for game development.

everyone who hates trannies and is a white male

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>go to church and meet people that don't have ulterior motives.
amerimutt christians sure are something else

I didn't say MY pet projects, I mean HIS pet projects. If he has an ounce of actual creativity he should have several ideas that he dismissed earlier because he didn't have the resources to puruse them. Well, now he does.

>I don't even know what Incel means anymore

It doesn't have a meaning, it's just general insult that liberals use on anybody they don't like. Kind of like Nazi.

I never understood why leftists have a hate boner for relatively benign christkeks but spearhead every cause under the sun for jews that force them into debt and muslims who bomb and rape their kids
>b-but some priests diddled kids
yeah and they're fucking monsters who should be shot, but it's not like child molestation is exclusive to any one of these death cults.
>c-cope seethe christcuck
I'm a deist. Abrahamic fairy tales are utter hogwash concocted to control people.

Incel is a loser mindset to blame everything wrong on other people.

An incel will always blame himself being a loser on niggers/jews/women/feminists/SJWs or whatever he can come up with except realizing he himself is to blame. That is what an incel is. When you make up entire conspiracies and ideologies just to explain away yourself being a loser instead of a very simple "Maybe I should put more effort and not be an asshole, maybe people will like me then".

Incel doesn't mean virgin. Because you can have a cool dude that just didn't have any sex. If he doesn't blame anyone else for his virginity then he's just a virgin. But boy once they get whiny and blame everyone except themselves while claiming they have a human right to fuck women then they are just an incel.

Notch has this exact incel mindset. Doesn't matter if he is actually a virgin because he still blames everything and everyone except himself for the situation he's in.

He’s based, respelled and makes discord tranny seethe

Miyamoto is also a poorfag compared to Notch with many a blunders under his belt.

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>I'm rich
in a minecraft server perhaps
shut the fuck up faggot, quit your bitching and fix your life
true love or meaningful relationships aren't gonna fall on your lap retard

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not him, but hahah wow, true and pure losers

I'd hang out with you and show you the good, cheap and chill side of life, costs no money, but it'll involve a lot of walking and carrying.

If you're out of hope, and yet that quick to shoot down a suggestion you never tried, then you really do deserve to die lonely. Also, I wasn't even thinking of catholic church, just goes to show how little you guys explore the world outside of the internet.

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he's from fucking Sweden.
He witnessed his entire country get rotted away from the inside by shitheads like yourself.
He has every right to hate ehomever he does hate.

lol. what are you a whiny church lady what do you care what people complain about, do you want to control what people feel/think?

It's correlates more to a certain way of thinking and acting rather than actually being involuntarily celibate, just like "fag" went from insulting gay people to encompass a wide variety of people with unlikeable behaviours. Notch may have lost his virginity but he's still an incel: arrogant, full of himself, entitled, whiny, complains without ever acting in a constructive way, calls out other people for having unreasonable opinions and falling for misinformation while being the textbook definition of his own insults.
/pol/ +/r9k/+ nu/v/ attitudes are the core of inceldom, "incel" is just a convenient term to quickly describe and sum up the behaviour of a lot of similar people that you can find on the Internet.
Like you.
You are an incel.

It's because christfags are a safe target. Jews will sue you and muslims will bomb you. Christians do nothing.

He has an estimated net worth of $40 million. I guarantee you nobody at that level feels like they need to keep working just for money.

Doesn't Incel quite literally just mean "can't get sex"?

What's an incel to you?

You don't know anything about Sweden.

It's nice of right-wingers to admit that there's nothing more to their ideology than racism and insane conspiracy theories

so it's a blanket term for people who don't comform to your ideology?
Nice to meet you, Tranny.

based redpilled and should without a doubt buy 4 chan.

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I'd rather be an incel than a kiddy diddler tbqhf


holy shit

>sweden going to shit is a conspiracy
>racism is the cause
holy fucking shit dude

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liberals define themselves by their sexual deviances and every guy who deviates from their pov is an "outsider" to them, even tho they're clearly fringe figures themselves
>never understood why leftists have a hate boner for relatively benign christkeks
it's not about being left, it's about choosing the wrong options in life out of pleasure
>Abrahamic fairy tales are utter hogwash
The monotheistic or henotheistic type of God appeared to all cultures, it's not just a desert thing. Btw the Middle Eastern regions were extremely wealthy during the Bronze and Iron Ages, also we basically copied the Persian administrative system and used it till the modern days because it's seemingly the most efficient.

Fuckin trash, anyone on Yea Forums defending him must have forgotten how hard he shit on Yea Forums's contributions to minecraft getting popular.

Huge fucking faggot

apparently fucking not, it seems to be a term for "unperson" for leftists

Sweden is objectively worse off than it was 20 years ago on every meter including ones they themselves made up to make themselves look good. That country has gone to absolute hell.

t. Finn

God isn't real either

Lies used to justify other lies, that's all there is to it

I don't give a fuck bro

>implying old-Yea Forums wasn’t incel

targeting benevolent people, just because they seem easy to exploit, is cowardish, and mistaking an understanding and reciprocating attitude with weakness is stupidity

>God isn't real
found the incel

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I stopped calling people faggots as frequently as I used to but with your logic I never really had a reason to stop. Faggot just means anyone who disagrees with /pol/.

Someone who has bought and internalised the incel mindset. Men a victim, women are vain whores, culture wars with SJWs, conspiracy theories, populist bullshit and so on. The exact outlet(s) varies with every person but the perceived male victimhood is central.

A lot of people seem to have forgotten this fact
He is just some fat egomaniac

Are resetera forums so dead that you have to come ruin this place?

well you're clearly a fag and should game end yourself if you think you can just pretend you're blind

It wasn't. I was there. Just a bunch of nerd that loved videogames and fun, none of the /pol/ faggotry that this shithole is about nowadays.
I wish I could personally strangle all the reddit/pol/ users that destroyed this board.

since when did notch get political?


I guess words have no meaning if you are being proven factually wrong.

Set a goal. Explore a hobby. Find a passion,
If I had billions I'd start restoring old cars, learn to make knives and fund medical research that would allow me to eat burgers and fries all day without negative physical consequences.

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>t. tranny

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>semantics are facts
Embarrassing, user!

