Raine Sundyra on Faeire server is a cunt

Raine Sundyra on Faeire server is a cunt.

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Other urls found in this thread:



This is how you're going to start the thread?
I don't know who they are but you're a bigger faggot for bringing it to Yea Forums, but then you ARE OP afterall.


This. Yea Forums isn't your fucking blog, and even if it was what kind of child blogs about people who hurt their fee fees on an MMO? Please go die OP. Painfully if possible.

not your personal army


SAM was a mistake

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Looks to more like Deliverance was a mistake.

Looks more like whoever is playing that Warrior was a mistake, they lost aggro not to the samurai, but to fucking everybody.


I got up to the part where the Doma refugees come in. I'm also a SAM.
The game feels like a slog because I have dozens of dozens of level 50 Main quests do do while Im already in the 60s

>Nier was a mistake
Expect more Nier glamour cosplays once the raid is released

Wait, you're not even in Heavensward yet and you're already level 60?

How much grinding did you do?

50lvl quests now give exp and if he also did leveling everyday it's not a surprise.

>when you'd rather open /xivg/ instead of the Yea Forums thread

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Lately I've been staying in Deliverance after my aggro opener on purpose to see which DPS lazy enough to not pop Diversion gets aggro and dies.

Just so I can laugh at them while I go back to Defiance, Provoke Tomahawk aggro combo back.

People in this game need to understand if you're going to make other people in the party's job harder by not using all your toolkit I'm sure as hell not going to nerf my playstyle to suit yours.

>optimal tank DPS is more important than having the actual DPS be alive
I understand where you're coming from, but you're just slowing the run down dude.

>Not being the person who lifts everyone up

>actively hindering the run because you're a diva
WARs, everyone.

So whats going to happen when we throw wide the gates, boys?

I actually do use Diversion every time it's up and man just fuck off with that.
Yes, people should use Diversion, but if they don't, it's the tank's job to make sure they don't lose aggro either.
Not counting shitter DPS of course, your DPS is not more valuable than a DPS'

the gap between average and optimal tank DPS is still smaller than the value of all but the shittiest actual DPS class, they have to just straight up not be pressing buttons.


Lmfao. Are you from jenova?

it's best if you try to get invested in the story, though the post 2.0 slog is a major one, look on the bright side, minimal grinding!
seriously though I've seen people burn out hard on the 2.x MSQ before, try to persevere, it's the worst it ever gets at that spot.

>Someone makes you butthurt in an online game
>Better make a thread on Yea Forums about it!
Kill yourself

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I really like pvp in this game. Shame the queues are a bit on the long side.

>taking OP seriously
glad I don't play games for girls
*goes back to Fagtorio*

>run into tanks that do that
>am the healer so just heal the dps through it all
>tank usually gets pissy because they're not dying so they can teach them a lesson
This happens a lot more than you'd think.

I have never known this feel.

You're the person who screams tranny at any person in these threads huh?

OP on the the Faeire server is a cunt
Eat shit, dickhead. Grow a fucking backbone. Not your personal army tranny fuck.

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>replaying on an alt
>get to 2.1
>have to go into Qarn for MSQ
Who thought that was a good idea? Why would a level 50 player want to go back to a 35 dungeon?

triggered tranny detected

triggered tranny detected

Idk who this is, but Lola Dragonsbane' on Gilgamesh is an actual nigger.

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Just use your aggro combo :^)


I don't give a shit what everyone says, I'm having an absolute blast with SAM and I love it very much. I hope they don't rape its great flowing "rotation" too hard in Shadowbringers.

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Have sex

At least give some context or screenshots OP.

>People in this game need to understand if you're going to make other people in the party's job harder by not using all your toolkit
The ironing

Hopefully they overhaul SAM and BLM from being useless in the meta and scale back some of their power to add party buffing abilities. Every dps job should work hand in hand with another one. This would encourage group play and party optimization instead of LOOK HOW BIG NUMBER I MAKE ME SO GOOD AT THIS GAME

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no that would fucking ruin SAM and BLM

The entire point of BLM is to be a nuke, homogenization is not the way to go

>dude just make every job equally good at everything xD
The point of SAM and BLM is that they're entirely self-reliant and will put out shitloads of damage even in a situation where you're partied with mouthbreathers who can't coordinate. When you're with a group who CAN coordinate, they become obscenely powerful. BLM is even ideal for speedruns now.

