Post fun mugen characters

post fun mugen characters

Attached: ranranru.jpg (498x362, 17K)

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Giygas and Rare Akuma will always be my favorites.

Any good Dio Brando's?

But you did.
I unironically think vanilla Donald is one of the raddest characters ever

Name a more kinographicatorialist knographical fight than this, you literally can't.

High level MUGEN fighter evolution is fucking insane, they literally turn into rootkits trying to defeat eachother to get control over the game application to delete the other opponent.

They've become so advanced that one guy got the power to his college dorm cut off. Soon, these characters will end up blowing computers up and killing people.


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As an AI? I have one thats competent but its not broken or anything like that.

Redpill me on these bizarre mugen battles and characters. How and why?

Nips are on another level

Fighting game engine where you can import characters and AIs that people make. A big part of it is pitting different characters and AIs against each other to see who wins.

It eventually turns into a cyber warfare arms race with characters turning into malicious viruses in order to beat the opponent.

Post the best MUGEN games.
Starting with the best one:
Card Sagas Wars - X Arcade Run -

*blocks ur path*

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this is literally a meme, none of you have ever actually played or watched videos of mugen


Idk you guys can watch those super op fuck you characters fights
I like the more realistic ones

gonna kick some ass

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>character is fun to play as
>their AI is fucking stupid broken
>dread ever actually meeting them in arcade but like playing as them too much to remove them

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>just instantly obliterates him on the second round

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>Kanna's wings
Based EFZ sprite user.

just look at this shit dude

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The version of God Rugal that has all of his moves throughout his games, probably like 10 special moves total not even including supers, which you can cancel into eachother. You can pull off amazing combos but sadly he has no AI to fight

Attached: godrugal.gif (101x131, 64K)

Based EFZfag. Someone should remaster Memorial.

Can someone explain to me wtf is going on here?

someone explain mugen to me like I'm retarded
What is this malware crap I hear about I thought it was a bootleg fighter you can drop in ridiculous characters

Moshi moshi

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It's a fighter engine that lets you drop in ridiculous characters be they intentionally well made or trash.


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so people make viruses that destroy pcs? Do they pit them against each other or is it just for 1P demo purposes?

It was a straightforward fighting game where you could just find characters and fight them, people wanted to make their own and fight against others
People -being people- kept going, trying to make characters that were the best, could kill any other character and flat out not lose.
Soon you couldn't make characters strong enough within be confines of the game so they made characters that altered the game itself and manipulated it to fuck with the opponent.

From then on it's an arms race of hacking, code tricks and outright apocalyptic viruses just to see who has the biggest e-peen

Two overpowered MUGEN characters fighting is like an Adult Swim off the air sequence.

no retard

While those do exist,anons have have just hard overplayed their prominence. people generally try to make legit characters.

fun for all the family