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>Get fucked over
>If you ever speak against it in any way, shape or form you're immediately branded as an incel
This is such a shitty way of arguing. The internet absolutely killed any chance of having an honest political discussion ever again.

visibly, since he started browsing /pol/

Good example of deep rooted and probably practically incurable incelism.

disagreeing with the dead end of a perverted post-modern philosophy isn't "getting political"

>conform and don't question anything, or else you're an Incel.
Daria was the original Incel, suck an egg and go back to facebook

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Old Yea Forums wasn't incel. It openly mocked such behavior.

you're literally proving his point and proving yourself to be no better than Hitler and his little jew stars

See? I didn't even complain about anything of the stuff mentioned in here and you still used the buzzword. I know you're doing it for (You)s but some people really are incapable of arguing without branding someone first.

Please send me bitcoin

you are a pleb and should go back with your made up, meaningless -isms

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>A great number of these people now co-habit this board
Filthy mongrels.

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this place was literally made for loli m8

what exactly was the meaning of this saying? I've listened to the song countless times but never really understood it past "you can't leave lol"

>My position is unreasonably stupid and paints me as the sole victim
>"Hur dur the internet killed any chance of honest discussion"
To have an honest discussion you have to start with being honest, user.

Why even bother with women if you think you can't have an interesting conversation with them?

He raves about shit on his twitter all the time, then goes about "oh I shouldn't get political, I want to have fun and get along with everyone!" and then a week later he starts spewing political bullshit again. He constantly falls for fake news and propaganda that even /pol/ dropped.
He's the textbook definition of incel and he hates it, he fucking loathes it, he can ahve and pay all the money he wants but he'll never escape inceldom and deep down he knows it. I know you can read this. You will die unhappy, Notch.

Being an incel and a pedophile are two different things, user.

>He's quite the controversy lately.
What did he do? Did he say something not insane and the twatter legion had a stroke?

>To have an honest discussion you have to start with being honest, user.
I literally, and I mean literally, didn't do any of the things you mentioned in my post. This is exactly what I mean, you shoved words in my mouth then proceeded to shit on me for things I didn't say or do.

not him, but this. I still like watching his actual videos, moreso than I used to in recent memory as well, but I just can't really bare to sit through his podcasts anymore.

you can after you attract them. That's the hard part.
Don't be a completely disingenuous PUA creep either.
just be yourself bro isn't a meme. Be fun and loving outside the sack and rough and hard in it.

Sorry, dudes. But men crying that they are victims is just utterly embarrassing and speaks volumes of your personal issues. What's there even to get into or address? You are fucking delusional and need help. However, I can't help you and maybe no one can. But I will keep calling you out on it. Maybe I can't save you but someone else might be deterred from following in your footsteps.

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Sure thing, 2018 tranny "fellow kid"

newfag invaders will disagree with this

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Call me autistic but in my eyes "incel" or "fag" basically means anyone that behaves in a way that strays from or goes against the notion of success or prospering.

pedophiles are incels by proxy since they're lower down the food chain.

stop baiting people like that, ironic-posting is the menace of this board

LOL. You will die in 5 years tops by your own hand, tranny.

>An incel will always blame himself being a loser on niggers/jews/women/feminists/SJWs or whatever he can come up with except realizing he himself is to blame. That is what an incel is. When you make up entire conspiracies and ideologies just to explain away yourself being a loser instead of a very simple "Maybe I should put more effort and not be an asshole, maybe people will like me then".
What do you call all of the liberals who do the exact same thing, but against straight white males?

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here's your (You)

>disagree with a right-winger
>get called a "tranny" or an "NPC"

Guys I'm starting to think that right-wingers aren't arguing in good faith here


Allies, SJWs. The difference is that calling someone an incel is socially accepted while calling someone an SJW will get you fired.

Oh fuck off.

they don't get laid, because they're manginas, user, don't call them incels tho

>agree with anything right of Stalin

>tfw when you are a lefty and consequently can't even fathom what "good faith" means but you parrot it anyways
So true fellow comrade

That sounds pretty unfair, user! Luckily it's not true.

Both sides are idiots

I think you're a huge semen slurper who needs to go back to the sewage treatment enclosure

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pick up artists. Although basics of game are a great asset.
Don't take them too seriously they're legit sociopaths.

Go back to /hgg2d/

Because the vast majority of them don't exist on the same playing field as someone who is somewhat smarter than the average person. We need to understand that most women aren't going to be capable of the things men can do. Women exist because we need a woman to continue our race. That's just about to the extent of their use just as a man is. We need to understand that there's things a women can't understand about us just like there's shit we can't understand about them. Your best partner isn't going to be someone who thinks and acts exactly like you. It's going to be someone who makes up in the areas you lack in. As a man we sometimes want somebody we can cry to or hold when we deal with real life and that's exactly where a women can come in. They're compassionate, nice, smell good, feel good and give you reassurance. As for us we make them feel safe, wanted and cared for. We complement each other, that's what makes a perfect couple.

While a man can plot, put together a strategy and think without emotions, a women can't, and it's for those exact reasons we are paired together.

tell your Rabbi his pilpul is weak

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Fag is a generic insult for people who engage in awful, obnoxious, pointlessly disruptive or otherwise unlikable behaviour. It started as a specific adjective but became increasingly more generalized to the point it's disconnected from its original meaning for the most part, there's even a South Park episode that makes fun of this fact.
Incel is less broad and indicates a more distinct kind of person. There are already plenty of posts in this thread that describe what an incel behaves like and what kind of community it originates from, so read those.

I can't believe people are calling you an incel nazi. Based on what, I wonder!

bruh I'm 1488 but you're wrong.
Women are manipulative as fuck and the big reason we live in a shit society now, as it's a de-facto matriarchy.
Just look at the divorce laws and female conviction rates in the west, should tell you enough.

>stormfront didn't take over /pol/
>/pol/ isn't invading
I guess we were just paranoid. Huh.

I'm using Yea Forums vernacular on Yea Forums, shocker, I know.

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This is what electionfags actually believe.

this "definition" seems about as organic as deep marketing from an alphabet soup, i'm gonna summarize it as best i can Incel = unperson


What about black men "stuck" being poor? Kind of fits most incel definitions here. Like rappers who bitch about modern day oppression. Those are incels right?

