How can one game be this fucking good

How can one game be this fucking good

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Infinite is better

Because you're a zoomer that doesn't realize that Bioshock 1 is just a watered down SS2 for console kiddies.

and also this

Kill yourself

>implying that Bioshock 1 is "relevant" in any way today

relevant enough to trigger you

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It's overrated trash.

Cope more, it's more relevant then your favorite game
> GoldenEye (62 Best Game Lists)
> Half-Life 2 (61 Best Game Lists)
> Metroid Prime (53 Best Game Lists)
> Bioshock (53 Best Game Lists)
> Halo CE (44 Best Game Lists)
> Half-Life (41 Best Game Lists)
> Doom (41 Best Game Lists)
> Deus Ex (33 Best Game Lists)
> Perfect Dark (26 Best Game Lists)
> SS2 (21 Best Game Lists)

i liked it cuz lightning bolts and paternal instincts but also golf clubs and glitchy sea-life.

>guys what if we made System Shock 2 but for retards

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yeah but system shock was lame and boring though

>muh ss2

lol, Bioshock improved over it in every way, it's a masterpiece in gameplay and art style.

>This is what normies think is "deep"

This, Boomers are still asshurt about Bioshock making that garbage irrelevant

It's called soul. Someone post the abortion splicer.

It's really not that great, always got bored like an hour in.

Linear on-rails funhouse shooter

>caring about normalfags
>caring about their opinion
>caring about story
>caring about the opinion of normalfags about story


>is set on the literal bottom of the ocean
>not deep
What're you dumb?
Exactly everyone whose not a dumbum knows whats enjoyable about bioshock is shallow, very shallow.

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>muh old clunky garbage reeee

>try out system shock
>hear this bleep bloop diarrhea


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literally just finished this again last night, and let me tell you, its quite overrated.

>gameplay is average and doesn't bring anything new to the table, just your average shooter, the only 'new' thing are plasmids, which could've made the game really brilliant if more then like 2-3 of them were memorable, the rest were just shit i never thought about like security bullseye.
>the story's alright, better then 2's i will say but if you think its 'relevant' or 'defined how videogames are art' then you need to look somewhere else, there are dozens of better games to name in that category, the twist, albeit wasn't terrible and was quite good for its time, isn't one to consider 'art.' its as if it sits there trying to judge players for mindlessly following the orders videogames give them, as if its trying to make its players go into some sort of epiphany and suddenly question their morality, when that makes no sense at all since videogames typically limit what you do in the first place. the twist was good, hell at the time even i didnt expect it, but people overhype it to be this thing bigger then what it really is, its not relevant, its not like these questions are still being brought up today like these hipster journalists try to say.
>however the only part of this game that really does get the praise it deserves is the artstyle, i was so enthralled by it even years after i first played it, the design and atmosphere of everything is so well-designed and so well-captured that there's few games that can rival it, maybe STALKER and a few others. honestly, this game still looks quite decent for something thats almost 12 years old.

all in all, infinite's the better game.
>still has a great atmosphere and artstyle
>great story all the way through
>gameplay doesn't feel old and clunky as shit, has some nice spins to it, like actual fun and new mechanics.
>elizabeth wasn't a chore to escort like the little sisters in the second-to-last level.

>contradicts himself in the first sentence
>cant even greentext properly
>muh infinite
Holy shit kid, really?

stories in games are always garbage, and while the gameplay may not have had anything new (for me it did; spells and guns together was novel), but the visuals and atmosphere were top notch, and the gameplay was fun as hell

It's still one of my top ten. So is halflife 1 and deadspace 1. I love these "adventure FPS" type games in interesting fictional settings.

how so?
>cant greentext properly
you got me there
i mean i did display my points, i really think BS1 is overrated, i still think the world was done well but i do think the storys constantly blown up to be random shit, i really think its a good story, it was unexpected, was it any of the "muh videogames are art" shit critics pull? no, but i feel like my points still stand, and again, i do think infinite's still better because it was just the more memorable game to me.

What's so good about it? I'm asking seriously. I just played through it for the first time a week ago and I just don't get why it's so loved. The visual design was great and the twist in the middle was the high point of the game, but besides that, it felt very mediocre. The gameplay is clunky and the constantly spawning and wandering enemies don't make for interesting combat encounters. Discovering the lore around Rapture's construction and decline was engaging, but the game's story itself was underwhelming by comparison, especially after the halfway point, when it really starts declining and then proceeds to shit itself at the ending. Is it only remembered because of the twist or what? Mind you, I still think it was a good game, I just don't understand why it became such a big deal.

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Still one of best FPS games I ever played.

Xbox 360 brought all kinds of subhuman trash to gaming, bioshock was their first pretentious game.

