What are uncomfortable truths in video games that no one is willing to say?

What are uncomfortable truths in video games that no one is willing to say?

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The majority of a playerbase isn't good enough to worry about tier lists.

Video games are made for children

it gets way harder to enjoy vidya as you get older and that drastically affects your overall opinion of games that release as time goes on

vidya is a huge waste of time and there are way better things to do with your life

dark souls 3 sucks

video games are the reason for all the world's murders and rapes

Sony has never made a good game

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> Final Fantasy died over 16 years ago, and there shouldn't be another new entry in the series
> Nintendo Bonus doesn't exist & their games are rated high simply because they are more enjoyable then anyone elses games
> Rockstar Bonus on the contrary does exist, and all of the reviews for their Major IP's are paid off
> Gaming died as soon as the PS3/360/Wii Era started
> Nobody cares about or remembers a single PC game before 2004 except Doom, Valve & Blizzard shit
> Kingdom Hearts & Sonic have always been complete shit
> Western games are flat out inferior to Japanese ones in every aspect except Graphics & voice acting
> Persona has left Sony & will be Nintendo exclusive from now on
> Sony has fucked themselves with this censorship & cocky attittude, they will end up losing next Gen
> Every problem in the gaming industry was caused by Nintendo's incompotence (Not Switching to Disc Drives, The Wii, Not buying SquareSoft or Rare)
> Western owned characters will never be added to Smash Bros & rules do exist for third parties
You know this is all true

Businesses like videogame companies only have a political agenda so far as it makes them money.

The closer you get to death the more you value your time. Playing games that even have the slightest possibility of being shit or wasting your time is off the table.

>> Gaming died as soon as the PS3/360/Wii Era started
>>it gets way harder to enjoy vidya as you get older and that drastically affects your overall opinion of games that release as time goes on

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video games are for incels

Most people could get by playing anywhere from 1-10 games now until the end of their lives if they knew what kind of gameplay and general experience it is that they're looking for. It's learning what you want and don't want that's the hard part.

It's perfectly fine to enjoy mediocre games.

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Online multiplayer killed videogames

So basically the key to having fun is to get over yourself.

>Video games have gotten too successful over the last years which resulted in too much media exposure. This is the reason why we barely get any high skill ceiling games anymore because nearly every game developer wants to get the most money out of the game, which means they have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. This might also mean that more and more talents in the video game industry will leave it, simply because they aren't needed anymore resulting in a slowly dying market.

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Random crits in TF2 are bad

Always online games are fine as long as they are good

>The last good R* game for the time was GTA SA/Kind of GTA4
>The last good DOA was DOA2U/Dimensions in every way
>Soulcalibur VI isn't dying just because your favorite character isn't being added yet and Amy isn't a clone, she happens to be the least "clone" in the franchise beyond the weapon
>Tomb Raider 2013 Reboot franchise has always been dying since the beginning and Shadow is in fact a flop and didn't break even
>Final Fantasy XV was a flop (For SE and wasn't profitable enough for them and they hate the game too because its bad rep)
>Final Fantasy 13 being bad is a lie and people liked it, it became cool to hate it after a few years and because of the sequels
>Final Fantasy 13-2 in play actually feels really nice, if you're an old fan and think not you're being a cunt because you don't like 13
>PS3/360 Era was easily 90% shit
>Resident Evil 4 heavily contributed to the ruining of games and itself is not as good objectively as people make it out to be, all the games made from its concepts were better
>Enjoying a mediocre game doesn't mean its good (RE4)
>RE4 wasn't meant to be what it released as and we got a rushed tacked on horror/shooter experience because they couldn't with the tech at the time make what they wanted
>Males and Females should be sexy in games
>Overwatch was only good because of the toxic community
>All Blizzard games have been mediocre and you are an moron to think otherwise
>Blizzard ruined MMO's by making WoW an expectation for casual nimrods
>Sony exclusives are garbage and their weeb exclusives happen to be the only decent thing they have
>Realistic faces aren't all goblins any game that does them is appealing to people living in bins
>Stop calling everything uncanny
>RE2R photo scan looks great, different if you dislike the face choices which is fine
>Games will die slowly in the coming years if they don't pick up, media exposure has helped effectively kill good games and even basic bitch games will get bored

>Thread is "Uncomfortable video game truths"
>Lists every single common opinion on Yea Forums
as well as a bunch more that most normalfags agree with

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Contrarians are mentally ill and contribute nothing to society

Gaming will die within twenty years as streaming becomes the only way to play modern games and all games will be built with the concept of games as a service.