>he doesn't look at the evidence.
Eyes that refuse to see.

stormfront is some stupid American fed honeypot for double digit IQ morons. I'm no propagandist because I hold to ideals of my forefathers, and coincidentally, most my countrymen do.
I live in an ex-Axis country so kindly piss off.

Pepe, Wojaks and /pol/ faggotry aren't Yea Forums as a whole.
This is Yea Forums. GTFO election tourist.

>Not learning how to play an instrument purely for the joy of creating music.
>Not learning how to draw and spend your days improving your skills.
>Not setting up a company that focusses on quality instead of production.
>Not investing in space travel.
>Not setting up a restaurant.
>Not building ships in your backyard.
>Not spending your days writing code for your own projects.
Rich people that are unhappy and don't have a chemical imbalance as the cause are some of the dumbest most unambitious people in the world.
Fuck man, you can do whatever you want but because you don't have to you don't?
Get a grip and stop being an ennui enabling dumbass.
At least middle class and poor people have the excuse of being exhausted by work and stress over money.

So what? Sexual purity/celibacy is the key to enlighment (super mind/inteligence) and salvation. Not that a low IQ tranny abomination like you would know.

>stormfront is some stupid American fed honeypot for double digit IQ morons.
Sounds exactly like one other place I know.

retard btfo

I'm a boxxyfag you stupid nigger

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Can you actually argue against an incel nazi without thinking your labeling counts? Literally nothing they say is incorrect. Incel nazi = genius and it doesn't seem you can prove otherwise.

I agree with him on a lot of things but he ruins it all by being le ebin trole and pushing too far with everything instead of actually educating people

this is a guy isnt it

Can you please summarize for me "tranny", "NPC" and "Commie/Communist" as they are used on this site as well too?

Opinion discarded.


meet other rich people dumbass

if you believe that the posterity of a country shouldn't be deliberately or otherwise be diminished or destroyed, you are a propagandist, and you sound like a nazi

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>No ulterior motives.
If God wanted you to go to church he wouldn't have filled it with power hungry, greedy pedophiles.

I believe every country should put itself and its citizens above others as priority.
I'm sorry I'm so evil.

He obviously hates himself. Hey Notch, does it suck to be alone? You know, you'll always be alone, Notch. No one will ever really know you, and no one will ever really care about you.

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transexual, non-player-character, and communist, but hey i just went by what was already posted about incel, and unperson fits the bill

Unlike nu/v/ I'm old enough to remember when Notch was one of the most hated people in gaming for flipping Minecraft for an easy profit and leaving it in ruins rather than delivering on any of his promises. Then he went on Twitter and said he hated niggers, so nu/v/ celebrates him for that rather than anything he ever did with video games, just like they do with a fuckton of other social media grifters.

Being rich doesn't automatically make you have a huge amount of willpower you know. Just because you aren't stacking shelves in a supermarket dosn't mean you can't find it difficult spending 10 hours every day practicing the guitar.

based and redpilled

I bet you made him wipe a tear with a $100 bill there, Coldsteel

What if I can blame both?
What if I can admit that my shitty physique would turn most people off and is one of the main reasons of my virginity but still aknowledge the fact that women can be irredeemable superficial bitches and the % of them is scaringly getting higher as they get more uppity and entitled?
Am I a half incel then?
>Because you can have a cool dude that just didn't have any sex.
Top fucking kek, no "cool dude" is a virgin unwillingly.

at least you're sorry, now put that apology into practice

I need to pace around my house for a minute.

>You have to be celibate to be saved.
What an idiotic mindset. Cut your genitals off.

Talks too much about stuff he knows little about because has has nothing to do with his free time even though he's filthy stinking rich. Don't think I'll ever understand him. Yeah yeah more money more problems whatever, but If I had 1/100th of his money I wouldn't spend 1/1000000th the time he does shitposting online.

Maybe he's already knocked everything off his bucket list or something.

you're right on both accounts
looks/genetics are 90% of the battle and 90% of women are hypersexual beyond redemption.


Funny guy

>he is rich but he's actually unhappy!

Love this meme.

eat shit and die kike

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Stop whining, you can stop being rich anytime you want. Nobody gives a fuck about your "hardships".

In the last few months, he has descended from a mostly entertaining agent provocateur to a full on schizo. He needs to lay off the psychedelics.

Yeah, he's rich, and alone. So what? He should really just jump already, no one wants him.

He seems really manic lately.

>He doesn't know about the nuns forcing women to give away their children and selling them for fat stacks of cash.
>He doesn't know the long history the chruch has of exploiting the masses for money and power.
>He doesn't know the church covered for the child molesting priests as an organisation and covered it all up until they were forced to admit it.
Religion isn't bad, but organised religion is one of the biggest breeding grounds for abuse of power. Denying that just makes you look like a fool.

>every church is filled with power hungry, greedy pedophiles.
>every person that goes to church is a power hungry, greedy pedophile
You are unexplored and ignorant.

Yeah. Wealth is such a curse man lol

InCel = Involuntary Celibate. that's the literal meaning, but it's used as an insult when convenient

>*unsheathes katana*

I'm sure Q will fix this, right? KYS

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Rich people shitpost the most. It's a fun activity that is neutral. This is like claiming rich people don't eat fast food because they can afford healthy food or something like that.

You can physically leave, but mentally you'll never be the same

man who blames women/society for his own shortcomings

a definition made by a women that couldn't find a partner, no less

Imagine having a billion dollars and spending your time alone in a mansion shitposting on twitter

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I follow his twitter. It's not that entertaining. He's just bored and soapboxing.

If anything else, he makes a great argument for that money will not magically make you happy if you weren't trying to make yourself happy beforehand.

nobody talks about things they know

I wasn't denying it I'm just saying I'm dumbfounded as to why'd they harp onto the lesser evil so to speak.
I'm a deist because of reasoning similar to yours.

Gonna die of diabetes alone.

Must suck he can't go down to the local pub with his close friends: because he has no close friends. :)

>Imagine having a billion dollars and spending your time alone in a mansion shitposting on twitter
While your mind continues to rot and you believe in insane conspiracy theories

what are you even on about? Are you implying the catholic church is some super benevolent entity? Why don't they pay taxes then?