Leave BLM alone
more explosions pls

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Everything about this post is awful.
You'd just end up with two jobs with mediocre damage and raid utility that pales in comparison to all others. Fortunately for us, people like you don't work in the dev team and YoshiP has a pretty good idea of what he wants BLM and SAM to be. If anything, BLM and SAM need MORE DAMAGE.

Attached: BMFinalSol'n.png (240x241, 14K)

Will we upgrade to Quintuple flare?

nigger just straight adding more damage literally makes them synergize better with buffing classes. no redesign required.

>duuuhh evry job shuld b same

Which tranny is this?



>dude, what if we took cap's most iconic speech and gave it to a woman
fucking jews

Maintaining agro is YOUR job, not mine. I'm not paying attention to another skill because you suck at tanking. I can maintain agro as a tank, so you can too.


Also this.

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You’re the tranny huh?

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Here's your healer bro

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>be BLM
>constantly pulling from tank
>NIN smoke screens me
>click it off

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I hit 70 on my first job a few days ago. What should I be doing? What will and won't matter with the expansion coming out so soon? I'm having trouble getting too invested because I'm expecting all my favorite jobs to totally change

>join any Eurekas at any time
>full instances with people doing stuff
>raidtrannies are screeching how it's bad content nobody likes
So this is the power of the ultimate legend.. woah...

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>retarded shitter DPS
Surprising no one

I want miqote feet rubbed on my face, is this too much to ask?

And this is his cohealer!

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>roe in meme glam

Finish the MSQ, do your roulettes for tomes to get gear. The only thing that'll matter is whether or not you've completed the story, and there's ilvl locks on that. We'll know more about job changes by the end of the month.

Casuals aren’t people

Went to the effort to report this thread solely because of that OP post. I don't even dislike the game, fuck you stupid fucking trannies though. Mods have a hateboner for this game, enjoy your deletion you e-celeb tranny au ra faggots ERPing in Limsa.

>join hydatos to finish my relic
>everyone is coordinating groups for when BA pops
>raid trannies jump in and start screeching that the portals are theirs

Fuck meta. I regularly get the most DPS out of any party member in my duties as a SAM and I don't even use the recommended rotations, just the one I made myself from natural play. Also, DPS is not a support job either. Leave buffs to healers.

It's a team game when in a party. You should be using every skill at your disposal to maximize your party's overall performance as they should yours.

I have never heard anyone say something nice about eureka that wasn't super backhanded.

y-yeah. gay roe glam is just a meme.

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>Got the highest DPS in my run of Baldesion Arsenal

When I'm playing as a DPS, I don't need to help you do your already simple job. It's not hard to maintain agro and if you struggle, it might ebe time to learn your class.

That's because you're in an echo chamber. The general populace likes Eureka, but obviously the ones who bitch are the loudest.

The one good thing I can is that it gives the NPCs things to do outside of idling in towns, crafting or ERPing.

I'm fully expecting Shadowniggas to be all about DARKNESS like Kingdom Hearts mentions it 400 times.

>Baldesion Arsenal

>NPC trying to use NPC to disparage people (s)he doesn't like

>moogle glam and thong
how is that not meme glam

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>The general populace likes Eureka
I like Eureka but that's just not true, and the census stats back it up. At Hydatos release, only 10% of the playerbase had made it to the end of Pyros. I do BA pretty frequently, and I see the same faces in almost every run.

>disparage people
I don’t give a fuck what people like or don’t like, not my sub money.

lmao you NPCs always say the same shit when you get caught out. You obviously have strong enough feelings about it to name call anyone who doesn't share your opinion.

>using that term ironically

Whew lad.

>e-everyone loves it! just not the people that talk about it!
Cope max


>this triggered eureka tranny is still going

>it’s a raid tranny joins your PF and complains that it wasn’t 1 shot
>description clearly says learning party
>kick them and recruit another guy
>after 2 more wipes we clear it

I was really surprised.

It's easier than saying intellectual zombie. Deal with it.

Oh the irony

>eureka tranny
I thought trannies only raided.

hello my fellow tedditor :]

lol got'em

Looks like the based war shirked you for not using diversion
someone post the cat in the hat image

>butthurt continues

wtf is this autistic gay thread

post elezen mommies instead

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>The general populace likes Eureka
Yeah, all 12% of players that even reached Pyros really love it.

No. Post highlander dickgirls.

Imagine being a tranny but too shit to raid. Yikes.

You're the other end of the coin and no different than the useless niggers who don't press on button to not get murked by a tank buster.

Post your fucking character and lets see who the real tranny is.
You won't, you fucking coward.

