Why have game journos been condescending to the only people who give a fuck about their existence this entire decade?
Why have game journos been condescending to the only people who give a fuck about their existence this entire decade?
Bioware wasn't wrong in what they did though. A vast majority of people would not have wanted Tali to look too alien. Recolored humans/humans with extras are the most popular kind of non-human design for a reason.
Because they were rejected from the profession they originally pursued
Do you often sniff your own farts so heavily?
The issue was they removed a finger from a stock photo and made the person purple. I'd call getting a stockphoto for a major character reveal lazy still.
>no krogan romance
>A vast majority of people would not have wanted Tali to look too alien
Because these people don't care about videogames, they're just losers who can't get a job anywhere else, and the bar is really fucking low to write about videogames. It's a (relatively) small field where they can try and push their agenda without much repercussion.
Remember the Kotaku writer who in his Yakuza review complained that he "didn't have much time" because of his kid? Imagine showing up to your 9-5 and saying you couldn't put in time because you have a child. You'd literally be laughed at and fired on the spot.
These people are condescending because they're horrible people who went to college/university for a worthless degree, and even though they're absolutely horrible at what they do, feel that a degree is a promissory note that they get a "good" job.
They're assholes and idiots, best to just ignore them entirely.
Game journalists are unironically just assblasted authors and critics who failed to make it in other industries, so their nepotist CEO friends give them pity gigs on gaming websites. To them, it's just a stepping stone in their career. An inconvenience.
This. It's all english and/or journalism majors who can't get a job doing what they actually want. They want to do "real journalism" but there isn't any in video games so they are bitter.
this, but the reality is (and they know this deep down): they will NEVER work at the new york times.
>insulting game journos
>not worshipping the ground they walk apon
lol look at this goobergraper drumpf nazi pretending to be 'ethical' when in reality he's an incel manbaby that hates women
It's a shame the turks didn't complete their genocide of the armenians
>insulting the prophet of progressivism in video games anita sarkeesian (pbuh)
you really ARE a glipgorp drumpf nazi incel, get out of our board and back to your pedo website, this is OUR colony now
Is that the best you could come up with?
>tfw this bitch graduated from my university
you should have become a school shooter and rid us of this timeline
i don't need to come up with a better arguement, we already won the culture war
If you won the culture war why are wokeshit always flopping?
It gets views. "No bad publicity" applies strongly to gaming journalism.
Why is holding game devs responsible and conducting quality control taboo now?
>apex legends
>devs nearly universally cater to our whims and the ones who dont get in line eventually
Feels good to be on the right side of history.
>Recolored humans/humans with extras are the most popular kind of non-human design for a reason.
Because low-budget scifi productions don't have the money for anything more elaborate
Mass Effect 1 also made a point of having not too-human aliens with the Hanar, the Keepers, and the Elcor. This is not the setting in which to make that argument.
Because you people are willing to take the abuse. Like a battered wife, her psychological health has been compromised and is unwilling to see the truth: your relationship with your abuser (video games) is unhealthy and will never change. Move on faggots.
They make it obvious that the video game companies give them more money than the people they bring news to. They really are just propaganda for hire, I haven't visited a gaming site in years unless you count this place.
Jon McIntosh would've just found another cumslut sock puppet to force his "views" down everyone's throat for a profit. Anita Sarkeesian is just a vessel.
That's fine. Taking a stock photo off google? That's idiotic. Ask the voice actor if they're willing to have their face photoshopped to be Tali's and bam, only the disappointment of seeing Tali's face in a photo. Leaving her face to imagination of the player would have been the better choice, but her giving Shepard a photo of her makes enough sense I give it a pass.
It was a fucking stock photo. If that isn't lazy, I don't know what is.
I'd wager most indie studios would not sink that low, and for Bioware (a multi million dollar company) there isn't any excuse.
>A vast majority of people would not have wanted Tali to look too alien
You wot. You literally don't have any attractive markers about Tali on the outside beyond her backside and hips. Hell, leaving her face to the imagination was the allure for some people.
>That's fine.
It's pretty lazy in a universe where every other species is interesting visually, besides the Asari. Stockphoto Tali is the main criticism anyone has but the "muh mass appeal" argument to justify making her boring is primo faggotry in Mass Effect.
also it falls apart when you look at the most popular fan interpretations of the character at the time or the fact that everyone wanted to fuck Garrus.
that's all journalists and reviewers
Often they also just have extremely shit taste and get butthurt when the consumers reject the garbage they like.
Journos STILL defend DmC.
>Why have game journos been condescending to the only people who give a fuck about their existence this entire decade?
Because we live in an era where people are conditioned that derisive and arrogant sense of moral superiority as a foundation of one's identity is the most important and valuable personality feature one can gain. Constructing your identity through identifying who are morally inferior to you and then loudly broadcasting that is quite literally THE way to profile yourself nowdays.
This is by absolutely NO means specific to gaming journos. It's just that gaming journos broadcast far and happen to be part of the same environment as you are. But if you look around, you'll see the same logic being pretty much everywhere. It's the same logic that fuels political activists and young academics, internet warriors, but it's also the MOST DOMINANT M.O. around here too. This board is just as, if not more guilty of this shit than the journos do: it's just that posts around here don't stick for as long or reach as far audience than the journous do.
It's the entire young, more-or-less educated people's culture. Everybody is just trippring over themselves to identify a particular group of people as the morally inferior and then sneer at them in the hope that they will be able to feel better about themselves.
Hell, you could argue I'm guilty of it as well.
>"grrrr us feminists are just so angry hahaha"
>gets harassed by feminists so bad he deletes his twitter
Shakespeare couldn't write a better tragedy of hubris.
>they like.
*get paid for.
Alternatively being contrarian for the clicks
The same thing is happening with movie critics. You give game a good score, you get goodies and extras, get invited to parties, get to play all the new games early and for free, all you got to do is shill a little to get in the good boys club. This is common industry knowledge.
you're right except the part where you imply this is a recent development