>all these salty trannies sperging at billion dollar fedora man

kill yourself faggot.
the world has enough wealth to support all that live on it but you greedy fuckheads who exploit the system to take more than your fair share cause others to suffer

must suck having the local pub being the edge of your social sphere (:

does notch name the jew or does he just fool around anti-sjw shit?

Incel, compromised of the words "involuntary celibate", doesn't mean "person who can't have sex depite wanting it".
I guess words can mean whatever we want them to mean when we are proven wrong.

You 'woe is me' rich faggots need to hire someone to be your manager of fun. You must have an abysmal imagination if the riches you made have you crying because you can't meet people

I wouldn't be surprised if all these comments defending notch were actually notch same-fagging. Like he has so few relationships IRL that he wants to get approval on Yea Forums
What a sad life. Makes me feel better about *just* being upper-middle-class, enough money to get anything I want, but still poor enough to have meaningful relationships and close-friends.

Here you are arguing as if semantics are facts. Again. Everyone knows what incel means originally. It's too catchy to forget. But what does that mean? Nothing, really.

>oh woe is my life :'(
that's a yikes from me

Let's ask the real questions here
What would you do if you had his fortune anons?

Not every religion out there is catholic you lazy fuck. Get out and read up on the shitloads of people that haven't been under the catholics for hundreds of years.
>b-b-but i'm too lazy

I don't care, I'm making fun of people who think Q is going to save them.

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>Greedy fuckhead who exploit the system
I literally let my computer do calculations to get something called "bitcoin" 8 years ago and sold them 2 years ago for a very high price.

Who got exploited in this scenario?

Judging by the amount of butthurt in this thread alone he probably named it/implied it openly enough.

why don't you exploit the system if it's so easy?
In what way is your well being or anyone else's for that matter my responsibility?
I earned my share, whereas you are looking to leech off others, this is the fundemental difference between you and I, and the reason why you will never amount to anything significant in your lifetime.

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But I've been the same for years even before I found Yea Forums. If you're impressionable enough to be changed by this place you were already lost.

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so a really cool person?

It makes me feel nice to have friends like brothers, but you wouldn't know that would you?

and Boomer used to mean the baby boom generation, i.e the hippie/beatnik generation, that were a part of an explosion of people, which also were very wealthy, and safe and are able to retire

but now it means, i don't even know? anyone over the age of 25, although they aren't a part of a baby boom, basically the opposite nor will they ever be able to retire

>just because I'm jealous
You don't deserve wealth. Try not being low class scum.

Incels sure seem to love each other's company (for reasons I cannot comprehend). So yes, you might quite possibly think so.

You can't breath the wrong way or they'll ban you. No wonder they leak here.

I don't know beause you don't matter

What happened surrounding him exactly?
I never really paid attention to him.

Massive poorfag cope ITT

Controversial in the current year means being a normal person. Notch is a smart guy, which is why he succeeded. Smart people don't fall for bullshit. He's calling out the bullshit.

does anywhere outside of Yea Forums even know about resetera

so if i disagree with you in any way or associate with someone who does that makes me an incel?
i never knew most people where incels

hey man at least I'm candid.
Some people will befriend you and kiss your ass for years, women will try to marry you just to try and take half.

I would just punt you across the head and take your shit.

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It is way more pathetic being an incel in denial that hates their own kind but still spreads propaganda in the "enemy" stronghold for free because that is the only thing giving any sort of meaning to their lives tho.

Could be worse, you could be poor and not have the charisma and connection.
Which is my case

Not sure about the causality you're suggesting but I'd wager you're probably an incel if you like being around incels.

He's not far left or a "liberal" so idiots are calling him a Nazi like they always do.

For some reason Google shows it near the top.

he liked one of my tweets so he must be smart

Yeah, being happy requires input from yourself. Being rich makes that much easier than not being rich.
Christ, I'm not asking people to move mountains here. I'm telling them to work on something that makes them happy.
If you can't even bring yourself to do that you when there are no outside factors like work that exhaust you, you are beyond saving.
Working on yourself isn't some fucking herculian task.

dont listen to them, bro.
try to join an online group or pick up a job at a place with people that might be nice. basically, do your best to become friends with them before they find out about wealth. dont be ashamed of being fortunate, but dont flaunt it. im sure youll meet some good frens :)

>it's womans fault for not wanting to have sex with me

Maybe some journo outlets.

>it's his fault he rejected me

Love Billy, I'd credit him with becoming somewhat of a father figure to me a few years back. He got me into hating the banks, some conspiracy stuff and a general "man the fuck up" attitude that I was never taught. Unfortunately he obsesses over the most obvious evils whilst being oblivious to the more subtle ones.

Daww, lonely boy is sad? ;)

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Just seems like a case of people massively overreacting as usual.
Was there any specific tweet or statement of his that really set people off though?

is that where you live, user?
How's the local pub?

He said the left is evil, people like to be their own gender and interact with the opposite, and things like that. He doesn't care anymore because he already has it made like PewDiePie.

Personally I agree with is controversial comments. But that doesn't change the fact that he's a sad lonely neck-beard with a shit personality that no one could ever love if it wasn't for the money.

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If you think this shit doesn't go down in the vast majority of organised religions you have no people knowlegde at all.
Most religions don't exactly appreciate people being critical of dogma and calling out religious leaders. That enviroment is a psycopaths wet dream and often attracts shit people.

Nia ruined him for me.
He's so cucked it's not even funny anymore.
F is For Family is even more depressing when you realize it's his outlet because he yearns to be a classic father figure

I explicitly said that my looks would turn people off and are the reason why I am not getting my dick wet but keep reading what you want, retard.

The beer comes with lots of head.

You can still rent it

what did he say recently

Who the fuck is Q?
Besides, you can't "fix" this. The only solution is to not get involved with organised religion and just practice your religion on your own or with friends and family.

people put too much importance on happiness as a state of being instead kf a fleeting moment.
Anyone who was genuinely happy at one point will lament the fact that it fades and that 'depression' is the default mental state induced by living in a drek society and consuming perverse horseshit parading as 'art'

>who is Q
A meme invented by /pol/ to trick dumb retards like notch.