Doing the Crystal Tower raids, and the leveling daily.

Thongs look a little weird on roes. What other glam you got boi

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Man fuck no they need to scale back. So maybe as a DRG i get some of my damage buffs back and not be reliant on my comp for not shit numbers. Really hate the different comp makes on my heavy hits vs no comp.

>intellectual zombie
The kind of people who eat Eureka right up? You’re a parody dude.

Personally, I started in Heavensward and by the time I was finished with all my 2.xx quests I was already way past 50 on White Mage (not sure if I was 60 or not), so I just picked up Astrologian and leveled it to 50 and did Heavensward on that job.

The kind of people who want a variety of content, not just memorizing patterns in raids.

/xivg/ retards found it

So did they ever address the ridiculous skill bloat of almost every classes?
Did they make the combos in PVE occupy only 1 slot like they did in PVP instead of separating the 1-2-3 sequence?

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you and the rest of the internet need to be reminded how superior a normal vagina on a chick is

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lmao, tranny

My only thought is that it was formerly optional and they decided they wanted to make sure more people had it in their leveling roulette to help others who actually did unlock it as soon as they were able.

Sadly Elezens will be even more of a rarity when Viera are released. Be proud if you stick with Elezen.

>braindead grinding of the same boring content over and over
>don’t even have to memorize patterns so it’s not engaging in the slightest
Your last (You) from me, tranny.

Vaginas are gross, dude. Only a small handful don't look like some sort of meat flap disaster. meanwhile, the majority of dicks look good.

you don't have to justify your gross preferences

That looks a lot like my character. Love that dress.

>doesn't even try to argue xiv's high end content is anything more than just pattern recognition
Huh, I guess you're not a tranny after all. My apologies.

What's gross is vaginas.

Play WoW if you want the fisher price experience

ur mom is gross

WoW might be more up to your speed

>the majority of dicks look good
Someday I wish islam would just take over the world so we can just start throwing fags off bridges

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t. Closet homo

Not him but you have to admit XIV could do some streamlining.

mfw i get a killstreak of 5

I can think of a few things that could be condensed. Like putting DWT and Deathflare on the same button. Same with Summon Bahamut, and Enkindle. But compressing main damage rotations is shit, lowers the skill ceiling, and would totally fuck MNK for instance.

My mom's vagina is gross, yes.
What, are you a man hating dyke or something? That would be preferable to a guy who doesn't like th elook of his own dick. Or maybe you're so far deep in the closet you don't even want to admit dicks are more aesthetically pleasing than vaginas.

where's dog.png?

Compressing the main rotation allows them to add more abilities to the slots that were removed, potentially adding a much higher skill ceiling. There's not much of a skill difference in pressing 1 2 3 versus 1 1 1 anyway.

>want to start a new relic for my alt jobs
>remember pic related
Is there anything else to do? Luckly my sub ends in a week.

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look buddy you can chug all the ugly cocks you want but this ain't the place for it

>Everyone is complaining that SAM steals threat
>I dont have issue with it usually, just sprinkle in some emnity moves on their primary target every once and a while.
Why do people have issue with it?

>admit dicks are more aesthetically pleasing than vaginas
You know who shares that same sentiment? Actual fags. I think you need to do some self-reflection, friend.

Name the worst server

>all these replies
>not one person mentions that BLM and SAM have been the meta for the entirety of this tier

Lmfao the entire meta has been slowly shifting to personal DPS > raid DPS since SB launched.

Get ready for BLM/SAM/MNK/4th metacomp in Shad, Supprtcuck.

>What, are you a man hating dyke or something?
No, I'm a fag-hating Christian.

Play mahjong

Play MNK so you can find out why that won't work.

I'm not an 80 year old woman.


They would rather just mash their dps combo over and over like a braindead monkey

Whatever fag. Enjoy your roast beef disasters.

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MNK can work but they'll have to simplify it. Have a "debuff" combo and a "dps" combo.

They'll be changing MNK in the expansion anyway, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch.

The Enochian button should change to Fire IV/Blizzard IV while active. There's no compelling reason for them to all be different buttons other than padding out the hotbar.

Oh. A boy fucker.

Easily Sarg.

What happens when you use Perfect Balance?

>They'll be changing MNK in the expansion anyway
Do you have a single fact to back that up?


Goblin is slowly getting up there with the amount of drama hunt discords are causing since these people moved here while it was preferred. Thinking about hopping off this ship when world transfers open back up.

Because Deliverance, Sword Oath and disabling Grit.

