ITT: Games with shitty combat.
ITT: Games with shitty combat
You first, OP.
>pic not related
Not once in my gaming lifetime have I ever considered a combat system to be good or bad. I don't understand why people fixate on it so much.
I thought even the fanboys agreed that the combat was trash
> Sony cucks still SEETHING
ITT: Games where you play as a contrarian OP begging for attention from weak trolling methods
I'll start since OP is a fag
The delusion of nintendo fags, holy shit.
Even I will admit that botw had great exploration and freedom, but the combat was fucking garbage. Witcher 3 had better combat by miles.
I guess the real issue is that they even allow you to be this boring and safe to begin with.
That non-opinion is not worth sharing and frankly it's concerning, do you play video games without enjoying them or judging them?
You’re fucking insane. kys you fucking faggot
To know who rules above you, seek who you are not allowed to criticize.
Both games are shit, so why does it matter arguing which game is less terrible?
I mean the combat for any game is trash if all you do is cheese hitstun.
I don't know, there are definitely times where it's bad and noticeably annoying, but I do agree that Yea Forums and modern players in general obsess over combat too much. It's really weird to me when someone refers to Megaman or Metroid or 2d Zelda or Castlevania as having "combat", and it almost seems as if "combat" has become a sort of buzzword.
It's trash in the context of, "I pulled a single enemy from a camp of massive enemies and bumrushed him with the weapon with extreme hitsun in the gamemode that turns enemies into HP sponges, all in an emulator that's sending him way further back than he should be because of broken emulator physics", yes.
Demon's Souls
Dark Souls
Dark Souls II
Dark Souls III
I'm starting to think these (example: ) posts are falseflags to make nintendo fans look bad. There's no way they're this delusional and insufferable.
>It's viable, but if you do it then it's your fault for not gimping yourself
Holy shit you actually think that webm is an example of it being good, don't you?
ok retard
Everything is a fucking false flag in this place.
I really like the bow in this game, but melee just feels like the same old Wind Waker shit.
Are you a sony fag, xbox fag, or a pc fag? Come now, you can be honest. No way in hell are you a nintendo fag
You make one then.
>all in an emulator that's sending him way further back than he should be because of broken emulator physics
Nope, maybe that's just how it is in the Wii U version but I remember the lizalfos specifically went absolutely fucking flying just like that whenever you ragdolled them. It was pretty ridiculous.
Arkham city, all the batman games like that