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>you just had to stop playing, delete the game from your system and break the disk, bro ;-)
What the hell are you talking about?
the game forces you to do these bad things and then guilt trips you for doing them
the only winning move is to stop playing
What other games had such a shock factor for the player as this one?
It really felt like an unique experience, especially the mortar scene.
Just seeing all those targets moving around via thermal camera, shelling them with HE rounds only to find out half of them were civilians.
The game doesn't expect you to self insert into the protagonist, you fucking idiot. That isn't its intent.
no need to be angry about it m8
Your logic falls apart when the game isn't about self inserting, it's about witnessing someone else's experience. I don't see why this is so difficult to grasp.
i am a lean mean meme team killing machine marine!
I can't really think of many since most games tend to be really transparent and don't focus on shock value like Spec Ops did. Maybe The Last of Us? Maybe? I really don't know.
And your logic falls apart if someone does decide to self-insert, everyone experiences games differently
>And your logic falls apart if someone does decide to self-insert
Well that isn't the game's fault, or the developer's fault. Only idiots go out of their way to forcefully self insert into everything when the game doesn't do that at all. This isn't Persona. Does the concept of watching someone else go through something not make sense to you?
The game is about Walker and the mistakes he made, not you
why are you so mad about other people experiencing games differently than you? No need to call other people idiots because they did something different from you or how they're intended to
anyway I'm out, don't want this thread to devolve into a shit flinging fest
It's not guilt tripping the player, it's guilt tripping Walker. The entire story is about him wanting to be a hero only to make everything a thousand times worse. He opened pandora's box by pushing into Dubai instead of leaving and reporting it in like he was supposed to, and when you take the dev's comment about how fading to white = hallucination and that he actually died in the chopper crash, and shooting yourself = accepting what you've done and moving on, which is the only ending that doesn't fade to white it makes a lot more sense.
Someone "experiencing" something differently isn't the issue here. That's such a broad mindset that I don't even know why you're mentioning it. The issue is how you're trying to treat this game as if it's some RPG where you create and even name your character and the entire purpose is to self insert into them since they're basically a faceless and back groundless empty husk whose every decision is something you have to pick (Persona). Spec Ops is a linear action game where you follow the actions of a man going through hell. Self inserting is not the goal and if you try to shit on the the game because you self inserted into Walker for some strange reason, then that is your fault, not the game's fault or the developer's fault. The game never gives off the impression that you're supposed to self insert.
The soldiers were the good guys too friend. If you were paying attention the 33rd thought you were CIA the entire time. If the CIA was sent in to kill them all and bury what really happened in Dubai, why would Delta be there to rescue them? It was a misunderstanding from the first shootout.
>33rd were good guys
Nice meme, the 33rd were giant jack asses and the CIA was sent int o clean up their fuck up.
>w-we were helping...
How? By rounding up the civilians and gassing them with white phosphorous? Storming their encampment and kidnapping them? Some heroes they turned out to be.
If you experienced Spec Ops: The Line as anything other than watching a crazy person slowly go crazier you're probably a moron. The game wasn't about player choice because it didn't give you any choices to begin with.
is spec ops: the line the ultimate reddit-core game?
More like pleb repellent, reddit hates this game because of stuff like
>complaining about killing
I mean I know it was ultimately Walker's fault but are they retarded?
He's complaining about killing civilians, not enemy soldiers
>I know it was ultimately Walker's
I believe it wasn't his fault.
I didn't mean to hurt anybody.
Gentlemen, welcome to Dubai.
>she turned the weans against us
t. actual psychopath
>Wait, wait this isn't right! We did this already!
What did he mean by this?
Do you feel like a hero yet?
Everything after he fell off the skyscraper and died didn't happen and he had a deja vu moment about the intro helicopter ride after dying.
Lmao are you cucks serious? You are in control of the character, theres rp elements even if you want to deny it.
Isn't that kind of the point of joining the military?
>He's complaining about killing civilians
how was he supposed to know?
>nah nigger this is a story about me
based and redpilled
He wasn't, but it still happened.
That doesn't mean that self insterion is the point of the game, dumb ass. Theres no actual role play going on.
Time to post Spec Ops Easter eggs/little details.
> Dialogue and animation changes when Walker goes nuclear, screaming, violent executions, ignores trigger discipline
> Lugo's reflection is a hanged man when rappelling down
> Incredibly specific dialogue like "he's behind the T-Rex!" when there's only one or two dinosaur skeletons in the game
> Two civilians hidden in a combat zone when you first encounter the 33rd, a woman in white runnings towards you and an injured old man
> Statues change depending whether you let Riggs burn or not
> Lugo and Adam's names on memorial in the middle of the game
> Konrad's face on advertising through-out the city
> Tree changes from alive to dead when you look back at it
> Hallucinatory specific game overs if you die in the last two levels in specific moments.
> The sniper in the main menu changes depending which chapter you start on: youtube.com
> Pointing the gun at yourself in the mirror at the end shows Walker pointing the gun at his head in the reflection
> Walkers lines at the end perfectly reflects the five stages of grief.
What a fucking masterpiece.
>The game doesn't expect you to self insert into the protagonist
The loading screen literally goes "DO YOU FEEL LIKE A HERO?"
The loading sfreen is walker's subconscious, you fucking retard.
>The US military does not condone the killing of unarmed combatants. But this isn't real, so why should you care?
>Sheikh Zayed Road is the longest road in the UAE and is home to many of Dubai's largest skyscrapers.
>The M134 minigun fires an impressive 3,000 rounds per minute.
>The CIA's Intellegence Support Activity (ISA) is a paramilitary group that provides recon, intel, and combat support for US special forces.
Quite a sub conscious he's got going on
You are the reason video games are simplified and any artistic risks are scrapped in development stages. It's specifically to sell games to fucking mongoloids like you who couldn't interpret the novels in their goddamn middle school classes
Walker did literally nothing wrong and should be proud
id like to know this too
He was clearly going insane and this revelation shook him to his core at the very end.
If only the gameplay wasn't painfully medicre with shit controls
The shooting is great, it's better than most shooters even released today. The only issue is the fact that the sprint and cover mechanics are tied to the same button (spacebar on PC)
>another cover based TPS with nothing really going for it, could've had more impact with weapon effects and gore
>instead its only gimmick is just having a narrative that challenges the player through walker and by showing the cognitive dissonance of effortlessly killing faceless enemies when they become US Army soldiers
Cool, but I don't care. 5/10, buy on discount or pirate.
>The sniper in the main menu changes depending which chapter you start on
Why is the intel that walker collects held int he sniper tower?
I thought it would be a generic TPS until I actually played it and I thought it was great. If it got a remaster with enhanced visuals and a revitalized co-op mode I would probably buy it.
The shooting is ok, nothing special, but the cover system just does whatever it feels like.
Also you have to dowload some decrypter just so you can turn off mouse acceleration and motion blur, fucking retard devs
>Lugo brags about being a cold-blooded killer at the beginning of the game