>just be yourself bro isn't a meme
Opinion and tips disregarded

The point here is that painting all churches with the same brush is lazy and ignorant. But if you don't try because you're scared the psychopath boogeyman is going to sniff you out and manipulate you, it sounds like anxiety is your worst enemy. If you can't find good people, you're obviously not looking hard at all.

it's not provided you look half decent. You truly have to put yourself outside your comfort zone if you expect results dude.

I'm not speaking about churchgoing plebs who get conned into monetarily supporting God knows what, I'm talking about upper echelons of theology

Fair enough.
Doesn't matter if your local church has good people in it. I'm sure most priests and nuns are good people.
The problem is that the things I talked about were know in the highest branches of the church and they were covered up.
The money you donate to the church goes to those people. The people in your local church are subordinate to those people.
The head of the church is rotten and that reflects poorly on every part of their organisation.

>Ethan after how he treated Jon like a punching bag
are you from an alternate dimension?

She is the graffiti on a beautiful, weathered piece of historical arcitecture. None of the polish and meticulous whittling away it takes to produce a well rounded, conversationally funny comedian is present in her, yet she can now wander into any podcast and demand the spotlight. He is mellowing with age, but I guarantee, much like Louie's leaked comeback set, the inevitable post-divorce Billy Blue Balls will be something spectacular.

You will always have us here, bro

There are many tiny churches with little administration. What, do you live in Russia or something?


You know what, give me just 20 million and I'll show you idiots how being rich is done. I'll prepare multiple projects in engineering and an indie game that could be described as "minecraft with smooth slopes and advanced NPC AI with tons of content and a living, breathing world that grows and develops with events over time with huge cities"

have you seen the podcast where Jon practically begged him to stop cross examining him about the destiny thing again and again?
The guy was fucking enjoying his ideological power trip and didn't stop shaming the guy for like 20 minutes as the other sat in total silence, petrified.
"But as a friend"
give me a break, Ethan is a slimy prick and you know it.

>priests and nuns
>Another dumb fucker that thinks I'm saying nice things about catholic church.
Wrong floor, get back in the elevator.

If a word can change definitions that quickly it is a useless term and should be discarded.
Language may evolve, but trilobites didn't turn into people in a week.

Everyone in this thread should reform themselves and believe in Buddha

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Wow there sure are a lot of millionaire Yea Forumsirgins here.

I live in a small town and I'm friends with the local priest.
This doesn't negate the fact that the pope and his underlings are evil propagandists.
So are Rabbis, so are Imams; it's all the same scummy deal with a different brand slapped across.
I don't need a book or building to find God.

>You know what, give me just 20 million
What a shitty con.

>Falling for the spirituality meme
Hard pass

Words and biology. Pretty much the same huh. No, wait a minute.

>he doesn't want high elevation superpowers and opium

Most people on Yea Forums over 18 make six figures and have wives

h-haha yeah me too

It's not about finding "God", it's about finding good people to have fellowship with and low risk of ulterior motive/manipulation. It's the exact reason why I brought up the suggestion of going to church in this stupid wealthy incel thread in the first place.

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>be yourself
is code for
>let all the unconscious media conditioning and learned childhood impulses define your personality
Don't be yourself Anons, perhaps trust some of your instincts, but strive to be what you respect in others. Don't learn from movies, learn from those who have lived fulfilling successful lives and made contributions to society. Constant struggle in pursuit of greatness is a path that leads to a destination. Being oneself is like waiting for a bus that might never come.

>Believing in magic
Low IQ

small town has that covered by proxy.
Churches are full of grandmas anyways, but I agree with you.
Churchgoers tend to be better people.

>Doesn't explain his position at all.
>Only calls people ignorant because they can't read his mind and he is too lazy or afraid to explain his viewpoint.
>Dismissive because people couldn't possibly know what they are talking about if they don't pick up his non existing clues.
Right you are.
Going up.

Hold on, are you being serious here?

no, their bodies literally carry more oxygen due to high elevation and rigorous training regimens make them mentally impervious to pain (they get beaten with sticks and forced to do a lot of menial labor)

He's irrelevant. He has nothing to do with minecraft anymore and hasn't made any new games since then as far as I'm aware of.
So now he's just some rich guy, and any conversation about him will inevitably devolve into /pol/shit and twitterposting.

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Metaphor is a word too, user. One with a pretty solid definition too, as a matter of fact.

Think about it, you have the power to create great things with that money. Become the producer and director of a mid budget or even high budget action flick, make a game studio and develop that dream game you always dreamed off, donate to a research group that is studying something you are interested in like cloning or longevity treatments...
Even with 10 millions you could do some crazy project like that and still have more than enough money to be set for life with a comfy middle/upper class lifestyle. And that is assuming the worst case scenario,where your projects fail and you reap no benefits at all

I'm 28, and I have a small real state company in a third world country.
Life isn't so hard when you apply yourself since you're young. I would say it takes a decade to do something meaninful, so as long as you start working (and I mean ACTUAL work, not "teheheheh unpaid internships without any responsibility") before your 20s, you're going to have a comfortable life by your 30-ish

>Controversial in the current year means being a normal person.
Normal people believe in Qanon?

The majority of modern Yea Forums wasn't around for the time Notch was getting feedback here. They only care about his post-buyout life where he wastes his life shitposting on twitter

be yourself is code for don't be a manipulative creep whose only mission is to fuck and show genuine effort to improve your body and character if you're lacking

Only normies believe that shit.

metaphoras is just moving/transferring in Greek

Meaning you'll always be back.

>be a billonaire still be a sad angry fat neckbeard

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Be yourself should have been "be the best self you can be for you, not for other people. And even then, you will always be disliked by some people and you should accept that." Not as catchy though.

>manipulative creep
Most of the times they have the manipulative skills of a fucking amoeba though.The girls are actually the ones manipulating those thirsty orbiters if anything.

that's a Kushner made psyop for facebook grandmas. Conflating that to le ebul /pole/ is ridiculous. Ever since the AIPAC thing the pede herd has thinned significantly.
If Notch buys that crap he's legit stupid.

Wow, a word that meant the same thing for a thousand years before it meant something else? That is exactly the same as a term that has existed for a few years and now has seven meanings.

doing it for your own's sake is the point.
getting laid is a side-effect.

