User loves Halo

I've seen a lot of hate for Halo (not just new Halo, Halo in general) and I don't get why.

>Weird hybrid between twitch and arena shooter
>Tank man
>Nice blue lady
>Music composed by God's hand itself
>Beautiful worlds
>Neat armor (usually)
>Fun split-screen with friends
>Casually accessible, yet competitively viable
>Custom games and forge used for creative and unique gameplay
>Iconic looking weapons based on retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetic
>Thousands of late nights with friends
>Talking shit in pre-game lobbies before party chat was ever a thing
>goddamn drivable mobile bases, tanks, jeeps, aircraft and shit before it was standard
>environment props that are actually physically interactive
>funny and kickass easter eggs
>split screen & LAN parties, no online-only bullshit
>Steve Downes's crispy voice

Maybe I'm just a sperging autist but I can't see how so many people so quickly forgot how much fun Halo was (and can still be). I just had a game night with a full lobby of friends for the first time in ages and I stayed up till 2 in the morning just feeling like a kid again. Halo might not be your cup of tea but it means a lot to me.

Inb4 'halo always bad' 'user is faggot' 'quake better' etc

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halo was always bad
OP is a faggot
quake was better
delete your thread and your life

Time for your nap grandpa

But people here like the first three halos very much? Opinions are split on ODST and Reach, while nobody with good taste thinks they did very well in 4 or 5 at all.
Though I still played and enjoyed Halo 4, to be honest.

If anything Yea Forums has been more accepting of Halo lately.
>High Charity Yea Forums threads
>MCC port hype threads
>Halo nostalgia threads
>Halo lore threads
>Halo Infinite hype threads
Of course you'll always have more than a few type posts, but every vidya thread has a few of that sort.

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>not loving Quake, Doom, Blood, Half-Life, Douk, and Halo
>Not enjoying the entire pantheon of FPSes
That's too bad user, you're missing out on a lot of great experiences

I had fun with 5's multiplayer but generally I agree that only 1-3 are any good.

Halo 1-3 are all that matters and that time has passed. The new halo games suck.

For me it is bad because I am spoiled by mouse controls, high fps, movement and fov that is higher than 60. Oh and 2 weapon limit.

When the games were releasing I was a Console only gamer. Around 2010 I switched to Idort status and played more PC shooters.

I love the Halo setting, but I’d like if it came to PC if the FOV was larger, and if the run speed overall was faster. Not a sprint added, but I think the game for modern standards would fare better if it was faster

I loved Halo 5 mp. Somewhat gained back faith in 343. Hope Mcc will release on pc and Halo infinite will be a success. I grew up with the series, the only reason I bought an Xbox, 360 and One.

>friends always into Halo
>played a ton of 2, 3, and Reach online with them, mostly 3
>never really enjoyed it

It had its moments, how they incorporate the vehicles is some of the I've seen in an FPS, but how weak anything not a power weapon was was super annoying. Trying to kill someone with that automatic rifle or SMG required a mag dump into them plus some more. That and I really dislike controller aiming.

I also think the OG xbox ruined the entire 7th console generation. So many games were just console shooters with a big focus on online.

It's literally just So(n)yggers. Halo is good my man.

>I've seen a lot of hate for Halo (not just new Halo, Halo in general) and I don't get why.
>frogposter is a newfag as always
Halo wasn't good or new in any way
Xbox itself didnt sell outside of america
It's really easy to discern who liked these shitheaps

Halo is great. Yea Forums is just full of contrarian faggots

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Halo 3 will always have a special place in my heart user

>half life
another game only zoomers like
half life, cs and halo ruined gaming FUCK VALVE DRONES AND BUNGIE SHILLS

you're really making a name for yourself. what should your name be, quake-kun?

> he says, posting a wojak edit
I like Halo (singleplayer) but fuck you.

>not loving Quake, Doom, Blood, Half-Life, Douk, and Halo
>Not enjoying the entire pantheon of FPSes
But Bungie themselves say you're wrong:

>"We did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people. We limited players to two weapons, we gave them recharging health, we automatically saved and restored the game—almost heretical things to first-person shooters at the time. We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard. And now nobody plays shooters the way they used to play them before Halo 'cause nobody wants to. "

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Halo is incredibly slow. it feels like walking in molasses. even other console FPS arent nearly as slow

Halo 1, 2, and 3 multiplayer were a blast, and a large part of my childhood. I still enjoyed El Dewrito more than any popular multiplayer FPS today. I don't particularly think the Halo campaigns are anything amazing but they are enjoyable too.

It's just Quakefags who can't handle that Quake got permanently outclassed by a console FPS.

>It's just Quakefags who can't handle that Quake got permanently outclassed by a console FPS.


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I literally did nothing wrong.

the same argument cs niggers said when their casual game was rightfully hated

Nobody cares about Quake anymore you stupid boomer

and Halo got outclassed by CoD and Battle Royale games, what's your point?

Quake has more depth than CS, but CS is still a much deeper game than any console FPS. The nature of being made to function on a controller deeply limits the depth those shooters can have. Like I love Time Splitters 2 but I'm not gonna pretend it's some super deep game.

that's from Jason Jones, who is an ass and an idiot who lucked into recruiting some of the best in the industry, hell he barely even had anything to do with Halo 2 and 3. Look what happened when the talent left him alone with the fresh meat to make Destiny, we got fucking trash.

Halo is a good series, the only issue with it is its influence on the genre and the audience it attracts. So many Halo kids going "this is the best fps made" when they played none of the classic FPS games prior to Halo. That and Halo and CoD made it so almost all FPS games had a huge focus on consoles.

The series itself doesn't deserve a ton of hate, but its rabid fanbase is probably one of the biggest cancers on gaming.

why the quake fanbase always get a pass?

Quake fanbase =/= 3 to 4 shitposters on Yea Forums. Stop thinking Yea Forums is an accurate representation of any games fanbase.

cause it is grandaddy and it is the template for 3d fps, and Halo is derivative of it. Not to say that Halo is bad because Quake is good.

High Charity threads are peak Yea Forums and reminds me why I still come here.

well 3-4 guys or not im tired of them shitting every fps thread new or old. just look the guy shitting on half life and cs in this thread

leave the internet then

enjoy having limited taste in fps then.

I enjoy both, you're the one whining about the internet.

5 had the best multiplayer, prove me wrong