"Throw wide the gates."

Attached: nngckf.png (741x440, 726K)

Thanks. Enjoy your future escapades on Grindr.

Said the tank.

>he doesn't know

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What's that?

shields don't play into dps mode.

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Do enlighten me, you meme spouting fuck.

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>lose group DPS because retards find pressing a single button too hard

Top level MNKs can out perform NIN's rdps you dumb motherfucker

>Oh. A boy fucker.
That's the Catholics m8. good things I'm Protestant.

Isn't there an invisible shield for faggots like these

it's actually good though

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Whatever, boy fucker.

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there is, but invisible shield is STILL a shield, you can't into dps mode if you have a shield equipped

How dare you questing xer's epic raid meta meme

If you’re an 80 year old woman

Bringing this fuckboy back with his random *holds hand to eye like he's in pain* nonsense would probably push me to finally unsub.

We lose more when you don't tank and DPS start dying.
Again, they SHOULD use Diversion, it's dumb not to, but it's even stupider to not just fucking tank.

You seem awfully fixated on th-
>43% of pedophiles are homosexuals

Isn't there an Au'ra in the Alexander story that constantly touches a scar she has?

If you don't press diversion you're not doing good DPS either. The loss is minimal.

Well, he might come back. But it would probably be without the eye holding thing as he has regained his genetic allagan memories

Can I have your gil?

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Why else would he be in the JP fanfest goodie bag???

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I'm not convinced by this image. Looks more like a Raen.

Hey good point. Didn't even see this

>Looks more like a Raen
No, you think that because of the shit on his neck that doesn't actually resemble Au Ra scales at all.

I kinda hope it's just bc he's one of the most relevant c@boi npcs and fujos love them c@bois. But it's a small hope.

Combat system info when? JP Fanfest?

There's no horns fucking idiot. Also the catboy face is identical, why would they give a Raen a miqo'te face model?

Its been almost 5 years since we've seen or heard from him, why would they bring him for something NOW?

To open wide the gates ofcourse.

The loss is nothing at all actually, but it doesn't affect DPS whatsoever.

Wasn't that the same with Gaius though?

At least monk's getting some positive attention, but I don't want that, I want them even more buffed. So keep shit talking the class please.

>making some random NPC no one cares about a major player in the expansion
Doubt it.

Maybe he's just been bored playing Tactics in the Tower.

Attached: throw wide her gates.jpg (866x704, 151K)

Including him in the story is going to be weird as hell because CT is optional content. There's a huge difference between G'raha without his memories and is just part of the Students of Baldesion, and the G'raha with the memories who is currently taking an extended nap inside the sealed Crystal Tower.
On another note, what the fuck are Hrothgar? I know it's a supposed new race that accidentally got revealed by retarded frogs but where the hell are they going to come from? They had absolutely no foreshadowing or hints to their existence unlike Au Ra who had Yugiri, and Viera who was hinted at by Ivalice and revealed by Fran. If they show up, they will come out of nowhere.

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Because he's going to be relevant? What a stupid question.

>he's a member of the Circle of Knowing with the other core Scions
>he's in charge of a building that has the only known dimensional portal on top, the only way to travel between shards without killing yourself and letting your soul slip through the walls
It's literally undeniable at this point.

Attached: where's the proof friendo.jpg (405x270, 47K)

Ivalice raid is optional content too. But the last cutscene directly foreshadows it being tied into future content.

They'll be from Ilsabard most likely. Even then they've had zero fucking build up. There hasn't even been some 'lost tribe' or 'maned warriors' mentioned in-game or anything like that. And if they show up in 4.56 that'll be after their reveal at Fanfest which'll ruin any surprise, not that it hasn't been ruined already with the leaks.

>Refresh at start to drop aggro
>Tactician after split to drop aggro
>Still end up with aggro with 20s left on refresh
I'm sure whatever damage the tank is doing in dps stance is totally worth me not pressing any buttons for 20 seconds.

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I get less and less hype the more I hear

Get rid of it.

>giving a fuck about some story shit

Who cares. Ultimate is all that matters.

Literal yikes

which shot is it in?

>"watch aggro. CD in 20"
>"stop attacking"
>grab aggro, die to OBD
>spirals out of control and we wipe
>"BLM you do too much damage use CDs or stop attacking"
>others agree with the tank

You can't make this shit up.

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t. ranny

Happy to be a dude playing a dude character, thanks. Fuck trannies.

2nd flashback after you see his feet stutter on the floor. 0:25 in extended trailer.