Asylum > Origins > City > Knight
Asylum > Origins > City > Knight
Other urls found in this thread:
>origins not at the bottom
>city not at the top
surprisingly well done
although I would put City at the end
it is obviously the weakest of the bunch
the only people that like City are the ones that started playing the saga on City
I haven't finished knight yet, so I can't really say where that belongs, but origins was a shitty buggy mess of a game, and it absolutely belongs on the bottom
Knight was garbage compared to city
Wrong! Arkham Knight has many redeeming qualities.
Loved Asylum but just couldn't get into city, and haven't bothered with the series since. Maybe due for a revisit once I get my 3D Vision kit.
Such as?
Batmobile is 40% of Knight. So many game overs from the tank boss battles. So many Bat utilities underutilized like the zip lines in favor of more Batmobile segments. A lot of the comfy indoor segments became brawling sessions to show off the multi Batman family takedowns. The only part I liked was Batman and Robin stealth takedowns, that was really cool and a highlight of Knight.
The plot was really barebones and Alfred kept reminding you to do side content because you can't have an open world game without a 5 hour storyline stretched out to 20 hours of open world bloat. I hated Riddler and his annoying intercom taunts in this game, he was too talkative and that brings me to the final point; 100% to get the true ending includes Riddler trophies. FUCK that.
City > Origins = Asylum >>>>>> Garbage > Knight. Knight its the prettiest but it has no "identity", like in City where you could tell right away which turn belonged to who using cityscape. Knight its super realistic and everything blends in together in your mind, plus the whole Batmobile might have killed a few people along the way always in the back of your mind.
Is Knight playable on PC yet?
Here's a better question - which game had the best Riddler taunts? My vote goes to Origins because he'd actively mock you as you went around the city. Plus the one-liners were brilliant
>Boy, you sure showed that grate who's boss!
Why the fuck is this read from right to left?
Knight is a direct upgrade from City in almost all aspects. Stop letting le shitty tank cloud your judgement.
Knight > City > Asylum > Origins
This is actually the correct order for people who aren't plebs that enjoy open world filler. Good job OP.
>Origins 2nd
The fuck is this meme?
City > Aslyum >>> Knight > dogshit > Origins > Blackgate
Knight is an upgrade from City
Solely because it had the best gameplay and best story/writing.
>City > Asylum > Knight > Origins > Human feces >>>>>>>>> Blackgate
Origins had the best Gotham City in the series
I heavily disagree on origins having the best story
>it was the joker all along ecks dee
>poorly ripped off knightfall
>make it kinda interesting by showing how a younger Batman would handle it
>almost make Bane and the other villians seem like their worth shit
>nope it was just the Joker the whole time haha
As for gameplay
>Slade's weapon trivializes stealth rooms
>electric gloves turn combat into a joke
>batman moves slow as fuck in claustrophobic city to shill fast travel
Some really good bossfights and new cool enemies, I'd also say it's the hardest one, and I've beaten them all in the hardes difficulty, also several crime scenes that weren't either too boring or pure garbage. It's not without bad parts but i'd say it's a pretty good game nontheless.
city > asylum > origins > knight
>it was the joker all along ecks dee
Goddammit I am still pissed about that. It should have stayed Black Mask.
And best bosses
City>Asylum>Origins>Knight>>>>>>>>>The handheld garbage one
Don't @ me with your shit taste.
What stops Hollywood from making superhero entertainment as good as this?
Origins was good up till the Joker reveal. It ended too soon before Joker could do anything. Bane was shoehorned into the plot because gotta tie this in to the latest Hollywood movie somehow, but my number one favorite thing about Origins was the atmosphere/soundtrack. The title screen music in City and Origins are god tier compared to the boring ZZZnest of Knight. Oh I'm not saying Origins has the best story, I just wanted to chime in since Origins gets too much hate.
It has the best gameplay of this franchise of video games
>start playing arkham asylum after hearing from everyone how great it is
>one of the early encounters in the game is a hostage situation where a villain is holding a remote detonator while having someone strapped to some sort of deadly device
>I sneak up on top of some gargoyles and prepare to leap down and attack the villain
>a qte prompt comes up for a cinematic takedown
>i ignore it, jump down and beat the crap out of the villain
>suddenly, the screen goes black. Batman is teleported away and a cutscene plays of the villain pressing the detonator and killing the hostage, somehow unhindered even though he was just completely beaten down
And all because I ignored a qte prompt. What is even the point of having a combat system then?
These games are GARBAGE. How can anyone defend crap like this?
Dumb qte prompts aside, what I played was some really crappy gameplay. The combat system is beyond terrible, and completely removes positioning from the equation, all you have to do is mash and Batman will slide in place.
You can't even jump FFS, you just press the contextual button prompt to play a cutscene of batman gliding from gargoyle to gargoyle. How lame is that?
Cityfags are insufferable
The story is the worst by far
And the baddy? For fucks sake, he's horrible
>Muh sandbox
Origins and Knight both have better sandbox
Origins bosses are fantastic
Knight joker is fucking amazing
City only redeeming value is freeze, and you can fight him again in origins dlc
Also Knight had the best dlc (developed by the origins lads)
>Origins bosses are fantastic
No it's all the same qte spam shit
>I can't follow instructions
Still better than no bosses in City
It has been for awhile
I prefer that over Knight. In fact, I love how you can use the electrocution gloves to gg 2ez some of the later encounters.
How do you go from this...
That was insane
Peep the Origins team work in Knight:
They did a fantastic work
I just want asylum and city on the switch is that to much to ask? I was debating picking up origins on the wii u but I've liked the DLC for the games so far and is the freeze dlc worth getting it on PS3?
>He thought this was character action game
Which one of your bros lied to you.
Let's hang out and be friends.