Any retard that ever claimed it to be deep isn't worth listening to to begin with and that goes for all three bio games. Infinite is a dumpster fire of terrible design choices (shield recharging makes the same screen rape effect as when it fucking breaks?) incoherent story due to huge portions of the game getting hacked off (gunna defend the fucking ghosts?), and nonsensical characters doing retarded things because the plot has to happen (the fucking dlc?).
The Bioshock series only ever had one thing going for it, and infinite didn't have that did it? No because its dumb trash and your opinion is dumb trash too.
No one actually gave a fuck about any of the positives you listed when the game came out and still don't unless they where morons, which makes you a moron.

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>No one actually gave a fuck about any of the positives you listed
What the fuck are the positives then? Where are they?

i just beat the game for the first five minuites ago
why is this game so liked by other people?

everything except this..this is the worst..

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ss2 is a goddamn mess of shit. even on modern systems it runs like a slow whore with terrible response times. bioshock gave you the option to, by the end of the game, max out all your shit and perform viably using any weapon. but ss2 gets you fucked up real fast if you make the mistake of picking an incorrect upgrade for any reason.

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also idiots that don't realise that the bioshock games elaborate on the themes and ideas of system shock in ingenious ways and are in some ways identical. claim system shock is superior and everything they criticise bioshock for shows that they never understood system shock to begin with .

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oh yeah ss2 fucks you over completely, much less forgiving game.

>my opinion is dumb trash
well thats like, your opinion, man.

It mixes good gameplay with a very interesting and unique world along with a good story. It's hard not to like this game unless you're being a cynical asswipe.

SS2 was good for its time but aged like milk. There are a lot of games as old or older that hold up just fine but SS just isn't one of them.

Moron the positives where around you all along. You're just some blind pretentious idiot that was so worried about garbage you never stopped to consider what really mattered.
I am calling you dumb trash, your opinion is just the odor wafting off of your disgusting mass.

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That's SS1.
People who have actually played both games (TTLG forums, SS org, RPG Codex) will tell you that 2 is way better,
I have almost 150 hours in System Shock 2. If anyone wanted to play the game out of curiosity, I can help you reconfigure controls to what's optimal, and give actual advice on what builds to go for. Most of the advice online for new players is actually really bad (hacking is actually a terrible skill)
Here's my account

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It aged just fine you dumb kid.

>slow whore on modern systems
and what third world village are you from user? Git Gud

>you only think its bad because you arent used to playing fucking garbage games
Woah grandpa solid insight!

No, it's dogshit unfortunately. Clunky, ugly dogshit.

story was somewhat deep, gameplay not so much.

the one with gigabit internet, no inner city and 0 non-gook minorities anywhere within a 10 mile radius

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>the positives where around you all along
>what really mattered
And what I'm asking is that you explain what you mean with that instead of saying "You just don't get it, man".

honestly bioshock is way better than ss.
maybe its cause the idea of a cyberpunk world seems too detached from a soulful world. bioshock's feels a lot more sympathetic.

It copied the plot structure of System Shock 2 tit for tat save for some additional characterization of the player character (which was pretty good).
They actually had additional context for System Shock 2's player character but cut most of it out of the final product for some retarded reason (you play what was supposed to be a trioptimum sleeper agent posing as a recruit under Diego's command, unbeknownst to Diego, when you were secretly the ultimate authority of the entire tri-op expedition; you ordered Anatoli to Tau-Ceti with the intention of recovering the Shodan memory fragment and the parasite. IIRC after the infection, you may or may not have decided to sieze the opportunity to break from tri-op and take Shodan for yourself)

Pretty much all the criticism I've heard for Bioshock was excluaively about the fact that it was a console clone of SS2 that watered down all of the mechanics, even if the AI was slightly better.

Fully modded SS2 is the ultimate experience anyways and fixes almpst all the issues

The amazing part is you aren't joking. Not only did you not get it while playing, I can literally be telling you right now what it is and you still do not see it. It's just a concept so far removed from you, to think we may even be the same species. Terrifying.

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I tried SS2 once, I got all the way to the second ship at the end. Then I just fell off for some reason. It was a good experience, I couldn't imagine having that many hours in the game though. Game had a great soundtrack though.

SS was just a bit more primitive, coming earlier and in the era that it did.
I still maintain they're the better games overall with more meat and replay value.

Only uberfags don't like DOS MIDI jams.

2 is better

infinite wasn't as bad as people claim it is

Good to know you're just shitposting then.

wrong bioshock

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You need it spelt out for you because you feel nothing in your heart and have no passion in your head. You worry about what you worry about without knowing why you worry about it, what a sad state.

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Easily, because it's a shit game with good art direction

What happened to Yea Forums?

It fell off because the game drops in quality when you get to the Rickenbacher. Can't remember why but they either ran out of time or money in their budget, and so they had to rush their way through the second half which ia why RB and the body of the many are all linear.

The Body of the Many segment was to SS2 what Xen was to Half-Life. They both didn't execute on their concepts the way they intended and were considered failures by their developers.

Reality sunk in when the nostalgia goggles came off.


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not even good bait

Generation gap.
People stopped caring about the gameplay mechanics (it's a video GAME) and only about graphics and presentation.