>If Notch buys that crap he's legit stupid.
Then I've got bad news for you, he does.


imagine being like this

This is mostly reasonable, but it ignores that often what people refer to as manipulation is really more an understanding of human (female) desires and behaviors. A man who is himself without filter seems destined for divorce. Staying ahead of the game and realizing that a great deal of human interaction involves tactics and discipline is not to be under valued.

move to a touristic town. people are more outgoing during vacations, easy to make friends, at least shrt-term ones.

Minecraft was never good
It was always inferior to Garry's Mod which was released 5 years earlier.

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>small town
>inbred idiots who can't find more than 3 countries on a world map
>refuse to tolerate anything that isn't the values they've been raised with and have gone unchallenged their entire lives


>>let media conditioning and childhood impulses define your personality
where the fuck do you think anyone successful gets their personality, dipshit? it's just magically invented out of thin air? you and everyone you know and everyone that has ever existed is only and entirely the result of years of social conditioning. otherwise you'd be a blubbering feral human with no ability to do anything.

the buddhist poster is right, however, maybe the conversion to buddhism would best be accompanied with a vow of silence. take some time to realize the kind of dumb shit you all spew.

Yeah, as if muh Russia is any better... There are stupid people everywhere.

wouldnt that be a volcel then

yes, but relying on those tactics exclusively will lead to disaster.
You should use Game to diffuse and escalate, and your actual character for pair bonding.
Basing a whole relationship on Game tactics is legitimately creepy imho

Apples and oranges

I hate that all of Yea Forums has gone full /r9k/ and you can't even lightheartedly mock losers or be self deprecating without swarms of faggots crying about an SJW invasion

I already expressed that I don't give a fuck about/nor disagree with facts about shithead catholicism. If someone says "church" and you automatically think "catholic bishops gum-fucking babies" you're already following a skewed path. You should be asking "what kind of church?"

Gracias doctor

I'm cool with redneck losers and content with plebeian lifestyle.
You can take your urban youth and shove them up your ass, insect.

>an actual investigation that has led to over a hundred indictments already is just as bad as a conspiracy theory that was invented in order to assert a narrative that said investigation is actually just a bluff and that Trump is working behind the scenes to finally arrest the Democrats once and for all

There are indeed stupid people everywhere

It's because no one used that term until the media popularized it.

He’s a Jew and anyone saying he’s “based” is either a newfag election tourist or an underage retard.

fuck off, fren

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Trying to make sense of the traffic in an anonymous kayak-smuggling imageboard is your biggest mistake.

I can respect a man who sticks to his beliefs and doesn't change them to gain acceptance, specially from a society that's rotten. So Notch has my respect even though I don't agree with everything he says but I consider his reasoning.

Should be the owner of Yea Forums instead of gookmoot.

Fags who constantly blabber about muh joos are election tourists as well, tho.

Let's stop talking about stupid twitter drama and talk about vidya instead.
What's everyone's opinion on Hytale?
Will it be the minecraft we were promised?

Attached: hytale.jpg (1200x675, 79K)

I see you jew

You eventually are what you pretend to be, eventually.

If you knew someone who mostly hung out with a bunch of disaffected weebs with weird political opinions, who mimicked their disaffected weeb political opinions, and spent their afternoons, weekends and evenings discussing and thinking about those disaffected weeb opinions, what does that make them?

Thinking they're not "impressionable" is the same meme of "I'm not affected by advertising" despite every single thing they own being an advertised brand.

Chill with the weebs and nerds, end up a weeb and nerd. No avoiding it.

>Christian teachings (nothing post Orthodox)
>Spiritual teachings (Nip stuff)
>Traditional European wisdom
>Philosophical literature
>Military Strategy (Art of War, applied to just about everything in life)
>Decent media, sought out and analyzed, rather than what washed your brain when you still wore shorts

There's plenty out there m80.

the major flaw in his theory is his assertation that the sexual habits of Yea Forums users have changed over time.
hint-hint, this place was made for loli autists who got banned from SomethingAwful

Not sure about him being Jewish; he seems like he has autism which is one of the few neuroses that Jews rarely have

>Hurr durr Trump is playing 800-D chess
>Trump is actually going to lock up his friend Hillary Clinton
I agree that taking Q user seriously is fucking stupid though. It seems like these Q user predictions were written by a 10 year-old

>muh joos
stop. I'm on your side on this as well, but don't do that.
It's disingenuous and reductive.

>having pics of your body on your phone is weird

proof that no amount of money can change you from being a pathetic neckbeard

>Too many politics in my video games
>What do you think about this irrelevant fuck only known nowadays for his braindead political twitter takes

Nearly every church that isn't some splinter faction is inherently vulnerable to this kind of stuff.
Even splinter factions are, just look at how many cults end up fucking over their members financially.

not all semites are Jews, but all Jews are semites.
in short, working class Joe Schmoe without a cousin in Congress is just as fucked as we all are.

>he doesn't change himself to fit into some elite society

But that's a good thing. He seems more relatable than other billionaires.

>man who sticks to his beliefs and doesn't change them to gain acceptance
He used to be the average liberal-leaning nerdy game developer, he became a contrarian /pol/-lite-tard only because once rich he lost the drive to do anything productive and started roaming imageboards and social medias until he got caught into the amerilard culture drama war, and drank the kool aid of one of the sides. There's nothing to respect about.

i think you're trying to show me that "good, respectable" media exists and that this is objectively better for developing a personality with over cable TV? my response to this is: shut the fuck up neckbeard retard, i never said those weren't options.
what i said was all personalities come from media and social conditioning, and there is no escaping this. if you'd like to, please reread my post and tell me where i failed to include any of the literature you listed.

or maybe he's from Sweden

you sound like such a faggot dude lmao

Game, like pick up artist stuff? Then you're right. I'm talking about maintaining an alert awareness and not allowing yourself to treat your partner as too much of a friend or mother. Providing warmth and companionship, goofing around and being entertaining is absolutely necessary though.

I read here on Yea Forums that the dev had a bad history running Minecraft servers, and that the engine they're using is not good. That said I hope it's good.

>the dev had a bad history running Minecraft servers
>runs the most populated server in the entire game

So if you want to be rich and famous you should just emulate rich and famous people?
Cool, but I don't want to fuck kids unfortunately, so I'll pass.

People keep shitting on Notch and saying that even though he's so rich he has no friends or anyone at all. As someone who's more like the opposite of rich and is as lonely as Notch, I wouldn't mind being that rich and lonely.

