Which girl in the Final Fantasy series is the biggest slut and why is it Yuna?

Which girl in the Final Fantasy series is the biggest slut and why is it Yuna?

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tifa. she's LITERALLY a whore

Aerith since she whores herself out in the Slums

>is completely loyal to one man and irrationally jealous of the idea of him even talking to other girls

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>Loyal to her man even beyond death

I mean Aerith is a literal canon prostitute, so... how do you beat that?

Wrong, that's Aeris

why not both


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Selphie is so pure she doesn't even realize she's a tease
Yuffie on the other hand

This girl right here

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Yuffie isn't a tease. She's very straightforward. If she sees something she wants, she goes for it.

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I was going to say it's objectively Rinoa until I realized, that they both have fucked two people, but Yuna has also kissed a third and might fuck one more in X-3, if Nojima has his way and Tidus is too late.

Even if we take Rinoa's frivolous glee into account about it, Yuna still has her moments, such as "It will cost you."

Prostitutes are a different breed. They understand their value.


How would it feel grinding against that ass in shorts? Would she make sexy noises?

And who was it that turned her into a slut?

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better dead than al bhed

Tidus was a mistake

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The irony of Tifa is that she's pure as the driven snow despite looking like a hooker, while Aerith looks like a pure waifu but has lost some of the traction on her tires.

>lost some of the traction on her tires.
I bet her pussy lips look like dangling pieces of roast beef


>Your clothes determine your degree of promiscuity
You should all be on the bench

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Cloud of Darkness

You mean Garnet the Harlot?

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>Ooh, I love a good roast
I adore that tiny slag

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In Rikku's case it's absolutely true

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Tiny is right. How about posting something a little bigger?

I want to try modding FFX meshes and textures. What are the essential modding programs?

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>Lightly flirts with her childhood friend
>No other evident sexual attraction to anyone besides her cousin
I don't let fanart dictate how I see a character.

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Is it wrong that I would not mind eating that out

Not really

That render is fucking hideous

I think it's fucking awesome, but I guess you're looking for something more anime?

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It's definitely not Yuna, she's all about Tidus.

>concept art and in-game model are fucking cute
>CGI cutscenes turn her into a plum-faced chink

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>not Garnet

The biggest whore of all who only fucks Zidans’s monkey dick

Would you want to go to her bikini pole dance? :)

I can't understand how anyone still plays FFs after the funneled sewage that was X.

Not nearly enough porn.

I keep demanding they make an Xtreme Beach Volleyball game for Final Fantasy and a few other series, but so far I haven't had any response.

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Never seen an innocent girl wearing slut clothes.

Aqua from KH should be a guest character!

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I used to stay with the series out of pure hate during that time (starting with VIII). XIII-2 was a liberation from that destructive mindset, since it was the first good one and washed away decades of ire. Now I can just calmly not buy FFXV, because it's so distasteful.

They could expand it to have league play with the potential pool of players from all the various FFs and its spinoffs.

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>no lulu
like what the fuck

Whom would get your most attention? Aqua's mine~

Dream Team Rikku and Yuffie for sure. Alt Team Titty with Tifa and Lulu.

based mommy

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The only kind of slut Garnet is a butt-slut, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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Yea, she totally just wore that outfit to hide her identity...

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Manga Ashe was even sluttier

There was a manga of FF12?

>tfw you ride ze shoopuf

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>your clothes don't express who you are as a person

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Yeah, it was short but pretty alright. It actually told FF12's story a bit and made the judges interesting.

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>that outfit
Almost like they got her mixed up with Penelo or something when she got the dancer attire in the spinoff-sequel

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>Yuffie kisses you at Gold Saucer
>Take her home to Wutai to ask her dad for her hand in marriage
>Steals all your materia

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>that doujin where she "births" the materia
Still hoping the author makes a sequel that includes Tifa and Aerith as well.