Nintendo will be the last one to produce single player experiences and they will be bought and destroyed

>Other peoples' opinions are just as valid as your own.
>Relatedly, they're not MORE valid than your own, and shouldn't prevent you from enjoying something that "they" said was shit.

>People are looking for an escape because they don't feel special and the fact that games do give good escapism anymore is partially because spiteful devs want to alieniate people they consider lesser. Like white males...or males period at this point.

>People blame Nintendo but most of them are shills. For all of Nintendo's fuck ups they remain the most honest company as of this date.

>We need a new way to make and sell games. Too many good ideas and escape routes from SJW AAA companies are restrained by the inabillity of Indie devs to grow without being SJW themselves.

>The only way to save gaming is to bunker down and become an inclusive community again. Being "nerds and incels" should strengthen us and force us into the shadows like the days of yore. But this must also be done at the same time as us making the games and controlling the flow of attention.

I would even go one step further: if a game is designed in such a way that tiers DO have a significant impact for the average player then it's unbalanced garbage.

It is an art, but the companies cannot into art

Games are going to shit thanks to waifufags, whales and casual pandering.

no one likes trannies

Random crits in any game that has a minority of mechanics based around randomness and chance are pretty awful in general. TF2 is an extreme example especially considering there are several weapons that guarantee crits.


tranny detected.


>spiteful devs want to alieniate people they consider lesser. Like white males...or males period at this point.
My disillusioned mind just cannot find any refuge in games, because there's no true beauty in games anymore, it's all about milking children with dlcs and cosmetics. They went after all the modders to shut the creative communities down, so that more people would buy their garbage products instead of materializing their own vision of things. I blame tptb

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anime games are gay and you should be embarrassed to play them

T. Seething

All bad things exist because men have allowed it

Agreed. But its also spite. You know how they say bullies have no self esteem? Same basic principle...

Also TPTB?

shill me more obscure games faggot.

Playing as a female doesn't always mean you're gay. Straight "men" also play as women, but only when they're soja.

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Games that let you pause mid-combat and heal yourself unlimitedly like Bethesda games, Yakuza or Breath of the Wild are fundamentally worthless.

It’s like the developers tried to have a coherent battle system and just gave up in the middle of development.

It’s especially bad in BOTW because it also breaks climbing and swimming.

I know combat isn’t the main focus of these games (except for modern Bethesda RPGs) but you still spend most of the time fighting.

Cringe and yikespilled. Oldfag weebs really are the worst.

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>Kingdom Hearts & Sonic have always been complete shit


A well-written protagonist doesn't have to be likeable, but because gamers are manchildren that can't enjoy a story without the power fantasy aspect such a game will never be successful in the mainstream.

>soijak poster talking ahit about literally any other type of poster

Fortnite to zoomers is what Runescape was to boomers.

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the powers that be, old phrase same meaning

First party cinematic Sony games are more fun and worth playing than every Nintendo game not named Zelda.

The "golden age" wrpgs are poorly written books with horrendous gameplay.

I unironically agree with this

Anime elitists are cancer, I hope we can agree on that at least, even if I don't share your hate for anime itself

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every generation was geniously retarded and just shit on the next one because it is what they are used to


Visual novels arent video games.

The American gaming journalist industry is made by a cabal of incompetent bigotted sex negative leftist

>western games are flat out inferior to Japanese games
>d-disregard the mountains of muso shit and shitty licesened and unlicensed piles of games from Japan every year filled to the brim with shitty controls and brainless gameplay baka! >:3
Fucking cringe
>gaming died in the ps3 Wii 360 era despite an extremely high number of games being of decent quality being produced afterwards
Look guys, am I based yet!?
>every problem in the gaming industry was caused by Nintendo's incompetence, other companies didn't try to pull scummy shit like releasing new versions of games at full price despite adding only one or two features i.e capcom, or pushing out shovelware as being top quality games and causing oversaturation (see crash of the initial gaming market before nintendo)
My word, I've never seen such desperation just to get one measily (you)
Fuck off "you know im right, my opinion is just super right and legit homie"faggot

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A good chunk of RPGs suck gameplay-wise and the only reason people like them is because of the characters/story.

