*signs the game is going to be complete garbage that ruins gaming forever*

*signs the game is going to be complete garbage that ruins gaming forever*

Attached: valve_eye.jpg (350x262, 16K)

Why did you nest that noun phrase in asterisks?

>hey guys join us for our ama on reddit

*signs the thread is going to be complete garbage that ruins Yea Forums forever*

Attached: Untitled.png (745x297, 100K)

hl and cs ruined fps forever.

Am I the only one that misses this white guy for their logo instead of the back of a niggers head?

Reminder, if you purchased a copy of Oblivion, you literally told the industry DLC is okay and should be a staple in the future of gaming

Because he’s a shill who doesn’t know how the site works

Hitscan, health regen, "realistic movement," forced light-RPG mechanics/leveling, and homogenous visual designs ruined FPSs forever

and now the valve defense force is here.
tell us how hl and its mods are so good retards.

Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company. Steam is cancer. Pirates are the only real PC gamers left.

Imagine not liking L4D or Portal


Same can be said for Steam because one of the reasons it was pushed was to give an easy way to distribute dlc and micro transactions which only encourages dlc and micro transactions to be made
Oblivion has a DRM free physical release for PC

>Its gonna be more inclusive

Attached: kitty.png (362x368, 140K)

its simple valve game threads arent allowed anymore.

yes and no
microtransactions and loot boxes are garbage
but steam and supporting PC gaming when microsoft and all the retailers abandoned it, makes it a close call overall

>Not COD Modern warfare

>valve game ruined gaming
Is this the new meme people are trying to force?

yep valve defense force is here

Is this the new directive you shills got?
Because I've see this meme repeated over and over in the past days.

Valve didn't save shit, we don't get good exclusives like we used to anymore and now the only way to legally play new games on PC is to pay for a download. Fuck Steam, I tried to get people to boycott Valve into bankruptcy after they launched Steam and released HL2 but unfortunately no one listened.

Oh you are just that insane faggot from last time.
Please get a tripcode already.

"Early Access"
"Made In America"

>sign that game is about to BTFO Doom and Quakefags

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 10K)

But at least we get games.

So many games come out on PC now, thanks to their efforts. You clearly don't remember the Dark Times, when the 360 first came out and the PC was being abandoned by every publisher. Steam finally showed them they could make a lot of money by doing a PC version too and now steam has more users than the console platforms.

so did epic store shills give up trying to shill epic v steam and now they're just shitting on valve?

Kill yourself

Has valve ever made an objectively bad game? Even Artifact is functional.

Attached: 1545292283809.jpg (319x328, 29K)

*signs the poster is completely garbage and will be retarded forever*

Attached: untitled.png (833x396, 109K)

Wasn't this thread made already?
Were there some Valve news that made user/group of anons sperg out?

I'm not going to use Epic Launcher you faggots

Besides Halo did way more to ruin the FPS genre than anything Valve made

Attached: found wepon.gif (498x372, 183K)

Ah yes, not buying games is totally gonna make developers want to make games for PC

We got games before Steam existed and we got games when PC was supposedly dead, now we get nothing but indie trash and console ports. If I wanted to play console games I would emulate or get a console.
PC is filled with nothing but a bunch of casuals and console immigrants such as yourself now. You wouldn't even play games if it weren't for easy access granted by scum platforms like Steam, you wouldn't even bother pirating.

imagine liking valve games
imagine not playing doom,quake,duke,blood and unreal instead.

I like playing games on my pc so i'm content with what we have.

>I tried to get people to boycott Valve into bankruptcy after they launched Steam and released HL2 but unfortunately no one listened.
RMS is that you?

>not a mediocre doom clone with some new ideas

uh no, PC has more games of higher quality than ever before, both old and new

You can't actually buy games on PC anymore because of Valve, are you Valve drones really that brainwashed or are you pretending? Why would I give money to a company when I don't get what I want in return? I refuse to financially reward shit like clients, automatic updates which encourage games to be released unfinished or unplayable yet you drones act like it is a good thing, charging for a download,dlc, micro transactions, etc so I am forced to pirate.

Pffft, you think I buy newest AAA games?

halo is based :^)

ok old man, go back to playing games carved out of stone that you can bury in your back yard


oh look its the same thread from yesterday have sex incel