Except psychology has ample proof that beyond paying the bills money stops fixing your actual important issues, like life discipline/outlook/personal relationships and the likes.
And infact, giving someone more money than they need merely amplifies their previous pattern unless they fundamentally change, which is once again proven to be much harder than becoming successful enough to be a random middle class dude who can pay their bills.
Meaning, that if you felt bad for someone when they were poor, they are going to become an even worse wreck in the long term if they become millionaires in most cases.
Money doesn't fix most issues.
Working at least a small amount and not allowing yourself to be a depressed incel will fix all the poor person's issues outside of extreme tiny cases.
The whole "no sympathy for rich people" is just irrational jealousy turned on its head. Rich people develop more unfixable issues than poor pepople, poor people are mostly lazy, resentful assholes who think they could fix the world if they were atop it.
There is a reason why the poor people revolutions end in the gulags and the rich people revolutions end in the triumph of personal rights, self-help discipline, philosophy, and healthy competitions.
You should probably watch less Jim Sterling getting angry at random things riling you up for the sake of it and get out of your house every once in a while.

If you find that your pastor keeps asking for money for events you never asked for, you should know how to keep your hand away from your wallet. You're mainly there to meet good people, afterall.

get mad at the world's top 5% who have 60% of wealth not this guy. I don't doubt this guy has cash but he defs will not be 4 swedish bank accounts rich


>wanted to buy out 4fags and make it free speech "but without the racism"
Fuck off.

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Both are retarded rich morons with no connection to reality, this conversation is amusing and a great snippet of what social media has done to people.

>self important asshole cuts ties and goes bitch mode because a guy pointed out one time months ago that he parties hard
>soulless numbers-driven, outrage-seeking hypocrite trying really hard to be the people's champ gets exposed by only having personal interactions to bug them for a business deal
Remember when celebrities had at least some dignity? Jesus christ.


I'm really just using your post to bounce a point off.
>Don't let your life's worth of TV/movie grooming unconsciously bubble to the surface and maybe do a little self improvement
It not aimed at you. I'm sure you're doing great.

while doing that, you can also work on your own success so you don't have to be a pathetic piece of shit constantly looking at the neighbour's garden being greener than yours.

i also never mentioned a thing about what one should to do become rich and famous, yet here someone is replying to me as if i had
it's amazing that no one on this site has developed any reading comprehension skills in the last 12 years; but then if they had maybe this thread would look completely different

My opinion is that you should off yourself for posting e-celeb cancer on Yea Forums.

Notch worked on WURM and Minecraft
Ethan is rich because his wife's clothing company

>Im rich

Im blue collar maek $40 an hour and own my home.

Could you please pay off my mortgage

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this. I'm sick of the right vs left dichotomy.
It's all pointless drivel designed to pit us against each other while we're being stripped of every cent and law theuly can realistically take away from us.
The one thing I see eye to eye with commids is to skin the rich.
Not the self made like the Bolsheviks were conned into killing, though, it's the scummy kiddy fucking bankers and lawmakers who need to fucking go.

>if you have money you will get the motivation to live healthy and not be a parasite!
Keep telling yourself that, that's totally why you're a failure at everything, it's the bank account!

Then why go to a church at all and not instead have a weekly bible reading barbeque?
More fun, still practice your faith, learn new perspectives, meet people of your religion, get a good meal, your money goes towards something everyone there enjoys.
Church is just an unnecessary middle man in this case.

well you emulate the lower class majority despite there being some examples of lower class heroes, seems like that's a thing that happens to most people at any tier

I don't think the sexual habits have changed, my point is that the lighthearted mockery and self deprivation we used to do is now met with people jumping to call you a whole string of SJW numale cuck onions etc etc shit. Everyone is just so paranoid about their enemies "attacking" them that many retards here have genuinely gone full "gamer pride" "virgin pride" and so on. You can't make a joke about gamers because the faGGots will genuinely take offence. You can't make a joke about incels because the bitter virgins who fight daily in the great online culture wars think there is a breach in their security net and one of those darn outsiders have gotten in.
Yea Forums is no fun at all any more. And I know, Yea Forums was never good, but it was at least fun once. There is no denying that everyone has become a far too serious faggot now. Even me, just look at this shitty boring post. But this is how it is now.

>more than your fair share
And who decides what's fair? You?


You do have a sausage thumb tho.

I swear everything he says at this point is entirely motivated by shit stirring

>Remember when celebrities had at least some dignity

I don't understand why the rich make such a big stink about tax laws and how they should be lowered for the ultra wealthy.
It's not like they are going to stop putting their money in off shore banks and evading taxes like they have been since forever.

I'm too new a fag to be able to relate, but I do agree that this place can be too highly strung. It's still funny though. I laugh in a way / about things I never have anywhere else.

Learning a boss pattern is an unnecessary middle man when you can just have a button to skip bosses, it's just more efficient to experience a game quick so you can do important things in your life.
What you don't get is that maximizing efficiency is something AI does, not humans. You get meaning from discipline, you get knowledge from thousands of years of tradition, your actual DNA changes based off how humans have acted for millennia.
Yet you do come in as a young asshole presenting solutions to make the world better. You are clueless, you are an idiot, you are laughable. In just 5 years you will read anything at all you wrote you will think it was extremely dumb, yet you are presenting major changes to gigantic everlasting living systems.
The fact you don't see how incredibly dumb you are thinking you are improving things is astounding, but with time, you'll feel cringy enough, just give it some years, you'll get wise too.

Church (the building) is more of a place where praise goes on and where you first find good people. It's where you should be allowed to (without any bullshit 'societal norm' standing against it) walk up to a complete stranger and offer your hand to shake and say your first words to. The barbecue idea is definitely what comes next. People that have no time for you outside of going to the church building need not fucking apply.

Ethan is rich because he got into a niche that had easy seats, that allowed him to invest in a company that was bound to succeed given their million existing userbase and keep making money.
Either way, it doesn't matter what your accomplishments are, once you become rich most people lose touch with reality and they live in their little bubble where everyone around you says you're right.

why not? It's not that hard

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I agree with this entire post with the caveat that a large percentage of churches and their denominations are pozzed to the nines.