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Both of these are true though. I was about 15 when the Wii released, still had all the free time in the world, but it was still apparent to me that gaming was changing for the worse then. Hell, I noticed things getting worse halfway through 6th gen.

Now I'm an adult with virtually 0 free time, I play games for a couple hours on weekends if that, but when I do play games I enjoy them because I choose to play good games that I'll enjoy (mostly retro stuff), rather than trying to keep up with all the latest AAA crap that I know won't do anything for me.

Chinese companies will buy out a lot of game studios who are struggling or greedy over the next few years. After that, Chinese studios will make most games. Hope you like dealing with actual censorship instead of virtue-signalling pseudo-censorship.

turn based combat is garbage

Ctf-face (Facing Words) is a shitty map incredibly biased towards boring sniper spam that everyone thinks is one of the GOAT because it has amazing music and cool visuals

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I can see China buying up pretty much everything and controlling shit from the shadows like an illuminati.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 is a rush job. They crammed as many characters as possible in there, made some generic stages, made a generic boss, only made stage music when character themes are a staple of the Vs series, and is unbalanced to an extreme degree.

It's still a good game that's fun to play, but it's not the best MvC and absolutely not the best Vs Capcom game.

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San Andreas is extremely overrated

he knows whats up

>> Every problem in the gaming industry was caused by Nintendo's incompotence (Not Switching to Disc Drives, The Wii, Not buying SquareSoft or Rare)

This is actually interesting to think about.

This... is true. It's not even the best CTF map.

Pokemon will never be like this.

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no publicly traded corporation will ever make a major decision that is made for the love of entertainment or art, the only reason companies like CDPR pretend to be consumer friendly is that it's more profitable for them to do so since their rivals have them beat in marketing, established audience, developer quality, etc

Games are better when they don't have huge corporations making them. Takes all heart and soul out of the project.

Earthbounds gameplay isn't good

Survival games like Rust and modded Dayz are fun as fuck if you're social and willing to use your mic with random people you meet

This, Minecraft is also incredibly fun if you play with friends and have a voice chat going.

It seems like they really want white males to suffer in all aspects of life. They not only alienate them from real life, but they want to take away their only means of escapism. How can they be so spiteful and hateful?

Undertale isn't a good game

You're right it's an amazing game

video games aren't good

Video games aren't getting worse, you're just getting older

>He doesn't know how to stop aging
Lmaoing at your life rn user

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DAYZ doesn't seem as conducive towards this as it should be. I agree with Rust and Minecraft though

Motion controls are ultimately dogshit and the Wii was made the single biggest piece of shit in the 21st century of consoles because of it. its very telling that Nintendo had to sell a second set of controllers just for all the people who didn't want to bother with that shit.

Should've made a successor to the GameCube called the GameSlab with an updated gamecube controller and Xbox Live/PSN tier online system. that would've easily been the best 7th gen console.

That's because Dayz is a trash game and nothing can save it

Seething Westcucks

You are right, It's mediocre

Soul/soulless are legitimate ways of describing games, but Yea Forums has warped it beyond all reason to the point where it is just another buzzword for low IQ posters

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>Soul/soulless are legitimate ways of describing games
No they aren't.
They were brainlet shit from the start.
It's a completely useless description when you call something soulless or fun, unless someone personally knows you well enough to know what you actually mean.

A non-brainlet would expand it and describe exactly what they disliked.

There is nothing wrong with being a casual

Competitive games can have RNG in them and be better because of it.
People who get angry at any RNG in a competitive game are never actually good enough for it to matter.

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There's nothing wrong with fighting games as a genre, Capcom just dropped the ball with SF5's launch. If SF6's launch follows the trend of their recent titles like mhw, dmc3, re2 fighting games will be as alive as ever.

>Every problem in the gaming industry was caused by Nintendo's incompotence

>mispelling incompetance

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