That's not that unusual. The reason you probably stopped playing is because the second ship (Rickenbacker) has weaker level design, a bad fetch quest for the objective, and spams some of the cheapest enemies in the game (missile and ceiling laser turrets) at you. Nobody will blame you for quitting the game at that point, the final act is weaker than the rest of the game.
It does however have IMO the best and most atmospheric section. The walk through the upside down space ship and chapel while Shodan talks about your transformation into her avatar is actually my favorite part of the game. There's something creepy but beautiful and hypnotic about that section. I even recorded the sound so I can study to it:
Also I don't actually think Infinite is better than System Shock 2. I love it and its still one of my favorite games of all time, but I mainly just say that to cut shit at people.


I think the original BioShock has something interesting to say WRT to player agency in games in a meta-textual sense. I think your statement that games tend to limit what you are capable of anyway cuts right to the point, in most games you are tightly controlled and kept on rails within the context of the systems implemented by the devs, the reveal that you are being controlled by narrative means as well in bioshock is interesting, because it recontextualizes your actions in every other game also. At least, for me.

None. The most I'd recommend are some environmental graphics mods, and if you have to something that lets you upscale the UI at higher resolutions. The "improved" enemy models look terrible and go against the art design of the game.

Because bioshock was always known for its groundbreaking graphics

>all these retarded boomers acting like this is a new game

Its over a decade old you dumb boomer shits

>>yeah half life, cs, halo, serious sam and bioshock are boomers games guys. please dont bully me.

It's not a new game, it's a nu-game.
Learn the difference

all this games are nu games

Bioshock does enough things differently that it makes it a good game in its own right

Those prebaked DX10 water effects man...
(and Deus Ex tier character models that don't even have lipsync)

i was like 22 when this came out which it turns out is way too old for it. I think you need to be about 17 to be like woAh crEepY over low poly little goth girls getting around with their 'daddy's. The gameplay being terrible didn't help

This was one of the first hd games i ever played. At the time it felt totally revolutionary. You know, the way games just dont now. The intro sequence still remains on of the most kino parts of any game. The whole thing felt like a thrilling 1930s serial novel.

Games today have lost this kind of magic. In fact, bioshock was one of the last with soul and big budget. Its one of the best games ever made.

I think i was exactly 17 when i played this and it hit every point for me. Still love this freaking game over ten years later. I do a playthrough once every few years. The novel isnt bad either

VitaChambers were a mistake
>game actually writes them into the story to justify their presence
>villains continue trying to kill you even though they should know you'll just keep coming back

>mfw the novel tries to explain all the audio recordings in the game of people voicing their random thoughts as some kind of movement by Ryan to make a historical archive

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Bioshock 2 had the best gameplay, so that alone makes it the best one.

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>People who have actually played both games will tell you that 2 is way better
It's the other way around, fuccboi. SS2 gets all the praise and it's usually by people who have either never played a SS game before or have only played SS2.

ss2 is better than ss1 cry more.

why so many SFM porn with the little sisters :(

Literally no one has ever suggested that System Shock 1 is better than 2

How new are you?

the enemies didn't "know" anything, they were zombies in every way. One of the reasons it's the ultimate 7/10 game. So much done well and so much missing. There was no feeling of anyone 'else' being in the game. You're not thinking about .. what are they up to, what should i be watching out for, etc, like you would with half life grunts 'oh fuck they're after me personally now'. Bioshock was just zombies and voicemails and then some animatronic-like boss. Bioshock felt so much like going through a 'scary' theme park ride in a little rail cart with the things jumping out at you and that over-the-loudspeaker nominal story

Completed it for the first time yesterday.
It was pretty good desu, unfortunately I already knew about the plot twist, audio diaries were still cool.
I wish the enemies didn't become such bullet sponges at around 2/3 of the way through the game. Takes like an electric shock 3 and half a machine gun clip to kill one Leadhead.

Yeah but the story and atmosphere was garbage.

SS1 is still fucking overrated, it isn't even half as good as the second game.

Atmosphere was still great for me and I don't care about story in my video games. In fact, I liked the story the most out of the three games because it was straight to the point and wasn't trying to completely blow my mind.

They made a sequel and focused on making it more fun to play rather than anything else, that's a good fucking sequel to me.

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It's twice as good, actually.

Nah. System Shock 1 is a great game but it's buried under the world's most dated controls and UI. The game underneath all that is a masterpiece but damn it can be hard to get into even with mouselook mods.

stopped playing when I realized my character was the same height as a fucking counter.

jack the manlet

Main character is 6'2
Rapture is just a land of giants, maybe from all of the splicing.

After 44 seconds it gets decent

>>muh old clunky garbage reeee
BIoshock 1 is clunkier than System Shock 2, you mongoloid. Take for example player movement. In System Shock 2 movement is fluid and responsive and you can jump a fair height and grab ledges.

In Bioshock 1 movement is excruciatingly slow, and there is no grabbing ledges, so your character often struggles to jump over a waist high fence.

hes only 4 years old