I'm not going to give you money to buy another golden jesus statue, pastor.
Please get of Yea Forums and go back to removing graffiti from the church. It's unsightly.

Yeah, but, why make the church that place when it can be virtually anywhere that isn't part of an organisation that has a dozen skeletons in the closet?

Think of it like a bar you'd meet one of your whore in. You don't intend to live with her in the bar and sleep on the sticky, glass covered floor. Instead it's a space for people who share a purpose meet.

Okay, fuck you too, buddy.

Tell me a better place to meet good people that don't have completely random mindsets ranging from pompous asshole to cynical/suspicious and won't laugh at you for trying to talk to them at random.

what the fuck did he do now?

You literally just described a church.

I really want to know what kind of churches you've been to so I can experience this. As for me, I speak from experience.

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Sometimes the best bar isn't the one nearest your house.

do you guys think he's happy with all that money?

>thread went from nazi tranny shitflinging to civilized conversation
uh, guys?

I know, right? I guess the haters are somewhere on page 1.

who cares about this useless fat faggot, he's just attention whoring

I'm brimming with hate and I'm right here.

>brimming with hatred

>Fedora christcuck shitflinging

>god isn't real
God isn't not Real

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He should buy Yea Forums already.

more civilized than constant name-calling

Not really hate. Just noided to high hell. I saw an advert for this on kid's morning TV, that probably did it.

What the fuck is this clickbait?

With that amount of money he can do literally whatever he wants, whatever pushes his adrenaline or his potential love life and potential friendships. Hell, he can even go kill some folks if he wants to.
But no, let's rather be a fat, unhealthy faggot that sits on the computer all day long, playing the Twitter game.

What the fuck is wrong with americans

Taking Yea Forums too seriously there bro. I come here to laugh and occasionally shitpost. I like the honesty here too. That's about it.

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I mean you're poor and you're plastered at the screen as well.
It's why we're all here.

This cuck still got rejected even though he’s a millionaire. He’s a pussy but can sometime be based

CIA niggers and (((them)))

Lazy and unambitious, no wonder he is miserable and spends all his time having flamewars with irrelevant faggots online instead of doing something productive.

Fuck off /pol/

>"I mean, sure, I hang out with those weebs every weekend for some laughs, and occasionally watch an anime.
>And sure, I have a body pillow, but it's a joke, you see.
>And yeah, I spent the last four months trying to bingewatch all of One Piece and HunterXhunter, but only while I do homework.
>Oh, The figurines in my closet? Those are just a conversation starter, I only take them out when I'm bored.
>Look, the shrine for Ren is just where I store all my Pocky, don't read too much into it

^This is you.

The next circle of hell user. I realized recently that on androids emoji selection you find a piece of shit with eyes before you reach a love heart. Really makes you think.

oh noess its teh (((((((jews))))))))) :(!

proving no matter how much money you have if you are a lonely fuck you will be a RICH lonely fuck that people hate

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Devise a death game and gather good-for-nothings with debt to compete for big sums of money by walking on shallow bridges over skyscrapers and such

fat elon musk

Trust me you'd get bored of a lifestyle like that very quickly.

I paid a (relatively) low amount of money to receive a modest amount of entertainment over a long period of time (years, until I have to buy a new PC). This is a good investment for poorfriends like me.
If I had the means to spend the same amount of money on a single day worth of fun, I would. Somehow though, he doesn't and still picks the former. This is the reason why he is a retard, in my opinion.

throw fucking parties go on trips fuck do a Yea Forums giveaways or some shit like that just SOMETHING besides saying Boo hoo no one likes me,

I wish he would buy Yea Forums so we could post cunny.

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based midwest protestant

>Meanwhile you can't have genuine connections with people anymore and you'll feel isolated forever.
This victim mindset is complete horseshit. Are you insanely famous as well or just rich?
t. another richfag

If i remember there was a study on something similar but with mice. when they had unlimited food water and nothing to fear. they all just killed themselves off of sheer boredom, they didn't breed they just existed.

unironically this
the difference is that with a billion dollars i could just do it if i suddenly wanted to visit some far away place, i'd be debt free and i could larp as a decadent saudi prince online by giving shit away

LARP someplace else faggot, preferably hanging neck first from a rope.

>Notch is a Qboomer
More proof that he deserves nothing that he has. Imagine never having to worry about a single thing ever again and spending your free time Q-larping

>oh no I can't say nigger no more
Have you thought maybe you are the problem?

>MGA Entertainment
>Isaac Larian
>married to Angela Neman who is also of Iranian Jewish descent.

Not that user, but I literally do none of these. My friends are more Tumblr if anything. Have you considered you might not have the resolve to define yourself rather than let your environment do it? Also anime merchandise is for losers who like wasting money.

I don't know why you think this is some super sekrit place my guy. It may have been a decade ago, but everyone knows about it. It's very poor that you mention One Piece and HxH as if they're some cringey anime about little girls when they're two of the most widely acclaimed anime that everyone and their mother knows about.

Holy projection, not him but you got issues. Go to /r9k/ or soemthing lmao

God you're right
This board really just hasn't been what it used to be back in 2007-09
I really should just move on.

An expensive ticking bomb. News of his suicide won't be that much of a surprise to me

I less you are actually disfigured, you can get your dick wet if you try enough
Even then you still probably could

fuck off you communist faggot

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Move to infinitechan user, it's the best place for veterans I only come here to laugh at zoomers.

kys neogaf

>LITERALLY WHO corporation making... fuck knows what that my little pony shit is
>some guy with a jew name
>His name is (((((Sam))))))))) oh noes get him
>His name is ((((((Mike ))))) oh noes get him
>His name is ((((((((((((((John))))))) oh noes another (((((((((jew))))) :(!
>((((((((They))))) are the ((((((((((1s))))))))))))))))))) causing the bad things going on!!!! ;'(

must be so great because you come back here :^)
besides mods on /v8/ suck ass and ban threads they don't like even if it's on topic

Someone ask him to plainly say nazis are bad without extra input. So he said nazis and communists are bad.

i wish i was rich


>nazis ""bad""
>communists are bad.
what a faggot

> reddit spacing

fuck off

> correlates

Don't speak of statistical terms when you're a brainlet. Those are big boy words for the adults.

fuck off tranny