How come the Japanese never make any WWII games?

How come the Japanese never make any WWII games?

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They used to

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I don’t want to see a female Loli Hitler. That’s why.
its already happens though, hasn’t it?

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Fuck off.

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Came here to post this.

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How come you're retarded?

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it ended with a great dishonor on their part

the first thing I thought too

WW2 never happened according to Japan's historians, besides the nukes of course.

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No one buys their revisionist bullshit.

>get nuked twice
>surrender but call it a "strategic" withdrawal instead
nips never cease to amuse me

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op btfo

>*commits countless war crimes and kill millions of people*
>someone bombs two of your cities

Is this enough OP?

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Best part is that the nukes made everybody forget all the fucked up shit they did so they didn't really have to answer to what they did.

Itll just be qgdqt but in army uniforms

Psychos only care about themselves
And Japan is a very very sick society, no matter what weebs may think

Only an American would be this defensive of Hitler.

Nobody answered for anything after the nukes.
The US firebombing of Japan alone would have been a huge warcrime if anyone bothered persecuting.

I was more talking about how people think anime is all about lolis and ecchi. I'm not american.

Every countrys' recital of WWII is 1000% different from each other retard. There are tons of things you'll never know the truth about.

They do, it is just as often as Vietnam games for Americans.

Oh yes, remember when the USSR deployed mechas to push back the germans from Stalingrad? Good times

>Americans are still butthurt because one state tried to stop their degeneracy from spreading


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We have such sights to show you

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I dont think the original poster thought that, it's just common for the Japanese to turn a historical figure into a tiny girl for the sake of humor, as the second response to his post shows.

Same reason as Germans, because they got btfo.

Nuking them was a douche move in some regards because they were used as guinea pigs of the bombs in populated cities (the only ones left unharmed for that purpose) and to warn Stalin.

But the japs were nothing but monsters and they got it coming.

Really? What state?

Why don't americans make games about losing in the vietnam war?

Fuck the non-Japanese, bitch.

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>Every countrys' recital of WWII is 1000% different from each

This is incorrect. No need to defend the great empire of the rising sun, you'll never be Japanese no matter how many time you fold that metal over.

Or the Korean War/Police Action?

And you will always be an American,sad!

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I'm not thought but I'm glad you managed to at least muster a response of some kind. Loosen the tinfoil hat.

Might as well be you fuckin' judaized retard.

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Cause very few people want to play a game about incredibly specific domestic politics? At least not over a war game with intense action.

>Maxis Presents: SimProtest

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Survival is a pretty strategic choice

You say that as if Japan dosn't love the Jews, being an American vassal and all.


WW2 is fun, but alternate reality WW2-esque is better.

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Lol, Kamiya worked for Capcom, a company that made the 194X shooting games.

If you want to pretend that's not the appeal to the vast majority then alright.

Admitting America is just a vector for spreading zionism, faggot? That's what I thought lmao.

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Do americans really do this?

I don't think they care about jews,in America being a jew is like being royalty.

Warcrimes aren't real.

yes, we really cook food.

How come we still don’t have a pacific ww2 game featuring the Japanese as the protagonist? Why won’t nips make a game like this?

Didnt you see what happened to the Rape Day game on Steam? There you have the answer

Because only a handful of smelly netouyou and their western equivalents romanticize want to play as the axis powers in wwii games and it wouldn't sell.

>Only the Japs raped in WW2

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War games where you lose at the end?

Because their burger overlords wouldn´t allow it.

Yes, I've never said anything different.

Actually looking into it a bit more, Japan did now follow America into kowtowing for their Jewish suzerain for things like recognizing Jerusalem as their capital. I think I must have read a shitty article, or maybe I'm just getting it confused with some other pro-Israel thing they did recently. My bad.

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cause they love white people and talking bout it would make white people look bad

Burgers do the same shit with Vietnam, or at least tried it. For many years the official narrative was "n-no, we didn´t lose! w-we just decided to focus on other stuff"

they used a really shitty artist for hitler. That artbook about dictators turned into moe girls have so much good artists featured in it. They should have decided better for hitler. It's like having a 5-star servant in a gacha game, but the card art is made by some intern.

Most serious wargames let you play as everybody because people that are interested in history are usually smart enough to be neutral.

The fuck? You mean like black ops and bad company? 3 of the most popular shooters 10 years ago?
Americans love all wars, America is really good at war.

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> fucking retard admits he has no evidence
> still tries to play off how he was right about Japanese being Zionists despite their refusal to open their borders or accept LGBT bullshit on a mass scale like every other Jewish nation

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this user already btfo'd OP, what's the point of continuing the thread?

How is that remotely WW2? I don't speak Moonrunes either so the title means nothing to me

If you have to ask, go back to fuckin' discord tranny bitch.

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same reason japanese people portray themselves as white in all kinds of media

Your response makes 0 sense

You're right, they just set records and did it better.
Japs are the #1 best rapists, silver metal goes to the Germans.

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What can I say, I had an incredibly vivid memory of reading that Japan would follow America in moving their embassy to Jerusalem.

Think I just got it confused with all the recent news of Japan strengthening their ties and relations with Israel in general.

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nusteam will remove a chink mass-rape themed game.


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Germans have survivor guilt, Japans have we didn't do nuffin wrong

Yes. After which I corrected myself.

No, you tried to bury your own humiliation with an unverifiable blanket statement that they 'must have just generally started supporting Israel' in ways you're too mentally incapacitated to effectively enumerate. You're a pea brained Jewish faggot and you're fucking useless.

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only mistake was not dropping a third bomb

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I like how you call me Jewish despite the fact that I hate the kikes and I've been incredibly critical of Israel and any country who does their bidding in my posts.

>you tried to bury your own humiliation
What humiliation? Said blanket statement was my first statement in this chain of posts. I mean I do feel a bit bad for having a brain fart, that said I wasn't wrong in the sense of that they are getting incredibly friendly with Israel, I just got the headline mixed up.

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> Pilpul 101

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I don't know what that means.

Yes you do, Schmuel.

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Is it some /pol/ meme? I don't tend to hang with those kike-loving faggots.

No, it's not some /pol/ meme you moronic heeb.

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Are you a flaseflagger?

LOL at mixing up a manji and the swastika.

Think of it this way. Japan was convinced the European powers were going to carve up the entire continent into permanent colonial enslavement. They failed at creating the Asian equivalent of great Brittany but they succeeded in ending the age of colonialism.

They do you dumb zoomer.

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> implying it isn't the same to the Jews
Fucking retard get the fuck away from me tranny.

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>no hirohito

Fuck off incel.

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why dosent germany make any world war 2 games?

Because japan's entire entertainment industry is escapism focused so people can forget about their shitty daily lives.

Why americans don't make game about vietnam war? Because they lost to rice farmers?

Didn't know rice farming was popular within the American youth in the 50s and 60s. Neat.